• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Brandon vs Lightning Dust

Kanto. Battle Pyramid. Afternoon.

Lightning Dust was in the midst of having her battle with Brandon, the Pyramid King. In her efforts to challenge a powerful trainer, she was already struggling against Brandon, with three of her Pokemon greatly damaged while Brandon's Pokemon were still sitting pretty. Regirock and Regice had left an impact on Banette and Toxtricity along with Incineroar who was currently out. And now, it was Brandon's Dusknoir against Lightning Dust's Incineroar.

"I'll make you regret choosing a weaker Pokemon! Go, Incineroar! Darkest Lariat!"

"Incineroar!" Both of Incineroar's hands became covered in a yellow-orange fire that sparked with great ferocity. He then started spinning rapidly in just a second while holding out his hands, spinning approaching Dusknoir.

"Dusknoir! Focus Punch!"

"Dusknoir!" To retaliate, Dusknoir punched the air itself, causing an aura of white energy to form from the force used. Out of that energy, A white fist came flying out, meeting with Darkest Lariat. Incineroar attempted breaking through Focus Punch whilst Dusknoir tried doing the same to Darkest Lariat. But overall, none won the clash as Incineroar was forced back while Dusknoir retracted its arm.

"Now, Disable!"

"Dusk...Noir!" Dusknoir flashed its singular eye stunned Incineroar in a second. Incineroar was mesmerized by the glare as Dusknoir had left something behind that was a massive detriment.

"There. What will you do now that your best move against Dusknoir has been locked?"

"Ooh! Tough! He just disabled Darkest Lariat!" Spike leaned in. "So much for her Incineroar. It looks like it would have a lot of Fighting-Types moves.

"Well? You said that my Dusknoir is a weaker Pokemon than Regirock and Registeel? Weren't you going to prove that? It's not too late." Brandon taunted Lightning Dust.

"Darn it...! Return!" LIghting Dust chose to return Incineroar. Underestimating Dusknoir had led to her strongest Pokemon's best attack on Dusknoir being disabled. She swapped him out for the best Pokemon she could think of as a counter. "I'll show you! No way you're disabling anything from my Banette!"

"Banette!" Banette had returned, still affected from paralysis.

"Banette!" Shadow Claw!"

"Dusknoir! Shadow Punch!"

"Dusknoir!" The two Ghost-Types would clash physically. It was Shadow Punch vs Shadow Claw. Dusknoir's hands became lathered in a shadowy aura as it reached its arms out. Two fists in the shape of Dusknoir's signature baleful fired out of Dusknoir's fists.

Banette slashed Dusknoir's fists as they entered a back-and-forth clash with dark sparks flying everywhere. Banette managed to keep some pace, only for Dusknoir to manipulate the trajectory of the fists, making them fly behind the Marionette Pokemon. "Bane?!" Banette gasped as it just barely managed to fly away from the back fist.

"Get in close! Now!"

"Banette!" Banette accelerated through the air, avoiding the incoming barrage of Shadow Punches.

"Dusknoir!" But the second Marionette got close, Dusknoir had a surprise for it. Unexpectedly, its stomach had opened up as it did resemble that of a face. And out of that stomach, a third fist came flying out, catching Banette by surprise as it had been slugged by it, flying back.


"No way! I won't let it turn out like this! Banette! Dark Pulse!"

"Banette!" Banette managed to recover by floating once again, unleashing Dark Pulse right afterwards.

"Is that the best you can do? Focus Punch!

"Dusknoir...!" Dusknoir focused on the incoming pulse of darkness that Banette had unleashed before channelling Fighting-Type Infinity Energy in its fist. With great focus, Dusknoir smashed into the pulse, shattering it right before Lighting Dust's eyes.

"Come on! Dazzling Gleam, now!"

"Nette!" Banette kept giving it everything it had, surrounding itself in a sphere of rainbows. Rainbow-coloured rays then came flying out at high speeds as the Marionette Pokemon was starting to feel the pressure.

"Shadow Punch!"

"Dusknoir!" Dusknoir would approach Banette. It had zoomed ahead, moving in a zig-zag pattern to avoid the rays that started raining down, even masking itself in the rainbow smoke that had emerged.

Before Banette knew it, Dusknoir was in its face with Shadow Punch ready. All it took was a single one as the Gripper Pokemon unleashed a strong arm punch to the Marionette Pokemon's face, dealing super-effective damage.


"No! Banette!" Lighting Dust yelled as Banette dropped to the ground before spinning away. Once it fell, that Shadow Punch was just enough to end it.

"Banette..." Banette was unable to battle. Dusknoir was the victor.

"Kh..." Lightning Dust grit her teeth before then returning her Banette.

"All that back-and-forth...actually, there was barely a back-and-forth," Twilight said. "Banette's down and Dusknoir hasn't been touched once."

"On the bright side, at least Banette didn't get betrayed by paralysis." Pinkie Pie squeed as ASh watched intensively at this battle. Watching this battle reminded him of another battle that happened in this Battle Pyramid. But it wasn't him in the arena at that time.

"I was sure I could've had Dusknoir...but that stupid Disable ruined it all." Lightning Dust was bitter as always, finding something to blame her hate on.

"Noooo! Brandon shouted out her name, alerting the pegasus. "Young lady! Letting a single move ruin your chances of victory is bound to drag you and your Pokemon down. My Dusknoir isn't invincible. Your Banette losing doesn't; mean you're out of options. There's always a chance."

"Is he...teaching her while humiliating her?" Garnet observed. "Wish I could do that to some of my students...But they're too smart."

"I think he is. He's been doing that so far." Applejack replied.

"A Pokemon's strength comes from the skill of the trainer. Whether they be small, large or even have disadvantages. Remember that." Brandon continued. "Now. This battle isn't over yet. Bring out your next Pokemon and see how far you can go."

"Tch. I'll go far! One Pokemon down won't stop me! Go, Cryogonal!" Next up was her Cryogonal.


"Ice Beam now!"

"Cryo!" Out of Cryoginal's face, a chilling beam of ice as unleashed as Lightning Dust would play more aggressively in an attempt to put Brandon on the back foot.

"Dusknoir! Advance and use Focus Punch"

"Dusk...!" Dusknoir only needed a few seconds to focus before then flying towards Cryogonal with Focus Punch. The Gripper Pokemon met with Cryogonal's Ice Beam, smashing Focus Punch into it as white and blue sparks flew around. Dusknoir smashed through Ice Beam with its surprisingly large physical strength.

"Not good! Move, Cryogonal, move!"

"Cry!" Cryogonal just barely managed to avoid Dusknoir's incoming punch once the Ghost-Type had smashed right through the beam. Cryogonal flew to the side as Lightning Dust saw an opening.

"Solar Beam!

"Crryogonal!" Thanks to the Summer Sun, Solar Beam was instant. Out of Cryogonal's face came a bigger beam. This time, it had a verdant appearance. And thanks to the instant speed of Solar Beam, Dusknoir had finally received a hit as the beam had engulfed it.


"Finally! Direct hit!" Lightning Dust was elated by this as Dusknoir flew back. "Keep going! Use Flash Cannon!"

"Ogonal!" Another beam was unleashed. This time, it was made out of light energy with metal shards within them.

"So, that's how you battle with Cryogonal. Unique. Dusknoir! Block it with Shadow Punch!"

"Dusk!" Dusknoir held out its arms, summoning shadow fists that came flying out. These fists had grabbed onto Cryogonal's Flash Cannon, holding it back. The Gripper Pokemon lived up to its name as it had used the arms of Shadow Punch to crush Flash Cannon, resulting in a silver combustion.

"Are you kidding me?!" Lightning Dust growled as the wind pressure blew her mane.

"Focus Punch!"

"Noir!" Dusknoir immediately flew through the smoke, advancing on Cryogonal when it had the chance, causing Lightning Dust to gasp.

"Cryogonal! Ancient Power! Now!"

"Cryo...!" Cryogonal harnessed the power of ancient fossils, however, it was too late.

"Dusk!" Dusknoir had already arrived, delivering a devastating blow to Cryogonal's centre. Which was practically its whole body as a potent shockwave ruptured through the Ice-Type. The rocks crumbled from the shockwave as Cryogonal was slingshotted once Dusknoir finished the hit. Cryogonl dropped just like a snowflake but with a greater impact. And after that singular devastating blow, it had fainted.


"One hit...?" You can't be serious..." Lightning Dust was flabbergasted. She was now down two Pokemon and it only took one hit for Dusknoir to claim victory. She was now down to just four Pokemon. Three of them were healthy while one of them took a big blow. She growled, returning Cryogonal as things weren't going so easy for her. "Okay! You make your point with Dusknoir."

"I did. But, I shouldn't have needed to make a point with Dusknoir in the first place. To others, it should be obvious that Dusknoir would be formidable. Underestimating a certain Pokmon is a mistake that many trainers should grow from."

"Yeah well...I'm still going t make a great comeback." She held out her next Poke Ball.

"A comeback? That would be excellent...except you can't win." Brandon declared before then returning Dusknoir at last.

"Say what?!" The pegasus pulled back after Brandon made that declaration.

"You can't beat me, young lady. Your battling style reeks of arrogance. Your ego is what holds you and your Pokemon back from realizing their true potentials and your potential as a Pokemon Trainer. Your skills are locked behind that ego. Young lady, you believe that you're entitled to greatness. That will be your downfall."

Brandon had finally revealed the faults of Lightning Dust, making her speechless for a bit. She wasn't sure what to say at the moment as everyone watched in awe.

"Is that it? I thought she was just unlucky." Pinkie Pie commented. "Those attacks looked good to me."

"He's got a point though. And it looks like Lightning Dust is taking it seriously." Starlight looked at Lightning Dust, noticing her expression. It went from confident, to moody.

"Hmm..." Rainbow Dash wasn't feeling as elated by this. Previously, she was thrilled to see Lightning Dust feeling the pressure, but now that feeling wasn't there anymore.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right." She continued to hold out the Poke Ball, not yet throwing it out. "But as if I'd just suddenly change it all up. I worked hard when I issued a challenge to you. No matter what you say, my Pokemon and I did our best."

"Really now?" Brandon narrowed his eyes.

"That's right. You think I wouldn't prepare for such a crazy strong trainer like yourself?" Lightning Dust then reminisced about when she was training to battle Brandon eventually. It was only last night.

Equestria. Yesterday.

I still felt the major loss that I experienced back at the Canterlot Tag Competition. I didn't even get my chance to face Spitfire, so I dedicated the remaining few months to improving myself.

Out in Equestria's mountainsides, Lightning Dust, alongside her Pokemon trained hard to try and make up for that embarrassing loss one day. Lightning Dust yearned to get better, but in the way that she wanted to. That involved long and arduous training with her Pokemon.

"Incineroar!" Incineroar and the rest of her Pokemon were in fairly rough conditions, tackling mainly their weaknesses. Incineroar tackled his weakness to rocks, attempting to tank them all to build some resistance.

"Cryogonal." Cryogonal's training was to try and withstand the summer heat. The Cryogonal species are rarely ever seen during summer, so this was a big deal. And after months of training, Lightning Dust's Cryogonal could now traverse in the summer sun, albeit still feeling the heat.

Lightning Dust wanted to be the best that she could be and that approach was by going up against the hardest methods. And her Pokemon were all for it.

"It's so tiring..." An exhausted Lightning Dust slumped on a tree. All of this training was harsh on her even if she was the one who decided to do it.

"Incineroar." However, Incineroar and the others were there for her. They had already agreed to improve themselves with this training method that Lightning Dust made. Cryogonal ended up cooling her off with some ice.

"You're right, Incineroar. We promised that we'd go far. Who cares what they think? I like doing things my way." She then dug into her saddlebag, taking out what seemed to be a Mega Ring, but there was not a crystal inside of it. "That's how I roll as a Pokemon Trainer and soon at the Equestria League, I'll show them all."

Current day.

"I can't beat you? Yeah right!" Lightning Dust protested. "You can call me arrogant, whatever! I'll gladly take it. I've heard it all before from trainers I've battled and no matter what, the answer's always the same. Point is, your words won't wear me down, I'll still try and beat you either way!"

"Hm." Brandon nodded with a slightly amused face before holding out another Poke Ball. "Young lady. The words you're saying are piquing my interest. Registeel! I need your assistance!"

"ЯΣGIƧƬΣΣᄂ!" Registeel was next as that was another Legendary Titan that Brandon had.

"He has all three of them?! Yeah, this does feel a bit unfair now that I look at it..." Spike said.

"I'm not gonna give up just because you're lecturing me! That's not the pony I am! But I still battle for something, ya know?"

"And what's that?" Brandon questioned.

"I battle to become better than others. Spitfire's at the top of it all, so I want to be there too. And with my own way. And It's also for my Pokemon!" She then threw the Poke Ball, sending her next Pokemon out. Claydol.


"It's still about Spitfire and how she got fired from the Wonderbolts. Did she really put everything Pokemon-related into that grudge?" Rarity wondered.

"Looks like it. But doing that means that Lightning Dust has something to strive towards. And that kind of thing does make a Pokemon Trainer stronger. Right, Ash?" Twilight looked at Ash.

"Hm. Yeah. That kind of passion makes a Pokemon Trainer and a Pokemon stronger." Ash nodded in agreement. "But..." However, Ash saw that there was more to it. Whether it was for better or for worse was unknown. He had to continue watching to see how this would all end.

"You fight for your Pokemon. Hm. I see. But you still can't beat me."

"We'll see about that! Go, Caydol! Earth Power!"

"Claydol!" Claydol manipulated the ground itself with its Psychic power, making the ground erupt with large golden shockwaves bursting out.

"Registeel! Flash Cannon!"

"ƧƬΣΣᄂ! REGI!" Registeel responded by using Flash Cannon, unleashing a beam of light energy that intercepted the shockwaves of Earth Power. Both attacks cancelled each other out in the end.

"Registeel! Hyper Beam!"

"ЯΣGIƧƬΣΣᄂ! ЯΣ-ЯΣG!" Registeel followed up by unleashing another beam. This time, it would be a Hyper Beam which was stronger and longer.

"Use Hyper Beam too!"

"Clay!" A clash of Hyper Beams ensued. Registeel and Claydol entered a fierce Hyper Beam clash. Claydol barely managed to hold on as the struggle was a tie.

"Need to do something else after this...!" Lightning Dust said. Both Claydol and Registeel needed to recharge as she needed to figure out her next approach while the two of them recover.

"Too slow! Return!" But just as quickly as she was thinking of something. Brandon was quick on the draw as well, returning his Registeel. He was already ahead of Lightning Dust in everything. "I need your assistance, Regirock!"

"REGIROCK!" Regirock had returned. It was only to give Registeel some time to recharge but the Rock Peak Pokemon would get its chance against Claydol.

"Stone Edge!"

"RE!" While Claydol was still recharging, Regirock took the time to attack. Lightning Dust couldn't do anything about this except let Stone Edge connect. Ground resisted Rock after all as the stones around Regirock's body had been launched smashing into the Clay Doll Pokemon. Right after they hit Claydol, it had finished recharging.

"This still works in my favour! Earth Power!" The battle was now starting to speed up with both trainers throwing out rapid commands. Claydol used Earth Power as fast as it could, manipulating the ground.

"Stone Edge!"

"ROCK!" Regirock responded with another Stone Edge, smashing its arm into the ground. To counter these golden shockwaves, Regirock summoned large crystals that came bursting out. Once again, the two attacks tied as Lightning Dust was unable to keep the pressure on Brandon's Pokemon, whether it was close or far.

"Return!" Brandon returned Regirock once more. Regirock did what it needed to do in keeping Claydol at bay whilst Registeel recovered. And indeed, Registeel was fully recharged. He was making quick swap-ins and swap-outs which was only making Lightning Dust worry as his remaining two Pokemon had yet to be seen.

"STEEL!" Registeel had returned, fully charged as it faced off against Claydol once more.


"Regi!" Once it returned, the Braille pattern on Registeel's face glowed red as it released a red ring from its body as if it was a disc.

"What is that?!" Lightning Dust exclaimed, unaware of Lock-on. "Dodge it!"

"Claydol!" But dodging Lock-on was pointless as even when it was being unleashed, it had stellar homing capabilities. The moment Claydol decided to fly out of the way, Lock-on had pursued it.

The red ring homed in on the Clay Doll Pokemon with accurate precision. turning into a red target that sticks to the opponent. Claydol could not avoid it as the ring had already attached itself to the Ground-Psychic-Type.

"Now! Iron Head!"

"GI!" Registeel's body became surrounded by a white aura, making it seem black and white. The Steel-Type then lunged itself at Claydol, but that speed looked too slow in Lightning Dust's eyes.

"Too slow! Get up and use Psychic!"


"Are you sure?" Brandom smirked as Registeel suddenly accelerated in a split second, zooming into the air. The second Claydol ascended, Registeel was already at its height, instantly smashing into the Ground-Psychic-Type.

"C-Clay!" Claydon was pushed back by this as thanks to Lock-on, all of Registeel's attacks would connect.

"Grrr! Try again with Psychic!"

"C-Claydol...!" However, when trying to use Psychic, Claydol flinched, hesitating as the attack was unable to go through.

"What?! What's wrong, Claydol?!"

"Never heard of flinching?" Brandon commented. "Iron Head has a chance of doing that."

"Why you...Return!" She quickly returned her Claydol to swap it out for another. This time, her ace had returned as she launched the Poke Ball. "Go, Incineroar.!"


"I'll finish this right now! Flare Blitz!"

"Cineroar!" An all-out attack on Registeel was about to be made. Incineroar had used Flare Blitz, building up high octane energy before then lunging himself at full speed, leaving behind a trail of fire.

"Hyper Beam!"

"Regi!" Registeel would meet Flare Blitz with Hyper Beam. The two powerful attacks had collided. Incineroar would feel some recoil from this which was risky considering it had already taken Earthquake minutes ago. Flare Blitz and Hyper Beam equalized as Incineroar suffered recoil damage, skidding back. However, Registeel had to recover once more.

"Go! Close Combat!" Now was that time. Lightning Dust wouldn't allow Registeel to leave as Incineroar moved as fast as he could. Incineroar moved through the smoke, just managing to finally reach. This allowed him to let loose. Incineroar started unleashing a ferocious flurry of punches to Registeel, dealing super-effective damage with multiple sparks flying out.

Registeel was taking each blow that great weight to it. However, its staggering defence allowed it to endure it. After delivering the last blow, the best result that Incineroar got was pushing Registeel back.

"It didn't fall?!" Needless to say, Lightning Dust was starstruck that such a powerful and super-effective move as Close Combat didn't even make the Iron Pokemon fall. "Return for now...Incineroar." She recalled Incineroar, giving him some time to rest.

"It doesn't matter what she does. The Legendary Titans are too durable. Can she even faint one?" Fluttershy gasped.

"Nope." Twilight, Starlight, Rarity and Applejack shook their heads in unison. After the experience they had back at the Tree of Beginning, it was nigh-impossible to take down a Legendary Titan. At least, in their eyes.

"It's possible but Lightning Dust's not there yet." Ash thought otherwise. He knew that every Pokemon could be defeated, no matter the odds or benefits. However, he deduced that Lightning Dust didn't have the strength yet to do so.

"The Legendary Titans cannot be taken down so easily with super-effective moves. But, those are the best options, aren't they?" Brandon replied.

"I need to do something...Anything." Lightning Dust said to herself as she felt like she was amazing zero progress.

"Young lady. I commend your hard work. Despite how you battle, you approach your opponent with bravery. You've even learned to use other options if your best one is out of the way." Brandon complimented Lightning Dust. Despite his harsh criticism, he knew a capable Pokemon Trainer when he saw one.


"However. It's time we put this battle to an end." Brandon declared as his eyes flashed before he returned Registeel to its Poke Ball. This entire time, he's been holding back some of his strength. But now, the Pyramid King could unleash it all as LIghtning Dust shuddered, knowing that Brandon's true strength would show itself. "Come to my aid, my friend!"

Brandon shouted as he raised his arm, calling for someone. He didn't hold out a Poke Ball this time as everyone started looking around, wondering why he was calling for.

"Hang on. Is he...?!" Ash caught on quickly, realizing who he might be calling for.

"What's going on?! Where's your next Pokemon?!" Lightning Dust questioned.

"This Pokemon...Around 16 years ago, I requested and promised to entrust its future to me while it slumbers in its temple. And after that, just two years ago, I visited the home of that friend of mine." Brandon started as the wind was starting to build up within the pyramid. "A friend that slumbers peacefully. After revisiting its home, we agreed to help each other in battle, forging a new promise! That friend of mine is here!"

Appearing inside the pyramid by bursting through the walls was a blue orb. Ash and Pikachu recognized that orb anywhere and they knew who exactly was in it as the orb had landed in Brandon's grasp.

"I need your assistance! Regigigas!" He shouted out the name of the creator of all the Legendary Titans. Out of the blue orb, a massive Pokemon emerged.

And it was a big one.

A staggering height of 12'02" and 3.7 metres. Easily towering over Brandon and practically everyone else, almost large enough to reach the pyramid. A large, white golem-like entity had emerged with seven black circular 'eyes' arranged in a specific pattern that looked to express anger. It possessed long arms, with three fairly human-like white fingers, and short legs that end in large mossy bushes instead of feet. It was none other than the Colossal Pokemon.



"W-W-W-W-What the...?! Lightning Dust backed away, falling on her back as Twilight and the others were seeing Regigigas. in physical form for the first time.

"So that's it?! Regigigas?!" Twilight quickly took out her Pokedex along with her friends.

"Regigigas. The Colossal Pokemon. It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma that soon became Regirock, Regice and Registeel. There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes. It’s said that Regigigas created other Pokémon from many different materials before it moved the continents to where they are today."

"Woah, Brandon! You caught Regigigas?!" Ash gasped.


"Not exactly. We had another encounter that was dangerous to both of us." Brandon looked at Ash. "After helping each other a second time, Regigigas agreed to help me in battle at any time. I don't have a Poke Ball with Regigigas as you can see. So, young lady. Can you find a way to continue with this overwhelming force in front of you?"

"I...I can take it!" Lightning Dust stayed strong in the face of a Pokemon this massive. But she was still intimidated. "Go! Tyrantrum!"

"Tyrantrum!" Her next Pokemon was a Tyrantrum as it had emerged to challenge the Colossal Pokemon.

"This is everything I've got! Tyratrum, use Head Smash, now!"

"Tyrantrum!" The Despot Pokemon's body was laminated by a whitish-blue aura, making it seem black and white, as it shot at the opponent like a missile.

"Regigigas! Hammer Arm!"

"REGI...!" Regigigas raised its arm as it was certainly the slowest out of all of the Pokemon that Brandon has fought side by side with. This slow movement allowed Tyrantrum to connect Rock Head, landing the first hit. However, that hit did not budge Regigigas at all. Instead, the second Tyrantrum smashed its head into Regigigas' chest, the Colossal Pokemon brought its arm down, smashing it onto the back of the Rock-Dragon-Type.

"Ty-" Tyrantrum's eyes widened as in just a second, it had been vigorously shot back to the ground, resulting in a large dust cloud explosion. Lightning Dust covered her eyes from all of the dust as Tyrantrum didn't fall out of the smoke. "Tyrantrum..."

Instead, it had fainted on the spot, lying there in front of Regigigas. All it took was one attack and that was all she wrote with Tyrantrum, unable to get a second attack in.

"Ah! Tyrantrum!" Lightning Dust gasped.

"Tyrantrum didn't even get to do anything. That's rough." Spike shook his head.

"It was already going downhill from the start. But now, it's accelerated downhill." Garnet chimed in. Despite not being an expert in Pokemon Battling or having any experience with it, she could already see that Lightning Dust's chances had greatly dwindled. Second time in a row now.

"I can't afford to let you walk all over me. One of your Pokemon is going down!" After returning Tyrantrum, she swapped out for her next Pokemon. "Toxtricity, let's go!"

"Toxtricity!" Toxtricity had returned.

"That giant's going down! The bigger they are, the harder they fall! Boomburst!"

"Tox!" Toxtricity strummed his electric organs, letting out the biggest volume wave that he could make against this titan of a Pokemon.

"Regigigas! Hidden Power!"

"GIGAS!" To counter this, Regigigas put its arms out, challenging hidden strength. In this case, Regigigas had the power of Hidden Power Steel, sending a silver blast from its arms. They intercepted Boomburst, clashing with the soundwaves before then blowing past them. Boomburst had been beaten out as the beam approached Toxtricity.

"Dodge it! Quick!"

"Toxtricity!" By the skin of his non-existent teeth, he managed to evade Hidden Power, barely. It almost grazed him before crashing to the ground.

"You're still slower when up close! Poison Jab! Now!"

"Tox!" Toxtricity would get physical with Regigigas, taking advantage of its slow speed. Toxtricity was definitely faster than it in every way.

"Regigigas! Hyper Beam!"

"GIGA-GIGA-REGI!" Regigigas would strike hard with Hyper Beam. While it was slow when it came to physical contact, from afar, that was a different story.

"No, you don't! Go, Toxtricity!"

"Toxtricity!" Toxtricity then umped up, slugging Regigigas in the face before it could have the chance to unleash Hyper Beam. Toxtricity was still faster even in that category. Not only that but Toxtricity managed to get off the Poison status ailment with that sharp Poison Jab blow, infecting Regigigas.

"Poison Yes!" Lightning Dust loved to see it. "Now! Run for it!"

"Tox!" After getting a good hit in, Toxtricity ran off. It was a hit and run.

"Running won't save you! Regigigas!"

"REGIIIII!" Even after being sugged in the face and receiving poison, Regigigas still had time to unleash Hyper Beam. This entire time, it had been charging it up and keeping the energy in its arms. Once Toxtricity backed away, Regigigas fired Hyper Beam at a downwards angle.


"Toxtricity!" Toxtricity quickly turned around, strumming his chest once more to try and beat ut the power of Hyper Beam. The two destructive Normal-Type attacks met, but there was not a single struggle. Instead, Hyper Beam easily blazed past Boomburst, winning out. Toxtricity's eyes widened as he knew what would happen next.

After being hit hard and overpowered by the Colossal Pokemon, the Punk Pokemon reached his limit. What followed after the explosion was the sight of the Electric-Poison-Type flying out of it with smoke trails on him. He landed on his back before then fainting, leaving Lightning Dust with fewer options.


"R-Return." She lowered her head as now she had only two Pokemon available to continue. But, the pegasus wasn't here to call it quits or just give up so easily. Not when she's held her own this far. "Here goes...Claydol!"

"Claydoll!" Claydol was back as Lightning Dust would now take a ranged approach. Her other ranged approach was currently unable to battle in the form of Cryogonal.

"Now, Claydol! Psychic! Grab Regigigas!"

"Clay!" Claydol's eyes flashed blue as the mental power that it possessed was focused on Regigigas, attempting to grab the Colossal Pokemon. However, the second it attempted to do so, Clay Dol and Lightning Dust would see that Regigigas wasn't just big. There was a reason why it could carry the continents.

"Do you think that will move Regigigas?! Don't mock its strength! Regigigas! Hammer Arm!"

"REGI!" Just then, Regigigas would get in close. It roared, breaking the Psychic hold that ClayDol had with ease. The Colossal Pokemon started moving as it appeared faster than before which threw Lightning Dust off guard.

"What the?! Where'd this speed come from?! Claydol, stop Regigigas with Earth Power!"

"Claydol!" Manipulating the ground, Claydol made large golden shockwaves fly out to try and stop the Colossal Pokemon. But it was all for nought as Regigigas powered through it. The shockwaves weren't enough as Regigigas had slugged Claydol, sending it through the air. "C-Clay!"

"Ah! Claydol. Then...use Hyper Beam! From above!"

"Claydol!" Claydol still resisted it thanks to being a Psychic-Type. The Ground-Psychic-Type managed to recover in the air before then using Hyper Beam from above, betting all of its strength in this one attack.

"Hammer Arm, once more!"

"RE...GIGIGAS!" Instead of countering with its own Hyper Beam, Regigigas had used Hammer Arm yet again. This time, in an upwards strike. Regigigas bent down for a second before then performing an uppercut with Hammer Arm, completely negating the hammer part of it.

Hammer Arm uppercutted Hyper Beam, which resulted in so much force that the energy ended up being reversed. Lightning Dust couldn't believe what she was seeing as Claydol had been hit by its own attack, engulfed in the Infinity Energy.

"No way! Claydol!"

"Claydol..." Claydol came falling down after receiving its own attack from below. Once it touched the ground, the Clay Doll Pokemon had fainted. Lightning Dust was frozen for a moment before then closing her eyes. She went from frustration to feeling a sense of nervousness and the fear of losing. But her loss was practically already set in stone.

"R-Return..." She returned Claydol while looking away.

"You have your last Pokemon, young lady. Make it count. Even though you will lose, you should try what you can to see if you can leave an impact. Such as taking either Pokemon on my side out."

"I will...I said I'd do that. But...this isn't what I was expecting."

"Overconfidence will always get you in trouble. While there are many things in the Pokemon World that are unpredictable, this is one of those things that are predictable. And it's only possible by you."

"Only one Pokemon left." Pinkie Pie commented. "Do you think that Poison might do Regigigas in?"

"Incineroar has Close Combat which hits hard so maybe that, combined with the poison might end up faiting at least one of Brandon's Pokemon," Twilight replied as there was that slim chance of Brandon's Pokemon fainting.

"Hey. The peanut gallery's right." Lightning Dust gasped after hearing their words. "I can take one of them down! And I have the Pokemon to do it! My strongest Pokemon!"

"Hoh. Then, come. See if you, Incineroar and the poison can do it." Brandon encouraged her.

"You got it! This is my final shot! Incineroar!" She launched the Poke Ball with one final throw.


"Darkest Lariat should be available now that so much time has passed. But...I'm going all in for this one! Get ready, Brandon! That giant's going down!"


"Incineroar! Bulk Up!"

"In...Ci...Neroar!" But before Incineroar would attack, he had amped his strength and defence to give himself a better chance.

"Regigigas! Hammer Arm!"

"GIIIIII!" Regigigas would go for a super-effective attack already, continuing to use Hammer Arm. However, it was now a tad slower thanks to the effect of Hammer Arm.

"Close Combat! Now!"

"Incineroar!" Incineroar would enter a physical clash with Regigigas. When it came to physical strength, Incineroar was Lightning Dst's strongest Pokemon overall. And the moment his paws met with Regigigas' fist, he managed to hold his own. The clash between two Fighting-Type attacks caused a rumbling shockwave.

That's when they started going back and forth. Incineroar could throw out a constant barrage of attacks with Close Combat while Regigigas could block them with its massive arm that was the size of Incineroar's entire body. Sparks flew from their clashing as Incineroar was still in this. The poison was also gradually harming Regigigas.

One punch came through, but Incineroar managed to avoid this next hit by moving his head and body to the side, leaving Regigigas wide open once it missed.

"Too slow! Strike!"

"Cineroar!" Seeing an opening, Incineroar had kneed Regigigas' chest, finally dealing a super-effective blow. This blow ended up staggering Regigigas for a few seconds as the Heel Pokemon jumped back.

"Yes! Let's keep this up! Darkest Lariat! It can't keep up with this!"

"Incineroar!" Incineroar would use his signature move. By spinning and forming a red and black whirlwind, he started moving at rapid speeds.

"Hmph! Regigigas! Hyper Beam!"

"REGI!" Regigigas would meet this speed with an attack that was fast in its own right. Out of its arms, Hyper Beam came blazing out.

"Look out! Drift!"

"In!" Incineroar used the momentum of Darkest Lariat, drifting to the side. Hyper Beam had been evaded, however, once it hit the ground, it left behind an explosion that was strong enough to blow Incineroar away just from the pressure and shockwave alone. Incineroar was sent flying, forced out of Darkest Lariat. "R-Roar!"

"Hang in there! Now's our chance to strike! Close Combat!"

"Cineroar!" With Regigigas recharging, Incineroar advanced, managing to find his footing as he was a cat after all. Once he regained his balance, he lunged in with another Close Combat.

"You've made it far, my little pony." Brandon crossed his arms, putting on a smile. "You've joined the ranks of trainers who've managed to come here and hold their own."

"Roar! Incineroar then delivered a series of blows to Regigigas while it was recharging, not letting up.

"Go, go, go! Keep hitting it!" Lightning Dust shouted as Incineroar kept attacking Regigigas with Close Combat, hoping to eventually knock it down and faint it.

"But...This is where it ends! Hammer Arm!"

"RE!" Abruptly, Regigigas had suddenly caught Incineroar's next punch. Once the punch was caught, the Colossal Pokemon gripped his paw, having him in his grasp.

"Gah! Break free, Incineroar! Flare Blitz!"

"In...Incine...!" Incineroar heated up his body, trying to force Regigigas' grip off. But the Normal-Type did not budge. Once it got ahold of Incineroar, it struck with its other arm. "R-Roar!" Incineroar received the biggest blow yet.

Hammer Arm knocked it away, sending the Heel Pokemon flying as Regigigas' attack was big enough to match Incineroar's size. Lightning Dust's jaw dropped as Incineroar flew right past her. The Fire-Dark-Type crashed into the walls of the pyramid from the distance he got.

Everyone looked over as Incineroar slid down from the wall. The rubble followed him, surrounding him like an altar. That final Hammer Arm did the trick. Incineroar had fainted.


"It's done. Thank you for your held, Regigigas." Brandon was the victor. All 6 Pokemon of Lightning Dust were unable to battle while Brandon hadn't even revealed his remaining Pokemon. Regigiggas' work here was done as it had returned into the orb that it came from, shrinking as if it were being sent in a Poke Ball.

"I lost..." Lightning Dust grumbled as she walked over to Incineroar. "Thanks for trying, Incineroar. We couldn't faint it though..."


"Bravo! What a battle!" Garnet applauded as that was an enjoyable first time of her seeing a Pokemon Battle.

"That's that. She didn't do terribly, did she?" said Rarity.

"Not much you can do against a Legendary Pokemon especially since we're all still growing," Fluttershy replied. "But that was a great effort, either way. It wasn't super fast like we all thought, was it?"

"Yeah...Yeah, you're right." Rainbow Dash suddenly smiled. "She was pretty awesome out there." Instead of revelling in Lighting Dust's defeat, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but respect the effort that she put in this battle. At the end of the day, they were both Pokemon Trainers and despite their rivalry, they both put everything they have into what they love.

"I thought I could get somewhere with this..." Lightning Dust returned Incineroar before getting up. "Guess not. SO much for a Washouts advertising..."

"Young lady." Brandon approached Lightning Dust. "That was some fine battling there. Stand up tall and be proud of yourself."

"Be proud of myself?" Lightning Dust scoffed. "I lost. How can I be-"

"Noooo!" Brandon interevened, causing Lightning Dust to stand up tall. "Young lady. You lost, yes. But...the fact that despite everything I said, you stuck true to who you are. Knowing you were on the back foot, you pressed on. Knowing what I said, you didn't cast what you believed in aside. Many trainers would've changed a lot of things drastically at this point."

"R-Really?" The pegasus stuttered.

"You've done an excellent job in training and raising your Pokemon and they clearly share that passion with you. But...you allowed your overconfidence and your emotions to get the better of you. You are an egotist."

"Kh!" Lightning Dust took that to heart as she flinched.

"But is that so wrong?" However, Brandon surprised her with his next choice of words. "We all hype up our strength, skills and capabilities, no doubt. I do it myself sometimes. But what's important is to know how to limit them. Know your weaknesses and strengths, of course. Know when there's a wall that just cannot be surpassed in the usual way. Once you better control your emotions as well, there will be no wall that you can't work your way around. You have potential, much like everyone back in your world. Don't let it go to waste."

"I understand. Thank you, Brandon." Lightning Dust thanked Brandon, no longer feeling staggeringly bitter about this. "Still wish I took out one of your Pokemon. I didn't even get to see the rest."

"Perhaps another time. we may battle again, my little pony. Next time, when you've got everything under control, battle me again. Now, I'm off to return Regigigas' orb. It can't return on its own like it shows up on its own. Ash. All of you. Thank you for coming today."

"No problem, Brandon. Thanks for the fun battle!" Ash cried out.


"So like...what are you other POkemon since you had the Legendary Titans of all things?!" Twilight bellowed. "Is it more Legendary Pokemon?!"

"Yeah?! Is it?!" Pinkie Pie and the others repeated.

"No. Just a Solrock and a Ninjask."

"Awww..." They were slightly disappointed by that, expecting a full team of Legendary Pokemon.

"When I head home...I'Il work harder and take what you said to heart. And when I get to equestrian League, I'l come back to you when I'm the champion." Lightning Dust declared.

"You mean when I'm the champion?" Rainbow Dash grinned, intervening as Lightning Dust had been provoked.

"As if!" Immediately, the two of them could potentially start bickering again. But this time, Lightning Dust left. No arguments today.

Everyone else would disperse as the Battle Pyramid would be leaving in two days. Where would it go next? No one knows. But it would be there waiting. Whether it'd be for an exhibition match or an official Battle Frontier match. Brandon was another powerful trainer for Twilight and her friends to remember.

But, there were more out there. More trainers to meet and so many more to battle in this vast world of the most wondrous creatures as the journey continues.

Chapter 830 End.

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