• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unrivaled Bond

Now comes morning.

How everything has changed. Celestia raises the sun not just to ponies this time, but to Pokemon as well. As the morning arises, flying type pokemon soar through the Equestrian skies as grass types connect with nature.

Twilight had woken up from her sleep after the events that took place yesterday. She had much work to continue. Finding any info on rifts, learning more about the strange creatures known as Pokemon and maybe discovering the human world.

Ash and Pikachu had woken up after sleeping near a tree. They didn't mind it since they are used to sleeping in the wild due to all their past adventures. They woke up to the beautiful Ponyville, seeing ponies getting ready to do what they normally do every day.

"Ah. The sun here feels really great. Just as good as Alola's." Ash stretched as Pikachu had his hat on him. "Okay. Let's see what we can do first." Ash searched for anything to do in this new world and then it hit him. He never did ask what those marks on them were really. Spotting a pony who was none other than Berry Punch. He and his partner walked over to the raspberry pink maned pony.

"Hiya. I got a question. What are those marks that are on everyone else here?" He asked her.

"Oh, you mean our Cutie Marks?" She replied.

"Cutie Marks?"


"Everypony has a cutie mark when they have a unique trait that separates them from others. They're sort of apart of us."

"Oh really? So is that why some of them are named specifically?"

"Yes. Although sometimes the names aren't actually literal. Oh, I gotta get going now. Busy busy." Berry walked off to continue her venture. Ash had now gotten a gist of what those marks were. Cutie Marks. What a cute name. Though he didn't understand how they all had names matching their mark or even their colours.

"Now we know that. If that's the case, then I wanna see what everyone does here for a living." The boy and pokemon decided to get a look at what everypony does in not just Ponyville but this entire world. However, in the bushes, a mischievous Misdreavus was plotting on how it was going to mess around in this new land.

At Sweet Apple Acres...

"Hey, big sis. What are those?" Apple Bloom pointed at the Applins that were everywhere in the orchard and all across the farm.

"Those? Those are just some... I don't really know how to describe them but they're living apples."

"Oooh. Where'd they come from?"

"From another world apparently. Don't get too close. Those little critters can shoot blue fire out of nowhere."

"I got it! I wanna see what they really are." Apple Bloom walked out to get a good look at the Applins. "They really are living apples." They jumped onto her mane, rolling around it as they found it be comfortable. Most ponies had comfortable and soft manes. Misdreavus had spotted the defenceless filly and had set a plan into motion. It used a confuse ray that had hit Apple Bloom, sending her into a confused state. Her eyes felt wobbly along with her body as she could barely keep her balanced. She began walking around all over the place with no sense of direction. Misdreavus saw this as a chance to strike as it went up to the filly, showing itself to her.

"Misdreavus..." It said.

"A-A g-g-g-ghost!!" Apple Bloom freaked out and zipped back into the house. Misdreavus gained energy from that fear. After all, it soaks up people's fear by scaring them. It needed a much bigger fear. A young one's fear was good but it's so limited. Those that are older have tons of fear that they hide due to their maturity. The screeching pokemon floated on to find its next big target.

At Ponyville, Rainbow had arrived, meeting up with Rarity and Pinkie.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, dear. I'm glad you're here. I was just about to show Pinkie Pie, my fabulous new helpers."

"I came here to tell you about this super cool world that's just beyond ours."

"You too have experienced one of those creatures?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah. I and Scootaloo met this awesome guy named Brawly. I gotta say he was impressed with that bulky Pokemon he had."

"Is that what they're called now?"

"Yep! Pretty funny name ain't it?" Pinkie Pie answered. "I and Twilight met this kid named Ash and his little yellow friend called Peekachoo or something like that."

"Well, it seems that everypony has had their experiences with these Pokemon. Although I do wonder what Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight are doing to cope with this?"

"Knowing Fluttershy she's probably ecstatic about all of this," Rainbow replied as Fluttershy was right behind her.

"Are you kidding? I'm more than ecstatic!"

"AAH!" Rainbow Dash flew up in shock, not expecting Fluttershy to suddenly be behind her.

"It's just such a wonderful experience. New creatures that have so much variety. Possibly even more than our own in our world."

"Well, darling I'm glad you're enjoying this new life with these creatures."

"Mhm. Ash is going to show me around his world to see more of them. I can't wait."

"Who is this Ash you girls keep on mentioning?" Rarity asked. His name was being bought up a lot by them.

"He's a guy who came from the Pokemon world. He sure does know a lot about Pokemon, and he has a cute and amazing friend called Pikachu. He's an electric mouse. Did you know that they store energy in their body and discharge it all to have good health?" Fluttershy as obviously too into all of this, so she'd talk a lot about a Pokemon's description.

"Well, it seems you already know a lot about this stuff." Rainbow Dash came in to halt her rapid talking.

"Oh yes. I've learned so much from what Ash has taught me. We even talked to other humans and their Pokemon. Did you know that a Numel's body is full of magma, so it constantly stays dry and-"

"Okay. We get it." Rainbow Dash shoved her hoof in Fluttersh'y mouth, making her stop.

"So you're going to visit the other world then. Well, I would actually love to visit there. Perhaps the Pokemon there are just as good weavers as those little green darlings." Rarity actually felt like going. The Sewaddle were enough to fascinate her after all.

"I've been there. They have some pretty neat stuff. Though I was only in one town."

"Let's all go! Ooh! Oooh! We should bring Applejack and Twilight as well! Then it's a full party!" Pinkie Pie suggested.

"I'd love that. I can't wait for all of us to see all the Pokemon. Ooh, just the thought of it gets me all excited and giddy!" Fluttershy was giddy as she was about to jump around like a happy filly.

"I've never seen Fluttershy so happy. Not to this extent." Rarity whispered to the rest of the girls.

"Me neither." Rainbow quietly replied.

As the girls were talking, along came Misdreavus once more. And its next plan was simple. It had used Ominous Wind, sending a chilling breeze towards them. Both in the cold and nervous sense.

"Ugh. What's that feeling? It's giving me goosebumps." Dash and the other girls covered themselves from the wind but the repulsive wind would not leave.

"I don't like this at all. Do you girls feel something odd is near?" Pinkie said as she and the others were finding it hard to negate the wind. And now comes its next action. It sent itself down on the ground, doing a Shadow Sneak. The ghost pokemon let out a noise that sounded like someone weeping.

"What was that?!" Rarity looked around as she the girls could not guess where the sound was coming from. Even though it was daytime, this was still unnerving. And with that, Misdreavus let out its signature horrifying shriek like a cry. It is known as the Screech Pokemon for a reason. The sound was so terrifying and loud that Pinkie let out her own scream.

"AAAAAGH! GHOST!" This was so loud that it scared Misdreavus back, sending it in shock as it flew off.

"What was that thing?!" Rainbow Dash hid behind a tree, acting like she wasn't scared.

"Oh. That was most likely a ghost type Pokemon. Ash told me that they love to scare people a lot."

"Ghosts? That's a type?!" Rarity yelled.

"Oh yes. Now come on girls. I can't wait much longer. The four of them walked off to find their friends to bring them along. Misdreavus popped its head out of the ground with frustration. All the fear lost because of the pink ones somehow more terrifying scream. It didn't give up so easily though. If it was going to get a ton of energy, it would need to scare a group of people. Or maybe even ponies.

With Ash and Pikachu...


"The currency in Equestria of course." He was talking Bon Bon, learning more about this world other than the race that lives here. "One bit can get you something despite how single it is. Two or more can get you a lot."



"What's your currency in your world then?" Bon Bon asked.

"Pokedollars. It sounds odd at first doesn't it?" As Ash replied, a human had noticed Ash. Noticing him as the Frontier Brain and Alola Champion.

"Oh sweet! It's Ash Ketchum!" The young boy cried out. Ash turned his attention to the boy.

"Oh hey. Can I help you?"

"I can't believe I'm meeting the Champion of Alola right here at this moment! I'm a big fan!"

"Champion? You're a champion?" Bon Bon said.

"Oh well, it's no big deal really." Ash put his hand behind his head, a little embarrassed.

"I gotta tell my friends that he's here!" The boy ran off, heading towards the rift to inform his friends. Fluttershy and the girls had arrived, hearing about this champion talk.

"You're a champion? You never told me, Ash." Fluttershy said.

"Well, I don't normally go around saying my titles. Besides... I have a bigger goal in mind. Greater than a champion." Ash crossed his arms looking to the sky.

"What could be greater than a champion? I mean.. that's the coolest title you could ever have ya know." Rainbow Dash uttered.

"A Pokemon Master."

"Pokemon Master?" They all said in unison including Bon Bon.

"What is that?!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Master? That's a bigger rank than Champion!" Rainbow Dash followed.

"How do you gain it?!" Rarity finished off.

"No idea!" They all froze for a bit as he had no idea how to even become one. "The thing is.. becoming a Pokemon Master is something that no one has ever achieved before. I gotta make sure that I'm the first of them all. Whether it'd be understanding all Pokemon, exploring the entire world or becoming the very best. It's a goal I'm dedicated too since I started my journey. But I'm going a bit overboard.. what about you all? What are your goals?"

"Our goals?" The girls looked at each other. What were their goals?

"Well!" Rainbow Dash decided to speak hers first. "I wanna join the Wonderbolts! The fastest squad of pegasus ever!"

"I want to understand all animals.. any creature really, no matter what. And, maybe even overcome parts of my shyness." Fluttershy then said her possible goal.

"Well, I want to make it big in the fashion world. So that my works can go beyond that of Equestria!" Rarity explained her fancy goal.

"And I just wanna party, laugh and bake forever!" Pinkie's answer was obvious and set in stone. They all then turned to Bon Bon, wondering what her goal was.

"Uhh... I guess being with my friend Lyra forever? I'm not sure yet."

"Well good luck finding your true goal," Ash replied. And whilst they were chatting, Misdreavus was ready for its final scare. Pikachu could sense the ghost pokemon nearby. An ominous presence was closing in.

"Pika.." Both Ash and Fluttershy could tell that Pikachu felt something off.

"What is it, buddy? Who's there?" And out of the blue, arrived Misdreavus, using illusions to make itself look bigger, letting out an even bigger shriek.

"ITS THAT GHOST AGAIN!" Pinkie screamed in fear but this time, MIsdreavus was prepared to handle it.

"It's a Misdreavus!" Ash shouted out. "Its most likely hear to feed off our fears!"

"Feed off fears? How unhealthy!" Rarity cried out.

"It's huge!" Bon Bon moved back from the giant pokemon.

"It's just an illusion! Ghost Type Pokemon do this to make themselves more imposing."

"Oh. Well, that's better." Bon Bon was no longer scared.

"It's still gonna feed on your fears though. Luckily, I and Pikachu know how to handle stuff like this." Ash straightened his gloves and his partner went in front of him.

"What are you gonna do exactly?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"This! Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" The young trainer pointed at the Misdreavus as his partner charged up electricity, jumping up in the air.

"Pika...CHUUU!" And with that a bolt of lightning went flying at the Pokemon, making a contact and delivering a powerful shock. And with one hit, the ghost type Pokemon was down. Everypony saw this and did a round of applause.

"Oh, sick! That was AWESOME! It can shoot LIGHTNING?!" Rainbow Dash was taken aback. That was much cooler than just hits.

"Yeah. All Pokemon types can do many things. Though that's an understatement." He picked up Pikachu, hugging him. He then went over to the downed Misdreavus.

"You know Misdreavus... I know you get your energy from scaring people and soaking up their fear. But maybe try sticking tonight where it's quieter and easier to scare rather than the day." Ash kneeled, talking to the ghost pokemon. It nodded in response.

"Misdreav.." Misdreavus flew up as it floated back away into the shadows.

"Nice handling their buddy!" Pinkie Pie appeared behind Ash, congratulating him.

"See look! I told you he was here!" The boy came back with his friends, pointing to Ash.

"Well, Mr Champion. You have company." Rarity said.

"Yeah. I think we're ready to go to my world now. I got some sweet Pokemon you'd love to see Fluttershy." As the group walked off to head to the other side, the threat from above was closing in. Only 7 days remain until it arrives.

But in the meanwhile, Twilight was stressing herself over this rift business.

"I can't! There's nothing!" She said as she was covered in books upon books. It was a mess. "No matter what, there's no info about any rifts." She put her hooves on her head as she felt like she was about to lose it. Spike wondered for a bit and came up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey, Twilight. Why don't we try asking Princess Celestia? She might know a lot about rifts!"

"You got a point, Spike! Let's go!" She got up and grabbed Spik rushing out immediately.

If there was anyone who had answers, it would most likely be Princess Celestia.

Chapter 5 End

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