• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The myth of the Pokemon known as Mew is a mystery to many. What is known of it is that is the ancestor to the Pokemon that dwell on Earth. Mews used to live in large numbers a long time ago, but as time went on, all the Mews evolved into new Pokemon. From the fossil Pokemon such as Tyrantrum, Archeops and Carracosta, or becoming the more common Pokemon known today such as a Ratttata and Miltank. There exists only one Mew. A Mew that has not yet evolved into future Pokemon. And today, that Mew will visit Ponyville.

Ponyville, Day.

"I don't get it. It's got me stumped." Rainbow Dash said.

"What's got you stumped, Rainbow?" Ash asked.

"Why are Fighting-Type Pokemon called Fighting-Type when all Pokemon fight?" She wondered.

"Well, it's true that Pokemon fight. But other Pokemon types battle in a primal way. Like biting, lunging, scratching, attacking with your tail, or growling and howling to intimidate your prey.. What makes Fighting-Types so different and unique is that they use fighting styles that we humans across the world use." Ash explained

"Oooh." Rainbow Dash got it now.

"That's why Riolu's fighting style is gonna improve when we get stronger right Riolu?"

"Rio!" Riolu responded. He was Ash second Pokemon to not stay in its ball, like Pikachu.

"You're so lucky to have gotten an egg. I want an egg too!" Dashie said. "And if I did have one, I wonder what Pokemon it would be."

Mew had peeked out of a tree, looking at Ponyville. To Mew, all of this was colorful and just waiting for some fun. The New Species Pokemon decided to blend in by transforming into a Pidgeot. It swooped down as its first target was Carousel Boutique. Once in, it transformed itself into a Sewaddle, blending in with Rarity's Sewaddle's.

"Alright. That looks wonderful! I'll have a great selection of clothing when my shop in Kalos opens up." Rarity said as her Sewaddle's had just finished making a plethora of clothes. Mew had moved over to the others by teleporting on top of one of the Sewaddle's head.

"Sewa?" It looked up. Mew then teleported to Rarity's box of hair products, messing about in them. The liquids that contained them had gone all over the place.

"Hm? Sewaddle, what are you doing?!"

Mew giggled, continuing to play around in them. Rarity used her magic to lift Mew up. Mew easily broke free of the magic as it teleported around, placing the dresses on its head.

"What in Celestia's name is wrong with one of my Sewaddle's? Nopony told me they could teleport." Mew was flying about with a dress on its head, looking like a ghost a bit. Mew then flew out of the boutique, heading on to have more fun. "Wait! Sewaddle, come back!" Rarity ran out, thinking it was one of hers. Mew had transformed into a Spearow, heading on over to the next spot, Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight had gotten a new selection of books. She had actually built a separate section just for Pokemon. She currently has over 100 books about the Pokemon World and is planning on getting more as time goes on

"There we go. That makes the 100th book. The Dragons of Truth and Ideals." Twilight said placing the final book on the top shelf. "You know, Spike. All these Pokemon, especially the legendary ones have me thinking."


"How do you think they all came to be? Arceus I understand along with Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. But what do you think birthed the other legendaries? For the books I've read so far, Mew is possible, but it's described as being the ancestor to non-legendary Pokemon."

"Maybe because it's the first, all the others are legendaries?" Spike theorized.

"No that can't be it. If that were the case then EVERY Pokemon would be a legendary Pokemon. But there's not that many Legendary Pokemon compared to the vast majority of basic Pokemon. And I don't even know what Mew looks like. This cave painting only gives a vague description." And speaking of Mew, it had entered the library, looking at Twilight. Mew teleported inside, floating atop of Twilight. Spike, Minccy and Owlicious looked up, spotting Mew.

"Uh- Tw-Twilight.." Spike stuttered as he was pointing up at the Mythical Pokemon.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked, not noticing.

"There! Above you! A Pokemon!" He exclaimed. What he and Twilight didn't know is that Mew can actually turn invisible to keep others from noticing it. So it did just that. Twilight looked up, not spotting Mew anywhere.

"I don't see any Pokemon anywhere."

"I did! It was right there! It just up and vanished! I saw it just floating about!"

"Oh yeah? Then what did it look like?"

"Like some sort of.. hairless cat!"

"A hairless cat? Alright, Spike. I think you need to rest for a bit."

"I totally saw it. Right Minccy?"


"You too Minccy?"


"Alright. I'll take your word for it. You did see a Pokemon. It must be one that can teleport then. Maybe a Ghost-Type."

Mew reappeared, messing around with Spike and Minccino by staying behind Twilight at all times. Mew laughed as it teleported out of the library.

Rarity was looking for her supposed Sewaddle. She still thought it was one of hers, even though there was an extra one, being Mew. Mew was teleporting all over the place. Transforming into other ponies Pokemon and confusing them.

"Lillipup? Two of you?!" Mayor Mare said as she rubbed her eyes, but Mew teleported away when stopped rubbing them. She thought she was going crazy.

"Bunnelby! Since when could you teleport?!"

"I didn't know you could teleport, Illumise."

"Are you feeling okay, Oddish?"

Pony after pony, Mew was messing around with. But it wanted to have more fun. So to try and entertain itself more, it spotted its next target. Rainbow Dash and Ash who were training. Mew had actually recognized Ash from when they first met back when Mewtwo appeared and the Tree of Beginning.

"Alright, Ash. Since your Riolu's a new one, I have a better chance."

"Oh yeah? I wouldn't get too confident, Dash."



"Come out, Whirlipede!"


"Let's do this Riolu!"

"Rollout!" Whirlipede picked up speed as it rolled towards Riolu.

"Vacuum Wave!" Riolu used the only move he knew so far. He knocked Whirlipede off course, making it roll past him.

"Turn around!" Whirlipede turned around, getting faster.

"Jump over Whirlipede! Quick!" Riolu jumped high up, avoiding the Curlipede Pokemon. "Now Vacuum Wave!" RIolu then hit Whirlipede, knocking it back with a Vacuum Wave.

"No way! How's it managing to 1up me! It's just a baby!"

"Heh. Not so easy now is it?"

"Oh yeah? Pin Missile!" Whirlipede then fired missiles of pins towards Riolu.

"Vacuum Wave!" Riolu blew the pins away with a vacuum of wind. Despite it only knowing one move, it managed to hold its own. The benefits of syncing with Aura.

"Now charge in, Riolu!" Riolu ran forward, tackling Whirlipede back.


"Don't let it get to you Whirlipede!"

Mew wanted to see what it could do to have more fun. So it decided to come up with something that would grab everpony's attention. It transformed into Rayquaza of all Pokemon. Pikachu turned around to see 'Rayquaza right there'.

"Pika? PIKAPI?!"

"What is it Pikach- WOAH!" Ash looked up, seeing Rayquaza as it flew upwards for all ponies to see. "It's Rayquaza!"

Rarity looked up along with Twilight. They were not believing what they were seeing. Twilight recognized Rayquaza from the history books.

"T-That's Rayquaza! It's just as grand as it is in the books..."

"Oh, dear." Rarity fainted at the sight of it. Rayquaza could be seen from even Sweet Apple Acres.

"What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack shouted.

"Is it a snake?!" Apple Bloom yelled.

Even Fluttershy and the Pokemon at the Pokemon House saw this.

"Wait a second." Ash noticed something was off. "Rayquaza only flies high above the clouds so no one can see it. And it only shows up on the lower part of the sky if Groudon and Kyogre are battling. But nothing's happening to the Earth or Ocean."

"What are you getting at, Ash?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That's not Rayquaza."

"Then who is it?" Rainbow Dash pulled out her dex, aiming at the fake Rayquaza.

"Mew. The New Species Pokemon. It is said that within Mew's cells rests the entirety of the Pokemon genetic code. Mew is so rare that many people often see it as a mirage, even by experts. It turns invisible to keep others from noticing it. Mew can also use every move, making it the ancestor of all Pokemon." The dex said, revealing it to be Mew.

"That makes sense! It's Mew!" Ash said.

"The ancestor.. of all Pokemon?" Rainbow Dash was amazed by this. "I gotta catch it!"

"That'll be tough to do. I think it's best that you let Mew do its thing, Rainbow."

Pinkie Pie was completely unaware by what was happening outside. What she didn't know is that she was about to get a new friend who shared the same energy as her. Mew turned invisible as the giant Rayquaza was gone from everypony's sights. The New Species Pokemon then smelt something good. Pastry. It was coming from SugarCube Corner. It flew towards the smell, seeing all the delicious cakes inside.

"Mew.." Mew wanted to take a bite out of those delicious cakes. To get inside, it turned into a Gengar, phasing through the walls. It then returned to its normal form as it flew around the cake. Mr and Mrs Cake didn't notice Mew fly in at all. It knew how to act stealthily. Mew thought it was unnoticed as it turned invisible. It then lifted up the cover for one of the cakes, ready to chomp down on it.

"You want some?" Pinkie had noticed Mew, even if it was indivisible. Mew was a bit startled as it jumped up. Pinkie took a piece of cake, extending it out. "Come on. You can get a good bit out of it." Mew looked down on the cake, wanting to eat one. Pinkie was kind enough to let it have one. The small Mythical Pokemon flew down, chomping on the cake. "Good isn't it?"

"Mew!" It replied as it took the cake, eating it.

"I like this Pokemon. It's all small and pink. Almost like a cat actually."

"Who are you talking to Pinkie?" Mr Cake asked, but Mew turned invisible.

"Oh, I'm just talking to- huh? Where'd it go?"

"Well.. we'll be out for a bit. Take care of the place and the kids." Mrs Cake said.

"You can count on me!" The two walked out as Mew revealed itself once more. "Hm. Guess you're kinda shy, huh? Well, don't worry. You don't have to be shy around me!"

Mew could get behind Pinkie Pie's personality. She had this special kind of fun energy that it never experienced before. Her colorful pink appearance along with her wild, puffy hair made Mew instantly pulled towards her. Mew flew around Pinkie Pie as she giggled. "I like you! What's your name?"


"Mew huh? That's a funny name. Short but sweet! I'm Pinkie Pie! I see you love all these cakes? Well, you can have more!" Pinkie Pie handed Mew more cakes, along with some sweets. Mew began eating them as it felt like it would gobble them up faster by transforming into a Munchlax. It then devoured all of them, turning back into its original self " Woah.. You just transformed."

Mew nodded as it turned into Slurpuff as well.

"You can turn into other Pokemon! THAT IS AMAZING!"


"You're perfect for surprise parties now that I think of it! Actually..." Pinkie Pie thought of something. Something that was ingenious to her. "You like pranks?" Mew nodded in response. They both knew what they had to do.

"I can't believe that Mew was here. Guess it found the other world too huh?"


"That must be a super rare Pokemon right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The rarest!" Ash replied. Twilight ran to the two of them as she was carrying Rarity on her back. She was still in a fainted state.

"Ash! Rainbow Dash! Did you see that?! It was Rayquaza! Is that what it really looks like?"

"Well yes and no." Ash said.


"That is what Rayquaza looks like, but it wasn't it. It was Mew."

"Mew? The ancestor Pokemon mew?!"

"That's the one. I know because Rayquaza doesn't just casually show up unless Groudon and Kyogre are involved."

"So that was Mew, huh? By why would it transform into Rayquaza?"

"Mew likes to play around. It's just a Pokemon that wants to have fun, ya know. Though it is kinda shy in some ways."


"Oh, I see."

Pinkie Pie and Mew had peeked out of the bush as they had an idea to sort of mess with everyponys heads. Mew had transformed into Minccino, acting as Twilight's Minccino.

"Hey, Twilight! Big news!" Pinkie called.

"What is it, Pinkie?"

"It's Minccy! She's... having a baby!"


"Just now."

"I-I'm not ready for this. I don't even know how Pokemon have babies!" Fluttershy appeared behind Twilight in a second once she heard 'baby'.

"What's this about a Pokemon having a baby...?"


"Yeah. I just learned that Minccino is about to have a baby any minute now!"

"For real? I've never seen anything like that happen." Ash said.

"Well, you'd better believe it, Ash. I know one extra thing about Pokemon that you don't." Pinkie was obviously lying just to play a joke. "I also learned that its crucial to tend to Minccino's when they're about have their own child.

"What do we do then? How do we tend to a Pokemon if it's going to have a baby?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Time for phase 2." Pinkie said in her head. Mew then sneaked behind Pinkie Pie, transforming into a female Pikachu. Notably the heart-shaped tail. "Oh, but don't worry. I have a Pikachu here who can help. Specifically, a female Pikachu who also came all the way from the other world just to find Ash's Pikachu."


Mew went over to Pikachu, giggling.

"You know this Pikachu, buddy?"

"P-Pika!" Pikachu shook its head.

"Of course he does. These two were lovers back in the day. And Pikachu did promise to be with her a long time ago. Guess you gotta make that wish come true."

"P-Pika..." Pikachu didn't know what to think. He didn't remember a Pikachu like this, even when he was a Pichu back in his younger years.

"So it'll help Minccy here with the baby while you two fulfil your past promise."

"This is a lot to take in." Twilight said.

"Mhm. If it was real."

"Huh?" They all were confused. Mew returned back to its normal form, revealing itself.

"Huh?! It was Mew all along!" Even Ash was surprised.

"Hahahaha! That was a fun little trick, huh?"

"Pinkie.." Twilight facehoofed.

"Wow. So this is what Mew looks like up close." Rainbow gazed as the ancestor Pokemon.

"Spike was right. It does look like a hairless cat."

"Mew. Mew."

"Mew says that it has to get going now." Fluttershy translated.

"Aw. Leaving already?"

"Mew. Mew, Mew."

"Mew says that it'll be back to have more fun with you Pinkie Pie."

"Well okay. If you say so."

"It was nice to see you again, Mew." Ash said.


"Mew!" Mew waved goodbye as it flew off. The others waved it farewell as Rarity finally woke up, missing out on all of it.

As Mew was flying off, it was suddenly stopped. By a barrier of aura.

"Going somewhere?" Ghetsis's voice was nearby. Mew couldn't escape this barrier as it was suddenly grabbed by Ghetsis.

"M-MEW!" Mew was struggling to get out of Ghetsis's clutch. It tried to transform into a larger Pokemon, but Ghetsis was preventing by squeezing its neck tighter.

"I'll be needing you along with Meloetta. Having the ancestor of all Pokemon is already a huge step up from Kyurem. Hahaha!" Ghetsis walked off with Mew still in his hands. Where Ghetsis went was unknown. He had been moving about Equestria, advancing his plans in secret. Whatever it is he was up to, he was making sure that no one would get in his way and stop him this time.

Chapter 51 End.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Juudon Warrior for recommending this story idea.

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