• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Canterlot. Day.

"Ah..." Garnet, the visitor from Pegalysium was currently spaced out. She had been down here for 4 days now, having the chance to see all the Pokemon for herself. She was out of it as she had an experience of a lifetime.

Premium waved her hoof in Garnet's eyes. However, she did not respond. She was truly spaced out and unaware of her surroundings.

"What happened to her?" Premium asked Celestia.

"Ah. The other day, when I was showing her all the Pokemon she could see, she accidentally looked into the eyes of an Inkay. It seemed to have a lasting effect, that's for sure." Celestia explained. "Even Passion is having a hard time snapping her out of it."

"Gardevoir." Passion spoke as her hands were on Garnet's face.

"She'll recover soon enough. And then it's back to Pegalysium this afternoon. But at the moment, how goes your contest, Premium? Practising well for the next?"

"Mhm. I've learned a few tricks from seeing some of the Gym Battles and how they work. I bet I can beat Gelidity with what I've learned so far. M-Maybe."

"Adagio's doing well herself. I do have to say, she's progressed faster than Twilight and Sunset which is a surprise." Celestia looked at the sky. "She might end up finishing earlier than them. If only Vivace could see her now."

"Oh yeah. Where is Adagio?"

Well...to see how much she's improved, I sent her on a small little journey for a day. She's stopping by Ponyville to meet her sisters before that. I know she'll do fine on her own."

"Ah!" Just like that, Garnet snapped out of it as she was no longer spaced out. She blinked a few times. "Whoa...What a rush. Let's head back there again!"

"Are you sure, Garnet?" Celestia walked over to her. "It might be someone else that puts you in a trance aside from Inkay. That place certainly holds many Psychic-Types."

"Totally." Garnet shrugged as she didn't mind the risk. "Let's get rolling! There's still more Pokemon I need to see!"

Ponyville. .Day.

"No! Not yet!" Sonata's cries could be heard bellowing through the house. At the moment, she was holding onto her Eevee with a tight grip, standing in the corner while Aria was facing her, holding a Water Stone. "I don't wanna evolve Eevee just yet!"

"What are you talking about?! It's already been months and you wanted a Vaporeon from the start! Your Buneary evolved into Lopunny the other day so just evolve her already!"

"Mm-mm! Not yet! Eevee's super cute and I don't wanna lose that cuteness!"

"Then what was that point of-" Aria looked dumbfounded before she shook her head. "So what? Vaporeon's not cute?"

"Vaporeon's cute...but it's not Eevee cute." Sonata pouted her lips before looking away.

"Well, what does Eevee think"? For a unanimous vote, Aria asked Eevee herself. Sonata was expecting Eevee to agree with her. After all, she is her Pokemon at the end of the day.

"Vee." To Sonata's surprise, Eevee wanted to evolve, throwing Sonata off guard as she was betrayed by her partner.

"Eevee no!"

"Looks like it's unanimous." Aria gave off a cocky grin. "Bring the fox over here."


"Sonata!" Thus, a scuffle between siblings began. It was more of a chase than a scuffle. Sonata started galloping while holding Eevee as Aria chased her down with the Water Stone at her disposal.

The two of them rushed around the room with Sonata screeching. Eevee just stayed motionless, waiting for all of this to be over. And entering the house was Adagio who had just arrived at Ponyville to see her sisters. When she arrived, she witnessed her siblings rushing around frantically, causing a mess from their movements.

Adagio was unphased by this. It was common for her sisters to have feuds such as these. Even if they were physical or not. It happened back home in the sea when they were young and it will continue to happen unless they're a certain age.

"Do I even need to ask what all of this is?"

"Adagio! Tell Aria she can't evolve my Eevee!" Sonata jumped over the table while wailing.

"Tell Sonata that Eevee agreed and wants to evolve already!" Aria pushed the table aside while having a devious grin and stare on her face.

"Like that matters?" Adagio groaned before using her magic to grab them both. Each of them had been halted in place by Adagio's magical aura. Even Eevee and the Water Stone. "Listen. You two. We're going on a little journey together."

"We are?" The two of them said.

"Mhm. Celestia wanted me to head off on my own for a bit. But I can't do it without you two. Maybe." Adagio shrugged. "How does that sound?"

"A journey together sounds great. It'll be like old times when we were venturing Equestria together!" Adagio flailed her hooves around whilst still being held by Adagio's magic.

"Those weren't good times. We only went on journeys when we were turned into ponies, duh." Aria shook her head while Sonata stuck her tongue out.

"Aside from that! Let's make this journey count. I should be back by nightfall anyway."

"Sweet. So uh...where are we going?" Sonata asked before Adagio lowered her magic, dropping her sisters.

"N-Not sure. Celestia just said 'Head out and find a new meaning' or something cryptic like that." The older sister shrugged before using her magic to bring over a glass of water, drinking from it.

"There's a sweet punk concert happening over at Manehattan. Let's check that out." Aria suggested as she had her preference.

"Bleh. Forget that." Along came Sonata to interrupt. "Let's try Pokestar Studios again over at Unova. I've got a great movie idea in mind!"

"Same thing. We've already done that like a bunch." Aria scoffed. "Let's try something new like music concerts!"

"But we do music so that's already been done!" Sonata got up in Aria's face.

"Not the same thing!" Aria did the same as the two of them had already entered yet another argument. They can barely go a day without being in one, unfortunately for Adagio. They went back and forth, arguing about where to go to. Adagio was already getting sick of this as her anger was boiling.

"Shut it! We're going where I say we go! Wherever we end up, got it?!"

"Fine..." They both conceded after Adagio made the call. She is still the leader after all.

Alola Region. Konikoni City. Day.

It ended up being the Alola Region. A perfect region to be in during the summer. After arriving here, the sun was already in their eyes as there was a potential of them receiving a migraine.

"So much for my concert..." Aria sighed with disappointment.

"No movies." Sonata hung her head, also feeling disappointed.

"Too bad. I figured we'd try something else. Along the way, I picked this up." Adagio held a flier that involved a camera and what seemed to be a trophy near it. "A photography contest. Have a look."

"We gave up a rad concert-" Aria spoke before being interrupted by Sonata.

"And movie making!" Sonata stepped in with Aria shoving her aside.

"For photographs? Seriously? This is even lame for you, Adagio." Aria shook her head.

"I've just taken new interests okay?! Plus there's also art involved with a trophy. You know how tempting those are. Hope you two know how to make some decent art at least." Adagio gave off a smug look before tossing the flier away.

"Uh...Maybe?" Sonata shrugged with uncertainty while Aria just groaned.

"Should be a photo club somewhere here...Aha!" Before looking around, she spotted her main goal. The small contest of photographs and artwork was already ongoing. But it wasn't too late. After all, it was still the morning.

Adagio rushed over with actual enthusiasm that she barely uses for something as small as this. Aria and Sonata looked at each other before walking over. She was available to be registered in this competition as she went up to the first person she saw.

"Hey. Not too late to enter, right?" Adagio spoke to the woman in front of her.

"Not too late at all. And you're from Equestria, correct?" The beautiful woman spoke.

"Good. My sisters and I want to enter this contest."

"We didn't agree to this!" Sonata shouted in the distance.

"Your name then." The lady held out a registration paper and a pen in her hand.

"Adagio Dazzle. That's me. The deadpan one is Aria Blaze and the loud one is Sonata Dusk, my little sisters. And I can already see that trophy within my sights." Adagio rubbed her hooves together as she let out a grin. The image of the trophy replaced her pupils as she was really in it for that. But she did genuinely have a new hobby and interest that she could get into. Making movies in Pokestar Studios was just the start of it. Now it won't just be music that she enjoys.

"Adagio...Dazzle? Oh, you wouldn't happen to be friends with Rarity now, would you?"

"Hm? Her friend? No way." Adagio scoffed. "But she's not so bad."

"Oh, I see. And here I thought I would have to deny you. After all, Rarity and I aren't exactly on great terms with each other." She flipped her hair. "Well, at least she's not so aware."

"Why? What happened?" Aria asked.

"Hmph. What happened wasn't much. You see, I am Livadi. An amazing beauty trainer. A wonderful Pokestar Studios actress and soon to be the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer once I defeat Leon in the Pokemon World Coronation Series." She introduced herself with so much flair and enthusiasm along with the way she posed.

And to top it all off, she even had a supporting crowd of people cheering her on. Obviously, she was one famous individual. Merchandise and flags of her face made it very clear. Sonata clapped to show some excitement as well while Adagio and Aria stood there unphased.

"Uh-huh..." Adagio nodded in response. "So can we get this contest started or what?"

"Right, right. The rules are simple." Livadi raised her finger for a quick explanation. "All you need to do is take a picture of something that catches your fancy and make art of it. Nothing else to it. The best artwork wins."

"Oh...That doesn't sound so bad." After hearing the rules, Sonata's mind had been changed. What sounded a bit mundane was instantly interesting to her. Even Aria took attention to this.

"Just take some of these and you'll be set." She handed artbooks, canvas, cameras, pens, paint and paintbrushes to the three of them as well as a special ink that had her face on it. Just because. "Work well as a group and your team will win for certain."

"Oh, we will. Come on you two. I know the perfect place where we can start." Adagio smiled, holding some of the objects with her magic while Aria and Sonata held the rest.

Equestria. Canterlot. Afternoon.

And the place they stopped by was Canterlot. Adagio knew she could get something good out of here. Over at the Pokemon School, some summer school lessons were being taught at the moment.

But aside from that, some teachers weren't working at the moment. Instead, they were hanging out. Those two being Brawly and Roxanne.

"You know, I was thinking about adding Z-Moves to my Gym. Make it a bit harder." Brawly spoke to Roxanne.

"I don't think so. Don't make it unfair for the challengers." Roxanne shook her head whilst Brawly chuckled. But as they had their conversation, something else had alerted them.

All of a sudden, appearing out of nowhere without any sound or warning was Sonata, snapping a picture of both Brawly and Roxanne conversing.

"Oh!" Brawly and Roxanne were startled by that.

"Sorry for the startle! But I got a good shot." Sonata said with a chuckle.

"More than a good shot!" Adagio said as she and Aria appeared, snapping pictures themselves. "Get a look at this scene. Looks like a forbidden relationship between two teachers! Or something weird that the kids like, I don't know."

"Relationship?!" Roxanne gasped, pulling back after that.

"What are you two doing?" Brawly asked. "Some sort of school project? Wait you guys don't even go here, now that I think about it."

"Photo Art contest over at Alola," Aria explained in a few words. "Now do something more interesting instead of standing and sitting around."

"Yeah. Plus this didn't come out so great." Sonata grumbled as the picture she took had come out. It was, unfortunately, a bit blurry due to her hoof movements.

"Is this your first time using those?" Brawly walked up as Sonata and the others nodded. Their pictures were all a bit off. This was their first time taking pictures after all.

"Bah, we'll pick it up as we go. Plus, we can use this messy look as a base." Adagio raised the picture she had taken. It was a mess but a base nonetheless.

"Well, this is where I can come in." Roxanne stood up, clearing her throat. "I happen to know a bit about camerawork myself if you must know."

"You look like the type with that getup," Adagio said as Roxanne froze in place. That was an insult on Adagio's part.

"Ahem. Anyway. You have the base part down already. What you need to know is using your thoughts. By using the thoughts you had when you took it, the picture will naturally become interesting."

"Oooh..." Sonata gawked at her picture, already having an idea. "That case, let's not draw the same thing! Pose for us, you two!"

"I-I don't really do photoshoots..." Roxanne shook her head.

"Get this!" But Brawly was into it. His enthusiastic nature was the cause of it as he already struck a pose. In fact, it was one of the Z Poses. The Fightinium Z Pose to be exact.

"Nice!" Sonata and Aria started taking pictures. Brawly kept the pose for a bit, allowing all the pictures to emerge. Adagio looked at her camera before aiming at Roxanne.

"Do something. Chumps prefer girl pictures anyway." Adagio said to her.

"Well...it wouldn't hurt to try." Roxanne agreed to it as was curious about it. She doesn't usually pose but she has a tiny bit of experience via the Z Pose lesson that took place in Alola a few months back. But, she didn't use any of that. Instead, Roxanne spread her arms out, flapping them to try and imitate a bird.

"Uhh..." Adagio uttered for a moment.

"Pretend I'm a Flying-Type. Eh? That's good right?" Roxanne let out a nervous grin, hoping she was giving a good enough pose. Adagio shrugged as she would take it either way.

1 hour later.

After they took their pictures, The Dazzlings went off to make some art. And the result? Their artwork is absolutely atrocious. Mostly Aria's. Adagio and Sonata still had bad artwork but not on Aria's level.

"Oh..." Brawly and Roxanne observed, grimacing at the monstrosities before their eyes.

"Pfft. Some artwork, Adagio." Sonata felt like chuckling.

"Oh please! Like yours is any better!" Adagio exclaimed as Sonata laughed instead of shouting back. Aria stood in the corner as she knew that her art was horrible.

"This blows..." Aria sulked.

"O-Oh! Don't worry about it, Aria! It's your first time drawing, correct? You'll get better!" Roxanne tried to erase Aria's brooding and disappointment in her heart.

"I'm never gonna win that trophy at this rate..." Adagio growled, realizing the massive disadvantage she had for having such poor artwork. "But there's a solution to every problem." Her from quickly shifted into a grin as she had an idea.

Magic. Adagio went up to the pictures as she knew a spell that was capable of interacting with the drawings. And of course, it came from the Canterelot Library. Thanks to her innate magical potential, she was able to learn this spell quickly as did she with many others.

A golden aura covered the drawings, altering their shape as Brawly and Roxanne watched this transformation take place. However, even though she learned the spell, she didn't have the full capabilities of it. The drawings ended up becoming mediocre at best. At least they weren't hard to look at.

"Pah." Adagio kissed her teeth. "This'll have to do. Might have to work on this spell a bit more."

"Oooh! Much better!" Sonata applauded. "Goes well with the ink now! Right, Aria?" She said as Aria came over to see the chance. Her atrocious drawing wasn't so atrocious anymore.

"Meh. I'll take it." Aria shrugged.

"Are you sure about this? Isn't this cheating?" Roxanne asked.

"Not cheating if you don't get caught," Adagio chuckled before holding the three drawings with her magic, placing them in sleeves. "Come on. Let's head to that Frenzy Forest for some of the good-"

"Attendez!" But, bursting through the doors with amazing speeds, startling everyone was Fantina. Her ears had heard everything about photos and artwork. And someone like her couldn't resist. "Before you head off, please do not leave me out!"

"Fantina?" Brawly and Roxanne said.

"Get a good shot and drawing of me, if you would." Already, the moment she showed up, she gave off a pose by sitting on the table. Adagio and her sisters looked at each other, realizing how fabulous and beautiful Fantina looked.

With an appearance like that, they couldn't resist if it meant they could get a drawing out of it. And so, they took pictures of Fantina. And Fantina herself performed different poses each time, wanting herself to stand out.

She even dragged Brawly and Roxanne in for a group photo. Roxanne felt a bit embarrassed by this as Brawly was all for this, much like Fantina. Although, Fantina was definitely more into it than Brawly.

And once they got their pictures, they drew their art with Adagio using her magic to fine-tune it, shifting it so that it become something mediocre. However, noticeable, the effects of Adagio's spell had increased after the second usage of it.

"Merci beaucoup." Fantina thanked the Dazzlings. "Would you mind if I kept one of them?"

"Hmm..." Adagio thought for a moment before using a spell to duplicate the drawings. "There."

"Ahaha!" Fantina gawked as she took the drawings, holding them close to her. "This would do nicely on my wall! Jusque là~" She gave her final thanks before wishing them a final goodbye. Fantina left the room with high hopes and happiness.

And with Fantina happy, that same mysterious golden aura surrounded Adagio's body without her knowing. It had the same effect like it always does. Making others feel at peace. That meant everyone in this room.

"Think I might head home early for today..." Brawly smiled before scratching his hair.

"I know I should continue my work but...Cynthia isn't here so one day off won't...no!" Roxanne snapped out of it. "But I'm not really teaching anyone at the moment, am I?"

"Nope. Come on. I can teach you how to surf. Then you won't just be good at drumming." Brawly suggested as he held his hand out.

"Surfing sounds a tad dangerous. But then again, I do seem to be learning and gaining new hobbies along the way." Roxanne held Brawly's hand as a rush of ideas started going through Sonata's mind.

"We're done here girls," said Adagio. "Let's go."

Alola. Konikoni City. Afternoon.

The contest continued with everyone having their artwork while taking unique pictures along the way. However, in the meanwhile, Livadi decided to stray away from the contest for a small bit, standing behind the building.

She saw that the coast was clear as she then took out a communication device that was different from the Xtransceiver and Rotomphone. It was shaped like an ordinary phone but with some flashy details. She opened the phone as the face of one man showed up.


"Colress. Long time no see."

"Livadi? You're still around?" Colress spoke.

"Surprised?" She flipped her hair. "And here you thought I didn't exist anymore."

"How are you contacting me exactly at the moment?"

"When I was on my lonesome, I picked up a few new things along the way. Fairy-Type magic certainly has its new experiences and uses. That and I became one popular trainer, that's for sure."

"Well if you're calling me back now, what could you possibly want? You weren't there during the awakening of Reshiram and neither were you present when we had made new bases in new universes."

"Sorry if I didn't want to be fully a part of your whole universe mumbo jumbo. But, that doesn't mean I don't keep up once in a while. If anything, I've been putting in work on my own, if you must know. Including work that involves ponies."

"And this matters because...?"

"Learning Fairy-Type magic wasn't for nought. It helped me figure out how Equestrian Magic works."

"...Go on." Colress attention was now fully grasped as Livadi smirked.

"I know you're not into magic as much as you are into science. But aside from that, what I've learned about Equestria Magic isn't so difficult. For me at least."

"You've learned Equestrian Magic? Impossible?"

"Not at all. It's actually simple in all honesty. Like for instance, the ink that I had made. These poor suckers will be using it for the art. Not all of them probably. That ink will act accordingly at the right moment. While that happens, how about you tell me where you are?"

"You're still a part of Team Plasma?"

"Still. I never left in the first place."

Frenzy Forest. Afternoon.

Over at Frenzy Forest, the Dazzlings took all the pictures they could get. Frenzy Forest had a lot to offer with a variety of Pokemon doing all sorts of failing things. And as the drawings turned out poorly, Adagio fine-tuned them. Yet again, the more she used her magic, the better it looked. She was gradually progressing with it.

"Ooh. This looks like the best one so far." Sonata held up her drawing of Delphox. "Right?"

"Mines better." Aria showed her drawing of a Litleo, Karrablast and Makuhita. Sonata shook her head as they already had an argument of who had the better artwork.

Meanwhile, Adagio was too busy looking at her artwork which also featured her. She had decided to add herself into the mix just for vanity points. But as she admired herself, the ink from the special that they had used on their artwork had started taking effect. Just like what Livadi said.

Some ink had gotten on Adagio, Aria and Sonata before when they were drawing. Just a natural process of art. However, with that previous ink on them, it was also moving as well. Sonata and Aria were the first ones to notice. They saw that the ink was suddenly spreading throughout their body like some sort of leech.

"H-Hey. What is this?!" Aria stuttered as she moved back, seeing how her whole body was being covered in the ink.

"Ew...Gross, gross!" Sonata pranced on the spot, squealing. Adagio responded to the cry of her siblings as she noticed how their whole body was being consumed by this ink.

"Aria!? Sonata?!"

"Get it o-" Sonata tried to finish her sentence, however, soon her mouth and face were covered. She was completely immobile as her body turned into a drop of ink. That drop of ink that floated towards the bottle that it came from, becoming a part of it.

"Ada-" Aria couldn't finish her sentence as she also became a blob. And just like Sonata, she went into the ink bottle as Adagio had witnessed her sister's odd outcome. She also soon realized that the ink was getting on her.

"K-Kricke!" Kricketot whimpered as he was terrified of the ink, not wanting to be caught in it. But he also stayed by Adagio's side.

Luckily, Adagio had magic to deal with this. And powerful magic as well. Adagio exuded magic from her body, blowing away the ink and saving her. She was thankfully alright, along with Kricketot. However, her sisters weren't.

"Aria! Sonata!" She went over to the ink bottle, picking it up. She used her magic to open the lid, hoping her sisters would emerge. Unfortunately, they didn't.

Adagio had realized what had happened. They had become one with the ink bottle by some strange magical cause. And by looking at Livadi's face, she could find out how and why. Adagio was clearly furious about this. She had some vengeance to dole out. But not before saving her sisters.

"I'm going to have to go in there, aren't I?" Adagio spoke.


"If it's magical, then that means I can go in it the same way Luna goes into the Dreamworld. Are you alright with coming along, Kricketot?"

"Tot!" Kricketot would stay by Adagio's side to the bitter end as he agreed.

"Good." Adagio nodded before concentrating her magic on the ink bottle. She was going to take one bizarre trip. "Hold on you two. I'm coming."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 529 End.

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