• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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UB-04 Blade

The Crystal Empire, day.

"Hmm..." A sculpturer of crystals looked over at a statue he and his fellow sculptures were working on. "It's missing something."

"Missing something? But it looks exactly like her!" His fellow sculpturer pointed his hoof over at the sculpture that was of Princess Cadence's Sylveon. The appearance was close to matching that of the Intertwining Pokemon, but the main sculpturer wasn't truly satisfied.

"Maybe...but I wanted to go the extra mile. Oh, well. Looks like her anyway. Princess Cadence's Sylveon will love it all the same."

And speaking of Cadence's Sylveon, she came outside to see if her sculpture had been finished. Once her eyes locked onto the crystal creation, she was indeed satisfied.

"Well, Sylveon? How do you like it?" Cadence asked her partner.

"Syl!" She loved it. Running over to her statue, she jumped around it like a child. Well, she was technically still a child since she evolved 9 months ago.

"If only Honedge weren't so stubborn, then it would have its own sculpture." Shining Armor sighed.

"I'm sure it'll come around one day," Cadence reassured.

"So, Princess Cadence. Should we make a sculpture of your daughter's Manaphy next?" The sculpturer's asked.

"Go ahead. She would love-" Before Cadence could finish her sentence, all of a sudden, up in the skies of the Crystal Empire an Ultra Wormhole had opened up.

The booming sound of the wormhole startled everypony due to how instant, loud and unexpected it was. All eyes were on the skies, gazing directly at the interdimensional hole in space.

What Ultra Beast would be coming out of this one? Well, this time, it was none other than the Drawn Sword Pokemon with the codename UB-04 Blade.


"Won siht si erehw" The Drawn Sword Pokemon suddenly spoke.

"What is that thing?" A crystal pony wondered as there was constant gossip about this wormhole and mysterious Pokemon that had come through.

Cadence and Shining Armor, already being cautious of this, narrowed their eyes over at the Drawn Sword Pokemon. They weren't sure if it was friend or foe.

Kartana was a bit of a curious Ultra Beast, which is why it passed through the wormhole. And one thing that Kartana enjoys more than anything, is cutting. It has a bit of an odd obsession with cutting anything it wants. Much like how Pheromosa is obsessed with gemstones and how Buzzwole only cares about flexing and showing off.

Once the Drawn Sword Pokemon noticed the sculpture and Sylveon at the same time, it realized that it wasn't perfect enough. That had to change.

"Tuc ot tcejbo doog a ekil skool taht." The Ultra Beast made its way towards the direction of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Some guards got in the way, ready to stop Kartana if it tries anything funny.

But Kartana saw the guards as just a mere obstacle. In fact, Kartana thought of something new that could classify as a great cut.

"Sylveon..." Sylveon was the most cautious about this one. Her ribbons flew up, ready to grab the Ultra Beast at any moment.

Just then, the Drawn Sword Pokemon moved at blinding speeds, passing the guards, Shining Armor and Cadence and the statue at the same time. The last thing they all saw was white slashes that moved around in different directions.

Kartana was behind all of them, not even facing the statue or the ponies at all. And for good reason. Its cut was so fast and precise that it could hit multiple targets in just 2 seconds. "Tcejbo sselhtrow a tuc I, erom ecno."

And just like that, Princess Cadence's hairstyle had been transformed right before her very eyes. She now had a ponytail out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened as she took some time to process what just happened. Once she did, she noticed how her mane changed due to Kartana's slashes. And her reaction? She liked it. "Oh, I actually quite like this."

Not only that, but the guards and Shining Armor got a mane-do as well. Shining Armor was given a perm while the guards were graced with mohawks that already fit their armour.

"A perm? Mmrgh...Not a fan." Shining Armor grumbled.

"Syl? Sylveon!" Sylveon turned around to see that her statue had been affected the most by Kartana's slashes. What Kartana did was exactly what the sculpturer wanted in the first place.

Instead of the sculpture having a standard standing pose, Kartana made it so that it looked like Sylveon was pulling off a move by standing upright with her paws outstretched.

To Sylveon, this was much better than how it looked originally. It truly was perfect." Veon! Sylveon!"

"Would you look at that..." Cadence gawked at the new and improved statue. "Thank you uh...who are you exactly?" She asked Kartana.

"Gnihtyreve tuc ot yenruoj ym eunitnoc tsum I .tnatropmi ton si eman ym."

"Uh...Wha?" Cadence had no idea what Kartana just said.

Just then, Honedge forced itself out of the Poke Ball without Shining Armor even sending him out. This is actually the first time this has ever happened before.

"Hm? Honedge!" Shining Armor gasped.

"Hone!" The reason why Honedge forced itself out was that it finally found a perfect vessel to inhabit its spirit inside. Kartana's blade was sharper than its, so if it posses the Ultra Beast, nothing will stand in its way. "Honedge!"

"Em gnignellahc er'uoY ?hoH?"


"Enim ot roirepus si edalb ruoy taht evorP .emoc neht" All of a sudden, the two of them started battling out of nowhere, much to the surprise of everypony.

Honedge flew over to the opposing Ultra Beast, swinging his blade downwards for an overhead. Kartana, who had a faster reaction time than Honedge, raised his blade, blocking the incoming overhead.

Kartana and Honedge clashed blades together, entering a small struggle. But Karanta proved to have more Oomph to his cuts. As a result, Honedge had been defeated in one single slash.

"Em taefed ot mia uoy fi og ot yaw gnol a sah edalb ruoY"


And just like that, Kartana left the area, off to cut something else out there. Shining Armor went over to Honedge, seeing how it was beaten in one single hit.

"You okay Honedge...?"


"Maybe it's best if you get some rest." Shining Armor returned the Sword Pokemon to its Poke Ball.

"What was that thing...?" Cadence wondered. "And why is it so good at mane-cuts?" She admired her ponytail. Kartana definitely left an impression despite only just arriving in 2 minutes. Where it is headed next is unknown to her. But Cadence has a pretty good feeling of what it might do when it gets there.


Over at a barber's shop, somepony was getting their mane done, wanting a brand new look.

"What would you like?" The barber asked.

"Is it possible for you to make me look like my Staraptor?"

"Ah...you want its signature comb, do you? I understand." The barber used her horn to grab some scissors and a trimmer. "Just sit tight. I'll need more than these two. Staraptor comb has a unique look to it."

Whilst the barber searches for the necessary items, along came Kartana. After seeing how this place cuts hair, it took the opportunity to show off and surpass the skilled barbers.

The Drawn Sword Pokemon did its usual dash-cut, leaving only a swift white slash for the pony to see. "Tcejbo sselhtrow a tuc I, erom ecno"

With yet another swing of its blade, Kartana had performed a perfect, flawless cut. Not only that, but it ended up granting the wish of the pegasus who wanted his mane to look exactly like his Staraptor. And lo and behold, he now had the comb of his partner Pokemon.

"Oh, wow! You work fast!" The pegasus grinned.

"Hm?" The Barber turned around to spot that the job had already been done. "What the-"

Obviously perplexed, the barber had no clue on how that was possible. She had just gotten the necessary items and the moment she turns around, it was over.

Kartana once again left to go and find something else to cut. The Ultra Beast's blade hungers for more.

The Dragon Lands.

"Alright. How does this thing work again?" Ember held a Poke Ball in her hand. She was currently looking down at a Gible.


"Just throw it, right?" She simply tossed the Poke Ball on Gible's head, absorbing the Land Shark Pokemon inside with a red light as she waited for the outcome.


Kartana interrupted, cutting through the Poke Ball out of nowhere before Ember could even react.

""Tcejbo sselhtrow a tuc I, erom ecno""

The slash split it into tiny little pieces as Gible broke free.


"Oh, you serious?!" Ember groaned. "Fine...Let's try the blue one's then. Maybe those will work."


"Alright. Do not touch it at all costs. We will open it when I get back." A mare said to her husband and son.

"We promise." Both of them said in unison as the mother left the room. The two sneaky little colts looked at each other with a devious grin. The object in question that they were planning to touch was a brand new golden safe.

But before they could turn around and unlock it, Kartana had arrived, cutting it in one single strike. That was yet another object claimed by Kartana's blade.

""Tcejbo sselhtrow a tuc I, erom ecno. emit siht tuc doog ylriaf a saw taht"

"We're just gonna take a few bits from this-" The father paused as he and his son had their jaws hit the floor, seeing how the safe had been cut in half. The mother was going to annihilate them when she gets back.


Over at the Pokemon House, Fluttershy and Ash along with Rainbow Dash were feeding the Pokemon after they had just finished a long battle.

"Can you two get along now?" Fluttershy asked a Shelmet and Karrablast. They were two Pokemon who had a lot in common in terms of their evolution. After all, whenever they cross paths, they receive an electrical stimulation that forces them both to evolve.

"Karra..." Karrablast pouted.

"Met!" Shelmet scoffed.

"Well, it's only natural. Some Pokemon are rivals." Ash chuckled.


"Shel!" Shelmet, being the petty Pokemon that it was, spat out some berry seeds from its mouth, hitting Karrablast in the face.

"Blast!" The Clamping Pokemon fell back after the sudden seed snipe.

"Oh, nice shot!" Rainbow Dash was impressed.

"Ah! Shelmet!" Fluttershy snapped at Shelmet who was chuckling.


"Chiko!" Chikorita decided to punish Shelmet by whacking him in the head with her leaf.

"Met!" That one hit from the Leaf Pokemon knocked some sense into him.

"So, Fluttershy. You said you wanted to go to Alola more, right?" Ash asked.

"Mhm. I'm interested in Regional Variants. Oh, and also Galar. If that's okay with you."

"Sure thing. I mean...there's a lot of regional forms I've yet to see myself. I'm so excited! Are you?"

"Very!" Fluttershy squeed.

"Pika...?" Pikachu heard a familiar sound coming this way. One he's only heard once due to the difference in worlds. He turned his head towards the direction of the sound, spotting the Ultra Beast in the sky. "Pikapi!"

"Hm? What is it bu-" Ash responded to his Pokemon's call, looking at the same direction he was. Now Kartana had graced his eyes. "Oh! A Kartana!"

"A what?" Fluttershy wondered. And just like Ash and Pikachu, she spotted the Drawn Sword Pokemon. "Oh! Look at how small it is!"

"Who's that Pokemon?" Rainbow pulled out her dex, curious on what it was.

"Kartana. The Drawn Sword Pokemon. One of the Ultra Beast life-forms. It seems not to attack enemies on its own, but its sharp body is a dangerous weapon in itself. It was observed cutting down a gigantic steel tower with one stroke of its blade. Although it’s alien to this world and a great danger here, it’s apparently a common organism in the world where it normally lives."

"Another Ultra Beast?!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Guess a lot of Ultra Wormholes really are all over the place." Ash stood up.

"The dex doesn't say it's here to attack us, so that's good," Fluttershy said. "But wonder why it's come here? Oh! Is it like Pheromosa where it found something enjoyable in this world?"

"Actually, there is one likely reason. Kartana wants to cut something. Something real good." Ash explained.


"namuh ,tcerroc." Kartana responded.

Once Kartana replied to him, Fluttershy's ears picked up on that. She can't understand Ultra Beasts since they are aliens. Which she can't speak, unfortunately. However, she noticed that what Kartana was saying sounded very familiar.

"Hold on..." Fluttershy walked up to Kartana. "Did you...speak our language?"

"Ynop elttil ym, noitcuded tcefrep."

"You are!" Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"Wait, you can understand this Ultra Beast?" Rainbow asked.

"Mhm. It's the first one. In fact...Kartana's speaking in reverse." Fluttershy noticed.

"In reverse?!" That shocked Rainbow Dash to the core.

"Ereh ma I elihw gnihtemos tuc tsum I."

"Well...if the Pokedex says that you can cut down a gigantic steel tower, let's see what other huge things you can cut down." Fluttershy recommended. "Does that sound fine?"

"Yeah, I wanna see this for myself." Rainbow Dash flew up.

"Reffo ruoy tpecca I."

To see how impressive Kartana's cutting skills really were, Fluttershy requested the assistance of Rarity and her Leavanny's.

"You want my Leavanny's to make a large ball of string?" Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"I know it sounds odd but your Leavanny's can make really strong and thick strings that aren't easy to break. So I figured that if they use it multiple times, it'll be nearly impossible to destroy."

"I see. But why do you need this exactly?"

"For this guy over here?" Ash pointed his thumb over at Kartana who revealed itself to the unicorn.

"...A piece of paper?" Rarity squinted her eyes.

"Kartana here can cut anything apparently. And he's looking for something grand to test his blade on. So I was wondering if the Leavanny's could do that." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Hm. Cut anything you say? That little thing?" Rarity giggled. "Fluttershy. It's a piece of paper. How can it-"

"Ynop, rewop ym etamitserednu uoy" Kartana didn't take too kindly to Rarity's words. So as a response, he took his blade out on her. Pheromosa was about to defend her trainer, but she then realized that Kartana wasn't doing it out of ill-intent, so she ceased any action.

"Huh?" Rarity blinked for a bit, realizing that something passed by her.

"Tcejbo sselhtrow a tuc I, erom ecno."

With the sound of a blade being swung, Rarity's mane had gotten a makeover. She didn't feel her mane getting affected, but she knew that something happened.

"What happened...? What was that?" Rarity was a bit perplexed, moving her head about.

"Oh my...Rarity...look!" Fluttershy's eyes looked like they had seen something amazing. She showed her unicorn friend a mirror to see what Kartana had just done.

By looking into the mirror, Rarity saw that her mane had been transformed into a dazzling drill-hairstyle. All from a single cut.

"Sweet Celestia...I look gorgeous!" Rarity gawked at herself. "I didn't know that this worked so well for me." She played around with her new mane-style, twirling the drills with her magic.

"So, will you let Kartana cut some thick string?" Rainbow Dash flew over.

"But of course. If it can do this, then it must be able to cut anything. Leavanny."

"Lea!" All 12 of her Leaavnny's lined up.

"A cluster of String Shot if you would. Make it extra strong."

"Van!" In unison, each of the Leavanny's focused their strength into a single spot, merging their strings together. Kartana was anticipating this ball of string, hoping that it was worth the cut.

So far, in his entire life, nothing has satisfied him. He has had good cuts that he's proud of, but every single time he manages to destroy it in a single hit. Even the other Ultra Beasts in his world cannot satisfy his endless cutting urges.

Eventually, the Leavanny's made a huge cluster of string that almost touched the ceiling of Carousel Boutique. And for an aesthetic choice, they made it look like a cocoon where bugs lay in.

"Alright, Kartana. Have a go at cutting this." Ash placed his hand on the cluster, feeling its sticky fluids. "Ew..."

Kartana hovered over to the cluster, examining its appearance. It was certainly thick and dense. But Kartana knew that this something he could easily cut through.

And so he did. But this time, he just stood in front of the cluster, swinging once. He swung so fast that it looked his blade didn't even move.

"Tcejbo sselhtrow a tuc I, erom ecno. Gniyfsitassid woh"

And just like that, every piece of string inside the cluster had been turned into tiny little bits of leftover strings.

"Leavan?!" All the Leavanny's gasped, shocked at how instant that was. Kartana didn't even make an attempt.

"How fast was that?!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Regnorts gnihtemos tuc tsum I. hguone ton."

"How about we try Twilight's Pokemon Lab. Her Bisharp has some super strong metal." Ash recommended. That definitely caught Kartana's attention. If the metal is strong enough to rival his, then he might've found the perfect Pokemon to test his blade on.

Rarity looked on the floor, seeing how flawlessly Kartana obliterated the string. Not only that, but he didn't even make that much of a mess so there wouldn't be a lot of cleaning up left to do. Clearly, Kartana was a fairly impressive Pokemon.

After all, it is the strongest Grass-Type there is.

Twilight's Pokemon Lab was where Kartana's expectations were high. After introducing the Ultra Beast to Twilight, her curiosity spiked. Once the Pokedex identified the Drawn Sword Pokemon, Twilight learned about how potent its cuts where.

With her friends requesting Bisharp to be tested against Kartana, Twilight agreed in a heartbeat. She already knows how sharp Bisharp's body is so this will be interesting.

"Alright!" Twilight clapped her hooves together. "Bisharp's body is so sharp that it was as sharp as a thousand blades in one. So if it can even chip a piece of its steel, then I think we've got a real powerhouse of a Pokemon here."

"They're both Steel, so this is obviously gonna take more than one cut, right?" Rainbow Dash thought.

"Are you two ready?" Twilight asked the two Steel-Types.


"Gnisimorp eb dluohs siht."

"Alright. Cut!" Twilight made the call.

"SHARP!" Bisharp raised his blades up, swinging them towards his opposing Steel-Type. Both Pokemon clashed their blades together with their own swings as the sound of steel colliding could be heard.

Rainbow Dash was actually correct. It did take more than one cut. In fact, after they clashed blades, both Pokemon had chipped each other. Bisharp's torso had a small chip whilst Kartana's blade which as surprisingly not steel but grass, had chipped a bit.



"Ooh! They're even!" Twilight gasped, writing down notes. "So it looks like Bisharp's steel is so strong it can even affect otherworldly metal. Not bad, Bisharp."

But Bisharp wasn't paying attention to Twilight. Bisharp is a bit sensitive about its blade's being chipped. A Bisharp prides its blades more than anything. Mostly because if the blade on its head is chipped, it'll end up retiring as its position from boss.

Thankfully, it wasn't the head that was affected but the torso. Although, Bisharp couldn't let his Pawniard retinue see him like this.

So he started to panic.

"Sharp!" The Sword Blade Pokemon got on his knees, putting his bladed hands on his head. He wasn't sure that if a Bisharp's torso is chipped, he'll have to retire. It has only ever happened with the head.

Even though the Pawniards can't decide to retire their boss. Only Bisharp can.

"Oh, don't worry Bisharp." Fluttershy flew to him. "We can get that patched up in no time."


"So, Kartana. What did you think? You satisfied?" Ash asked.

"Deredliweb ylurt ma I. htgnerts ni edalb ym hctam nac ohw eof yhtrow a ssorca gnimoc pu dne dluow I taht thguoht reven I."

"He's satisfied." Fluttershy nodded.

"Ecno ta siht tuoba nerehterb ym llet dna og tsum I." The Drawn Sword Pokemon suddenly flew off.

"Where's he going?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"He's off to tell the other Kartana's about this. Most likely, he's bringing more through. Bisharp must've been what he's been waiting for this entire time." Fluttershy translated.

"Aw...I wanted him to stay here a bit longer." Twilight pouted.

"He'll be back." Ash nodded. "They always come back anyway."


A short visit from the sharp and mighty Kartana was definitely something that the ponies won't forget at all. From a perfect sculpture to matching Bisharp in strength, The Drawn Sword Pokemon enjoyed its time here with the most satisfying cut he has had so far.

And of course, with more Ultra Wormholes out there in the world, the possibilities of what events might grace Equestria are unexpected.

"Seunitnoc yenruoj eht sa!"

Chapter 247 End.

Author's Note:

Props to whoever can figure out what Kartana is saying.

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