• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unova. Kyurem's Castle. Late Afternoon.

After a fierce battle between Dragons, everything settled down. And right after that, Spike and the others were introduced to a pony who was hidden behind the mist. She went by the name of Snowdrop. And much like the Cryogonal, Kyurem knew her. The room inside this castle was starting to add up as Kyurem certainly couldn't fit in it.

"Who's this, Kyurem?" The baby Dragon questioned once Snowdrop and Vulpix approached. Cetoddle would quickly drop off Iris' grasp to meet with Vulpix. This only confirmed that Vulpix was also a part of this castle and familiar with Kyurem.

Snowdrop brought along a book that contained drawings. specifically, drawings of this battle, made out of crayons. A perfect rendition of Kyurem, Lance and everyone else that participated. She even got most of the colours right. The background wasn't hard to do since it was all ice.

"Good work." Kyurem complimented Snowdrop's work, making her grin with glee. "This drawing perfectly captures what happened. Minus some of the colours."

"Hm. That is a pretty neat drawing." Iris leaned in. "Great work."

"Thank you. Whoever you are." Snowdrop said, appreciating Iris' compliment. "My name's Iris. Nice to meet you."

"This here is Snowdrop. A pony that is currently living with me in my castle. Alongside a few other Pokemon who've decided to make this place their home." Kyurem explained.

"Somepony's living here with you?" Spike gasped before pouting, realizing that he wasn't living with Kyurem. "Lucky..."

"Living with Kyurem? That is lucky." Drake nodded in agreement. "Wonder how that happened..."

"Yeah. How'd this happen?" Iris asked.

"I don't think I got everything though. Did I?" Snowdrop scratched her mane, asking Kyurem if her drawing truly captured everything. Unfortunately, a few things were missing. Iris and Cetoddle were missing but mostly everyone else was there.

"Not everything. You missed out on Cetoddle. And the other girl here." Kyurem shook his head. "But do not worry. It's only one misstep."

"You can try and draw me again if you want." Iris leaned in. "I mean if there's enough space for it."

"Really? Oh, many thanks. But, could you please tell me what you look like?"

"What I look like?" Iris repeated, tilting her head.

"Snowdrop here is blind. Everything that just happened is impossible for her to fully see. So as a substitute, the drawings are what can suffice." Kyurem revealed that Snowdrop, despite seeming like she got the full wonder of the battle, couldn't see it at all for what it was.

"I see. But how do the drawings help then?" Drayden questioned.

"The drawings suffice by letting her imagine the scenes themselves. But there is another step to elevate the experience even if she can't see right after she draws the scene with her skills. And that is how she can enjoy herself."

"Uncle Kyurem is right. I love Pokemon Battles but I wish I could see them all for what they truly are. So, these drawings are the only way to know about how amazing they are. But it gets better when that special ingredient gets added to my drawings."

"I cut our battle short because this can only happen during nightfall. Snowdrop's drawing needs to be taken back to her time."

"Her time?" They all said in unison. Kyurem didn't say 'Her World'. He specifically mentioned Time instead.

"Wait...did you travel through time?!" Iris pulled back as even the serious Dragon Specialists who were also straight-faced had to widen their eyes and mouths for this. Although, it's impossible for anyone to see Drayden's mouth.

"That's right! I'm a time traveller!" Snowdrop put on a cheeky grin. "But not on purpose. Definitely against my will. Right, Vulpix?"


"Did Dialga do this? Or was it Celebi's doing?" Lance alternated between the two different Time-Based Pokemon.

"Neither. Snowdrop appeared here three days after the Rift began its shenanigans." Kyurem would walk over, picking up the little pegasus and placing her on his back. "In reality, despite being caught up to the events of this world, she actually comes from centuries in the past."

"Centuries? How far back are we talking?" Spike asked.

"I don't know. All I remember was...I was pretty old. Very old, I could barely feel my back. And then next thing I know, I'm young again but I ended up far from home." Snowdrop replied.

"So not only did you travel through time, but you de-aged," Drake added. "You must know a lot then. And...it's not hard to see how it happened if the Rift was involved."

"I knew from the start this had something to do with the Rift. When I found her, she had Rift particles around her. But, the gateway to her world vanished the moment I came across her." Kyurem could recall it all. He was caught up to the world despite being so secluded in his Ice Castle. Even Legendary Pokemon, who are usually hidden from the world, can know about the current state of the world. Both worlds to be exact.

3 Years Ago. Near Kyurem's Castle and Roshan City. Nightfall.

On that day, just three days after the Rift began the crossover of two worlds, Kyurem was already aware of it all. Upon exiting his castle, the Boundary Pokemon would not only feel a disturbance but the energy of the Rift could be seen up in the sky, floating there always.

Kyurem grumbled, feeling uneasy about it. And yet, he did not approach it. Even if he did, the Rift would then vanish moments later, leaving nothing behind. Kyurem would go about his day, walking past all the smaller Pokemon who would either gather around Kyurem or keep their distance. Kyurem could be seen as a friend or foe, depending on the Pokemon. Most Pokemon, mainly Ice-Types, chose to stay around Kyurem just for safety from their predators. Kyurem could care less if they stuck around him. He was too powerful to care and too gruff to acknowledge them.

"I wasn't a stranger to cosmic threats. In the far past, I've encountered a few of them by myself. But the Rift was different from the rest of them. I could feel it. One of those ways was how chaotic it felt. Especially with how it opened a portal through time."

While minding his business, moving across the snowy land, leaving behind massive footsteps, Kyurem was alerted. A booming sound roared through the tundra, scaring off nearby Pokemon. But not Kyurem. His eyes locked onto the sound of the boom, immediately spotting a gateway in the distance. He could recognize the appearance of the gateway since it was strikingly similar to the Rift. Believing that this was the entity in the sky, Kyurem would rush over to try and confront it. Possibly with intimidation tactics or even talking to the entity. Or both.

He rushed through the snow, jumping over hills and mountains to gauge better distances. And upon reaching the location of the gateway, that's when he saw her. Lying in the snow was none other than Snowdrop. Rift Particles surrounded her unconscious body, flowing through the snow and interacting with them in bizarre ways. The snow would dance around in response to these particles as if they were now sentient.

Kyurem would approach the body of Snowdrop, gazing at the young pegasus for a while. He would notice how the particles would leave Snowdrop's body, removing what seemed to be wrinkles around her face. Not only that but there was previously a cane here. That cane would also vanish. He then noticed that the gateway would disappear next. shrinking before his eyes. This little pegasus was a reminder of what previously showed up here. Kyurem assumed that she would vanish yet. But the longer he watched, noticed that she didn't vanish.

Kyurem already had something in mind. He could tell this was a child just by how she resembled that of a Ponyta. And even back then, the Boundary Pokemon was lenient. Snowdrop couldn't possibly lie here forever. By this time, Kyurem had no idea what Snowdrop was supposed to be. He just assumed she was another Pokemon. Whatever the case, he would pick the little pegasus up before walking off with her.

Moments after crossing the snowy tundra, Kyurem would return to his castle with an unconscious guest. He was kind enough to bring her to safety instead of letting her perish in the unforgiving cold. But, his castle wasn't any better since he was the Embodiment of Ice. However, Kyurem had that covered.

He would slash away at a chunk of ice, softening it up a bit for her to rest on. But some additions had to be made. For starters, she would still be cold, so some heat was needed. Thankfully, Kyurem could produce that. But at the same time, he could melt the ice away with his powerful heat.

And yet, Kyurem wasn't bothered by this. Once more, he could easily solve this as he was the master of Fire and Ice. He would add a special chilling aura around the chunk of ice before then breathing fire next to it. This unison would allow the chunk of ice to remain while the fire would peacefully burn. Best of both worlds.

Snowdrop was kept warm because of this. She would heal up nicely as Kyurem would stand by, waiting for her to wake up. Because after this, she was out of here.

"Mrrgh..." Once the flames healed her, Snowdrop found herself waking up at last. She rubbed her hoof, grumbling as she nearly fell off the ice chunk. When opening her eyes, despite being blind, Snowdrop's still had something to make out even with this blindness. Colours and shapes were still possible for her. And right now, everything was dark blue, light blue with a hint of yellow. The yellow part specifically came from Kyurem's eyes. The blurry and faint figure of Kyurem appeared but it was impossible to make it out. Normally, anyone would've freaked out and started screaming but not Snowdrop. "Oh...Hello. Oooh, it's chilly in here."

"Awake finally? Good. You may leave now." Kyurem instantly wanted her out.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Snowdrop questioned before rolling off the ice chunk. Afterwards, she held her head, feeling dazed and befuddled. "What happened?"

"You're in my castle. As for what happened, I found you outside in the tundra. You emerged out of that strange anomaly in space when I found you. You even had some of it around you."

"Strange anomaly? What?" She said with confusion before shaking her head. "I don't get it. You mean the flash? Wait. Was it because of the flash?"

"Clearly, your mind is also recovering, young one. Take some time to recover and then leave to wherever you originally came from."

"Young? I'll have you know I'm-" Just then, Snowdrop scrunched her face before then realizing something was wrong. Very wrong. The very first sign of this was her voice. It was incredibly light. This voice would belong to a child, no doubt. She would then flail her hooves around as they moved with swift speeds. She would even flap her wings a few times before taking flight. "Hang on...I can't do any of this at my age. Unless...I'm not at my age anymore?!"


"I'm young again! Where's my cane?!" Snowdrop gasped before realizing she wasn't holding the cane that came with her. "No cane...Which means...I can fly around freely again! No more walking with back pains! Woohoo!" She was clearly elevated by this. It was a wonderful feeling to be young again. But she wasn't questioning it. She was loving it. "MY hooves don't strain anymore too! Oh, wait till everypony hears about this! They'll probably freak out! Maybe..."

"Tell them then. You can start by exiting my castle."

"Right, right. What's your name, by the way? Thank you for saving me!"

"The name I've been given and associated with the most is Kyurem."

"Kyurem. What an interesting name. Well, farewell. Many thanks!" Snowdrop would fly off, departing from Kyurem's Castle. Kyurem growled a bit as the high-octane energy from Snowdrop threw him off a bit. She didn't expect her to be so ecstatic in the face of such a large creature.

"After that, I believed we'd never encounter each other again. However, there was one problem. Snowdrop wasn't aware that she was in a world vastly different from hers. Because of that, she was lost. And being lost only draws Wild Pokemon in, making you an easy target. She was lost in the chilling lands yet again with no clue where she was. How could she now with her struggling vision? And without a Pokemon...that was just a recipe for disaster. It wasn't until a day later that I saw her again."

Being in a completely different world meant that the dangers of Pokemon would be harsh on the little pegasus. Fearful of what was out there and listening to all the bizarre sounds, she rushed back to the one place she at least remembered. Kyurem's Castle. She would fly through the skies, endangering herself since the ice and snow would threaten her wings the same way they threaten Flying-Types.

At the same time, she was being pursued by a group of Golbat who were eyeing her down. For a day she's been fleeing from Pokemon, using only her hearing instincts to protect her from whatever creatures were nearby.

"Golbat!" The Golbat would then use Air Slash, unleashing violent blades of air that would smash against the ground while going for Snowdrop. She managed to evade them but her wings were starting to freeze. If she would be kept out here longer, eventually, the pegasus would fall. Luckily, she managed to reach Kyurem's Castle in time, banging on it as hard as possible.

"Hello! Mr Kyurem! Are you there?! Help!" She yelled as loud as she could, calling for help. The Golbat were getting closer as their Air Slashes started hitting Kyurem's Castle, slicing off some of the ice. Snowdrop had to take cover, hiding underneath a pile of snow. But that wouldn't do much as the force of the Air Slashes would casually blow the pile away. There was even a close call. One of the blades sliced Snowdrop's tail, dropping two strands. Terrified, Snowdrop would back away as fast as she could before bumping into the walls of the castle. Right now, she was cornered as the Golbat would swoop in for a close encounter. This time, they would use Poison Fang to get a bite out of her.

But that wouldn't happen. Appearing as a shield by rapidly and vigorously running to Snowdrop's side, Kyurem showed up. Her vision immediately remembered Kyurem from his massive and unique appearance as a smile graced her face. He truly did come to help. Upon showing up, he used his signature move, Glaciate.

Multiple colossal ice shards that were about as big as Kyurem's head had appeared around him before viciously striking the Golbat. One by one, the Golbat would be taken out by the shards with immaculate aim. Just like that, harm to Snowdrop had been prevented as each of the dropped like flies.

"Hah...Thank you." Relieved, Snowdrop slumped on the wall, taking a deep sigh.

"You just had to run into trouble, didn't you?" Kyurem groaned. He was hoping not to see her again at all. But alas, a second encounter had arrived. And once more, it involved a dangerous position for Snowdrop.

"Sorry...but I don't know where I'm going." Snowdrop shook her head. "What were those things? And where is here?"

"Lost, are you?" Kyurem narrowed his eyes before thinking about the gateway. Kyurem clearly knew that it was a portal of some sort and Snowdrop was displaced in a location that felt alien to her. But Kyurem had yet to know how alien it truly felt. "What region are you from?"


"You're clearly not from here. Speak the region you come from and I will at least guide you." Kyurem would chime in one last time to help Snowdrop out of the goodness of his heart.

"Sorry, but...I don't know. I come from Equestria. Is that a region? I think it's just a nation."

"Equestria?" That name was unfamiliar to Kyurem. There was no region in this world called Equestria. This only confirmed his suspicions. That gateway didn't pull her away from a region. It pulled her from another world. "So...You are truly lost, aren't you? No clue where to go since this world is alien to you."

"Right. And it's even harder to see what's what. I'm...actually blind." Snowdrop revealed her blindness to Kyurem. Thanks to this, it was much harder for somepony who was not from the Pokemon World, especially since this was the earlier days of the two worlds crossing over.

Kyurem grumbled. This raised vast problems. Snowdrop was not only from another world but she was blind, only adding to the problem. It was soon elevated when he saw that Snowdrop had nothing else on her. There wasn't a bag or any Poke Balls that could be seen. Basically, she was defenceless out there.

"Hmph. Come inside." Kyurem would let her inside one more time. He couldn't send her back to her own world since he had no means of doing so. Plus, he couldn't let someone who was blind just go out on their own. Not when the harsh cold harboured fearsome Pokemon of all kinds that could either bypass the Ice without being Ice-Types or freeze the little pegasus in an instant if she wasn't careful.

Snowdrop was let back into the castle, feeling safe there. With a Pokemon as large as Kyurem, how could she ever feel threatened? Perhaps the cold could threaten her since it was constantly chilly here. She didn't have a blanket or anything, but she did have Kyurem's special flames that immediately staved off her shivering.

"Thanks again." Snowdrop sighed while sitting next to the flames. "I'm not sure what you are...but you make some wonderful fires."

"So. You mentioned a flash before, did you not? What did you mean by that?" Kyurem questioned her about the flash. "The same thing happened in this world but the only thing I witnessed was a strange anomaly in the sky. Did your eyes view the same thing?"

"Well...the last thing I remember was looking up to see something blue and purple suddenly showing up. I wasn't sure what it was but the colours were easy to make out. Does that help?"

"Very much. That matches the colours of the particles that were around you and the anomaly. Clearly, you've been sent here with a portal, snatching you from your own world. It's cosmic interference."

"So I'm actually not even in my own world?!" Snowdrop gasped as this went beyond just ending up in another land far from Equestria. "Then what is this place?!"

"As the humans of the world say, this is the Pokemon World."

"Po...kay-mon?" She attempted pronouncing the name of these Strange and Wonderful Creatures. Kyurem shook his head as now she had no clue what a Pokemon was. If she was to go back out there, the next Pokemon that's nearby will be hard to read and anticipate. "Apologies. But I wish I knew about everything you were talking about."

"It is not your fault. It's that anomaly's fault." Kyurem looked outside, gazing at the skies. "You won't last a second out there, nor do I have a way to take you back home."

"Figured as much." Snowdrop grumbled, taking flight. "I'll...try and get out of your hair then. If you have hair."

"No. You will stay here." Kyurem immediately prevented her from leaving. "It's far too dangerous for you to get out there, especially if you are far from home. Drastically far."

"Really?! You mean it?!"

"I need to investigate this. I sense a grave threat is upon us all. I will investigate. And you will stay put until I can sort something out."

"I understand! I'll be on my best behaviour!"

I tried finding a way to bring her back home. But by then, there were no other gateways that were visible to my eyes the further I flew. It's when I realized that the Rift at the time was actively trying to prevent me from finding a way to take her home. It was almost as if this was part of the Rift's plan. Even when I would find one, the gateways would vanish in the blink of an eye. But everyone else who would use them were exempt from this restriction.

Indeed. The gateways reacted instantly once Kyurem approached. They would either shrink and vanish or be invisible to Kyurem's eye, preventing the Boundary Pokemon from finding them. Why was this the case? And why would it only restrict Kyurem? By this point in time, Kyurem wasn't that sure at all.

The next thing I know, the nearby city became invisible to me as well. It did not vanish but it was part of the Rift's plan. But it seemed that sending her forward in time wasn't the only plan. Turning Snowdrop into a child again meant that her mind regressed. She did not forget about the flash or even the fact that she was in another world. But her memories of her future life were gone as she wouldn't behave like an adult. Instead, Snowdrop would act like an actual filly, losing years of maturity just like that.

By then, Kyurem had gotten used to Snowdrop's presence. His investigation, ironically, became cold. He had no way to keep the gateways around at all. At least, not yet. And her presence here certainly changed a few things. Kyurem would often wake up in the morning to see Snowdrop preparing decorations made out of ice. These decorations would be added to the few rooms within the castle, minus Full Court. Kyurem did not mind them at all. He could even see the appeal of these decorations.

Over time, Snowdrop grew curious about the Pokemon. Especially a Pokemon Battle. This was thanks to Kyurem grabbing objects that were necessary for Snowdrop to live. Mainly food and water. But he would even find himself some books to grant her knowledge. These books were salvaged from old places that mainly threw them out. He had to make do with what he had and it proved to be effective.

Kyurem would bring her more things as this was the most he had to ever leave his castle. And it was all for one girl. Kyurem had to wonder why this was happening. Especially with this one pony. But he didn't question it too much. Whenever he would return home with new objects, Snowdrop would greet Kyurem by hugging his leg. Kyurem, much like many solitude Pokemon, wasn't one for hugs. But he allowed it.

And as time went by, the more hugs he received, the more he warmed up to Snowdrop. He would even stay behind to see what wonders she could get up to. One day, he even discovered her special skill to draw upbeat art despite being unable to see that well. Kyurem couldn't help but pity her.

And because of this, Kyurem would grow closer to Snowdrop, being the one to read all the Pokemon Books to the little pegasus, becoming her teacher. Since he was an extremely old Pokemon, Kyurem had heaps of Pokemon knowledge that date back to the earlier years of the Pokemon World, making him the perfect teacher.

And a father figure.

Snowdrop was so accustomed to this place that she never thought about leaving it ever. Unless it was during the night. When the moon would rise, Snowdrop would gaze out into the night sky, admiring the beauty of the moon and the stars that accompany it.

At times, Kyurem would join her in stargazing. He wasn't one for sightseeing, but since he grew so close to her, he could see the beauty in this small activity. Kyurem never felt this sensation before. Watching the stars with someone else felt wonderful, especially when Snowdrop would slump on his leg. The Cryogonal would join in watching the stars as well as nearby Pokemon who were friendly.

And since then, we became close and I had someone I cared about truly. I wasn't sure how to feel about it at first...but I must admit...if this is what it feels like to be partners with another Pokemon for your Trainers, I can see the appeal.

Current day.

"So that's how it happened." said Snowdrop."Uncle Kyurem's the best, isn't he?"

"I get it now. But you're also being blocked off from reaching Equestria at all." Spike grumbled. "That ain't right."

"I wish I could go back. Maybe I can see Princess Luna again." Snowdrop sighed as despite the comfort she received here, she was truly limited to one world and that was it.

"Cheer up. We can help you with that." Iris kneeled to face her. "We'll find a way to bring you to Equestria one day. Count on it."

"Really? That makes me so happy, Miss Iris." Snowdrop could find solace in that possibility and promise.

"Before that, we must cast the spell on the book. There is a Delphox who can elevate the experience for Snowdrop." Kyurem spoke. "She comes from the other world by using a gateway that we are still unable to access. After that, we shall return here."

"You mean the one from Frenzy Fores?!" Spike gasped, knowing about that Delphox. "If that's the case...I've got an idea that could work. Kyurem, sir. Would you mind if you waited for a bit before you reached Delphox?"

"Hm? Why is that?"

"Just something I gotta test out. And I know the right friends who can chime in." Spike would hold out the Xtransceiver, knowing who to call. Lots to call and lots to help. In what way exactly? And how would it correlate with Delphox? That was a theory Spike wanted to test out.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 862 End.

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