• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unova. Underwater. Samiya.

Samiya. The Sea Temple. Finally, the group had arrived at their designated destination. The mini-boat they were on had passed through the cloaking device, giving them a better view of the place.

It still had its massive and complex size once it was seen. Ash and Pikachu felt nostalgic while Luna and everyone else were in for a brand new wonder. The mini boat needed a place to stop in the Sea Temple. Luckily, when entering the Sea Temple, there was a surface to walk on via some marble. The mini boat stopped in front of the entrance of the temple as Ash was the first to exit.

After exiting, he got to gander at the Sea Temple a second time after many years. He thought he would never see it again but here he was. "Awesome...Still as massive as ever..."


"This is Samiya...?" Luna gawked, witnessing the front of the temple. There were billions of golden lights flaring across the temple along with massive columns on every row that had stairs that led to it. And this temple had a plethora of floors with a spiralling staircase that led to the very top.

"It was worth the journey." Shining Armor took his helmet as everyone agreed with a nod. "How could anyone miss this?"

"Just as hidden as Pegalysium," said Luna as Darkrai emerged from the shadows. Carlita hopped out of the mini boat, just as excited as Ash.

"And we can breathe here?" Carlita gasped, noticing how they didn't need any helmets to breathe in this area. Those that had once lived in the Sea Temple were still human at the end of the day.

While Ash and Pikachu felt great seeing this place again, they noticed that despite how it had the same appearances, new things could be seen.

Just right next to the tallest part of the temple, seven skinny, square towers dominate the seas of this massive castle and are connected by tall, narrow walls made of basalt. Stylish windows are scattered here and there around the walls in fairly symmetrical patterns, along with symmetric holes for archers and artillery.

"Oh! Cadence and Flurry Heart, both Flurrys, wanted me to show them the Sea Temple when we ended up getting there." Shining Armor shot up. "Quick, Ash! Pass me your Xtransceiver!"

"Got it." Responding to Shining Armor's request, Ash went for his trusty Xtransceiver. Versatile for communication and even an extra camera function. But the moment he went to pass it on, in the blink of an eye, something else had interacted with it. And it wasn't a hoof.

A glowing blue rope had suddenly appeared from above, rapidly wrapping around the Xtransceiver. And just as fast as it had wrapped it, it had also pulled the Xtransceiver away at the same pace.

It took everyone 5 seconds to realize that the Xtransceiver was gone. "Huh?!" Ash and Shining Armor gasped, seeing the disappearance of the device. While everyone was surprised, Ash and Pikachu were the most surprised. Realistically speaking, the only individual to be in the Sea Temple aside from them would have to be Manaphy, the Prince of the Sea.

But that wasn't the case. As they all looked ahead, they saw where the rope had returned to. Someone was holding it. But that was impossible. For that to happen, another human would've had to find the Sea Temple before them. It wasn't Team Plasma. It certainly wasn't the Empress and Daybreaker's forces. It wasn't even Phantom the Pirate.

It was someone new. A child.

"Ooh, what is this?!" The blue-haired girl spoke, dangling the Xtransceiver with the rope before fully holding it. Appearing next to this tribal-dressed young girl was a Mareanie, landing on top of her head. "Look at this thing Marie." She showed the device to the Brutal Star Pokemon.


"Hey, kid!" Shining Armor yelled from far away. "Can you give that back?!"

"Come and get it then~!" She giggled before playfully waving the Xtransceiver around. Afterwards, she ran off with Mareanie, not planning on giving it up so easily.

She had essentially given them a challenge. A challenge to come and retrieve the Xtransceiver from her. Normally, this wouldn't be too big of a deal to everyone. However, not only was it a problem for Ash, but considering the reason for everyone being on this journey, the Xtransceiver was there to help them communicate with Princess Celestia and many others.

Thus, they gave chase to the young girl and her Mareanie. "Child! Come back here!" Luna bellowed before flying for better speed. This was certainly one way of exploring the Sea Temple as the young girl was surprisingly fast, leaping and dashing from place to place in a few seconds. Even Darkrai, who was swift when within the shadows, was just barely keeping up with her.

"Over here!" She taunted them before sliding down a slope of water with Mareanie. There was definitely some new additions to the Sea Temple that Ash and Pikachu noticed.

But that wasn't all Ash noticed. He was still wondering how a child could be in the Sea Temple. Unless, by some strange coincidence, this child had accidentally found her way to Samiya when venturing out without knowing.

"Did she get here before us or..." Ash said to himself. He was thinking of another possibility. However, as they pursued the blue-haired girl, everyone, except for Ash, knew nothing of the traps in this complex temple.

And the first trap showed itself in the air. Made from the same material as the blue rope the young girl had used, a glowing blue object in the shape of a giant bowl had opened from an open hole. The bowl had flown in Luna's direction, catching her before she knew it.

"Oh!" Luna gasped before the bowl suddenly gained a second half, becoming a full circle. "W-What is this?!" Luna cried out as the circle trap had then carried Luna away into the distance due to the speed it was moving at.

"Luna?!" Darkrai cried out.

"That's right! This place has traps, you guys!" Ash warned. "But I never saw these traps before..." The moment he gave this warning, the same blue ropes appeared, this time from below. Right where Darkrai was moving with the shadows, these blue lights had wrapped around his arms and body.

The lights even counteracted his shadows, pulling the Pitch Black Pokemon to the floor. Not just that, the floor tiles had slit open, sending Darkrai through them to a lower level as the tiles had reformed as if nothing happened.

"Oough!" Adagio, Flash and Shining crashed into what seemed to be an invisible wall. A blue light faintly pulsated once they made contact. Afterwards, just like Luna, they were trapped within a box of glowing blue material. The box then started moving on all 6 faces like a puzzle with the three ponies plus Kricketot, trembling inside.

"Ow-ow!" Adagio whined, bumping her head into this box as it moved. Aegislash was the only one safe as he simply phased through the box. The Royal Sword Pokemon then chased the rapid-moving box, aiming to free his trainer and the others.


And it didn't stop there. The guards were focused on saving the princess as they galloped and flew in the direction of where the circle had taken her. But they as well were struck by the temple's many traps. The trap they triggered ended up being the same box that Adagio and the others were in. Except these came in rows, catching each of the guards the moment they passed through.

Now it was just Ash, Pikachu, Manaphy Carlita and Aegislash who were safe for now. But Aegislash had strayed away from Ash, Pikachu and Carlita, focusing on getting Shining Armor.

"Manaphy!" Manaphy just ended up jumping wherever she wanted. There was an odd air about this place that made her curious. She swam off without a trap getting to her.

"Guess it's just us now!" Carlita said while dashing behind Ash. "Should've known that this place had traps from the get-go!"

"It's fine, Carlita!" Ash replied. "I never saw these traps before when I came here the first time. So why now?"


The three of them caught up to the blue-haired child before coming across what seemed to be minecarts. These minecarts were on rails and tracks, holding the blue material that glowed along with some other common materials. Ash, Pikachu and Carlita noticed that the only path here were the rails and tracks.

But they took the risk.

Besides, the young girl was currently sliding on these rails with a perfect balance. "Too slow!" She stuck her tongue out while waving the Xtransceiver.

"That brat!" Carlita growled. Ash and she took the rails while Pikachu stayed on Ash's head for safety. The moment they got on the rails, they were suddenly forced forward by an odd acceleration. "Woah!"

"Oh geez!" Ash gasped before noticing how the rails forced them to move forward instead of staying motionless. And from the speed they were going at, they might end up crashing into the minecarts. But with a quick reaction, they both leapt over the first minecart.

After doing so, the trio noticed how they were around a tunnel of water. The water was on the outside, allowing for air in here of course. Even this hadn't been seen by Ash before. After jumping over some minecarts while at a forced speed, they were gaining pace with the girl.

"Hm?" She turned around to see the three of them getting closer. "Yikes!"

"You won't get away from us!" Ash grinned along with Pikachu.


"This is getting scary. Marie, use Sludge Bomb!"

"Mareanie!" Under her command, Mareanie turned around, opened its mouth. Flowing out were rapid spheres of sludge that would act as obstacles in this chase.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu promptly leapt off Ash's hat before swinging his hardened tail. He smacked the spheres, sending them flying elsewhere. Ash then caught Pikachu while he was still in midair.

"This is too shaky for me!" Carlita held onto her hat as she felt like she was going to be sick the more she would move on these rails. That's when she took a Poke Ball out. "Come out! Hydreigon!"

"Hydreigon!" Appearing from the Poke Ball was her Shiny Hydreigon. Carlita then jumped after gaining enough acceleration, she landed smack-dab on the back of the Brutal Pokemon.

"After her!" Carlita pointed.

"Drei!" Hydreigon was on it, speeding through the air to reach the little girl.

"!" The young girl looked intimidated for a second before using that same rope again. The rope extended before wrapping around a higher rail. Mareanie held on tight for dear life as the rope had pulled the girl and the Brutal Star Pokemon to a higher height.

"Hold on, let me-" Ash was ready to send out Dragonite to help him get higher. But that was too late. The track he was on led to a different path. It had a downwards slope as Ash felt a sudden acceleration before he and Pikachu were whisked downwards to another level. "Woooaaaha!"


"Ash! Pikachu!"


As for those trapped in objects, they were currently being carried away by a stream of water that flowed in any direction. Adagio had an unamused face as Aegislash was struggling to keep up due to all the water obstacles.

"Just our luck..." Adagio groaned. "Why did we even come to this temple in the first place?"

"Well um...we originally came here so that the crystals would be protected. But I guess that's as far as it goes." Flash Sentry chuckled as Adagio stayed unamused.

"On the bright side, at least we have something to tell when we get back home. Usually, it's Twily and everypony else that go on wild adventures like this."

"...Twily?" Adagio paused for a moment before her eyes shifted towards Shining Armor in this cramped space.

"Yeah. Twilight."

"You nickname your sister?"

"Well...yeah. I mean, not every sibling does that but it's my special nickname for her. Do you have one for your sisters, maybe?"


"Slash!" Aegislash was cutting through the waves with his blade, trying to reach Shining Armor and the others as fast as he could. But the water currents were just too great. Eventually, the circle that Luna was inside ended up bumping into the box as they had somewhat reunited.

"Is everypony alright?!" Luna asked as her voice echoed out of the circle.

"I feel sick..." Adagio grumbled.

"Whatever this material is, its durability is impressive. My magic can just barely get through." She was right. The circle's durability was stellar as even alicorn magic was having some difficulty. Luckily, it was still enough as the circle was starting to crack. "Lunar Ire if you're hearing me, I'll need just a bit of your magic."

She called for the assistance of Lunar Ire for a split second. Using the power sparingly as always, Lunar Ire's magic was just enough to fully crack the circle with a light blue and red pulse, freeing Princess Luna.

"Aegislash!" Seeing Luna free herself encouraged Aegislash to try harder. The Royal Sword Pokemon, instead of cutting through the waves, used King's Shield. He then powered through the raging currents, protecting himself from them. They were still strong, but the protection of King's Shield helped him.

After getting close enough, Aegislash had used Sacred Sword, extending the length of his bladed body just a bit as he then slashed the box. With the help of Luna zapping magic towards the box, they were able to free Adagio and the others.

However, since they were within a space full of water, they dropped instantly. Shining Armor and Flash Sentry held their breath while Adagio could just casually swim underwater without breathing. Siren perks.

"Gaah!" The two stallions gasped for air.

"Everypony else might be a part of a trap laid out within the temple." Luna flew over to them before calling for Frillish.

"Frillish." Once Frillish emerged from his Poke Ball, he immediately carried Flash Sentry on his back, giving him a ride. Shining Armor would just stay on Aegislash for flight.

"Get to searching immediately. And make sure to avoid any traps," said Luna before flying off. The search for everyone else plus the young girl had begun. Certainly not the first thing they were expecting when showing up to the Sea Temple.

Lower part of the temple.


"Pikaaaaa!" Ash and Pikachu were moving downwards at a rapid pace due to the acceleration. They could hardly slow down as the rails and tracks were about to end. But not without something in the way.

Right in front of them, a Quagsire could be seen just casually standing there, minding its business. "Quag?" Quagsire then turned around, witnessing the approaching Trainer and Pokemon. But, Quagsire ended up moving to the side gently, causing the rail ride to continue. "Quagsire."

"No good!" We can't slow down at all!" Ash said while almost losing his balance. He had to think and fast. Ash looked at these surroundings for anything but since he was moving so fast, everything was a blur now. But the one thing he could still see was the minecarts.

They had the previous materials within them including the same rope that the young girl had used. Ash saw this as his only chance. He waited for the right moment as he and Pikachu were approaching the minecart. With his hand held out, Ash kept his focus.

And with that focus, he managed to not only snatch the rope but also jump over the minecart. Now was his chance to use the rope. He looked up, seeing a nearby higher rail. "Right there!"

Ash then spun the rope around while standing up. By standing up, his balance was almost fully broken, but he managed to keep himself steady. With the spin of the rope, Ash then released it towards the rail. The rope left a trail of aquamarine colours before wrapping around the higher rails.

"Pika!" Pikachu held on tight as just like with the little girl, the rope automatically pulled them both upwards, proving that it had some mystical properties to it. "Pikaaaaaachuuu!"

Success. They reached a higher part of the level. But it wasn't over yet. Once reaching the higher parts and landing on the top rail, Ash set his sights on the upper level. There, she saw the young girl swinging about with her rope. "There she is!"

If there was any time to use Dragonite, it was now. By throwing his Poke Ball, out came the Dragon Pokemon Dragonite, finally appearing in the Sea Temple. "Dragonite!"

"After that girl, Dragonite!" Ash claimed before hopping onto her back. Dragonite looked to where her trainer pointed, spotting the blue-haired girl. The Dragon-Flying-Type would grant that wish no problem.

With impressive speeds that are capable of flying around the world in just 16 hours, Dragonite shot through the skies, leaving a shockwave that blew away some of the water. She was approaching the water tunnel with Ash and Pikachu holding their breath.

They entered the water tunnel with a massive splash. Dragonite surprisingly didn't need to hold her breath that much. She could still do so, but the traits from Dratini and Dragonair resided. After all, Dragonite battle with Kingdra sometimes, allowing them to adapt to the sea.

Once entering the water tunnel, Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite got to view multiple Water-Type Pokemon swimming around. Before, the Sea Temple wasn't full of Water-Type Pokemon. Instead, the Pokemon were outside. Much has changed since Ash and Pikachu had last been here.

But the view of the Water Tunnel did not last as Dragonite burst out of it like a rocket, leaving a massive hole afterwards. Dragonite reached the higher level, surpassing the other stairs. She had reached the girl in no time.

"Uh-oh!" The girl gasped, realizing how close Ash and his Pokemon were now. Seeing the close moment, she hopped off the rail before going towards a flat water surface that flowed in one direction.

"Not so fast!" Ash shouted before jumping off of Dragonite to go in the water. Dragonite pursued afterwards. Ash took an impressive leap as the young girl was amazed by it. Before she knew it, Ash had used the rope she had used before, throwing it.

The rope had automatically wrapped itself around the Xtransceiver, just like before. A bit of karma and irony in one instance as Ash flew through the air for a moment. After finally gaining the Xtransceiver, Ash landed on the flat water surface with Pikachu almost falling off.

"Got it!" Ash chuckled, holding the Xtransceiver up. "I got the Xtransceiver back!"


"Aww..." The blue-haired girl pouted as she had been defeated. "Oh well! You win the game!" She then applauded afterwards.


"Thanks. That was pretty fun actually." Ash enjoyed himself despite this being done through theft. However, the adrenaline and excitement overshadowed that. Dragonite stopped, floating beside the slowly as the chase had ended.

"Let's do it again!" She said in an enthusiastic tone. "Again, again!"

"Ah, sorry. Maybe later um...W-Who are you?" Ash wondered, asking for her name. It was only right after they had a thrilling chase.

"Enola is my name. And this my partner Marie."


"Enola..." Just then, Ash took a moment to take this name in. He answered with something else instead of his name as usual. Something had peaked his name. "Like...Magnolia, right?"

"Yes?" Enola nodded as her name did mean Magnolia.

"My name is Ash." Ash pointed at himself. "This is my partner Pikachu."


"Ash..." Just like Ash, Enola was also taking the name in and asking a similar question. "Meaning Clear thinking and intelligent history?!"

"Yeah-Yeah!" Ash nodded as he and Enola gasped. "You know about it too! Name origins from way back then!"

"Uh-huh! I know about it all! Nice to meet you, Ash." Enola held her hand out as a handshake had been formed. "Welcome to Samiya as visitors!"

"Thanks, but this is actually our second time being here."


"And wait did you say... visitors? You mean you didn't find yourself here?" Ash curiosity from before formed into a question. Before, he thought that Enola had just found herself here randomly."

"No! I live here! Samiya is my home!"

"Home..." 5 seconds of silence and brain processing before finally realizing what this meant. "Huh?! Y-You're one of the People of the Water!"


"Mhm." She nodded innocently.

"Woah..." A perplexed Ash held his head before shifting his eyes around. "We didn't see them before when we first came here. We only heard them singing. So wait if you're here...does that mean there are more people here?!"

"That's right! Come along with me!" Enola then grabbed Ash's hand as the water surface carried them forward. Dragonite got on the surface too, catching a water ride.

Ash did not expect this. The People of the Water had never been seen by him before. Only their singing could be heard. But now that was about to change as the water surface led to a tunnel.

And after they passed through the tunnel Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite's eyes were graced with a wonderful sight. A sight that was never here before.

An entire civilization with the People of the Water had been found. Populating the temple were these once long-forgotten people that now existed, walking and breathing like normal. As if nothing happened prior to this. Just like Enola, they all wore tribal clothing that most likely existed in their heyday. More Pokemon could be found within the temple which was certainly something new.

They had various traditions and resources that were unique to them. Mainly that strange glowing blue material that appeared to be some sort of emerald. The temple had a healthy economy, which was mainly supported by Pokemon breeding, blacksmithing, medicine, woodcrafting and tailoring. But their biggest strengths seemed to be elaborate crafting and advanced medicine of mystical properties.

"Awesome...So this is what Samiya is really like." Ash gawked.



"Hm?" One of the people looked over at the water surface, noticing the arrival of Enola. But it wasn't just that. He noticed Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite. Normally, Pikachu and Dragonite would stick out the most for not being Water-Types. However, it was someone else who stuck out. "Look! Over there!" He pointed at Ash.

All nearby people looked to where he pointed, spotting the Kid from Kanto. They all squinted or walked over to get a closer look as the water surface had a slope. Ash, Pikachu, Enola and Dragonite went down the slope before touching the floor.

Once he was down on something still, Ash stood before the People of the Water. They all got a good look at him before realizing who this was.

"The king...It's the king!" One of them shouted as they all recognized Ash's face. Immediately, many stopped what they were doing, rushing over to Ash Ketchum out of excitement.

"Huh?" Woah-Woah-Woah!" Ash grimaced after witnessing the fearsome sight of an entire horde coming his way. Soon, he was surrounded on all sides by the People of the Water.

"I can't believe he's back! It's been years!" They started chatting.

"Oh, let me see! You're in the way!"

"We have much to tell you, your esteemed one!"

"King? Oh! Now I see it!" Enola gasped after looking at Ash. Indeed, still to this day, Ash was the King of the Sea as showers of praise came his way. Ash has always said that he didn't want to be a king, rather a Pokemon Master. But this was one instance where that was impossible to avoid.

"Mana! Mana-Mana!" It wasn't just that, there was still someone else who was the Prince of the Sea. Jumping over the horde of people was Manaphy. Not Flurry Heart's Manaphy but the Manaphy that was once with May.

"Oh! Manaphy!" Ash held his arms out for Manaphy. He hugged her afterwards, spinning around. "Good to see you again!"

"Mana!" Manaphy was glad to see him as well. He looked around, seeing if he could spot May. "Mana? Mana?"

"Sorry. But May's not with me now." Ash apologized to the Prince of the Sea. "But I can't believe the People of the Water are actually here. I only heard all of you guys before, singing."

"We are so ecstatic to have you back, your majesty!" A lady exclaimed. "We knew you would return one day! Welcome back!"

"Great to be back." Ash chuckled. "Oh, man...Didn't see this coming."


Outside of the Sea Temple. The Grand Equestria. Day.

Meanwhile, outside, the rest of the guards were keeping watch, just in case. So far, nothing out of the ordinary. The Grand Equestria had been stopped near an island while Ash and the others handle everything from here.

But approaching the Grand Equestria were two forces. The first one was Jackie, who had recently used his Capture Styler on a Sharpedo, zooming through the water.

"Hm? Hey!" A guard cried out. "There's Jackie!"

The Pokemon Ranger made it on a good time. But he didn't have a smile on his face as always. Instead, Jackie had a different expression. And that mainly had to do with what was right behind him. Everyone took a closer look as Jackie's thumb was pointed backwards.

The Sunstorm was here too. But it was going in a different direction. Instead of going for the Grand Equestria, it went elsewhere. And even that wasn't a good sign. Jackie did a turnaround with Sharpedo as he went for the Sunstorm, knowing what they were up to.

The guards watched, witnessing this change of directions, before knowing of the incoming threat. They expected it to be direct, but since it wasn't that only sparked up some worries. "That can't be good..."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 613 End.

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