• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Pegalysium Capital. Afternoon.

"The nobles?" King Paramount said within the throne room. Just now, Twilight had given him a shocking revelation involving the Indigo Alliance. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Twilight nodded. "When we were showing up here, all of the nobles homes' started glowing that same light as yours. That means they have Rift Energy. And you're the only pony in Pegalysium we know that has Rift Energy."

"Then the alliance has been under my nose this entire time..." Paramount gasped, coming to a sudden shock and realization. But the story and theory about rich and powerful ponies making a society connected with it. "Some of my subjects?"

"Dear." Luminary comforted her husband, knowing that he was distraught about this. But he didn't let it get to him too much.

"No time to drab about it." Paramount shook his head. "Now that I know, how am I going to approach this?"

"Uh, dad there's another problem. One of their friends was taken by them. Somepony named Jade Skies." Shooting Star stepped up. "She's a Rift Pony and they're using her as a way to use Rift Magic as much as they want."

"Like Emerald Aura?" Luminary turned to him. "When was this?!"

"Just yesterday. Mom, dad we haven't found her yet. And we're getting super worried now."

"I understand. Now that I know about this thanks to Princess Twilight, I've already decided on what I should do." Paramount took a deep breath. "I promised not to use my Rift Magic until it was necessary but this is a moment for that."

"Then we're going for Jade now." Ash turned around. "If she's in one of those houses then we need to find her."

"Hold on, Ash!" Twilight got in front of Ash before he could bolt away. "We could try King Paramount's idea for a safer trick and-"

"No. You go on ahead." Paramount interrupted. "If you need to save your friend desperately, then do not stop for anything, understand?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Paramount!" Ash gave a thumbs up before running off. Twilight sighed, following after Ash anyway alongside Starlight. Gone was the decision of stealth. The Ash way is always the one way everyone returns to.

"So, now what, dad?" Shooting Star questioned. "What's your plan?"

"After this, things will drastically change in Pegalysium. I'm not sure how I'll fully feel after dealing with my subjects. Which whom I call my friends." Truthfully, Paramount did have many friends. Whether noble or not.

And having to judge his friends due to their actions affected him. He may have a strong will and heart, but when it comes to those he cares for, his other natural side shows.

"It's alright, dear." Luminary, once again, comforted him. "We'll get through it together. Isn't that right, son?"

"Yeah. But uh...what are we gonna do about all those homes then? Oh! Can I live in one of them?!"

"Wait. You already have your room. Why need a whole different house?" Paramount squinted his eyes, question his son.

"Why? It'd be cool, right? Right?" He gave a wide grin, prompting his mother to laugh while his father just shook his head, smiling anyway.


Ash and the others approached the first noble house they saw, aiming to get to the bottom of this. The lights were still being given out as courtesy of Emerald and Cold. But then, at that moment, Ash's group ended up meeting with two other groups.

One being Rarity's group as they were being carried by Pheromosa and her amazing speed and the other being Second Wind who came here for an afternoon meeting with the Indigo Alliance.

"Rarity! Guys!" Ash exclaimed whilst coming to a screeching halt. His human form was there for everypony in the capital to see as they were more shocked by Ash's appearance than the Pokemon. "And...Second Wind?"

"Darling. Apologies for the excessive amounts of light. We had Cold Colt and Emerald Aura use their magic to reveal other users of Rift Magic." said Rarity before she and everyone locked eyes onto Second Wind. "Actually...why do you have that light as well."

"You...what?" Second Wind heard Rarity's words before realizing her current position. That went for some of the nearby nobles.

"Wait a second...Are you a part of the Indigo Alliance, Ms Second Wind?" Twilight asked, making the already awkward atmosphere thicker.

Second Wind's heart was beating rapidly as she shifted her eyes around. Some nobles were confused about what was going on while the others walked away slowly in secret. Second Wind was thinking of something to say.

"Who knows? Let's find out." That's when Emerald Aura stepped up, approaching the pegasus with her horn glowing. If there was a time to use magic to force the truth out it was now.

"I-" Second Wind uttered before having her body be covered by Emerald's magic. That's when the truth came out against her will.

And to be petty and disrespectful, Emerald made sure that she said it with a booming voice for everypony in Pegalysium, even the Royal Family to hear. "I am. The Grand Judge of the Indigo Alliance, Second Wind!"

"Aha!" Emerald Aura exclaimed as Ash and the others gasped. Second Wind backed up, realizing what she had said. And it was made public as well. "Now where's Jade?!"

"You...You!" Second Wind growled at Emerald as the Rift Pony gave a cocky grin, backing up. The Royal Family stood on the balcony, hearing the whole thing with their own ears.

The jig was up. So much for those 400 years of secrecy. Now everypony knows that the Indigo Alliance are real. Not a myth or foal's tale like before. Commotion filled the atmosphere of Pegalysium as not all nobles were a part of this society.

"Second Wind. Is this true?" Paramount's voice echoed throughout Pegalysium and towards Second Wind.

"Whatever! You found out! That doesn't change much anyway!" Second Wind exclaimed before using the Rift Magic to create a violent flare of smoke that engulfed the entire city. This smoke was also made to blow everything around Second Wind away. Out of desperation, she had used this to escape.

"Pika!" Pikachu cried out as he and many others were forced back by this expulsion of powerful smoke. However, this smoke was quickly diminished by King Paramount's magic. No usage of Rift Magic was needed from him.

As the smoke cleared, Second Wind was gone. She certainly made a fast getaway, that's for sure. Panic started building up within the capital as many ponies were rightfully fearful of the Indigo Alliance. Not a myth as much anymore. Now it's a reality to them. The horrible things that the alliance has said to do could be done to them. So they believe.

"Second Wind is the Grand Judge of it all?" Luminary gawked. "But she seemed so nice! And that cute little figurine she keeps at her museum on her desk is just so heart-twisting!"

"Disappointing. But looks can be deceiving sometimes, dear," said Paramount before looking down on all the subjects. He had one important announcement that needed to be said. And most likely might cause major distrust. "Citizens of Pegalysium! I regret to inform you that the Indigo Alliance is more present than you can imagine! For you see, many of those members are closer to you at this very moment and-"

"Hold on, let me bring it back!" Emerald suddenly interrupted, using her magic to show the light of Rift Energy on those who owned a semblance of it. "There. The light's what you need to see only."

Those without the aura gasped, witnessing other ponies having this aura. Many of their close friends were indeed members of a secret society that they have dismissed for so long. The ponies that had been found out immediately started moving away as soon as they could but were surrounded by Pegalysium guards. Even around their homes.

"Thank you...Emerald Aura." Paramount sighed as he didn't get to finish his speech. "Those apart of the alliance, round them up! All that's left is Second Wind and the hideout."

"We're going ahead! There's a bunch of those lights coming from that building over there!" Ash pointed at one particular building that was giving off numerous lights instead of a few. Around 50 at best. Paramount nodded as he would take things from here, allowing Ash and the others to go after their friend.

Indigo Alliance Courtroom.

Within the courtroom, members were already here for the afternoon meeting. But they had no idea what was coming their way as Second Wind had arrived. And she wasn't even wearing her robes for this.

"All of you! Out, now!" Second Wind ordered.

"W-What's happening, Grand Judge?!" A member asked.

"We've been found out! Curse those meddling kids and-

"Told ya." Jade interrupted as she was trying to form a smug smirk. But she just couldn't do it with how she was. But deep down, she was smirking with smugness still radiating from her body. "There was no way you were gonna 1UP my friends, ya know."

"Silence! We may have been found out, but it isn't over yet. I have a lot to rely on still. The Cloven. The Rift Magic I have in me. And of course...you."

"We'll see."

"Release the Cloven from their tubes and set them out. They'll provide enough distraction. As for us...we'll need to change our courtroom location, unfortunately. But if any of you are feeling brave enough to use your Rift Magic then-"

"A-About that, Grand Judge. I used the magic to do some of my daily chores in the morning. And...I passed out." One member stepped forward.

"So did I." And another.

"And me as well." And another again. All of them shared the same answer as they were all victims of too much Rift Magic for them to handle.

"I'm afraid we all can't handle this magic. It's too much for our bodies and-"

"We'll sort that out later! Now out and flee!" She roared, scaring the courtroom and sending them into a frenzy.

With that command, the members scattered in a panic as they had been found out. They moved like cockroaches, not wanting to be caught by the guards of Pegalysium. As for the Cloven, one of the members was off to release them.

"As for you...You're coming with me. Jade Skies. I still need the magic from you after all." Second Wind proclaimed as she used her magic to place Jade in a spherical prison, removing her from the tube.

Jade remained unbothered. Not because she was devoid of emotions but because she knew her friends would get here. After all, they've already busted Second Wind and the Indigo Alliance just now.

Universe 28. Empress Twilight's Gravity Dimension.

With the dimension made by the Empress via the most she could do with her Gravity spell, Celestia, Passion and Arcanine were dealing with duplicates of herself that would keep her occupied until Empress Twilight can absorb Celestia's magic.

And for duplicates, they were certainly troublesome. Especially with how gravity was in this world. It was a mixture of light and heavy, making it difficult for Celestia and her friends. But not for the duplicates. It was as if they had free range of the gravity here.

"This is an unfavourable situation...!" Celestia groaned, feeling heavy gravity on her while using her magic to conjure up a shield, protecting her from an incoming magic blast. "But all we need to do is break free from here and get Premium as soon as we can! Passion!"

"G-Gardevoir!" Passion understood Celestia's approach. All Passion needed to do was break this dimension. And luckily for her, she was just that strong to do so. However, it would still require a ton of effort. Mainly with focus and possibly Mega Evolution if necessary.

But that focus was difficult with gravity messing her up. Passion winced as one of the duplicate Empress' whipped the Embrace Pokemon with flaming hair. "Voir!"

"You're not leaving until our real self allows it!" The first clone exclaimed before rapidly whipping Passion with her flaming mane. She even cackled each time she struck Passion.

"After all!" The second Twilight clone held Arcanine's neck with her hair, lifting the Legendary Pokemon and slamming him around. "You won't have to worry about your magic being stolen, Celestia! Not with that Boundless Cutie Mark of yours!"

"And because of that...our real self can steal as much magic as she wants for all eternity!" The first clone teleported away before she came crashing down on Celestia with a massive cube. Ripped right out of this world's landscape while also having low gravity on it. Around 50gs.

"!" Celestia gasped as she used her magic beam to push her back with great propulsion.

"Never having to worry about running out or even hopping from universe to universe. You're a good enough or even greater substitute, Celestia!" All three of the clones said as Arcanine was tossed aside after chewing off the mane.

"They're just as insane as the real one..." Celestia grimaced at the insanity of these duplicates. They had the Empress' personality down to a T.



"We need enough time to make the strongest black hole we can if we wish to break out of here. Perhaps using this dimension's gravity to our advantage could work. Arcanine. Passion. Scatter!"

"Gardevoir!" Celestia, Passion and Arcanine did just that. They scattered across the area, prompting the clones to follow them. Despite the heavy gravity, they had their ways of quicker travel.

Celestia used the propulsion of her beam to launch her forward, fighting back against the gravitational pressure. Arcanine used Extreme Speed while Passion used her Psychic abilities to boost herself forward. The clones chased them down, using the cubes as their means of transportation.

Celestia saw in the distance how some smaller cubes were floating upwards. She had a good idea of where the lighter gravity was. The Twilight's each sent multiple heavy cubes towards Celestia and the others as fast as they could.

Passion held the cubes with Psychic, pushing them back at the clones. However, the clones repaid the favour by using their magic to send the cubes back. And the extra gravity only added to this. It was all against Passion in this dimension. The odds were stacked against her.

"Voir!" One of the cubes struck Passion's leg. And they were certainly hard and heavy, causing her to fall over. The back of her leg had been greatly injured as a pile of cubes started falling on her, forcing the Embrace Pokemon down. "G-Garde!"

"Passion!" Celestia gasped, turning around to try and save her partner. But she was met with some of those same cubes coming her way. Celestia quickly ducked, evading the incoming cubes. Passion's eyes glowed as she blew away the cubes with her Psychic energy.

"G-Gardevoir!" Passion was still going strong. However, more came her way along with one of the Empress clones with some larger ones in store. Passion had to get to an area with higher gravity as soon as she could. So, to improvise, she summoned a quick and small black hole.

The Embrace Pokemon formed the black hole in front of her, using it to absorb the incoming cubes. She ended up pulling the cubes in with her gravitational pull, erasing them from existence. However, this black hole wasn't strong enough to counter this dimension.

But it was strong enough to deal with the duplicate. The clone Twilight had used gravity to her advantage to try and combat this black hole. The black hole was Passion's weakest by far. But it was still strong enough to fight against this gravitational field.

As for Celestia and Arcanine, they found a good spot. They could feel the heavy gravity diminishing as they were entering an area full of lighter gravity, allowing their movements to change.

"This should do!" Celestia exclaimed before using her magic to hold the lighter blocks. She used all of the blocks as a blockade, shielding herself in a box full of gravity cubes.

The clone Twilight approached the cubes, using the heavier cubes to try and crush them into bits. Celestia felt her blockade trembling from these hits. But, aside from that, this was enough time to activate Celestial-Gardevoir. She took out her Mega Stone, looking at it.

"Alright. Here g-"

But, with a sudden interruption, Celestia felt herself falling. Not downwards because she was already on the ground. But instead, sideways.

"Hahaha!" The clone chuckled as she was manipulating the gravity field. Celestia gasped as she was falling sideways from this shift in gravity. The cubes started falling along with her, threatening to crush the Ruler of Equestria. The Mega Stone Celestia had started falling as well.

"No!" She cried out as the stone was falling, right past her and through the cracks of the gravity cubes. Celestia noticed some heavy cubes coming her way as she quickly put a barrier around her.

With her Mega Stone lost in those cracks, getting them back would be an issue. The clone Twilight laughed at Celestia's misery, knowing that everything for Celestia wouldn't be made easier from this point on.


The Dream Realm.

The same thing could be said for Luna and Darkrai. Dealing with Nightmare Rarity was difficult in itself. But with her having control of two Tantabuses, the difficulty had spiked.

Darkrai was currently holding the Tantabus as it had attempted to bite him. The strength of these manifested nightmares were far stronger than the one Darkrai face months ago.

But Darkrai has gotten stronger too over the months. He pushed the Tantabuses away before unleashing a Dark Pulse on them. The Tantabuses warped their body, evading the pulse of darkness.

"A shame you're not Nightmare Moon now!" Nightmare Rarity chuckled while chasing Luna down with constant magical beams flying around. "I would've loved to go up against a pony of my height! Or do I possibly have to wait for you to grow up and reach your sister's height?"

"Talk all you want! But your larger height means you'll fall easier!" Luna responded before flying around Nightmare arity as fast as she could. Luna summoned a tornado out of dream mist. That same tornado then transformed into a cocoon, wrapping around Nightmare Rarity while also summoning spider webs made out of dream mist.

Nightmare Rarity was now restrained. But it didn't last long. She gave a cocky smirk as Luna gasped, feeling something emerge from behind her. It was Nightmare Rarity. She had appeared behind Luna by surprise, disappearing from the cocoon without being seen.

"Oh!" Luna gasped, quickly putting a shield, only for Nightmare Rarity to break through it. The Princess of the Moon was knocked down, crashing onto the ground. "Agh!"

"Wonder what I'll do with you when I beat you." Nightmare Rarity came crashing down, aiming to stomp her hoof on Luna. The alicorn rolled on the ground, avoiding the initial hoof crush as a massive dent had been made on the ground. "You are feisty, Luna. So you deserve something grand!" Her eyes flash as she summoned an array of magic arrows

Luna stood up, blowing away the arrows. However, some had slipped through, knocking Luna back as she went hurling through the air. The alicorn recovered, holding her head afterwards.

"Goodness, she's strong. But on the level that I was expecting." Luna panted, descending before facing down with Nightmare Rarity who was giving off a cocky smirk. "If I don't hurry, my sister could be in danger...and we would fail to save Premium Polish."

"I believe this is a good time for me to step in. Wouldn't you?" Just then, from the side of Luna, appearing as only a face once more was the manifestation of her Sorrowful Desires.

Lunar Ire.

"Oh?" And Nightmare Rarity could see her.

"I don't have time for your words, Lu-"

"Ah." Lunar Ire interrupted. "I won't do much talking at all. "All I ask is that you use me. After all, the stakes have been raised at this point. And you don't want to delay any further correct?"

"Yes, I know. She's very identical to Nightmare Moon in every way. But...possibly even more than that. She even has the control of two Tantabuses."

"Don't it?" Nightmare Rarity flipped her mane. "With those two, I'm well beyond Nightmare Moon as just a mere imitation of her. I have gone above her and become a true Sovereign of Dreams and Nightmares. Not a bad title, wouldn't you say?"

"I understand your drive to win. But you cannot do some things on your own. Darkrai is occupied at the moment with those things. But I will assist you. You may not like what I stand for, but just this once, allow me to lend a hoof and put an end to this."

Luna thought it through. Lunar Ire had a great point. She'd be wasting time with Nightmare Rarity if she didn't find a way to end this rather than just leave the Dream Realm. Two Tantabuses was a lot to deal with. Even for Darkrai. Luna wanted to save her sister and Premium as soon as she could and get out of here. So, she finally accepted Lunar Ire. But just for this instance.

"Fine. Help me."

"With pleasure...!" Lunar Ire entered Luna. But not to hide in her this time. To merge and possess her. After entering, Luna, the Princess of the Night suddenly vibrated with her eyes glowing white.

Nightmare Rarity pulled back as dak red and blue spurts of magic started rising from Luna. Her heartbeat could be heard, echoing throughout the Dream Realm as Darkrai paused to hear this, witnessing Luna transforming.


With the heartbeat speeding up, Luna's mane, tail and fur starting shifting colours. The form she had once awakened during her sadness and anger at Celestia being harmed was returning. She opened her mouth, breathing out smoke as if she was a dragon as a ferocious pillar of magic erupted from her body.

Red and blue lightning started crashing down, almost hitting Nightmare Rarity while some of them struck the Tantabuses, shocking and leaving holes in them.

"This isn't something from the Dream Realm...this is real lightning!" Nightmare Rarity gasped as Luna's pillar aura then formed into an orb that covered her. The orb shattered, as bursting out of it was the manifestation of Luna's sorrow and rage. The true form of Sorrowful Rage Magic.

Lunar Ire.

"Aah...!" Lunar Ire took a deep breath, closing her glowing white eyes before opening them. "The sight of my sister being taken in front of me...and the thought of the Empress using a child. Both Sorrow and Rage are coupled into those things...being enough to summon this form of magic!"

"Hmph! So what?! Your mane got spikier and your palette has been swapped!" Nightmare Rarity scoffed. "What are sadness and anger meant to do?"

"You'll see. I'll send you crying back to your universe. Or even worse." Lunar Ire stepped forward, having a voice that was the collection of two Luna's in one.

Universe 28. The Empress' Spare Palace.

Meanwhile, in the palace, two individuals, in particular, were moving around. Luna's Frillish and Pokemon Ranger Jackie. Frillish used his ghost physiology to be as sneaky as he could be during all the commotion. And he was good at it. Phasing through the walls and only through the walls.

Frillish had stopped by many rooms, shooting blasts of water on every form of technology to fry them. The scientists were unsure of why this was the case. Their creations were being overloaded suddenly.

As for Jackie, he had burrowed his way here, popping out of the dungeon with a hole he made. He was a bit of a mess after all that digging.

"Okay. We're in, Casey." He spoke to his Chatot. "Now..."

"Now you'll stay and be locked up in here." With impeccable timing, Empress Twilight had shown up. "Thought someone would show up to the dungeon first. But I was expecting Cadence to make an appearance. Who are you, human?"

"Me? Pokemon Ranger Jack Walker." Jackie crossed his arms while smirking. "Call me Jackie please."

"Well, Jackie. I assume you're with Celestia's friends, aren't you? Here for the girl?"

"Sure am." Jackie gave a thumbs up, acting as calm and natural as he can be in front of the Empress. "We're just going to grab her, take her home and all of this trouble will be over. You won't even have to have anything destroyed here unlike...well last time."

"Too bad. I could do anything to you. A regular human. Or maybe have some of my allies like Daybreaker fry you. Or just something simple like locking you up here for as long as I want. Or maybe having a human pet would do as well."

"Okay then." Jackie shrugged. "That last one's a bit too much but I do like 'em feisty."

"I-" The Empress paused for a moment. "What?"

"I mean, you look like that type, don't you?" Jackie approached the Empress while having her stay in place. He wasn't fearful of all the potential magic at all. "If I had to take a wild guess, no one's matched you in certain parts other than magic. But I can guess that I can match you in one part."

"W-Which part is that?"

"You're a pretty good catch for anyone who's not up to your preferences, anyway." Jackie a bit of her mane. "Nice and lush ethereal mane, very striking dress. And those that vicious indifference you have in your eyes."

"I-I which-how...say what?!" Empress Twilight was getting flustered all of a sudden from Jackie's words as the prisoners felt like throwing up.

"Feeling kinda mixed up about me, huh?"

"N-No!" She scrunched her face. "I mean, you're pretty good and all but- don't get the wrong idea!"

"Don't worry. No ideas here. Unless you're the one thinking of it, right?" Jackie grinned as the Empress squealed a bit.

"Oh well, you know..." She giggled before prancing on the spot, stumbling on her words for the first time in years. "Ruling for this many years by yourself gets an old mare needy sometimes, ya know and-"

"Chatot...!" Just then, Chatot had used Sing, right on the side of the Empress's ears. She gasped before falling asleep to this peaceful and beautiful melody. Right on the cold, hard dungeon floor as the prisoners felt sick from watching this.

"Nice work, Casey."


"Alright. Now to find that kid." Jackie cleaned himself off before stretching. "And hightail it out of here for some more summer vacation."

"Tot! Summer vacation!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 541 End.

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