• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Passionate Desires

Author's Note:

This whole Desire thing is something that will pop up frequently during certain scenarios. Right now for this chapter, they're simply on a smaller scale until it gets bigger later on.

Undella Town, Unova.

Currently, Celestia and Cynthia had come face to face with a Desire. A strange entity that is formed from the obsession and negative emotions of the host they came from.

This Desire was based off a young trainer who wanted a rematch with Cynthia after losing so many times. And now that the Desire had found its target, Cynthia and only desired to defeat her by any means necessary. The Desire was mindless and didn't have the logical sense as its host, making it reckless and destructive.

"Why does it look so familiar..." Cynthia narrowed her eyes.

"You know this thing, Cynthia?" Celestia turned to her.

"I'm not sure. I recognize the outline of a trainer I've battled before but...I'm not sure why it has his outline?"

"It looks like a being made out of pure energy." Celestia noticed. "But what does it want?"

"Victory!" The Desire threw out a Poke Ball, sending the Fake Beartic out once more.


"It seems like it wants to battle. It even has the same Beartic from the last time I faced him." Cynthia stepped forward. "I'm still unsure of what you are but if it's a battle you want then I'll gladly accept. Come out, Lucario!"

Cynthia accepted the Desire's challenge by sending out the Aura Pokemon Lucario to face the Fake Beartic.


"Passion. Stay far back." Celestia and her partner moved away to get some safe distance.

"Victory!" The Desire raised its hand, commanding Beartic to attack with Sheer Cold. A move capable of taking a Pokemon out in one hit.

"Bear!" Beartic's body became outlined in a light blue aura as it pulls its head back, opening its mouth. A spinning orb of bright blue energy forms in front of it. Beartic then fired a powerful light blue beam of energy with light blue snowflake-shaped sparkles from the orb at Lucario.

"Head in and use Close Combat!"

"Cario!" The Aura Pokemon narrowed his, eyes, using his ability to sense auras to dodge the beam of ice. Lucario moved at blinding speeds, appearing in front of the Freezing Pokemon, repeatedly smashing his paws and legs on Beartic's large body with fierce strikes.

Even with the ability to look in multiple directions, Lucario's Aura far exceeded that. The Desire's Omnidirectional vision couldn't compare to Aura.

"Tic!" The Fake Beartic was then launched into the air by Lucario's uppercut, dealing major damage to the Freezing Pokemon. "Bear..."

"Victory!" The Desire already knew how dangerous Cynthia could be and how nigh-impossible it was to beat her. So, to gain the upper hand, the Desire commanded Beartic to affect Undella Town itself.

Beartic had instead used Sheer Cold on the ground, spreading an absolute-zero chill across the entire town. And due to how potent the move was, it was spreading rapidly like wildfire.

"It's trying to freeze the entire town!" Celestia looked around her.

"Now I see...It looks like the trainer but it lacks the same heart like him. Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

"Lu...Ca!" Lucario puts his hands together, creating a blue ball of energy in between them. Lucario then fired the ball at Beartic as it tore through the frozen ground.

The Aura Sphere spun around, hitting Beartic's stomach as it stayed there for a bit. After that, the Aura Sphere blew up in front of Beartic, propelling the Freezing Pokemon back.

Beartic went so far that it even crashed into the Desire as they both fell on their back whilst Beartic had fainted. "Beartic..."

"V-Victory..." The Desire groaned.

The ice around Undella Town had stopped spreading due to Beartic's defeat. Not only was Beartic defeated but the Desire as well.

Its outlined body was starting to fade away with cosmic stardust floating into the air. Celestia and Cynthia watched as the strange entity vanished along with the Fake Beartic.

That Desire wanted to defeat Cynthia at all costs, but since it was the one that was defeated, it's ultimate goal had been foiled. The Desire returned to the original host, that being the young trainer who was still confused about what had happened to him earlier.

"That settles that. Good work, Lucario." Cynthia returned her Lucario.

"Cynthia. You said that it lacks the same heart like him. What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not an expert at magic like you, Princess. But from what I can tell, that was meant to be a representation of him. That trainer has always wanted to defeat me time and time again. And I suppose when that thing kept on screaming Victory, it represented that drive to win."

"So then...It's a being made out of desires?"

"That looks to be the case. But where did it come from?" Cynthia wondered.

"I think I may know where. If that being was outlined by cosmic energy then that can only mean one thing..." Celestia already knew what could've caused this.

But what she and Cynthia didn't know was that there were two other Desire's wreaking havoc nearby Undella and Humilau City. Compared to the trainer, these two desires were much stronger in every way.

The trainer's Desire obviously wanted to defeat Cynthia, but that was a desire of many trainers so it wasn't as strong. He even knew that he could just improve over time so the Desire wasn't that powerful in the first place. But these other Desire's come from hosts with personal issues that make them far stronger than the young trainer's.

For the man who was stressed out, his Desire had done a better job at freezing everything than Beartic. The Desire's ability to manipulate ice had frozen everyone in Humilau City, including its own host.

It wasn't long until Celestia and Cynthia noticed the cloud of ice rising from the East near Humilau City. They assumed it was Beartic, but Beartic had just vanished along with the Desire.

"More ice?!" Cynthia gasped.

"Something is wrong here." Celestia spread her wings as she sighed. "So much for some relaxation. Arcanine!"

"Canine?!" Arcanine sat up from the sand.

"I'll need your help in putting out the ice."

"Arca!" Arcanine nodded in understanding as he already got to work. By using Flamethrower, Arcanine melted away the ice that filled most of Undella Town. The Legendary Pokemon was definitely the right Pokemon for the job thanks to his intense heat.

"Cynthia. Could you please assist me?" Celestia asked.

"But of course. People over at Humilau City might be in danger if that cloud of ice is anything to go by. Lucario. I need your help once more."

For a second time, Lucario was sent out to assist in stopping this sudden and unexpected disaster. Both Celestia and Cynthia knew that there wasn't any time for idle chit chat. There was a problem occurring and it had to be stopped before it accelerates and gets worse.

All the while, Sienna felt proud of her work. It was going well so far. And this was only the beginning. "See, Lucien? The Desires are already putting in a ton of work. Humilau City's been frozen over and a bunch of people are passing out from watching that one TV show. I'd say I did a pretty good job, eh?"

"I mean, it is impressive. But what's up with the way they lose?" Lucien scratched his head.

"What do you mean by that?"

"That Desire based on the trainer. Once that Fake Beartic crashed into it, that was the end of it. Is that how they're all beaten?"

"Well..." Sienna puffed her cheeks. "Not really, they uh..."

"You haven't really thought these Desire things through have you?"

"No. I had the idea and what they can do but...I didn't think about how they lose. I'm still working on them, okay? Besides, these are the first three early ones. The future Desires are gonna be much better."

"I guess so. Alright, how about this? After they deal with these Desires, we work on them together and perfect them for future purposes. Sound good?" Lucien placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah! It does! This is gonna be my big breakthrough!" Sienna laughed with confidence.

Humilau City was an absolute mess. With everyone suffering from a horrible cold along with the city's power supply being destroyed along with some of them fainting on the spot, the city looked like it was on the verge of falling apart.

The two hosts who were affected by Sienna and had their Desire's manifest had also fainted. The woman's Corphish was trying to wake her up whilst the man's lover did her best to keep him warm.

Since Humilau City is known for its Water-Type Pokemon, none of them had moves that could deal with the frozen landscape around them. And they certainly couldn't handle anything electricity-related.

It looked like there wasn't anything that could help the people living here as the Desires had already taken a large amount of their life force.

The Desires were slowly regaining a physical form instead of being an outline of their host. With each life force they stole, they started to gain eyes, nose and a mouth, showing that eventually, they will have the full appearance of the host they came from. Potentially even replacing them.

However, there was hope coming their way in the form of Princess Celestia and Cynthia. Arcanine and Lucario were successfully destroying and melting the ice with Close Combat and Flamethrower.

The closer they got to Humilau, the colder it became. Passion started to feel a chill run through her body. She didn't have the same resistances as Lucario and Arcanine.

"K-Kirlia..." She shuddered.

"Here you go, Passion." Celestia used her magic to place a protective barrier around the Emotion Pokemon, shielding her from the cold and keeping her warm.


They had finally reached Humilau City as it looked like an entire artic area at this point. Nothing but ice everywhere. Even the buildings had been frozen over along with the trees and parts of the lake.

"This is horrible. What could have caused all of this?" said Cynthia.

"Lu!" Lucario could sense something coming this way with his Aura. He got in front of everyone, prepared to defend them from whatever was around the corner.

What Lucario felt was none other than the Desire of the stressed-out man. It had a slightly different appearance due to its relation to ice. Snowflakes were flowing out of its body as well as the usual cosmic stardust.

Like the young trainer's Desire, it kept on saying one single word that related to the host's struggles and how he spent too much time at work and not enough with his lover. "Longer!"

"Another one?" Celestia pulled back.

This Desire was a bit more violent than the previous one. In which it attacked others by itself without using the Ice Pokemon that it had at its disposal.

The Desire ran over to Lucario and the others, outstretching its arms out so that it could freeze them all as it did to everyone else in Humilau.

"Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

"Cario!" The Aura Pokemon defended everyone from harm by blasting a ball of concentrated Aura towards the approaching Desire.

Just like Beartic, the Aura Sphere was capable of knocking it back. However, unlike Beartic, this Desire was still standing. The host it came from had stronger emotions than the trainer, making it much more resilient.

The Desire put its arm out, manipulating the ice around the entire town with just a single hand. Sharp pillars of ice erupted from the ground, racing towards Lucario and the others as they tore through other ice blocks.

"Lucario! Close Combat!"

"Arcanine! Flamethrower!"

Both Lucario and Arcanine pushed back the approaching ice pillars, protecting their trainers from any harm. The Desire then manipulated the ice from beneath them all as it planned to strike a pillar at them from where they stood. Lucario was able to sense this as he used Close Combat on the ground, shattering the ice they stood on.

"Passion! Use Mystical Fire!" Celestia commanded her Kirlia.

"Kirlia!" The Emotion Pokemon raised its arms, sending a spiral of fire imbued with mystical energy as it tore through the ice, melting it down.

The Mystical Fire engulfed the Desire, causing it to wail a small bit. Once the fire disappeared, the Desire got on its knees, dropping ice cubes from its body. The Desire looked up at them as its anger was building. The anger of the Desire was also related to the stress the host felt.

"Longer...!" The Desire groaned as he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Just like before...it's repeating one single word." Cynthia noticed.

"Longer!" The Desire was emanating stressful emotions as the Aura Sphere and Mystical Fire managed to greatly weaken it, showing just how unfinished Sienna's plan was.

"Kir?" That's when Passion noticed it. The emotions coming out from the Desire's body. The Emotion Pokemon went up to the Desire all of a sudden as if the emotions were calling to her.

"Luca?" The same could be said for Lucario. Being able to sense others Aura's meant that it read anyone's feelings with aura waves. But unlike Passion, he didn't approach the Desire.

"Wait, Passion! Don't approach it!" Celestia attempted to stop Passion from getting closer to the Desire. But Passion used a tiny bit of the telepathy she was able to maintain, telling Celestia that it was fine.

Celestia took Passion's word for it since it sounded like she knew what she was doing.

Passion looked up the Desire as it looked down at her as well, preparing to freeze her completely. The Emotion Pokemon raised her hands, touching the face of the entity.

Once Passion made contact with the Desire, she was able to connect her mind with the thoughts of the manifested emotion. Her eyes flashed white as she entered a state of Legilimency.

"What is she doing?" Cynthia wondered.

"Passion's using her magic to read the entity's emotions. Perhaps, she feels something from it." Celestia explained.

"Kirlia..." Through Passion's eyes, she could see a vision of the original host. She saw how the host was working at the Cold Storage in Driftveil City. Not only that but she could hear the words coming from the vision as they went like this.

"You look a bit spent there, pal." One of the Cold Storage workers went up to the host. "Are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine." The host replied, sighing. "Just a bit exhausted..."

"A bit is an understatement. You've been acting like this for a few weeks now. You certainly weren't this spent when you first started."

"Yeah, I know. I've only been working here for 5 weeks and I'm already acting like a fool."

"Is there something wrong? You can tell us ya know. We're all friends here in this storage." He placed his hand on the host's shoulder.

"Well, to tell you the truth...I'm not sure that I can really handle all of this. Every time I finish working here, I head home and help my lover for the entire night."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"You don't understand. We finish at 20:00, I get home by 21:30. My girlfriend's been a bit under the weather lately. So I have to stay up all night, taking care of her. I only ever get to sleep at 3 in the morning. After that, I wake up at 5:00 and arrive here by 6:30." He explained his time cycle.

"Oh. That's rough. I had no idea you had such a tight schedule and a girl you had to take care off for that long."

"Yeah. It took me until the fifth day to realize." The host held his head. "Plus...it's freezing here." He shuddered.

"Why don't you ask the chief to cut your time short?"

"I can't cut my time short. I work as a transporter. I gotta get stuff from all across Unova and bring it back here after all."

"Ah, I see. And moving around Unova takes a lot of time too. Well, the boss is fairly nice so maybe he can change up your role. But uh...that would mean another poor soul would have to be the transporter."

"I just want to get through this entire job from start to finish. That way, I'll have enough money to start my own store someday."

"Your own store? What is it?"

"I wanna be in the night entertainment business. Right at Nimbasa City. But...reaching that goal while she's ill...I'm not so sure now."

"Well, good luck anyway." He patted the host on the back. "Wish you and your lover well. Hope you get to be big in Nimbasa City one day."

"Yeah. Thanks..."

After that, Passion's eyes returned to normal. She saw everything she needed to see. Now she understood what this entity was meant to be and how to possibly solve this. "

"Kirlia! Kirl!" Passion attempted to use her telepathy to tell Celestia what she had just discovered. Unfortunately, it only lasts 3 seconds as of now.

Lucario however, could be her translator, thanks to his Aura Waves. "Luca?" He spoke to her.

"Kirlia!" Passion explained what she saw to Lucario, asking that he tells them what she found out.

"Lucario..." Lucario used his Aura Waves to inform Cynthia about Passion's discovery, giving her the necessary knowledge.

"I see..." Cynthia nodded.

"Hm? See what exactly?" Celestia turned to her.

"It seems that this entity isn't just a representation of their desires. But also their struggles. Manifested into one single being."

"So then...what does the host struggle with it?"

"From what Lucario told me, a stressful life where he has to handle his work and lover whilst also dealing with the harsh chill of the workplace. That would explain the ice."

"I see." Celestia nodded. "Excellent work, Passion."


"Longer..." The Desire had been affected by Passion's magic, making it feel a bit uneasy.

"I'll handle it from here." Cynthia approached the Desire, knowing how to handle this type of situation since she's seen it before.

"Longer...!" The Desire was about to attack Cynthia whilst Lucario prepared to attack at any moment.

"I know you aren't really the actual person. Just the manifestation." Cynthia kneeled, coming face to face with the Desire to talk to it. "Your dream is to work in Nimbasa City, right?"


"But your lover is ill. And she needs you just as much as you need her."

"Longer..." The Desire looked down.

"Talk to your boss. If he is a nice person as they say, then he'll possibly work something out for you. After all, you're still new to this job, aren't you?"

"Longer..." The Desire knew that what Cynthia said was true. The original host couldn't feel this, but once the Desire returns, the man will be able to change things up by doing one single action. In truth, the host didn't really dislike his job. He just wanted to find some time to take care of his lover whilst also making enough money to make his dream come true.

The Desire was not defeated by attacks but instead Cynthia's words of encouragement. Those words made the Desire find a resolution as it was ready to return to its host. With the Desire being calmed down and reasoned with, the ice that surrounded all of Humilau had melted away into nothing, freeing those that were trapped within the ice.

Celestia was amazed at how Cynthia was able to solve this issue by just simply talking to the Desire. They didn't even need to resort to any drastic measures at all.

"Kir." But it wasn't over yet. Passion could feel one final emotion nearby that was also linked to a Desire. Except, this one was more hidden. She spoke to Lucario, telling him what she was currently feeling.

"Luca." Lucario nodded in understanding as he sent Aura Waves towards Cynthia's direction.

"There's one final emotion?" Cynthia said.

"If there is one other person with a manifested emotion left. Then all we'll have to do is reach them as well. Lead the way, Passion." Celestia looked over at her partner.

"Kirlia!" Passion nodded as she tracked down the final Desire by sensing its emotions. Humilau City was small, so their target wasn't that far at all.

Inside of the woman's home, her Corphish was doing its best to wake her up by using Water Gun repeatedly. But in this catatonic state, that move wouldn't work so well.


The Desire had already manipulated every electronic object in Humilau City. The rapid-moving electrons it emitted were constantly growing. Very soon, they'll end up reaching a point where the electrons can affect other towns and cities.

Passion entered the house, grabbing the attention of Corphish.


"It's alright, Corphish. We're not here to cause any trouble." Cynthia spoke to the Ruffian Pokemon. "But we are here to help your trainer."


All of a sudden, the TV started to spark, indicating that the electrons had increased in power once more. The TV was the Desire's main location since it's based on its host's dream.

"Lia!" Passion pointed her arms over at the TV, finding where the Desire was hiding.

"It's hiding inside of the TV? Just like a Rotom." Cynthia's eyes widened. "It won't be easy taking it out of the TV. None of my Pokemon have the ability to do that."

"But Passion does. There is only one way to force it out. Passion! Combine Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt to unleash Plasma!" Celestia ordered.

"Kirlia!" Passion held her hands together, combining two moves into one. She formed her signature plasma together but she held it back due to her being inside of a small house. Passion fired the small bolt of plasma at the TV, causing the electrons to go haywire.

The electrons couldn't handle Passion's plasma due to how volatile and reactive it was. As such, the Desire who hid inside of the TV had been hit with millions of volts hotter than the sun.

The Desire had been forced out of the TV, falling on the floor as it wailed and repeated one single world like the others. That being "Dream big...".

However, it was capable of saying two more words that expressed her struggle and what she desired the most. "Keep...watching!"

"Now, Passion. Look into it."

"Kirlia!" Passion went over to the fallen Desire, preparing herself to connect with the host to see what she was struggling with. With her hands touching the Desire's face and her eyes lighting up, Passion had a vision of the same area they were currently all standing in.

The woman had her camera with her along with her partner Corphish by her side. She had always dreamed of making it big in TV media as a young girl. And now that she was finally able to officially sign a contract, she could make the show of her dreams.

However, over the past 2 months, her show hadn't reached the level she was expecting with barely any traction. Practically no one had seen her show at all through the TV. And the ones that did only saw a small glimpse and then changed the channel afterwards.

But despite all of that, she continued to work on the show by herself. The only one there to support her was Corphish. She was hoping that one day, someone could sit through her show and watch it all. Even if they don't end up enjoying it.

However, she had reached a point where she was starting to lose hope. She believed that no one would watch her show ever. Not even once.

The woman sighed, holding the camera in her hands as she placed it on the table. "Still nothing. No ratings or anything. Am I doing something wrong?"

"Phish." Corphish patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Thanks, Corphish. Glad you're here to help. After all, it's still a new show so there's no need to lose hope yet. Maybe if we switch things up a bit. But I'm not sure what everyone would enjoy watching..." She grumbled.


"Maybe if-" She stood up, thinking she had an idea. "No...That won't work." She sat back down, sighing as she held her head in frustration."

Her show was an anthology series. A show containing different stories with different characters in each episode. There wasn't a continuous story. It was just segments of short stories contained into one show.

However, these short stories found zero success. That was because the cast size was very limited since it was just her, Corphish. But originally, she asked some of her old friends from school to help out with her show.

However, they declined as they didn't really want to involve themselves in the show since they had important things to do in their lives. They grew distant from her since they've found jobs that fill up so much time for them.

As such, the woman only had Corphish as a second actor. The stories she filmed only featured those two as she would have to make up an episode where it only showed them.

However, the woman wasn't really skilled at that. She was more experienced with multiple people after making home videos with her family. Being on her own with Corphish was just a huge step backwards as she couldn't really come up with any story ideas that involved just the two of them.

Her series only had 3 episodes so far due to the limited cast size she had and how many of her ideas couldn't be performed with just two cast members.

She had rarely been filming anymore, being stuck on 3 episodes. And her boss told her that if she doesn't continue the show, he'll, unfortunately, have to cancel it.

"What to do...What to do...?"

And that was all that Passion needed to see. Her eyes returned to normal as she turned around, telling Lucario to spread the information.


"Luca." Lucario nodded, sending the waves to Cynthia.

"Hm. That does seem unfortunate. Having only a Corphish to help make a show for you." Cynthia said. "It seems this one is simply facing an issue that involves having little support and others to assist."

"Little support, you say?" Celestia thought for a moment. "Let me handle this one." Celestia decided to talk to this Desire herself since she had a bit of experience with something like this.

"Keep...watching!" The Desire attempted to scatter into electrons again and attack Celestia.

"I won't hurt you. Relax." Celestia calmed down the Desire by using an altered variant of the Royal Canterlot Voice. "Your TV show. It's missing cast members, is it?"

"Keep watching..." The Desire looked up.

"Hm. I recall having a friend who experienced a similar struggle once. Involving Manehattan and its many opportunities. She used to have the same issue as you. Not many ponies would assist her with her dream. And her friends were too busy to even involve themselves. As such, she almost gave up on it entirely."

"Dream...big..." The host could tell that this pony truly did share a similar experience to its host.

"However. She eventually found new ponies who were interested in her dream. These ponies offered to help her, making her lonesome dream much more populated. And those ponies ended up becoming her friends along the way. If she hadn't found new ponies to ask for help, her dream would've ended there."


"Your current friends may be too busy to involve themselves. However, you can find others to help you with your show. There's always going to be somepony interested in another ponies' dream. And who knows, you might make new friends along the way."


"Dream...big." The Desire realized that indeed, Celestia was right. The host has only ever known her friends from school for most of her life. Learning that they had important jobs that negated the chance of them assisting her.

It felt like her friends were becoming distant with her because of that. And with the failure of her show, she felt as if no one was really interested in it.

But after Celestia mentioned how there might be others out there who share a similar interest, that sparked the hope from within back up. After all, there are people out there who do enjoy Anthology shows.

The Desire felt at peace as it no longer had to force others to watch its show and steal their life force. It stood up, accepting its defeat and was ready to return into its host. When it does return to the woman, she'll have the idea of finding others to help be apart of her show.

Celestia and the others watched as the Desire peacefully returned inside of the woman's body as Corphish gawked at the sight of it.


"Alright. Is that all of them, Passion?" Celestia asked.

"Kir!" Passion nodded. She couldn't sense any more Desires near or far. They had dealt with all of them.

"Good. Oh, dear..." Celestia sighed. "Perhaps the best vacation spot might be my room since nothing else happens in there."

"We're both tired, Princess Celestia. Why don't we head back to Undella? It's ice-free now."

"I suppose so. But won't that trainer be there by now?" Celestia said as she, Cynthia and their Pokemon left the woman's house.

"Oh. With the time we've been gone, he's probably left by now. Although...trainers can be very persistent and stay around forever." Cynthia scratched her face as Celestia laughed.

As they made their way back to Undella, chatting along the way, the woman woke up with Celestia's advice engraved in her mind.


"Oh, Corphish. What was I doing, exactly?"

"Cor! Corphish!" Corphish tried to explain to her what had happened whilst she was unconscious. But Corphish was just glad to have his trainer back as he hugged her.

"Well, at least nothing bad happened to you while I was unconscious." She hugged Corphish. "Say...instead of our friends...why don't we find others to help us?"


"Yeah...And if I catch more Pokemon, I'll be able to come up with Pokemon-centered stories featuring only Pokemon! And I suppose you would want to be the star, right Corphish?"

"Corphish!" Corphish liked the sound of being the main star of whatever story his trainer comes up with. He was happy that Celestia and the others had helped them. He won't forget them even if it was just a small encounter.

Celestia and Cynthia themselves had formed a small bond together. The time they had spent in Undella was the start of a somewhat mature and sophisticated friendship considering who they were and their backgrounds.

And this wouldn't be the last time they meet each other. With the Pokemon School being in Canterlot and Cynthia taking the role of Principal, it's safe to say that they'll be seeing each other again. Mostly on the weekends.

The Desire concept is still something that can be summoned at any time by Sienna. All she had to do was just spread the rays. The Rift humans will continue to spark up events that pique the Rift's interest and constantly put both humans, ponies and Pokemon to the test as the journey continues.

Chapter 265 End.

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