• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The trip to Pegalysium

The Solar Empire. Day.

Home of Daybreaker. The pony that was once Princess Celestia. She had currently entered her chambers where most of her army worked for better military purposes. Here, she came across a certain object that would prove to be of great use.

"How is it coming along?" Daybreaker asked.

"Excellent, your greatness." The engineer responded. "Just 6 weeks and it will be complete without fail."

"That's what I like to see and hear. Good. I'm itching to use this. Our greatest weapon by far. The Supernova!" She raised her hoof, staring at the weapon before her eyes. This weapon's identity was hidden behind a cloth but it was safe to say it was massive.

Roughly around the same size as Eternatus. Possibly even larger than that if its true appearance was revealed and it when it would be finally finished. This weapon gave Daybreaker high hopes. Whatever was behind that cloth was something that could most definitely cause mass destruction. And the fire in Daybreaker's eyes confirmed that.

"Keep working on it and add some neat and dandy improvements if you want. As for me, I shall be a bit occupied at the moment. That Universe One is still my top priority."


"Just watch Twilight. I'll show you how it's done."

Canterlot. Day.

"So we also get to come along to Pegalyisum, right?" Right now, the older Flurry Heart from another world was in Canterlot, arriving here for a playdate with Premium Polish as great friends.

"Well...Not sure if your parents would agree with that. We don't know the risk of that place after all." Celestia replied.

"Aw..." The young alicorn pouted, sitting down.

"But, maybe they'll accept it?" Celestia gave her the bright side of this. with a shrug and a grin.

"So can I go?!" Premium Polish asked with a beaming smile.

"You are most definitely not going, young one." Luna shook her head. "A foal like you will be potentially put under high risk if you set hoof there."

"Mmm..." Premium Polish also pouted as she and Flurry Heart were in unison.

"Hmph. Too bad." Adagio chuckled as she walked over. "I, however, am heading there with everyone else. Better luck next time, kids."

"So when are you gonna go there, then?" Flurry Heart questioned.

"Glad you asked. We're already preparing to head to Pegalysium today." Celestia announced.

"Today?!" The two young ponies exclaimed.

"We already have everything prepared," Luna revealed the bags of necessary items they would need for their arrival to Pegalyisum. Just in case. "Our trip there will be short, most likely. Depending on how it all plays out."

"Give us at least...2 or 3 hours and we shall make our return." Celestia theorized the time they could spend there. "In the meantime, you can have your play date while our parents take care of you."

"There's a lot we can do in that time. How about visiting Las Pegasus quickly? Can we do that?" Flurry Heart asked.

"My father will definitely keep an eye on you at a place like Las Pegasus. So, go ahead." Celesia allowed it. "When we return, we'll still be busy. Discussions about our Universal Alliance and other universes are to be made."

"Oh. I hope no one bad from another universe comes over suddenly." Premium shuddered. "That wouldn't be good."

"There won't be any surprise attacks. But I am pretty scared if someone from auntie's side shows up. Especially Daybreaker..." Flurry Heart also gave her own shudder with a gulp.

"Wouldn't Empress Twilight be scarier?" Premium asked the young alicorn.

"Well yeah...Auntie's scary. But not as scary as Daybreaker."

"I certainly didn't see her during the invasion at all. Plus, she seems to be just a mimic of Nightmare Moon, isn't she?" Luna scoffed, not thinking too much of Daybreaker. "DI don't see her holding many worlds as her own."

"Well, the truth is...auntie wouldn't have managed to conquer a bunch of other universes if it wasn't for Daybreaker. Even before that Ghetsis person showed up."

"I...beg your pardon?" Celestia, Luna and Adagio's attentions had been caught after Flurry Heart's reveal. "What do you mean by that?"

"You see, Daybreaker's the one who helped auntie succeed and get to where she is right now. Auntie only takes charge of everything because the whole alliance was her idea. Daybreaker doesn't have as much magic but she's still so terrifying. I don't wanna even think about her right now."

"W-Well..." Celestia and Luna looked at each other hearing Flurry Heart's words about Daybreaker. Perhaps, Empress Twilight was just the warmup of something worse to come. "G-G-Good to know. Again...our parents will keep you safe. We should be going now by the way."

"Okay! Good luck! Oh, bring us some sky souvenirs!" Flurry Heart exclaimed.

"Oooh, sky souvenirs! That sounds fun! Are those real?!" The little unicorn squeed as Celestia, Luna and Adagio were taking their leave. They had the whole castle to themselves now. Aside from Sunlight and Eventide filling in as their foalsitters and caretakers.

Speaking of Sunlight and Eventide, they were already present here. But as Celestia and Luna were leaving, Adagio went over to the two alicorns to speak to them for a moment. She would catch up with Celesia and Luna soon.

"Oh, Adagio. Excited to head to a brand new land? One in the sky nonetheless!" Sunlight grinned.

"Uh sure...I guess it's gonna be kinda exciting." Adagio shrugged. "But that's not the point. I need a request from both of you."

"What will it be?" Eventide asked.

"The Magic Siphoning Jar. May I have it?"

"Hm? Ah." Eventide raised an eyebrow before instantly realizing Adagio's question. "Cautious as ever, are you, Adagio Dazzle?"

"Of course. If that whole Pegalysium location strayed away from Equestria years ago and all of a sudden they just now want to talk to us after they spotted the first non-alicorn is pretty strange for a bunch of ponies who don't want anything to do with Equestria. Smells like trouble's coming this way. I should know. I'm pretty good at it."

"Well..." Sunlight twirled her mane. "I can understand your worries but, Celestia-"

"I know what she said." Adagio then interrupted. "But I can't be too careless. After how Celestia helped me these past months and even accepted me, I can't allow anything horrible to happen to her by any means. So please. May I have the jar?"

Sunlight and Eventide looked at each other than right at Adagio. They could see the sincerity and fiery drive in her eyes. Adagio meant this. The only things in life she would ever put before her is the safety of her sisters Aria and Sonata. The second would be her own singing voice. But now, she had something else she wanted to protect. Princess Celestia.

The two alicorns thought for a moment, also having the same ideas Adagio was having. She could be right. All of this seemed too sudden for the Sky Monarch to want a meeting with Celestia right as she had been discovered. And they loved their daughter to the core as well, wanting to keep her safe from harm's way. So, they decided by nodding together.

"Very well. We'll give you the jar." Eventide answered as a smile graced Adagio's face. "Just...do not go overboard with it and only use it when it counts or Celestia is certainly in danger."

"Trust me, I will." Adagio gave a reassuring and promising nod, having new words and a promise to stick by.

Kanto Region. Vermillion City. Cerise Laboratory. Day.

And of course, Ash and Goh were raring to go along as well. They already had everything packed, pumped to the core along with their Pokemon.

"Oh yeah! a trip to the sky!" Ash pointed in the air. "You psyched as I am, Pikachu?"


"There might not be any Pokemon up there...but it sounds like a blast to visit anyway!" Goh's eyes flared with excitement.

"Ash. Goh. If you could do me a favour, could you send me records of Pegalysium? I'd like to know more about it myself." Professor Cerise asked.

"Hm? Ah, sure-sure." Goh nodded. "But uh...if they've been hiding from us a bunch, won't bring over records kinda bug them?"

"Just tell me what you discovered, that'll be safer," Cerise suggested.

"Being that high up must be dangerous, don't you think?" Chloe spoke. "The clouds in Equestria were made specifically for pegasi and alicorns to walk on without falling through them, right?"

"Yeah. But we've got the Pokemon to help us with that." Ash nodded as he and Goh referred to their Flying-Types. Or at least, the Pokemon that can levitate or have some form of flying.

"Vee! Eevee!" Eevee tried mimicking the movements of a pegasus by flapping her paws around, attempting to fly. But she couldn't because of obvious reasons.

"Sounds like an adventure waiting to be discovered. Right, Chloe?" Cerise said to his daughter.

"Yeah..." Chloe was actually curious about Pegalysium. Since she was on summer vacation, she had all the free time in the world right now. And with that free time comes opportunities. "Hey, dad! Y-You wouldn't mind if I went there?"

"Go ahead. You'll have Ash, Goh and every one by your side. It would've been worse if it was just you alone." Cerise laughed, allowing his daughter to go on this adventure.

"Oh! Thanks, dad! Are you excited about this, Eevee?"


"Alright! Let's go!" Ash pumped his fist in the air, immediately rushing out for a new adventure.


Out in the fields. The same fields where Celestia found Pegalysium.

Gathering here were Ash, Celestia, Twilight and everyone else. No children were a part of this group. Unless you were to count Scorbunny and Chikorita. Everyone was ready to head up there, probably not for a long time.

After all, Celestia was just going to have a meeting with the Sky Monarch so their trip will be short. But a possible adventure was staring them in the face.

"Glad we've all made it here," Celestia spoke to Ash and the others. "Now, getting up there is no easy task with all of us combined. That is why I've personally asked Fluttershy to help us with this roadblock."

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash and the others turned to Fluttershy. "Wait, can you do something that can get us super high?"

"Oh no, not me. But Team Rocket can." Fluttershy gave her response, aiming her hoof and pointing behind her. Soon, over in the distance, everyone had witnessed something familiar and gigantic approaching. Breaking through the clouds and causing a loud noise by moving through the wind pressures was a giant ship.

Not just any ship. Team Rocket's ship after they claimed it during the invasion. That giant R was also prominent as always as the sound of Jessie laughing could be heard from above.

"Team Rocket?!" Ash and the others said.

"Morning twerps and twerpettes!" Jessie whistled with her voice echoing via the ship's speakers. "We'll be your personal envoy for now."

"So get on already," Meowth spoke through the speaker. As the ship had arrived, the lower door had opened, revealing the stairs to them all.

"Passion and I will head up there ourselves. The same way we did before." Celestia took out her Mega Stone, revealing that she would enter Celestial-Gardevoir for her own travel. "And remember. Do not cause any trouble up there. Avoid it if you can. The Sky Monarchy and I will just have a discussion. It shall be Luna and I having this discussion both."

"We'll stay silent, no problem." Ash gave a reassuring grin as they all walked over to the Team Rocket Ship.


"Mhm. You don't have to worry about a thing, princess." Rainbow Dash waved as they had each entered, walking up the stairs. The hatch then closed with the only ones standing outside being Celestia and Passion.

Once the door closed and everyone was inside, Celestia and Passion had already begun the process of Mega Evolution and their bonding. The red and golden lights flew out, covering the two of them as Celestia's body transformed into golden sparkles. Afterwards, a flash of light emerged on the ground, blowing away the pebbles as Celestial-Gardevoir had emerged.

In all of her radiance.

After arriving, Celestial-Gardevoir looked to the skies as she started flying, leaving a shockwave from her takeoff. Everyone on the ship would have to follow her since she was the one who found the way towards Pegalysium. James was at the helm of the ship, taking control. Only he had the expert flying skills to guide everyone through the skies.

The ship's engines could be heard as the flames from the fuel exuded out of the boosters from the back. Afterwards, James kicked the ship into fairly high gear, instantly pursuing the Alicorn-Pokemon-Fusion. Next stop, Pegalysium.

But they weren't the only ones heading there.

Revealing herself from mounds of rocks she stood behind was Skyblue Shine. She looked up in the sky, witnessing Celestial-Gardevoir and the ship take to the skies. They were already far away from her reach.

When looking up, she thought about what the Empress told her when she found out about Pegaylsium. A place where Skyblue Shine believed the origin of the Magic Siphoning Jar could be found.

"If by chance that Pegalysium place is where the Magic Siphoning Jar originated from, head there yourself. And if you can't, then continue searching for more information about the jar or wait for me to finish my own Magic Siphoning Weapon.

"Apologies, Empress. It seems I won't be able to reach Pegalysium. Unless..."

High above the skies.

Celestial-Gardevoir was already high up along with the ship as they had broken through the many layers of clouds the higher they went And of course, things got colder there. Celestial-Gardevoir had already been through this so she was able to slight resist it this time. The ship was perfectly fine as it was built to fly up into high areas. Possibly even space.

Celestial-Gardevoir felt that same rush of adrenaline coursing through her body as everyone on the ship felt it too. Even though this ship was built for high places, the higher they went towards Pegalysium the more they could notice the ship receiving a fairly potent toll. They all held on tight to something with their hair and fur blowing in the wind.

But, through that pressure in the sky, once they broke through the final layers of clouds, they had reached their first and required destination which was the highest point of the skies.

"Man what a rush." Ash was the first to notice this as he opened his eyes, gawking at the sight before his eyes. "We're seriously this high up, now?"


"We're close," Celestial-Gardevoir spoke to everyone, raising her voice and using a bit of her Royal Canterlot Voice. "Keep following me. Up ahead is the Sea Cloud. It will take about 3 minutes for us to reach i."

"Sea Cloud?" Everyone repeated. Celestial-Gardevoir led the way, knowing the direction to land. As the ship moved through the azure skies, they wondered what this Sea Cloud looked like.

However, when Celestia returned home after first witnessing Pegalysium, she told Luna everything she had seen. And Luna obviously kept records of them. One of those records was her drawings. She had drawn the Sea Cloud that Celestia mentioned weeks back.

"Here. I drew my own artist rendition of this Sea Cloud." Luna took out the notebook from her saddlebag, opening the page that revealed her drawing.

And Luna's drawing skills were certainly something to behold. Everyone immediately froze after witnessing her drawings. It wasn't the Sea Cloud drawing that threw them off, it was the other drawings next to it. She had drawn many battle strategies in her spare time to become a better Pokemon Trainer.

The drawings were so erratic and jumbled up that it was hard to describe if they were artistically genius or just impossible to comprehend for better or for worse. If anything, this made Luna's strategies hard to mimic due to how chaotic the drawings were. Ironically, but unsurprisingly, only the drawing of the Sea Cloud was the best-looking one due to it just being a bunch of half circles jumbled up together with squiggled wave lines inside. But that wasn't saying much.

Probably. Maybe.

"From what my sister described, it acts exactly like how a sea would except with cloud formations while being both soft and wet at the same time," Luna explained, showing them her drawing.

"Soft and wet? So if Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy try and stand or walk on those clouds then..." Starlight spoke, waiting for Luna to finish the answer.

"They would swim through the clouds as if it was the sea itself." Luna followed after Starlight's question. "This Sea Cloud has three properties. The softness that a foal would expect from a cloud, the wetness of water and the capability to be stood on. Apparently, my sister surfed on it when she came across it. She was still in the form of Celestial-Gardevoir. I'm not sure whether it was her being half alicorn or the clouds there are capable for anyone to tread on without needing wings."

"We won't have to find out for long. Look." Goh spoke as he pointed at the window. Everyone turned to where Goh was facing. They all looked through the window as coming into view was the Sea Cloud itself.

And it certainly looked like a cloud of seas, that's for sure. Sounds of waves could be heard from it like the regular as the size of it was so wide it was larger than a lake and river combined. Even the way it moved resembled a sea from the crashing waves.

"Oh! It really is a sea cloud!" Ash gasped.


"Well, would ya look at that!" Applejack raised her hat. "Ain't that a view?!"

"I'll say!" Rarity nodded in agreement.

"A-Are the clouds in the sea or is the sea in the clouds?!" Jessie stuttered. Celestial-Gardevoir was the first to approach the clouds as she was seen descending towards it. Everyone saw Celestial-Gardevoir come into contact with the Sea Cloud as she was able to stand on it.

It might be the Celestia part in her allowing Celestial-Gardevoir to stand on it without falling through. Her legs already felt wet from coming in contact with it.

"Wonder if we can stand on them?!" Ash and Pikachu were eager to test this out for themselves as they were already in a running position.


"Stop!" But Twilight quickly stopped them both with her magic holding on to them. "That's way too risky and we're already high beyond Equestria's natural cloud limit!"



"Hm?" Just then, Celestial-Gardevoir noticed something up ahead while moving through the Sea Cloud. Something that was certainly never there before when she first arrived up here in these high blue skies.

She narrowed her eyes as she spotted a Cloud Waterfall. And not one that was a part of any land like how the rainforest she came across appeared to be. This Cloud Waterfall was one with the rest of the clouds in the Sea Cloud. Not only that, but more clouds were semi-blocking the view of this Cloud Waterfall while being a part of the Sea Cloud.

"All of this wasn't there before..." Celestial-Gardevoir said to herself. "Was it?"

"Sister!" Luna went up to the speaker on the front of the ship. "What is wrong?"

"That Cloud Waterfall and these clouds weren't there before when I first arrived here!" Celestial-Gardevoir replied with the Royal Canerlot Voice. "This is the same path I took to reach Pegalysium in the first place."

"What do we do then?" Fluttershy asked.

"If it's just in the way, can't we just like fly through it?" Goh suggested.

"Only one way to find out. I'm a pegasus so I'll be fine!" Rainbow Dash chose to head outside as James opened the hatch for her. The multi-coloured maned mare zoomed out of the ship, leaving behind a rainbow streak.

She was now the third individual to arrive on the outside of these high skies, out in the open. Celestia and Passion counted as two individuals despite being fused into Celestial-Gardevoir.

Rainbow flew next to Celestial-Gardevoir rubbing her hooves together as she was going to test it out for herself. But first, she wanted to a small trot on the sea cloud. As she descended, her hooves came in contact with it. And of course, she could stand on it perfectly without any worry.

At least, that seemed to be the case. Because once she let herself casually rest on the cloud, Rainbow Dash suddenly went down on it without her control. "Woah!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Everyone gasped after seeing Rainbow Dash fall through the clouds. Their hearts started racing and even stopped for a split second. However, that didn't last as Rainbow Dash's head popped out of the clouds.

"Oh! Whoa..." She blinked while shaking her head. It seemed that her mane and face were now wet from entering the Sea Cloud. She was perfectly fine right about now. "That was close! I thought I was a goner!"

"A-Are you alright?!" Celestial-Gardevoir flew over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But check it out! I can swim in this stuff!" Rainbow Dash cackled as she started to show everyone the capability of swimming on these sea clouds. As she swam, clouds started splashing out of them. This just made Ash and Pikachu more eager to try this out, plus Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash then flew out of the Sea Cloud after having a few fun moments of swimming. Her main goal was to test out this Cloud Waterfall and if they could pass through it. The pegasus then zoomed through the air, leaving everyone in the dust.

She felt the wind fly through her face, different from what she's used to in Equestria. As she flew forward, she ended up coming across one of the many clouds that had blocked parts of the Cloud Waterfall. And once she did so, instead of flying through it, all of a sudden, she bounced off of it.

"Oh!" Rainbow Dash wailed with her body landing on this cloud. To her surprise, it was 100% solid without her needing to control her movements on it as a pegasus. "What the?! Hey! This stuff is bouncy!"

"...What did she say?" Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes as no one could hear Rainbow Dash since she was far away. No one but Audino.


"She says it's bouncy." Fluttershy translated as everyone could see Rainbow Dash bouncing on the cloud. "And they're fully solid too. She's not sinking through it at all even though it feels like water as well."

"That's bizarre...Is there anything this place doesn't have?" Starlight said.

"James hurry up and sped this thing along already!" Jessie ordered James.

"Alright, alright. At least have some patience." James replied as he increased the speed of the ship. Rainbow Dash kept bouncing on the clouds as Celestial-Gardevoir wanted to try this out for herself.

The Alicorn-Pokemon-Fusion ended up getting a taste of the fun too when she touched the clouds that blocked the Cloud Waterfall. "Oh my!"

"Fun, isn't it?" Rainbow Dash pulled off some stylish tricks while bouncing on the clouds. Celestial-Gardevoir ended up bouncing on them too by landing her feet on them.

This was definitely the playful side of both Celestia and Passion leaking out as they immediately found enjoyment in all of this. This was now making everyone else eager to try these clouds.

"Mew!" And Mew certainly felt the same as he teleported out of the ship without going through the door.

"Oh! Mew!" Pinkie cried out. "At least wait for me!"

"Mew-Mew!" Instantly, Mew was now bouncing on the clouds, wanting some of the action himself. The New Species Pokemon giggled while bouncing alongside Celestial-Gardevoir and Rainbow Dash respectively.

"Well...I guess those clouds are safe to go on, right?" said Spike.


"Alright. Let's check out that waterfall then." Rainbow Dash quickly put an end to her bouncing fun, wanting to see if her friends could pass through the Cloud Waterfall.

She was closer to it than anyone, so it was her role to test things out. And she zoomed forward, she flew over the bouncy clouds. Afterwards, the multi-coloured maned mare had easily passed through the waterfall without any issues. And once she did, she saw something surprising.

And after seeing it, she needed to tell her friends as she poked her head out of the waterfall, yelling at the top of her lungs. "Hey! Everyone! There's a gate here!"

"A gate?" Celestial-Gardevoir repeated. At this point, everything Celestia knew about Pegalysium when she first came here was being altered surprisingly. "Since when?"



"Gate?" Fluttershy translated for everyone. Now they all had to see this for themselves. Thankfully, James had sped the ship up to a point where they were finally close to the waterfall and bouncy clouds.

Once they got there, the hatch to the door had opened once again. They had all seen the gate for themselves. The gate had a banner with something written on it as it seemed that no one was stationed there. There were doors on the side of this gate as well. Its golden colours radiated a brilliant light as the design of it was somewhat similar to the doors of Canterlot James had stopped the ship right in front of the gate as it was now resting on the cloud, hovering there.

Everyone else had touched the clouds as they had found out that they could indeed stand on them. Even those that weren't pegasus could make contact with these clouds. They seemed to be truly solid.

"It really is a gate..." Rarity gawked. "And so is this Cloud Waterfall! True falls indeed! Where are they even coming from at such a height?"

"Look at that name right there." Applejack noticed a name on the gate right after Mew, Celestial-Gardevoir and Rainbow Dash spotted it themselves. On the banner, Applejack read it out. "Sky Gate. Think that's where we should pass?"

"That's odd. This was never here in the first place." Celestial-Gardevoir shook her head. "Were the coordinates wrong?"

"That is odd." Luna agreed. "Perhaps some form of illusion?"

"Nopony's here." Twilight navigated her head around.

"Not yet. Look! Up ahead!" Adagio was the first to notice someone approaching from the distance, right from one of the doors of the Sky Gate.

Emerging out there was an old pegasus mare wearing a white and golden robe. Everyone stayed silent as they watched this old pegasus walked ever so slowly. She then turned around, raising the hood of her robe up as she had also noticed the new faces that stood in front of the Sky Gate.

The old pegasus didn't seem to be bothered by this. Despite Garnet being shocked to see a pony like Celestia and a creature like Gardevoir, AKA a Pokemon, this old mare was unphased. Almost as if she's seen something more surprising than all of this.

"Password?" The old mare suddenly spoke.

"Huh? Password?" Rainbow Dash repeated.

"If you wish to pass the Sky Gate, what's the password? I am the Sky Gate Lookout here. One of many. So password?"

"Uh..." Adagio and everyone weren't sure how to respond. They weren't expecting passwords for this.

"Um, excuse me for a moment," Celestia spoke to the old pegasus. "But I have a question. B-Before, this Cloud Waterfall didn't exist when I first came here. Not to mention that the rainforest I found isn't in view either. I-Is there a reason for this?"

"Ah. That would be the movement of the clouds." The old lady spoke.

"M-Movement of the clouds?" Fluttershy repeated. "You don't mean..."

"Oh, I get it now!" Twilight figured it out instantly. "Clouds are always moving in the sky because of the wind carrying the parcel of cloudy air along. And Princess Celestia mentioned how everything here was below an assortment of clouds. So just like the clouds we have, they must also carry the islands with them!"

"Smart girl." The old lady nodded as Twilight hit the nail on the head. "Pass through. Now."

"Huh? What about the password? What happened to that?" Meowth asked.

"There was no password. I'm not a guardian or lookout either." She shook her head. "No one ever passes through here anyway. I just like to sound important."

"Uh-huh..." Luna nodded with her eyes glazed.

"Wait. If all of the islands move with the clouds, where is Pegalysium? I'm here under matters of a meeting?" Celestia questioned the old lady.

"I don't know."

"You d- You live in this land right?!" Adagio leaned forward.


"So you know of where we can get to Pegalysium even if all these clouds start moving, right? Princess Celestia even said the place was huge. It can't be that hard to miss." Adagio rambled on.

"I don't know. I haven't been there for years now." She shrugged as Adagio grizzled her teeth. Meanwhile, the old lady just gave a smile in front of Adagio's face.

"You old hag...!" Adagio growled.

"W-We'll just get there and find it ourselves." Celesta interrupted Adagio before she could go off the rails.

"Well in that case! Let's go!" Ash exclaimed.


The trip to Pegalysium was different than expected. At least to Celestia and Passion. Now that they were aware of the clouds carrying the islands and various lands themselves, getting to the Sky Monarch will be tougher than they thought. But, a brand new adventure means more fun to be had as the journey continues.

Chapter 490 End.

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