• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Serpents of the Skies

Ponyville. Day.

"Okay. Today's the day!" Ash pumped his fist in the air. "Let's visit Pegalysium for real this time!"

"Pika-Pikachu!" It indeed was that day. A second trip to Pegalysium. And this time, a proper visit. After the peaceful negotiation with King Paramount and Queen Luminary, mostly Paramount, they were free to come up to Pegalysium at any time. And Luminary would be honoured to tour them.

"Just think, Jade! You could really be from Pegalysium! How exciting is that?!" Pinkie turned to Jade, holding her emotionless face and puckering her lips.

"I'm psyched," Jade said in a dry tone.

"Right?!" Pinkie Pie squeed.

"Do you have everything, ready Team Rocket?" Fluttershy spoke to Team Rocket who currently had their Rocketship with them. They had indeed named it and they went with the most generic name out there. But it worked so well with their team.


"All set!" Team Rocket whistled with a heavy thumbs up from Jessie and James.


"Great, but um, are you sure this is a good idea? Bringing all of these Pokemon onboard." Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy as many Pokemon from the Pokemon House were getting onboard the Rocketship. The ship was large enough to hold most of them thankfully.

"Shooting Star said he wanted to see some Pokemon as they really are. He's only seen ours and is probably looking at just the Pokedex. Experiencing so many Pokemon as they are will be amazing for him. And don't worry. They'll all be on their best behaviour. Right everyone?" Fluttershy turned the Pokemon as they all cried out in confirmation.

They will certainly behave.

"Okay!" Ash ran into the ship with Pikachu and Cold Colt by his side. "Let's go!"


"Wait. What about all of those clouds moving? Pegalysium might not be in the same spot as it was before, remember?" Chloe reminded everyone of the moving clouds.

"No need to worry. I thought about that and found a workaround for it." Twilight smiled with confidence. "Besides, we might end up in a different city, town or whatever in Pegalysium than just the capital. Now, what are we waiting for? Let's get going."

Immediately, everyone flocked to the Rocketship. It was time for yet another adventure in the sky. However, this time, under good terms thanks to Celestia's second meeting.

And speaking of Celestia, she wouldn't be joining Ash and the others this time. Neither would Luna. They have no reason to head back now. Although, Celestia did have one reason that she has yet to fulfil. Meeting Garnet again and teaching her about Pokemon. Much like Shooting Star.

Pegalysium. Sky Monarch. Day.

Speaking of Shooting Star, over at the palace and the dining room, Shooting Star himself looked a bit exhausted. Normally, this would be natural since it is the day. It's common to be tired in the morning, especially if the sleep schedule is altered and varied. However, Shooting Star was so tired, that he could barely touch his food.

"Dear. Are you alright?" Luminary asked her son. "You haven't eaten yet. Do you need more sleep?"

"Mm...Maybe." Shooting nodded slowly while planting his face in his food unconsciously. "Sorry. I've been looking at the Pokedex for a long time now. All-day, all night."

"Well, you should take a small break from it don't you think? I know it seems exciting but too much time on that thing could really throw your sleep schedule off course."

"Yeah...I know mom."

"Besides. I worry the same could happen to your father. He's taken a mass interest in it as well. A king can't be oversleeping now can he?"

"Mhm. Dad's gonna be fine. You know he went 2 weeks without..." Just as Shooting Star babbled on, he fell asleep on the spot, further digging his face in food. His snoring could also be heard.

"Okay." Luminary sighed as she believed the best option was to let her son rest for a bit longer.

His sleep schedule could forever be altered at this point. Luminary picked up her son, placing his sleeping body on her back. Shooting let out a smile, feeling comfortable on his mother's back. As if he was a baby again.

She flew over to his room, opening it to see how messy the bed was. Since he's been focusing on the Pokedex so much, he hasn't bothered to clean his room like he usually does. Luminary sighed as she trotted over to his bed. The queen then placed her son down, laying his back perfectly on it. Messy or not the bed is still comfortable.

Shooting Star had his hooves spread out as Luminary then placed his blanket on him. Fittingly, the pattern of his blanket was shooting stars with some comets added to them. Shooting Star felt at peace. He might wake up during the night but oh well. Luminary was fine with however her son sleeps at any time.

But as she was about to leave, she spotted the Pokedex on Shooting Star's bed. Just near his head. Her son and husband have already experienced the Pokedex for themselves, getting a hooffull of information. It wouldn't hurt to learn some Pokedex entries herself.

Out of curiosity, Luminary went over to pick up the Pokedex. "Sorry, sweetie You wouldn't mind if I borrowed this for a while, would you?"

"Mmm...Shhmmmrrh..." Shooting Star grumbled in his sleep with babble and indescribable words. Luminary took that as a yes either way.

She took the Pokedex, leaving the room as she gently closed the door, allowing her pride and joy to rest for the day. Afterwards, it was just Luminary and the Pokedex. It was already turned on with some of the first few Pokemon being shown on it.

Now it was time for her to see what this Pokedex was all about. She used her wings to scroll and interact with the Pokedex rather than her wings.

"Hm...All of these colourful monsters. Most of them are so cute to look at! Ah! This one looks nice!" Luminary found the first one of her choice. Altaria. She selected the Humming Pokemon with her wing, seeing what the dex had to offer.

"Altaria. The Humming Pokemon. Altaria dances and wheels through the sky among billowing, cotton-like clouds. By singing melodies in its crystal-clear voice, this Pokémon makes its listeners experience dreamy wonderment. This Pokémon catches updrafts with its buoyant wings and soars way up into the wild blue yonder. This Pokémon has a kind disposition, but if it’s provoked, it will threaten opponents with shrill cries before attacking them without mercy."

"Ooh. Beautiful but scary. I like that. What else is there?" Luminary began walking while reading and scrolling through the Pokedex. And just like her husband and son, she was immediately hooked. She had to see the next entry.

No one can resist the Pokedex.

Luminary was so fixated on it, reading the next entry, that she didn't have a set destination at the moment. In fact, she ended up walking out of the palace and out into the streets of the capital. The doors opened for her as the guards bowed to their queen.

Luminary trotted along the streets, focusing only the dex as the nobles of Pegalysium noticed her arrival. Usually, this is where they would head up to the queen and ask her questions, requests and have a casual discussion. However, they all noticed the Pokedex she was holding before they could do so.

"My. What is that she's holding with her?" A mare said.

"Seems like some sort of...book?" A stallion responded.

"That's no book I've ever seen. It's flat but there are no pages on it." Another stallion observed the Pokedex. "And there seems to be light coming out of it."

"Is it some sort of magic book?" Another mare spoke.

"Oh! Mother, can I have one?" A filly jumped up and down, already feeling attracted to the dex.

"Well, we'll have to see if they're in-store, dear."

"Your highness." Just then, a guard went up to the queen, breaking her out of the Pokedex's trance.

"Hm? Yes?" Luminary looked over at the soldier.

"We may have a bit of trouble, unfortunately. Remnants of the Rift have seemingly found their way here in Pegalysium. Just over at Big Sky."

"The Resort City? How?" Luminary's attention was now fully grabbed by this. "And when did this happen? Just now?"

"Just now."

"Well...what caused it? Did the Rift leave something behind?"

"Unfortunately, we aren't sure. But one of our troops saw what seemed to be some sort of...I believe they're called humans? That is all we saw before the supposed human vanished."

"I see. Has anypony at Big Sky noticed? Have they interacted with the Rift magic?"

"The magic vanished once it was dropped off. We were too late to catch or find it. It could be anywhere."

"That could be trouble. My husband is the only one with Rift Magic here." Luminary bit her hoof. "Problems will only emerge if the Indigo Alliance obtain it. Search and investigate Big Sky for a while until you can find any trace of that Rift magic and if anypony has interacted with it. I'll let my husband know of this."

"Yes, your majesty. But what about the Indigo Alliance? If they find out about this-

"I know, I know. That's what I'm hoping doesn't happen." Luminary gulped. This Indigo Alliance she spoke of seemed to be something rather infamous. Seemingly a group of ponies that reside in the sky with a different reputation from everyone.

Rift Magic is now lurking around Pegalysium, left by a Rift Human. And there are only two individuals that could be responsible for this, of course.

Far south of Pegalysium. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, Ash and the others had just arrived at Pegalysium, breaking through the clouds. They knew of the clouds moving every island, switching the locations at random without any consistent pattern. The Rocketship soared through the skies and near the Sea Cloud while Ash looked over at the view.

"Hm...Yeah. There's definitely stuff different about this place now." Ash observed.


"Just see if you can find one city. Or any civilization, James. Anything to have Jade find her original home." Pinkie Pie said. James nodded in agreement. "Do you think your parents are there? I mean, they gotta be. They'll be so excited to see you again, won't they?!"

"Probably. I don't really know if I have parents." Jade responded, staring through the window with a blank expression.

"Can't wait to see Shooting Star again. Bet he's psyched to see a bunch of real Pokemon, right pal?" Ash looked to his partner.


"Speaking of which...the Pokemon are unusually quiet in there." Rarity turned to the south of the ship, wondering why the silence was so common.

"I told them to behave after all. Sometimes they take it a bit too far and become silent for a while." Fluttershy giggled while Scorbunny climbed on her mane.

"Hm?" As James steered the ship, moving through some clouds, he noticed something odd. One of the clouds was acting off. Then again, every cloud here is bizarre and unlike a natural cloud. However, there was something about this one cloud.

One was the appearance of it. Clouds are usually consistent with their shapes and sizes, no matter the universe. But this cloud seemed to be unusually long.

Unbelievably long.

It was about as long as the Sea Cloud. It was also moving at a slow pace, similar to the rest of the clouds. James didn't think too much about it. After all, everything in these skies is surprising. So he kept moving the ship.

"Hey, Dash. Cold. Check this out." Ash spoke to Rainbow Dash and Cold Colt, wanting to impress them for a moment. It was about Sir Aaron's Staff. Ash now has ownership of it and thanks to a spell from Twilight, Ash can willingly summon the staff by enlarging it. Originally, he couldn't due to the size difference. He held his hand out, standing tall and putting a serious face on. "Staff! Come to me!"

And with that command, the staff suddenly appeared in Ash's hand, enlarging to its original size and unleashing Aura particles by responding to Ash's Aura. Ash then held the staff, putting one fist on his hip and pulling off a heroic pose in the process. Pikachu posed on his shoulder for extra flair.

"Huh? Pretty cool, right?"


"Yeah, it is! You looked so good doing it!" Cold starting geeking out. "Do it again, please!"

"Nice, Ash! You should wear a cape with that, ya know?" Rainbow Dash flew over.

"Think so? Oh, capes do look awesome on everything."

"Cape coming up!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Mew turned himself into a Ditto and immediately into a cape. The New Species Pokemon flew over to Ash, immediately placing himself on his back.

"Mew-Mew!" Mew spoke while being a cape. And indeed, Ash holding the staff with the cape suited him well.

"This is more like it!" Ash laughed while still posing. Rainbow Dash wanted to see more flashy looks as Ash gave her the staff. Now Rainbow Dash was the one posing with it as Mew switched over to the pegasus, still acting as a cape. They were all having a good time overall.

However, as the ship moved through the skies, James noticed something from the side. That same long cloud. While it was still up ahead, James sotted more of them appearing from the side of the ship. Strangely, enough, they weren't there before.

"Something's not right," James commented.

"What? What is it?" Jessie asked.

"These clouds are acting a bit too odd." James looked to both sides of the windows, seeing the down long clouds move beside them. He also noticed how they were now starting to move at the same pace as the ship instead of the clouds. And the ship was faster than the clouds.

"Audino?" Audino's ears started sensing something nearby. Just from the outside as they twitched. The Hearing Pokemon turned to the window, wondering what she was hearing. It sounded like hissing on her part.

"You hear hissing, Audi?" Fluttershy translated.

"Maybe the Pokemon are getting active now," said Rainbow Dash.

"No. She says it's coming from the outside. Is there some sort of creature outside, Audi?"

"Dino." Audino nodded in confirmation. She told Fluttershy about how this hissing wasn't from any serpent Pokemon she recognizes. Not Serperior, Seviper, Arbok, or any of them. Plus, the chances of them being outside in the sky would be very low.

That's when it hit James. What Audino was hearing was what he was sensing. James decided to test things about a bit more by speeding the Rocketship forward. He would increase its speed and see how the clouds would react. Lo and behold, the moment he accelerated the ship, so did the long clouds.

"Aha!" James exclaimed, exposing these clouds as he went over to the window. "Those aren't clouds! Those are-"

James did figure out that these weren't ordinary clouds. Then again, the clouds in Pegalysium are anything but ordinary. However, as James was about to say what these clouds were, they revealed themselves for the Team Rocket member either way. James' grin slowly transformed into a frown as he could see one of the long clouds rise, casting a large shadow over him.

And the same went for the one on the other side too. It also arose, casting its own shadow. Soon, the inside of the Rocketship had two shadows as everyone looked to both sides, wondering what this could be. Everything wouldn't have to worry as red eyes were suddenly descending, showing themselves to Ash and everyone. It was soon confirmed what these were.

Sky Serpents.

Standing 5.5 m total with the body of clouds, red eyes like fire, these creatures of the sky had encountered Ash's group in what would seem to be their territory. It would also explain what was up ahead.

"What are those things?!" Goh gasped.

"Some sort of snakes! Sky Snakes?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Everyone stayed cautious. And for a good reason. Immediately, once their eyes had met, the Sky Serpents didn't hesitate to attack.

The one on the left had bashed his head on the ship, delivering the first hit. For something made out of nothing but clouds, it left a powerful impact on the Rocketship, making it tremble as everyone felt it.

"Woah!" Ash held his hat as most of his friends almost lost their balance. Pinkie Pie and Chloe certainly did. The Sky Serpents were now on the offensive, choosing to attack everyone inside. The one on the right attacked next, opening its mouth to reveal surprisingly sharp fangs. Of course, they were made out of clouds.

Very solid clouds.

The right Sky Serpent bit into the side of the ship, making it shake once more. This time, it left a mark. The fangs were so sharp, they could pierce through the rocketship, leaving visible bite marks. Applejack backed away as she was almost caught by these fangs.

"If that's how they want to play then so be it!" James went back to the controls, decided to retaliate against these Serpents of the Skies. He gripped the controls close to him as he activated the ship's defences. The most common one was the shield of magic that it always had with it.

The shield had been summoned, pushing the Sky Serpents away while also damaging them with some magic in the process. They hissed loudly as they certainly felled that. Their hissing echoed throughout the skies as well. The serpents now saw this as a challenge. And they would give a challenge.

After being pushed back, the two serpents slithered through the air, bashing their heads on the magic field. The impact they gave off caused the magic field to shake, showing that they had the potential to break it. James responded by using the many ship defences, including the ones that he and his teammates personally installed.

"For anything in the sky that wants to be a bother..." James looked at the module with a multitude of buttons, pressing the one on the far right. "How about the feeling of a hurricane!"

Immediately, the magic field was lowered as the side of the ship had opened some hatches. Emerging from those hatches were tubes of some sort. Instantly, those tubes fired out spirals of wind from both directions. And as James said, they had the feeling of a hurricane. Plus the force one.

The Sky Serpents certainly felt that one as well. Immediately, they were blown back by these spiralling winds with parts of their bodies fading away. James grinned as it proved to be an effective method.

However, that wouldn't matter for long as the Sky Serpents were starting to regenerate all of a sudden. James' excitement shifted into one of confusion as he saw some extra clouds appear on these serpents of the skies. They could indeed regenerate with spare clouds from the skies.

And there was no limit considering how vast the sky is.

The serpents hissed, slithering back as they decided to wrap around the ship. And they had the length to do so. James wouldn't allow that to happen as he continued to use the hurricane tubes to try and push the Sky Serpents away. However, each time he attempted it, the Sky Serpents just regenerated themselves by adding more clouds on their bodies.

As long as the skies and clouds exist, they won't fade away.

"Oh just vanish already!" James exclaimed. He looked to the module, wondering what other defence he could use against these creatures. "Let's try something else then!"

"Hold on, James!" Ash and Rainbow Dash suddenly interrupted. "Let us help."


"Outside there? Ash! Rainbow Dash! Are you sure?!" Twilight asked.

"Suit yourself." Immediately, James did not hesitate to grant them their wish. He opened the top of the ship, allowing for Ash and Rainbow Dash to confront the serpents. And they would need to act fast. The serpents had already wrapped the first half of their bodies onto the side of the ship, ready to constrict it with their coils.

Rainbow Dash flew out of the ship while Ash jumped an impressive height, climbing onto the top of the ship with Pikachu holding onto his shoulder. Twilight sighed as she knew there was no point in stopping them. She truly had daring friends, didn't she?

Ash, Pikachu and Rainbow Dash came face to face with the two serpents and their humongous appearances. Their crimson eyes glaring at them. But of course, Ash, Pikachu and Rainbow Dash weren't intimidated by this.

The snakes then chose to attack Ash, Pikachu and Rainbow Dash next while also wrapping their body on the ship. They certainly had the length to multitask.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Castform, Weather Ball!"

"Pika...!" Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder while Castform emerged from Rainbow Dash's saddlebag. The Mouse Pokemon and the Weather Pokemon both unleashed their attacks at the same time. A bolt of lightning and a sphere of flames. "Chu!"


And with those two attacks, the two serpents were met with 100,000 volts and scorching flames, strong enough to knock them back and almost break their concentration on the ship. The serpents hissed, shooting out whirlwinds from their mouths all of a sudden. Similar to how the Air Wolves could howl wind. The wind had pushed Pikachu and Castform right back to their trainers.



Pikachu slid on the top of the ship while the serpents went in for a bite. Their hard fangs baring and zooming down, threatening to even go through the ship.

"Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu responded by swinging his tail and hardening it. One swing and the teeth of the Sky Serpent had been rattled.

"Castform, fly above and use Energy Ball!"

"Cast!" Castform did just that. He evaded the fangs of the snake before summoning an orb from nature itself. The Weather Pokemon then unleashed the orb, striking the Sky Serpent's head. Dead-on. The serpent hissed as its upper body fell back from the Energy Ball.

The Sky Serpents could see that they had some tough prey. Pikachu and Castform were not to be taken lightly. One Iron Tail and the Sky Serpent's tail was already on the verge of shattering, almost eliminating its freedom to bite ever again.

Seeing how strong the Pokemon were, the Sky Serpents chose to call for help. By hissing into the air, they let out a cry for help. And Fluttershy could tell.

"Oh my! More are coming!" Fluttershy gulped as her ears dropped. "Maybe we shouldn't be by their territory!"

"You heard her, James! Get us out of here!" Jessie exclaimed.

"There's still one up ahead!" James responded, ready to put the ship at full speed. However, back outside, the serpents ceased their wrap on the ship, allowing themselves to have more freedom. The Sky Serpents then slithered into the air, aiming to divebomb themselves onto the Rocketship.

"Uh oh!" Ash and Rainbow Dash noticed this as the Sky Serpents were slithering at impressive speeds. "Pikachu! Electroweb!"

"Braviary! Come out and use Superpower!" Rainbow Dash took out her Poke Ball while Pikachu summoned a net of electricity from his tail. Out came Braviary once Rainbow tossed the Poke Ball.

"Braviary!" Braviary understood what needed to be done as he covered his wings and talons in red energy. The Valiant Pokemon soared through the skies, flying beside the Electroweb.

Electroweb had landed on the face of the Sky Serpent, slowing its movements down by shocking it. The serpent lost its balance from that as Braviary clapped his wings together. By clapping his wings, he sent a wind pressure greater than the one the Rocketship gave out. This wind pressure blew both Sky Serpents away with the force of a tornado. An even greater one to boot.

The Sky Serpents certainly felt that one as they went flying so far back, they were essentially defeated with the web still one the face of one. Pikachu landed on Ash's shoulder as they saw the two Sky Serpents fall. However, it wasn't over yet.

There was still the Sky Serpent in the front, dead ahead. And to make things worse, the other Sky Serpents heard the call. Ash and Rainbow Dash looked to the side while Twilight and the others looked at the back window.

Lo and behold, a pit of Sky Serpents were making their way here, ready to get a piece of the action. At least 40 of them were approaching.

"Oh, well." Pinkie Pie shrugged, knowing that something wild like this would happen. "Can't say we didn't think this would be an easy trip. Mew! Let's show them an even bigger sky snake! Transform into Rayquaza!"

"Mew-Mew!" Mew understood as he flew out of the hatch, reaching the outside. Mew took it a step further. He ascended higher into the air before shifting his appearance. His body length extended to an astronomical difference. By spinning into the air and having a length that surpassed the Sky Serpents with ease.

Mew had become Rayquaza. Pinkie Pie then hopped onto the back of her partner, riding on the transformed New-Species Pokemon. Now she had the superior lizard.

"Hah! Mine's bigger! Okay, Mew! Psyshock, go!" Pinkie giggled before giving an order. Mew opened his mouth, summoning an odd Psychic wave. He then released the wave, transforming them into three thick masses of lights. Pink, purple and violet respectively.

The masses had easily blown the Sky Serpents away, causing a Psychic explosion that had eclipsed parts of the sky. The nearby Sky Serpents had also been blown back by this outburst.

However, more were approaching. Seemingly an endless amount. This was certainly their territory. James accelerated the ship, forcing it to outspeed the serpents and get as far as away as possible.

Mew flew beside the ship while also shooting out some more Psyshocks and occasionally an Aura Sphere. James noticed that they were about to approach land soon in the form of a forest with a settlement nearby. However, the other Sky Serpent in the front was still present.

And speaking of the serpent in the front, it was the only one not going on the offensive, unlike its fellow serpents. More serpents revealed themselves as they were hiding in the clouds. After showing themselves, they slithered from all sides, soon zoning the Rocketship out.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Braviary, Superpower! Castform Weather Ball!"

"Mew, Aura Sphere!"

Ash, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were certainly keeping everyone safe at the moment. Mew's great size as a Rayquaza, Pikachu's advantage over anything aerial related ad the coordination between Braviary and Castform helped to make this possible.

However, as the ship went ahead with many of the Sky Serpents dropping like flies, the one serpent in the front was finally moving. It rose, turning its head. It had spotted the ship, Pokemon and its fellow serpents. Noticeably, this serpent had green eyes instead of red.

One look and the serpent could tell what was occurring.

We'll just phase through as if it was an actual cloud!" James was ready to fly through the serpent in the front with zero hesitation. He gripped the controls tighter, having a confident look on his face.

But this is where things took a turn. The green-eyed Sky Serpent moved out of the way, allowing the Rocketship to pass through. Seems that this snake was not so hostile.

"Thank you!" Fluttershy thanked the green-eyed Sky Serpent. Afterwards, Ash and the others hopped back into the ship with Mew transforming into his original form. They were close to the forest and settlement now.

As for the Sky Serpents, the green-eyed Sky Serpent stood in front of its kin, preventing them from advancing any further. This serpent seemed to be on the protective side, deciding to defend others instead of randomly attacking the first prey it sees.

Everyone looked behind but their view was quickly cut off by an assortment of clouds. The last thing they saw was the green-eyed serpent charging at the other Sky Serpents.

"Well...That was something. Wasn't it?" Applejack scrunched her face from that. They all nodded in agreement. And with James slowing the ship down, they had arrived at the forest.

That was a bit of a rush.

"I hope that snake's alright. Fluttershy was worried about the green-eyed Sky Serpent that allowed them to pass through and chose to protect them.

"No time to worry about that, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said as the doors to the ship started opening. After yet another intense trip through the skies, they had reached their first destination.

And the best part about this. No temples. They were ready to also head over to that settlement and see what it was all about. They didn't know what to expect but they were eager either way.

However, as the ship had parked near the land, hidden within the trees, a mysterious face watched from the shadows. With some sort of purple clothing, the eys had witnessed the arrival of the ship. Clearly, their arrival wouldn't be unknown.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 508 End.

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