• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Mighty Dragonite from the Stars

Outerspace. Rocketship.

"Applejack...Hey, Applejack. Wake up." Calling Applejack's name was the voice of someone friendly and familiar to these earth pony ears. In this case, Pokemon Ranger Jackie called her name. He was the one who came to her rescue after finding her unconscious. She wasn't unconscious earlier but being trapped within that orb led to her claustrophobia kicking in.

"Oh..." All that slapping led to her being fully awake. Groaning and twitching as her body finally recovered after gaining some stationary rest. Although, for a while, she was stationary before she passed out.

"Ah, thank goodness. You looked so active earlier and then all of a sudden, you passed out when we got there."

"Jackie?" The earth pony sat up, finding herself on a bed that could be found in this ship among other leisurely additions.

"That's me. How are you doing? Any better than you were a minute before?"

"Yeah...I-" Before she could describe how she felt, two individuals that were more important to her came to mind. "Apple Bloom?! Sceptile?!"

"Totally fine. See?" But Jackie staved her fears away, pointing to their current location. Much like Applejack, they were rescued, appearing inside those Rift Orbs even t this moment. The orbs were placed on these beds despite the fact that they wouldn't get the chance to feel comfortable in them. These beds were certainly too big to be pony-shaped, indicating that Team Rocket added these, making it feel comfortable to them rather than just keeping it as a warship.

"Getting you inside was pretty easy. But...You were trapped inside of a Rift Orb as a prison. And you still are." It was then revealed that Applejack was still inside the Rift Orb just like Apple Bloom and Sceptile, trapped and unable to break free. "I was only able to grab it thanks to these! Rift-Handling Gloves."

"Rift-Handling Gloves?" Applejack repeated as Jackie revealed specialized gloves on his hands. These gloves had a unique texture that looked soft and silky at the same time.

"That's right. Ever since we started working with Princess Celestia and Equestria, we put a big emphasis on developing objects that are meant to handle anything Rift related. We don't want to receive any strange effects when touching that kind of energy, so we made these gloves just for that. Makes us immune to them. Plus, they're comfortable to wear. But, too much Rift Energy will definitely mess with them if we're not careful."

"Oooh..." Applejack gawked. This information was even new to the Canterlot Guards and Changelings.

"Unfortunately, though we managed to grab you and bring you aboard, we can't exactly free you," Chrysalis added as she stood in the corner. "These orbs are far beyond my power. I wish I could interact with Rift Energy in some way..."

"On the plus side, at least you're okay. Mind telling us what's going on since you're up here." Jackie requested.

"Yeah...but first I gotta get out of this thing. It's making me pretty uncomfortable. And I know just who to bring out." Now that she was inside the ship, she didn't have to worry about the vacuum of space. Only her Delta Riolu could help free her but this time without worrying about suffocating when the orb vanishes.

"Riolu!" Upon arriving, Riolu took up some space within the orb with his face smashing next to Applejack's face. The orb was far too big for both of them. "R-Rio...!"

"Sorry about that, Riolu..." She replied with a mushy voice while being pressed on the orb. "But do ya think you can get rid of this?"

"Lu..." Riolu could even be in this compromising position. Aura didn't have a specific recommendation of how one should pull it off. If someone has Aura, they can easily emanate in any position. Even when being pressed against the orb, Delta Riolu let the Aura flow, resonating with Applejack's dormant Aura.

"But...there's one issue," Jackie added whilst the orb was being dissolved. "There's this massive wall of Rift Energy around that tower. Getting past that is gonna be tricky with how much of it there is."

"None of us can do anything about it right now," said Chrysalis. "We came here to help everyone in that tower, but if we can't get in, then what's the point? Could you do it, Applejack?"

"Ah...I don't know if Riolu's got enough for that." Applejack replied before finally being freed from the Rift Orb. "Might end up passing out again. I ain't strong enough yet to stop that much. Ain't you got something that can work, Jackie?"

"Well, there's..." Jackie pulled into his bag, revealing a box that took up all the space in his bag. When plopping it down on the bed, he opened the case, revealing the objects inside. Each of these objects had a consistent theme as revealed by the flurry of words Jackie threw at everyone.

"Rift Magnets, Rift Goggles, Rift Masks, Rift Radar, Rift Meter, Rift Spoon and Fork, Rift-"

"Why's there a Rift Spoon and Fork?" A Changeling asked, cutting Jackie off. Everything else made sense except for those two utensils.

"It's to make certain food bearable. Some people can't be bothered to catch Alakazam or even find one at all in their region." Jackie answered before continuing. "Rift Zenith-Code. That one's relatively new. And finally, a Rift Shrieker. That's all we have at our disposal right now."

"You've got all these amazing items for the Rift?!" Applejack was flabbergasted by what she was witnessing. All these items are made for specific things and are special in their own way.

"Yep. Most of them were actually Princess Celestia's ideas. When we agreed to make these items to handle the Rift, she issued that each of them should be based on everything possible in the world. Both worlds. That way, we can react properly to the unpredictable nature of Rift Energy. Back at the Ranger Union, we're still making new Rift objects to this day."

"And you're saying none of them can help us?" Chrysalis used her magic to lift the Rift Radar. The radar was already active, immediately showing signs. On that radar, blue and purple dots were showing up rapidly in abundant numbers, piquing Chrysalis' interest.

"None. That radar can only tell us where massive signs of Rift Energy can be found. But I'm pretty sure we don't need the radar now with what's in front of us. A Rift Veil isn't something we're that equipped to counter yet. First time seeing one too."

"Well, how do we get in then?" A Canterlot Guard grumbled, fearing that they might not reach Princess Celestia in time with that massive veil. It covered the entire tower with chunks of Rift Energy that would take a lot of effort just to dissolve. Even Applejack knew that she wouldn't be able to get rid of that much lest she perishes to Delayed Aura Ataxia.

"Have no fear. That's why we're stopping by Pegalysium, right?" Jackie brought some hope into this. "Queen Chrysalis. You said King Paramount and Queen Luminary would be waiting there."

"Mhm. Bring them here at once. We can breathe in space with this armour but we can't get inside. If there's a chance Pegalysium has something to offer, we'll take it. Onward to Pegalysium, Ranger." Chrysalis ordered.

"Gotcha." Jackie rushed back to the helm of the ship.

"But my friends..." Applejack lowered her head.

"If you want them to be safe, wait for us to find a way to break that veil," Chrysalis responded. "Besides, I doubt they'll fall there. Your friends are too dependable, aren't they?"

"Mmm...Yeah. They are." That was one thing Applejack couldn't deny. Even if she couldn't reach them, she could count on her friends to do their best no matter what. But right now, it was off to Pegalysium.

Galaxy Tower.

Over at the Galaxy Tower, Galaxy Master's Dragonite was facing off against the Mythical Trio of Victini, Meloetta and Hoopa. But Victini would stay out of it, opting to take care of Phione who was previously in Dragonite's clutches.

Victini put his faith in his mythical friends while searching for a safe place to hide Phione. As he wandered across the hallway, Victini soon found out about the trail of destruction. This was a clear sign that there would be minimal safe locations in this tower but it wouldn't stop him from finding any.

"Meloetta!" Meloetta, in her Pirouette Forme, went ahead Hoopa, approaching the Dragon-Flying-Type. Despite knowing that she was vulnerable to Dragonite in this form after Dragonite dismissed them as being weak, it stirred up some anger in even the gentle Meloetta, allowing her to lash out, starting with Close Combat.

Meloetta came charging in with a swift and forward kick to Dragonite's face. Dragonite wasn't expecting much until that kick came through, managing to push its body weight and its head to the side. Just like that, Dragonite saw that Meloetta had something to offer. After being kicked in the head, Dragonite replied via Dragon Claw, slashing the Melody Pokemon in retaliation. "Dragonite!"


"Go...!" Right after it slashed her away, Dragonite wasted no time in getting destructive. It opened its mouth to reveal Hyper Beam, seeking further destruction in the hallways. It worked well considering how large Hyper Beam was compared to the hallways. At least, Dragonite's Hyper Beam. The beam came roaring out, covering up most of the hallway and tearing the walls apart.

Meloetta was a prime target for this but not Hoopa thanks to his immunity. Either way, while in the midst of being knocked back, the Hyper Beam caught up instantly, engulfing the Normal-Fighting-Type. Hoopa closed his eyes and ears from the ferocity of this explosion which wouldn't even harm him in any way.

"M-Melo!" But it certainly harmed Meloetta as she bounced on the floor before making a sliding recovery. Seeing that Meloetta would be an obstacle, Dragonite took flight, taking it more seriously now. The Dragon-Flying-Type came zooming in with its favourite move, Dragon Claw once again.

"Hoopa's got this!" Along came Hoopa, moving through the smoke and stepping in. Against Dragonite, he figured that such a big target deserves to receive something big. Two Shadow Balls were smashed together to make a bigger Shadow Ball before being launched by the Mischief Pokemon.

"Dra!" Dragonite slashed the Shadow Ball, attempting to cut it apart. With this brute strength, the Dragon Pokemon succeeded, creating a perfect three-lined slash that combusted the blob of shadows. But right as it did so, Meloetta already had Dazzling Gleam available. "Dragonite?!"

"Melo!" A super-effective attack was unleashed in the form of one large rainbow beam to engulf this large target. Meloetta and Hoopa shared the same idea of having something big for Dragonite. However, despite how powerful it was, it didn't take long for Dragonite to simply fly out of the way, evading Dazzling Gleam. "Etta?!"

"Dragonite!" Dragonite gradually saw these two as trouble. Underestimating them was a mistake on its part, allowing its ferocity to grow some more as it continued approaching the Mythical Duo.

"Oh!" Hoopa's eyes bulged out before quickly turning around. He wasn't fleeing, but rather running from Dragonite's incoming attack. So did Meloetta but she did so by continuously using Dazzling Gleam even while moving. This time, it appeared with those signature rainbow rays that came in great numbers, enough to keep Dragonite busy.

At least, for a while. Dragonite then revealed its other move. Fire Punch. It started smashing away at the rainbow rays with searing flames while also flying around them with its superior flight speed. This elusive action made Meloetta a bit intimidated as Dragonite was getting closer, easily closing the gap between them.

Just as Dragonite managed to break through the rest of the ways, it ended up reaching its arm to try and grab Meloetta's leg. Which it succeeded in doing while keeping the flames out. "Dragonite!"

"M-Meloetta!" Meloetta gasped once she was grabbed after such an easy Gap Closer. The flames were already harming her leg from how exceedingly hot they were. Right after it got a hold of the Melody Pokemon, Dragonite was ready to slam her to the ground, only for Hoopa to intervene. He intervened in the best way possible, with his Hyperspace Hole.

By using his rings, Hoopa ended up transporting some of the rainbow rays that failed to come into contact with Dragonite for himself. Since Meloetta couldn't successfully damage Dragonite with them, Hoopa would change that.

The rainbow rays flew out of these Hyperspce Holes, bombarding Dragonite's back the second it was about to slam Meloetta. Hoopa made a dashing quick save, sending the super-effective hits to the Dragon-Flying-Type and allowing Meloetta to break free. Dragonite was forced to the floor before being surrounded by a misty pinky smoke.

"Is Melokan okay?" Hoopa asked as Meloetta held her leg which had smoke coming out of it. Luckily, there wasn't a burn mark at all.


"Dragonite!" But a second later, Dragonite ascended from the pink smoke, not even staying down for a bit after receiving those Dazzling Gleams.

"This one is strong!" Hoopa cried out, stunned by Dragonite's absurd tenacity. "Hoopa needs to get creative for this!"

"Meloetta!" But Meloetta wouldn't need to be creative. All she needed was her own strength as the second Dragonite came dashing down with Fire Punch, Meloetta met Dragonite's punch with an upwards Close Combat kick. Hoopa flew back, gravitating his rings to him before thinking of something else to pull out. Something had to overcome this Dragonite.

Hoopa just had to find it as Meloetta engaged in an up-close exchange with Dragonite. Her beautiful and stylish attacks mimicked that of a dance but even the beauty of it wasn't enough to beat out Dragonite. Dragonite's speed boasted great efficiency as it was enough to even be on par with Meloetta, who was naturally fast thanks to her movements in such a small body.

Meloetta wasn't one to let a bigger figure overtake her. And since she battled alongside Ash back in the Battle Carnival, she's already improved as a battler despite not being too into it. She kept going, showing more signs of tenacity, albeit relaxed considering how gentle she usually is.

Their exchange involved Meloetta landing on Dragonite's arm mid-swing, kicking the Dragon Pokemon in the face while she had the chance, only for Dragonite to slap her away in retaliation. The two of them had a fierce scuffle indeed, keeping their exchanges up close and personal.

Hoopa used Hyperspace Hole once more, this time, sending it over Dragonite's head. Out of it came a snowstorm. If there was one thing various Dragons couldn't stand it was the cold. And a snowstorm looked to be the best option. Dragonite paused its exchange with Meloetta before looking up to see the storm of snow come crashing down.

Meloetta, being a bit petty, decided to leave Dragonite with an extra kick to the chin once its attention was elsewhere. After kicking that singular kick in, Meloetta flew back, lest she was attacked by the snowstorm as well.

"D-Dra!" Dragonite cried out after being engulfed by the snowstorm. This entire pile of snow filled up a majority of the hallway, drowning the Dragon Pokemon. Meloetta and Hoopa had the benefit of being able to float as they kept high up enough to be away from the snow. Dragonite's arm was the last thing seen before being overtaken by the white element.


"Haha! Hoopa did it flawlessly!" Hoopa pulled up a peace sign before chucking with glory. Indeed, he took no damage. At least, that's what he'd like to believe even though earlier, Dragonite got the jump on his friends with a Dragon Claw. But aside from that, he managed to keep his distance and had the most hits thanks to his rings. "How was that Melokan?"

"Meloetta." Meloetta approved. Though she was the one getting the most involved with Dragonite, battling with it in close-quarters combat, if it wasn't for Hoopa, it could've gone the other way. She then returned to her Aria Forme, before holding her head. During that physical exchange, each of Dragonite's hits truly stung to the point where she needed to take it slow for a bit.

"Vikan went that way." Hoopa showed the direction of where Victini rushed to. It felt like this battle was done with since there was silence within the snow and no response from Dragonite. Finding their friend and the rest of their friends was the next priority. They already took out their pettiness on Dragonite after it called them weak.

But the moment they turned their backs to enter the next room, not even the snowstorm was enough. Bursting out of the snow with an imposing figure was Dragonite. Even its weakness to the cold didn't stop it but it was visibly enraged by this. Two eyes with blue and purple energies that resembled the Rift flared out viciously. The cosmic heat of the Rift appeared around its body, melting away the snow in seconds with the heat of a star.

"Melo?!" Meloetta and Hoopa already had their backs turned. The second they swilled their heads, Dragonite grabbed them both, finally having them right where it wanted them. "M-Melo!"

"Ow!" Letting their guard down, believing they had won was their biggest mistake so far. They wouldn't be reaching Victini and Phione at all.

"Dragonite...!" Dragonite growled, tightly gripping these two Psychic-Types with pure aggression and a visible vein on its head. "G-Gonite!" But, despite Dragonite getting up, it was clear that the previous attacks from before, especially the snowstorm, did a number on it. Visible scratches and damage could be seen on this seemingly unstoppable force. It could be stopped but not for long.

As for the Rift Energy surrounding its body, much like the cracks that were around Gardevoir and Garchomp, the sentient energy reacted appropriately, using its power to form something just to keep these two Mythicals restrained. Rift Chains were formed from Dragonite's body. Being that it was controlled by the Rift, it had access to something from that pool of cosmic power.

Meloetta and Hoopa found themselves being entangled and wrapped around by these cosmic chains that struck the walls, pinning them with pure power and force. Dragonite flew back as the chains flew out of its body, even its eyes.

After the chains fully restrained them both, the colours disappeared, showing that Dragonite already used the power of the Rift just for that one instance. It gave Dragonite the advantage. But there was more.

These chains weren't just there to restrain them. Dragonite wanted to make sure that they were down and out, making them easier to carry. The Rift Chains began glowing, making a cosmic sound that was akin to constant beeping. It sounded like a countdown was going off as the energy around the chains was pulsating gently at first but as the sound continued, it started getting aggressive and wasn't stopping at all.

"Dragonite," Dragonite smirked as these chains were beneficial to what would come next. But it wouldn't just stand around and let the chains do everything for it. It wanted to make sure these two were knocked out faster. With Dragon Claw being utilized, it would do just that while they were stuck like this.

"M-Melo! Meloetta!" Meloetta groaned, writhing and wriggling in these chains. These chins were too layered and too tight for someone of her body size to break through. Hoopa was in the same ballpark. He had a bigger form but unleashing it now was an issue.

"D-Don't worry, Melokan!" But, there was one advantage Hoopa had that Meloetta didn't. The moment Dragnite swung at Hoopa, seeing him as the biggest threat, Hoopa used his Ghost-like properties, phasing through the attack and even the chains. With a cheeky giggle, he spun in the air, freeing himself. Hoopa was never in any serious trouble at all.


"If Hoopa beats this one, those chains will vanish, right?" Hoopa theorized in the best way he could. Because right now those massive chains were only increasing in pulses. That was certainly not a good sign. Hoopa could only think of one possible result with these chains.

They could explode.

Not wanting to take any chances, Hoopa tied the possible disappearance of the chains to Dragonite's defeat. If he could defeat such a powerful Pokemon who had already taken so much punishment. But, even the hasty Hoopa knew when to think rationally when needed.

Those chains could take action at any time. What if Hoopa couldn't defeat Dragonite in time? Would he be too late to save Meloetta? "But...can Hoopa do it in time?"

Hoopa had to think, which wasn't something he was too keen on. He could either try and defeat Dragonite as fast as he could or do something about these massive chains.

"Melo! Meloetta!" Meloetta had an answer for him. She vouched for Hoopa to just try whatever he could, even with the sound of these chains going off.

"Melokan?" Hoopa was stunned to hear Meloetta's answer. He figured she would choose the option of saving her first. But Meloetta would be fine with either, so as long as it helps stop whatever was going on with these chains. "Okay...Hoopa knows the best way to do it."

Hoopa had one idea in mind. The quickest way to get rid of Dragonite and potentially the chains. In his current state, he might not be enough for this mighty Dragon. But his other form was another story.

"But Hoopa might get mad again..." Even so, Hoopa still feared that something could trigger Hoopa Unbound to go berserk. However, Ash's words rung deep in Hoopa's memories. Ash already talked to him about this. Hoopa quickly dismissed his fears before deciding to embrace what he possesses. "Oh well! If something goes wrong, forgive me Ashkan!"

Right then and there, Hoopa transformed.

He escaped his Confined Form as an outcry of shadows and darkness flew out as if they were a geyser. His shadows then grew rapidly, forcing Dragonite back from the sheer expansion of them. Hoopa's voice deepened while entering his Unbound Form as the rest of his body altered to match a bigger and burlier Hoopa.

His true power was once again unleashed. This time of his own controlled volition. Hoopa Unbound was here once again, causing Dragonite to stare with widened eyes. Dragonite could see that its opponents were greater than expected. Especially Hoopa, who was the biggest threat so far.


"Dragonite." But despite this amazing transformation, Dragonite wasn't bothered at all. In fact, a smile graced its face as the sound of the chains ramped up all of a sudden.

"M-Melo?!" Meloetta took notice as the lights from the chains were growing in vibrancy. The pulses were reaching the zenith of aggressiveness, grabbing Hoopa's attention.

"Huh?" Just like that, Hoopa drew his attention back to Meloetta. The sound of the chains was now even more nerve-wracking at this point. Meloetta, once again, tried breaking free, but that was just pointless at this point. But this struggle showed desperation. She feared what was coming next.

Hoopa, despite turning into his Unbound Form, did not go for Dragonite directly. Instead, Hoopa went for Meloetta once the pulses were at an all-time high. He chose his friend first, quickly rushing to Meloetta's size. Right as he did so, the chains did exactly what Meloetta and Hoopa feared they would do.


A devastating paroxysm emerged from the chains as all of that was a countdown to a large explosion. Hoopa wrapped his arms around Meloetta and the chains to protect her. He even used Protect to make sure that it would be guaranteed protection. The ferocity of the Cosmic Explosion swallowed up the rest of the already-damaged hallway. The walls were destroyed, revealing the other rooms from the sides and even above and below.

Dragonite watched as the cosmic explosion went off, unphased by it. They didn't even reach the Dragon Pokemon at all despite how massive they were. Every door nearby had been destroyed, leaving many entrances open now. The cosmic smoke began clearing and alas, Hoopa's protection didn't work. Partially.

Meloetta blinked as her body was still intact and unharmed from the explosion. That protection from Hoopa's large body seemed to work out fine. But the same couldn't be said for Hoopa. "M-Meloetta?!"

Hoopa, even in his Unbound Form, was heavily damaged by that. His barrier broke and a large cloud of smoke flew out of his back. Hoopa even transformed back into his Confined Form just from the intensity of the chains. He did his best. He ended up protecting Meloetta just like he planned. But he couldn't protect himself. His smaller body returned before dropping to the floor.

"Melo?! Etta?!" Meloetta then held Hoopa in her arms, shaking him after witnessing the catastrophic damage that was done to him. It hadn't even been a minute and he was already out of his Unbound Form, showing just how devastating that explosion was.

"Etta!" She cried out his name, hoping for a response, but all she received was silence and the closed eyes and open mouth of the Mischief Pokemon. Meloetta shook him, trying to get anything out of her fellow Psychic-Type Mythical. But there was nothing. Hoopa wasn't waking up at all. These two already formed a bond during their time at the Pokemon Festival. And seeing Hoopa in this state struck Meloetta's heart.

Dragonite simply turned around, once again, emerging victorious over its opponents. It turned its back while Meloetta wept at the state of her friend. As it stood now, Dragonite took control over all of this. The defeat of Hoopa. A weakened and devastated Meloetta.

Such was the terror of this Mighty Dragonite that came from the stars.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 914 End.

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