• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Enticing Glint

Equestria. Manehattan. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

Coming to the rescue, at last, was none other than the Wonderbolts. They showed up to clear out the damage and the source of the trouble. And within the Contest Hall, Spitfire and a few others discovered the melting parts of the contest hall. They weren't sure how this was possible considering the contest hall was solid. Only magic could cause this. Rather, curse magic. Courtesy of the culprit, Merry Dread.

"What happened here?" Spitfire and her partner Scizor entered the waiting room, where the contestants would usually come and prepare themselves for the eventual performances. So far, she couldn't spot anyone. Only melted walls. The chill from within the Contest Hall was only getting worse as Spitfire shuddered, staying next to Scizor for warmth. "Aren't you lucky that you're a Steel-Type, Scizor?"

"Scizor. Sci!" After agreeing with Spitfire, Scizor would then stop in his tracks. By this point, they reached the other part of the waiting room. Where the contestants usually finish up for the day and pack everything. It wasn't that populated but it certainly held some victims.

And those two were Pinkie Pie and Coco Pommel. They had been trapped within icy prisons, frozen with fear and struggle in their eyes. The ceiling above them had melted, creating an extra layer of protection around their prisons. The melted ceiling was no longer soft. Instead, it was now hard, as if its original properties never changed in the first place. The only difference was that it no longer looked like a ceiling but just hard frozen liquid.

"Hang on...Isn't that Rainbow Dash's friend? Pinkie Pie?!" Spitfire gasped, recognizing Pinkie Pie immediately. "Scizor, break them out!"

"Scizor!" Scizor would use his most-known move that he's associated with. Bullet Punch. By moving at great speeds, he swung his hard metal claws onto the protective layers first since that was mainly in the way. The Pincer Pokemon would rapidly smash the layers away before then reaching the ice prisons.

With immaculate precision, Scizor sliced the ice into pieces while also making sure Pinkie and Coco were in one piece. And since this ice wasn't natural, Scizor even had to put some effort into it. And for style points, he would take a bow right after slicing the ice apart.

"Gaaah!" Finally being able to move, Pinkie Pie and Coco Pommel did unified gasps and exhales. It would take a while for them to properly move as they immediately fell over. Thankfully, Scizor would catch them both.

"Freedom...But still so cold...!" Pinkie Pie would jitter and gyrate to the point where even Scizor's steel body would shake a bit. "Thanks for the save, S-S-S-Scizor...!"

"I thought that would've been the end..." Coco squinted as the ice affected her eyesight a bit, making everything slightly misty. Scizor was almost just a red shape to her.

"Are you two alright? Aside from the cold." Spitfire few over, checking up on them both. Pinkie Pie wouldn't stop jittering while Coco looked completely out of it. Clearly, they weren't doing so well but they would certainly recover. "How'd this happen? And why'd the ceiling of all things melt?"

"Ah! Mew!" Pinkie Pie's jittering would come to a stop once Scizor clamped her nose. That was all it took to get her steady and composed. "He took off...with her."

"Along with Glaceon." Coco sulked before looking over at her dress. It was caught up in the melting ceiling, becoming a mess while also being encased with the solidified material. "So that was a vampire?"

"Your Pokemon aren't with you? Can you at least tell me what just happened? Aside from the giant bull outside."

"Listen!" Regaining her energy, Pinkie Pie grabbed Spitfire by the face to make sure she would hear everything the earth pony had to say. "I don't want to alarm you, but there's a vampire who snatched Mew and Glaceon from us! She showed up out of nowhere and turned them against us!"

"Turned your Pokemon against you?!"

"It's how I was frozen. By own Glaceon." Coco sighed. "And she tried so hard not to do it. But the vampire's magic was just too strong for her."

"Now she's gonna mess with everyone else here just like she did with us." Pinkie Pie twiddled her hooves before grizzling her teeth. "And she's got my other Pokemon too! Oh, and she can melt things."

"That's a problem. So if she can just turn your own Pokemon against you...oh!" Hearing this information, Spitfire already deduced the worst possible scenario and it wasn't from the Bull Demon. Merry Dread was the biggest threat here because of what she was capable of. She would soon realize that her fellow Wonderbolts could experience the same thing. Especially the ones who were indoors. "Their own Pokemon could turn on them too! How does her magic work?!"

"I-I don't know." Pinkie Pie shrugged. "I think she uses her wings or something? I didn't see it since she did it so easily. It's pretty scary."

"That's a problem. A big problem..." Spitfire needed to think about this for a moment, crossing her hooves while hovering in the air. "She might be able to do it without making any movements. Nah, no one's that strong."

"Mew! Wait for me!" Pinkie Pie wouldn't hesitate to leave. Not when her partner was being used as a means for Merry Dread to cause some havoc.

"Hold it!" But with a shout from Spitfire, Scizor immediately grabbed Pinkie Pie's tail, preventing her from going anywhere for the time being. Pinkie's body was stretched just a bit from being held back. "You won't be going just yet. Not until I sort this out. From what you said, you can't just rush in there."


"Hopefully, it's not too late. They won't know until it happens to them. Unless we subdue her before things worsen" Spitfire would then hold out another Poke Ball before unleashing it. Out of it came her Froslass.


"Alright, Froslass. I need you to do what you do best. Scout the scene and get the jump on our target. Let out that creepy howl of yours when needed."

"Lass!" Froslass was on it. She and Spitfire had a special method when it comes to rather pressing situations such as this. The Wonderbolts weren't just for show. They were also an extension of Celestia's Guards. Froslass would phase through the wall as she was also resistant to the cold, making her perfect for this task.

"As for you two, we'll get your Pokemon back. Now, how occupied is this hall?"

"Pretty occupied." They said in unison with grimaces on their face. By that response, Spitfire feared that this would be harder than it needs to be if Merry Dread manages to get ahold of multiple Pokemon that were enough to fill this contest hall.

"Right...Okay. Maybe one more Pokemon will do." Spitfire would take out another Pokemon. This would need the support of an extra team member with specific expertise.

As for everyone else in here, Merry Dread's actions were already in full swing. By using the power of Mew, she was able to restrain various Trainers and Pokemon without needing to do much. The power of Mew was more than enough for her. But, of course, she would do something. And that was by using her magic on the Pokemon.

Some of the Wonderbolts would arrive to witness the mess in front of them. Whether that was the melted walls, frozen trainers and Pokemon or even the fact that the Pokemon were trying their best not to harm their friends. Alas, as more Pokemon would be forced to do what they would never, the more victims Merry Dread would rack up.

"I actually have a Pokemon of my own, if you must know." Merry Dread casually said to one of the trainers while walking by the hodgepodge of victims. "That's the one time I don't need to force anyone to do anything for me. It's just natural. How amazing is that?"

The Wonderbolts would stay silent and out of sight, for the time being, witnessing Merry Dread's magic for the first time. They would see exactly how it worked and it certainly wasn't from the front.

But from the back. Her tail would suddenly give off a green glint at the very tip. This glint of magic was difficult for any from the front to see, mainly because of the fact that Merry would curl her tail masking it from the view of others. It didn't help that her tail was fairly short. But this glint had a strong and swift vibrance. It would let out an enticing light that would grab the attention of whoever it seeks. And in this case, a few more Pokemon were caught up in it, unable to look away thanks to Mew restraining them with Psychic.

"Did you see that?" A Wonderbolt by the name of Surprise said, witnessing this magic. However, unlike the Pokemon, Surprise and the other Wonderbolts could still move. Mainly because they hadn't grabbed the attention of Merry Dread yet, making them safe.

"I did. Do you think she's the one behind it all?" Thunderlane asked.

"She looks like she's having a pleasant night while everyone looks uncomfortable or miserable. So I'd say she's got something to do with this." Another Wonderbolt added. Because of how Merry Dread was acting, it was clear who was the odd one out here. "But how'd she get a Mew on her side?"

"We can worry about that later. How are we gonna stop her with so many numbers on her side?" Another Wonderbolt was worried about the vast number difference. Merry Dread had already racked up many Pokemon to forcibly attack their Trainers. And with an army of Pokemon, getting to the source of the problem would be harder.

"Froslass." Froslass would appear, phasing her head through the walls right next to the other Wonderbolts. Surprise would potentially scream out of shock, only for Thunderlane to cover her mouth, keeping a low profile.

"Froslass. Just in time to see this." Thunderlane replied. "Get a good look at what she's doing."

"Lass?" Froslass would eye down the pony that Thunderlane was pointing at. She saw Merry Dread move over to another restrained Pokemon. Her tail would let out that miniature glint which would exude a stellar vibrance. Froslass watched carefully as she saw how the Pokemon would turn to her side. But it always started with their bodies shaking.

They would do everything in their power to resist Merry Dread's control, only to fail. Froslass saw it for herself, spotting how Mew, Pinkie Pie's most notable Pokemon, was amidst all of the havoc, doing the most work. Glaceon was there too, freezing those who were immune to Psychic-Type attacks.

"Fros." Froslass knew what to relay after witnessing this magic in action. The key seemed to be Merry Dread's tail. Since it was so short, it was easy for her to utilize her magic. The only flaw that Froslass saw was that it was Merry Dread needed to focus on whoever sees the glint since Froslass was still in control of herself.

"Tangela...!" But right as they were observing Merry Dread, one of the Pokemon that Merry Dread managed to affect snuck up behind Froslass and the others. The shadow of Tangela was spotted by Froslass before then seeing the arms move. A Tangela would use its massive hands to grab them, catching them by surprise.

"Lass!" Froslass managed to phase through Tangela's grip once she saw the shadow movements. She couldn't let another Pokemon get the jump on a Ghost-Type such as herself. Getting the jump on others was her job. Alas, the same couldn't be said for her allies.

Thunderlane and the others gasped upon being snatched up by Tangela, who would then use the rest of its vines to restrain parts of their bodies. "Ow! That smarts!" A swoopy-haired Thunderbolt groaned.

"Fros...lass!" Since Froslass was still free, she quickly retaliated. Froslass would try and use Ice Beam, only to be stopped by another Pokemon. This time, it was a Klinklang that ended up using Thunderbolt. Froslass was unable to get her attack off since another attack quickly ceased that possibility. This whole time, they weren't exactly concealed from the eyes of their enemies.

"Hm?" Merry Dread would swivel to hear the commotion that was near the exit of this hall. There, she would see Thunderlane and the others, restrained by Tangela and being shocked by a stream of Thunderbolt from Klinklang. "Ah. Nice costumes. Are you coordinators here?" She would trot over here. "Nice find, you two."

"A...Vampire?!" Thunderlane and the others got to see Merry Dread's wings and even her fangs, confirming to them that she was a vampire.

"That's right. Merry Dread. At your service. Or should I say...my service?" With a devious smile transforming her face, those words were easy to read since they knew what Merry Dread was up to. Whoever witnesses her glint and is chosen by Merry Dread shall undoubtedly work for her.

But there was one advantage that the Wonderbolts had. They already saw her magic at work and so, they knew what to do. Simply ignore the glint by closing their eyes or even looking away. And right on time. Merry's glint would go off, attempting to capture mainly Froslass. However, Froslass would also close her eyes, preventing that from being a possibility.

"Hm? Ah...don't tell me." She sighed. "You already know my Curse Magic, don't you? That's boring."

"Heh! That means you can't catch us by surprise!" Thunderlane laughed. "Even though we were already surprised by Tangela."

"Why can't I do surprises? It's in my name. Curse you mom and dad..." Surprise growled.

"Yeah. Very nice, but you're still trapped and restrained." Merry raised an eyebrow, pointing out how even though they could find the easiest solution to avoiding her magic, they couldn't exactly break free. "Well, if you don't want to be puppets, even though you would've had no choice in the matter, I guess I can drop some melting ceiling on you."

"Melting ceiling?" They repeated before then looking up. Merry Dread's other magic revealed itself in the form of a strange melting ability that could affect things that normally would never melt. The ceiling above them would start melting, turning into liquids instead of solids once more.

"HUH?!" Naturally, this freaked them out. Out of everything they've seen thus far, this was up there with the most bizarre things to ever experience and even be a part of by far.

"Um...Froslass! Now would be a good time to do something!" Thunderlane cried out. "I can't reach my Poke Ball here!"

"Fros...Lass!" Froslass, despite having her eyes closed, would still try her best to avoid any restraint and have the chance to relay all of this to Spitfire. She did so by phasing through the floor instead of using an attack. Tangela attempted catching her with its vines, only for Frolass to have already descended through the floor.

She wasn't escaping. Not at all. Instead, Froslass would try and equalize the playing field to the best of her abilities. And it started by her appearing on the ceiling right as it was melting. Despite being up at the ceiling, Froslass was fine. Her intangibility helped her. Once she was up there, Froslass would immediately freeze the ceiling, preventing it from melting. The chilling aura she created postponed Merry Dread's magic, creating a seal that also dropped snowflakes.

"Laaaaasss...!" Now that she had a good gist of what to expect, Froslass unleashed that signature chilling cry of hers. This cry served one purpose. To alert Spitfire. The howl was eerie to many but satisfying to Merry Dread's ears considering where she came from.

"Hmph. Mew." Merry Dread would call for Mew. The New Species Pokemon had no choice but to fly over, feeling the bones in his body ache from all of this restraint. Mew was the only one who showed some signs of resisting this power but Merry Dread would keep him in check constantly.

"M-Mew...!" Under Merry Dread's unrelenting control, Mew would approach the Snow Land Pokemon, bypassing her intangibility by throwing Shadow Ball at her. Unable to see since she was protecting herself from Merry Dread's magic, Froslass was knocked out of the air by an unforeseen Shadow Ball.

"Lass!" Froslass cried out as her inability was interrupted. Her body ended up being caught by the melting liquid after all. The ice that she formed even shattered from Mew's explosive Shadow Ball. And to make matters worse, Merry Dread would accelerate the melting process just for Froslass. Refusing to let her fall, the melted ceiling would harden immediately, catching Froslass' lower body. "F-Fross?!" Froslass found herself stuck in midair with her upper part dangling.

"Don't want to be part of my posse? Be that way. You can hang around without ever having the chance to move freely. Get it? Hang around?" Merry Dread chuckled. "Ah, it's too easy sometimes. I'm lucky to have found you, Mew. Had it been any other Pokemon, this would've been much harder. But to have the ancestor of all Pokemon on my side...is the best possible outcome."

"Mew...!" Mew snarled and hissed at Merry Dread, wishing she could dish out some payback. Making him restrain so many innocents and helping Merry Dread increase her army of Pokemon was the complete opposite of Mew's ideals in every way.

"Oh, don't be like that." Merry Dread scoffed, waving her hoof. "After all, when this is all over, we can head home and be a family. You can be the playful younger brother and everyone else can be...I'll think of something. This is way better than having my brother or even my sister over. They make things boring anyway."

"Mew!" Just then, the sound of Pinkie Pie echoed nearby. Thanks to Froslass' howl, Spitfire was alerted. In extension, that meant Pinkie and Coco Pommel would follow.

"Are you all in here?!" Spitfire's voice would also come through.

"Don't come in!" The other Wonderbolts would cry out as loud as they could, warning their boss. Spitfire heard them loud and clear, coming to a screeching halt. She wouldn't dare go any closer. Especially when she knew what was potentially waiting for her.

"Ah? Who's brave enough to keep on showing up here?" Merry Dread said, twirling her mane out of excitement. Mainly because she could add new members to her posse of Pokemon. "And what's taking that bull so long, now that I think about it?"

"Mew! Mew...!" Mew would scream as loud as he can, attracting Pinkie Pie's attention. This cry for help resonated with Pinkie Pie, who was just on the other side of the Contest Hall.

"Come in, come in~" Merry Dread whistled. "You're just about to see me transform this hall into my own personal living room! And it'll be fit for a family of...well, hundreds. And as for the trainers, I think I'll mount them just to look posh.
"MOUNT?!" All of the Pokemon Trainers shuddered at this thought. Merry Dread essentially saw them as useless when compared to the Pokemon to the point where she would try and mount them instead of adding them to her posse.

"You're all useless. Unicorn magic is boring and what can a human do, anyway?" Merry Dread shrugged. "The Expendables aren't needed since they can't contribute anything. After all, you'll all be skeletons once the Black Crusade begins so the outcome's essentially the same."

"Boss! Her magic comes from her tail! Her ta-" But right as Thunderlane exposed Merry Dread's secret, Tangela would use its vines to cover his mouth along with the rest of the Wonderbolts.

"Her tail...?" Spitfire said from the other room, staying still and having yet to approach until she can figure out how to properly tackle this vampiric problem.

"Well, he already said it. But the question is...can you prevent it?" Merry Dread replied. "I look forward to seeing you show up. I know you're there too, Pinkie Pie. Not sure how you broke free from all of that, but do come in. So that you can face your dread once again."

Pinkie Pie shuddered. How does one get past this? Spitfire thought of only one possibility judging by what Pinkie Pie shared and the words Thunderlane yelled. Despite being in completely separate rooms, the tension was rising, Scizor's claws were sharpening, Mew was trembling out of fear of harming others and Merry Dread was anticipating her next victims.

Faye Mountain. Changeling Lands.

It wasn't much better back at the Changeling Lands. Chrysalis' fears came through. Due to the connections between the Dread League and Mellifera, one of the 15 Demons had shown up.

Through the black smoke, three cruel eyes stare at the changeling with apathetic dread and another clamour resonates from its concave mouth in pure agony. Rows upon rows of quills adorn its rounded head, which itself is seemingly shifting constantly. Constant snoring escapes the creature's jagged nostrils set within a broken nose. Its rounded head sits atop a compact, skeletal body. An oddly gorgeous robe covers its torso, but your eyes don't linger for long. The creature steps closer to you, its forty legs lumberingly carrying its draconic body with chaotic energy. Two draconic wings extend themselves fully. Skin-covered bones and fleshy membranes stretch upward as a show of potential force.

This demon resembled that a Centipede, making it all the more uncomfortable with all those legs. Already upon showing up, it was already hostile by first attacking the mountains, which it was almost large enough to match in size.

Chrysalis and her Changelings were already confronting this demon as this encounter was fairly early as seen by how the Centipede Demon was crawling on the mountains, crushing them with the strength of its forty disgusting legs.

Making that golden stairway to the stars would be impossible so as long as these demons remain. And one of the key users who can make this bridge work, Chrysalis was greatly occupied. Before she can hope to finish the stairway and reach Jirchi, stopping this demon from ruining her home was a top priority before anything else.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 971 End.

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