• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Desires

Author's Note:

This chapter will end up being a two-parter due to what happens in here.

Undella Town, Unova.

It was another one of those days. The day where Celestia is allowed to kick back, relax and take a load off. Thanks to her saving both worlds, she was allowed to take a break as many times as she wants.

Although, she does it very rarely since she cares about her subjects and all of Equestria so much. But she wasn't afraid to take a break once in a while. And what better place other than Alola to break in than Undella Town. The town of rippling waves.

"Here we are, Passion. Arcanine. Undella Town." Celestia spoke. She looked over at the many villas that weren't occupied at all. Normally, Undella Town is visited for summer vacations so the villas are unused until summer arrives.

But at the moment it wasn't summer. That didn't stop Celestia from choosing this place as her relaxation spot. Plus, the sun here is extra hot today so it was worth staying here.

Celestia brought along a chair where she could just lay on her back take in the golden sun of Unova all day long. She wasn't really planning on doing that much today. She was just going to take things slow and easy until the day ends.

Arcanine went off to lay in the sand and roll around it whilst Passion stayed next to Celestia at all times. Celestia laid the chair down, resting on as she brought along her sunglasses to fit the mood.

"Ah...There's something about the Pokemon world that gives me a special warmth." Celestia took a deep breath.

"Kirlia." Passion nodded in agreement.

"It really is a perfect place to just calm your nerves and recline."

"It truly is." A familiar voice replied to her.

Celestia turned her head to the right, seeing who it was that replied to her. She was obviously expecting a human of course, but the human, in particular, was someone she's seen before and heard about.


She was also in the same position as Celestia with sunglass on as well. The Champion of Sinnoh turned around to spot the Ruler of Equestria sitting right next to her as they were finally meeting each other for the very first time.

"...Cynthia?!" Celestia stood up.

"Princess Celestia?!" So did Cynthia.

"I didn't expect to see you here. Are you here to relax as well?"

"I sure am. But, your presence here surprises me more than anything. I would've thought you were back at Canterlot, occupied."

"I could say the same thing for you. I assumed you were at the Pokemon School since you're the Principal there."

"The school isn't open on weekends so this is one of the few times I'm away from it. And I couldn't help coming back here again."

"I see. Do any of these villas belong to you by any chance?"

"Mhm. I have my own personal villa instead of a rented one. Undella Town is where I can just get away from it all. Although...for the most part."

"Hm? Why? Does something happen here that interrupts your break?"

"One consistent thing. Trainers constantly coming here to challenge me. It's hard to catch a break when you're a champion. Everyone is always seeking you. I've had possibly a hundred challengers come here constantly. I hope the other champions don't have it as rough." Cynthia sighed.

"Well, one of them certainly does. Ash has managed to have as much free time as he wants whilst being both a champion in his world and hero throughout all of Equestria."

"Oh, you know Ash? I'm not surprised by that at all." Cynthia nodded. "But I didn't know he was a hero in your world."

"Oh, he is. And for many reasons. But I've never seen a hundred trainers challenge him. Usually, he just enjoys spending time in Equestria with his friends and he occasionally battles."

"That's good. It's nice that Ash is living his best life with a ton of freedom. Wish I could say the same for me."

"Why not change your vacation spot? I hear that Alola is a perfect place to relax. I've been there once with my sister and it truly does feel like a familiar place."

"Alola does sound nice..." Cynthia thought about it for a bit. "But then again, they always find me one way or another. And I predict in a few hours, another trainer will arrive."

"Well, I can see you also have a lot of weight to hold. Apologies if being a principal at the Pokemon School makes it worse."

"It doesn't. After all, I asked to be the principal myself. Teaching a whole other world about Pokemon is something I never knew I would end up taking an interest in. I don't regret it for a second."

"I wish it was that easy when I became the ruler of Equestria." Celestia looked to the side.

"Was it not?" Cynthia asked.

"Sadly no." Celestia sighed, looking up at the sky. "If anything, I was hesitant, skittish, volatile and just overall scared. But at the same time excited and happy."

Celestia started to reminisce the day she became a true princess and the ruler of all of Equestria. It was one of those many memories that never left her mind for a second since it was such an important moment in her life.

If it wasn't for the encouraging words of my family, I would've never been able to put on that crown and tackle the grand life that was approaching my way.

A young Princess Celestia who was about Twilight's current age sat a table with a mirror in front of her.

Her mane at this point wasn't ethereal or cosmic at all. But, she was an alicorn along with her parents. In her hooves, she held a golden crown that had a purple gem inside of it. Her mother Sunlight once wore this crown, and the gem inside was a gift from a certain siren that Sunlight met.

The young alicorn was shaking uncontrollably as she looked at the mirror, unsure if she was ready to be a real princess. She whimpered and looked down at her crown, having seconds thoughts about all of this.

Her mother and father, Sunlight and Eventide came through the door, wondering why their daughter was taking so long.

"Celestia? You've been in here for a while now. Everypony is waiting outside to see you be crowned as ruler of Equestria." Sunlight said.

"Is something the matter?" Eventide asked.

"Well, I...I..." Celestia stumbled on her words. "I'm just surprised that I've made it this far in my life. I'm not sure how to feel right now."

"Ah. Nervous are we? I see." Eventide nodded.

"Celestia, dear. We knew something like this would happen eventually. Especially today." Sunlight walked up to her daughter. "Remember?"

"I remember. You and father couldn't sit still for a second. The crowning coronation was almost a complete disaster."

"...Yes. You don't need to remind us..." Eventide turned around, sighing. "I hope the future coronations don't end being disastrous as ours.

"Even though it was a complete mess, do you recall how you and your little sister Luna were there to support us both?"

"I do. You both looked silly throughout it all." Celestia laughed, recalling some hilarious moments. "But, Luna and I were happy that you two ended up becoming so important. After all, you told me that you've never dreamt of reaching this point in your life."

"Indeed." Eventide went over to the two of them. "Your mother and I were of two completely different origins. She's is of royal blood and I was just an average pony."

"But when we crossed paths one day and ended up together, we only had our sights set on a simple and peaceful future. And as time went on, we had you and later on, Luna. Even though I have royal blood within me, I was never meant to be the ruler of Equestria in the first place."

"You weren't?"

"No. Even when marrying your father. I was inconsistent with my studies, wandering off to enjoy the simple things in life and such. My teachers would always scold me once I returned. My parents already knew that from the way I behaved, I wasn't exactly fit to be a princess."

"And when I came along, she spent more time with me than her studies." Eventide explained. "And when you and Luna were born, we almost forgot about everything else and only put all of our focus onto you two."

"You did spend a lot of time with Luna and me." Celestia nodded. "But when you two became alicorns, you were always so busy. I only saw you during the morning and the evening." She lowered her head.

"And I suppose that is one of the reasons why you are so hesitant, right?" Eventide questioned.

"Yes. If I become the ruler of Equestria...will I ever get to see my friends again?" Celestia whimpered, holding the crown close to her. "I don't know if I want to be crowned."

"Celestia. Time and time again, you've proven to overcome any obstacle that comes your way even when we weren't there. And even when you struggled, you had us and Luna to support you. Just like how the two of you supported us at our coronation, we shall support you as well."


"Really. And when Luna is crowned, we shall give even greater support to her without question." Eventide nodded.

"Thank you. Mother. Father. I think I'm ready."

On that day, Princess Celestia became the official ruler of Equestria. It wasn't just her family that supported her. Even her own friends and teachers did the same, only boosting her confidence. Celestia would've been a completely different pony if it wasn't for the ones close to her helping the young princess become the pony that she is today.

"Just thinking about makes me so nostalgic." Celestia closed her eyes before opening them again. "Oh, sorry. I supposed I rambled on long enough."

"I quite enjoyed that. Sounds like you've had an eventful life after that." Cynthia replied.

"Eventful is an understatement. In fact, I would even say that the past doesn't compare to the present day. Pokemon are on a completely different level." Celestia picked up Passion with her hooves. "Meeting Passion is one of them. She's without a doubt one of the greatest things to ever happen in my entire life."

"Kir!" Passion put her arms on Celestia's face, mushing it around as they both laughed.

"I can see that you and your Kirlia are very close. Reminds me of how Garchomp when she was still a Gible."

"Kir. Kirlia!"

"Passion and I were close the moment we first met in Lilycove City. But it wasn't until her power started to become unstable that we really became closer as a duo."


"Well. Laying around is relaxing, but I feel like taking part in some activities. What is there to do here in Undella Town, actually?"

"Well, apart from the trainers coming here for a battle, Undella is a fairly laid-back area. There isn't much to do than just relax. It is a vacation spot after all."

"I suppose so. Passion. Why don't we go for a small swim then?"

"Kirlia!" Passion liked the sound of that.

The two of them spent their time in the sea, taking in the soothing aura that it's filled with. Cynthia sent out her Milotic to swim with them. They started having a generally good time with nothing but peace filling the air.

However, that would all change soon with the presence of two particular individuals. Lucien and Sienna. For once they weren't hanging around a cloud in Equestria. Instead, they had decided to interact with Celestia herself. Or rather, Sienna decided since this was her plan.

The Rift duo were now on a Unova cloud instead, observing Celestia and also Cynthia who they were a bit intimidated by for obvious reasons.

"Alright, Sienna. This is Princess Celestia we're talking about. So whatever your plan is, it has to be effective enough to match Celestia's skills." Lucien said to her.

"Oh, it will be. Hear me out on this. I say we do something we only tried once and never again." Sienna raised her finger.

"Like what exactly?"

"Remember that time I almost ruined the day the CMC got their Cutie Marks?"

"Oh, yeah. I remember. You created a creature that's formed by someone's obsessions or struggles and it drains their life force. By accident of course."

"That's the one! Best idea I've had if I do say so myself." Sienna stood up with pride. "But it didn't last that long. So I'll just make it happen for real this time. And I'll go a step further!"

"Step further? What are you gonna do?"

"Well. How about...oh! They have one goal in mind. To gain a complete body from the host they were created from! After all, they're just living energy. So they're not that physical."

"Huh...that does sound pretty eventful. But what can they even do? They can't just walk around mindlessly."

"Hehehe. They're mindless for sure. But they've got some neat abilities with them! Let's start small first!" Sienna raised her hands, scattering three cosmic rays that went towards Undella, Humilau City which was right near Undella and Route 13 which was north from here

The three humans were hit by these rays, unaware that they were even affected since the rays don't cause any shock or impact when they enter someone. As such, they all went on with their day, oblivious to what was about to occur based on their own emotions and desires.

Humilau City was the first to be affected. A city with a population of only 32, making it a medium-sized city by Unova standards. Despite it being a resort city with calm and sparkling seas, one human was a bit uneasy. Besides everyone here who are always laid back and calm, this human was an exception for one reason.

A woman who was obsessed with a TV show she desired to be a success. This TV was small and new since she made it herself. However, it wasn't gaining any traction whatsoever. And it had been 2 months now with no attention given to it.

"Still nothing..." The woman sighed as she held her Poke Ball. "What am I doing wrong?"

The woman felt like her dream show wouldn't go anywhere at all. That it will be left in the dust forever in obscurity. That negativity and desire to be big formed the first entity.

Just like before, the creature looked exactly like the host it had been formed from. However, they had no face whatsoever. They were only a body outline made out of cosmic energy.

The entity forced itself out of the woman, causing her to fall on her back due to the sheer force of the energy-releasing out of her. She looked up in shock to see this unexplained apparition that looked exactly like her in every way shape and form. Minus the face.

"W-What are you?!" She stammered as her Corphish came out of the Poke Ball to defend its trainer.


"Dream big..." The entity suddenly spoke. It sounded exactly like the woman only with a slightly distorted voice that sounded like 7 voices in one.

The word Dream big was all it kept on saying. It was only uttering those words due to the woman's dream to be big on television. This only confused the woman even further as she had no idea how to react.

The entity began working on a way to obtain a complete body. And that's when Sienna's extra touch came in. When she said that they have abilities with them, she wasn't lying at all. Due to the woman's relation with TV, this entity had the ability to convert itself into electrons and teleport with them.

The entity transformed into living electrons, heading inside of the woman's TV, it was capable of tampering with every piece of electricity in the entire city. The inside of the woman's house had lost of all of its power, causing her bulb to explode.

Even her fridge, microwave, vacuum cleaner and other appliances were ruined by this entity's influence and abilities. And it looked like she was powerless to stop it along with her Corphish who had no idea what to attack.

She screamed as everything containing electricity was being obliterated left and right. The camera she used to film herself had been blown up by the entity's actions.

But of course, the creatures had the ability to steal the life force of the host they came from. And they all had their own way of doing it. For this particular entity, it turned on the TV, showing the woman her TV show that never made it big.

The entity could absorb the life force of its host by simply letting her watch the show. But it didn't stop with its host. It immediately went for every TV in Humilau, turning every single one of them on.

Anyone who watched the video would end up having their life force being slowly taken away from them. And after that, they would end up in a catatonic state. This was what the woman wanted in the first place. For everyone to see her TV show.

But not like this.

For the other two humans nearby, their entities had already been formed faster the woman's entity.

One young trainer on Route 13 had created an entity based on his desire to beat Cynthia herself, much like most trainers who come to Undella Town. Although, this trainer had actually battled Cynthia a few times and was coming back for a rematch in hopes of winning.

His entity was a representation of himself. But since he was a Pokemon Trainer, he came equipped with Poke Balls to represent the perfect team that he trained for Cynthia. This entity had an Omnidirectional Vision that allowed it to see in multiple places at once.

This vision ability represented his plan to defeat Cynthia as it was looking in all directions to watch out for any of Cynthia's Pokemon due to how strong and fast they were.

And the final human had their entity formed. A man who was stressed out from working at his job to support both his girlfriend and himself. He was a worker who worked at Driftveil City's Cold Storage. A warehouse where many perishable products were being kept.

He had to wake up at 5:00 in the morning and come home at 9:00 in the night. His job wasn't very kind to him. He could barely spend time with his lover who he constantly supported.

However, his time in the Cold Storage was really starting to get to him. Each time he returned home, he could always feel the chill of the storage flow through his body.

As such, the entity created from him had access to Ice-Type Pokemon and even some Cryokinesis.

These three entities got to work. The young trainer's entity set off to recklessly battle anyone it comes across on. It wouldn't care about collateral damage as it just wanted to get stronger.

And as for the worker's entity, it was planning on freezing most of Undella and Humilau and possibly all of Unova if it grows stronger.

"Done and done!" Sienna dusted her hands. "Once these three are defeated, we can use more of these living desires..." That's when she came up with the perfect name for the entities. "That's it! I'll call them Desires!"

"Desires huh...? I could've come up with something better." Lucien was not impressed.

The two Desires of the man and woman had already made some progress on their actions with most of the electronics being destroyed one by one along with Humilau City being slowly frozen over.

The young trainer's Desire had actually come across some Fishermen who were just minding their own business until the Desire decided to battle them.

The Fishermen were a bit confused on what they were looking at as they didn't really have the spirit to take on this odd walking energy creature. However, their Pokemon were there to defend them.

What fills up this Desire is that whenever it defeats someone in a Pokemon Battle, it takes some of their life force to complete its body.

The Desire sent out a Beartic that belongs to the original host. But there was something off about this Beartic. This Beartic had the same cosmic outline as the Desire, however, it actually had the visible body of a Beartic inside of being an outline.

The Pokemon belonging to the Fishermen were all defeated quickly by the fake Beartic with just a single Freeze Dry, which was a move that was even super-effective on Water-Types.

When the Beartic battled, it battled recklessly to a point where the entire Route had taken some damage with Beartic's ferocious Ice-Type moves. The way this Desire battled was not like a usual Pokemon Trainer. For starters, it even commanded the Beartic to attack the trainers themselves. Not just their Pokemon.

As a result, it ends causing great harm to others without any sense of its surroundings. All of Route 16 had been frozen over by Beartic's destructive moves as ordered by the Desire.

With that victory, the Desire had taken some of the life force of the Fishermen it had defeated, making its way towards Undella. And if it anyone else ends up seeing it, the Desire will go up against them as all well for the sake of victory.

The original host of the trainer was on the ground as he had fainted from the Desire coming out of his body. He woke up, wondering what had just happened as he looked around his surroundings.

"...What was that...?" The trainer held his head. He noticed up ahead that the entire Route had been frozen over along with the Fishermen currently being in a catatonic state with a bit of their life force missing from them.

He was unaware that an apparition of himself was on the loose, battling anyone it came across without any care whatsoever.

"Kir!" Passion could sense something wrong. Her being the emotion Pokemon made her notice that there was an odd mixture of emotions nearby.

From what Passion could tell, the emotions were moving as if they were sentient. And in fact, they were. She turned around to see the first Desire arrive. That being the young trainer's.

The Desire simply stood there with a lifeless stance. Cosmic sparkles flowed out of its body as it kept saying the word Victory over and over again. Its cosmic body let out an unnatural noise that sounded like the universe itself howling endlessly.

"Kirlia! Kir!" Passion nudged Celestia, grabbing the attention of her trainer.

"What's wrong, Passion?" Celestia turned to the Emotion Pokemon.

"Lia!" Passion pointed her arms over at the Desire, showing it to Celestia.

"What is that thing?!" Celestia gasped, unsure of what she was looking at. From what she and Passion could tell, it was a living outline of someone's body filled with cosmic energy. Truly an odd sight to behold.

The Desire turned around, staring directly at Cynthia who was resting on her beach chair with an umbrella on top, completely unaware of the approaching cosmic being that was heading her way.

"Cynthia!" Celestia shouted her name as she teleported in front of the champion, grabbing her attention.

"What is it, Princess?" Cynthia sat up, taking off her glasses. She squinted her eyes to spot the Desire walking directly towards her and Celestia.

"Victory!" The Desire screamed as it stomped on the ground, putting a stop to its eerie movements as it had found the target it wanted. Cynthia.

All three of them had no idea what they were looking at. But Cynthia could slightly recognize the outline of the Desire as it reminded her of the trainer who had battled her before.

"What are you and what do you want?" Celestia questioned.

"Victory!" The Desire responded by raising its Poke Ball, only here to battle and nothing else. It was here to battle anything that stood in its way.

All the while, other locations near Undella were being affected by the other two Desires without Celestia and Cynthia even knowing. But they have their own problem to deal with.

With Celestia and Cynthia's downtime interrupted by this strange entity, Sienna's Desire plan has already proved to be fairly effective as many humans have fainted from having their life force's stolen from them. The Rift humans continued to spectate over this event to see how it will play out as the journey continues.

Chapter 264 End.

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