• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Tree of Harmony

"A Tree?" Keldeo said. Both him and Cobalion had come across a mysterious tree. Even though Cobalion didn't know what it was, he knew what it was meant for. For somepony greater.

"This is no ordinary tree. This tree is waiting for another. One who's destiny will be fulfilled here."

"Well. What do we do now? We still don't know where the source of these vines are coming from."

"I think I may know. Look." Cobalion moved his head over to what appeared to be black seeds.

"Black seeds?"

"Perfect for growing roots of this scale."

Twilight who had drank the potion ended up back in the past. This time it was the past where Discord had turned the world into a chaotic landscape. Celestia and Luna were against him as they looked like they were tattered up.

"Hahahoho! This is so much fun. How about a game of pin the tail on the pony." The Lord of Chaos was suddenly holding Celestia's Etheral tail.

"Playtime is over you for Discord!" Celestia exclaimed.

"Oh, I doubt that." He replied by eating black seeds from a small sack. "Hungry?" He put the sack forward as those seeds dropped everywhere on the ground. Celestia and Luna had stern faces the whole way through. "Suit yourself."

The two sisters got out the Elements of Harmony from their pouch as they circled both of them.

"Oh. What have you got there?"

"The Elements of Harmony." Celestia said.

"With them, we shall defeat you!" Luna followed.

"This must be when they turned Discord into stone..." Twilight realised. Discord was laughing, thinking this was all pointless.

"You should see yourselves right now. The expressions on your faces are so intense. So sure of yourselves." He kept laughing as the rainbow emerged from them, swirling up in the air. "Hilarious!" He was uncontrollably laughing as he didn't notice the rainbow beam that was heading to him. He was struck as his entire body was turning to stone, sending him into a still motionless state.

It wasn't over though. She was then in another location, an unidentified one even. This location had a tree, similar to the one that Keldeo and Cobalion found in the present.

"The Tree of Harmony." Luna gasped.

"The TREE of Harmony?" Twilight had never heard about this tree. She didn't even know there was another piece of harmony out there. She looked at the tree as she saw not only Celestia's Cutie Mark but hers as well. "My Cutie Mark."

Celestia flew up to the tree, lighting up Twilight's Cutie Mark.

"Are you sure?" Luna said to her sister.

"We have managed to discover the only means by which we can defeat Discord, and free the citizens of Equestria. Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic." Celestia explained. The elements were taken out of the tree, flying about. "As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here."

Dialga appeared once more in the sky, looking at Twilight. The young alicorn looked back at the Temporal Pokemon who did end up showing her as well.

"Dialga! What is it, you're trying to tell me?" She tried talking to the Temporal Pokemon. Dialga let out a single cry. Though it and Twilight cannot understand each other, Dialga can at least let out a roar that others can understand. This roar was a message to Twilight.

"Starlight... who?" It was too late to get it all a she was back in the present.

"So what'd you find out?" Spike asked.

"I still don't know what's happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. But I think I know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way. Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony." The others looked confused as this was their first time hearing about this.

"The tree of what now?" Rainbow said.

"It's where Princess Luna and Princess Celestia found the elements. I think it's in danger."

"Well alright then! Let's go save- uh...tree. Uhh.. where is it exactly?" Applejack asked her.

"I think it's in.. There!" She looked at the Everfree Forest, where a plethora of black vines were.

With Keldeo and Cobalion.

"You're saying that these seeds are the cause of it, Cobalion?"

"Black seeds being planted near a tree and sprouting black vines. It's not difficult to put the two and two together."

"Well then let's just get rid of these remaining seeds." Keldeo used his sword to cut the leftover seeds.

"Even if we do that, the rest of them have already been planted and fertilized. The best we can do is keep cutting these vines to halt them. Even if they grow back."

"So no one can stop this?"

"Not quite. This is magic territory. Something we're not experts in. This is pony territory."

"I'm a pony! I got this!"

"You're not brimming with magic though."

"Aw man.."

"Yeah. Unicorn territory. That's what it is." A voice came for nearby. Cold Colt and Emerald Aura were here. "Sup losers." Cold Colt taunted.

"Who are you two?" Cobalion demanded they said their names.

"We're two ponies created by the Rift. And right now we're here to spice things up. Hope you don't mind." Emerald replied.

"The Rift you say. So that makes you a threat to both worlds."

"Someone's harsh. Then again, what did we expect from the Iron Will Pokemon." Emerald replied.

"If you'll excuse us.. we're intensifying the situation. We've already seen what happened in the original timeline... Let's make it more interesting!" Cold Colt fired a magic beam towards the tree, however, Cobalion had reflected it with his sword.

"If you know how these events originally played out, and are trying to change it, just for the sake of fun, then I will not allow you."

"Me neither!" Keldeo exclaimed.

"What do we do? We didn't plan on taking on the Swords of Justice!" Cold Colt said, a bit nervous since these were Legendary Pokemon.

"We're useless against them in our current state. But we'll leave you all with a little gift if you don't mind!" Emerald aura dropped a small sparkle of magic on the ground as she and Cold Colt were returning back to their hideout via Rift teleportation. "Buh-bye!"

"What did they do?" Keldeo asked. The ground was shaking as the weeds and vines seemed to be getting bigger.

"They've done something to the seeds!" This was reaching all of Everfree. Twilight and her friends could feel this unknown pressure.

"W-What's going on?!" Fluttershy muttered. Out of the ground, sprouted something they did not see coming. A 30ft monster that was made out of the black vines and weeds along with the thorns emerged from the ground. This was created by Emerald's magic, making it crazy enough to be a Rift creation.

"Oh, sweet Celestia..."Twilight murmured. The Black Tree creature roared as thorns shot out when it roared. They all avoided the thorns as they dug into the ground, showing just how sharp they are.

"Oooh. This is new." Discord had a camera ready to record all of this.

"Of all the times Ash is not here..." Dawn said to herself. "Where is he during all of this?" The tree had then extended its black vines, gripping all of Ponyville. It grabbed a hold of some ponies and Pokemon, absorbing them in it.

"IT ABSORBED THEM?!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Not good. It's gonna make us all apart of it very soon! Croagunk! Poison Jab!" Brock sent out Croagunk as the Toxic Mouth Pokemon jabbed into the tree monster, stinging it a bit. The creature cried as it whacked Croagunk away. "Oh no, Croagunk!" The barbed behemoth started walking as the Mane 6, Zecora, Spike, Dawn, Misty and Brock started running.

From the distance, you could see this 30ft beast moving as it tore through the ground with its spiky feet.

"We can't get to the Tree of Harmony with THIS thing in the way!" Twilight shouted.

"Then we'll have to force our way through. Go! Rufflet! Whirlipede!" Rainbow sent out both of her Pokemon. "Use Rollout and Aerial Ace!" The two Pokemon flew towards the black creature, crashing into it and striking wings on it. The creature was a bit phased but it kept on moving as it grabbed onto Rufflet, Whirlipede and everyone else.

"L-Let us go!" Rainbow Dash yelled, biting on it's vines.

"T-This grip is too much!" Fluttershy said as she was about to pass out from this intense pressure being put on her.

"All these branches are giving it strength! Not only that, but it is increasing with length!" Zecora was right. The Tree Monster was growing longer. Longer vines, thorns and height. They were all being pulled in as Twilight managed to break free from it thanks to her newfound Alicorn strength.

"Everypony!" She cried out.

"T-Twilight.." Rarity extended her hoof as she was deep in the tree.

"NO!" It all seemed hopeless... until the branches were cut in half, freeing the Mane 6 and the others from being pulled in. "W-What?"

"Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone. Bit occupied at Vermillion City Gym." Ash was here with Pikachu. But not just that, he bought some of his Pokemon along with him.

"ASH!" They all shouted in unison.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Twilight went to hug him but pulled back. "WHERE WERE YOU DURING ALL OF THIS?!"

"Sorry! I was in getting my ranking up for the World Championship by battling at the Vermillion Gym. Hehe. My bad."

"You were busy getting ranks?!" Twilight bellowed.

"Anyways. I'm here now. That's the main problem." Ash pointed at the Tree Behemoth.

"Ash. We're trying to get to the Everfree Forest, but this thing's in the way. Its made up of all these weeds everywhere." AJ explained.

"Say no more. All we have to do is get to the forest. Staraptor! Aerial! Sceptile! Leaf Blade! Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Commanding his Pokemon to take action, they each pushed back this behemoth. They were lucky that Ash's Pokemon were extremely strong. "Get going!" Ash exclaimed. They all ran into the forest, looking back at the monster. Dawn, Misty and Brock stayed behind to help their longtime friend Ash.

"What about you, Ash?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"We got this. You all have an important job to do. We'll just slow this thing down for you."


"Alright. Good luck!" Twilight said.

Ash turned to the behemoth as it had some dents in it.

"Alright! Infernape! Burn away all those vines! Gengar! Use Psychic to lift in the air!" Infernape jumped onto the monster, setting its vines of fire as it spread like fire would on trees. Gengar had used Psychic to lift the Behemoth high up as Infernape hanged on to its large branch arms.

"Piplup! Whirlpool!"

"Croagunk! Poison Jab once more!"

"Starmie! Psybeam!"

As they were all doing their best to stop that monster, Twilight and the others were deep in the forest now. Around them, they saw how much these vines and weeds had effected everything. Twilight stepped on a rock near the lake, but that was no rock. It started to rise as it was revealed to be another monster. One actually native to the Everfree Forest.

"Eeek! A Cragadile! Run for your lives!" Rarity screamed as they scattered. The huge crocodile-like monster cornered Twilight and Spike. The alicorn tried to fly but she was too nervous and she still couldn't get the hang of it. The beast was about to bite her until it was stopped. The girls had gathered a vine, wrapping it around its tail and trying to pull it back. Applejack used a vine as a lasso, latching onto the Cragadile's mouth. They used the weeds to restrain it, tying them to the trees, preventing it from moving.

"That was close." Twilight sighed.

"A little too close if you ask me. You sure you're alright?" AJ asked.

"I'm fine. I just can't seem to get these new wings to do what I want them to do when I want them to do it!" She complained.

"Ah, you'll figure it out eventually." Rainbow replied.

"Eventually, isn't soon enough."

"You have been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And well, who knows what else is gonna come after us. You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her." Applejack said.

"What? Why?" Twilight was confused about why AJ would say that.

"For starters, you just about got eaten by a Cragadile."

"We all did. He wasn't after just me."

"Sure but, well, the rest of us aren't princesses."

"What's THAT got to do with anything?"

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone. If something happened to you... I just don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess." Applejack was greatly worried for her. Considering what was happening right now, with the missing princesses and the tree monster.

"Applejack does make a valid point." Rarity agreed with her. "Even if we managed to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence."

"But the Tree of Harmony! I'm the only one who has seen it and knows what it looks like!"

"You're not the only one." A voice replied to her. Cobalion and Keldeo were here after they had just returned from the Tree.

"Keldeo!" Twilight said.

"And Cobalion!" Fluttershy followed.

"We've seen the Tree as well. It's far beyond us. What it requires is magic. Not our speciality at all."

"I have magic. So all I need to do is head there and solve it."

"It won't be easy, my little pony. That behemoth is not the only thing that spawned from the vines. The magic that was sent inside the seeds has sprouted far more dangerous threats, larger than the ones that already exist here. If you're going to go in there, you need to make sure that you are prepared for the absolute worst."

"I can't let you go through with this Twilight. That tree monster is already bad enough. Who knows what's deeper in there." Applejack said.

"So... you all think it would be best if I wasn't here?"

"It is for the best. We don't want to risk losing you. And somepony needs to lead Equestria."

"Alright.." Twilight walked off with tears in her eyes, returning to Ponyville.

"Jump and use Iron Tail!"

"Chu-Pika!" Pikachu smacked the behemoth's face with an Iron Tail, knocking it back.

"Awesome job, Pikachu! Now let's hit em hard!! Flare Blitz! Leaf Blade! Fire Fang! Razor Shell! Ice Punch! Stone Edge! Hyper Beam!" His Pokemon each used their hardest hitting moves. Infernape, Sceptile, Gliscor, Oshawott and Gengar charged in to get up close and personal whilst Pikachu, Dragonite and Krookodile attacked from afar. Both physical and ranged attacks made contact, striking the behemoth was it was sent flying back due to the combined might.

"Woah! You sent it flying!" Dawn yelled.

"But everypony else is still inside!" Misty said.

"They'll be fine! We'll save them. Gotta put our trust in Twilight and the others. If it gets too hairy for them, we'll go and help." Twilight was watching this as she heard what Ash said. He generally had trust and faith in her, even if her friends didn't want her getting hurt.

"Seems like somepony has some faith in you." Discord said, talking to Twilight. "And to think your friends let you go since they know that YOU know you're better than everypony. One to rule Equestria after all with the missing princesses."

"I'm not better than anypony!"

"Well, how silly of me to assume that you would think that." Discord poofed a royal robe on Twilight and gave her a golden sceptre with her face on the top. "All you did was choose to keep your precious princess self out of harm's way, while your friends thrust themselves right into it. I'm sure you'll all be the best of pals again when they return from their terrifying and deeply bonding experience that they're having without you." Somehow, those words that Discord said encouraged her to return back to the forest.

The tree behemoth was greatly damaged thanks to Ash and everyone else's efforts. The behemoth had fallen, defeated on the ground. This had freed the ponies and Pokemon who were trapped inside of it, but it didn't free Celestia and Luna.

"W-What happened?"

"I don't know.." They were all perplexed and confused.

"That takes care of that. Now we gotta leave it to Twilight and the others."

Cobalion and Keldeo were leading the girls to the tree. They cut through some of the vines with their swords, protecting them.

"We're close." Cobalion said.

"Um, mister Cobalion, sir. What does the Tree of Harmony even look like?" Fluttershy asked.

"From what I can tell you, it is a tree unlike anything else. More importantly, it is a tree that only responds to destiny."

"Destiny?" They all said in unison.

"You'll know when we get there. Actually, we're here." They stopped as they came across the stairs leading to the tree. They all walked down it, heading into the root of it all. And there it was.

"Land sakes... It IS real." Applejack took her hat off.

"Everypony!" Twilight caught up, catching her breath as she went through all those horrible and rabid vines.

"Twilight? You came back!" Pinkie said.

"I couldn't leave you all. I just couldn't. You're my friends. I can't abandon you for anything else."

"Twilight, darling." Rarity stepped up. "We have to apologise for just sending you off like that. Equestria may need a princess..."

"But we need our friend." Fluttershy said. Twilight was touched by that as they closed in for a hug. Keldeo was trying to be cool, covering his eyes and acting like he wasn't crying.

"Not crying.. it's just liquid pride!"

"It's wonderful that you have all reconnected, but we have more important business to attend to. Cobalion pointed his horn at the tree. It was currently wrapped around the vines, slowly dying. "These vines won't let you get near the tree." Twilight flew up, looking at the tree, wondering what to do to save it. That's when she remembered what Celestia said in the past.

"Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here."

Twilight knew what they must do.

"I know how we can save the tree. We have to give it the Elements of Harmony."

"Woah, Woah, Woah. How are supposed to protect Equestria?!" Rainbow Dash and the others weren't sure about this.

"How are we meant rain Discord in if we can't use the elements to turn him back to stone?" Rarity said.

"Twilight. The Elements of Harmony... They're what keep us connected no matter what." Applejack said to her.

"You're right about one thing, Applejack. The Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn't the elements that will keep us connected. It's our friendship. And it's more powerful and important than any magic. My new role in Equestria may mean I have to take on new responsibilities... and our friendships may be tested. But it will never, ever be broken. There's no time to lose. Everypony ready?" Twilight flew up but she was stopped by the vines as it clutched onto her hoof.

The threats that Cobalion mentioned had shown themselves. They were waiting idly. Creatures of all kinds spawned from the seeds and Emerald's magic.

"What are those things?!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Stay behind us. You all focus on restoring the tree!" Cobalion and Keldeo would provide cover. Cobalion used his sword to cut through these mysterious creatures, destroying them by splitting them in half. Keldeo kicked one of them back while shooting water from his hooves. The vines were becoming more aggressive as they surrounded them all like a vortex. The vines then gripped onto the elements, trying to remove them.

"What in tarnation?!"

"They're trying to stop us!" Twilight exclaimed. Cobalion and Keldeo destroyed a large majority of the creatures by the vines kept coming. The vines were getting close to removing the elements as they held them all in place.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Pikachu had arrived with Ash and his Pokemon as he cut the vines in half, freeing Twilight and the others. The weeds then focused on Ash Ketchum, attempting to latch onto him, but Gible wouldn't let that happen as he shot a Draco-Meteor at the weeds, obliterating them.

"Quickly! Do it!" Cobalion bellowed.

"Right!" Twilight nodded. The gems of the elements all flew off with Twilight's magic carrying them. The vines attempted to stop Twilight, however, Charizard had burned them away. The gems had then flown to the tree, landing on their respected spots. The vines grew larger as they had encased the other girls. Bulbasaur lifted the vines off them with his own.

Once all the elements were on the tree, something magical truly happened. All the elements glowed a powerful magic pulse of rainbows erupted. This pulse was so great it wiped out the vines and weeds. It spread across all of Ponyville, getting rid of every single one of them. This was the power that Celestia was talking about in the past. Al returned to normal, including the tree, shining brightly once more in its purest form.

It wasn't just its form that returned, Celestia and Luna were revealed to be encased in large thick vines. Those vines had been wiped out as they were free. Twilight rushed at them to give them a hug. Celestia had known what she had done.

"We know how difficult it must have been to give up the elements. It took great courage to relinquish them." Celestia said.

Twilight looked at the tree, gazing at her Cutie Mark as her eyes sparkled. A rainbow trail moved along the tree as it sprouted a flower. Twilight walked up to the flower, raising her hoof up. It opened up, revealing a chest of some sorts.

"What's inside it? How am I supposed to open it?" She wondered.

"Six locks, six keys." Luna said.

"I do not know where they are." Not even Celestia knew. "But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone."

"Phew! Man, coming back here for a few minutes was wild, huh Pikachu?"


"I'm surprised it didn't last long. Saves up some trouble." Keldeo said.

"It is better to solve a problem as fast as you can then prolong it." Cobalion replied. Celestia noticed that Cobalion was here as she was trying not to freak out in front Twilight of all ponies. Luna looked at her as she held her sister.

"It's best that we were leaving now." She flew off, carrying her older sister as it was time to head back. All the Pokemon who were here returned, happy that all that trouble was gone.

The Behemoth had been wiped out as well, freeing everypony. Discord saw the group return as he congratulated them for winning.

"Congratulations! Once you and your beasties win the day. What large creatures did you have to blast with the elements to win? And speaking of which, where are those little necklaces and big crown of yours?"

"They're... gone." Applejack unfortunately said. But for Discord, this was a relief.

"Gone? Hohohoho! Gone?"

"But our friendship remains. And if YOU wanna remain friends, you'll stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking and help us clean up." Fluttershy demanded.

"Fine. But I don't do windows." He was in a maid outfit.

"One thing I don't understand. Why did this happen now?" Applejack asked.

"I have no idea. Those seeds I planted should've sprouted up ages ago."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Twilight shouted at him.

"Oh. Why should I try to explain it when you can see for yourself." Discord poofed the potion in his hand. Twilight took it, taking another sip as she was back in the past where Discord reigned. She took a good look and saw what Discord was eating were the black seeds. And each time he moved around and ate them, they fell on the ground like a child going crazy on food. The seeds would've sprouted but the tree was powerful enough to keep them at bay until now. Twilight had returned to the present, fuming.

"You realize this is information we could've used HOURS AGO!"

"And rob you of a valuable lesson of being princess? What kind of friend do you think I am?"

It was now time for the Summer Sun Celebration to finally take place. Trumpets were blown as all ponies gathered around.

"Citizens of Equestria. It is no longer with a heavy heart, but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister. Princess Luna. They all cheered as Luna flew up, bringing the silver moon down. Celestia then soared up, raising that bright and beautiful golden sun.

Twilight decided to finally do that big finish that Rainbow Dash mentioned as she flew up, leaving behind her Cutie Mark as a flash in the sky.

"Oooooh." Everypony gawked.

"This world sure is something, ain't it Pikachu?"


Another day saved. Once again, they all had to go through some heavy obstacles, but they managed to overcome them. They will always be ready for whatever problem may come. But no one could predict the problem that was lurking. Ghetsis was still around. His quest for Meloetta was a success. But that wasn't his only goal.

"We have what we need. Now the next step is to take advantage of this world. This is nothing but a make-believe kiddy universe!" Meloetta was trapped in a canister, trying to break free, but she couldn't. "You're going to play a tune so painful it will render them all in agonizing pain. But that isn't what I am aiming for. No. I want something greater!" Ghetsis's aura was rising by the minute. Whatever it is he was planning, would spell Equestria's darkest time.

Chapter 49 End!

Author's Note:

I can't believe I'm reaching the 50th chapter soon.

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