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Starshine sat at the table, sipping on a chocolate milkshake, lightly swaying from side to side as she stared at Sunburst. "So, any plans for the day?" she asked.

"Not really. I have a meeting tomorrow, but I'm mostly free today. I was thinking about maybe doing some research, I have a few books I'd like to get through." Sunburst dug into his ice-cream with his spoon and brought the contents to his lips. "Thank you for paying for this, by the way."

"Think nothing of it." In her swaying, Starshine's hind legs began to brush back and forth against Sunburst's. "I wouldn't mind spending some time with you while you read. You could even teach me about what you're studying. You know, to make up for the train ride." She smirked at him. "I can put on my schoolfilly outfit if you want."

Sunburst's teeth clacked against the teaspoon as he closed his lips around it, then he swallowed and pulled it out of his mouth. "You have a schoolfilly outfit ready to go here?" he asked, adjusting his glasses.

Starshine nodded. "I keep it prepared, it might always be useful. I have a few more outfits ready too. Want to hear about them?" Her legs brushed just a tiny bit higher on the inside of Sunburst's with each sway.

"No, I don't think I'm interested right now." Sunburst ate another spoonful of ice-cream, and eyed the way a line of milkshake escaped the corner of Starshine's mouth and rolled down her cheek, then down her chest, disappearing beneath the table. "Why exactly do you have them, anyway? Is it part of your job or something?"

"You could say that, I suppose." Starshine smiled. "They're there for you to enjoy. Just like I am." Her legs moved higher still on Sunburst's inner thighs. "I'd love to make you enjoy our time together." She took another long sip of her milkshake, then licked her lips clean. And then she looked straight at him with an almost flat smile, and casually said, "Or we could just have sex I guess."

Sunburst stopped halfway through sliding the spoon out of his mouth, then he resumed doing so after a moment, his expression unchanged. "No, I don't think we will." He sunk his spoon in the ice-cream and brought it back to his lips again.

Starshine appeared mildly displeased by that. She took another sip of her milkshake, now almost finished, and kept rubbing her hind hooves against Sunburt's inner thighs. "But why not?"

"You're an almost complete stranger who I've only met two times, during both of which you acted in extremely suspicious ways, your appearance is completely different from the last time I saw you, I have no idea who you really are, and everything nice you've done for me was very clearly an attempt to get me to have sex with you. I have no reason to trust you." He ate another spoonful of ice-cream. "Also, I'm sort of in a relationship already."

"Yeah, but you would like to have sex with me."

Sunburst opened his mouth to reply, then closed it for a moment. "Well, yeah, I can't deny that. But that doesn't mean I will."

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