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"Do you think if you took audio samples from the Dazzlings's songs and cleaned them up right you could use them to hypnotise people?"

Bon Bon stopped sipping her drink halfway, and blinked. "What?"

Lyra idly stabbed at her salad. "Do you think you could use the Dazzlings's songs to hypnotise people? Do the recordings still have power?"

"No, I got that part." Bon Bon set her drink down. "But what? Why?"

"All sorts of reasons one might want to hypnotise people. Taking over the world for example." Lyra went silent as she began to munch on her food.

Bon Bon silently stared at her for a bit. "Alright. Fair enough."

Lyra swallowed. "Maybe Vinyl would know. I should ask her."

"Yeah." Bon Bon nodded, and sighed. "Sure."

"But what if it works and then she uses it to hypnotise me?" Lyra gasped. "Or maybe she's already found out it works and she's already hypnotising us all. Or maybe she accidentally hypnotised herself."

Bon Bon picked up her drink again and went back to sipping on it. "Maybe you should ask her about it."

"You silly. You can't just ask someone if they're hypnotised. Unless you hypnotised them yourself, I guess."

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