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Starlight woke up when the Sun hit her eyes through her blinds. Or at least she'd assumed it was going past her blinds, but once she actually pushed herself out of bed she realised she'd never actually closed those the night before. And a moment later she realised there was a lot she didn't remember about the night before. Or the whole end of the day, for that matter.

She'd listened to Twilight's speech, she knew that much, but the time period between the alicorn's return to Ponyville and that was a bit of a blur. And afterwards things only got less clear to her memory. She supposed it was probably just a side effect of the stress she'd been going through, though.

She did feel better. Strangely, somewhat, perhaps as a result of the long sleep she'd had. It had definitely been long given how high the Sun was already, but it had helped.

She needed to talk to Twilight about the situation. Not just to argue. She hadn't been in the best state of mind the day before, and she knew Twilight had been stressed out as well. But they were friends, and they both wanted to do what they thought was best for Equestria and everyone else. It was time they had a proper discussion about that.

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