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"Is everything okay?" Scarlet Ribbon asked, a little worried, as she opened the door to Silver Lace's house.

"Scarlet!" Silver greeted her. "I was about to come check on you. Yeah, everything's okay here. Is everything okay with you as well?"

"Yeah," Scarlet said, stepping inside and closing the door behind herself. "The house is all still in one piece too. What do you think that was?"

"I'm pretty sure you know what that was." Silver walked up to Scarlet for a courtesy hug, then walked back towards her sofa.

"Yes, of course," Scarlet said. "But do you think it was something in particular that caused it this time?"

"Who knows?" Silver shrugged, taking a seat and inviting Scarlet to do the same with taps on the sofa. "Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it's just something that'll be happening from now on."

"Doesn't that worry you?" Scarlet sat down, and immediately eyed the jar of cookies on the table to make sure it was safe and unharmed.

"Of course it does. But what am I supposed to do about it?" Silver asked. "Do you want some tea?"

"Yes, thank you." Scarlet nodded. "What are we supposed to do, really? Hopefully Princess Twilight will make a statement about it."

"She will." Silver stood up and moved to the cupboard where she kept her teapot. "She has to. And she's done so in the past, there's no reason why she wouldn't."

"Do you think she knew?" Scarlet suddenly asked, turning towards Silver.

"Impossible. Why would she?" Silver grabbed her teapot and her cups. "She would have told us in advance if she knew."

"Why hasn't she said anything yet then?" Scarlet began to nervously play with a strand of her mane. "What if something happened to her?"

"If something had happened to Princess Twilight we would have heard about it." Silver began to walk towards her kitchen. "She's probably looking into the events before she makes her statement. It hasn't been that long, and she'll want to be sure she knows exactly what happened."

"I hope we won't have to wait long for that." Once Silver was in the other room, Scarlet opened the jar and grabbed a cookie. "I hope he's okay, too," she said between munches.

"I hope so too," Silver said from the kitchen. "You should try to have him write to us at some point, too."

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