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Sunburst set his book and his glasses down on the nightstand, pulled the covers up a little and then turned off the light. He'd spent the afternoon and evening reading, as he'd said he would, after Starshine had disappeared. Literally disappeared. The moment they'd left the ice-cream shop she'd just stopped being there, and he hadn't seen her again for the whole rest of the day. Rolling around a bit, he laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes.

Suddenly he felt a shifting near him on the bed, the mattress curving under the weight of something, the covers being pulled a little. "Hello," said a distressingly familiar voice right in front of him, "I'm Starshine Flicker."

Sunburst almost jumped out of the bed as he heard her, and shortly after decided it was still a good idea to leave it. He turned on the light again and stood up, staring at the mare as he put his glasses back on. "How did you get in?" he asked, exasperated and now more than a little worried.

Starshine pulled herself out of the covers, and immediately her appearance made Sunburst even more bewildered. Her mane was now a shiny shade of purple, long and well maintained, combed in many fancy twirls and rolls. Her cutie mark stayed the same, but it now stood against an orange coat just a bit darker than Sunburst's own. Her horn still stood proud on her forehead. And she had wings. "Are you still sure you don't want to have sex?" she asked.

"More than ever." Sunburst squared her up and down. "What are you doing in my room? Get out! This is not normal!" He pointed a shaky hoof at the door.

"You say that, but you don't really want me to leave, do you?" Stepping closer to the stallion, Starshine fluttered her eyelashes at him. "Besides, I have no other place to stay. Do you really want to throw a mare out into the streets at night?"

"Said mare just appeared in my bed out of nowhere without my consent so yes, I am perfectly fine with that."

Starshine moved closer to him still. "But would you really, when I could spend the night with you instead?" She ran a feather over Sunburst's chest and under his neck.

"I am not having sex with you." Sunburst drew back a step.

"If you just masturbate on your own and I happen to be there it's not technically cheating on your partner. No more than reading a porn novel would be."

Sunburst opened and closed his mouth once. "Technically maybe correct, even if highly debatable, but I'm not doing it. The problem is less the cheating and more the fact that you're weird and I don't trust you."

Starshine shrugged. "Your loss. I know you would have enjoyed it." She stared silently at him for a few seconds. "Wanna play card games together?" she asked, pulling out a deck of cards with a distinct backside from behind her mane, then a bag larger than her whole body filled with other cards. "I've got enough copies for you to build your own deck however you like. All expansion."

Sunburst stared silently at the scene for a moment. "Sure."

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