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Imaginations from the Other Side - Episode 1

Fluttershy tapped on her phone with her hoof, reloading the web page. "Still nothing," she said, opening a separate tab to browse some of her social media feed.

"I guess it's gonna be a late one today." Twilight shrugged, sipping on her milkshake.

Behind the counter, Pinkie fidgeted with a few bowls, a blender, some sprinkles, and what looked awfully close to a flamethrower.

Already long since convinced that the furniture and walls of the building were immune to flames, and having been aware that the same was true of the pink pony for even longer, Rarity chose to ignore the umpteenth fire hazard she'd seen inside the walls of Sugarcube Corner and grabbed a cupcake from the nearest plate. "What do you think it will be about this time?"

"Hmm." Twilight drank a bit more. "Well, there's always that puzzles guy it could go back to."

"Yeah, whatever happened to him?" Dash said from her place, sitting near a window.

"No idea."

A sound very close to that of a chainsaw was heard beneath the counter, where Pinkie had disappeared to.

"But there's other things that haven't been addressed in a bit too. The ongoing storyline that was split into parts hasn't been touched for a while," Twilight continued.

"Neither have the blank chapters," Fluttershy added.

"Or the night world stuff," Rainbow chimed in.

"Or the hospital." Pinkie jumped on top of the blender to force in a series of items no sane pony would have placed in a blender, not last of which appeared to be a piece of the floor itself.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think maybe this guy isn't really sure what he's doing," said Rainbow.

"Now, now," Rarity said. "I'm sure he knows where he wants to go with the story. Creativity can be a complicated thing to work with, and you shouldn't assume the worst until you've seen the results. Sometimes you just get a bit sidetracked when inspiration strikes in the middle of a larger project."

"Are we actually sure they're an he?" Fluttershy asked, still scrolling through her phone.

Rarity raised a hoof and opened her mouth, then her expression changed and she brought the hoof under her chin. "Huh. You know, I was pretty sure I'd read he's male somewhere, but I can remember where it was."

"Want me to dig through their stuff?" asked Rainbow.

"We could just ask them," said Twilight.

"Well, it's no big deal. I'll look into it myself if I can't remember why I was under that impression," Rarity said, grabbing a milkshake and beginning to drink.

"I might look into it too, I also got that impression but I can't remember why." Twilight finished her drink.

Fluttershy tapped on her screen again. "Still nothing."

"We're sure it's gonna come out today, right?" Rainbow got up from her seat and flew towards the counter, as bits and pieces of Pinkie and other unidentified materials were sent flying in various directions.

"It will." Applejack grabbed a potion from the cabinet on the wall. "I'm sure it will."

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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