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Most Delightful

"Won't this be hard to get out of our coats?" Celestia paused to ask.

"Magic," Twilight dismissively replied. "There's always magic. Just enjoy the moment for once. Besides, there's also the alternative." She moved closer to Celestia, and gave a long lick up the side of her neck. "See?" she asked, looking at the alicorn.

Celestia looked away from Twilight, pursing her lips. "I suppose you're right. There's always magic."

Twilight chuckled, tilting her head as she looked at Celestia's face. Playfully, she pushed on the other's shoulder with her own, making her step further into the pool. Then she followed behind, dipped a wing, scooped up as much honey as she could and slathered Celestia's back in it.

Celestia gave a snort, but didn't protest beyond that. After a furtive glance towards Twilight, she did as the other had done and covered the purple alicorn's backside in a quite generous amount of honey. Then, she licked some off of her own wing. "Do you not think this is a bit of a waste?" she asked.

"No more than bathing in milk is, I would say," Twilight replied. "And again, we can always clean it with magic. You seem to forget how useful it can be."

"The fact that you can easily solve a problem with magic doesn't justify casually and willfully creating that problem to begin with," said Celestia. Still, she bent her legs, lowering herself further into the pool until only her head and the top of her neck weren't covered in honey.

"No. But the amusement you get out of it does justify it. Especially when you can easily get rid of the unwelcome consequences." Twilight did the same thing as Celestia, and then stood up again, honey slowly falling down from her body in that viscous way no other fluid quite matched.

Celestia stood up as well, and Twilight had a chance to get a better look at the way honey dripped down her curves, shining golden in the warm light of the room. "Would you kill ponies for your own amusement, if resurrection was a trivial matter?" the white alicorn asked.

Twilight smiled at that. "If resurrection was a trivial matter, would ponies not ask to be painlessly killed and then brought back, to know what it's like? To study death, or merely to be prepared for when the time comes?"

"Perhaps," Celestia admitted after a moment of reflection. She then walked yet further into the pool, and began to swim through the honey once her hooves no longer reached the bottom.

Twilight was, once again, close behind her. She looked at Celestia's face and torso, studying the rhythm of her breathing. Celestia herself caught sight of it, and her breaths became slower and deeper in preparation of what she suspected was coming. A moment later, just as the white pony was almost done inhaling, she was yanked downwards by Twilight's magic and forced beneath the surface.

A few seconds later, Twilight pulled Celestia back out, then took great care in cleaning her eyes, mouth, nose and ears of honey in the same non-magical way she'd displayed earlier. She cleaned Celestia's horn as well, finally drawing back after she'd run her tongue along its length.

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