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"Do you remember when I brought up how some species of ants will have some members of the colony ingest a large amount of nutrients, enough to bloat up their form, and then hang from the ceiling of a room in the anthill to dispense the food they have accumulated to members of the colony who request it?" asked Twilight.

"I do remember that." Celestia nodded. "If I am not mistaken the conversation quickly devolved into talks of incestuous relationships between versions of us from different universes."

"It did," Twilight noted. "Only mildly was it my fault for that." She shook her head. "Anyway. There was a reason I had brought that up, before you decided to give credit to the jokes young stallions and mares share about the length of your horn."

"What jokes might those be?" asked Celestia, the innocence in her tone as artificial as the fluttering of her eyelashes.

"You won't make me repeat them here," Twilight replied. "Anyway. As I was saying, I brought that up for a reason. Given we were discussing ourselves as ants, it occurred to me that Pinkie might be such a type of ant if she were one."

Celestia blinked, her innocent expression crumbling into a puzzled one. She blinked again. "I suppose that does make sense," she said. "I do not understand why you would bring it up now of all times."

"I don't like leaving loose threads hanging," Twilight simply replied.

Celestia stared flatly at her. "Really, now?"

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