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"Pinkie? Pinkie?"

Slowly, the mare opened her eyes. "Yes?" She looked around the room, still sleepy. "I had such a weird dream." Suddenly she noticed something, and jolted upwards.

Rainbow Dash stepped back, startled. "Is everything okay?"

Pinkie looked left and right, eyes wide. Then she ran to the window and looked outside. She was hyperventilating at that point. "What day is it?"

Rainbow quizzically quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean what-" She cut off as Pinkie ran past her and down the stairs. Then she ran downstairs as well as soon as she heard Pinkie yell. "What's wrong?" she worriedly asked.

Pinkie was staring at a calendar, with her mouth hanging open.

Rainbow slowly stepped closer. "Pinkie?"

"I... It can't be- But what if I... I need to warn Twilight!" Pinkie made a dash for the door and beyond it.

Rainbow flew after her, now doubly worried, and managed to catch her as she was falling down. "Where do you think you're going?" she yelled.

Hanging in Rainbow's hooves, Pinkie looked down at the ground impossibly far below them. Then she was set back down on the strip of soil still there outside of the building.

Rainbow took the mare's head in her hooves and turned her. "Can you calm down and tell me what's going on?"

"But..." Pinkie had another look around. "The Behemoth..."

A flash of realisation came over Rainbow's eyes. "Ooh." Her expression darkened. "You thought we were before, didn't you?"

Pinkie looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

Rainbow looked to the side. "Twilight warned us the amnesia would hit at some point."

Pinkie's eyes went wide again. "Amnesia? Did I forget something? What happened? What's going on?"

Rainbow swallowed as she looked back at Pinkie. "The truth is-"

A loud siren drowned out whatever else the pegasus might have said, and she immediately looked around in fear, grabbing hold of one of Pinkie's hooves.

Pinkie just looked at her, even more confused. "What's happening?" she asked, but her voice didn't reach Rainbow's ears over the blaring alarm sound. Then, suddenly, the floating chunk of ground up in the skies they stood on began to shake. A moment later something pushed Pinkie and Rainbow off of it, and as she looked upwards while falling Pinkie saw a great swarm of fish tearing through the building she'd woken up in.

She looked at Rainbow Dash, but the mare was unconscious and no amount of efforts managed to wake her up. Swallowing, Pinkie turned to look at the rapidly approaching ground instead, to find there wasn't much time left before she reached it. She closed her eyes, and hugged Rainbow's body, and finally came the impact.

Only it was a lot less impactful than she was expecting. It sounded and felt more like a tearing of cloth, actually.

"Ouch!" Rainbow yelped.

Pinkie opened her eyes, excited, but saw that the pegasus she was holding on to was still unconscious. And then she saw the forest she was suddenly in. And then she saw the other Rainbow Dash, clad in silver armour, staring at her with confusion in her eyes.

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