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"Do you think it's worth it to keep on going like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Walking around. Trying to find others."

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, okay, hear me out on this. As far as we know, and as far as we're able to see, not that we're able to see much and that's kind of the point, staying here or moving around are equally safe alternatives, or equally dangerous, whichever way you want to put it. We're no more or less likely to run into something bad if we stay still or if we move."

"Okay, yeah, you've got a point there I suppose. But how do you go from that to saying we shouldn't move? If they're equal we should pick the one that makes it more likely we'll run into someone we want to run into."

"Well, I personally think the chances of that are slim enough that improving them isn't worth what we're losing by moving. That's what I was about to get to. Yes, it's not more dangerous, but it is more tiring. Walking around is of course, but especially in these conditions it's significantly taxing. I'm tired, and you're tired too, and it got me thinking that if a monster or something came out I don't think I'd be able to outrun it. So it might be better to stay in one place and conserve our energies. It's not like what we do out here will matter in the grand scheme of things."

"Well, again I guess you have a point. But staying still wouldn't be fun. I don't mean that in a silly way, I mean it would actually have its own set of problems, it would be mentally draining rather than physically. In a situation like this ponies need something to do, you can't just tell them to sit still. They need something to occupy their time and they will find it, so you might as well make that thing the one that slightly improves your odds of things going well."

"Fair, fair. You got me there. I suppose I wouldn't be happy to just stand around. But you will at least agree with me that we shouldn't just be marching all the time. A pause could be useful, to catch our breath and rest our legs and all that. I think everyone here would agree with that."

"Now that you mention it, I have to agree there. I certainly wouldn't mind sitting down for a few minutes, and taking off this armour maybe."

"Neither would I, neither would anyone here I'm pretty sure. We should do that. Maybe not right here, but we should look for a good spot to do it. Maybe something slightly more repaired, or just someplace where the ground is clear enough I guess."

"That would be good enough, beggars can't be choosers and all that. Just someplace flat with little rubble we can sit down on comfortably."

"We'll stop if we find a spot that's good enough, I guess. Or in a few minutes wherever we end up, if we can't find anything before then."

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