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"Do you think we should build a monument?"


"You know, a monument. A statue, a building, whatever. Something to commemorate the battle."

"Huh. Yeah, I suppose we could. Maybe we should."

"What should it look like?"

"I'm sure whoever will be in charge of that whole thing will figure that out. It's none of our business."

"It's our town and our battle we're talking about, it is our business."

"It's their town too and probably also their battle. And I'm sure they'll get others to help decide. Other ponies who were here and stuff."

"But it won't be us."

"Maybe. Maybe they'll hold something like a vote, or a contest. We'll probably still get a chance to express our opinion."

"What if we don't?"

"Why shouldn't we?"

"I don't know. But don't you want to make sure things go how we'd want?"

"And how should we go about that?"

"Well, we could make things start with us."

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