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Twilight and Sunburst reappeared on the outskirts of another town. "So what are you going to do about it?" the second asked, frustrated by the forced time of silent reflection he'd had to endure.

"Nothing, for now," said Twilight. "There's nothing I can do about it, and even if I tried it would probably do more harm than good. For what it's worth, it doesn't seem like he plans to do anything too big."

"I talked to him."

Both Sunburst and Twilight turned to Starshine, who had suddenly appeared there.

"What an enjoyable creature. Aside from the whole destroying Equestria thing, of course. Sadly, no help in finding the thief we're looking for, but he did confirm everyone seems to be alright." She looked at Sunburst specifically. "Grandma too."

"So he stuck around for a chat with you. I'm honestly not surprised," said Twilight.

"What will you tell the country?" Sunburst asked.

"The necessary information. That there have been developments in the situation, that I was a part of them but not their cause, and that for a while they can expect things to be quiet again," Twilight answered. "Knowing that there's a creature out there with potentially ill intents and the power to rival an alicorn won't do them any good, not when he can just go around however he pleases. I doubt he'll be putting on a show, I have no reason to let others know about him and a few not to."

"You'd be lying to them all," Sunburst noted, adjusting his glasses.

"An omission of truth is not a lie," replied Twilight. "Morally, maybe, but not semantically. I'm just trying to do what's best for Equestria, and right now I feel avoiding useless mass panic is preferable."

"He says you're doing a great job with me by the way, dad," Starshine said towards Sunburst.

The stallion almost tripped on the spot, but managed to collect himself again. He coughed to mask his stuttering, then turned back to Twilight. "What after that?"

"Research. Helping creatures rebuild. Trying to find answers. Same as before, just with some more material to work with this time around." She looked briefly ahead at the city, trying to spot any particularly damaged buildings. "You remember that letter about that town hall being vandalised, right?"

Sunburst frowned slightly, thinking. "Maybe? Why?"

"I think I'll have to pay that place a visit sometime soon." Twilight began to walk towards the city.

Sunburst walked after her. "Are you sure it's safe to let him go like that?"

"As much as it's safe to have timberwolves in a forest. Enough, as long as no one's going in there looking for them," said Twilight. "If there's nothing we can do to stop him, and he doesn't plan to do anything harmful, the safest thing is to not have creatures actively trying to run into him." She paused. "Starshine? Be a dear and patrol this town as well. We'll move on to the next one."

"On it." Starshine took off towards the city.

Twilight's horn lit again, and both her and Sunburst teleported away. "There's something I should probably tell you," she said, turning towards the stallion again. "It's about Starshine, and the Behemoth."

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