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Trixie looked over Starlight's body lying in front of her. Even with everything going on outside, she'd kept periodically checking on it, failing to keep her attention on what was happening as it kept being drawn back to the mare instead. It was because of that that she'd failed to realise, notice or even at all see Celestia approaching the building, and as a result she was completely surprised when the door opened and the alicorn stepped inside.

She was even more surprised when Celestia headed towards her. She didn't get time to ask about the dark spot on her chest, she barely had time to notice it, and she didn't get to ask anything at all as Celestia stepped up to Starlight's body and put a hoof over her. She just watched in confusion as a soft amber glow spread from one pony to the other. A moment later the light was gone.

Starlight opened her eyes. She slowly, hesitantly raised herself up to a sitting position. Everypony looked at her, even the doctors who'd initially come closer upon seeing Celestia's bloodstained coat. The alicorn took a step back to give Starlight proper space, and spread out a wing to prevent others from getting closer. "She is healed, now," she simply said. "Are there others in need of assistance?" she asked, looking towards one of the doctors.

"None as greatly as she was," he replied after a moment. "Ponies out there are most likely in greater need than those here."

"Very well." Celestia gave a polite little nod, then looked to Starlight again. "I will need you to safely escort Princess Twilight to me, I'm afraid I cannot reach her myself in my present conditions. I will be waiting for you outside. Please, do not be too late, the battle has not ended yet." With that she turned, and slowly walked back towards the door and out.

Confused by her situation and by the evident amount of events that had to have happened while she was unconscious, Starlight tentatively touched the area where her wound had been, and confirmed it was no longer there. She shook herself a little out of her stupor and looked around. "What happened?" she asked to one of the ponies there.

"You were wounded while returning here, and you were brought in-"

"Out there," Starlight cut him. "What's the situation? Who went to protect the Elements?"

"Sunburst took your place," the pony explained. "The portals were successfully deactivated. Nightmare Moon broke out. She wounded Luna, and entered a fight with Princess Twilight. Currently her status is unknown, but she is bound to have suffered great damage."

"Right." Starlight pushed herself back to her hooves, and began to head towards the door, in the same direction Celestia had gone. Finally snapping out of her stupor, Trixie walked after her, speeding up a little to catch up to her. She placed a hoof on her shoulder as Starlight opened the door, and the two exchanged a silent look. A moment passed. The two hugged each other. A moment later they let go of the hug, Starlight walked outside and Trixie headed back inside.

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