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World Enough and Crime

Dust followed behind Brush, having more trouble than she did in making it up the wall. He helped himself along with his own magic, something she didn't seem to be doing. "Where did you learn to climb like that?" he asked her, still only halfway through his ascent while she was already almost done with it.

"It's a long story." Brush got on top of the flat roof with a hop, then turned and extended her magic to help Dust along the rest of the way. He was at her side a moment later, sweating a little, and he looked at her.

"When did you get sunglasses?" he asked, surprised at seeing a pair of shades over her eyes.

"I saw them through a window as we were getting here, and I took them," Brush said. "I wanted sunglasses. Sunglasses are cool. We're here to steal anyway." She walked forward and jumped up the nearby chimney, then she began to scan the place around from her position there. "Do you see anything?"

"Do you really think there's anything we might see that the guards would miss?" Dust began to look around too. "You saw how focused the one..." After trailing off, he spun around, looking at the rest of the roof, both the part they were on top of and the other sections over different parts of the building. "There are no guards up here."

"And there should be." Brush looked briefly at the sky. "There definitely were at some point. I saw some when I got here. Our pony must have taken care of them before their little entrance."

Dust was still looking around, keeping his back to Brush to cover as much as they could together. "Do you think they're still here? Better question, why haven't the other guards noticed yet?"

"How did they get out of their..." Brush snapped. She jumped off the chimney and began to drag Dust by the neck with her magic, heading towards the hole in the glass covering up ahead. "I know where they are, but we need to be quick." A pile of stuff suddenly appeared next to the breach. Without waiting for him, she jumped into the hole. Dust reached the opening, saw her land atop a guard, then sighed and jumped in after her. "You have no ponies left up there!" He heard her say.

He slowed his fall by moving one of the broad curtains towards the centre of the room to cushion his weight. The crowd was far less dense at that point. The guards looked at them weird, though moments later they were instead busy trying to understand where the entirety of their equipment had gone. Brush chuckled, rolling a badge to the side. "So what's the deal?" Dust asked.

Brush walked to the nearest guard, one of the few still in possession of everything. "Where were the injured guards brought?" she asked. The guard looked at her for a moment, then pointed to his right.

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