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Twilight looked at the chairs for a couple of seconds, then shook her head. "I think I'll stay standing."

The Charioteer shrugged. "Oh, well. Your choice." He walked to the chairs and sat on one of them. "Didn't want to leave them unused," he explained. "Now, where were we? Right. The end of the world. The slow, very slow and boring end of the world, and all the stuff happening as that happens."

"Please cut the pretense," Twilight said. "You've already had your theatrics, and I thought you'd said we don't have much time."

The Charioteer shook his head. "Oh fair, fair. Let's recap a little. You won a battle today, and debatably a whole war, even if one never officially started. With no casualties on your side and a hundred percent casualties on the entire enemy country and also all the innocents anywhere in its planetary vicinity, which is honestly quite impressive even if you're surely not proud of it. But we've been through all that already." He tilted his head to the side. "Still with me?"

"Well I haven't moved." Twilight pushed her words out through almost gritted teeth. He was getting on her nerves again, and he was doing it on purpose. She wasn't sure if she was more bothered by his sheer attitude, or by how casually he talked about the loss of so many lives.

"That you appear to have not." He smirked briefly at her. "Your stolen scales, remember those? You'll have to deal with that pretty soon. You're going to have a lot of knots come to the comb very soon, even if you don't realise it."

That had Twilight do a mental one-eighty. She was always staggered, if infuriated, by the Charioteer's ability to jump between topics from the most unnecessary and bothering to the most intriguing. She didn't say anything, as she didn't really have anything to say, but she did slowly nod.

"That streak of accidents in that town near where Firecracker was when they got sent to meet me? Get back to that too, when you have the time."

At that, Twilight did interrupt him. "I thought you'd said you weren't here to interfere. It sounds like you're helping me, or trying to. Or if you're not, then you're trying to trick me. Either way you're sticking your hoof in this."

The Charioteer shrugged, then he looked up at the sky. " They're not going to watch us here. Anyway. Luna. She's going to survive, but you'll probably want her back up sooner rather than later. I'm sure I don't need to tell you to get Rainbow Dash on that."

"You're right. You don't."

"Research into what you discovered in the world you have doomed. This part is important." He leaned forward, suddenly looking and sounding very serious. "This part is really important if you want to get up there. Or out there. Same difference."

Twilight blinked, confused. "What are you talking about?"

The Charioteer leaned back. "One day you'll probably understand. For now we still have other things we need to talk about."

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