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"Hello, Starshine," said Twilight, noticing the alicorn who'd suddenly appeared in the corner of the room. "Do you want to know something in particular?" she asked.

"When is Starlight leaving?" the yellow mare with a red, orange, green and blue mane asked in response. "For the whole laboratory thing, you know. I'd like to say goodbye to her and all."

"Soon," Twilight said, focusing on her notes. "I don't have an exact date in mind yet, but soon. I'll tell Sunburst about it when we decide, so you'll know too."

"Oh." Starshine stood in the corner, completely still, staring blankly ahead.

After a few unnerving seconds of the copper pegasus not disappearing, Twilight looked up from the table and towards her. "Anything else?"

Starshine rapidly blinked a couple of times. "Oh, yes. No. Yes." She remained still and still said nothing else.

Twilight arched an eyebrow. "Starshine? Are you okay?"

"No," replied the grey earth pony with a white and red mane. "Not particularly."

Worried, Twilight pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. "Is there something I can do for you? Is Sunburst alright?"

"Sunburst is alright," the negative-coloured physical copy of Trixie replied. "And there's nothing you can do for me that I can think of. I will be okay eventually, I'm sure." She smiled, but her expression kept trembling. "I'm not actually sure. I lied. I made that up and I'm not sure if I was lying to you or to myself. I have no idea what will happen to me, though reasonably I should be okay." Her breath was as shaky as her smile, her coat deep red and her mane pitch black. "I hope I'll be okay."

Before Twilight had a chance to say anything else, the mare had blinked away from the room.

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