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Must Be Silenced

Twilight Sparkle walked over the land of glass. She walked farther into it than she ever had anywhere else, in any other world, in any other wasteland of the many she'd seen. And she found nothing.

No life, no ruins, no signs of anything that had ever been there. Nothing but endless fields of glass that the Sun never left. And the wind blowing over the glass, shaping the hills and valleys, smoothing the surface of the world like the waves of the ocean smooth over pebbles. It looked almost like a desert, with unmoving, frozen dunes that shone under the light.

There was peace there, in a sense. No danger, no reason for her to leave. Silence, coloured only by the monotonous whispering of the wind, broken only by the clicks of her steps against the glass. But Twilight didn't like it there.

She'd tried running, at one point. That had only made things worse.

It wasn't normal. It wasn't natural. Lifeless, artificial, and she hated being there. A desert was one thing, even a barren one. It was still a product of nature. And those places where civilisation overtook nature were filled with the life of those creatures who'd built them, and when in ruin at least by the signs that those lives had been there. But there was nothing there on the land of glass. Empty destruction that left no place from where to rebuild.

And so Twilight kept on walking. She kept on looking, searching for something, anything. Anything beyond the endless, lifeless sculpture beneath her, the sheet of glass that seemed to have swallowed the whole world itself.

She could have broken it. The thought occurred to her as she walked farther still. Just a few blast of magic, she could have left a mark of her presence, a scar in the land that would have lasted until the wind washed it away. And she could have dug, as deep as she needed to, until she found something beneath the glass.

She didn't want to. She didn't want to know what had been there, what was left underneath. She had no interest in what had been lost, in what would never return to the surface. If there was life still there, it wouldn't last, nor would allowing it access to the world outside help prolong it.

Or perhaps it would. Maybe hope was still there, and not everything was lost, and life would return to the world if she helped it. But that wasn't the point. That wasn't the reason she was there. She shouldn't have been there at all, she was an intruder after all.

Her train of thought stopped as she stepped on top of a hill. There, past the next valley, something. Something other than glass, naked rock piercing through the endless carpet that covered the surface. Not much taller than or larger than her, black and barren, the tip of a mountain now submerged.

Twilight stood in front of the rock and looked at it. Then she turned, and looked at the world around her.

She could break it, if she wanted to.

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