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Time Gained

"Ugh. Could you turn off the lights, please?"

"I'm pretty sure that's the Sun."

"Turn it off!"

"Come on, now. It's already late enough. I need to take you back to your place, your mother will get worried otherwise."

"How detestably responsible of you. And I thought you were the cool one. I should have picked my other ride."

"But you didn't."

"Silence. It's your fault I stayed up so late in the first place."

"I'm not the one who kept talking."

"You forced me to. You kept replying to me, and being wrong, and I just had to show you that you were wrong."

"I'm pretty sure at one point you literally woke me up right after I'd fallen asleep because you wanted to keep talking."

"Lies! Slander! I will not stand for this kind of blatant falsehoods."

"You will not stand at all it seems. Come on! Get up, I'll go make ourselves breakfast."

"...Do you have eggs?"

"Sure. Do you want some?"

"I... suppose I can join you for breakfast. If, and only if, you promise to make something worthy of my greatness."

"Well, come along then. You wouldn't want to not keep an eye on me while I do it, right?"

"Ugh. Fine. I suppose I can get used to your inhumane routines and habits if I at least don't need to cook for myself."

"Oh, please. This is already more of a brunch than a breakfast, and if we wait any longer it might as well be lunch."

"That's not how that works."

"Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure it is how that works."

"Clearly not! I just got up, this is the first meal I'm having, therefore this is breakfast."

"But the rest of the country has already been up for a few hours. Heck, some people are probably already having lunch. We're too far into the day to have breakfast."

"The day just started."

"Uh, you've looked at the Sun, right? Or at a clock?"

"Have you looked at me? I just got up. Therefore, the day just started. And it started early because of you, might I add."

"The day doesn't start when your day starts. You can't act like the whole world revolves around you."

"How can I not when it so clearly does?"

"Does not."


"You can't expect to be the best if you think the world is gonna wait around for you. You need to chase it! Run after those opportunities!"

"That's what people like you, who are playing catch up, need to do. I, on the other hand, o- Oh, please!"


"You're mixing them wrong."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Move aside."

"Wh- Hey!"

"This is how you're supposed to do it. Not that jerky stuff you were doing, you almost sent some in my hair."



"Huh. You're pretty good with that, actually."

"I've told you. You don't get good at sleight of hand unless you learn to control your movements and practise. If I can train for that while doing something else I might as well optimise time."

"Sounds a lot like playing catch up to me."

"Just pass me the salt, okay?"

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