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"Why do you think you won today?"

Twilight tilted her head to the side. It was the kind of question that was going to get an answer properly from him, only asked to tease her. Only to give her a chance at guessing what he was going to say. For once, she decided to play along, rather than simply being herself and waiting it out. "Because we cheated."

The Charioteer almost looked impressed at that. Almost, but not quite. He kept his reaction contained, avoiding giving Twilight any real satisfaction. "That you did," he said. "More than you realise."

That, of course, piqued Twilight's interest. "Really?"

"No details." Evidently, he'd gotten her too comfortable with things, and he was trying to annoy her again. He wasn't failing at it. For some reason, he had a talent for getting under her skin. "I do want to stress this, however. Nightmare Moon, given what she knew, played her cards right. You won because of things she was not aware of, and because forces you were and still largely are not aware of either came to side with you. Had it not been for that, you would have lost on each occasion, and even with Starshine tipping the scales so massively in your favour. Had it not been for Celestia's coil, Luna would be dead. You cheated, and you were lucky."

Twilight held herself back from scowling. "Are you saying we didn't earn this victory? Or maybe that we would have deserved significant losses?"

"Nothing unfair about cheating in war. Not if it means you win at least, if it doesn't then your opponent will do it too and then the situation gets muddy and you realise maybe there's a reason you shouldn't commit war crimes. Though your case is different, and your enemy wouldn't have been the kind to play fair." The Charioteer shook his head. "No, Twilight. I'm not chiding you for your past. Besides, if those who helped you did that's nothing to blame the world for. I'm warning you about the future. How many times do you think you can get lucky? How many chances will you have to cheat?"

Twilight breathed in and out. "Enough. Unless I don't. Then it won't be my problem anymore." She scoffed. "Are you here to taunt me with vague possibilities about the future? I thought you were above that, but maybe I was mistaken."

The Charioteer properly smirked at that. Twilight didn't know if it meant she'd impressed him or amused him in wrongness. That, like anything he did, bothered her a fair deal. "No, you're right. There would be no fun if I just gave away all the answers, but what fun is there in keeping the questions too vague too?" He clicked his tongue. Then he was silent for a bit, watching Twilight.

That got her a little nervous. Eventually she caved in. "What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. You just reminded me of someone. Anyway, where were we?" He looked around. "Oh, right. The future."

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