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There were rumours circulating in the town. Nothing more than that, nothing concrete, but they were insistent. Worrying news, worrying if there was even just a morsel of truth to them. The more out there ones declared a full on coup had already taken place, the government quietly overthrown and its members disposed of. That seemed too far-fetched even to her if she was being honest, but she didn't doubt a few of the ponies there would believe it, or at least quietly hope it was true. They were all on edge, and some broke under the pressure worse than others.

Less grandiose voices spoke of a plot, a conspiracy to do what others claimed had already secretly happened. Other, even more comparatively diminutive ones said that too was just a fantasy, yet they all agreed on something. They all agreed someone was out there, scheming against the powers in charge. Ponies unhappy with the way things were run. Whether they'd be accomplished terrorists or merely vandals, it would be trouble, and trouble was the last thing anyone needed.

It was weird to think rumours of something like that could spread without the authorities being aware of it, and even weirder to think something like what they claimed could actually be happening, eluding their control. And while it was most likely the case that they too heard the murmurs and knew what was being said, it was not as impossible as it seemed that maybe something really was happening. But if it was, they would try to repress it, and any group planning to conspire against the ponies in charge had to be ready to respond in kind. If something was there, there would be blood. Maybe that was why no one had acted yet.

Yet. She looked at her bed from her chair, thinking of what lay hidden under it. She'd found it once during a mission outside, one of the rare instances of her offering to go out there again. She'd felt good about it that day. Maybe it was fate, maybe pure luck, but they'd actually found food, and rather quickly. That wasn't all they'd found, though no one else knew.

She could see it clearly if she just closed her eyes. Its almost glow, its pearly surface, the way it seemed to vibrate a tune to her soul. It had called to her. She didn't know why or how, but it had chosen her. She had no idea what it was beyond the fact that it was powerful, and she logically knew she should have brought it to the attention of those who could maybe learn something from it, but no. She knew she'd be punished if it was discovered that she'd been hiding it, but no. It was hers. She would not let them have it, because she knew they would take it away.

Days rolled on and unrest built. Things would reach their boiling point sooner or later, one way or another. The outside wasn't safe and it never would be, but no one knew for how long the city would be safer. They all just hoped they wouldn't realise too late when that moment had come and gone.

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