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"A unicorn," Twilight said. "That narrows it down somewhat significantly."

"Your Highness?" The pegasus mare accompanying Twilight leaned forward to get a better look at the sheet of paper the alicorn was examining, held in her magic.

"This was written by a unicorn," Twilight explained, turning to the mare and bringing the page closer for her to see. "Look at the way the letters are traced. This kind of even flow is what you usually get from magic, not mouth writing. Rather finely controlled magic, too." She flipped the page around. "And look at this. It wouldn't have indented the page so much if it had been written against a solid surface. It was done in the air."

"Interesting." The pegasus nodded. "Should we compare it with signatures or other documents compiled by unicorns in the city?"

Twilight shook her head, bringing the sheet back to where she could look at it properly. "That wouldn't be of much use. They probably compiled those with their mouth, and changing writing style is relatively easy when you're using magic. They probably deliberately used a style different from their usual, if they're smart, which they probably are."

"I see." The pegasus nodded again, some defeat in her tone.

"Still, knowing it's a unicorn we're looking for is useful information," Twilight tried to cheer her up somewhat, though in a reasonable tone. She pursed her lips. "I think I'll have a look around town. Prepare a list of every unicorn in town while you wait for me. I doubt it'll be of too much use, but it can't hurt to have it available."

"It will be done, Princess." The pegasus nodded for a third time, bowed slightly, then began to walk away from Twilight.

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