• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Astral Lesson with Auntie

"You've been gone for weeks now, my love," Luna talked through a glass orb she was holding, telepathically, on the balcony. "When will you return?"

"Lulu, I've told you before," Scorpan sounded. "I don't know. Maybe another week, or a month, or two."

"Aw..." Luna pouted. "But I missed you so much!" From the background, Luna was certain she heard a fit of gruff laughs from Mako, behind Scorpan.

"You sure you wouldn't want Celestia?" Mako teased. "You have been going on how she's extra thicc from all the cakes she had consumed over the last thousand years."

Blushing a furious shade of red, the gargoyle lunged after the serpentine dragon, "MAAAAAAAAAKOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Scorpan howled, as he and the dragon broke out into a fight.

Luna rolled her eyes, 'Men will be men,' She thought, before she noticed the sun setting over the horizon. "Gotta go now. Bye Scorpan. Bye Mako," Luna bid farewell, before she placed the orb on its stand.

With that, the night alicorn concentrated into her magic, where she first levitated the moon, together with the stars that decorated the dark blanket of her night sky. Once that task was done, Luna focused her magic and she enters the whimsical void of dreams.

Surrounding her are myriads of doors, bubbles, and starry paths. Each one connects to a dream of every creatures in the Magical World, and on Earth.

But tonight, the night alicorn’s mind was set on one dreamer.


Inside the library of Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was magically holding a photo album, looking through the pages, sighing in nostalgia at all the collective memories she's had of herself, her sister, Twilight and her friends, and of course, her son, Spike.

She smiled, when she looked at one picture, which captured a moment where both Celestia and Spike were baking cakes together. Spike was covered from head to toe with cake batters and frosting. With that, Celestia pounced on Spike and licked him affectionately, wiping the bits of cakes of him, while the boy was struggling to escape with a look of horror on his face, holding his hands out for whoever was holding the camera to capture the moment.

Celestia laughed to herself in nostalgia, recalling her son's voice screaming, "Help! Mom wants to eat me!"

Just then, Princess Luna came walking into the room, β€œGood evening dear sister,” The small blue alicorn greeted.

β€œOh, hi Luna,” Celestia replied, before she noticed her sister was carrying an opossum on her back. β€œI see you've made a friend.”

Luna smiled, as she introduced the opossum to her sister, β€œThis is Tiberius. But you can also call him Tibbles. He’s my new animal companion for the nights. Isn’t he adorable?”

β€œHe sure is,” Celestia smiled, walking over to pet the little opossum.

Princess Luna turned her head and her eyes fell on the photo album, "Is this dear nephew?" She asked, pointing to the picture Celestia was looking at earlier. The sun princess nodded her head in confirmation, "Aw, he's so cute!" Luna cooed, before she looked over to see some more captured moments of her adopted nephew in his childhood.

She looked over the pages, before finding a picture drawing of herself, with words written in red crayon, "To Aunt Luna. Love Spike!"

"Did....did he draw this?" Luna asked, to which Celestia nodded.

The Sun Princess then used her magic to turn the pages to show a collection of pictures that depicted her nephew showing his love towards the princess of the night, from offering a plate of moon cakes, to playing with the fireflies that danced merrily in the moon's beautiful light.

Princess Luna's eyes were welled up with tears, "He cared so much about me," Her lips quivered. "And how did I repay him?.....by wronging him....by...." The pipe soon broke, and she sobbed, "Why? Why did this have to happen?”


β€œTia,” Luna interrupted. β€œWhy did you tell him to love me? He doesn't even know me."

"Because I wanted him to know you better than everyone else, Luna," Celestia explained. "The real you. And the more I told him, the less frightened he was at the fact that you were Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia sighed as she recalled, β€œI’ll never forget how devoted and loving he was to making my life feel less and less lonesome,” She smiled, as she sheds a tear of nostalgia. β€œWhenever I, and our subjects, needed supports, he was always there by our side. And how proud I am of him to grow up into such a sweet young dragon. I couldn’t be anymore proud.”

Luna briefly smiled, before she sulked, β€œHe is a wonderful kid. But I'm so ashamed for the way I treated my nephew, when all he ever did was love me. Love you.”

Turning to her sister, Celestia spoke up again, β€œThe past is the past, Luna. It is time to let it go,” She said, wrapping her wing around the little alicorn, pulling her close. β€œYou have returned to us. Equestria is overjoyed to have you back. Their Princess of the Night has returned, together with my son, the Dragon Prince. Even more, your children have you back!"

β€œIt’s not too late for you and your Shadowbolts to make amends. And right now, I’d like for you and my son to have this chance to really know each other.”


Princess Luna sighed, as she stood before a door, with an image of a dragon painted in the front.

Anxious, the night alicorn took a slow deep breath to calm her nerves, before she turns the the door knob and enters.

In his dream, Spike was, once again, blue and transparent, and found himself at the top of the Empire State Building, underneath a blanket stars, and galaxies.

β€œWow,” Spike gasped in amazement, marveling at the night’s beauty. He then looked down at himself, β€œIt’s been a long time since I’ve had this dream.”

β€œThis isn’t a dream, dear nephew,” A familiar voice spoke up. β€œAt least, not entirely.” Then, in a flash of light, there stood before him was Princess Luna herself.

β€œAunt Luna?” Spike asked, to which the night alicorn nodded. β€œWhat are you- I mean, shouldn’t you be back in Canterlot with mom?”

β€œI am the Princess of the Night,” Luna lectures. β€œThus, it is my duty to come into your dreams. But tonight, I have come to begin your lesson on astral projection.”

β€œAstral project-β€œ Spike looks down at himself once more, realizing what Luna meant. β€œI can astral project?”

β€œIndeed you can, nephew,” Luna confirmed, β€œDo you know what it means to astral project?”

β€œYeah, I know what astral projection is,” The young dragon confirmed. β€œI’ve read a lot of Doctor Strange comics to know what astral projection is.”

β€œHmmm, this Dr. Strange must’ve been a brilliant physician then,” Luna commented, while Spike couldn't help smirking in amusement at the comment. β€œBut you lack the proper control. As you have already demonstrated, you randomly astral project, whenever you are asleep. With proper training, however, you can do it with your own free will.”

"I still say we should wait for Joe and the others, mistress," said the goat head of the chimera.

"No choice. By the time they get here, Fear would have already moved to a different location." Somnambula insisted, to the chimera, as she and her squadron are wearing special goggles that helps them see in the dark.

The pegasus sorceress and her squad have been traversing through the sewers. They had just received a tip on where Fear Haunter is located, but they had better hurry lest he'll move to another location. They realized how the twisted metahuman has been under their radar up until now. He's been a) using the sewers to traverse around the city and b) he doesn't stay in one spot for very long. Knowing Fear, it's obvious they maybe walking into a trap, as they don't know who gave them the tip, but this might be their chance to capture him.

As they draw near to their destination, Somnambula turns to her squad, "Alright everyone, be on your guard! We don't know what Fear has in store for us, so be ready for anything," She whispered to them.

They all nodded, but the goat head of the chimera was still unsure, "I still think we should wait for the others." She murmured to herself.

The minotaur hears a splash not too far from where they are. He looks to see the direction where the sound originated, but sees nothing. He turns back to the others, while remaining on high alert. No sooner did the Shadowbolts left, when a figure with glowing green eyes emerged from the waters and watched as the ninjas trot on. The figure gives off a low growl before diving back into the water.

At last, the Shadowbolts have reached the area they believed to be Fear Haunter's hideout, but they found nothing. Were they too late and Fear has already left? Did the tip they got was wrong? Just then, they hear an earsplitting sound which sounds like grating metal. They turn to the source of the sound and sees Fear Haunter scratching a pipe with his scythe.

"Hello there, how's everyone today?" He asked nonchalantly. In response, the Shadowbolts took on fighting stances, which Fear rolls his eyes. "Are we really doing this?"

"We've been looking for your creepy ass for nine days straight you sick son of a bitch! So yeah, we're doing this!" The griffin yelled.

"If you come with us quietly, we might go easy on ya." The minotaur said.

"Listen to yourselves. Even when you were'purified' you lot still act all high and mighty." Fear pointed out, "Do you guys honestly think putting me back behind bars will clean up a thousand years of dirty laundry?"

The Shadowbolts were hesitant to answer, but Somnambula remained strong, "No, but it'll be a start." She answered.

Fear chuckled at that, "And that right there is the difference between us, Somnambula."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"That I know I'm an irredeemable bastard." He answered, "Even after everything you've done Cleopatra, you still think you can get a second chance, especially after what you did to the 'Dragon Prince'. Face the facts you stupid horse, no matter how many good deeds you pull off, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, will always remember you as that shriveled up old hag who ruined the lives of many!"

Somnambula just stood there in silence, tightening her grip on her staff and unable to retort. The Shadowbolts were concerned with her silence, "Mistress?" One of them asked.

Fear smirks at this as he continues, "When your precious moon princess threw her hissy fit, you just stood there and did nothing as she corrupted you, her little brats, and the rest of her loyal flank kissers. If your fellow Pillars were here they'd cast you out just like you did to poor Stygian. And they used to called you the Pillar of Hope." he finished with a shake of his head.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back as Somnambula let's out a scream of rage and unleashes a bolt of lighting from her staff towards Fear Haunter. Fear smirks at this however as he raises his right hand. There was a big flash and when it died down, the Shadowbolts, but most of all Somnambula, were in shock to see Fear Haunter still alive and standing. That's when they spot something glowing in his hand.

Somnambula's eyes widen as she recognizes what it is, "The Demaughra Gauntlet!?" She exclaimed. It was made by a mysterious anti magic material called Sinium, or sin metal, and and the jewel in the middle can absorb any form of magic, "W-Where did you get that thing?!?!?!" She demanded.

Fear grins at this, "I can't tell you much, but let's just say I got it from a benefactor who really, really, really hates you guys."

"Not as much as we hate you, you freak!" The griffon yelled as he was getting ready to pounce him.

"Geoff, wait-" The minotaur warned, but it was too late. As the griffon leaps at Fear, a massive tail rose up from a pool of water near them and swatted the griffon, sending him flying across the room and slamming him against a wall.

The minotaur rushed over to help his comrade up. As he did however, something slowly begins to rise from the pool until it reveals itself to be a giant of a man with a crocodile-like tail who then lets out a bone chilling roar.

For appearance, the man was somewhere around eight feet tall, long black shoulder length hair with green streaks, and green crocodile-like eyes and fangs. For attire, he wears a black shirt with a Queensryche symbol on it, a leather biker jacket with a picture of a crocodile's skull and crossbones on the back with a slogan at the bottom that says: "Gators forever." Dark grey jeans with a chain dangling on the right side, and black and grey cleats. For accessories he has an earing with a shark's tooth hanging from his right ear and a necklace made with alligator teeth.

"Ladies & gentlemen," Fear began. "Meet my brother, Bone Cruncher."

Bone gives them an evil smile, showing off his monster-like teeth, while cracking his knuckles, "Sup bitches." He said in a low baritone voice.

The chimera turns to Somnambula and says, "Mistress, let us take care of the big one. You focus on Fear."

Somnambula was hesitant. Her squad are made of sterner stuff, no doubt about that, but she was unsure if they were capable of handling someone like Bone Cruncher, but agreed nevertheless, "Very well, but be careful. We don't know what that...thing can do."

"Watch it horse! That's my brother your talking about!" Fear yelled.

The pegasus turns her attention back to him, "Alive or a corpse, you and your brother will be coming with us." She said as she changes into her anthro form and readies her staff.

"I would love to see you try, bitch." Fear says as he readies his scythe.

Somnambula projected a magic blade from the tip of her staff and charges at Fear who manages to block in time and pushes her back. She then starts thrusting her staff at Fear who manages to dodge each thrust. She then makes a wide swing at him which he then flips behind her and elbows her in the back of the head.

She staggers a bit but quickly turns around. With a frustrated growl, she taps her staff and magical chains appear which proceed to wrap around Fear. However, Fear doesn't seem impressed by this. With a little struggle, he manages to use his scythe to cut through the ethereal chains.

Somnambula was shocked by this, "How-"

"Like the gauntlet, my scythe is also made of Sinium." Fear bragged, with a slight smirk, as he resumes his fight with Somnambula.

Somnambula quickly snaps out of it and returns to her fighting stance. Meanwhile, her squad aren't fairing any better against Bone Cruncher who just tossed the chimera through a brick wall, taking the fight into a wider area.

Geoff brings out a naginata and charges towards the crocodile-like metahuman, attempting to thrust the large blade end into the metahuman's torso. However, as soon as the blade made impact, it bent out of shape. Bone turns to him with low growl and an unamused look, "Gonna need a way bigger stick than that, birdbrain." He said as he grabs one of the griffon's legs and slams him in the ground. Repeatedly.

The minotaur rushed over to save his friend, but Bone quickly saw this coming, and throws the griffon at the minotaur, causing both of them to stumble into each other.

Bone then feels something trying to bite down on his left leg. He looks down and sees the snake head of the chimera trying to sink her fangs in to him. Then, without warning, something grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him across the sewage canal. He gets up and sees the full body of the chimera.

The two looked at each other for a good minute before they both let out a roar and charged at one another. Upon clashing, the two punched, clawed, and bit each other until, Bone jumped back into the water. The chimera quickly followed, when a tail rose up and wrapped the Chimera around the neck of her tiger head, proceeding to slam her around. Bone then starts swimming, dragging the Chimera around with him.

Meanwhile, Somnambula and Fear were clashing blades, trying to one up the other until Fear did a swipe kick at her legs causing her to fall on the ground. With a click from his scythe, the blade raises up, giving it a spear like appearance and starts to bring it down. Somnambula raises her staff in time to block it. But just as she did, however, it was instantly cut in half, much to Somnambula's shock and horror.

Astral Plane

"Wow, this is awesome!" Spike marveled at himself, with Princess Luna standing beside him. "This whole time, I've been able to astral project? And no one's ever told me this?"

"I'm afraid not," Princess Luna shook her head at her bewildered nephew. "There are still many things we have yet uncovered from the mysterious ways of the Dragonfire, dear nephew. No other vessels have ever had the chance to experience a feat, such as this. But I can help you with this task, if you would permit me to," The alicorn said, with a tone of self-doubt at the end.

Not wasting another second, Spike asked, "When do we begin?"

"You've already begun, nephew," Luna chuckled. "Simply by detaching your soul from your body, which you did by means of sleeping, which you are very masterful of."

"Ha ha, very funny."

"It was a compliment, not a joke," The night alicorn said, unamused. "Now that we are both in the astral plane, where our souls exist, we can truly begin our lesson. First, take my wing," She instructed, holding her wing out for the young prince to grasp onto. Spike looked at it for a moment, "Trust me, nephew," Luna said anxiously.

Spike just shrugs his shoulders, "What have I got to lose?" He asked, grabbing his adopted aunt's wing, before experiencing a sudden rush of momentum, as if both he and his aunts were traveling at the speed of light. It was beyond exhilarating for the young dragon hero.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Spike screamed, as both he and his aunt were rushing through the deepest depths of space, flying past the stars, nebulas, planets, and other known galaxies. "WHOA, IS THIS FOR REAL?!! IS THIS FOR REAL?!!!" The dragon screamed at the top of his lung, finding both himself and Luna in a wormhole of rushing colors.

"You must understand this, nephew," Luna began to lecture, as both she and Spike passed through what appeared to be a black hole. "Our worlds and our universes are each a part of an infinite number of worlds without ends. Some benevolent and life-giving," She lectured as both she and Spike stood above what appeared to be a lush green paradise. "Others filled with malice and hunger." She said, as she showed to Spike world that is filled with desolations, despair, and destructions.

"For more many years, far longer than we can comprehend, there are dark places where powers older than time have laid ravenous, and wait," Suddenly, as if to prove her point, Spike looked to see several red eyes piercing the darkness, before they revealed themselves to be hungry predators, growling, snapping, and viscously barking at both Spike and Luna, eager for a meal.

In response, Luna stamped her hoof firmly on the invisible plane, emitting a loud pulsing wave that knocked the predators back. But they have yet to leave the lion's den, for a large shadow looms above them, glaring down with a pair of mad blazing eyes, laughing menacingly, sending chills up their spines. It wasn't long, until the shadow opens their jaws wide open and clamps it down on both Spike and Princess Luna.

In a flash of light, Spike and Luna reappeared, back in New York City.

"Whoa!" Spike gasped. "My life just flashed before my eyes, literally!"

"Forgive me, nephew," Luna apologized, dipping her head. "I should've warned you about all of that, first."

"Let's try to avoid that mistake in the nearest future, okay?" The young boy suggested, as he struggles to regain balance and focus from the head rush he experienced.

After a moment to collect himself, Princess Luna resumed the lesson as she took Spike through a door of a person's dream. Fluttershy's dream to be precise.

The Bashful Butterfly was dreaming she is a pop star, dressed in a beautiful green sparkling dress, surrounded by animals, singing about how there's more to her than meets the eyes.

So Much More To Me - Fluttershy

From the sidelines, Spike was amazed, "Wow!" He gasped. "She's incredible!"

"Indeed, she is nephew," Luna nodded. "But remember, the astral projection ability isn't to peer in other's dreams. It's purpose is to aid others in their worst nightmares."

Knowing the responsibility, Spike nodded, "Understood Aunt Luna."

It wasn't long, before Luna's horn lit up, sensing distress from another dream, "Oh dear."

Pipsqueak finds himself, alone in a small, lonesome room. This was no ordinary room, however. This is the boy's bedroom, with the colors of life, joy, and other collective emotions deprived from the air and its walls. The short teenager was sitting alone on his bed, surrounded by the silence, where a mother and father's laughter would've been.

The boy looked out the window, to see a large pirate ship flying across the night sky. Reaching his hand out for the ship, much to his dismay, the ship dispersed into tufts of clouds.

"Mother," Pipsqueak whimpered.

"Are thou in need of consultants, dear Pip?" Princess Luna asked, startling the boy.

"AH!!!" Pipsqueak screamed, before he calmed himself. "P-P-Princess Luna?" He stammered.

"Hey Pip!" Spike greeted, making himself known.

"Spike?" The boy inquired. "What are you doing here?"

"Auntie's just giving me a lesson on astral projecting, which involves traveling into everybody's dreams."

"What? Oh! This is all just a dream!" Pipsqueak realized.

"Back to the topic at hoof," Luna began, as she turned to Pip. "Something appears to trouble you, dear Pip. Would you be willing to tell us what it is?"

Pipsqueak was hesitant at first. Looking at Princess Luna, he recalled the time how both he and his friends were all trapped inside of Nightmare Smooze, and back then, Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon, attempted to persuade him to the dark side. Which, he of course, defied.

"Please, no need to fear us, Pip," Luna assured. "We wish to assist you."

Still, Pipsqueak was a bit hesitant, "Come on, Pip. She's on our side now. Remember?" Spike reminded the boy. "Just give her a chance."

Reluctant, Pip complied and sighed, "I just don't know if I have what it takes to join Celaeno's pirate crew."

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked. "I thought you and Celaeno are tight! You two are very close together!"

"We are," The boy replied. "Or at least, I think we are. I'm just not sure what will happen, when we find her missing crew, or after we find her crew, then would she still want me to follow her?" Pipsqueak slumped down in his bed, as he sighed, "After losing mother and father, I just don't want to lose anymore of my family....or another mom."

"I know how that must feel," Spike muttered in sympathy, with Princess Luna looking rather ashamed.

The Princess of the Night was about to say something, when her cutie mark began to flash repeatedly, "Um, auntie?" Spike asked. "What's going on with your cutie mark?"

"Something's wrong!" Princess Luna exclaimed. "Somnambula!"

Wow, what a way to end this year and to start off the new year, 2019?

An encore from Fluttershy, if she'll please.

Because I'm Shy feat. Chi-Chi - Electrokaplosion

Author's Note:

Princess Luna's astral projection lesson for Spike is based off of the scene from the 2016 Marvel film, Doctor Strange.

And introducing alphasteel's new metahuman OC, Bone Cruncher. Based off of Batman's Killer Croc.

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