• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Spike and the Crystal Prep Shadows - Sugarcoat

Spike finds himself in a dark room. After looking around, he notices he's in a crib. He tries to speak but is unable to.

'What's going on here?' He thought.

All of a sudden, he begins to hear a loud thud which got louder and louder until it suddenly stopped. Just then tendrils appeared and wrapped around the crib. And lastly, a pair of blue eyes pierced the darkness as the creature held him in front of its face.

'Who is that?! Nightmare Moon?' Spike thought until he took a closer look, 'No, It's eyes are more goat-like than serpentine.'

The creature then picked him up, "At long last," It said in an almost alien voice, "You are mine." Just as the creature was about to take him away, Spike hears a door being burst open.


And with that, the eyes were swallowed up by the shadows, followed by the sound of a man and woman's scream.

Spike's eyes immediately burst open as he shot up from his bed, panting heavily, "Oh man...." He groaned, collapsing back down, struggling to get back to sleep. "Was that a dream....or a memory? He asked himself.

It was a Friday afternoon at Celestial High School. The students were all finished with their classes for the day, which was a relief for many of them. Though none were more relieved than the Knights themselves.

"Oh man!" Button groaned. "Coach Iron Will's really trying to break our bones!"

"You think that's bad?" Rumble argued, while showing a long printed essay. "I just bombed my essay on 102 Minutes!" The boy frowned, turning the pages to reveal a big red F written on the essay.

"You said you knew a lot about the 9/11 attack!" Featherweight said to the athlete.

"I do!" Rumble replied. "I just know it happened on September 11, 2001. Al-Qaeda was the culprit. And it involved four coordinated attacks!"

"Yeah, but the 102 Minutes is all about the victims' survivals within the collapsing towers!" Featherweight explained. "How they experienced the attack first hand! And there's nothing in your essay that describes anything about their experience! Didn't you even read the book?"

The athlete muttered, "I may have skimmed a few pages...." In response, the thin boy shook his head incredulous at the athlete.

"Cheer up, Rumble," Tender Taps said, trying to lighten the mood. "You still have some time left to get your grades up!"

"Yeah, it could be worse," Button added. "Take Spike for example. Today, Professor Flintheart took 10% of his participation grade for sleeping in class. Again."

"Ooh, sorry to hear that Spike," Rumble grimaced, turning to their dragon friend, who was apparently absent. "Spike? Spike? Where is he?"

The Knights turned their heads, searching in random directions to find their missing friend. Thankfully, it was only a few minutes when they found their friend, sleeping against his locker, with his backpack as a makeshift pillow.

"Yo Spike!" Rumble shouted as he and the Knights ran up to their sleeping friend. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty! Come on, up, up, up!"

But it was no use. Spike was sawing logs. That is, until Snips and Snails entered the picture.

From around a corner, Snips and Snails both grinned mischievously at the sight of Spike, sleeping in the middle of the day, "You got the balloon?" Snips asked, to which Snails answered by showing a huge water balloon at the ready. "In 3.....2.....1....GIVE IT TO HIM!!!"

With that, Snails hurled the water balloon at Spike.


"BWAH!!!" Spike exclaimed, snapping himself awake upon impact of the cold water, transforming in a burst of green fire, into his dragon form. "W-What happened? Where am I?! Who did that?!" Spike shouted, while throwing a few kicks and punches.

Snips and Snails were, of course, scared out of their wits at the sight of a dragon, "D-D-D-Dragon!!!" Snails screamed.

"AAAHH!!! Mama! Mama! Mama!" Snips added, jumping into Snails's arms.

Meanwhile, with the Knights, they were doing the best they can to calm their dragon friend, "Whoa, whoa! Spike! It's okay!" Rumble ushered. "It's okay! We're okay. We're still in school!"

"Yeah! So lose the dragonsona, will ya?" Button added, while checking to make sure no one was around. Of course, he failed to notice the two retreating troublemakers.

"Oops!" Concentrating into his powers, Spike reverted back into his human form. "Sorry about that you guys."

"Eh, no problem," Rumble shrugged. "Though, what's with all the drowsiness? Trouble with sleep last night?"

In response, the Dragon Prince shook his head as the demonic goat-eyes returned, still fresh in his head, "Y-You could say that," He answered hesitantly.

"What's the problem?" Pipsqueak asked, looking ready for action. "Any magical problem from Equestria?"


"Cerulean Hunters?" Button asked.


"Rampaging magical creatures on the lose?" Tender asked.


"Oh, I know!" Rumble announced. "You had a fun night with the girls!"

Spike blushed a shade of red, "No! Nothing like that!" Spike screamed in outrage. "Let's just get out of here, okay?"

The Knights all exchanged looks before they shrugged and followed Spike out of the school to begin their days. Meanwhile, Snips and Snails were both frozen with looks of shock.

"D-D-D-D-Did you see that?!" Snips finally broke the silence.

"Y-Yeah!" Snails added. "Our friend Spike...."

"IS A DRAGON!!" They both shouted together.

"Did you say a dragon?" Vlad Blueblood asked, while passing by.

Later that evening

Spike was at a Starbucks cafe, having himself a cup of mocha latte, while looking over his assignments, which would include a few make up works given to him from Professor Flintheart.

"Oh, Twilight," Spike sighed, scratching his head, while trying to solve a problem. "Where are you whenever I need you?"

"Over in Equestria, inside her castle, waiting for a problem that needed to be solved," A voice answered. "It's a no brainer, actually."

"Huh?" Spike turned his head to see Sugarcoat, sitting at a table next to him. "Oh, hey Sugarcoat! Didn't see you there."

"I was actually here about an hour ago," The blunt girl answered. "Same time as you were."

"Huh? Really?" Spike checked his wristwatch to see it was an hour past 4. "Whoa. It's been that long?"

"You made it sound like it's been years, when actually it's only about an hour," Sugarcoat said, before she walked over to Spike. "Mind if I take a seat?" She asked.

"Sure, be my guest," Spike replied. "If you're not trying to kill me again, that is."

Sugarcoat rolled her eyes, "If I had wanted to kill you, I would've done it an hour ago, when you were in such a fog." With that, Sugarcoat sat down and looked over some of the young dragon's assignments. "Ooh. Make up works for sleeping in class, huh?"


"Hmm, stayed up too late last night? That might explain how less alert you are now."

"Geez, thanks for noticing," Spike sarcastically replied.

Deciding to drop the cynical attitude, the girl decided to start in a more sincere tone, "Spike. What's the problem? You can tell me."

Searching for the words, while recalling how close he and the other Crystal Prep Shadowbolts had been as of late, Spike answered by telling the girl of his recent doubts, the question he's been having about his birth parents, and the nightmare he had.

"And that's what's been bothering me," Spike concluded.

Sugarcoat nodded in understanding and acknowledgement, "I have no words of wisdoms to give to you, Spike."

"I know. I don't expect you to have an answer for everything."

"Of course not. I'm blunt. Not a know-it-all," Looking to the side, while reaching into her pocket, the girl turned back to the trouble dragon and began, "However, I didn't just come here without a reason. I have a few ideas on how to help ease your troubles for the time being."

"Okay?" The dragon began, with his interests piqued. "What are they?"

The Next Day

Spike was walking down to a movie theater in Times Square, where he met Sugarcoat, waiting for him.

"Spike, you made it!" The girl smiled.

"Like I'd miss out on a date?" The dragon asked rhetorically, before he took the time to check the girl's new threads. "Wow, you're looking good."

Instead of wearing her usual school uniform, Sugarcoat stood wearing a light purple sweater with the symbol of a purple and yellow colored stick of dynamite on the front, a pair of long jean pants, and lavender shoes.

"Thank you," Sugarcoat smiled, with a faint blush. "You're not so bad yourself, dragon."

"Thanks," Spike walked up to the girl, taking her by the hand, and they both walked into the theater. "So, shall we?"

"Well we didn't exactly plan on standing around all day to exchange compliments," Sugarcoat replied as they both walked in, paying for their tickets, and they both got themselves each a soda, while Spike got himself a bucket of popcorns while Sugarcoat simply got herself a cup of Dibs Ice Cream.

The movie they were watching is an comedy action thriller film, starring an actress who plays as the heroine named Pom, a young girl who was chosen against her will to save her village from a clan of bandits. Though quiet, cowardly, and prone to panic, Pom and her pack of 101 puppies managed to overcome numerous obstacles, from saving a whole herd of cows to rescuing kidnapped children from the bandits.

After the movie was over, Spike and Sugarcoat both walked out of the movie, exchanging friendly chats and sharing their thoughts on the movie.

"Oh, I like the part where one of Pom's puppies bit the bad guy on the butt!" Spike laughed. "Ha! It was even more funny when the other bandits tried to whack the pup, but the ended up spanking their own comrade!"

"It's a little unorthodox and crude for a fight," Sugarcoat critiqued. "Then again, the whole movie basically involved puppies fighting human villains. I'm just wondering how they trained the puppies."

"Well hopefully, no puppies or dogs were harmed in the making of that movie."

"That's exactly what they would say if they did harmed some animals, don't you think?"

Spike shrugged, "Probably. But still, a good movie. I especially liked how Pom found the courage within her and she started to really fight back the bandits' leader. She reminds me of Fluttershy."

"Her shy personality and her relationship with her dogs are enough to pass her off as a Fluttershy counterpart. And though she's not as strong as your friend Fluttershy is at times, Pom certainly has displayed some remarkable adaptability in times where she really needs to fight."

"Oh yeah. I still haven't forgotten the part where one of the bandits pursued her into a bathroom, and she just took the lid of a toilet off and used it to fight the bad guys," With that, both Spike and Sugarcoat shared a laugh.

"Or how about all those times one of her dogs repeatedly attacked that one bad guy in the face?" Sugarcoat laughed. "Though repetitive, his different reactions each time was funny!"

"Or what about that part in the movie where one of the bandits said this?"

"No one will ever know!"

"Obviously, a nod to one of the oldest meme of all time."

"Yup," Spike nodded in agreement, before he brought up, "What really got me at the edge of my seat though was when she faced off against the big bad, Skolas. I mean I still can't believe he was gonna sacrifice those kids just to gain immortality."

"Yeah me too." Sugarcoat said, 'Stuff like that kinda reminds me of the Crimson Bone,' She mentally added to herself while shuddering. But she quickly manages to compose herself, "It was a tough fight for Pom, but she was able to beat him. What I didn't like however was the 'villain falling to his or her death' cliche. I mean it's been done so many times that it's kinda redundant."

"Yeah I see what you mean. Still a good movie nevertheless."

"Spike?" A female voice spoke up.

Spike and Sugarcoat both turned their heads to see a girl about their age walking up to them. In appearance, she has a long strong cerulean with moderate blue streaks hair tied in two ponytails. For attires, she wore the same uniform as all the other employees in the theater.

"Huh? How do y-" Looking at the girl closely, behind her work uniform, the young dragon's eyes widened, "Juniper Montage?!" The girl nodded her head in confirmation, "Oh wow! Juniper!" With an excited run, Spike rushes up to the counter, while Juniper opened up the gate to walk out and greet Spike with a hug. "It's so great to see you again!"

"Same here!" Juniper smiled. "Me and Uncle Canter haven't seen you since the Shaolin Monks years ago!"

"Well we did exchanged phone calls and e-mails, for awhile until we lost touch," The dragon in human disguise reminded.

"Oh, oops," The girl sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "How did that happened?"

"Excuse me. Am I chopped liver or something?" Sugarcoat cleared her throat.

"Oh, sorry Sugarcoat," Spike chuckled, before he turned to Juniper and started introductions. "Juniper, Sugarcoat. Sugarcoat, Juniper Montage. She's an old friend of mine, who I met back in China."

"Pleased to meet you," Juniper greeted the blunt girl.

"Feeling's mutual," Sugarcoat replied.

"So, Juniper, you work here?" Spike asked.

"Mmm-hmm," The girl nodded.

"The uniform she wore already answers that, so why bother asking?" Sugarcoat asked.

Ignoring the girl's blunt statement, Spike continued, "Funny. Last time I heard from ya, you said you were a gofer for your uncle in his filmmaking business."

"Um..." Juniper's smile instantly disappeared at the mention her uncle as she looked away. "Well...I was until...."

Sensing the troubled emotions from the girl, Spike winced, "What's wrong, Juniper? Did something happened?"

"I...I don't want to talk about it," Juniper frowned.

Spike turned to Sugarcoat, "Don't drag me into this," She said sternly.

"Don't worry, I won't," Turning to Juniper, the young dragon attempted to break the awkward silence, "Hey, Juniper? If it makes ya feel better, forget I asked. Okay?"

Hesitant at first, Juniper nodded her head, "Yeah, of course, Spike."

"But hey, maybe when you're free, be sure to look me up, okay? Because I'd like it if it weren't another six or seven years before we meet again."

"I'll keep that in mind, Spike."


Another awkward silence followed, before Sugarcoat decided to break it, "Should we be going now?"

"Uh, right," Spike complied, ready to take his leave with Sugarcoat. "Well, it's been great seeing you again, Juniper."

"It's a little awkward."


"Yeah, it's great..." Juniper smiled sheepishly, before she shouted, "Wait! Spike! Hold on!"


"Before you and Sugar go....um," Drawing a circle with her foot for a moment, Juniper spoke up, "Can I take a quick selfie with you?"

Spike and Sugarcoat both shrugged their shoulders, "Sure, why not?" The three friends quickly got into position as Juniper got out her phone and angled it just right. Then, with a push of the button, she quickly took their picture.

"There's a keeper!" Juniper smiled, once she, Spike, and Sugarcoat had a look at the digital photo on her phone.

"The light's a little too bright though," Sugarcoat said.


"Well again, it's been nice seeing you, Juniper," Spike said as he and Sugarcoat took their leave. "See you around."

"Bye!" Juniper waved, watching the two leave before returning back to the counter.

Once outside, Spike turned to Sugarcoat and asked, "So, where to next?" He asked the girl.

Spike and Sugarcoat were later at the Metropolitan Museum of Art where they, like so many visitors and tourists were passing through the exhibits, examining the arts from various cultures that were all on display, under one roof.

"Whoa!" Spike marveled, as he looked at all the images that were carved into the woods.

He and Sugarcoat were in the European Sculpture and Decorative Art exhibit of the museum, and they were looking at Gallery 501. Check it out.

Spike was standing on a specific point, while looking at an image that was carved in the wall before him, seeing how the image popped out in front of him.

"Wow, whoever designed these walls is a genius!" Spike smiled.

"The artist is Francesco di Giorgio Martini," Sugarcoat lectured. "He was an Italian artist. He created these woodworks through the use of a technique called intarsia, in the workshop of Giuliano da Maiano."

"How'd you know about that?"

"We once went over this topic in art class back at CPA," Sugarcoat stated bluntly. "That and they talk about it on the Metropolitan Museum of Art's official website."

Spike nodded his head in acknowledgement, "Fascinating."

The two continued venturing throughout the rest of the museum, observing different galleries within every different exhibits. From top to bottom, arts from Egypt to Asia, Spike and Sugarcoat both find themselves captivated by all the beautiful works of brilliant artists from the past.

After having enough sightseeing of the arts in the museum, the two bonding friends left the museum to find that the sun was just setting over the horizon.

"Well, I had fun today," Spike commented, while escorting Sugarcoat back to her place. "Thanks again for inviting me, Sugar. I had a good time."

"I knew you would," Sugarcoat smiled. "Does this officially mean we're friends now?"

The young dragon hero pondered for a moment, before he shrugged, "I think so."

The blunt Shadowbolt, however, was not convinced, "You hesitated," She frowned. "So we're still not friends then."

"No, no! Don't take it the wrong way," Spike reassured. "We are friends. You, me, and the other Shadowbolts. But it's still kinda a big step for us. You get it, right?" Sugarcoat nodded in agreement. "But hey, like they say, this could be the start of a beautiful relationship."

"A little cliche, but agreed," Sugarcoat replied, before she smiled. "Well, thank you for at least giving us a chance to make amends, Spike."

"No problem," Spike replied, before he was suddenly tackled in a loving hug. "Um, Sugar? We're-"

"Don't ruin the moment, dragon," Sugarcoat said, before she planted a quick kiss to his cheek and walked up the steps to her building. "Bye Spike!"

Once more shaking himself out of his shock, the young dragon stammered, "Yeah.....b-bye," With that, he was on his way back home.

Author's Note:

Okay, let's see:

  1. Lemon Zest
  2. Sunny Flare
  3. Indigo Zap
  4. And now Sugarcoat

That leaves.....uh oh.

5. Sour Sweet.


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