• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,207 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Discord's Chaotic Debut

Author's Note:

While Spike takes some much needed rests from playing the role as the hero, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter, starring our favorite Master of Chaos, and his acts to honor the memories of Chuck Jones, Tex Avery, the Warner Bros., Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, and all the other past comedic geniuses.

It was a beautiful quiet night in New York City. Well, for everyone, except one.

Singing in the shower, surrounded by multiple mirrors of all shape and sizes, while wearing a yellow trunk with orange dots, a red and black checkered swim shirt with multicolored zigzags, was none other than Discord himself.

"Who's got trouble?" Discord sang.

"We got trouble!" His reflections sang.

"How much trouble?"

"Too much trouble!"

"Well don't you frown, just knuckle down, and knock on wood!" With that, Discord took out a mallet and knocked it against the wall, before he resumes singing.

While the eccentric magician continues with his singing, a mysterious figure, magically, opened up the window to his bedroom and slipped Discord's robe with another, before they disappeared.

Discord soon came out, wrapped in a towel, with his swimsuits still on, walked behind a changing screen, before he walked out in his usual attires, while lacking his trademark robe. Discord soon picked, what he believes to be his robe, off its rack and puts it on, "What the?" Discord exclaimed, as he feels the robe taking control of him, before he suddenly became a tornado, with the sound of revving motors. After a while, there stood a creature with the head of a pony and mismatched body parts of all kinds of creatures.

"Smoking!" the new Discord exclaimed happily, before he looked at himself in the mirror with a smile. "It's party time! P-A-R-T-Why? Because I gotta!" With that, Discord's feet revved into wheels, as he dashes out of the room.

Discord was walking casually, stopping as he reads a tag on a door knob that says, "QUIET PLEASE!" Looking at the readers, Discord shushes the audience, before tip-toeing past the door. Suddenly, an alarm clock jumped out of Discord's ear, and bounced all over the place, laughing as he tries to catch it. Discord then pulls out a large mallet, from a pouch. He lets out a maniacal laugh, and swings it all over the place, trying in vain, until he finally smashes the clock.

"Smooze," Discord grinned.

Just then, an old lady with a green mud mask, covering on her face, came out and screamed at the sight of Discord. In return, Discord two lets out a bloodcurdling scream, before the lady pulled out a gun, and tried to blast him. Discord evaded the bullets, by bouncing around the halls, while letting out several of Daffy Duck's whoops, before he finally jumps out of the window, and smashed into several pieces, upon landing on the ground.

Discord's mouth and eyeballs soon jumped out of the piles, as the mouth exclaims, "Look, ma! I'm roadkill! Ha ha ha!" With that, Discord literally pulled himself together, off the ground, in human form, before a random taxi driver came, blaring his horn at the boy.

"Yo! Get out of the road you freak!" the driver shouted, as he continues honking his horn.

"I think he wants us to communicate," Discord said, conjuring up a small bicycle horn, with the words "Squeeze me gently."

"AAAAWOOOOOOOGAH!!” the horn, literally, screamed, before Discord blows on it, like a traditional cowboy in some classic western movies.

The taxi driver was left in a daze, as he drives away. Discord resumes minding his own businesses, when a thug came out in front of him.

β€œHey!” the thug grunted. β€œYou got the time?”

β€œAs a matter of fact, I do,” Discord pulls out a pocket watch from his chest, exclaiming, β€œLook at that! It’s exactly 15 seconds before I honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head!” With that, Discord did as he just said, before he made a run for it. Furious, the thug blew a whistle for the rest of his comrades, as they chased the young magician.

Discord kept running for his life, until he screeched to a stop, "Hocus!" he said, pulling one of his sleeves down, before going to the next. "Pocus! Presto!" With that, he conjured up a magic pencil, with which he used to draw a door. Eyes on the back of his head, Discord screamed, seeing his chasers catching up, lifting the door up, and entered through.

The thugs soon caught up with to the door, and tried in vain to open it.

"Yoo-hoo!" Discord called from a window, dressed like a lady, waving to the thugs. The thugs jumped up, and climbed into the window, before they were knocked out, by a boxing glove.

Later, a group of terrorists were setting up some bombs at a church, ready to detonate, until Discord came along, picked up the dynamites, and ate 'em. The dynamites exploded in his stomach, resulting him to belch up fire from his mouth, "Ooh, that's-a one spicy meat-a-ball!" Discord remarked in an Italian accent.

The terrorists poked their heads out, and looked in bewilderment, at the magician, and the undamaged church.

The terrorists watched, further bewildered, when Discord spins into a tornado, and changes into his draconequus form.

[Daffy's Rhapsody]

"Greetings~" he sang, in Mel Blanc's voice. "My name is Discord. There's no other magicians, like me, because I'm the cause of discords.~" Discord continues his rhapsody, as he sings about his name, and how he wanted to be adored and appreciated for his love of chaos.

Snapping out of their bewilderments, the terrorists tried to kill Discord with their guns, only for the draconequus to somehow remain alive, as he sang, "And I'm so full of bullets, that I'm lit up like a christmas tree." The terrorists continued their antics, trying in vain to catch, and kill, the creature, as he continues to teleport, and outwit them all.

All the while, Discord continues to sing, about Bronies, Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, Story of the Blanks, Turnabout Storm, etc.

"Daffy! They drive me daffy! Those bronies with their great big numbers by the tons
They're all uncles, cousins, fathers, sons
Crazy! They make me hazy
With all that rootin'-flootin'-hootin'-tootin'-high-falootin' noisy shootin'
Closer! They're getting closer
With just downright crazy, creative ideas for their fan arts, fanvids, fanfics,
Songs, and other deadly slapsticks

When Discord sang those lyrics, he teleported in a flash of light, before he reappears, with The Living Tombstone, AuroraDawn, Drecker Jones, EileMonty, and many other bronies, as he forced them all to do the Can-Can with him, while inadvertently aid their favorite draconequus in foiling the terrorists, as they repeatedly kicked them in the booty.

"Good night~"

"Look there he is!" Discord looked to his right, to see some angry thugs resuming their chase after him.

With a rev of his feet, Discord took off, and ran past Trixie, who struggling to entertain some audience.

"Behold, the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie declared, before Discord appeared on stage, and kissed the girl on the lip, causing her to scream in disgust, and ran off the stage.

Discord laughed, as he explains to the audience, "I love that girl!" Before long, he quickly took off, into an ally.

The thugs gave chase, only to stop as they saw Discord, dressed as a carnival man, on a stand, with a sign that reads 25 cent.

β€œStep right up!” Discord hollered, imitating Edward G. Robinson, tapping his cane on the stand. β€œDon’t be shy! Nobody likes a bashful leather head. MOVE IT!!!” With that, the thugs all complied, as Discord did some tricks with a balloon he pulled out from his pocket. "Our first trick," he began. "We have a giraffe! There ya go son, now get out of here, you bother me.” The thug complied as he takes the balloon animal away.

Discord then reaches into his pocket and pulls out-

β€œSorry, wrong story,” Discord grinned cheesily, before he reaches into another pocket and pulls out another deflated balloon, inflates it, before he once again did some more tricks with it, before presenting, β€œA french poodle!” But before a thug could have it, Discord popped it. β€œSorry son, the dog was rapid. I had to put it down,” The thug frowned, before Discord announced, β€œAnd last but not least. My favorite!” With that, Discord blows up a black balloon and did several unusual tricks with the balloon, before it suddenly changes into, "A tommy gun!" Discord smirked, as he open fires on the thugs, who all took cover.

"Amazing!" Discord said. "With these powers, I could be.....A SUPERHERO!! I'd fight the criminals, protect the innocents, WORK FOR WORLD FREEDOM!!!" He declared dramatically, while sporting a superhero costume, before the whole scene froze, as another Discord appears, in draconequus form, grinning, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak." With a snap of his finger, Discord disappeared in a flash of light, followed by the sound of his laughter.

"WHOO HOO! HOO HOO! HOO HOO! HOO HOO! HOO HOO!" Discord laughed.

"Get back here!" Trixie screamed, while wearing an amulet. "Now I'm really, really mad! Heee heeee he ha ha,"Trixie laughed, wheezingly, before she casted a red lighting at the audience.

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