• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

  • ...

When Love Takes You In (Final Chapter)

Several centuries ago

Inside a room, at the top of one of the school’s tower laid a sleeping young alicorn.

“Tia!” An even younger blue alicorn poked her head up, from the side of the bed. "Wake up! Wake up!"

"Lulu," The older alicorn grumbled. "Go back to sleep."

"I can't," Lulu replied, before she dramatically explains, "The sky's awake, so I'm awake. So we have to play!"

"Go play by yourself," Tia replied, shoving the blue alicorn off the bed.

Little Lulu pouted, before she got an idea. Crawling back up on her sister's bed, she magically pulled Tia's eyelid up, "Do you want a cake?" Lulu asked.

In response, Tia grinned mischievously as she and her sister quickly raced down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where they were soon baking cakes, while playing a whole variety of games, involving the food present.

"Patty cake, patty cake, baker's stallion!" The two sister's chanted. "Bake me a cake with cherries on top!"

The two sisters giggled, before it was interrupted, by a stern, "Ahem!"

Standing in the doorway, tapping his hoof, with a nightcap over his head, was a grumpy unicorn stallion, clad in night blue robe.

Little Tia and Lulu both smiled sheepishly, while shaking in fear, "Professor Starswirl," Tia smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to ground two young troublemaking alicorns, who should be sleeping," Starswirl the Bearded said sternly.

It wasn’t long until the olden unicorn wizard was escorting the two troublemakers back to their room.

“Honestly, Celestia,” Starswirl huffed. “How do either of you expect to grow into fine alicorn princesses, if you can’t behave yourselves?”

“Hey! It was Luna’s idea!” Celestia whined. “She talked me into it!”

“Did not!” Luna argued.

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“You knew cakes are my favorite food!”

“It’s not my fault you can pack more cakes a day, than your fat flank!”

“My flank is not—“

“SILENCE!” Starswirl the Bearded stomped his hooves, silencing the two sisters. “This is what I’m talking about. Luna! You’re young. You need some sleep. And Celestia! You are older and more mature. You should know better! Try to act your own age!”

“What? Like you?” Celestia scoffed. “Being all grouchy and cranky, because of a stiff back? Or because you haven’t trimmed your beard in forever?”

“That is besides the point, young lady,” Starswirl scowled. “Also, show respect to your elders.”

“Ha! If I ever have a child, then I won’t be as cranky or grumpy as you, long beard,” Celestia huffed, with little Luna joining.

Ten years ago

"First day of school, first day of school!" Young Spike barked, in dog form, happily bouncing on top of his mother. "Wake up, mom! Wake up!"

Celestia groaned in her sleep, "I don't want to go to school, five more minutes," She pleaded.

"Not you, mom. Me!" Spike barked.

“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I’m gonna play with all the new kids and make new friends and learn how to use my powers more!”

Spike continued to bark excitedly, before he tugged on his mother's wings.

"Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm up," Celestia replied, as she slowly got up, lets out a yawn, and stretched her wings. "How do parents put up with their kids?"

Spike was still barking and jumping excitedly, which soon escalated when he became nothing but a blur of purple and green, when he tripped and fell out of the room, and a crash was heard.

"SPIKE!!" Celestia exclaimed, snapping fully awake.

Celestia had rushed outside to see her adopted son, reverted back to his human form, with his head stuck in a vase.

"Oh my goodness, sweetie!" Celestia said frantically, as she magically holds a firm grip on the vase, and her son's body.

“No, no, it's okay. I got you. Hold still," With a firm grunt, Princess Celestia pulled the vase off of her son's head, before she levitated him back into her room to check him over.

“Are you hurt somewhere? Do you still have your toes and fingers? Any broken bones? How many feathers am I holding?"

Spike, nonchalantly, answered, "No. Yes. No. Three."

"What's the color of my mane?" Celestia asked.

"Mom, I'm okay," Spike tried to reason.

"Answer the color question, or you're grounded!" Celestia said sternly.

With a roll of his eyes, Spike answered, "Blue, green, and pink."

"SEE?! Something is wrong with you!" Celestia panicked. "My mane color is blue, green, and pink…” She said, while checking her mane herself.

"You are okay…”

"Yes mom," Spike answered.

With that, Princess Celestia took a deep breath, before she looked at her son.

"Okay. Now will you promise me you'll be more careful from now on, young man?" She asked.

"Yes mom," Spike bowed his head in respect. "I will. Now c'mon mom! Let's go to school!" He jumped excitedly.

"Ah ah ah, you forgot to brush," Celestia said sternly.

"Oh, come on," Spike groaned.

"Do you want me to take away your training with Scorpan?" Celestia asked, towering sternly over Spike.

Spike thought about it, and answered, "No?"


With a final groan, and a roll of his eyes, Spike made a quick run to the bathroom, and brushed his hair and teeth, before he came back out, with a neatly combed hair.

"Okay, I'm done!" He said quickly.

"Oh, you missed a spot!" Celestia pointed.

"Where?" The boy asked, looking at himself over.

"Here," Celestia pointed.


"Here!" Celestia touched Spike's nose, resulting in a giggle.

With a mischievous grin, Celestia quickly chases after Spike, who laughed as he tries, and failed to escape his mother's grip, as she used her wings to tickle him.

Several maids were passing by, when they stopped and took a peek, enjoying the sight of the Sun Princess, having fun with her son, the Dragon Prince. Somewhere in the castle, Prince Blueblood poked his head out of his room, revealing his mud covered face, and messed up mane.

"HEY, SHUT UP OUT THERE!!!" The grumpy prince hollered. "I'M TRYING TO GET MY BEAUTY REST HERE!!!"

Upon arriving at the magic school, both Spike, Celestia, and the sun princess's secretary, Raven Inkwell, were all greeting and welcoming every new students, ranging from ponies to magical creatures of all kind, except for dragons.

Though a lot of ponies were eager to greet Princess Celestia and Raven Inkwell, Spike was another story.

Even though he didn’t mean any harm, the little fillies and colts were still hesitant around him then. This left Spike rather disheartened.

Just then, a certain lavender unicorn filly came galloping over, with her mother and father, all covered in mud.

"Hi, Twilight!" Spike greeted the unicorn filly.

"Oh! Hi, Spike!" Twilight greeted cheerfully, from her mother’s back.

“Hmph!” A snooty mare huffed, passing by.

“My goodness!” Celestia exclaimed. “It seemed you had an adventure getting here.”

“Sorry we’re late,” Twilight Velvet apologized on their behalf. “It’s a long story.”

Celestia smiled in understanding, “The important thing is that you’re here,” She assured, before turning her attention to Twilight. “So good to see you again, Twilight Sparkle.” She smiled. “Here, let me take your saddle bag and you can go inside and clean up.”

“No, let me!” Spike offered.

Twilight held her bag up, only for the mud to make her lose her grip on her mother’s back, and fell off.

“Whoa! Gotcha!” Spike said, catching the filly, only for him to stumble back, crashing into his mom, resulting the mud to splash all over.

Celestia stood before everyone, covered in mud. Twilight had a look of worry on her face.

“I’m sorry!” Twilight apologized. “I didn’t mean to-“

“It was my fault mom,” Spike said, defending Twilight. “Punish me, not her!”

Blueblood was passing by when he heard the commotion. Obviously, he was eager to see how it played out.

Raising her hoof, Celestia touched their noses, "Boop!" Celestia said. "Now we're even."

Blueblood grunted in disappointment, “And that goes triple for you Vlad!” With that, Celestia magically splattered mud on Blueblood’s face, causing him to run off, screaming.

“Is he always like that?” Twilight asked.

“Nah. One time, it was a cupcake,” Spike answered, resulting a fit of laughter.

Later, after they were cleaned up, both Spike and Twilight got settled into their room. Afterward, Twilight left to explore the castle, while Spike sat alone on a separate bed.

"Nervous, are you, Spike?" Celestia asked, picking up on Spike's anxiety.

"No! I mean, just a little," Spike replied. "This is kinda new to me. I mean, I'm going to sleep in another bedroom that's not close to you?"

"Oh, Spike,"Celestia reassured. "I'll always be here to help and guide you, together with all of your classmates, and every creatures. But something tells me that you'll learn a lot more about friendship, if you study closer with Twilight. One thing's for certain, she wouldn't have made it into my school, without you."

“Maybe. But I’m scared. What if I don’t do good? What if I don’t like it here? What if nobody doesn’t like me?”

"Oh, Spike," Celestia wrapped her wing around Spike, as she held him close. "I know how scary it may seem. But sometimes, you just need to give some things a chance."

Spike looked reluctant, but eventually he accepted it, "Okay mom," Spike answered. "I'll try."

"That's my boy," Celestia smiled, as she kissed Spike's cheek, before she released Spike, who was on his way to join Twilight. However, he quickly came back to give his mother the last hug of the day.

"I love you, mom," Spike nuzzled.

"I love you too, sweetie," Celestia returned the affection.


Princess Celestia was lost in her thoughts, reminiscing about the happy days of herself and Spike. She was so lost in her reminiscing, that she didn’t hear her sister calling.

“Tia? Tia? TIA?!” Luna shouted, which finally startled her sister.

Celestia looked up from the photo album she had lost herself into, turning to her right to see her little sister, Luna, with an opossum sitting on her head, tapping a hoof impatiently at her.

“Oh! I’m sorry, Luna,” Princess Celestia apologized, until she noticed the opossum on her sister’s head. “Oh! I see you’ve made a new friend.”

“Yes. You’re not the only one with a pet anymore,” Luna replied, before she introduced her new friend. “This is Tiberius. But you may call him Tibbles for short.”

The opossum squeaked in response, greeting the Sun Princess.

“Hello there,” Celestia returned the greeting, before she looked at her sister. “Anything else you need, Luna? Or did you only wanted to introduce me to your friend?”

“No,” Luna shook her head. “I was just looking for you. But I can’t help noticing you’ve found a really good book.”

Celestia simply giggled in response, and shared the album with her sister, who took a seat beside her.

“I was just having a trip down memory lane,” Celestia sighed nostalgically. “It almost felt like yesterday when my baby was so small, but already so dedicated and so brave.”

“I’ve heard how special he was to you,” Princess Luna replied with a look of newfound attachment. “But now I can see for myself just how much.”

Celestia sighed, “He really is that precious to me. I’m certain this must be how all mothers feel about their children.”

“Indeed,” Princess Luna replied. “I should know. I have adopted and raised twelve children.”

“Oh yes. Your Children of the Night.”

“Yes. Them,” Luna sighed with a solemn look, with a glint of regret in her eyes. “Things were so much different back when. It was so hard, and…I’ve made too many bad decisions…”

“No, Luna,” Celestia wrapped a wing around her sister in a comforting hug. “It was my fault. I never should’ve turned you away. You nor your family.”

“But I let my anger and my frustration transform me into Nightmare Moon,” Luna continued. “And in turn, it transformed my Royal Guards into the Shadowbolts. And they attacked your son…”

“…Well, I supposed they retaliated after I took their mother,” Celestia replied.

An awkward silence followed, from which Celestia and Luna both decided to brush off the unpleasant memories to the side.

“Let’s not dwell too much on the past,” Celestia suggested. “My son will be here soon and we shouldn’t let him see us like this.”

“Indeed not,” Luna agreed.

The two sisters resumed looking back in the photo album, until they came across a photo of young Spike playing a piano.

“Ah yes. I remember this one,” Celestia smiled thoughtfully. “This is another one of those moments when my son found me…depressed. And so he cheered me up with a song, declaring he’d be my hero.”

“Really?” Luna mused. “How did it go?”

“I’ll show you,” Lighting up her horn, concentrating her magic, Celestia cast a spell on the photo, which then played the memory as if it was a moving picture.

In the flashback, young Spike was playing on a piano, singing to his mom to cheer her up. A song of him making a vow that he will be her hero, protecting her, Equestria, the little ponies, and magical creatures inhabitants.

Needless to say, Princess Celestia was moved by the song, which made her glow brighter than the sun.

Princess Luna was just as touched and enchanted by her nephew’s singing.

I’ll Be Your Hero — David Copperfield

Not long after the memory ended, an elderly unicorn stallion with a bushy mustache entered the room.

“There you are your highnesses,” He greeted.

Celestia turned and greeted, “Hello Kibitz!”

Clearing his throat, Kibitz began, "Presenting your son, Prince Spike.”

He bowed, as Spike walked into the room, with Peewee perched on his shoulder.

"Hi mom! Hi auntie!" Spike greeted.

"SPIKE!!" Celestia cried happily, being the first to leap forward and wrapped her wings around her son, pulling him in close for a loving hug. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"Same here mom," Spike smiled, while feeling his life being squeezed out of him by his mother's loving grip.

"Greetings, nephew," Luna greeted as she came up to the boy and too wrapped him in a loving hug, though not as strong and death gripping as Celestia's.

Turning to his left, Spike came face to face with Luna's newly adopted opossum, perching on her head.

”Whoa! Where'd you come from?" He exclaimed.

"Oh yes," Luna smiled, as she picked up the opossum with her magic and levitated him to Spike. "Nephew, meet Tiberius. But you can call him Tibbles for short."

"Oh, hi Tibbles," Spike greeted with a stroke of the possum's head, earning some squeaks of delight.

Peewee hopped from Spike's shoulder and onto his hands to meet the possum. The two looked at each other for a moment, before they took off running and flying off into the castle to play, leaving their owners to themselves.

Spike was just about to speak when he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of children running towards him.

"Big brother!"

Spike turned to look and sees Luna's children stampeding towards him, tackling the Dragon Prince in a loving embrace.

It warmed both Princess Celestia and Luna’s hearts to see both their children getting along with each other. They were all truly becoming a happy family as they should be a long time ago.

Nearby, Kibitz was hiding behind a wall, silently sobbing to himself, while clutching his chest.

“My heart! It’s too full!” Kibitz sobbed.

Later on, Spike was sitting with his mother and aunt, in the dining hall, where a large array of plates have been prepared for them.

“Wow!” Spike awed in amazement at all the fancy foods prepared for them. “So many!”

“We are, after all, celebrating for your return,” Celestia smiled, while licking her lips at the sight of the cakes and pies on the table.

"Yeah. My return," Spike lets out a sigh, which caught Celestia's attention.

In the meantime, Princess Luna’s children were all taking their seats and were fighting over some food, when their mother stopped them.

”BE STILL!!!” Princess Luna shouted, stopping her children, and frightening them into obedience. “Take your seats.”

Luna’s children immediately complied.

“Good. Now then, without further ado. Let the feast, begin.”

Concentrating her magic, Princess Luna levitated the plates up and put an equal amount of foods, on each plates, for her children. Spike was soon given his own plate.

Throughout the dinner, Spike’s eating began to slow down. A sign that his appetite was waning. His mother was the first to take notice.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" Celestia asked, worryingly. "Are you feeling alright? Are you sick?"

"I'm...I'm fine...I..."

Unfortunately, Spike was unable lie to his mother. It was almost as if the stress and strain of recent events have finally caught up with him. As if his shoulders were finally giving away to the weight of the world, Spike slumped in his seat, and let out all of the doubts and fears he kept all bottled up.

"Mom...do you think I have the makings of being a great hero?" He asked anxiously. "Because lately...I...I've been thinking...and I...I realize I've made some bad decisions, here and there and...I just don't know if I can...if I could ever be the hero you wanted me to be. The hero everyone need. I've just found out that I was blessed with a once-in-a-lifetime force of magic, and...I just can't protect everyone. I couldn't even save you, without breaking your heart. I get it now..."

Before Spike could continue, he felt a large wing wrapping him close to his mother, who wrapped a hoof around him, for extra security.

"Oh Spike..." Celestia said, as she pulled her little prince close to nuzzle, "You don't have to carry this burden alone. Don't forget, you're never alone in these times, Spike. We're all here to help you," She reassured. "Your Uncle Scorpan, Twilight, even all the girls whom you've enchanted with your own Spike way. Everyone are all with you, until the end. And I'll always be here for you, if you ever need help. Or you can always write me a letter, or visit me, in your dreams."

Princess Celestia tightens the hug, bringing Spike closer to her chest, practically smothering him in her loving embrace. Spike could feel himself calming down, as he felt more secure in his mother's embrace, and his entire being was enveloped in a familiar warm feeling. He wonders if every humans have feel this way, towards their parents, even after they aged into adulthood?

[You'll Be In My Heart]

Spike nodded, as he held his adopted mother's wing close, "You're amazing mom, you know that?" he asked. "I don't know how you do it all, as a ruler of Equestria, and a hero. Sometimes, I wish I could be just like you."

Celestia simply shook her head, "I don't want you to be like me. I just want you to be better.

Celestia has a solemn look on her face, before she lectures, "The life of Equestria's ruler is never easy, Spike. Raising the sun and the moon, in the absence of my sister, are two things, but I also had to appear strong and brave for our people," Celestia closed her eyes, as she recalled all the tragedies she had to endure for the last thousand years, plus ten.

Celestia looked across her table, watching as Luna was trying to get her children to behave properly at the table. But to no avail as the rambunctious children were all chattering and running rampant.

"I've also had to endure the heartaches of loneliness. No pony to talk to. No pony to love. And no pony who can make me smile in return," Celestia looked at her son, as she place her hoof on his shoulder, "Mainly because, I'm afraid of losing someone I've grown very fond of, the same way I lost Luna, and you. But I still do. I still let myself be attach to my precious treasures, because...it reassures me that I have a heart that can love...and that can be broken."

A single tear trickles down Celestia's cheek, as the sadness was clear as day in her beautiful violet eyes. Her eyes were so glossy and clear as the calm waters that have been undisturbed. So clear that Spike could see his own reflection in his adopted mother's eyes. It was like he can himself into her eyes, seeing how much he meant to her.

It was a reminder of how his story got started, because he was found by Scorpan, and brought to Celestia, who immediately adopted him without a second thought. And her maternal love for him was what inspired him with a filial devotion to fight and protect Equestria, with the power of the DragonFire he was blessed with. At the end of the day, he's not just a hero, but a young man who is willing to protect everyone he loved and do his part in making the worlds better places.

Spike reached his arms up and hugged Celestia, "You won't have to worry about losing me again mom."

Spike could feel something wet trickle down his neck. His mother must be crying onto his shoulders, "I love you, my little sunshine."

Later, after dinner was over, Spike was exploring the castle. He remembered having only been in the castle, at least once, during Nightmare Moon’s reign of terror as the dreaded Nightmare Smooze.

This time, however, Spike intended to familiarize himself with the entirety of the castle’s foundation to the max.

"Okay, so the library is to the East, the indoor swimming pool is to the West, on the second floor, and...no, wait. Was it the opposite?" Spike looked from one hallway to the next, trying to find out where he was. "Great. I'm lost again..."

At that moment, a guard was passing by, when Spike stopped him.

"Uh, excuse me, sir?" Spike asked the guard. "Where is the library again?"

"Down the hall and to the left," The guard pointed.

"Oh, thanks!" Spike thanked the guard, before he was on his way.

He was just passing through the hallway, when he happened upon a room, with the name tag, next to the door that reads: Somnambula.

Spike quickly remembered the last time he interacted with the Pegasus. He cringed at the thought the last time they talked, it was on bad terms. Wanting to clear things up, Spike walked up to Somnambula’s door and knocked.

“Hello Somnambula?” Spike called. “It’s me, Spike. I…just wanna have a talk with you, if that’s okay…”

But there was nothing but silence that greeted Spike. Spike then resumes knocking.

“Hello? Somnambula?”

After a few more silent minutes have passed, Spike reaches out for the doorknob, turning it slightly to reveal the door was unlocked.

As Spike entered Somnambula's room and looked around, he noticed the Egyptian Pegasus was nowhere to be found.

"Looking for someone, nephew?" The voice of Luna behind him asked.

Spike turns to see his aunt standing over the doorway. With a sigh, Spike replied, "Yeah, I was wondering if Somnambula was here. I... said some pretty harsh things to her the last time we were face to face and I guess you say that I wanna make amends with her."

Luna could see the look of remorse on Spike's face, even though she doesn't necessarily blame him for his harshness towards Somnambula. It was then her turn to sigh, "I'm afraid you're a little too late dear nephew, Somnambula... has left and may not be coming back."

Spike's eyes widened, "What...? Why? What happened?"


Somnambula has been sitting near her fireplace for hours, contemplating everything that has happened up until this point. As much as she hates to admit it, every word Fear Haunter said to her was true. She was the Pillar of Hope, yet all she did was cause pain and suffering wherever she went. She failed Starswirl, she failed Stygian, she failed her fellow pillars, she failed Princess Luna and her children, she failed her Shadowbolts, and worst of all, she failed herself.

Even though she was free of the corruption Nightmare Moon placed her, it didn't rid her of all the horrid deeds she committed, nor did it wipe away the terrible memories of those dreaded times.

After doing much thinking, she finally came to a conclusion...

She removed her dress and hood and threw them in the fireplace. She then brings out a large travel bag and begins to pack the necessary requirements for a long journey. Just then, she heard a loud knock at her door. Somnambula tensed up for almost a minute before saying, "Who is it?"

"It is I, old friend," Came Luna's voice, "May I come in?"

Somnambula thought about it for a moment before replying, "You may."

Luna opened the door and was shocked to see the Egyptian Pegasus out of her usual attire and appeared to be packing for a trip.

"May... I ask what is going on?" The lunar princess asked.

With a sigh, Somnambula simply replied, "I'm... leaving."

Luna's eyes widened, “Leaving?!? But why?!”

Somnambula shot Luna a flat look as if the alicorn asked her a stupid, which in a way she kinda has, “You know why.”

“Somnambula… You don’t have to do this.” Luna pleaded.

“But I do, old friend. I think it’s best that I find my redemption… elsewhere.”

You don’t think you can find it here?” Luna asked.

“I left too many scars here, old friend.” Somnambula replied, “I failed to save you from corruption, separated a mother from her child for ten long years, and even tried to flood the entire world, among other things. Whenever I walk down from these castle halls to the city streets, I receive nothing but looks of fear, hatred, or both.”

“There’s… nothing I can do to talk you out of this, can I?” A saddened Luna asked.

Somnambula then sighed, “I’m sorry Luna but I thought about this long and hard. I… think it’s best that I leave. To travel the world and find myself.”

“Would we ever see you again, old friend?”

“I’ll try to come and visit every now and then.” Somnambula replied with a soft but sad smile.

Both mares then head over to the balcony and take in the crisp night air.

“Somnambula, if you ever need somepony to talk to, you know where to find me.” Luna said.

Somnambula smiled, “Thank you old friend, I will.”

The two mares gave each other a goodbye hug which lasted for a couple minutes before they broke away.

Spreading her wings, Somnambula took off into the night sky with Luna sadly watching on until she could no longer see her.


“And I haven’t seen her since then.” Luna ended the tale. A sad expression visible on her face.

Spike was shocked by this. That shock is soon replaced by guilt. He is saddened that he was unable to patch things up with Somnambula. She was out there somewhere, thinking that he still hates her. All he can do right now is hope that she finds what she’s looking for and maybe one day, the two can make amends…

"I hope she finds what she's looking for..." Spike muttered sadly, as he and his Aunt Luna left the room, looking exactly the way it was when Somnambula left it.

In a way, it looked as though Somnambula will be coming back one day.

After leaving Somnambula's room, both Spike and Luna were soon roaming around the castle. Much like her nephew, Luna was just as lost.

"I forget where the kitchen is," Princess Luna sighed. "I haven't gotten this lost than the time I wandered the Hall of Hooves, in our old castle. But at least the trap door slide was the fun part," She giggled at the last part.

"Old castle, huh?" Spike scratched his chin, trying to remember. "Oh yeah. Mom once told me that you and she didn't always grew up here. Uh...where was your old castle again?"

"We used to live in the middle of the Everfree Forest," Princess Luna answered.

"Oh! Yeah, I remember now!" Spike exclaimed, recalling the castle ruins. "We've been there a few times before...So, what was it like growing there?"

"Well, back in those days, me and Tia were just little ponies, learning to use our powers, under the tutelage of Starswirl the Bearded," Luna explained. "I suppose Starswirl wanted us to practice our magics away from pony civilization, which I can understand, after the incident when Tia had accidentally turned an entire village into frogs."

Spike nearly burst out laughing, "Did she really?"

"Oh there are a lot of things your mother has kept to herself," Luna winked mischievously, as she and Spike resume searching their way through the castle.

"I guess my memory is still a little fuzzy, if I'm still getting myself turned around a lot," Spike sighed.

"I share your conundrum, nephew," Princess Luna sympathized. "I've been gone for a thousand years, only to return to find the world has changed in my absence...and that I have a nephew!"

"Yeah, it's...mindblowing to knowing that Nightmare Moon and my Aunt Luna are one and the same," Spike agreed. "Now I know how Luke Skywalker felt about Darth Vader."

At the mention of her dark past, a look of regret was written across Princess Luna's face. She is clearly wracked up with an overwhelming amount of guilt of all the troubles she had caused towards her sister, to her kingdom, every ponies and magical creatures, and most of all, to the nephew she was just getting acquainted.

"I am truly sorry for my past aggressions as Nightmare Moon," Princess Luna apologized.

"It's okay, auntie," Spike replied. "The most important thing is, you're back now. So we can all be one big happy family, just like how mom always wanted."

This brought a small smile to Luna, who started to ask curiously, "So what has sister told you about me?"

"Everything," Spike smiled. "How you were her pride and joy, how your happiness means the world to her."

"Really?" Princess Luna asked, with a perked up joy in her voice, as if the new piece of information has renewed her. "Even after all the troubles I've caused her as Nightmare Moon?"

"Actually, the thing is...she never told me you were Nightmare Moon."

"Of course not," A voice spoke up, to which Princess Luna and Spike looked up to see Princess Celestia, walking behind them. "I can't have my son growing up, fearing his aunt."

"But you couldn't have told him the truth?" Luna challenged.

"I did told him the truth, about us, about you, from a certain point of view," Celestia explained. "Deep down, I always knew you would come to your senses...and that you would come back to me, my sweet Lulu. And I was right."

"And she didn't have to watch Star Wars to know that," Spike nudged his adopted aunt.

Princess Celestia then turned to another hall, while beckoning for both her sister and her son to follow, "Come. I want to show you something."

The three were later walking up a stair, all the way to the top of a tower, where they opened up the door, of a familiar room Spike remembered from his dreams.

"My old room!" Spike gasped, as he walks around, looking at his old stuffs from his forgotten childhood, sneezing slightly from the dusts and cobwebs that covered the room, from top to bottom.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Spike," Celestia apologized, before she focused her magic to clean up the room, until it was once again clean and brimming with life. "I meant to have it all cleaned up sooner, or later. But then I sort of wanted to leave it, exactly the way it was, to keep the memory of you fresh."

Spike looked around his old room, feeling himself being blown away from experiencing a blast from the past. It was so intense, he was certain he was being pelted by a raging tsunami.

“It’s like a time capsule in here,” Spike finally spike up. “It’s like I never left a decade ago.”

Princess Celestia simply nodded her head, while Princess Luna looked at some of the old stuffs, even levitating an old teddy bear, with a worn out letter that reads: “To Aunt Luna ❤️”

Princess Luna turned to look at her nephew, smiling at how he thought of her, even before he got to properly meet her.

In the meantime, Spike walked over to his old bed, noting how small it is.

“Was I really that small?” He asked.

“You were the cutest little bundle of joy I ever saw,” Celestia smiled warmly. "I loved you so much Spike. Back when, my world was bleak and meaningless without my sister. Because without her, I just couldn't bring myself to love. And then you came, and since then, you gave my life another meaning. And now, I have all of you together again!”

Celestia concentrated her magic again to levitate both Spike and Luna to her sides, pulling them close for a loving hug.

"I've lost you two once," Celestia sobbed. "I'm not about to lose you both again....from now on. Whatever happens, please, don't hesitate to ask for help from me. Is that understood?"

Luna nodded, "Of course sister."

"Yeah mom," Spike answered. "I promise."

“Good,” Celestia then let out a yawn. “I think it's time for us to go to sleep."

Then, without warning, there was a blinding flash of light. Once their visions were restored, Spike and Luna found themselves in Princess Celestia's room. Another place which Spike remembered seeing in his dreams.

"Oh wow..." Spike marveled.

"Tia?" Luna began. "What are we doing in your room? You know I have my own room, and a bed of my own."

"I know, I just thought...maybe you would like to sleep with me again, just like old times," Celestia answered, before she turned to look lovingly at Spike. "Except this time, with Spike."

"Me?" Spike pointed.

"Would it, be alright, if you could join us?" Princess Celestia asked, while shifting uneasily, a clear expression of her sudden awkwardness. "That is, if it's okay with you...I...I mean, I know you're a big boy now...and...this may sound awkward, coming from me...but I..."

Spike looked at both his mom and aunt, reading their heartfelt longing in their eyes. Even though he was no longer the little boy he was, they clearly want this. As for Spike, he had already spent a ten years sleeping by himself. Even though he had slept with Scorpan before, he still felt something was missing. Could this maybe what he is looking for?

"Mom, auntie," He began. "I'm not exactly a little kid anymore. I haven't slept with either of you in a long time. So you don't even have to ask."

The heartfelt smile on Celestia and Luna’s faces were clear as night and day.

They both moved to the sides, allowing young Spike to crawl into the center of the bed. Before long, he felt himself draped and wrapped up by his mother’s and aunt’s wings. In that moment, Spike felt a newfound sense of familiarity and security wash over him. He could feel himself growing smaller, as if he was a young boy again. But this time, there was a new loving embrace, from his aunt. He could feel himself being warmed up by the sun's glow, and cooled by the night's gentle shade.

Once Spike returned back to the present, he looked to his sides and needed to reassure himself that this was not a dream. It is real. He is in bed with both his adopted mother and his adopted aunt.

"I love you mom," Spike yawned. "Love you auntie."

"And we love you too, my little sunshine," Celestia smiled, giving Spike a gentle kiss on the head.

"Pleasant dreams, dear nephew," Luna added, giving him a loving peck of her own, on his cheek.

With that, Spike slept the night away, with his mom, and aunt, nuzzling together, and draping their wings across him, on both sides.

At long last, the three are together at last. Mother, son/nephew, and aunt. All three feeling safe and secure for the first time in years.

Unfortunately, Spike knew that the dangers of Equestria were far from gone. Fear Haunter, Bone Cruncher, Beezin, Hydia and her daughters, and many other villains were still out there plotting who knows what. Professor Chimera is still missing, the Cerulean Hunters holding him who knows where along with hunting other magical creatures. And who knows what other dark forces are over in the horizon waiting to make their move. After tonight, the forces of evil will once again make another move to destroy Equestria, the Human World, and beyond. And so many innocent lives will once again be threatened, meaning Spike must be there to defend it, with his friends and fellow heroes.

The young Prince doesn’t know what the future may hold in store for him. But through the night, his troubled thoughts were eased, knowing that he won’t be facing the conflicts alone. Not so long as he has his friends and families beside him. He knows that one day that he and the others will rescue Professor Chimera; take down Fear, Hydia, and the Cerulean Hunters; and take on and defeat what other forces of evil in the future.

The DragonFire is indeed a powerful force of magic, blessing only the noble of spirits and pure of hearts. But only when it is mastered correctly can it truly fulfill its full potential. Even now, a greater force is at work. The fabric of reality has begun to make its move, guiding the hands of time, shaping the past, present, and the future. For better or for worse.

Only time will tell what the future may hold.

Author's Note:

And done. This book is at last finished. This was my first Spike Harem fic.

And what a journey it’s been, from start to finish.

It’s been so long, but I’m glad to at last complete this story, and I’d like to give a big thanks to Mechazilla for helping me with seeing the story production to the end!

Admittedly, I wasn’t the best fanfic author when I started. But I learned along the way, and looking back, I realize I’ve made some mistakes.

However, starting from here on out, I aim to improve on those mistakes for the sake of my other stories at the present and in the nearest future.

Comments ( 5 )

I thought it was a great read. And though you made mistakes before you learned from them. You've become one of the best authors I know here. I look forward to what you plan to do next.

So which stores you can continue to finishing?

It was greatest read. There were missed spelling. But you did what is best choicest words, I think is still awesome. I hope you create more awesome stories.

I'm sad to see this go, but I'm glad it got a happy ending!

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