• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Twisted Evil Part 5: Vanquish the Demon

Saddle Arabia

After she had a formal meeting with the delegates of Saddle Arabia, Princess Celestia was shown to her sleeping quarters where she turned in for the night, prior to her long trip home.

In her sleep, Princess Celestia was dreaming happily of the times when she and Spike were still together. Even after he has returned, and after Princess Luna was freed from the darkness of her anger and hatred, both Spike and Celestia barely had any time together. Celestia would often wished that she and Spike could get all those ten years back.

Celestia was just dreaming of herself, in a huge field of flowers, galloping and laughing without a care in the world. Celestia smiled, feeling happy and free of all the troubles in the world. Even more so, with a certain purple puppy at her side. To further the touching moment, Celestia looked up and gasped, seeing a tall gray unicorn stallion, with grayish sap green eyes, and moderate cobalt blue streaks in his jet black mane and tail, clad in a long royal purple robe, with a blue suit of armor beneath.

The stallion looked at Celestia lovingly, before he smiled warmly, which in turn made Celestia well up with tears.

"Dad?" Young Spike gasped.

The stallion nodded his head, "Hello, son," He greeted.

"Daddy!" Spike laughed, as he hugged the stallion by the leg.

Celestia smiled at the sight of young Spike, accepting and loving his newfound father. Wanting to join in the tender moment, Celestia galloped over, as she lovingly nuzzles her cheek, close to Spike's, before she did the same to the stallion she loved. Soon, the three were all running through the fields, laughing and playing, like one happy family.

Sadly, it all came to an end, as dark clouds loomed over them, and bolts of lightning rained down on Celestia, the stallion, and her son.

Celestia quickly casted a shield spell, but the lightning bolts broke through, shattering the barrier, and struck the stallion, causing him to disappear in a puff of smoke. Then, as if to show that lightning indeed strikes the same place twice, young Spike himself, too got hit.

"AAUUUGHH!!!" Spike screamed in agony, as he reached out for his mom. "MOM!!!" Before Celestia could do anything, he was gone.

"SPIKE!!!!" Celestia cried, pure horror on her face. "NOOOO!! Not again!" Then, everything around her stopped, as Princess Celestia fell to the ground, clutching her chest, feeling a sharp burning sensation, coursing through her heart. Before long, Princess Celestia finds herself covered from head to hooves, in dark chains, holding her to the ground.

"Well, if it isn't the wise and beloved Princess Celestia," An ominous voice spoke.

"Who's there?!" Celestia demanded. "Show yourself!"

The voice could only chuckle, "Please, spare me the formal act. It does nothing to hide the fragile entity inside you."

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you!" Celestia threatened, while still struggling to break free. "I promise you, there will be consequences!"

"Is that so?" The voice replied. "Is that what you say, before you imprisoned your own sister in the moon for a thousand years? Did you also say that, during the Shadowbolts' sneak attack on your son, that left him scarred and deprived of his memories? Including the ones on how to control his powers, and how important his friends are in more ways than one?"

Princess Celestia remains stoic, as the voice continues, "Yeah, there were consequences. But, as always, there's a price to be paid. Your heart!"

"What do you mean by that?" Celestia asked.

"You try so hard to protect your people, and the ones you hold so dearly. But in the end, it will all be in vain, and it will lead to more heartaches." The voice snickered, as Celestia tensed at what they said next, "Once, you've failed to be the sister Luna needed in her darkest hours. And the price for your failure, was a thousand years of loneliness and regrets."

Princess Celestia didn't want to relive those moments again. But the voice succeeded in triggering flashes of memories, when she would always have an empty throne beside her, how she would reminisce on all the mischievous moments she'd often get with her sister, and all the nights, when she would raise the moon, only to see her sister's sadden face, plastered on the moon's surface.

"Then, there was your precious son, who was your whole world, and the sun of your life, until his brave heroic to save you from harm," The voice continued. "What kind of a mother are you? Incapable of being there for your son. Failing to protect him from danger. And even now, you're repeating the same mistake again. You don't deserve anyone!"

Princess Celestia blast a beam of magic in denial, "I used to tell myself the exact same thing," She began. "But in the end, I'd choose loneliness over isolation. I should know, I've spent thousand years of isolating myself from my little ponies, until Spike came and opened up the doors for me. And for your information, I've actually been supportive of him than you think. It just goes to show you that I know something you obviously don't."

Celestia was certain she heard a scoff as the voice continues, "You should've just given him away to another, to spare yourself of the heartbreak that soon followed. Then, you wouldn't have to be so sad, or afraid so much! Then at least, you could've been a stronger leader!"

"And deny myself of a mother's love for Spike? I think not!" Celestia scoffed. "And for your information, I am a strong leader! But I'd like to be fairer at the same-"

"OH SHUT UP!!!" The voice roared. "Time to fall down, Princess Celestia!"


Ponyville has had dark days. Though, on a scale of 1 to 10, then the plagues that Ponyville is experiencing is simply off the chart. First, it began with a twisted metahuman coming to town. After that, from a little filly to full grown stallions and mares, all the ponies and creatures found themselves living through their worst fears. And worst of all, Ponyville is transforming into a capital of horror shows.

In the midst of this living nightmarish day, Twilight was galloping through town, with Sunset Shimmer at her side, searching for their friends. First, they found Starlight Glimmer who was beside herself, at the thought she had killed some ponies. At that very moment, Applejack arrived, with Pipsqueak and Celaeno.

"Starlight!" Sunset exclaimed, as she helped the unicorn free from her fears. "Come back! Starlight!"

"Huh?" Starlight asked, as she looked up, to see the concerned look of Sunset, Starlight, and friends crowding around her. Breaking down in tears, Starlight sobbed, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kill anyone!"

"Kill?" Sunset asked. "Starlight, it's okay. It's just a trick. This is all a part of Fear Haunter's trick."

"Yeah," Pipsqueak added. "There's nopony here but us."

Twilight looked around her, while feeling an ominous feeling in the wind, "Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Do ya feel that?"

"I may not be Pinkie Pie," Twilight replied. "Nor do I have her Pinkie Sense. But I do know that something bad is going to happen."

"Something like that?" Pipsqueak asked, pointing to some demonic-looking imps, dancing around a bonfire, together with some fiendish-looking goblins laughing and tormenting some ponies.

Many of the civilians were all screaming at the top of their lungs, as they live through their worst fears.

The heroes were definitely not liking how this looks, "If we don't act fast, Ponyville's going to be the Fearful Capital of the World!" Twilight whimpered.

"Come on!" Sunset said, as she began to lead the party away. "We gotta find Spike, or the others. Whoever comes first."

In the town square of Ponyville, Spike was holding the body of his deceased pet, Peewee, in his hands. Anyone who knows a lot about phoenixes all knew these majestic birds have the ability to reborn after their demise. However, since his scuffle with Fear Haunter, the metahuman had done something to the bird, to hinder this ability. And for that, the young Dragon Prince was growing more anxious with every passing seconds.

"Peewee....Come on...." Spike said, stroking the bird's stomach. "Don't do this to me, man! You gotta wake up! Come on!"

Just then, Twilight arrived on the scene, with Sunset, Starlight, Applejack, Celaeno, and Pipsqueak.

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed, before she took notice of his conundrum. "Is everything alright? What's wrong?"

"Peewee's not waking up!" Spike exclaimed, holding the dead bird up to the lavender alicorn. "Fear Haunter's done something to him."

"Oh, well just give him a few second or more," Twilight tried to assure him. "He's a phoenix. He'll come back to life."

Spike looked up at Twilight, displeased, "He's been like this for hours," Spike replied. "You think I don't know my phoenix?" Twilight, not knowing how to reply that answer, fell silence.

"Here, let me have a look," Sunset insisted as she went over and took a look at Peewee, levitating the bird from Spike's claws.

Still keeping the phoenix in her aura, Sunset concentrated her magic into the bird, searching for some clues, before she sadly came up with nothing.

"I don't understand," Sunset sighed, before she turned to Spike, handing him back his bird. "I'm sorry, Spike. But I can't seem to find out what's wrong with Peewee. I can't even find a heart beat. I can't undo whatever Fear did to him."

Spike sighed, "It's okay. You tried," With a despondent look, Spike placed Peewee inside one of the pockets in his cape. "Now what are we going to do?"

"Well, if we can't fix Peewee, then I say we find this varmint and get him to fix the bird, whether he wants to, or not!" Applejack suggested.

"Sounds like a great idea, AJ," Starlight began. "But there's just one question. Do you even know where he is?"

Applejack quickly broke out in sweats, "I do," Sunset answered. "Just a moment ago, Fear was hit with a potion that leaves behind a distinctive trail. I've got a lock on where he's hiding. Follow me!" With that, the heroes followed their fiery friend, starting their hunt for their metahuman crook.

Soon, the heroes find themselves in front of a large mansion, that looked as if it had seen better days. The structure of the house appeared to be two floors, with a few windows stained with dirts and cracks, and a few windowsills loosen, and unhinged. The walls on every sides of the house had scratches, and large gaping holes. Spike looked somewhat troubled at the mansion, getting a strange vibe that he’s seen this mansion before.

'Deja vu?' He asked himself, mentally.

"Why am I not surprised that he would choose a run down place like this as his base of operation?" Twilight asked.

"Well, he did call himself Fear Haunter for a reason," Applejack noted. "Guess it suits him well."

"That, and it's way too close to the Everfree Forest," Starlight noted. "No pony, except us would travel into this place, without getting into too much trouble."

Shifting his worried look to determination, Spike took the first step, "Well now we're looking for trouble!" He began. "And it's going to end with us kicking him out of Ponyville, maybe Equestria for good! So no matter what happens, we're taking him to justice! So are you all with me?!" He asked, with a little gusto.

Pipsqueak was the first to walk up to Spike, "I knew what I signed up for from the beginning Spike," Pip answered, putting his hand on Spike's shoulder. "Let's go kick this metahuman in the booty, down to Davy Jone's Locker!"

"Now Pipsqueak," Celaeno said, as she walked over to the boy. "Who taught ye to speak that kind of language?"

"Um, you did, Celaeno," Pip replied. "It's how you talk."

"That's because that kind of talk is my talk, ye scalawag!" Celaneo replied, ruffling the boy on the head. "That, and as Rainbow Dash would say, it's time to be awesome!" She said, unsheathing her sword. "Come on! Let's show this clown how it's done!"

"ARRGH!!" Pip said in agreement, unsheathing his own sword to clash with Celaeno's, before they charged into the mansion, while leaving the rest of the heroes in the dust.

"Um, did we missed something?" Applejack asked.

No one said a word. Suddenly, a great gust of wind blows in, nearly blowing the rest of the heroes away, as a huge shadow looms over them. They looked up, and were shocked and bewildered to see a giant raven, standing before them. In appearance, the raven appears to stand approximately 16 ft. tall, with four eyes-two on each side, and dark chains covering its wings.

With a loud screech, the raven lunged its head forward, snapping its beak at the heroes.

"LOOK OUT!!" Twilight shouted, conjuring up a magical barrier between them and the raven. The giant bird's beak slammed hard on Twilight's magical projected shield, but it did little good to deter the bird's desire to eat them, as it continues to peck at the heroes.

"I can't hold this up much longer!" Twilight groaned, feeling her strength to maintain the shield, depleting.

"Then let's fight back!" Spike said, as he and the others all got into fighting stances. Concentrating into his thoughts, Spike's eyes were a blazing green as he mentally roared, 'Boosted dragon!' With that, Spike fired a huge fireball at the raven, exploding upon impact.

Applejack, impressively, lifted a huge bolder that appeared to be 1,000 times her size, as she bucked it at the huge bird.

Lastly, Sunset Shimmer fired a long jet stream of fire, together with Starlight Glimmer, conjuring up her staff, to convert the air around her into waters, which she used to surround the raven, trapping it in a huge bubble of water.

Unfortunately, despite all of their combined efforts, the heroes were appalled to see the bird, undeterred. With an angry caw, the bird flapped its wings, as it took to the sky, before it came crashing down, behind the heroes. At the speed of lightning, the bird lunged its head, and snapped its beak on Twilight.

"AH!!" Twilight screamed, before she concentrated into her magic, disappearing in a flash of light, before reappearing back in the bird's maws.

"Twilight!" Spike screamed, as he conjures up a fire shuriken. "Drop her ya overgrown turkey! HI-YAH!!" With that, Spike fired the projectile, directly into one of its eyes, causing it to bleed black smokes, as it drops Twilight, who quickly caught herself in the air with her wings. "Are you okay, Twi?" Spike asked.

"My life just flashed before my eyes," Twilight panted. "LOOK OUT!!" She screamed, shoving Spike to the side, before she jumped out of the way, as the raven continues to peck at the heroes.

"Its eyes are its weak spots!" Sunset analyzed. "Aim for them!"

With that, the heroes launched all of their assaults on the bird, aiming directly for its eyes. Unfortunately, the bird seemed to know what they were up to as it flapped its wings, hovering out of range before it dives back for another attack, stomping the ground with its talons, while pecking viciously at the heroes.

"I haven't seen vicious pecking and scratching since that high noon showdown with the buffalos in Appleloosa," Applejack panted.

"It's no use!" Twilight groaned, seeing how dire the situation was becoming. "At this rate, we're never going to stop Fear Haunter!"

"Then let's ditch the dodo!" Spike suggested, as the heroes all made a beeline for the mansion's entrance. However, the raven caught onto what they were planning to do, as it made a tremendous leap, and landed between them, and the doors.

"Sunset! Starlight!" Twilight shouted. "Give us some covers! Quickly!"

"You got it!" With that, both Sunset and Starlight combined their fire and water powers, together to create a huge mist.

Even with three eyes to spare, the raven was finding some difficulty of locating the heroes through the blanket of mists. It was long before it hears the sound of doors shutting, that it quickly turned its head, pecking viciously at mansion's entrance, trying in vain to pull the heroes out, through the small hole. Finally, it gave up as it flapped its wings and flew off.

Spike breathed a sigh of relief, as he turns to four of his girl friends, "You girls okay?" He asked, as he walked over to check up on each of them for any serious wounds.

"Yeah, we're okay, Sugarcube," Applejack answered, before she took notice of some bloods on Spike's left arm, "Yer hurt!" She exclaimed, to which the girls all shot worried looks.

Spike looked to where they were looking, "It's nothing," He reassured, while searching through his cape for some bandages.

"Don't say that!" Twilight's horn was quickly lit up in her aura, as she casted a healing spell on the boy's arm.

Even though the wound wasn’t too big, or too deep, it didn’t take away the unease feeling of anxiety that Spike was feeling, as he looked around the place, anticipating for any surprises the madman will have in store for them.

“I’m so sorry,” Twilight apologized, once she finished patching up Spike’s cut.

“Sorry?” Spike inquired, turning towards Twilight. “For what?”

“For failing you, again,” Twilight looked up, with the expression of sadness, clear on her face. “If I had been more stronger, and more vigilant, this would never have happened.”

“Oh, Sugarcube,” Applejack pulled Twilight in for a close hug. “It’s not yer fault. Nobody’s blaming you.”

“Yeah,” Starlight asked. “I mean, how could you have predicted something like this was going to happen?”

Spike looked away, scratching the back of his head, “Actually, girls,” He began. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

The girls all turned their heads at Spike, “What is it, Spike?” Twilight asked.

With that, Spike went on to relay the nightmares he’s been having since the plague started, and why he has reasons to believe they’re all connected to the current events.

Spike even let Sunset searched through his minds, before she concluded, “There’s no doubt about it. You’ve been experiencing a series of premonitions!”

“Yeah, so I’ve noticed just now,” Spike frowned. “So Twilight, if anything, I think it’s all my fault for not acting on any of this sooner.”

Before Twilight could speak, Starlight cuts her off, “How about we take care of Fear first, then we can issue some blames, later?”

Looking at each other, Spike and Twilight nodded in agreement, before Spike asked, “So now that we’re inside, what’s the next thing we do?”

Twilight looked around the mansion, not liking the dreary and gloomy vibes the interior layouts gave off.

Sunset quickly realized they had forgotten something important, “Hey! Where’s Pip and Celaeno?”

The friends all smacked themselves, realizing too late that two of their own are now missing.

Spike and Applejack

The heroes decided the best thing they can do, for the moment, was to split up and look for clues on where Fear is, as well as searching for both signs of Pip and Captain Celaeno.

Spike and Applejack were both walking down hall, with Spike holding Applejack’s hands, as the country pony was shifted in anthro form.

Spike sniffed the air, smelling the foul stench the building gives off, while his ears perked for every creaking and squeaks the olden house structures were giving off.

“How they cling to you like a flea to a dog,” Fear’s voice echoed, causing Spike to jerk his heads in every directions.

“Did ya hear something, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked in concern.

Calming down, Spike sighed, “I’m fine,” He answered. “Just Fear getting inside my head again, I guess.”

“Another part of yer dream?”

“Yes,” Spike answered, grimly.

“Did he say anything in particular that bothers ya, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Something that I find it hard to believe,” Spike answered. “He said how you and everyone would always cling onto me, like fleas.”

"Now what in tarnation does that mean?" Applejack asked in outrage.

"It means he's trying to get under my skins," Spike answered. "That's for sure." The two were walking down a long dark hallway, with little to no light, when Spike suddenly came to a stop, in front of a door he recognized. "So it's true!" He gasped.

"Spike?" Applejack asked, with a look of worry. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"Shh!" Spike shushed AJ, before he took some cautious steps towards the door, and puts his claws on the knob, carefully turns it. Whiskers waving, claws and eyes coated in fiery auras of green, Spike slowly opens the door, ready for any scary surprises Fear might throw at him and AJ, from the darkness.

However, the only surprise they get was a huge flat TV screen, on the wall, in a room that is strangely tidied and brightly lit, as if it was recently cleaned up.

"What the hay?!" Applejack exclaimed, as she walked into the room, looking around. "What is this? What the hay is this?"

Spike looked around the room, as he spoke, "Took the words right out of my mouth, AJ."

"Huh, y'know, for being in some creepy old mansion, this room looks kinda nice."

"Yeah, that's what they usually say about cobras, before they strike."

Then, without warning, the TV suddenly turned on, "Yer watching TV at a time like this?" Applejack asked, incredulous.

"I didn't touch anything," Spike replied, showing his hands up as proof.

Confused, both teens looked at the TV screen, before locating the remote, sitting on a counter, that was only a few footsteps away from both of them. Walking over to the counter, Spike picked up the remote, and pressed the power button to turn it off. However, the TV quickly turned itself back on, and no matter how many times Spike pressed the remote, the TV kept on playing.

"Come on!" Spike growled, banging the remote repeatedly, while Applejack looked at the TV, before she gasps.

"Hold on, Spike!" Applejack stopped the Dragon Prince. "Look!" Spike turned his head back on the screen, and was just as surprised as Applejack was. "It's ma and pa!" She exclaimed.

At first, the video recording was the classic black and white, showing Ponyville in its old, glory days. However, the main focus of the video are the two ponies Applejack was referring to as her parents. Before they knew it, the video was transfigured into technicolor, allowing better details of the two ponies to be seen.

Applejack's father was a tall burly stallion, with eyes that matched Applejack's moderate green eyes over his freckled face, but the same coat and mane color as Apple Bloom's. To further the family resemblance, he just so happens to wear the same hat as Applejack's, while his cutie mark was a slice of green apple with a star in the middle. As for Applejack's mother, even for a pony, she was a sight to behold, with brilliant turquoise eyes, frizzy brilliant gamboge mane and tail with the ends tied by light blue bands, and her coat of fur a pale gamboge. Her cutie mark appeared to be a simple jar of a buttery content of sort.

"Wow, that's your mom and dad?" Spike asked.

"Eeyup," Applejack smiled, with her eyes welling up. "Dad is where I get all my honesty from. That, and his stubbornness, his strength..."

"And the hat," Spike smiled.

Applejack couldn't help but chuckle, "Yup," She frowned when she looked up at her mother. "And ma, from what Grand Pear have told us, she was sweeter than the pears that grow on his old farms. She's where me, Big Mac, and little Apple Bloom got our loving demeanors. My dad used to call her Buttercup, because whenever she held a buttercup under her chin, it would glow." Applejack titled her hat over her face to hide her tears. "Even as a pear, she's the apple of his eyes."

"A pear?" Spike looked at Applejack in bewilderment, "You're half-pear?"

Applejack nodded, "It's a big surprise for me and every pony else when me, Big Mac, and Applebloom found out."

Looking back at the film, Spike could see the love displayed between the two loving parents, "Well, I'd have to say, they do make a perfect pair," He commented. "And you must be their perfect pear, the apple of their eyes, and their diamond in the sky." Applejack blushed a shade of red, that's brighter than Big Mac's coat, at what Spike just said.

Realizing what just slipped from his mouth, Spike stammered, "Um, I-I think I've said too much. I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's fine, Sugarcube," Applejack reassured. "I think it's sweet of ya to think that way." Walking close, Applejack draped her arm around Spike's shoulder, holding him close, 'I'm happy to have ya as the apple of my eyes,' She thought lovingly.

Unfortunately, the loving moment between the two came to an end, when Spike noticed something off. The video began to zoom in closer and closer to Applejack's mother's face. The beautiful country mare's face was obscured by several locks of her mane. Then, slowly pulling to the side, much to Spike and Applejack's horror, in her place was Fear Haunter himself, laughing maniacally as he reaches out for the two of them.

"BWAH!!!" Spike and Applejack screamed.

"Get back!" Spike ushered to AJ, as he conjured a fiery katana and slashes it at Fear, keeping the twisted metahuman at bay.

"Fall down! Fall down!" Fear repeated, before he opened up his mouth wide, to show an endless row of teeth, and screamed in a demonic tone. "FALL DOWN!!!!"

Applejack screamed, as she picked up the remote, and like Spike did before, she pressed the power button, and struggled to turn the TV off. Finally having enough, Applejack quickly galloped forward, and kicked her legs out, unleashing her superstrength on the TV, shattering it, blacking the whole video out.

Once the task was done, Fear was gone.

"Whoa," Spike said in a mix of shock, and amazement. "You've got nice legs, you know that?" Applejack chuckled.

"IT'S HARVEST TIME!!!" A demonic voice shouted, as a tall scarecrow, suddenly appeared in the room, with bloody red eyes, and a large rusty scythe.

"AAAAHH!!" Applejack screamed, as she ducked her head, evading the blade, before Spike jumped in, and shielded the farm pony with his fire katanas. Parrying with the scarecrow's scythe, Spike leapt forward and landed a strong flying side kick to the scarecrow's chest, before he sweeps the floor with his tail, followed by a strong headbutt.

Yet, despite all the blows from the dragon, the scarecrow remains standing, even after Spike blew a green fireball that took its head off, and sets it on fire.

"You can't stop me!" The scarecrow laughed wickedly, before he slashed his scythe at Spike, knocking the dragon back.

"Spike!" Applejack shouted running over to the Dragon Prince. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry," Spike replied, pointing to the suit of armor he was wearing. "Dragon armors. Thank Ember for it."

The two looked up, to see the scarecrow, picking up his disembodied head, and reached it, with the straws in his stuffing. Turning its attention back on the teens, it laughed demonically.

"I don't think we can beat this guy," Applejack frowned, frightfully turning back into her true pony form. "I say we get outta here."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Spike said in agreement. "Let's go!"

With that, Spike and Applejack raced out of the room, and back into the dark hallways, with the sound of the scarecrow's laugh, echoing behind them.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight was cautiously walking through the mansion's dimly lit halls, while carrying a small lantern in her aura.

Twilight's ears perked up, at the sounds of creaks and squeaks the mansion's brittle structures gave off. Walking slowly and carefully, cautious to where she steps, Twilight stepped on a loose floorboard that gave off a loud squeak. Then without warning, the whole thing snapped, causing Twilight to jump back in fright, barely avoiding her leg falling into the hole created, and ends back into the walls, breaking it down, to reveal another room.

Several eyes suddenly pierced the darkness, followed by a series of squeaks from the bats that scattered. Twilight screamed, as she disappears in a flash of light, escaping the swarm, before she galloped into another hall, and screeched to a halt, but too late.


Twilight broke down the door, and crashes into an old bookshelf. Before she knew it, the boards broke, and she was caught in an avalanche of books.

Poking her head out, Twilight shook her dizziness off, "Well, at least I didn't get attacked by heavy books, for some heavy readings," Twilight groaned, before she noticed a book that reads: "A History of Old Ponyville."

Intrigued, while at the same time, hoping to dig up some clues about the mansion they were in, Twilight decided to take the book a table, where she cleared off some dusts and cobwebs, before she sets the book down, and started skimming through the pages.

At last, Twilight came across an interesting section, where it reads, "First outbreak of the dreaded Cutie Pox occurs in Ponyville, during the Palepony Period. Many ponies who have yet been afflicted, all fled from Ponyville in hopes of escaping the plague. Many took settlements in the Everfree Forest."

As Twilight turned the next page, she was greeted with a black and white photo of the ponies in the old days. However, one such pony caught her attention. Upon a closer look, she was baffled to see a stallion who vaguely resembles, "Starlight Glimmer?" She gasped, at the sight of her friend/student. "No, it can't be!" Then again, Starlight did once have an aptitude for tine travels. Who's to say she could do it again and this is her future?

Turning the next page, Twilight sees a copy of an article of the Ponyville Confidential, with the headline that reads: "Cutie Pox Explosion Killed 88 ponies, 102 total. Afflicted pony with dynamite cutie mark is blamed," Twilight grimaced, as she looked at the next page that has a photograph, with the subtext that reads: "Bodies of those killed in the explosion."

Turning the next page, Twilight sees an image of the mansion, caught on fire, with ponies surrounding it, putting it out on fire. Then, in the next page, was a photo of ponies surrounding a tree. The subtext reads: "A gruesome discovery in the wake of the explosion."

Twilight turned the next page, but was aghast to see the same page from before, except the image appeared to be zooming in on the tree's branches. Twilight turned the pages, causing the image to zoom in closer, each time, until finally, she got a a really good close-up, at the photo, of Starlight's disembodied head, caught in the tree branches.

Growing squeamish, and startled at the disturbing image, Twilight slammed the book, as she took the time to take several quick deep breaths. Getting up on her hooves, Twilight proceeds to walk away, when she stepped on a littered newspaper article, with a section that reads: "Body found in Froggy Bottom Bog not Starlight Glimmer."

'No,' Twilight moaned, as hopelessness washes over her, and she felt a lump in her stomach.


"AH!" Twilight screamed, startled by the sound of something landing hard on the floor, behind her.

Horn lighting up, picking up her lantern, Twilight scans the room, before she sees a thick black book, on the floor, next to a bookshelf, with a single empty slot, above.

Feeling relieved, Twilight levitated the book back into place. But no sooner she did, some books came loose and fell to the floor on the other side of the shelf. Perplexed, Twilight poked her head to the side, catching a glimpse of a shadow darting to the right, on the other end. Remembering who she was dealing with, while at the same time frightened, Twilight's horn glowed as it came to life, ready for anything that might jump out at her.

Soon, more books fell from their resting place, startling Twilight to blast her magics in random directions, at every sources from where the sounds were coming from. After her magical assault, Twilight took a moment to catch her breath, before she looked across, gazing at what was left of the library. Then, she heard faint hoof steps, in the doorway. Twilight held the lantern up, to see the pale, light grayish heliotrope of Starlight Glimmer's body.

"Starlight?" Twilight spoke. "What are you doing....here?" Twilight said the last part in fright, when she got a good look at Starlight Glimmer-without a head. Furthermore, the body appeared to be covered in soots and burns, as if it had been charred in a fire, with a few random cutie marks, plastered from the neck to the legs.

Twilight felt herself becoming still as a statue, sounds escaping from her, as all she could do was drop her lantern, petrified at the sight of her headless friend. The headless unicorn mare took a few limp steps, before it started to gallop after Twilight, who didn't hesitant to gallop away in fright.

They raced through the library, with headless Starlight Glimmer closing in, "Egghead!" Fear called, in a voice that sounded like a whisper. Looking back, Twilight could see some tendrils sprouting from the burnt stump of where Starlight's head should've been.

Twilight kept on running, until she crashed into someone, or two.

"Oh, what?!" The person groaned, as Twilight got off of them. "Come on! Watch where you're going!"

"Sorry," Twilight shook her head, as she looked and sees the person to be none other, but Spike, with Applejack. "Spike? Applejack? Is that really you?"

"We were just going to ask you the same thing, Twi," Applejack replied. "That, and what were you running from in the first place?"

Twilight looked behind her, and saw nothing. Starlight's headless body was gone, which is a big relief for Twilight, as she turns back to Spike and Applejack.

Though, just to be sure, Twilight was the first to ask, "Spike, do you remember the time when you and I were studying for our Entrance Exam into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Ponies and Magical Creatures?"

"Yes, I do," Spike answered, catching onto what Twilight is doing with the sudden pop quiz. "And what was the calming method I taught you?"

To prove herself, Twilight demonstrated by putting a hoof to her chest, taking a deep breath, before she exhales and moved her hoof away from her chest.

"Well I got another question for ya," Applejack began. "Before the Apple Family Reunion, what kind of desert was I going to give to Spike?"

"A zap apple pie," Spike answered.

"Correct," Applejack replied.

"Oh, thank Celestia, it really is you guys," Twilight smiled, as she, Spike, and Applejack all shared a hug.

Spike's ear suddenly perked up, when he hears the sound of screaming.

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer was searching the mansion, on the top floors.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Starlight said, while taking several cautious steps. Then, she heard the sound of fast footsteps, coming from behind. She turned her head, just in time to see a figure darting into a room.

"Pipsqueak?" Starlight asked. "Is that you?" Following the figure, Starlight finds herself in a room, filled with so many objects, draped in long white sheets. "Pipsqueak? Captain Celaeno? Are you two in here?"

Suddenly, the door behind her slammed shut. Starlight galloped over to the door, and quickly tugged on the knob with her aura, but to no avail. Next thing she knew, she heard the sound of movements behind her, and turned her head to see the sheets being pulled off, revealing their hidden contents.

Starlight was in a room filled with pony dolls in it. The dolls were...creepy, to say the least, as they all had wide eyes and it's maybe just her, but she can't help but feel that these dolls were all looking right at her.

She notices something at the end of the room covered in sheets. Against her better judgment, she trots over and pull the sheets down and soon wishes she didn't. What she sees before her is a coffin which suddenly opens up to reveal a missing poster of her at the inner lid. She looks closer and sees a small dummy of herself inside it, not helping is that the dummy has maggots crawling around in its cheeks.

Understandably disgusted, Starlight shuts the coffin.

"AAAARRRGGHHH!!!" Fear roared, as he flies out of the coffin, and landed on the top of the casket, startling Starlight.

The twisted metahuman looks up at her and grins wickedly, "Time's up, Glim Glam!"

Starlight brings out her staff, but Fear quickly uses his scythe to disarm her. Starlight then fires bolts of magic at him, but he was able to deflect them with his scythe, forcing Star back to the door.

Fortunately, Applejack breaks the door open and Spike charges in, impaling Fear in the chest with a katana. However, Fear just looks at Spike and lets out a dark chuckle before dispersing into black smokes.

"Dammit! It was just a duplicate." Spike grumbled, as heads over to Starlight to help her up, "You all right, Star?"

"Yeah, it was a close call, but I'm all right." She answered as she levitated her staff back to her.

"We really need to be more careful," Twilight warned, "Fear knows we're here and with every corner there's a death trap."

Just then there was a yell, "AAAAAHHHH! BUCK!!!!!"

"That sounded like Sunset." Applejack said.

"Come on girls, lets go!" Spike said as he and the others rush to help the fiery unicorn.

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset walked into what appears to be an office. Looking around she finds something that catches her eye. A crooked painting of a women with a flute. Sunset goes over to the painting and straighten it a bit with her magic.

She took a better look at the lady and is a little creeped out by it. The lady in the painting was dressed in a pale white kimono, with a long flowing jet-black hair, with only a single eye, peeking out from the curtains, as if it was staring hauntingly at Sunset. As Sunset continues her search though the office she hears a loud thump and turns to see that the painting had fallen face down on the floor.

She sighed in frustration as she walks over to the portrait to pick it up, with her magic. Once she does, however, she noticed that the flute lady was completely gone from the painting.

Sunset then hears a flute playing behind her, before it ceased and she hears another thump behind her. She turns around, slowly, and sees the women from the painting, looking down on her and smiles wickedly, while showing the unicorn a row of teeth.

With a loud shriek, the lady pounced after Sunset, with the fiery unicorn lifting her foreleg in time as the lady bites down on it.

"AAAAAHHHH! BUCK!!!!!" Sunset screamed, as she struggled to get the woman off her, but that only causes the hag to sinks her teeth further.

Sunset notices the flute on the ground. Thinking fast she picks up the instrument with her aura and rams the thing in one of the woman's eyes.

The woman screams in pain as she takes the flute out of her eye socket. She turns her attention back to Sunset, only in time to see the unicorn charging up her spell and lets loose with it. The woman completely vaporized right then and there.

Sunset winces at the pain of her leg, so she uses a healing spell on it. The pain was mostly gone, but the bite marks were still there.

Just then her friends come barging in, "Sunset are you all right?!" Twilight asked frantically.

"I'll live." She replied.

"I think we should just stick together," Starlight sighed. "Button may have been onto something about not splitting up."

"Agreed," Spike replied as they continued their search for Pip, Celaeno, and their sick little friend.

Somewhere in the mansion

Pipsqueak and Celaeno were both wandering in the dark halls of the manor, swords unsheathed, a musket at the ready in Celaeno's claw, and a flashlight in Pip's hand, while both buccaneer keeping their wits about, ready for anything that Fear might throw at them.

All was quiet, until Pip decided to break the silence, "Ever had to go in dark places, like one of these, captain?" Pip asked.

"Aye, Pip," Celaeno replied. "Usually, it'd be places like this where my fellow pirates and I would be storing our plunders, saving those valuable gemstones of ours for a rainy day. Then only the faintest of heart would dare come and seek our treasures."

Suddenly, Celaeno's ears perked up, as she hears a haunting, and familiar, rattling sound that made her feathers stand on end.

"That sound!" Celaeno muttered, eyes widened in fright, looking around the room, trying to locate the source.

Pipsqueak, too hearing the sound, armed himself with his sword, while keeping close to Celaeno, "Captain? Celaeno?" Pip began. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"It be the she-dog who cut off my leg!" Celaeno replied, referring to her jade peg leg. "I thought she was dead!"


Pip and Celaeno both covered their ears, at the earsplitting sound of nails scratching on a stone wall. Turning their head, their eyes widened to see a large scratch mark, cutting across the wall.

"Enough games!" Pipsqueak shouted, as he waves the flashlight around the room, trying to locate the source. "We're sick and tired of you scaring us all half to death! Come out and face us, Fear!"

"Oh look, if it isn't Pip-Tweet!" A snobby voice of a girl sounded.

Pipsqueak's eyes quickly widened, as he looked up with a scowl, at the sight of a snobbish rich girl.

In appearance, the girl had brilliant cornflower blue eyes, a long, curly pale, light grayish violet hair with white streaks. For attires, she wore a puffy yellow jacket with a thick, fluffy white collar, over a black silky shirt, a silver mini-skirt over a pair of black shorts, and yellow go-go boots with white trimmings at the top and bottom, and black straps at the ankle. For accessories, the girl wore a hair pin that is in the shape of a diamond tiara, magenta diamond earrings, with a matching diamond necklace, and silver bracelets on her wrists. She is Diamond Tiara.

Standing by her side, looking equally snobby, was another girl with moderate violet eyes framed by a pair of light blue glasses, a long cornflower bluish gray hair with light azureish gray streaks, fashioned in a braided ponytail, with a fuchsia band tied at the end. For attires, she wore a purple dress shirt with white silks at the collar, tied at the front by a pin, in the shape of a silver spoon with a small fuchsia heart embedded at the top, white rings at the sleeves, a fuchsia mini-skirt with a white ring near the hem, purple go-go boots with white trimmings at the top and bottom, and the toes colored in light blue with matching ribbons at the top of the boots. The girl's only accessories are light blue beaded necklace with matching bracelets on her wrists. She is Diamond Tiara's best friend, and sidekick, Silver Spoon.

Pipsqueak quickly got into fighting stance, with his sword unsheathed, "Go away!" He ordered.

"Aw, how cute," The girl with the diamond tiara hair pin scoffed to her friend. "Poor little Pip-Tweet, acting all big and tough!"

"And yet, he's still no bigger than he was when he was four, and still has that baby-face!" The other girl mocked.

Pipsqueak could easily feel his face burning with a mix of both anger and embarrassments, from every words the girls were throwing at him. And worst of all, to whom, they were doing it, in front of Captain Celaeno, who was watching the whole scene being played out, curious with whatever beef Pip had with the girls.

Refusing to look weak in front of his captain, Pipsqueak tightens his grip on his sword, "I may be small, but at least I didn't have large mouth!" Pip rebuffed.

"Ha! Is that all you got?" A third voice with a heavy bronx accent asked, before it reveals itself to be another girl.

In appearance, the girl had moderate spring bud eyes, with freckles underneath, scruffy brilliant amaranth-with a mix of lighter amaranth hair, don up in a mohawk-like style, with a tuft tied in the back. For attires, she wore a dark green jacket with rolled up sleeves, over a white silk top, black plaid skirt with an amaranth belt at the waist that droops down to the hip, matching knee socks beneath a black leather boot. She is Babs Seed, an old friend of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

The bronx girl chuckled, "Honestly, if that's your attempt at making a snappy comeback, then I got to say, that's the lamest ever!"

"Yeah, anything's better than that, Pip-Tweet!" The diamond tiara girl taunted.

"More like Pip's weak!" The silver spoon girl added, resulting the girls to laugh at Pipsqueak, who can't take it anymore.

"SHUT UP!!!" Pipsqueak screamed, angrily lashing his sword at the girls, only to find that his blade simply phased through them, as if they were ghost. This unfortunately, did nothing to cease their laughs, as they continue to mock the boy.

While this was going on, Celaeno watched Pipsqueak in his futile endeavor to one up with the girls who continue to laugh and mock him. Suddenly, she heard a door slamming shut, to which she went over to open it up.

At first, all she see was darkness, "C-C-Captain? Is that you?" A voice groaned. "I can't feel my legs...."

Looking around, Celaeno picked up a nearby torch, banishing the darkness, but quickly wished she didn't, when she was greeted at the sight of one of her crew mates, dangling in the air with chains from the ceilings, with his bottom half missing, as if it's been bitten off by a shark.

"AAAAH!!!" Celaeno screamed, as she quickly slammed the door shut. Then her ears perked up when she hears the unsettling sound, once more.

Looking up, Celaeno quickly catches sight of a swarm of jet-black moths, buzzing together, before they formed into a misshapen figure of a woman, hanging from the ceiling.

"Mommy Fortuna," Celaeno spoke.

The figure cocked her head in Celaeno's direction, eyes blazing red, "Yes, I'm pleased you remember me, Celaeno," The woman croaked, sounding in her late 90s, as she leapt down to the floor. "Of course, you remember, don't you? That night, when you left me for dead, I sound....just....like.....THIS!!!" At the last part, a creepy elderly woman dropped down from the ceiling, onto the floor, before standing straight up, and glared at a frightened Celaeno.

In appearance, the woman had long silvery hairs that flows in an ethereal and eerie manner. She also had eerie red eyes that glowed, while appearing vast in their sunken sockets, greyish skin, frail and disjointed limbs and long sharp fingers. She wears a long dark robe, which appeared more tattered and equally floated like her hair.

Without warning, the woman's hairs quickly lunged forward in an attempt to grab and strangle Celaeno. As a counterattack, Celaeno slashed her sword, slicing a bit of the witch's hair off, only to see more growing back in place. Remembering her musket in her other claw, Celaeno pulled the trigger, firing a bullet, but the evil witch disappears in a swarm of moths, before she reappears behind Celaeno, and blasted the anthro parrot with a wave of her disfigured hand.

With a loud wail, the witch lunged at Celaeno, and proceeded to hold the parrot down, by the throat.

"I told you, Celaeno!" Mommy Fortuna cackled. "I told you! You are mine! Even when I'm dead, you're still mine!"

Despite the witch's brittle appearance, Celaeno was struggling to get the witch off. Fortuna's ice cold hands felt like the iron shackles that have once held Celaeno down. Thus, unpleasant memories flashed before Celaeno's eyes, as she recalled how as a young anthro parrot, she was captured in her sleep, by the evil witch. Afterwards, she recalled how she was imprisoned in a sturdy cage, with chains binding her arms and legs to her confinements, as she watched many magical creatures before her being sold to the highest bidders. Not long after, Celaeno finally got her chance to escape. But not before she and Mommy Fortuna were engaged in a fight to the finish, in which Celaeno lost her leg, during the scuffle.

Meanwhile, Pipsqueak continues to fight off the ghostly apparitions of the girls who had bullied him in his youth.

As the girls continue to taught him, Pipsqueak can feel a small tear escaping from his eyes, as he recalled how as a little boy, and because of his small height, he'd often get picked on by bigger kids, though mostly they're girls. They'd take away his lunch, they'd knock down his sand castles, they'd steal his toys and stuff. As much as he hates to admit it, but they were so cruel to him, he was too afraid to stand up for himself.

"Aw, you gonna cry?" Diamond Tiara taunted.

"I think he's gonna cry," Silver Spoon added.

"Maybe he needs his diaper changed," Babs laughed.

"Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP!!" Pipsqueak screamed, as he continues to slash his swords at the girls, before one of them simply shoved him to the side, with a powerful slap.

"Poor Pipsqueak," Fear's voice sounded. "Such a brave boy, to have come from such a humble, cowardly beginning." Fear laughed, as he continues. "You were so scared of girls then, that you needed Spike and your fellow Knights to protect you. To act as your shields. And to feel good about yourself, ever since your mommy and daddy died."

"AAARRRGGHH!!" Pip roared, slashing his sword in Fear's direction, but only cuts the air itself.

"It appears I've touched a nerve, haven't I?" Fear asked. "Guess there is something inside you that make you feel scared. All it takes was touching the right button."

Pip shook his head, trying hard to deny what Fear's been saying, while struggling to ignore the taunts from Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Babs Seed. Pipsqueak held up his sword, taking a moment to look at his reflection in the blade, and noticed Celaeno.

Looking back, he could see Captain Celaeno, tussling with the ghost of Mommy Fortuna, and appeared to be losing.

'Captain! No!' Pip thought hopelessly, before he recalled what Fear said. 'All it takes was touching the right button.' Then, as if it was a parody to Obi-Wan's "Use the force, Luke," scene from Star Wars, Pipsqueak was certain he heard Bruce Lee speaking to him.

"To understand your fear is the beginning of really seeing," Bruce Lee quoted.

With that, Pipsqueak finds himself in the past, seeing himself as a kid, crying his eyes out, while begging for the bigger kids at school to stop teasing him. In response, the kids continue to laugh as they teased Pipsqueak more. But all of that changed when a younger Spike came, and told them off, together with a younger Rumble, Button, Tender, and Featherweight. Next thing Pip knew, a fight broke out with Spike and the other boys. Though they all got into trouble, the six boys became the best of friends together, and Pip hasn't felt scared to stand up for himself since, mainly because he knew he had friends to back him up all the way.

'My friends,' Pip thought, as he remembers the fond memories he's had with his friends, the love they shared, and how it made him feel like he was a part of a family again. 'That's it!' Pip realized, before he took a deep breath, and appeared calmly.

"Huh?" Fear asked, taking notice the change of Pip's expression. "What are you doing now?" Tightening his grip on his sword, Pip's Boots of Courage started to glow, as he faces in the same direction as Celaeno and Mommy Fortuna. "Stop! NO!!!" Fear frantically shouted.

Pip didn't listen, as he took off at the speed of light, and leapt up in a flying kick, striking Mommy Fortuna in the face, knocking the teeth out of her.

Celaeno was surprised, "Pip?"

"None of this is real!" Pip said.

"How dare you strike me, boy?!" Fortuna growled, as she got up, staring angrily at Pip.

"How dare you to strangle my captain?!" Pip spatted. "Now, you'll answer to me!"

With a bloodcurdling scream, Mommy Fortuna lunged at Pip, hairs lashing in every directions and all, together with several magic slashes she sent with a wave of her sharp, misshapen nails. Pip, continues to outrun the witch, before he charges in, and kicked the witch in the mouth again. Having enough, Mommy Fortuna's hairs tripped Pip, before she catches him, and held him close to her face.

"I'm not scared of you!" Pip snarled, using his sword to cut himself free.

"But you are scared of us!" Diamond Tiara said, as she and the other girls surrounded Pip. "And you can't hurt us!"

Pip scowled, which quickly grew into a smirk, "He can't," Celaeno said, as she towers over the girls. "But I can, ye scalleywags!"

Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Babs Seed looked up, and their smug expressions quickly disappeared, "Oh, darn," Diamond Tiara moaned.

Next thing Pip knew-much to his enjoyment, Celaeno snatched up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon by their hairs, and banged their heads together, before she repeated the same with Babs Seed and Silver Spoon, then Diamond Tiara with Babs. Even more humiliating for the bullies, when Celaeno pulled their skirts up, and spanked them repeatedly, leaving markings in their rear ends.

"I don't know what ye problem with Pip be!" Celaeno berated the girls. "But know this! If I hear you girls giving Pip trouble again, then ye be answering to me!"

"Aye! So ye behaving ye self like good dogs, and we'll make ye swab the deck, or walk the plank!" Pip threatened.

Celaeno couldn't help but laugh in amusement at Pip's attempt at pirate talk, with Pip joining in on the laugh. Watching from a distance, frustrated that he, once again, failed to strike fear into Pip and Celaeno, was Fear himself. Banging against the wall, Fear took his leave in a huff, disappearing in a puff of smoke, taking his fearful illusions with him.

After having some laughs, Pip was breathing heavily, feeling relieved and satisfied of having overcome the nightmares.

"Wow, that felt good," Pip said.

"Aye, that it is, Pip," Celaeno replied, before she asked, "Though, how did ye overcome that metahuman's trick of his?"

"Well, a wise man once taught me," Pip began. "That understanding fear is the first step to really seeing the truth. And I now see that I'm more afraid of being alone, and losing you, than I was with people bigger than me." Celaeno blinked her eyes, feeling touched at what Pip just said, "And another truth I see, was that none of these are real, and that we need each other to be awesome!"

Smiling with pride, Celaeno playfully ruffled Pip's hair, before they were on their way, and find themselves in a huge cavern.

"What is this place?" Pip asked.

"I don't know," Celaeno replied, while putting a protective claw on Pip's shoulder, keeping him close.

The two trekked deeper and deeper into the cavern, making every cautious steps, and keeping a sharp eye out for Fear Haunter, or any more of his tricks. Their exploration, however, came to an immediate halt, when they found an elderly stallion, hanging on the wall, by cold steel chains.

"Grand Pear?!" Pip exclaimed, as he and Celaeno both cut the stallion from his restraints.

The old stallion groaned a few times, before he started to wake up, "Wuh-what?" He moaned. "Where am I? Where'd you youngsters come from?" Before the heroes could have a chance to reply, a loud screech was heard, echoing throughout the cavern's structure.


"Pip? Celaeno?" Twilight called out. "Where are you?" After looking in one room, Twilight went into another, where she was momentarily startled by more bats, before meeting Applejack and Starlight Glimmer.

Spike, in dog form, was sniffing the floor as he tracked down the scent of his fellow Knight, parrot, and the evil metahuman. Tracking by his side is Sunset Shimmer, who's horn glowed, as she revealed an invisible trail of chemical the metahuman unknowingly left behind, courtesy of Joe.

Spike and Sunset were following the trail, which suddenly came to an end, and they find themselves inside a dusty living room.

"What?!" The two exclaimed, incredulous, before looking around.

"How can this be?" Sunset asked herself, while levitating a few furnitures up in the hair, as she and Spike searched for more clues to where Fear may have gone off to.

"Argh, that son of a bitch!" Spike muttered, clearly on the verge of blowing more than just steams. "He gave us the slip again!" With a frustrated grunt, Spike stomped his foot on the floor, causing it to break, and he fell through as the floor caves in.

"SPIKE!!" Sunset shouted, as she galloped over to the hole. Poking her head through, her horn lit up in a fiery yellow aura as she shed some lights, searching for Spike, "Spike?" Sunset called. "Spike? Where are you? Are you okay?"

A spark of green fire emitted from the darkness, which draws her attention the to young dragon himself, "I'm fine, Sunset," Spike replied. "But you might want to see this!"

With that, Sunset disappeared in a flash of light, before she reappeared next to Spike, to see what he was pointing at. Sunset shines some light on the floor, to see a trail of footprints, leading from where they were standing, and towards a wall with a shelf of wine bottles.

Somewhat perplexed, Sunset walked over to the shelf where the trail had mysteriously vanished. Concentrating on her magics, Sunset began to pull the wines on the shelf, before she pulled on one that seemed to be stuck in place. After several struggling grunt, Sunset pulled the wine bottle off its spot, triggering several gears to turn, and causing the shelf to rise up, off its post, revealing a hidden passageway.

"What's going on?" Twilight spoke up, as she, Applejack, and Starlight appeared over the hole Spike had fell through.

"We found a hidden passageway!" Sunset replied. "It could lead us to Fear!"

"Then let's go and give that varmint a good buck to the face!" Applejack said, as she jumps down, followed by Starlight and Twilight.

Spike quickly held his hand out, stopping Applejack, "Wait! We still don't know what could be down there," He cautioned to the girls. "I'll go first," He suggested, with a fire katana conjured in his hand.

With a few leap forward, Spike's eyes glowed blazing green, as he scans the path ahead, while sniffing the air, and carefully listens for any movements being made. Certain the path was clear, Spike ushered the girls over with a wave of his katana, to which they complied.

As the five heroes trudged on, the path began to grow darker and darker, which beckons for Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset to light up their horns, igniting some lights for themselves, and for Applejack, who is without a source of light for herself.

Spike, eyes still glowing green, was scanning ahead, when his ears perked up to the sound of rocks coming loose.

"Wait!" He spoke to the girls.

"What? What is it?" Twilight asked, before she was quickly silenced with a hush from Spike.

Sniffing the air, Spike detected a foul stench of blood, as if something was recently killed. His could also hear the sound of wings flapping in the darkness, which echoes around him, through the cavern. His eyes glowed even more fiery green, and yet, it did nothing to pierce his vision through the blanket of darkness.

Remembering a lesson he once had with Scorpan, in China, Spike closed his eyes, not trusting his eyes, as well as not trusting his ears as the sound echoed all around him. Going beyond what he sees, while sniffing the air, Spike's eyes widened.

"GET DOWN!!" He screamed, as he leapt toward the girls, just as something big came crashing down on the cave floor.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack exclaimed, as Twilight, and her unicorn friends both joined their magic together, lighting up the cave, to reveal their adversary.

Standing before them, was the giant raven from before. Three eyes burning intensely, with one eye blown out, the raven let out a loud screech.

"Oh great," Spike moaned. "Tweety's back!" The young boy, and friends, rolled out of the way as the bird lunged after the heroes, still intending on eating at least one of them.

Reacting fast, Spike dragons up, as he flies around the bird, breathing jets of green fire on the bird. Unfortunately, in its furious attempt to fight back, the bird rapidly flapped its wings, which Spike wasn't quick enough to react when he got smacked, with a face full of feathers, knocking him to the sides.

Spike rolled across the floor, in which a lifeless Peewee flew out from one of his cape's inner pocket. Getting up, Spike shook his head to clear up the trauma he received from the impact, just in time to see the tall dark bird, snatching up Peewee, in its beak.

"PEEWEE!!!" Spike shouted, desperately holding his hand out, as the raven proceeds to eat the phoenix, in one gulp. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Spike wailed in pure horror, with his mind racing to the moment he first saw Peewee hatching out of his egg, as a little baby chick, to the times he shared ice creams with the bird, and to when they had their reunion for ten years.

As if it was laughing in mockery, the raven made several caws at Spike. However, its laugh was cut short, when it got blasted in the face by several bolts of magic, and several rocks, courtesy of Twilight and her fellow magic ponies, and Applejack.

"Take this you oversized chicken!" Applejack roared, as she kicked a sharp rock, lobbing into one of its remaining eyes.

With a loud caw, the raven turned its attention on the girls, as it gave chase. Spike was left alone in the darkness, processing what had happen. The sound of Fear's taunting voice continues to echo through Spike's head, coupled with the raven's mocking caw, and the sound of screams and jeers that will continue to haunt him. Not to mention the look of disappointment on his mother's face.

Feeling a burning sensation, coursing through his heart, setting his blood on fire, Spike's breathing grew sharp, and deep, as he was surrounded in a green flaming aura. His eyes snapped wide open, revealing his pupils dilating to a reptilic slit.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the girls continue to run through the dark cavern, before they finally came upon a set of pillars, where they immediately took cover, behind the tall structures, just as the bird arrived on the scene. With three eyes remaining, and searching through the darkness, the raven crooned hungrily, as it slowly stalks through the pillars, intent on hunting down its preys.

Twilight turned to her girls, quietly shushing them, before she pointed to some other pillars where they sneaked behind, avoiding the raven.

Sunset carefully watched her hooves stepped, when she inadvertently exerted too much weight on her inflicted hoof, "Ow!" Sunset groaned.

The raven quickly cocked its head in the direction of the source, locking its sight on the four girls.

Twilight got in front of her three frighten friends, wings spread out, horn glowing, though she was unable to hide the fact that she is scared herself, as the giant bird advanced upon them.

Then, a hand reached out from the shadow and grabbed Twilight, "There you are, Twilight!" Before the figure could do anything, a loud thump was heard from behind, causing him to turn, and stared face-to-face to the 16ft tall raven. Twilight can feel the grip on her throat lifting, as she finds herself being shielded by the hooded figure before her.

With an angry shrill, the raven pecked its beak, to which the hooded figure quickly held his cloak up, and surprisingly shielded himself from the beard's sharp blade-like beak. Then, with a flash of mulberry magic, the man fired a powerful bolt of magic that struck the bird in the chest, exploding upon impact.

The bird was about to strike again, only to be stopped when Spike lunged at the bird, in dragon form.

"THIS IS FOR PEEWEE!!" Spike snarled, scratching the bird's face, and bites down into its neck.

In retaliation, the raven repeatedly slammed its head into the cave walls, struggling in vain to get Spike off. The dragon quickly slithered around the bird's neck, onto its back, where he leapt off, and rolled onto the cave floor. Getting up fast, Spike hurled a fire shuriken at the bird, cutting one of its chains, while piercing into its hide. Opening his mouth, Spike let out a burst of green fire, burning the bird's face. Undeterred, and further angry, the raven charged forward, and tackled Spike down, by the talon. Holding him down, the raven reared its head up, before plunging its beak down for the killing blow. Thinking fast, Spike quickly changes into a dog, slipped out of the bird's talons, just as the beak made impact on the ground. Spike soon took off running, with the raven giving chase.

"SPIKE!" Twilight screamed, as she runs after the raven, chasing the boy-turned-dog.

"Come back here, Princess Twilight!" The figure's words were ignored, even more when the other girls left him to go after Twilight.

Spike, still in dog form, was racing through the tunnel systems of the cave. He briefly looked back, to see the raven, catching up to him. How can a bird that size still manage to keep up with him? How can it be underground? And more importantly, where is Fear?

Looking ahead, Spike can see an opening up ahead, which leads into a huge room, spacious enough for the giant raven, and big enough for him to move around in. With another burst of speed, Spike makes a run, intending on getting there first, before he climbs up, the cavern walls, and hides among the stalactites, just as the bird broke in. The bird turned its head in every directions, searching for the Dragon Prince.

With the desire to avenge his devoured pet phoenix, still burning ever so strongly within him, Spike can feel his anger fueling the fire within him. It was so hot, Spike was certain he was going to burst into flame, right on the spot. He remembers a lesson he once had with Rainbow Dash and Twilight, on the topic of how emotions can have dramatic effects on one's magic. Furthermore, his memories flashed as recalls his lessons on the value of controlling his angers with Scorpan, back in his troubling days in elementary to middle school.

Spike felt himself conflicted, as if one side was begging him to not let his anger take control, while the other insisted that he bring justice, by killing the raven, and Fear, if they had killed his beloved pet.

Spike didn't have time to think any further, when Twilight and the girls arrived.

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight frantically shouted, before she yelped in terror, upon being confronted by the raven.

The raven let out an earsplitting screech, as it prepares to attack the girls.

"Oh no you don't!" Spike growled, as he drops down from the ceiling, changes back into a dragon, and latched himself onto the bird's back. "You're not taking one of my pony friends!" Spike roared, as he grabs onto the bird's chains.

"SPIKE!!" The girls cried out, watching as their dragon friend wrestled with the raven monster.

Claws and mouths burning a fiery green aura, Spike landed several burning attacks on the huge bird, inflicting searing burns, which did little to deter the bird. Having enough, the raven flapped its wings, taking flight around the cave, with Spike clinging onto its back.

"SPIIIIIIIKE!!" Twilight shouted.

"I'll stop it!" Starlight said, taking out her staff, ready to take aim.

"NO!" Sunset exclaimed, pulling the staff away in her aura. "Even without a weapon, it's still too risky. You could hit Spike!"

"Then I'll get Spike off!" Applejack said, taking out her rope, before she hurled it in the air, and managed to latch onto the raven. "Gotcha!" Applejack grunted, before she felt herself being pulled away, had Sunset not grabbed her in time.

"More like it got you!" Sunset grunted, as she held onto Applejack with all her strength.

Twilight joined in, as she held onto her earth pony friend with her magic, while Starlight stood to the side.

"Spike! Girls!" Starlight called. "Do you trust me?" She asked.

"Starlight?" Twilight grunted. "What are you doing?"

"When I say now, let go of the rope! And jump off the bird!" Starlight replied.


"Just do it!" With that, Starlight charged her magic through her horn, creating a pulse of electricity. "NOW!!" Everyone all complied, as Applejack lets go of the rope, just as Starlight electrocuted it. Using the rope as a conductor, the electricity raced up to the raven, shocking it, just as Spike leapt off.

The bird fell from the air, and landed with a loud thud on the cave floor.

After a moment of catching their breaths, Spike and the girls heard Fear laughing, throughout the cavern.

"Very impressive, heroes," Fear said mockingly at the last part. "Very few have ever resisted my powers to make it this far."

"You've had your fun, Fear!" Sunset spatted angrily. "But its ends now!"

"Stop it now!" Spike roared. "Or else!"

"Or else, what? Are you gonna call on mommy Celestia to give me a time out?" Fear asked, while baby talking in a mocking manner.

"ENOUGH!!" Twilight roared. "Why are you doing all of this? To us? To our home? What do we ever do to you to deserve all this?"

Fear was silent for a moment, as he appears before the group, in a puff of smoke, "Why not?" He asked, with a dark chuckle, "But jokes aside I want to prove to the world that even heroes have vulnerability and even they can give into fear. Your sad little town is just a bonus."

After hearing those words, Applejack fixed her hat, "Looks like we're just gonna have to beat you, to end it!" She snarled.

"I second that!" Spike joined in, fire katanas produced, as Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight all stood by their friends' sides, horns coated in colorful auras that burned through the darkness. "This ends now!" Spike roared.

"Not unless I end you first!" Fear sneered, as he suddenly begins to change form, horribly.

The heroes watched, in bewilderment, as Fear's eyes start to roll back and his skin began to darken. He began to grow up to 10 ft while the sound of bones breaking and rearranging can be heard during the process. Black raven-like wings have sprung from his back. And when his eyes rolled back, they became red and goat-like. Horns have also grew out of his head, giving him a near Satan-like appearance.

To further raise the stakes higher, the giant raven from before stood up, and squawked. The heroes watched, as one of its eyes was restored through a form of dark powers.

Despite the seemingly overwhelming odds, Spike and the girls had one thing to say, "Bring it!"

With an earsplitting roar, Demon Fear threw a punch, slamming his fist into the grounds, which the heroes all scattered and evaded. Spike took flight, breathing streams of fire on the demon, who retaliated by firing beams of ice from his eyes, clashing with the dragon's fiery breath, resulting in a blanket of mists. Using the mist to his advantage, Spike quietly flies through the air, hiding from Demon Fear. However, the fiendish demon was one step ahead, as he produced a large scythe in his hands, and slashed the air, cutting away the mist, before he located Spike. Setting his sight on the purple dragon, Fear inhaled a gust of air, and exhaled burst of fire from his mouth. Spike quickly closed his wings, shielding himself from the fire.

Twilight and the girls were about to join in the fight, to aid their dragon friend, when the giant raven leapt in the air, and came crashing down before them. With another loud screech, the raven thrusted its head out, snapping its beaks at the girls. Twilight quickly casted a magical barrier between herself, the girls, and the raven, grunting as she once again struggles to maintain the forcefield to protect herself and her friends.

Starlight Glimmer quickly pulled out her staff, and with a wave of it, she manipulated the waters that dripped from the stalactites nearby, swirled them around the raven, trapping it in a huge bubble. Starlight concentrated hard on her magic, as she strains to keep her magical grip on the bird's prison. The raven fought hard, as it struggles to break free.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight quickly joined in, as they too used their magics to combine Starlight's, as they hold onto the bird. Applejack, using her super strength, stomped her hoof down on the ground, forcing a large chunk of the earth to erect from the ground, before with a strong buck of her hind legs, she kicked a huge slab of the rock at the raven.

With a burst of frustrated screech, and feathers, the raven broke free from its prison, and the girls' combined assaults.

"This is bad," Twilight whimpered.

Just then, Pip, Celaeno, together with the newly freed Grand Pear arrived on the scene, from another cave.

"Whoa!" Pip exclaimed, as he and his group took notice of the fight going on, though they were more surprised at the appearance of the demon their friends were fighting with. "What the devil is that?" Pip asked.

"That would be the metahuman abomination, Fear Haunter," A voice spoke, as Joe walked out of the shadows.

"Do ya always sneak up on us like that?" Celaeno asked.

Pip looked back at the fight, eyes gazing at Demon Fear, "So that's Fear?" Pip asked, before he sets his gaze into determination. "Well now, he's going to pay!"

Unsheathing his sword, Pip was ready to charge into battle, only to be stopped by Celaeno.

"Not so fast there mate!" Celaeno exclaimed, grabbing Pip by the shoulder. "Even I know it'd be unwise to charge headfirst into battle! We need a plan!"

"Indeed. Your courage reflects on your lack of calculations," Joe said in disapproval.

Knowing they were right, though slightly miffed at Joe's comment, Pip replied, "Aye-aye, captain. So what's the plan?"

Looking back at the fight, Celaeno analyzed the battle taking place. Spike was putting up a good fight with Demon Fear, but who's to say that he'll be victorious? The metahuman-turned-demon appeared to be much stronger, with his large scythe in hands. Furthermore, the girls aren obviously giving their all against their fight with the raven. But the raven is undeterred, and isn't showing any sign of backing down.

"I don't know," Celaeno replied, grimly. "I'd be willing to run my blade through that yellow-bellied metahuman, or walk him off a blank, but I can't if he's some powerful demon!"

"But we can't let him win!" Pip replied.

Joe then turned to Grand Pear, "Mr. Pear, sir," Joe began. "You and your granddaughter once had an encounter with this fiend, do you not?"

"How did you know?" Grand Pear asked.

"How I know is not important, at the moment," Joe replied. "Tell me. Do you know anything about him that would benefit us?"

Grand Pear scratched his chin, as he thought about his and Apple Bloom's previous encounter with the sick metahuman. Then, it came to him, "Well, only one," Grand Pear replied.

Back at the fight, Spike was parrying Fear's scythe, with his fire katanas. The demon's eyes pulsed a blazing aura of snowy blue, before he fired a beam of ice at Spike, which the dragon was able to counter with a burst of his dragon fire breath.

"You'll pay dearly for all the innocents you've inflicted, Fear!" Spike growled. "If it's the last thing I do! YOU! WILL! PAY!!!" Feeling his anger fueling his powers once more, his whole body glowing in an aura of blazing green, Spike released burst of green fire, as big as a volcanic eruption, upon Fear.

The demon sliced his scythe through the stream of flame, as well as blasting beams of ice, though he appeared to be succumbing to the wrath of Spike's fury. The demon's whole body was enveloped in a gust of smoke, while Spike kept his distance, anticipating for any sudden moves. Little did he know, Demon Fear appeared behind him, in a puff of smoke.

"My, my. Struck a nerve have I?" The demon ask, as he raised his scythe in the air, ready to cut Spike down, had the Dragon Prince not heard him coming, and caught the scythe's blade in time. Fear then got to Spike's face, "Let ask you something 'Dragon Prince.' Have you ever thought what your life would have been like without the Dragonfire?" Spike paused at that, Fear smiled as thrusted his leg out in a strong side kick, knocking Spike off his feet.

"Ten years. And this is all you have?" Fear asked. "Truly pathetic!"

"Not as pathetic as you will be!" Pip shouted, as he came at the speed of light. "Eat pear!" With that, the boy lobbed a jar of pear jam at the demon's face, splattering the jams all over.

"AAAUGGH!!" Fear groaned in disgust. "Pear jams?!! I hate pear jams!!" Fear roared, clearly pissed off.

Not long after Pip's assault on Fear, did the rest of the heroes notice a sudden change around them. For one, Fear was rapidly changing between his regular form and demon form, as if he was part of a movie scene, with the special effects having a sudden technical difficulty.

The giant raven's fearsome demeanor was replaced with fright, as the giant bird desperately flapped its wings, as if trying to escape. It was then that Twilight and the girls noticed how the bird was slowly disappearing, until at last, there was nothing.

"It's-it's gone?!" Applejack exclaimed in bewilderment.

"It's not real...." Twilight said, having an epiphany. "None of this is real!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Then that would mean...." Looking down, Sunset could see the bite mark on her foreleg was completely gone, together with the pain that came with it.

Fear rubbed the pear jams off his face, before he sends a death glare at Pip, "Kid! You are REALLY starting to get on my NERVE!!"

"Same as you are!" Spike spoke up. Fear turned his head, to see the heroes advancing on him.

"Now that the playing field has been leveled, let's see how scary you really are!" Spike said, before he cracks his fists together, together with the girls who all charged into battle.

Spike made the first move as he breaths a long stream of green fire at Fear, who rolled to the side, dodging the attack. However, the metahuman was met with a quick punch to the face by Celaeno, knocking him off his feet. Twilight and Sunset quickly joined their magics together, as they blasted Fear off his feet.

Applejack got out a rope, and she hurled it at Fear, "Yeee-Haw!!!" Applejack shouted, as she lassoed the evil man.

"ENOUGH!!!" Fear roared, as he was able to unsheathe a hidden knife, and cuts himself free. Before long, he soon began to appear in his flickering demon form again.

"Look out every pony!" Applejack shouted. "Don't let him scare you again!"

"Not if I can help it!" Pipsqueak said, as he picks up a pear, and lobs it into the man's face.

Angrier than ever, the man growled, before he was kicked in the face by Pipsqueak, before the boy slashed his sword at the man's face, "AAAHH!!!" Fear screamed, placing his hand over the area where Pip slashed him. Looking at the blood in his hand, Fear glared threateningly at Pip, "You just made a grave mistake kid!" With that, Fear slashes his scythe at the boy, who continues to outrun him. Pip raced around Fear, who continues to slash his weapon aimlessly at the brave little boy. "Hold still, will you?!" Fear roared.

"New game!" Pip called. "It's called, Hot Pear!" With that, Pipsqueak came running back at Fear Haunter, throwing several pears at the man, who slashed a few with his scythe, while getting hit by a few more, followed by several bolts of magic from Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight, as well as some pebbles Applejack launched, and some fire shurikens from Spike. Quickly spotting an opening, Pip raced towards Fear, and slashed his sword at the man's arm, leaving a bloody cut in the shoulder.

"AAAAAHH!!!" Fear screamed in agony. "ENOUGH!!" Fear roared, as he sweeps his leg, tripping Pipsqueak, causing him to fly into a wall. "This ends NOW!!!" Fear said, raising his scythe up, for a killing blow.


The sound of gunshot echoed, and the blade of the scythe was shot off, courtesy of Celaeno.

"I wouldn't do that again, if I were you," Celaeno said, loading another bullet into her musket, and threatens to fire it again.

Before Fear could say anything, he was struck in the rear by Pip's sword. Further angered, the metahuman pulled out a knife, which he used to hurl at Celaeno, and skillfully deflected one of her bullets into the air, while the parrot skillfully caught the blade, by the hilt, in her claw, before it could hit her in the chest.

Fear lunged at Celaeno, only to be stopped when Applejack jumped in, and bucked him away.

As the fight goes on, Spike looked to his surroundings, before he spotted a handheld mirror, lying on the floor. An idea quickly came to him, "Twilight!" Spike called.

"Yeah?" Twilight replied.

"USE THIS!!" Spike said, as he tossed the mirror to Twilight, who caught it in her aura.

In a puff of smoke, Fear Haunter appeared before Twilight, intent on using his powers on the alicorn. Thinking fast, Twilight held the mirror out like a shield, reflecting the metahuman's powers right back at him.

"What? NO! NO!!" Fear screamed, as he was struck by his own powers.

"YES! It worked!!" Spike exclaimed.

"Good thinking back there, Spike!" Twilight smiled, to which Spike blushed, while scratching the back of his head.

"Guys! Look!" Starlight pointed, seeing the state Fear was in.

He was curled up on the floor, crying, trembling, having shortness of breath, and if Twilight can feel his heartbeat, she would notice a sudden increase in pulse rate.

"Not so scary anymore, now that he's been hit by his own powers, huh?" Spike asked, to which everyone all exchanged agreements.

"Still, I wonder what he's afraid of?" Pip asked.

Sunset walked over to him, carefully using her magic, she looked into the metahuman's memories.

Fear's P.O.V.

As a child, Fear once went to a ranch, where out of reckless impulse, he jumped onto a full grown horse, rather than a small pony. Taken by surprise, the horse reared up on its hind legs, neighing loudly, and bucked its legs, trying to get the boy off. It succeeded, as Fear fell to the ground, and screamed, as he nearly got trampled by the might horse's legs.

His whole life flashed before his eyes, as the horse continue to stomp its hooves at the boy. Before look, Fear looked around him, to see horrific, demonic versions of the ponies he had tormented.

"No! NO!!" Fear yelled in fear. "Get away from me! Get away!"

Real World

After she was done, gazing into his minds, Sunset shared her findings to the rest of the heroes.

"He's afraid of ponies?" Spike asked.

"Who knew?" Starlight shrugged.

"Guess he just blamed all of us ponies for his traumatic childhood," Sunset concluded.

"Well you can be sure," Twilight began. "After pulling a stunt like this on us, he'll be going away for a long time. And by then, I hope he learns a lesson, or two."

"You have my word, princess," Joe spoke up, as Somnambula and her squad of Shadowbolts suddenly appeared. "We'll see to it that he's taken cared of."

Somnambula nodded in agreement, as she and her Shadowbolts took the frightened metahuman away.

"Guess it's finally over," Applejack breathed a sigh of relief.

"Guess so," Spike smiled, before he frowned sadly. "And may Peewee rest in peace...." He sighed sadly.

"Oh!" Pipsqueak yelped, as if he just remembered something. "Hey Spike! Look who I found?" He said, holding out a large birdcage, with a familiar squawking phoenix.

Spike could hardly believe his eyes, "Peewee!" Spike cried, as he opens the cage, and happily embraces his pet bird. "Oh, I thought I lost you buddy!" In response, Peewee crooned with equal affection.

The girls all sighed lovingly at the affectionate sight between Spike and Peewee, with Pipsqueak grinning to see his bestie happy once more, even Grand Pear, despite his initial distrust toward the Dragon Prince and all.

However, Twilight's attention was drawn elsewhere, when she noticed a strange black book, lying in the birdcage. Levitating up to her, she skimmed its pages, to see images of creatures and objects that she's never seen before and written in a foreign language that she doesn't seem to understand.


Rainbow looked at her back to see both of her wings, restored, and still intact. "My wings!" If Rainbow Dash could, she would be kissing and hugging her prides and joys. "All righ-"

"If you're nothing without those wings then you probably shouldn't have them in the first place!"

Hearing those words caused Rainbow to slump. She takes a good look at her wings. Is she truly nothing without them?

Sometimes Later

"Zipporwhill!" The stallion exclaimed, as he scoops his little mare up. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, dad," Zippor replied. "I'm okay." Just then, a joyful bark was heard as a brown dog came running into the room, jumped on Zippor's bed, and showered the girl with affectionate licks. "Hi Ripley! It's good to see you too!" Zippor giggled.

Featherweight was about to enter the room, with a bouquet of flower, but stopped when he heard those harsh words yet again:

"You don't deserve the Shield of Purity!"

Feather looked at the flowers and sighed. He then made his way out, but not before he spotted Redheart, "Excuse me nurse," He called the pony to his attention and holds out the flowers, "Can you give these to Zipporwhill please? Tell her they're from Feather."

The nurse nodded and took the flowers to the filly as Feather made his way outside. He then slumps on a bench, brings out a picture and takes a long look at it.

Meanwhile, at town hall of Ponyville

"Citizens of Ponyville!" The mayor, Madam Mayor, announced. "It is with great joy, and relief that Faust smiles down upon our fair town of Ponyville! Equestria shall sleep safely once more! Thanks to our brave heroes!"

All of the ponies, magical creatures, and non-magical creatures, all exchanged cheers and applause, for the said heroes, standing before them.

"It was nothing," Applejack replied, modestly. "It wasn't easy. But we never gave up, bringing that varmint to justice."

"I agree," Twilight added. "Because we did it all together!"

"But more importantly, we owed it to Pipsqueak!” Spike voiced, as he gestured to the little boy. “He’s the guy he resisted Fear’s power. We would’ve been goners if it weren’t for him.”

"Aye," Celaeno voiced in agreement. "He's got the guts of a pirate! And he looked Fear, right in the eye!"

Pipsqueak blushed, as he scratched the back of his head, before he was suddenly grabbed by the audience, “Pip! Pip! Pip!” Everyone cheered, as they all tossed the boy in the air.

"Hip hip, hooray!" Pinkie cheered. "Pipsqueak saved the day!!" With that, a celebration was underway.

Spike looked around, seeing all the ponies and creatures, relieved and happy that the plague was over.

However, it did little good to bring a smile to his face, as he was left alone with his thoughts on what Fear had said earlier.


“How they cling to you like a flea to a dog,”

"Look how they became dependant on you Dragon Prince. Because of you, they would always expect you to just come in and save the day."

"They cringed to see they didn't get a normal human child. Instead, all they got was a cursed child with eyes and fangs of a dragon."

"Even if I do stop the plague, everypony will still be afraid of one more thing. You."

"Listen to yourself," He chortled. "Trying to act all tough and intimidating, and yet you still think so highly about mommy Celestia. Such a softie."

"And do you know what's amusing?" Fear asked. "You swear that you will protect this world from monsters like me. But who's going to protect this world from monsters like you? You may be adopted, or a prince, or even a 'hero.' But that doesn't change the fact that you're still a dragon. And not just any dragon. You're living vessel of the Dragonfire; a legendary magical force that has the power of a thousand dragons, maybe more. Which makes you a threat."

"Accept it. Not everyone was thrilled of your return. Your surrogate cousin, Prince Vladimir Blueblood is one. But there are others besides him who share a mutual distrust to the likes of you. As I recall, that old coot, Grand Pear, is another."

"She only cared for you, claiming you have a great destiny, when in reality, she and General Scorpan were only making you grow to become a living weapon. All they ever expect of you is some all-powerful creature, whom they can rely on to protect their kingdom, maybe themselves, whichever comes first. But at the same time, they'll be afraid of you, the moment you start to grow up, too powerful than they'd expect you to be."

"Let ask you something 'Dragon Prince', have ever thought what your life would have been like without the Dragonfire?"


Spike slumped, as he leans against a wall, ‘Still, why didn't my real mom and dad want me?’ He asked himself. ‘Why did they left me? And is it true that mom and uncle Scorpan took me in because of my Dragonfire?’

He lets out a long sigh, "Come on Peewee, we're going home. I got a lot to think about," The phoenix tilt his head in confusion but complies as he perched on Spike's shoulder and made their way to Twilight's castle.


Twilight was in the castle lobby, reading the black book, or at least trying to as she can't seem to understand the language.

She skims though the pages. On one page she sees creatures that appeared to be humans, but are bald and seemed to be wearing what looks like techno-organic armor. On another, were also humans, but appeared to have a look of savagery to them and their arms look like they're morphing, and one more page caught her attention, for it depicted images of a race of satyr-like creatures, covered mostly in armor.

"Twilight?" A voice called out.

She looks up and sees Sunset and Starlight, "Oh hey girls. Whats up?"

"Look what we found in Fear's hideout," Sunset said as she raises a black gem.

Twilight was in shock, "Is that...?"

"Yeah, a black dreamstone," Sunset said. "These things can help a person enter the dreamworld, physically."

"I don't wanna know where he got his hands on that," Starlight shuddered.

Suddenly, a flash of light exploded and Princess Celestia appeared, "Where's my baby?!" She asked frantically.

"He's-" Twilight tried to explain, but the sun princess bolted to Spike's guest room.

"Spike! Spike!...Spike?" Celestia called out as she enters the room, but sees no one, "W-Where did he go?"

"We've been trying to tell you princess," Twilight expained as she and her friends catch up to her, "Spike already left for Earth."

"Oh," Princess Celestia then notices a note on the nightstand. She picks it up to read:

Dear Mom,

Went back to Earth. School work and stuff.

Love Spike

She takes a long look at the note. He says that he's fine, so why does she feel that something is wrong then?

Things were starting to settle down after the fear plague incident. Pip and Celaeno were at a restaurant enjoying themselves.

"Nice to see things back to normal," Pip exclaimed.

"Aye, that it is, Pip," Celaeno replied, as she took a sip of a fruit punch she was drinking. Recalling what she had seen in the mansion, Celaeno turned to Pip, "So tell me, Pip. Have ya always had problems with them lass?"

Realizing what the parrot was referring to, Pip tried to remain calm, as he spoke, "A little. I mean, not anymore. Why do you ask?"

"I thought I'd get to know more about ya, Pip," Celaeno replied. "What kind of a captain would I be, if I don't know much about my own crew?" Pip nodded in agreement. "So tell me, Pip. What happened to ya?"

With that, Pipsqueak complied, as he relayed the whole story of his childhood to the parrot, "And you know the rest," Pip finished.

Celaeno was beyond shock, and sad, at Pip's experience, "Oh, sorry Pip. I didn't know." She apologized.

"It's okay, captain," Pip replied. "It's all in the past. And I'm just glad that I now have friends like Spike, the Guys, and you." He said, hoping to lighten up the mood.

Celaeno couldn't help but ruffle the boy's hair, "Yer full of surprises, ya know that Pip?" Celaeno said. 'All the more reason you'd make an excellent addition to my crew,' She thought fondly.

"I aim to make us all proud," Pip smiled. 'Mom,' He thought. He then remembered something, "Oh, I almost forgot! I wanted to give you this!" Pip reached for his backpack and pulled out a book.

Celaeno took it and read the title, Island 731 by Jeremy Robinson. She looked up at Pip, and smiled, "Thanks lad. I'll be sure to give this one a read."

While some bonds are being forged, others are being put to the question.

Rumble was in his room, still pondering on what Fear said to him. Just then his brother came in, "Hey little bro," Thunderlane began, "Me and a couple buds of mine are heading to the movies. Wanna come?"

Rumble thought about it for a minute and said, "Naw Thunder. I'm good right now."

Thunderlane was a little taken aback by this. Rumble never turned down a moment to hang with him before, "Are...you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I got a lot on my mind right now," Rumble replied, despondently.

"Well if you ever wanna talk about it, just know that I'm here if you need me," Thunderlane said as he left Rumble's room.

"Yeah." Rumble replied with a solemn look on his face.


Somewhere far away from pony kinds, and other creatures, locked up behind every safety measures imaginable, inside a mental hospital, is the fearful Fear Haunter himself.

The metahuman was curled up in a fetal position, completely scared out of his wits. Then, all of that changes when his fears slowly dissolved, to be replaced with the look of rage.

Author's Note:

Stephen King, Ju-On, Mama, and Girls Bravo all together, defeated at once by MLP FIM and the Bronies? That'll be a scary story to remember.

So tell me. On a scale of 1 to 10, who do you think is the scariest?

A) Us bronies
B) Stephen King
C) Ju-On

It is officially the end of alphasteel's Twisted Evil Story Arc. Let's all give them a round of applause!

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