• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Spike and the Crystal Prep Shadows - Sour Sweet

Author's Note:

The challenge for this chapter is finding a way to merge Sour Sweet's character, with the tragic, scary stories of Stephen King's Carrie, Yuuko Kanoe of Dusk Maiden of Amnesia(ι»„ζ˜δΉ™ε₯³Γ—γ‚’ムネジを Tasogare Otome Γ— Amunejia), and some other characters who were known to have split personalties, besides Split(2017).

Thanks alphasteel for the help! That, and I've been watching Arkham Knight and Fear Within by VirtualCipher way too much.

"...but why?" The sound of a crying child's voice was heard. "I did everything you asked. I did everything to please you! Why are you still so mean?"

"Because you're nothing but dirt!" An older voice answered, venomously. "No you're worse than dirt! You're a worm!"

"That's right! A worm! Always have been, always will be!" Another voice said in agreement, followed by an uproar of haunting laughters that sent chills, igniting the sound of sobbing from the child.

But all that soon changed when the sobbing slowly dissolved into hissing, growling, and snarls, followed by the sudden cease of laughters that turned themselves into screams of terror.

The exhausted, heavy panting sounds of a child's breathing grew into that of a teenager. Sour Sweet looked at her hands and her eyes widened to see the crimson red blood that coated her hands, together with the cold sweats that crawled all over her body.

"...No..." Sour frowned to herself, as she held her bloody hands over her face and whimpered. "What have I done?"

"What have you done?!" Another voice echoed, and Sour Sweet looked up to see a double of herself. "I'll tell you what you've done! Gave those jerks what they truly deserved!"

"No!" Sour Sweet spatted back to her doppleganger as she continued to weep, "This isn't right! This isn't fair! It's just not fair."

"Newsflash girl. Life just isn't fair! It's survival of the fittest. The strongest conquers the weak! And you weren't going to let them push you around any longer. You just got back up and showed them who's boss!"

"But not like this! Why did it have to be like this?" Sour Sweet collapsed in a puddle of water, horrified when she caught a glimpse of her blood covered face, mixed with the dirts and grimes, together with her salty tears. "Please I beg of you...please tell me why? What did I do wrong? Why? Why?! WHYYYYY?!!!"

"You know perfectly well, why," The doppleganger glowered. "It's because you are dirt. Oh wait. You're lower than dirt. You're a worm."

Sour Sweet looked up, and her eyes narrowed, "Damn you!" With an angry yell, the girl lunged forward with her hand balled into a fist. "DAAMN YOUUUU!!!!" She screamed, thrusting her bloody hand, shattering her reflection. "It's just not right...Why me? Why did it have to be me? I try to love everyone. I can't hate anyone. I just can't."

"You're right," Darker Sour Sweet's voice rang, as she hissed venomously, "All that angers, all that hate, it's all me. I hated my life. I hate how those bullies mistreated me! I hated how I was treated like an animal! I HATED HOW I WAS HUMILIATED!! AND I HATED HOW MY FAMILY WAS AFRAID OF ME!!! Hate, hate, hate, hate! HATE!"

With a frightened yelp, Sour Sweet's eyes snapped open as she sat up from her bed, breathing sharply until she smoothed into a calming rhythm to steady her rapid heartbeat. The frightened girl wrapped herself in a hug, letting her hands riding up her arms, feeling the cold sweats that coated her, and recalling the scars of her past.

The next day at Crystal Prep Academy, Sour Sweet was in the cafeteria, having lunch with her fellow Shadowbolts, as they discussed about their recent hangouts with Spike.

"He's a lot of fun!" Lemon Zest exclaimed.

"He's quite charming," Sunny smiled.

"He was alright, though he tends to try too hard to please sometimes," Sugarcoat answered bluntly.

"He's lonely," Indigo sighed.

This piqued Sour's, and the rest of the girls' shared interest, "What do you mean, he's lonely?" Sour Sweet asked. "Doesn't he have his friends and family for company?"

"Well they're just not enough," Indigo began. "He hardly knew his birth parents, or who his human family were. Think about it, he didn't quite asked to be the vessel for the Dragonfire, and he's never asked to lose his mother and father, so he's very much alone."

"Bummer," Lemon frowned.

"Oh dear," Sunny frowned.

Sour Sweet frowned, "I guess we never thought of him that way," She whispered to herself.

"So, why now?" Sugarcoat asked. "I mean, why bringing this topic up to ruin the mood? Wasn't he happy to be commuting between Earth and Equestria, and his magical friends?"

"Actually, he brought it up," Indigo clarified, before she sighed as she played with her applesauce. "I'm guessing the stress of his duty and role is starting to catch up to him. Think about it, all those years he's had of training, learning how to fight to protect himself and others, and at the same time, having his whole existence hunted by megalomaniacs, just for a power he never asked for. So I guess the Dragonfire's more a curse than a gift, don't you think? And before, we weren't very nice with him, and we made his life harder than it needed to be."

The rest of the Shadowbolts, except Sour Sweet, nodded in agreement, shameful at their past action.

Sour Sweet felt more hopeless, "So you're saying we should just give up?" The girl asked. "We should forget we even tried to make amends with him?"

"No way!" Indigo denied. "That's not what I said! We should definitely keep on showing the guy that we're not like that anymore! This is a big step up for us!"

"What about all those times we helped in and his friends in their death-defying adventures, and fights?" Sugarcoat asked. "Don't those count as step ups?"

"Those are just to show him and his friends that we're ready to work with them as allies. Y'know, fellow fighters! But this is a chance to show him that we can friends! I mean, c'mon girls. Don't you all want that?"

"Of course we do, dearie!" Sunny smiled.

"Totally!" Lemon added.

"Affirmative," Sugarcoat smiled.

"That's what I like to hear!" Indigo smirked with pride, before she turned to Sour Sweet, who had been silent. "Uh, you do agree with us, right Sour?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure," Sour answered uneasily.

The Shadowbolt girls all exchanged questionable looks, before Indigo asked, "What's the matter, Sour? Don't you want to make a difference?"

"No, I do!" The girl yelled angrily, before she calmed herself, "I mean, yeah, I do. It's just, I don't know where to start."

"Why not go and ask him out on a date?" Sugarcoat suggested. "You can either call him, or ask him in person. He works at Mario's Pizzeria & Pasta, after school."

β€œEasy for you to say,” Sour said unsure of herself. β€˜Yeah, easy as long as you don’t screw it up.’

Later that afternoon, at Mario's, business was booming as the workers were rushing to and fro, taking the customers’ orders and delivering them.

"Pickup #14!" A voice announced, as some customers came to pick up their numbered order to feast on.

While this was going on, the sound of a door bell rang through the air, signaling a new customer walking into the establishment. The customer is none other but Sour Sweet herself.

The girl took a moment to look around at the establishment, charmed by its cheerful and welcoming atmosphere, with the smell of pizza in the air. The girl turned her head to the counter, to see Spike was in a lively conversation with another girl. Based on the school uniform she was wearing, the girl was also a student of Crystal Prep Academy.

Hugging her arms across her breasts, the girl proceeded to walk over to the boy. As Sour Sweet walked up to the counter, their conversation became more audible, β€œSo, Coco,” Spike said. β€œHow’s everything going with you and Fleur in the fashion business?”

β€œIt’s been going well,” Coco smiled. β€œWe took a lot of beautiful pictures of Fleur for this year’s fashion trend for the autumn. My designs, of course, as well as our new designers: Lily Lace, Star Streak, and Inky Rose.”

Reaching into her bag, Coco produced the latest fashion magazine, which holds the latest photographs of Fleur, posing in the latest designs, courtesy of the newest designers plus Coco.

β€œWow, I’d say you’ve really outdid yourselves,” Spike complimented.

β€œThank you!” Coco smiled.

β€œSpike! So good to see you!” Sour greeted loudly, deciding to make herself known, β€œ...and you as well,” She muttered to Coco, before taking a seat, next to the two.

Coco looked intimidated by the girl’s sour expression towards her, β€œHey Sour,” Spike greeted, while sharing Coco’s uneasiness. β€œWelcome to Mario’s Pizzeria & Pastas. What would you like for today?”

β€œJust a medium size pepperoni pizza, please,” Sour ordered. β€œAnd some cheesy breadsticks to go with that, and a small cup of cherry tea.”

β€œComing right up,” Spike said as he walked away with Sour’s written order.

In the meantime, Sour was left waiting, with Coco.

β€œCoco,” Sour greeted.

β€œSour,” Coco returned the greeting, while slowly eating her plate of spaghetti.

β€œYour drink, Sour,” Spike answered, placing a glass cup with Sour’s drink in it.

β€œThank you,” Sour took a few dainty sip of her drink, before she spoke up, β€œSo, how’ve you been, Spike? Busy?”

β€œAs usual,” Spike sighed. β€œBut we managed. Right, Coco?”

β€œMmmm-hmmm,” Coco confirmed.

β€œGood to hear,” Sour nodded. β€œHey Spike. I’ve been meaning to ask-β€œ


β€œHold that thought,” Spike interrupted, as he walked away to take the new order and read into a mic, β€œPickup #29, 30, and 31!” He announced, before some customers came to pick up their orders. The boy was on his way back to the two girls, when Luigi called out to him.

"Spike-a Draco!" Luigi called, to which Spike complied as he walked up to the man. "We got another-a order-a for that-a Berrytwist."

"You kidding me, again?" Spike chuckled, as he picked up the package, "They should be buying a wholesale."

Luigi nodded in agreement, "Don't forget-a your scooter," The man advised as the boy took his leave. "Spike-a, be careful-a."

"You got it!" Spike saluted before he was on his way, once again, leaving Coco and Sour Sweet alone with each other.

It was only a minute and Sour Sweet was already drumming the counter with her hand, impatiently, β€œWhat’s keeping him?” Sour growled impatiently. β€œDoesn't he know it’s not polite to keep a girl waiting.”

β€œHe’s very busy,” Coco spoke up in Spike’s defense. β€œHe’ll come. Just give him time.”

Sour smiled sweetly, β€œYou’re right, I should wait,” The girl said, before she scowled, β€œBut I hate waiting!” She emphasized, with a clench of her fists.

Coco whimpered in fright, "Uh....you know what they say," Coco quivered. "Good things always come to those who wait."

Sour sighed, before she sweetly began, "Of course, I should wait," Then the girl crossed, "As long as it doesn't take all day!"

"Um, can you please stop that?"

"Stop what?!" Sour glared.

"Stop with what you're doing, please?" Coco asked, holding her bag up for cover. "You're creeping me out."

"Is every-a-thing alright-a here?" Mario asked, suddenly appearing on the scene to Coco's rescue.

Quickly remembering she was in public, Sour quickly composed herself, "Yes, Mr. Mario," Sour answered. "We were just....talking. That's all," Looking at Coco, sending her a look to play along, the fashion girl nodded.

"That's-a good," Mario began, before he presented Sour Sweet the pizza she ordered. "Because you don't-a have to-a wait-a any longer-a." With a polite bow, the man sets the pizza down on the counter in front of Sour. "Enjoy." With that, Mario was on his way to hosting the restaurant for the rest of the customers, leaving Sour and Coco in an awkward silence to enjoy their meal.

Looking to her left, seeing how bad of an impression she left on Coco, Sour sighed, "Hey, um Coco?" She began.

"Um, yes?" Coco whimpered, looking up at the girl with fright.

Sour hesitated for a moment, before she apologized, "I'm sorry with the way I acted earlier. I'm just not that patient, you know?"

"Oh, it's okay," Coco replied. "You got your pizza now. So..."

Sour shook her head, "No, no, it's not about the pizza!" She said. "It's Spike I wanted today."

The young fashion designer raised an eyebrow, "Spike? What do you want the prince for?"

"Relax, I'm not trying to kill him," The girl sighed. "Not anymore. I just wanted to ask him out on a date, tomorrow."

"Oh, okay," Coco nodded, before she chuckled lightly.

"What's so funny?" Sour scowled, before she pointed accusingly at Coco, "Are you mocking me?"

"No, no, it's not that," Coco tittered. "It's just...it's funny because, I'm surprised how much you girls wanted to date him now, considering how you've had a history of trying to kill him since he was a kid. How ironic is that?"

Sour Sweet pouted and sighed, "Yeah. The irony."

"I'm sorry," Coco giggled, wiping a tear away from her eye, from all the laugher. "I still find it cute, though. Weird, but cute."

Sour Sweet turned to the aspiring fashion designer and frowned, "Sometimes, I can't take your words as either compliments or insults."

Coco looked away for a moment, before she tried her best to look serious, "But I'm warning you, this is the only chance you have to prove yourself," She warned. "One false step out of line and-"

"You think I don't know that?" Sour Sweet frowned. "I get it! No hurting, Spike! No more! We're not like that anymore! What will it take for you ponies to accept the fact that we've changed and that we're completely different? We've been getting too many stink eyes and hisses enough as it is, so the least you can do is give us a-"

"Is there-a problem-a here?" Luigi asked.

"Stay out of this!" Sour Sweet shouted, much to the man's shock, before he complied and walked away. With that, Sour Sweet and Coco both resumed their meals, until at last, Spike returned.

"Phew, whoever they are, they must be having a pizza party or something," The boy sighed, taking a seat at the bar to receive a well deserved cup of root beer from Luigi. "Thanks Mr. Luigi."

"On the house, Spike," Luigi said before he resumes doing his job.

Not losing the chance again, Sour quickly asked, "Hey, Spike! I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure. What is it, Sour?"

"Well, if you're not too busy tomorrow. Then, would you be interested going out with me?"

Spike couldn't believe his ears, as he turned to face Sour to see her looking at him with hope in her eyes, "Uh, like a date or something?" He asked.

"Of course it's a date," Sour scowled. "What else would it be?!"

"Well sorry, but sometimes it's hard to tell whether it's a date or not," The boy replied in his defense.

"Well, it's a date. And I want to go out with you," Sour smiled with bright eyes, "So, what do you say? Will you go out with me? Or not?" She looked at him suspiciously at the last part.

"Well...." Spike pondered for a moment, thinking on what he might have planned for tomorrow, but found none. "Alright, I we could hang," He complied.

"Alright!" Sour smiled, "Be sure to come to my place, tomorrow at 10. And don't be late!" She demanded at the last part, before she took her leave.

"Sheesh, what's her problem?" He asked, once he and Coco were left alone.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Coco asked the boy in concern.

"Yeah, I'll be alright, don't worry," The boy reassured, before deciding to change the subject. "So, about the photo shootings."

Later at Sour's place

The girl was in her bedroom, out of her school uniforms, and plopped herself on her bed as she smiled to herself, β€œYes! I actually did it! I I asked Spike out on date!” She giggled to herself, before she sighed a hugged a pillow happily.

β€œNow, just don’t mess it up with him,” She frowned to herself, when her laptop was beeping, signaling another video chat between herself and her Shadowbolt friends.

"Hey girls!" Sour greeted her friends.

"Hey Sour!" Indigo smiled. "So, how'd it go? What did he say?"

"He said yes!"

"Obviously," Sugar said bluntly. "So what's the plan?"

The Next Morning

It was a beautiful morning. Spike had gotten himself ready, before he arrived at Sour's building. The boy had his flaming green hair neatly combed, and was dressed with a purple jacket over a blazing green t-shirt with a picture of a dragon, and blue jean.

The boy walked up the steps, and rang her doorbell. In less than a minute, Sour Sweet answered the door, "Spike! Glad you could make it in time!" She smiled. "For a moment, I thought you were bailing out on me."

"Ha! What kind of a guy did you take me for?" He asked playfully.

"Well, I still find it hard to believe from Sunny Flare that you were friends with those two troublemakers, Snips and Snails," The girl snarled angrily as she begrudgingly recalled, "Those two have some nerves for taking those pictures of me like that!"

"Well, don't compare me and my boys with those two," The young dragon advised. "We may be friends, but we'd never stoop to their levels," But the boy secretly thought, 'At least, not that low.' Deciding to change the topic, Spike suggested, "Anyway, don't let those jokers bring down the mood. It's just us two, hanging out and getting on better terms. Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, yeah! You're right!" Sour smiled as she grasps her hands with Spike's, "Come on, let's go! I've got a whole day planned out for us!"

"Then lead the way, m'lady," With that, the two young teenagers were on their way.

In the meantime, Spike took the moment to look at Sour, seeing her choice of fashion from the bottom to the top. In appearance, Sour Sweet wears a lighter moderate rose eyeshadow in contrast to her signature grayish aquamarine. Furthermore, for Spike's first time, the boy was bedazzled to see the girl has decided to let her hair down from its ponytail into a ruffled flow, while wearing her trademark berry pin above her left ear.

For attires, the girl wore a hot pink long sleeve jacket with white sleeves that hugged her curves, a white scarf that hung lovingly around her neck, long jean with sparkles decorated as cherries on the side of her thighs, and dark boots.

Sour caught Spike staring, "What're you looking at?" She asked.

Spike shook himself back to reality, "Sorry, I just can't help but notice how beautiful you look."

"Aw, thank you, Spike. You're so sweet," Sour smiled, before she muttered, "I think."

Of course, it didn't go unheard, "Hey, I'm telling the truth, you know," The boy frowned. "It's a compliment. Why would I even lie about it? You look amazing, Sour!"

"I know, I know," The girl replied, quickly catching herself, as she stammered, "It's-it's just that-I-I-sometimes, I don't know what's a compliment, or flattery. You know?"

"Well, I was complimenting you," Spike reassured, before he got back on topic, "Anyway, shall we go on with our date?"

"Right, of course," Sour blushed, before she sighed, 'Just keep it together, Sour. Keep. It. Together.' She thought.

Coney Island

For the first stop on their date, the two traveled to Coney Island, where they arrived at an amusement park dubbed Luna Park.

"Ugh, that's the last time I'm ever taking a taxi in New York," Sour grumbled.

"That's another downside to living in an urban city, like New York," Spike sighed. "There's the rush hours, and the traffics."

"Or if you had gone full dragon, then we would've gotten here sooner."

"Keep your voice down!" The boy hushed the girl. "Someone could've heard us!"

"Meh, it's not like anyone would have any interest in us," Little did they know, some suspicious figures have heard them. "Besides, you do it all the time."

"Only at night, and you know that. Twilight and her friends had given me explicit instruction to never transform in public."

"Oh really?" Sour questioned, putting her hands to her hips, "What about the times when we were fighting? You weren't so hesitant on-"

"That was different back then," Spike quickly answered. "The situation just calls for it. And it doesn't matter anymore. Any average humans who've witnessed magical activities, they all got their memories erased clean of those events. Courtesy of Lyra and Bon Bon."

"Oh, right, right," The girl nodded upon being reminded.

"Besides, I thought we agreed to move on from the past for today."

"Yeah, you're right about that," Straightening herself out, Sour turned to Spike and asked, "So. Where should we start?"

Spike scratched his chin as his eyes scanned across the park, pondering on their first activity, "......Well."

Looking at a list of attractions and rides to enjoy, the first one they went to was the park's signature roller coaster ride, the Cyclone.

Thankfully, the two were able to ride the roller coaster, just before the line got too long for Sour Sweet's irritation. Once onboard, the two were secured with the safety bars, as well as having seat belts around their waist for extra safety. After one of the staff gave the thumbs up, the roller coaster springs to life as it started off at a moderate pace on its rails, rounding a corner, before it started slow and steady, up to a peak. Spike and Sour both held each other's hands, anxiously anticipating for what was to come next.

Upon arriving at the top, the rollercoaster plunged downward along the slope, and the ride finally roars to life as it soars along its rails, carrying its screaming passengers, weaving and diving beneath the wooden structures of the ride.

"This is awesome!" Spike screamed. "Rainbow Dash would love this!"

"So would Indigo!" Sour screamed along.

At last, both the Cyclone came to the end. The staffs all helped the passengers from their seats, who were all exhausted and excited from the thrill of the rollercoaster.

"Phew, that was a blast!" Spike said, while trying to catch his breath. "They don't call it the 'Big Momma' of Coney Island for nothing. Huh?"

"No, I guess not," The girl agreed, while straightening herself out. "Now it's my turn to pick." Pulling out a map, Sour looked at the remaining attractions that are available for the two.

The two were later playing a game of Whack-A-Mole, bopping their mallets on every moles that popped out of their holes to score points.

"If Fluttershy were here, she would just pet the moles," Spike chuckled, as he continues to whack away.

"Yeah? Well too bad for her, she ain't beating me, and my high score anytime soon!" Sour laughed, as she competitively whacked the moles. However, their competition didn't last long, when someone else already scored 150 points before they did.

"Aw, man!" The girl pouted.

"Cheer up, Sour. We'll win next time. Let's go get something to eat. All these games's made me hungry," Sour was about to protest, had it not been the growling of her stomach that interrupted her. "Whoa, your stomach's agreeing with me! My treat."

"What? No way, Spike. I'm paying for my meal!" The girl argued.

"No, I insist. I'll pay both our meals."

"No, I will."

"I will!"

"I will!"

The two couldn't help but burst into a heartfelt laugh, before they agreed to split the bill together as they shared a plate of funnel cake.

"Hmm, hmm!" The young dragon moaned in delight, as he enjoys a piece of the fried dough. "I haven't had any of these in a long time!"

"Oh, me neither!" Sour smiled. "I can't remember the last time I've had one of these!"

All was going well until Spike's nose twitched to the scent of greasy, slightly overused, hair gels, dashed with a strong scent of cologne perfume that slightly stings his eyes and sensitive nostrils, coupled with an all too familiar voice, "Well, well, well. If it isn't Spike the ladies' man~"

"Uh oh," Spike turned his head to see none other than-

"Heya, Spike! My man! Good to see ya!" Zephyr Breeze greeted loudly. "Funny running into you here. But seeing that you're here, then I assume Rainbow Dash is here too! Isn't she?"

Firing Zephyr Breeze a deadpan look, Spike began, "Uh....not today. She's over at the Wonderbolts HQ, working out. I'm sure you would've known that."

"Oh, slipped my mind," The tall boy brushed off. "I mean, of course she would! I know she's just doing all that to try and impress me and all."

"You?!" Sour Sweet mocked. "As if. Why would Rainbow Dash ever want to impress a slacker like you, let alone a repeater?"

Zephyr's eyes widened as he felt his ego being struck hard, "Okay, now that's just harsh," The boy frowned, turning his attention to Sour Sweet. "Just who do you think you are anyway?"

"The name is Sour Sweet," The girl snarled. "And I don't tolerate slackers like you."

"Sour Sweet?" Zephyr pondered for a moment, before he recalls, "Oh! Sour Sweet? As in the Sour Sweet of....of....of somewhere, am I right? Or am I right?" Sour Sweet could only roll her eyes in annoyance, as Zephyr continues, "Because my lady, I must say, I never thought I'd ever get the privilege to meet such a delicate flower of unique beauty, like yourself."

Sour cringed in disgust, "Excuse me," She chuckled forcefully. "But are you hitting on me, or something?"

"Hitting? Oh no, no, no, no. Of course not. I would never hit on a lady. But I might trip her," He cocked a grin, with a bounce of his eyebrows.

Spike, sensing aggravation from Sour, the boy quickly spoke, "Uh, Zephyr. I think you should make like a tree and leave now."

"In a moment, I want to make acquaintance with Ms. Sweet here," Zephyr took Sour by the hand and proceeded to kiss her up to her arm, much to her growing annoyance.

"No, seriously Zeph! Make like a piΓ±ata and beat it!" Too late.

"Go flirt.....IN HELL!!!" Sour screeched, grabbing Zephyr by the head, and thrust her knee forward, right in between his legs.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Zephyr screamed, before he keels over, while holding his hands over the inflicted area. "Mommy!" He moaned in a chipmunk pitched voice, while sucking on his thumb.

Looking around them, the young dragon was dismayed to see all the looks of shocks on the faces of the people surrounding them, "Um....I think we should be going now," Spike suggested, as both he and the girl quickly left that scene.

At a mall

The two teenagers were later at a mall, where they were at a clothing store, browsing and checking out a variety of outfits that are available on sale.

"So Spike," Sour began, holding a long dress in front of her body, towards Spike. "What do you think? Do I look good in this?"

"Hmmm," Spike walked around the girl, looking her up and down, as he imagined her wearing the dress, as if she could be a part-time model. "Hmmm."

"Well?" The girl asked impatiently.

"Take it easy, Sour," Spike replied. "I'm no Rarity, or Photo Finish, or fashionista. So it's gonna take me awhile before I can give you my honest opinion."

"Well just don't take all day," Sour frowned.

After a few more seconds of his quick, thorough observation, Spike nodded, "It does compliment your hair."

"Thank you." Sour Sweet then started to look over Spike, to see he was wearing a new white pimp hat with a red strap, and a matching feather. "I can say the same for you and the new hat you are wearing Spike. Very fetching!"

"Thank you, m'lady," The boy bowed respectfully, with the tip of his hat. Little did the two know, they were being watched by another pair of envy eyes.

After they made their purchase for their new clothing attires, the two were on their way out to exit, when they were stopped in their track by a jealous, stuck-up, snob of a cousin.

"Hello, 'cousin' Spike," Blueblood greeted, walking over to the two, "Who is this little lady you are courting with today?"

"Excuse me?!" Sour shouted in outrage. "Did you just called me little?!"

"Take it easy, Sour. Let me handle this," Spike said, before he stood up to the obnoxious prince un-charming. "That's no way to talk to a lady, Vlad. Mother taught us-"

"Lady?! Lady?!" The adopted obnoxious cousin repeated in outrage, before he scoffed, "I don't see a lady. All I see is a girl who needs to be taught some manners, considering how rude and disrespectful she is towards me! I am a prince! I am beautiful! And there's nobody superior than I, and I should be treated with utmost respect!"

Blueblood declared, waving his arms out, expecting a fanfare. However, only the sound of a cricket's chirping was heard, and a random guy who faintly cheers, "Yay."

"Well, have fun with that, Vlad," Spike said as both he and Sour walked away. "Me and Sour have plans for today."

Irked, Prince Blueblood shouted in a demanding tone, "Don't turn your back on me, Spike Draco!" However, upon seeing that the pair continued to ignore him, the irritated prince pursued, "Hey come back! Don't you disrespect me! I'll tell this on auntie, and you'll be kicked out! And it will be the end of your charming life, Dragon!"

At last, Sour Sweet couldn't take it anymore as she marched up towards the obnoxious prince, "Hey, buddy!"

"That's Prince Blueblood to you!"

"Whatever. Let me tell you something! Nobody cares whether or not you're a prince, a King of England, or whatever! So you can just shut up! And spare us of your incisive whining!"

"Whining?! I am not whining! I'm complaining! And I am Prince, whether you like it or not. And I'll do whatever I want, whenever I want. And there's nothing you can do to stop me! So ha!"

Not bearing to take his smug grin any longer, Sour Sweet caught Blueblood by surprise, when she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and the belt of his pants, "Sour? Sour!" Spike exclaimed, watching as Sour Sweet displayed a surprising display of super strength as she spun the obnoxious prince off his feet, before hurling him across the mall.

"Yaaah-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooey!!!" Screamed Blueblood, before he crashed landed in a fruit stand, somewhere in the mall.

"Next time, know your place, your majesty!" Sour screamed, before she composed herself, and noticed the weird looks she was receiving from the surrounding people, "And what are you looking at?" She sneered, giving the people a stinks eye. In response, everyone all resumed their business, while exchanging some gossips about the girl.

"I think we should be going now," Spike said, as he took Sour by the hand, and they were on their way out.

Central Park

The sun was setting over the horizon, with dark clouds looming overhead, when the two friends were later walking together in Central Park, where the young dragon prince hoped the open space and tranquility of Autumn's beauty could relax a steaming Sour Sweet, "Sour! What was that?!" Spike exclaimed.

"What? I was just setting that obnoxious cousin of yours straight," The girl spoke in her defense. "Besides, he's fine."

Spike pinched his temples together as he replied, "Look, as much as I like him getting his just desert, that's a little too extreme! Besides, you're forgetting we're in public! Can you please try to control yourself? We're trying to keep a low profile here."

Sour sighed and took a deep breath, "I know, I know. It's just, this day was supposed to be fun for both of us," She frowned sadly, before she glowered, "But then these two imbeciles had to show up out of the blues and ruin everything for us! It just makes me so mad that I...I...I..."

"Sour! You're losing it again!" Spike alerted the girl, who quickly calmed herself the best she could.

"I just...just....I just don't think I can handle another..." Unfortunately, Sour Sweet was so caught up in her rant that she failed to notice she was walking off the road, tripping and falling down a slope, "AAAH!!!" She screamed.

"SOUR!!" Spike shouted, catching the girl by the hand to save her from her fall. However, muddy soil beneath them gave way and both Spike and Sour slid down, landing in a puddle of mud, beside a running stream.

"Oi, that could've been better," The boy muttered, before he turned to see poor Sour Sweet lying in the dirt, beside him, "Sour, are you okay?"

"Do I LOOK okay to you?" She glared, before they both looked down to see that Spike's hand was on her well-endowed chest.

Both of their faces turned red with mixed embarrassment, as Spike quickly backed away, "Whoa, Sour! I'm-I'm so sorry!" He apologized.

"No, no, not at all, I'm fine," She replied sweetly. "No, thanks to you!" She frowned.

"What? It wasn't on purpose," He said in his defense. "I was just trying to save you."

"Well, too bad! Because if it weren't for your 'so-called' heroic attempt, then we wouldn't have fallen into that mud puddle to begin with!"

"I'm sorry, Sour. But I really tried-"

"You're sorry? Really? Then by chance, are you sorry for the fact that you're friends with that imbecilic slacker, Zephyr Breeze?" The girl quickly had an epiphany. "You're the behind all of these grievances I'm having! Aren't you?!"

"Wh-what? What are you?"

"I think I get it now! You're still not over the fact that we tried to attack you! You're still not over the fact that we're Shadowbolts! This whole day's just a part of your bitter payback to get back at me, isn't it?!"

"Sour, that's ridicules!" Spike spatted in his defense. "As if I would ever stoop to that level-"

"A likely story," Sour glared accusingly. "I mean, it all makes sense! It can't be a simple coincidence that one of your stooge friend would be at Coney Island to try and humiliate me! Or the fact that obnoxious cousin of yours would show up to try and set me up, to make me look bad in public! And to top it all of! You tried to cop a feel of me! AND OUT IN PUBLIC!! Serves me right for putting my trust in a dragon!"

That was the last straw, "You know what? I don't need this!" Spike snorted, as he turns his back on her and proceeded to walk away. "Just forget it! This has gone far enough!"

"W-What?" Sour asked, after she snapped back to reality.

"Date's off! That's what!" Spike replied, as he took his leave. "I don't need to take anymore of this mood shifting crap from you! Go find another dragon to take your problems out on!"

Realizing what had happened, Sour's expression instantly shifted to regret, "N-No, wait, Spike, please!" She pleaded, but to no avail. "Spike, I'm sorry! I didn't mean- I can explain!"

"Not listening," Walking into some trees, finding the cover he needed, Spike sprouted his wings in a burst of green fire, and proceeded to fly away.

"Spike, wait! I didn't mean any of that! I take it all-Wait, don't go!" But it was no use. With a flap of his wings, Spike was already in the air and disappeared into the night sky. "I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!!!" Sour screamed, with tears streaming from her eyes. "I'M SORRY!!!!!" With a clap of thunder, dark clouds had formed above the girl, as she fell to her knee, and cried a waterfall of tears, with a shower of rain pouring down on her.

Looking down at a puddle that had formed before her, Sour stared into her own reflection, "Nice going, Sour," She splashed at the puddle. "You've really gone and done it," With a deep sigh, she decides to just head home.

As Sour was heading home, feeling nothing but sadness and shame, she suddenly has this feeling that she's being followed. She looks around but sees no one but this uneasy feeling has not gone away. Sour decides to face these would be attackers head on, so she turns to an abandoned allyway so it wouldn't bring unwanted attention.

It was then that the figures reveal themselves to the Shadowbolt girl. Much to Sour's surprise, her stalkers weren't human but abyssinians wearing body armor, snarling, hissing, and growling at her. She then notices an insignia on their right shoulder pads the symbol consists of two flaming swords clashing. One sword is a katana while the other is a jian. It was then that Sour realizes that these overgrown ally cats are part of the Yellow Blade, another crime syndicate in the magical underworld. They must have caught her scent and followed her when she was heading back home.

One of the catmen attempts to pounce on Sour but she manages to kick him away. Another pulls a knife to try and stab her but she manages to block it and pushes him away from her. Just as Sour seems to be doing well, one of the catmen sneaks up behind from behind and struck her with a bo staff. As Sour fell to the ground, she could hear the catman laughing and when she turns around she sees not the abyssinian that struck her but one of her tormentors laughing at her misery, she looks around and sees that the other catmen have also been replace with other tormentors from her childhood, all laughing at her and mocking her. It was then that something inside Sour finally snapped.

The abyssinian with the bo staff came closer to inspect her only for Sour to grab the staff and pull it from him, much to his shock. With quick reflexes, Sour got behind him and use the staff to grab his neck. there was a quick crack and the catman goes down dead.

The other abyssinians were shocked and a little frightened by this. They look back at the girl and see nothing but pure rage and hate.

Sour charges towards the nearest catman and starts beating endlessly him with the bo staff breaks until it breaks, with the catman falling down bloody and bruised.

Another abyssinian charges at her with a pair of knives but Sour grabs both of his wrists and twists them. The catman screams in pain as he drops the knives. Sour then picks them up and stabs him in the kneecaps. She then proceeds to give him a flurry of punches until he falls down.

One abyssinian draws out his katana and pounces her but she manages to dodge out of the way in time and quickly grabs his blade. After a brief struggle, manages to yank the sword from him and quickly stabs him in the gut. The catman fell to his knees and clutches his now bleeding stomach, Sour then kicks him so hard goes flying and crashes to a nearby wall.

Only one abyssinian was left and he scared for his life. Sour rushes up to to him, katana still in hand, forcing the catman to draw out his own. After a small blade dual, Sour gets the upperhand and stabs both of his legs. The catman fell to his knees and looks up to Sour hoping for some form of mercy. But all Sour sees is the leader of those popular jerks who made a fool out of her all those years ago, with a ear piercing scream Sour swiftly lops his head off.

(Song Pauses)

Sour finally comes her senses and is horrified of what she did, "Oh God. W-What have I done?" She asked herself shakingly. Before she had anytime to really think about however, she hears something heavy fall and hit the concrete. She turns to see a rather large hammer sticking in the ground. She looks up and sees a large figure on one of the rooftops.

The figure jumps down and Sour manages to get a better look at him. It was another abyssinian and a big one too, his size rivals that of a minotaur. The big cat then lifts the big hammer off the ground like it was nothing, he then looks around to see his downed men then back at Sour with nothing but anger and contempt.

(Song Continues)

With a roar, he charges at the Shadowbolt girl. Sour tried to dodge his hammer but the big cat was faster than he looks and hits her side. Sour went flying and hits a wall then down on the ground. As she struggles to get up, she sees the big cat coming towards her ready to swing his hammer once again.

This time she manages to get out of the way before the hammer hits her again and gets stuck in the wall in the process. Seeing an opening, Sour uses the katana to try and stab him but the big cat manages to grab her wrist before she had the chance. He twists it causing Sour to scream in pain and drop the blade. The big cat then punches Sour a few feet away, he then manages to pull his hammer out of the wall.

As Sour tries to get up, she sees the big cat heading towards her. Just as he was about to give her the final blow, a fiery shuriken appears and hits him in his left eye. The big cat screams in pain until a figure appears and kicks him across the ally way. When the big cat got up, he looks around to see the Shadowbolt girl is nowhere to be found. The big cat then lets out a roar of frustration.

Sour was aghast, "You....you saved me....why?" She asked quietly.

"I said date's off," Spike replied, while he still remained in dragon form. "But I didn't say, I won't save you," Before Sour could speak, Spike lowered himself on all four, "Come on. I'll take you home."

Not feeling the mood to argue, Sour complied as she climbs up on Spike's back. With a flap of his wings, the dragon took flight through the storm, which eventually became a gentle trick of showers, dancing to their soothing tune. Sour felt calmer as she felt the raindrops caressing over her face, and the cool breeze, all clearing away all of the grievances she had experienced, earlier that day. The girl couldn't help but nuzzle herself closer to Spike's neck, content with the smooth flight, while feeling a comforting aura pulsing from Spike as it relaxes her, up until they arrived at her building, landing on her balcony. Spike lowered himself to let Sour Sweet down.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, content that she was home, "Spike?" She began as she turned around, just in time to see him leave. "Wait! I...." Sour ran to the edge of her balcony, but failed to catch up to the dragon as he disappeared into the clouds, "...I just wanted to say thank you." She hugged to herself, in shame.

Spike was flapping his wings, twisting and turning his body, continuing his flight through the rainfalls, before he perched atop the building to his apartment, where he began to brood with mixed feelings.

"Maybe I was being a little too hard on her," He though, before he shook his head. "Nah! What am I saying? It's her problem for not seeing that I'm human too! It's not my fault I was born like this! I never asked to be a dragon! So forgive me if the fact that I'm a dragon bothers her."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Spike," A haunting voice spoke up, to which the dragon turned his head to see Fear Haunter stepping out from the shadow, smiling wickedly.

"Fear Haunter...." Spike muttered. "I wonder, when did they let you out of the slammer, Scarecrow?"

"Oh please, no prison can hold a metahuman like me," The man rolled his eyes, as he leans against the support beam of a water tower and grins mockingly at the young dragon. "I simply let myself out, you know? Though admittedly I had a little help. Bottomline, it's bound to happen. Especially the fate that will soon befall on you in the coming future."

In response, the Dragon Prince rolled his eyes as he tries his best to block the metahuman out, "Oh please, don't try and deny it," Fear said calmingly. "It's true you know. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many good deeds you have performed for the creatures of the Magic World, and the people of Earth, you will never be more than a dragon. Your latest girlfriend has very much confirmed my point, you know. Of course, it shouldn't come off as a surprise for both you and me. Sometimes, it's just too hard to put your faith in someone whom you and your people deemed to be too different, or too powerful. That's life. Sometimes, it's easier to not count on anybody at all, and just look out for number one. Yourself. Sooner or later, everyone will be at your throat. And I'll be there when that happens and I'll laugh."

Spike turns around to give Fear a piece of his mind but sees that he's vanished. Spike shakes his head, "Get a hold of yourself Spike! Fear's just toying with you...right?"

Elsewhere in a dark allyway, Fear reappears from his smoke form. He hears soft growling and turns to see a pair of large green eyes staring back at him.

After a few seconds of silence, the figure finally spoke, "Was it really wise to reveal yourself to the dragon boy? Especially so soon brother?"

Fear just shrugs, "Maybe, maybe not. I just wanted to see the look on his face after the way today went."

"Don't forget brother, you still have Somnambula and her flunkies searching for you. Plus that lavender horse still has possession of your black dreamstone." The figure pointed out.

Fear rolls his eyes, "I know. Please don't remind me." He grumbled

"So what now brother?" The figure asked.

"For now, we lay low until Cleopatra's 'noble' steed calls off the search." He answered, "Plenty of time to catch up on my reading." He then brings out a large grey book he 'borrowed' from the Royal Canterlot Library, "This is a very interesting book, detailing many magical artifacts including the Elements Of Harmony and the Armor Of Heroes. Though there's one that's caught my interest; the Memory Stone."

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