• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Mission Rogue Diamond Part 1: Reflections

[What Dreams Are Made Of(Piano version)]

Princess Celestia was at the top of a mountain, as she lowered the sun, and makes way for the night. Celestia looked up, at the moon, and sighed longingly, upon noticing the face of an alicorn in particular on the moon.

"Oh Luna," Celestia closed her eyes, as she remembered the Luna she once knew.

"Hi auntie!" Spike's voice rang, which snapped Celestia back to reality.

Celestia looked, to see Spike, at the top of another mountain, with Flare, and some night guards, levitating a grand piano, via airship.

"Thanks guys," Spike replied. "I can take it from here," Spike was about to take a seat, when Celestia came over.

"Spike!" Celestia exclaimed. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Well, normally yes," Spike replied. "But I have song I wanted to sing for aunt Luna, before I go to bed. It is her birthday after all."

Celestia couldn't help but smile, as she shook her head, bewildered by her boy, "That's sweet of you, Spike. But still, it's past your bedtime."

"But mom. You will always get to talk to auntie, when you're up here! Besides, this'll only take a minute or two. I just want auntie to hear me, on her birthday too."

Knowing she can't talk Spike out of it, Celestia reluctantly nodded her head, "Alright, Spike. Sing."

With that, Spike cracked his knuckles, as gave the piano a few warm ups, before went on to play with its keys, and started to sing a loving, soothing song. Both Celestia and Spike didn't know it then, but Luna was practically crying her eyes out, to hear something so heartwarming from the nephew she never knew.

Still in the past.....

A little filly was sneaking out of a cabin, in the wood, she and her fellow campers were staying in. While the others were asleep, the filly went out to the dock, and marveled at the beautiful display of the night sky, and its reflections in the lake.

The filly sniffed the air, 'Sure is a beautiful night,' the filly sighed.

Just then, she hears a haunting voice, singing, "Have you ever seen such a beautiful night?~" The filly turned her head in the direction of the voice, surprised to see a dragon, on clouds, flying circles around the moon's reflection.

"I could almost kiss the stars, for shining so bright~" the dragon sang. "When I see you smile, and I go oh oh oh~"

The filly smiled, and giggled as she continues to watch the dragon singing the night away.

Sometimes, during the previous chapter

After sensing her beloved son in dire peril, Princess Celestia quickly casts a spell, to locate Spike's whereabout. Once she got a lock on the Dragon Prince's location, she began casting another spell, healing him via the glowing symbols on his hands.

Once the task was done, Celestia had a solemn look on her face.

"Oh Spike," she muttered. "Why does it have to be so soon?" Gazing at a nearby picture stand, which holds a picture of her and Spike's recent reunion, Celestia levitated the photo up close. "Why are you always getting yourself in troubles, where I might lose you?" She asked, while holding the photo close to her chest.


Princess Celestia was anxiously pacing back and forth, in the throne room, "Okay, I'll just send him a letter," Celestia said to herself. "I'll just say that it's an important-no! That won't do!"

Two of her royal guards, in the room, looked to each other, "Are we suppose to say something?" one of them asked.

"I don't think so," the other replied, before they both resumed their posts.

Just then, Princess Cadence walked into the room, "Auntie?" Cadence asked, making herself known.

"AAAAH!!!" Celestia yelped. Out of surprised impulse, Celestia blasted a beam of magic at Cadence, who was quick enough to project a magic bubble, shielding herself from her aunt's attack. "Cadence!" Celestia gasped, realizing who she attacked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, auntie," Cadence replied, dispersing her bubble shield. "Really."

Celestia lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank heavens," the sun princess sighed, before she pulled the younger alicorn in a loving embrace, with her wings. "Don't ever scare me like that, ever again, Mi Amore."

Cadence, finding it hard to breathe, struggled to escape the embrace, "If I may ask, auntie. What were you frantically going on about?" With that, Celestia explained the situation she had experienced with Spike's recent ordeal, through a dream she had, along with a magical link the two shared.

Cadence could hardly believe every words, "Oh dear!"

"If I hadn't sensed him in danger in time, he would've-" Celestia dared not to go any further. "I should've been there for him. I would've protected him from those monsters! And then he wouldn't have lost his powers, right now," With that, Celestia went into a state of panic, "And without his powers, how will he survive in this world of ours? What if he falls into an endless pit? What if he gets chased by a manticore and can't change into a dragon to fight it off? And worse, what if he gets a broken leg and can't walk for a year?!"

In response, Cadence's horns was surrounded in a light blue aura, as she shot a blast of water into Celestia's face.

"Auntie! Calm down!" Cadence spoke. "The important thing is, cousin Spike's safe, and sound," Conjuring a scroll, Cadence unrolled it for her aunt to see, "Twilight said so herself."

Taking the scroll in her aura, Celestia looked, seeing it all written in her prized pupil's writings, feeling calmer with every words. Even more, when she sees a moving picture attached at the bottom. In appearance, the photo was that of her son, smiling and waving to her, before he got squished to the side, when Pinkie joined in the picture.

Celestia chuckled in amusement, "Oh, my baby's alright," Celestia quickly frowned, as she dropped the letter to the ground. "For now."

Cadence walked over, and placed a comforting hoof on her aunt's shoulder, "Spike can take care of himself, auntie," Cadence explained. "He's a fighter, remember? General Scorpan taught him the martial arts. And what's more, he's got Twilight and the others looking after him."

"I know, I know," Celestia replied. "But still, I......I really wished I could be there for him, all the way! From what Scorpan has told me about their stay on Earth, they've gone to many locations at the four corners of Earth. Making lots of friends from around the world, learning new forms of cultures, and their own styles of fighting, and earning high levels in each one. Feeling what really is an adventure," Celestia looked down, as a single tear escaped her eyes, "While I'm stuck here in Canterlot, just confined to carry out the duties of both myself, and Luna, protecting the ponies in Canterlot, and worrying something wrong could happen to Spike, Twilight, and all the little ponies of Equestria."

"Auntie," Cadence began.

"I don't mean to be selfish, Cadence," Celestia continued. "But sometimes, I wish I can just keep Spike close, and never let him go."

"But then, he won't be out there, helping Fleur find her parents, save the griffons, penguins, yaks, and all other creatures in need of his help," Cadence replied.

"Yes, I know," Celestia answered, while looking up at an image of Luna. "I just don't want to lose him," Celestia admitted. "Not like last time, and before that."

In response, Cadence walked over, and embraced her aunt with her wings, who returned the affection. During this whole scene, Princess Luna stood in the room, invisibly, sympathizing with Celestia.

Suddenly, Prince Blueblood literally dropped in, startling both Celestia and Cadence.

"Prince Blueblood?!" Celestia and Cadence exclaimed.

"So," Cadence began. "How goes your 'heroic' adventure?"

In response, Blueblood waved a white flag, "Spike Drake can be the hero. I quit," the stallion groaned, before he collapsed on the floor.

Way Earlier

Somewhere in New York, in a small cafe, chaos was brewing. All of the patterns were arguing among themselves. And if they hadn't spent all their time arguing, raising their voices over each other's, then they would've likely heard a melodic harmonization in the air, courtesy of three hooded figures, each adorned with a glowing red medallion on their neck.

As the figures harmonized, a faint green mist appeared, before it was absorbed into their medallion.

One the task was completed, two of the figure pulled their hoods down, revealing themselves to be teenage girls.

In appearance, the first girl had a long moderate purple hair with light brilliant aquamarine streaks done up in long pigtails, courtesy of the sparkling white stars adorned in her hair, and two long bangs that framed her moderate mulberry eyes, with matching eyeshadows.

The one next to her had a long light arctic blue hair with moderate persian blue stripes, tied in a ponytail by a blue band, and moderate raspberry eyes, with light blue eyeshadows over.

"That was barely worth the effort, Adagio," the first girl grumbled. "I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal."

"The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria," Adagio replied, pulling her hood, revealing she had huge luminous vivid orange poofy hair, that is tied in a ponytail, by a dark purple band with spikes, and brilliant raspberry eyes. "We can only gain so much power here,"

"Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!" the dark haired girl grumbled.

"Really? I love it here!" Adagio replied sarcastically, before she finishes with a frown.

"For realsies?" the blue hair girl asked. "Because I think this place is the worst."

"I think you're the worst, Sonata," the purple hair girl snarled.

Frowning in disgust, Sonata raised her head up, "Oh, yeah? Well, I think you're—"

"Argh!" Adagio growled. "I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable," the girl grumbled at the last part, through clench teeth.

Just then, Adagio felt a disturbance outside of the cafe. Rushing out, she and the girls watched to see storm clouds rolling in. Then, squinting her eyes a bit, Adagio could've sworn she saw a dragon, flying through New York, with Nightmare Moon flying close by. Before long, there was a loud roar, a flash of light, and a puff of black smoke flew in the air, before it came crashing down, somewhere. Afterwards, six multicolored orbs flew up, dancing in the air, before they zipped away. In response to this strange event, the medallions on the three girls' necks glowed.

"Did you feel that?!" Adagio gasped, before a menacing grin appeared on her face. "Do you know what that is?" she asked to her companions, who were initially silent. "It's the Dragonfire, and Equestrian magic!" Adagio answered.

"But there hasn't been a Dragonfire on Earth, in like, a millennia," the purple hair girl replied. "Let alone, Equestrian magic."

"There are now," Adagio replied. "And when we find them, we're going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic world, and Equestria, adore us!!"

With that, Adagio lets out a sinister chuckle, followed by the girls at her sides.

Meanwhile, back in Equestria

After their first encounter with the infamous Cerulean Hunters, the heroes returned to Ponyville, together with a fully redeemed Dragon Lord Ember, and their new allies: Captain Celaeno and Daring Do.

"WELCOME HOME EVERYPONY!!" Pinkie Pie cheered, appearing in a puff of confetti.

"BWAH!!" Spike yelped, before he patted his chest rapidly. "Pinkie!"

"BWAH to you too, Spike!" Pinkie giggled.

"Oh my!" Rarity exclaimed, trotting over, seeing the states the returning heroes were in. "Darlings, whatever happened to you all?"

The friends were later at Friendship Castle, where they told the whole story to the rest of the group.

"And that's how it happened," Spike finished.

"Goodness!" Rarity gasped. "You actually did battle with the Cerulean Hunters?"

"And you managed to escape them in one piece?" Twilight asked.

"You better believe it," Applejack replied. "Those dadgum varmints may not be all in the hocus pocus businesses. But they still do know how to play dirty!"

"Oui," Fleur agreed.

"I'll say," Spike replied. "I'm still smarten from all the fighting I had to do with them, even when I went dragon."

"Speaking of," Rainbow grimaced. "Spike's dragon is kinda out of the picture for now."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Spike got hit with an MPG by one of the hunters," Applejack answered.

"An MPG?" Twilight repeated.

"Pray tell? What is an MPG?" Rarity inquired.

"Mass Party Gear?" Pinkie answered hopefully.

"I'd wish," Spike grumbled.

"And that's not the big surprise," Rainbow began. "You'll never believe who else was there!"

Later, Spike was out for a walk in Ponyville, with Peewee perching on his shoulder, preening himself.

After he and the others had finished talking to the rest of their friends about their recent adventure, while including the mention of Midnight Castle, from the Shadowbolts, Twilight began doing some heavy research, and insisted to be left alone for awhile.

While walking down the streets of Ponyville, Spike looked around to see every pony going about their days, smiling, laughing, and gossiping with their friends. He looked up the sky, to see the pegasi flying, pushing the clouds, making the weathers for everyone around town.

"Yo, Spike!" Spike turned around, and was greeted with his boys, the Knights.

"Hey guys!" Spike greeted, as he and the boys exchange fist bumps. "What up?"

"We just got back from New York," Rumble replied. "We just got back from New York, when we were told your dragon game was off, for now."

"Sadly, yes," Spike frowned. "Some jerks who go by the name the Cerulean Hunters have captured Fleur and the others. And when I tried to rescue them, they dropped some grenades on me, that just completely switched my powers off."

"Oh no," Tenders groaned, as the Knights all exchanged their disappointments for their friend.

"That must be terrible to lose your powers like that," Pipsqueak said. "Cause then you've go no way to fly, to breath fire."

"Or to change into a dragon," Featherweight added.

"Should've seen this one coming," Button said. "I mean, even superman has his kryptonite."

Spike nodded his head, agreeing with his boys about his current status.

"But at least you can still fight," Rumble said, trying to make things less negative for the Dragon Prince. "Right?"

"Of course," Spike smirked, lightly. "Uncle didn't just take me to Earth, and learn the martial arts for nothing. And I'm not one to let it all be in vain."

"Yeah!" the boys cheered.

"YEAH!!!" a really buffed white Pegasus stallion roared.

"BWAH!!!" the boys, including Spike, startled, before beating their chests rapidly.

"Bulk Biceps?" Rumble asked, "Is that you?"

"You bet little man!" the stallion answered, as he did some bodybuilding moves. "YEAH!" He roared, literally blowing the boys away. Then, turning his attention to a clock, Bulk gasped, "OH NO!" He exclaimed. "I'm going to be late for my job!" With that, the stallion took off running.

"Wow," Pipsqueak gasped. "Who knew, another one of our classmate is from Equestria?"

"Yeah, who knew?" Button asked, before darting his eyes to Spike.

"Don't look at me," Spike waved his hands in defense. "Even I don't know we've had Equestrian classmates."

Before the boys' conversation could go on any further, a loud scream was heard.

"Someone's in trouble!" Spike said, as he reached into his cape, pulls out his skateboard, and took off.

"Yo, Spike!" Rumble said, as he dons himself a hockey mask. "Wait up!"

The Five Knights all took off, running for their friend.

"Get away from me, you brutes!" a mare snarled, struggling to break free from some stallions, being led by a bigger anthropomorphic brute.

"Pipe down, will you?" the brute ordered. "Your struggle will only hurt you even more!" The other ponies around them were unable to help, due to being frightened at the situation, and couldn't comprehend. "Take her away, boys!" the leader ordered.

[Fighting is Magic - Rainbow Dash Stage]

Just then, Spike arrived on the scene. And with a spin of his skateboard, he collided with one of the thugs, knocking him away, before he somersaulted to the side and landed a dropkick to one of the other thugs.

Stepping on his skateboard, catching it in the air, Spike turned to the mare, "You okay miss?" he asked.

"I am now," the mare replied.

In appearance, the mare has moderate opal eyes, dark grayish indigo mane and tail, decorated with dark indigo highlights that turns moderate opal on the way down. She had light acquamarineish gray coat, covered by a dark top, coupled with a dark blue transparent skirt that slightly masks a cutie mark that resembles a gold star, decorated with multi-colored musical notes.

Upon looking at Spike, the mare gasped, "Spike?!"

"Look out!" With that, Spike forced the mare's head down, dodging a club that one of the thugs had swung.

Before the thug could swing again, a hockey puck was shot, knocking the club out of the stallion's mouth, breaking a few teeth in the process.

"Don't worry Spike!" Rumble shouted, as he skated to the scene. "We got your BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKK!!!!" the boy screamed at the last part, when he accidentally skated on a banana peel, and slid into one of the thugs, sending both of them rolling in a ball, before colliding into a cherry stand.

"My stand!!" the merchant exclaimed, before he glared angrily at the thug, and Rumble.

Just then, the rest of the Knights arrived, "Don't worry Spike!" Button said, as he held out a Minecraft pickaxe, and stood in a fighting stance. "We really got your back!"

"Do we have to say that every time we're helping Spike?" Tender Taps asked.

"Why not? It's our catchphrase," Button replied. "All superheroes and sidekicks should have one!"

The mare turned to Spike, "Who are they?" she asked, with a questionable look on her face.

"My friends," Spike replied.

"And who are we," the leader asked. "Chopped livers?"

"Who do you think you guys are?" Spike asked, as he stood defensively over the mare. "Picking on this sweet mare?"

"We'll soon becoming rich ponies, when we're through with her!" the brute said. "Now out of our way!"

"You want her?" Spike asked, while getting in fighting stance. "You'll have to go through me!"

"And me!" Button Mash added, as he and the Knights jumped in.

The brutish leader scoffed, "Alright boys," the leader began, as he snaps his fingers. "Let 'em have it!"

With that, a fight broke out between the thugs, and the boys.

Surrounding themselves in auras of dark magics, the thugs quickly shifted their forms into anthros, as they lunged towards the Knights, throwing kicks, and punches.

One of the thugs lunged after Spike, throwing some punches, while Spike grabs ahold of his cape, and waves it around, reflecting a bit of Celestia's sun into the thug's eyes, blinding him momentarily, before he punches the thug in the snout, followed by a 540 gyro crescent kick. Then, another thug ran up, and grabbed Spike's right shoulder from behind. Reacting fast, Spike spins to his right, raising both his arms to block an attempted sucker punch, before wrapping his left arm around the punching arm, and key-locks it with his right arm. Then, exerting some forces, he knocks his opponent off balance, forcing him to the ground, before the dragon thrusts his hip forward, inflicting the pain, while slightly dislocating the thug's shoulder in the process.

Meanwhile, the other Knights were having the fight of their life. One of the thugs thrusted his fist at Button Mash, before he got on the ground, and thrusted both his hoofed legs at the nerdy boy, who quickly blocked it with a cross block, all the while being forced back slightly. Button Mash looked up, as the thug jumps in the air, and did an axe kick, bringing his foot down on the boy, who rolled forward, dodging the attack. Turning around, seeing his opponent setting his sight on him once more, Button broke into a run, with the thug behind him, giving chase.

Rumble was fighting another thug, using his hockey stick to deflect strikes, while countering with strikes of his own. With another spin of his stick, Rumble struck the thug, in between his leg. With a spin, Rumble took out a golf club, and landed the club end to the thug's face, resulting in a black eye.

"AIYAAAAH!!!" Rumble roared, preparing to bring both sticks on his opponent. However, the thug quickly grabs the two sticks, before he head butted Rumble away.

Thanks to his mask, Rumble's head didn't suffer any bruises. His opponent, more angrier than ever, took possession of the boy's weapons, as he advances on him. In response, Rumble reaches behind his back, and unsheathes the Sword of Honor. Unfazed, the thug continues his attack, as he swings the hockey stick and golf club around, at Rumble, who blocks the attacks with his sword. Reaching into his pocket, Rumble hurled another hockey puck at the thug, who failed to deflect it with the hockey stick. Distracted, the thug rubbed his sore nose, while Rumble skated forward, and punched the thug, with the sword's hilt.

"How you like that?" Rumble smirked, before his sword got blasted away via magic, by one of the thugs, who happens to be a unicorn. Giving a cheesy grin, Rumble skated for dear life, just when Button came.

"Trade opponent!" Button said, as he rolls beneath Rumble, who leaped over him.

"Me too!" Rumble replied, as he lands into a roll.

However, just as the two boys did that, the thugs who were chasing them colliding with each other, knocking themselves out.

The leader grumbled, "It's official. I'm surrounded by idiots."

The ponies in the area soon came out of hiding, watching in awe at the boys' fight. It wasn't long, when Rainbow Dash arrived at the scene, with the rest of the girls, and their allies, which includes Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Ember, Mina, Daring Do-under the persona of A.K. Yearling, and Celaeno.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Darling, be careful!" Rarity cried out to Spike.

Celaeno and A.K. Yearling, watched the boys' fights, and coordinations. They were mostly taken in by Spike's fighting style, thought the Knights' were a different story.

Tender Taps, listening to some musics playing in his headphones, was jumping, and moving to the rhythm of the song, getting himself pumped, and hyped up, as he throws a flurry of punches and kicks at the thug, who retaliated with kicks and punches of his own. The thug had Tender pinned down by his hoofed foot, only for Tender to quickly thrust his fist up, and landed a blow, between the thug's legs, causing him to scream in pain, as he lets the boy up. With that, Tender did a spin kick, which the thug dodged the first spin, only to be kicked in the side of his face by an unsuspecting spin, followed by another. With that, the thug tries to do a spin kick, only for Tender to flip to the side, as he did a gyro 540 kick, sending the thug flying.

A thug was laughing as he holds Pipsqueak away, by the head. Having enough, the short boy bit the thug's hands, forcing him to let go. With that, Pipsqueak ran up to the thug, punching, and kicking, spinning around, before he was kicked in the back, and sent flying into a wall. Drooping down to the ground, Pipsqueak rolled on his back, before he finds himself pinned down by the thug, who placed his foot on the boy's stomach. Desperate, Pipsqueak was about to call for Spike's help, only to see the Dragon Prince, already engaging in close combat with the thugs' leader. Pipsqueak watched, seeing Spike doing battle with the taller thug, just as Spike pulled a technique, by grabbing the leader's legs with his own, key-locks it, and tripping him down. With that, Pipsqueak did the same to his opponent, causing the brute to fall to the ground. Then, getting up and grabbing him by the legs, Pipsqueak kicked the stallion in the butt, causing him to slide away, underneath a merchant stand, where he got stuck.

Meanwhile, Pip's cousin, Featherweight, was fighting another thug, all the while defending a pegasus filly named Zipporwhill. The thug was taller than him, so Featherweight was standing, and balancing himself, on some fence posts to get even wit the giant's height. Featherweight throws a punch out, but the thug easily dodges the attack, before he kicks Feathers off of the stand, before he flips the boy over some more fences. Featherweight quickly got up, and throws a kick.

However, the thug was quick enough to catch the kick, and grabs Featherweight by the leg. With that, the thug pulled him forward on the fence, only for Featherweight to move along with his hands. The thug looked back, seeing what Feather was doing. With that, he pushed Feather backwards, still holding his leg, and forced Feather's arms off the fences. Without his arms, Feathers suffered a painful bumpy ride, along the fence posts.

Once they were at the end, a watermelon was thrown at the thug, forcing him to release his grip on poor Featherweight, who instantly grabbed the inflicted area between his legs, jumping and hooting, trying in vain to shake the pain off. After a moment of collecting himself, the thug turned to Feathers, who quickly looked around, before he caught sight of Spike, kicking the thugs' leader's leg, forcing him down, before he landed a punch to the brute's stomach, and then to his face.

Getting the idea, Featherweight kept his distance from his adversary, who thrusted his fist out. Taking the chance, Feather quickly kicked his opponent's knee, forcing him down, before he strikes him in the stomach, then the face several times. Noticing a nearby crate, Featherweight got on top of it, before he did an aerial kick, putting the thug in a disorienting daze. Then, spotting a nearby lamppost, Feathers quickly jumps onto it, twisted his body from the waist, and kicks the thug away.

Celaeno, impressed by the boys' fights despite their unorthodox methods, turned to Rainbow Dash next to her, "Who be the land lubbers that fights besides, Prince Spike there?"

"Those are the Knights," Rainbow Dash replied. "At least, that's what they call themselves."

"Yeah, before they were called the Five Guys," Applejack replied.

"Aye!" Celaeno replied. "They be the humans allies you ponies have told me so much about?"

"Oh yeah, that's them," Rainbow smirk. "They're real friends of Spike. And a friend of his, is a friend of ours."

Turning back, watching the fight, Celaeno couldn't help but watched the boys intently, as if she was seeing her pirate crew again.

The remaining thugs soon conjured up some weapons, ranging from hooks to knives.

In response, Spike throws his cape to the side, as he pulls out a pair of eskrima sticks. Giving the sticks a whirl, Spike held them out, "It's break time boys!" he said.

With that, the thugs all charged after Spike, who manages to disarm them of their weapons, before he landed a flurry of beatdowns to their heads. Another thug ran up and grabbed the human boy, from behind. Seeing some more thugs coming, Spike jumped out, and thrusted his legs out, kicking them in the face, before he thrusted his legs back, striking the thug behind him, in the groin, before Spike thrusted his sticks back, striking his opponent's arms, fully releasing him. Turning back, Spike grabs the thug by the head, with his sticks, bringing it down, and strikes him with the side of his knee.

Soon, the fight was over. Spike and the Knights emerged, tired, but triumphant. The ponies around them all stomped their hooves in applause, before some officers came to arrest the thugs.

"You are so awesome! /)^3^(\" Rainbow exclaimed.

"That was some forms of fighting you boys got going there," Applejack smiled, before she turned to the Knights, "Though, I can't quite say you boys were good. You're a little...."

"We get it, AJ," Rumble replied. "We're not as good as Spike is."

"Oh don't get me wrong, Sugarcube," Applejack replied. "You may not have all the skills, yet. But ya still got the job done."

"Definitely!" Fluttershy agreed.

"Yup!" Pinkie agreed.

Soon, all of the ponies around them voiced their agreements. The Knights smiled, at all the positive feedbacks they're receiving.

"Aye!" Celaeno said, as she steps forward. "You young scalawags may not look much. But I certainly see brave spirits in all five of you."

"Who are you?" Button asked.

"I be Celaeno," Celaeno answered. "Former captain of the Scarlet Swashbuckler, scourge of the Storm King, and former captain of the Parrot Pirate Crew."

"Whoa!" the Knights exclaimed.

"You guys hear that?!" Rumble asked. "A real pirate!"

"A pirate?!" Pipsqueak gasped, as he walked up to the anthropomorphic parrot. "Wow!" he gasped in admiration of the parrot.

While the boys got themselves acquainted with Celaeno, Spike looked, to see the mare from before coming out of her hiding spot.

"You okay there miss?" Spike asked, as he walks over.

"I am now," the mare replied, smiling widely at Spike. "You were amazing back there!"

"Oh, it was nothing," Spike replied modestly. "Just glad you're alright."

"Well I'll be!" Applejack exclaimed, when she came over. "Rara?!"

"AJ?!" the mare replied.

"Omigosh! I can't believe you're here!" Both mares responded, as they pulled each other in a loving embrace.

"You two know each other?" Spike asked.

"Darn tootin!" Applejack replied. "This here is Rara! My old filly friend from Camp Friendship!"

"Camp friendship?" Spike asked, before he remembered. "Oh yeah! You were that filly who made it on the front page of the Equestria Daily! 'Camp Friendship witnesses the dawn of a new pop star princess of Equestria!' You made quite the headline then," Spike smiled.

Rara blushed, "I don't know about that," she replied.

"Oh don't be so modest, Rara!" Applejack replied. "You've got the most colorful voice, I've ever heard before," Applejack then had a nostalgia look on her face, "Why it felt like just yesterday when we were competing in the talent show at Camp Friendship."



"Ah, the good old days," Applejack sighed.

"Wow, I wished I could've been there, and see it happened," Spike smiled.

Rara smiled, while turning away to hide a blush, 'You and me both, Spike,' she thought.

"So Rara," Applejack began. "How are things? I haven't heard a word from you in ages."

"Sorry AJ," Rara apologized, feeling ashamed of losing touch with her best friend. "I must've been so busy, I guess I kinda forgot."

"Oh? You got a job?" Applejack asked.

"Not a job per se," Rara began, hesitantly. "More like a singing career!"

Applejack gasped, "You mean, you actually made it!"

"You better believe it!" Rara smiled. "Just one song on Equestria's Got Talent, and boom! I'm a pop star!"

"Sweet Celestia! Rara! Congratulations!" Applejack exclaimed, as she happily embraces her friend. "I always knew you could make it!"

Rara smiled, as she returns the embrace, "Thanks, AJ!"

"Can I get an autograph?" Spike smiled, holding out a notepad, and a pencil for the pop star.

"Of course you may," Rara giggled, as she went ahead and signs away.

"So, what brings you here, Rara?" Applejack asked. "Ya here for some friendly visit, and such?"

"I wish," Rara replied, with a roll of her eyes. "I-" Rara quickly stopped, as she looks around, before she whispered, "Can we go someplace private? I'd rather not be out in the open so much."


"You sure it went this way?" the girl asked.

"For the hundredth time, Aria, yes!" Adagio replied. "I'm sure of it! I can sense the Dragonfire! It's close!"

"Why are every pony looking at me, funny?" Sonata asked.

"Probably because you're wearing your hat funny, "Aria grumbled.

"Oh," With that, Sonata readjusted her sombrero. "There, how does it look?"

"You moron!" Aria growled, smacking the blue haired girl's hat, causing it to flip upside down, while surprisingly still remains on the girl's head. "Why do we even need a hat?! It's not even raining!"

"Well, I look good in it," Sonata replied, fixing her hat.

"Look good? More worse, is more like it."

Scowling, Sonata crossed her arms together, "Oh yeah? Well you'd look even worserer, wearing it!"

"That's not a word!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not, blue air headed blowfish!"

"Is too, grumpy purple jellyfish!"

With that, the two got into a fight, until Adagio walked over and broke it up.

"Enough!" Adagio growled. "We're never gonna find the Dragonfire, if you two keep bickering like little foals! Now make yourself useful, and maybe find the-"

"Hey is that him?" Sonata asked, pointing to the fight between Spike, and the Knights. "He kinda matches the description. Small, boyish, green hair."

"Do you see any other guys that matches the description, genius?" Aria asked.

Adagio walked closer, observing the boy, and the Knight's fighting styles, "Impressive," Adagio mused. "Such skills, such strength, such prowess," Adagio chuckled, as she rubs her hands together. "Yes, his powers are strong. Just perfect for us to reclaim our own."

"So what are we doing, skulking around here?" Sonata asked. "Let's just start singing already, and feed off of the negative energy of his powers, to restore ours."

"Do you think it's that easy?" Adagio asked. "Obviously, you don't know the stories of the Dragonfire as well as I do. It's going to take more than just a simple song to make the vessel to fall under our spell."

"So what's the plan, exactly?" Aria asked.

Castle of Friendship

Everyone in the room all applauded, at Rara's performance, as the Countess, on TV.

"Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh!" Pinkie chirped. "You're Countess Coloratura! You're Countess Coloratura!"

"Ooh! Real live celebrity!" Button exclaimed, as he excitedly shook the mare by her hoof.

"We weren't expecting you until a few weeks later, for the Helping Hooves Music Festival!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Sorry," Rara apologized. "I hope my sudden appearance didn't conflict with anything planned."

"Darling, why didn't you tell us?" Rarity inquired.

"Well, what would you do, if I tell you who I'm known as?" Rara asked, in which a defeated Rarity slumped in her seat.

"Well, to be honest, Rara," Applejack began, turning to the TV screen. "That doesn't look anything like you."

"You're right," Rara replied. "It's not me. Not the real me, that is," the mare looked down sadly.

The friends in the room looked at the sadden pop star, "Not exactly a dream come true, for you, I take it," Featherweight predicted.

[Reflections - Christina Aguilera]

"No, it's not," Rara muttered. "All I ever wanted was to sing to the world. Let the light inside my heart shine for all the world to see. You know, to answer the call that it's time for me to be awesome and everything," Rara frowned, as she recalled an event she wishes to forget. "But instead, I'm forced to accept the persona of another pony in order to get by," Looking into the crystal walls of the castle, Rara looked at a faint reflection of herself, "Since then, whenever I look in the mirror, all I see was some pony else. The pony every pony will forever know me as."

As Rara explains all that, she easily picture herself, wearing a long pink wig with dark purple streaks, with a dark veil covering her face, together with a purple leather jacket, and jeweled bands around her neck, and front hooves.

Applejack walked over, putting a hoof on Rara's shoulder for comfort. Spike watched, in sympathy. Wanting to cheer the mare up, Spike turned to Rarity, "Hey Rarity," Spike began. "Um, crystal shield please?"

"Um, certainly darling," Rarity complied, as she conjured a crystal for Spike, who walked over to Rara.

"Just needs a little shine up," Spike said to himself, as he polishes the crystal with his cape. "Hey Rara, look," He said, holding the crystal up for Rara to see. "Do you know what I see? I see you, exactly the way you are. Gosh, you're so darn pretty," Spike smiled, which disappeared when he sees it wasn't working. Taking a deep breath, Spike began, "Truth is, I've been there before. Before I was even a hero, or struck by lightning, no pony, besides mom, ever knew the real me."

"They don't?" Rara asked in surprise.

"Nope," Spike frowned, as he begins. "They all think I'm a freak, a nobody, or a monster, all because they think I'm an unpredictable, weird-looking, powerful freak, who will grow up to be a monster," Spike looked down as he frowns. "They judge me, before they even know me."

"Oh, how awful," Fluttershy gasped.

"It's not awful," Rainbow added. "That's just wrong! And sick!"

"But you're the Dragon Prince," Rara replied. "Every pony still gave you respect, didn't they?"

"They only gave me respect, because my mom's Princess Celestia," Spike frowned as he looked away. "But whenever they think I'm not listening, I can still hear all those hurtful gossips they say about me."

"Why of all the nerve!" Ember growled, together with Mina. "You should've just roasted those jerks, right on the spot!"

"And then risk being remembered as a monster, who loses his temper so easily? To be a killer for life?" Spike asked. "That's not me!"

"Sorry," Ember apologized, as she clams herself down.

"The thing is, not all of us can just get accepted, instantly," Spike explained. "We always did have the habit of judging others before we even got the chance to know them, properly. All the more reason why we need to at least try to show them there's more to us, than what they think."

"Is that what you did?" Rara asked.

"Yeah," Spike replied. "It wasn't easy, but let's just say I've made some friends who know the real me. Just as mom believes in me, and uncle Scorpan. Guess it pays to have friends who clearly know the real us."

"Oui," Fleur agreed, as she joined in. "I too have had my shares of false love."

"Really?" Rara asked.

Fleur nodded her head, as she tells the runaway pop star about her life in her old village. How the unicorn warrior was the daughter of two well-known unicorn heroes, and it was through their fame that she was courted and admired by the colts in that village. However, once her parents were gone, Fleur was left as nothing more than a mere shadow of her former glory.

"So, how did you manage to deal with all that negativity?" Rara asked.

"Oh, let's just say I've had some special friends who helped me show the ponies, just how much of a hero I can be," Fleur smiled, directing Rara's attentions to Spike, and most of the girls in the room.

"That's me as well," A.K. Yearling spoke.

"You too, A.K?" Rara asked.

"Well, truth is," A.K. took her guise off, to reveal her true persona. "I'm really Daring Do."

Rara gasped, "Daring Do?!"

"The one and only!" Rainbow Dash fan-girted, before Daring Do cleared her throat. Getting the message, Rainbow Dash went to the sidelines.

"My kind of work always involves secrets," Daring Do began. "And because of that, I think it's best that I never trust any pony. All the reason why I would often put on my A.K.Yearling persona, to hide myself," the pegasus said, pointing to the discarded costumes. "It may sound like a good tactic at first, but overtime, my true identity would be lost to the novel, and I'll only be remembered as a character whom every pony believed to exist in the books."

"I'll say," Rainbow added. "One time, when I attended the Daring Do convention in Manehattan. Some egghead know-it-all named, Quibble Pants, thought none of the things in the story was true. He thought it was all made up, and unrealistic. It took a lot to convince him that Daring Do here, is real!"

"And even if some ponies do know I existed, sometimes, it's not a good thing," Daring Do frowned.

"How so?" Rara asked.

"There was this time, during my trip in a town of Somnambula," Daring Do began, while Spike's ears perked, at the mention of a town named after the evil sorceress. "I made such a mess there, the ponies all thought of me as a menace, rather than being the hero. And it doesn't help that none of my books are sold there, so they don't know who I truly am," Daring Do growled, as she began the next part, "And worst of all, Dr. Cabelleron almost got away with sully my name, so he'd be free to steal whatever he wants!"

"I know how that feels," Rara frowned, recalling how a similar pony once took advantage of her name. "So, how did you overcome it?"

"I had some help," Daring Do replied, smiling to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. "From some friends, who know the real me. And helping me realize that even if I'm fighting for something good, I'm still responsible for my actions."

"And if something bad happens that you didn't intend," Rainbow added. "You should never give up hope, or lose faith in yourself."

"All you gotta do is make it right," Pinkie chirped.

Spike smiled, as he turns to Fleur, "I guess some of us in this room, all have our shares of identity crisis, huh Flare?" he asked.

"Oui," Fleur replied, pulling Spike close.

"Don't forget about me!" a familiar voice spoke.

"Who said that?" Rara asked, looking around.

"Me!" the voice said again, before in a flash of light, a nearby vase morphed itself into Thorax.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" Rara screamed.

"Whoa! It's okay!" Spike reasoned. "He's a good changeling! He's on our side."

"He is?" Rara asked.

"Yeah," Thorax replied. "Believe it, or not. I'm not like the other changelings who feed on love. Not when friendship is sustainable enough."

"For real?" Rara asked, to which Thorax responded with a nod.

"It's okay," Thorax began. "It's not everyday that ponies would see a changeling like me, and their first reaction would be," In flash of green light, Thorax morphed into random ponies, screaming, "AAH! A changeling! Get the bug spray! Begone vile beast! Go back to the dark pit of where you came!" Thorax morphed himself back, as he continues, "With changelings like Queen Chrysalis, it's not easy for someone like me to make a friend."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Rara replied.

"But it's okay in the end," Thorax said. "Because, after awhile of disguising myself, and connecting with Spike, and the Knights, we were all able to form a bond of friendship so strong enough, that in a way, it kinda draws me out of my shells!"

"Changelings have shells?" Rara asked.

"It's an expression," Thorax clarified. "Even I don't know why some of my powers haven't been working properly. But at least I now know that I don't have to pretend to be someone else, anymore."

"Yeah," Rumble added. "We know Thorax too much to be some evil, scheming horse fly to not trust him. Besides, we kinda like the idea of having a changeling for a friend," The rest of the Knights all exchanged agreements.

Rara looked around at the friends, and couldn't help but to smile in admiration for overcoming their own form of identity crisis.

"Wow," Rara smiled. "You guys are so amazing. How did you get through it all?"

"It's simple," Spike smiled. "We just stay true to our heart!" As if one cue, a music was played, courtesy of Tender Taps.

Spike was soon singing in a suave tone, as he directed it all to Rara, who smiled as she finds herself enchanted under his charm. Soon, the girls and boys all got into the groove, as they joined in the festivity the young prince was leading.

Button Mash, who was playing a harmonica, soon took the next verse:

Someone you know is on your side can set you free,
I can do that for you if you believe in me.

Why second-guess, what feels so right?
Just trust your heart, and you'll see the light

Once the boy was done, everyone all resumed their festivity as they continue singing and dancing, brightening Rara's spirit up. It didn't take long for the elated mare to join in, as she sings together with her friends. With that, her cutie mark started to glow, before it started to shimmer, giving off a spectacular display of bright lights.

"Wow," Spike said in awe, together with his boys, and the rest of the girls in the room.

"What?" Rara asked.

Snapping out of his trance, Spike stuttered, "Nothing, it's just that...."

"Your cutie mark can glow!" Starlight Glimmer exclaimed.

Rara turned her head, to look her flank, blushing as she turned back, "Does it bother you?"

Everyone in the room all exchanged denials, along with compliments.

"In all my years, I always thought 'booty' was reserved for jewels, and doubloons," Celaeno muttered to herself. "Though this kinda changes everything."

"Well, either way," Spike began, trying to make things less awkward for their new pop star friend. "Rara, you've got a very good set of pipes. You're perfect just the way you are!"

"Spike's right, Sugarcube," Applejack smiled. "Honestly, your voice is too good for any bright, flashy, loud special effects!"

"Oh, thanks you guys!" Rara smiled, as she pulled the two in a hug.

"Hey! Share some love with us!" Pinkie shouted, as she too joined in the group hug, together with some of the other girls.

"Girls! That's too much!" Spike wheezed, as he finds himself smothered in affection, once more. "Knights! Help!"

"Hey guys?" Rumble turned to the boys. "Should we go in and help our bro?"

"Nah," they all shook their heads.

"Let him suffer for awhile," Featherweight smirked.

"I think I'll go and check up on, Sweetie Belle," Button replied, as he took his leave.

"Apple Bloom's saving a square dance for me," Tender Taps said, as he left the room. "See you around."

Soon, all of the Knights were gone, leaving Spike at the mercy of the girls. Well, except one.

Celaeno was watching the whole loving display unfolding before her, "Uh, excuse me," Pipsqueak said, as he tugged on Celaeno's arm, catching her attention. "I was wondering, until you find your crew again. Could I be your first mate?"

Celaeno was taken by surprise, "And just what kind of force be sailing ya with that idea?"

"Well, it's just that," Pip hesitated, as he finds his voice. "I've always been into the life of a pirate, and I think pirates, like you, are cool, and I just thought, maybe I could grow and be awesome, just like you?"

Celaeno was silenced, as she looked down on Pipsqueak, "I don't know, little Pip. You look more fitting for the role as a cabin boy," she replied. "Either way, I can't take ya offer."

"Why not?" Pip asked, distraught.

"The life of a pirate ain't all fun and game," Celaeno replied. "The life I lead is much too risky for a boy, about yer age."

"I'm not a kid!" Pip spoke up. "I may be small, but I'm not helpless!"

"Doesn't change me mind," Celaeno replied as she walks away. "I'm sorry Pip. But I've lost me crew once. I can't risk losing another."

Pipsqueak watched as Celaeno walks down a castle hall, "I've lost someone too," Pip looked sadly at the the parrot.

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