• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Mission Dragonfire Part 9: Enter Midnight Castle

Midnight Castle

Gazing through a glass orb, from her throne, Nightmare Moon smirked, "So, they managed to elude my meteorites. Such determinations. Of course, what I expect nothing less from a group of heroes, such as these," Nightmare Moon paid very close attention to Twilight Sparkle. "Especially from you, Twilight Sparkle."

Just then, Shadowfright appeared before Nightmare Moon, in a puff of smokes, "My princess," Shadowfright bowed. "You called?"

"Ready your troops," Nightmare Moon ordered. "We're expecting some visitors."

"Yes your majesty," With a bow, Shadowfright became a puff of smoke as he left the room.

Outside of the castle

The heroes had found a secluded area outside of the castle, within one of the moon's crater.

Twilight was surveying the castle via a magic spell that enhanced her visions to that of a hawk. Furthermore, Peewee, who happened to came along, was flying circles over the castle, while at the same time, remain out of sight.

Soon, Peewee flew back to Spike and the others.

"What'd you see, Peewee?" Spike asked, to which both he and the phoenix both had their eyes glowing green and yellow, as they synced their visions together.

In their shared vision, Spike could see some Shadowbolts patrolling the castle ground and hall, along with some loading some equipments in some vehicles of their own.

'What in Tartarus are they up to?' Spike asked mentally.

In the next vision, Spike can see Nightmare Moon, at the top of the castle's tower, standing before a pedestal that was holding the stolen Sun Stone.

'So that's where it is,' Spike noted.

With that, both the Dragon Prince and Phoenix's vision sync ended.

"Great work, Peewee," Spike complimented the phoenix, reaching into his cape and pulls out a cup of dibs ice cream for the phoenix to feast on, as a reward.

"So, what's up?" Rainbow asked.

"Lots of guards, that's for sure," Spike replied. "Inside and out, with Nightmare Moon at the top of the tower, with the Sun Stone."

"There's no way to get into the castle, over or under," Twilight explained. "The only way to get in is through that big gate over there. But it's well guarded." She said, pointing to the said gate, with two great, armored, shadow creatures that resembled wolves.

"Got any ideas?" Spike asked.

"Here's one," Rainbow began. "We go in, storm the castle, rescue Flare's folks, grab the last Armor of Heroes' pieces, beat the Shadowbolts and Nightmare Moon.....then we win the day, and go home."

"Oh! That sounds easy!" Pinkie cheered.

"Easier said than done," Scorpan grumbled. "We have to get into the castle first. And once inside, we'd have to overcome all sorts of perils, just to find the exact whereabout of Lir and Amalthea in the castle, and the remaining pieces of the armor."

"Wow, you're right," Pinkie spoke. "Y'know Dash, I'm not sure how well your plan was thought through," Rainbow looked at Pinkie with a blank expression.

"So chief," Button spoke, directly towards Spike. "What's the plan to get inside?"

"They like red herring," Spike replied. "So let's give 'em a red herring."

"But we don't have any fishes," Button replied.

"Hey 'wise guy,'" Rumble grumbled. "He meant a distraction."

"Oh, gotcha," Button's eyes bulged in epiphany. "Hey!"

"C'mon guys," Spike whispered. "It'll be just like those times we had to rescue Snips and Snails from Abacus Cinch."

"Yeah, right," Rumble retorted. "Except this time, we're on the moon, and we're trying to break into a castle and fight a crazy nightmare maniac."

"And her army of Shadowbolts," Tender reminded.

"And what do you want us to do this time?" Button asked rhetorically.


"We'll take this shame to our grave," Button grumbled, as the Knights all exchanged agreements, before they whipped out some instruments.

Button played a ukulele, Rumble and Tenders got guitars, Featherweight was playing a xylophone, and lastly, Pipsqueak stood in a fluffle puff pony costume, and stood on a rainbow mattress, and dances. The boys were all singing a song, much to their humiliation. The guards looked at the Knights in bewilderment.

From their hiding spot, Spike, Scorpan, and the girls were watching the show, with Spike chuckling, while feeling guilty for his men, the girls laughing, and Scorpan shooting a deadpan look.

"Is it always like this?" Starlight asked, in between giggles.

"Nope," Spike replied. "One time, I dressed up as Justin Bieber to attract some fangirls, and the other time, Rumble set a chicken loose in the school, as revenge for Crystal Prep's athletic teams beating his brother, Thunderlane, in the Friendship Games."

Eventually, the canine guards turned to each other, both agreeing they've heard enough. With that, they all charged after the boys, who quickly bolted.

Meanwhile, Spike, Scorpan, and the girls all made a quick dash as they secretly infiltrated the castle. Or so they thought.

Once inside, Spike turned to the girls, and hands them a worn out map, courtesy of Scorpan.

"Okay, Twilight," Spike began. "You and the girls look for Fleur's parents, in the dungeon. Me and uncle will find the Armor Pieces, and we'll rendezvous in the courtyard."

"Sounds like a plan," Twilight replied, as Spike and Scorpan were about to take their leave. "Spike!" Twilight called, stopping the Dragon Prince, as she went over a pecked him on the cheek. "Be careful."

Spike brushed his cheek, at where Twilight had kissed him, "Hey!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I want to give Spike a good luck kiss!" With that, Pinkie went over and kissed Spike on the cheek, followed by Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer.

"What about you, Fleur?" Rarity asked.

"I'm good, mon ami," Fleur replied, having already given Spike a good luck kiss.

After the romantic moment between Spike, and the girls, the two groups took their leave.

Frozen North

Neira quickly took cover behind an ice stalagmite, evading another lighting strike from Somnambula. The evil sorceress stomped her staff to the ground, creating a huge shockwave, sending a wave of pillars at Neira.

Focusing her magic, Neira conjured several living snow ponies, all clad in ice armors as they charged towards Somnambula, who commanded her flying monkeys to attack.

"You should know better than to sic your snow ponies against my snow flying monkeys!" Somnambula gloated.

"Yes I do," Neira replied, before she shot a blast of ice at Somnambula, encasing the evil witch in a block of ice. "I was just doing it to get closer to you!"

With magic pulsing through her staff, Somnambula thawed herself free as she fired a powerful fireball at Neira, blasting the ice alicorn.

"Clever," Somnambula sneered. "But not clever enough," With another wave of her staff, Somnambula fired another fireball, which Neira projected a wall of ice to shield herself from.

In retaliation, Neira fired an ice arrow at Somnambula, who deflected the arrow with a wave of her staff, repeating the defensive move when Neira fired several more.

Looking around, Neira noticed a huge icicle hanging above Somnambula. Concentrating her powers, Neira telekinetically cuts the icicle as it falls on Somnambula. At the last second, Somnambula disappeared in a puff of smoke, before she reappears behind Neira and blasted the alicorn with a clap of thunder.

"Why do you fight so hard for the ponies, Neira?" Somnambula asked. "They cared nothing for you! They rejected you, the moment you've revealed your true color! They condemn you to eternal exile, out here in the cold! Why waste all your efforts on protecting the very creatures who think of you only as a monster, when you could join our family?"

"Never!" Neira roared defiantly. "I'll never join you! Because no matter what happens, I'll do whatever I can in my powers, to protect Prince Spike and the ponies, than to be a monster like you!"

"Then you will die!" Somnambula sneered, as she fires another spell.

Midnight Castle

"I haven't seen these walls in many years," Scorpan said, looking around the castle, feeling a nostalgic wave washing over him. "Hard to believe, Lulu can actually bring this whole place up here."

"Lulu?" Spike chuckled, before he looked, "Hey uncle! Look!" Spike whispered. "It's you!" The boy said, directing the gargoyle's attention to a huge portrait of the latter, who looked much younger in the painting.

Furthermore, young Scorpan wasn't alone in the painting, as he was joined by another gargoyle, in a long white dress, holding him close. Standing beside them, are two red centaur, with piercing yellow eyes.

"Ah, yes," Scorpan spoke softly. "That's me.....and mother, father, and....brother," the gargoyle spoke gloomily, while respectively pointing to the motherly gargoyle, the taller centaur with a long beard, and the other younger centaur, who appears older than Scorpan, and closely resembles a rebellious punk.

"Wow, that's your family?" Spike asked, before he took a closer observation at their garments. "Uncle! You were a prince?"

"Indeed I was," Scorpan replied. "Me, and my brother, Tirek. However, being the oldest, and strongest, Tirek was heir to the throne," Scorpan closed his eyes, recalling the events that followed. "Things were never the same since then."

Sensing a feeling of animosity from his uncle on the topic of his brother, Spike turned to the gargoyle, with a look of concern, "Do I dare ask?"

Scorpan shook his head, "It's not important now, young dragon," Scorpan said, changing the topic. "Come. We must find the remaining pieces to the Armor of Heroes. Where to next, nephew?"

Spike reached into his cape, and pulls out the Shenlong Box, which glowed even brighter, while magically pulling the boy in a specific direction.

With that, uncle and nephew darted down a hallway. Suddenly Scorpan sniffed the air, and quickly stopped Spike in his track. Both gargoyle and boy leapt up in the air, perching stops some beams, while staying out of sight, as some Shadowbolt guards came passing by.

While remaining hidden, Spike overhears the two guards talking.

"The preparations are nearly complete," one of the guard spoke. "Soon, we'll be able to send in a whole army once the Smooze has done its job."

"To be honest, I'm not so sure this was a good idea," the other guard replied. "Is destroying the world really worth it?"

"Of course it is!" another guard spoke. "It has rejected our very existence long enough! Just as Princess Celestia rejected our princess and mother! And it shall be their undoing, for it is our turn to reject them!"

Soon, the guards were out of sight, leaving behind a troubled Spike and Scorpan.

"Did you hear what they said, uncle?" Spike asked.

"I do," Scorpan replied grimly. "It means we're running out time. Hurry!" With that, the gargoyle flaps his wings as he leads the young prince on.

Meanwhile, with the girls

"Pfft, are we under staff tonight, or what?" a bored guard grumbled.

"Tell me about it," the other grumbled in agreement. "We should've been throwing a party to celebrate the re-birth of Nightmare Moon's empire! I mean, when was the last time we ever throw party? Thousands of years ago?"

While the two guards were busy talking to each other, they failed to notice a puff of smoke flying overhead.

"Shouldn't take long now," the guard grumbled. "Once the Smooze's done, we'll be moving into what was left of Celestia's kingdom."

"I'll say," the other guard replied. "Even Tirek couldn't come up with a plan like this, during the first generation! And he's-"

The two guards were immediately conked out, courtesy of the smoke, which transfigured itself into Sunset, who quickly waved the rest of the girls over.

The girls stood before two huge metal doors.

"Great! Now let's get in and rescue some ponies' lives!" With a burst of speed, Rainbow flew up to the door, expecting the door to burst open.....only for the opposite to occur.

"Oh!" Pinkie groaned. "You okay, Dashie?"

"Do I look okay?" Dash groaned, as she shook her head, and pushed the door.

"Step aside, Dash," Applejack said, as she took over and bucked her legs. But nothing happened. "Dang nabbit!"

"Open sesame!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight turned to Sunset and Starlight, "I don't suppose you girls can shed some lights on this?"

"Let's have a look," Sunset spoke as she and Starlight walked up to the door. Sunset placed her hoof on the door, as she and Starlight closely examined the door, "Ah-ha! Should've suspected this!"

"What? What is it?" Rarity asked.

"This door's been hexed with a powerful lock-up spell," Starlight replied. "It's very powerful, and very resistance."

"Geez, what gave it away?" Rainbow grumbled. "Know anyway to get the door open?"

Sunset was busy searching the door, up and down, with her hooves, "It should be around here somewhere," Sunset said, before a loud hollow sound was heard from the area she tapped. "Here you are!" Sunset spoke, as she lifted up a panel, revealing a small knob within. Lifting her right hoof up, with the Shadowbolt's dark mark glowing, and burning, Sunset placed her right hoof on the knob.

A burst of dark lighting erupted from the knob, as Sunset's right hoof burned intently.

"Sunset!!" the girls exclaimed.

"Stay back!" Sunset hissed. Soon, the doors opened up, granting entry for the heroines.

"Oh, goodness!" Fluttershy whimpered. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Fluttershy," Sunset groaned, while her horn glowed in a red aura, and the burn marks on her hoof started to clear up. "I'll be okay."

"What was that?" Twilight asked in shock.

"Another trick the Shadowbolts had up their sleeves," Sunset replied, before Starlight took over.

"Another security measure, to be precise," Starlight explained. "A precaution so that only Shadowbolts can enter."

"However, if you're a traitor, then there's a price to pay," Sunset spoke, as she sets her healed hoof down, wincing slightly as she did so. "Come on. Let's get in!"

With that, the girls all charged into the room, while secretly being watched, and followed.

Meanwhile, Outside the Castle

The Knights have retreated into a nearby moon crater with the wolves chasing. Soon, the beating sounds of kicks and punches are heard. Before long, the wolves all jumped out of the crater, whimpering as they soon retreated, with their tails tucked in between their legs.

"Yeah, that's right!" Rumble shouted. "In your smoky doggy butts!"

"Don't get so cocky there, Rumble," Tender Taps spoke. "Just be glad we had Captain Celaeno with us. Otherwise, we would've been dog chow."

"So, what do we do now?" Pipsqueak asked.

"We have to get back to the castle and help out Spike and the girls," Button spoke. "That's what!"

"No way, Button!" Featherweight replied. "I'm not playing live bait with those monsters again! We barely got away from those dogs in one piece!"

"Speak for yourself," Tender grumbled, as he turns to show his backside. "They just had my dignity for desert."

"Now what do we do?" Button asked.

"Might I suggest a more, subtle approach?" a voice spoke.

"WHO'S THERE?!!" the Knights screamed, as they, and Celaeno, turned to see the speaker, with the five Shadowbolt girls at their side.

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