• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Mission Dragonfire Part 13: Exit the Luna Games || Re-Enter the Dragon πŸ‰ (The Sixth Armor of Heroes)

In appearance, the speaker appeared to be a hippocampus with light yellow scales, light arctic blue mane with matching fins for her arms and tail, and what appeared to be a glowing lure, acting as the bang in her mane, what appeared to be a pink flower adorned on her head, and orange-reddish collar with a pearl at the neckline, and translucent red wings on the back. She had brilliant cyan eyes, that are framed by the freckles on her face.

Furthermore, Spike finds himself floating in a bubble, along with all the other captured creatures around him.

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed, taken by surprise at his surroundings. "I can't believe I'm inside the Smooze!"

"Uh huh, looks like it," the hippocampus chirped, as she swam around him. "And you’re a special case, since I've never seen anyone else, besides you and some of the others, with that line of jewelry around them."

"What?" Spike looked down, to see he was once more covered in dark chains. "Oh, not this again!" Spike struggled to get the chains off, but to no avail. "Wait a minute!" Spike stopped and looked at the hippocampus. "You said some others!" Spike asked, while pressing up against the bubble between him and the sea pony. "Others who, exactly?"

"Depends," the sea pony began. "Are they six girls, wearing colorful necklaces, five boys with armor pieces, a fiery headed girl, and a red peacock thing?" Spike nodded in confirmation. Next thing Spike knew, the sea pony held out two clams with googly eyes pasted on them. One was purple, and the other was red, "Shelly here told me, he just saw a purple alicorn and five more ponies with dark chains," the hippocampus said, gesturing to the purple clam. "And Sheldon over here, said five human boys like you just got themselves chained, the same time as Shelly did here! And they both got into a fight when they both saw an old man, and a red bird!" The hippocampus pulled Spike closer, as she whispered, "These boys just get crazy over me. Kinda like how those dazzlings got crazy over you!"

"Who?" Spike asked.

"The Dazzlings!" the hippocampus answered. "You know, those three girls who were trying to enchant you with their songs? Oh, you should've seen yourself!" the hippocampus said in awe. "The Dazzlings tried to catch you! But then you were like hi-yah! Yahoo! Ka-Kaw! And everything with the kicking and punching!" the hippocampus exclaimed excitedly, while doing her best to mimic Spike's moves and war cry. "You were defiant til the last!"

Spike was surrounded by three of the Smooze slimes, each with the girls' heads at the top. The Dazzlings were singing a haunting song, while swaying fluidly in a dance, around Spike.

Then, in a heartbeat, a long tentacle of slimes shot out form one of the girls, in an attempt to capture Spike. Spike, however, heard it coming, and instantly dodges to the side, evading the strike.

Before long, more tentacles started to shoot out at Spike, as he makes several quick sidesteps, evading the attacks.

One of the Dazzlings swung her slimy tentacle sideway, to which Spike evade with a backflip, followed by a front flip, then a 360 kick, a 540 kick, and an impressive 720 kick, as he evaded several more of their tentacles, while landing several counter-strikes.

"Stop moving!" Adagio snarled, as she aggressively makes a grab at Spike, who continues to dodge her attack by jumping in the air, spins to the side, before he lands a kick at Adagio.

Sonata and Aria all joined in, slashing their slimes tendrils at Spike, who makes several spins, and weaves his way through their assaults, while launching some chops, strikes, and kicks in retaliation.

"Which was kinda soon, since Shelly may have got in the way," the hippocampus said, while frowning at the purple clam.

Spike didn't look where he was stepping, and it was too late, when he slipped on a purple clam with googly eyes, and fell into the mass of slime, which devoured him whole.

Spike pondered on what the sea pony said, before it came back to him, "You mean those three girls outside, with the long necks? And one of them looked like she has a giant beehive?"

The hippocampus instantly burst out laughing, "B-B-Beehive!" she laughed. "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard since-well, since I got trapped in here, but still....." the hippocampus continues to laugh, with Spike finding himself laughing with her. "As always Spike, you're a lot of fun!"

"Y'know, I guess I am," Spike chuckled, before he ceased. "Wait! How do you know my name?" He asked.

"Everybody knows your name, Prince Spike Draco!" the hippocampus smiled. "That, and I know you by reputation," the hippocampus blushed, while holding her fins together and shaking herself from side to side.

"Oh," Spike said in acknowledgement. "So, who might you be?"

"I'm Princess Skystar!" the hippocampus answered. "And these are Shelly, and Sheldon!" She said, while holding up the two shells. "Go on. Don't be shy. Say hi to them."

"Uh, hi," Spike greeted reluctantly, while waving to the clams.

With an excited squeal, Princess Skystar swam circles around Spike, "This is so great! Now we can be the best of friends together! We can play the bubblefish! Write songs and sing them together! Or we can make friendship bracelets out of shells, and... picture frames outta shells, and... decorative wastebaskets out of shells... Oh, I have so many projects that involve shells!" Prince Skystar laughs, "Now I have someone new to share them with. I mean, aside from my friends Shelly and Sheldon."

"Yeah," Spike replied, nonchantaly. "Look, all of that sounds like fun and all. But-" Spike's ears perked up, when he hears several bloodcurdling screaming in the distance. "My friends are in trouble! I gotta go and save them, now!"

Before Spike could make a movie, Skystar was the first to act, "Well, then what are we waiting for!" With a flip of her tail, Princess Skystar swam around back, and placed her fins on Spike's bubble, "To the rescue!"

Just before she could shove off, however, Spike stopped her, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He exclaimed. "What do you mean by 'we?'"

"Well, don't you want me to help you?" Skystar asked, looking confused. "I mean, isn't that what friends do?"

"Well, yes, I mean, no! I mean," Spike breathed deeply, before he answered. "It's not that I don't want to be friends with you, or anything. I mean, you are kinda cute, I'll admit," Skystar couldn't help but blush at the comment. "And you sound like you're a lot of fun. But I'm kinda in the middle of a mission, that's a matter of life and death. And I gotta find and rescue my friends in this thing, and save Equestria as soon as possible."

"But, if you're going to go and help your friends, then I want to help out too!" Skystar smiled, as she got behind Spike and pushed him, in his bubble. "A friend of yours is a friend of mine! And if my friends are in trouble, then you and I are going to save them! Cause ya know... one small thing can make a really big difference~" Skystar sang the last part. "Besides, how are you going to find your friends, if you don't know where ya going?" Shyster asked.

Spike tried to reply, but failed, "TouchΓ©," he admitted in defeat.

Smiling proudly of herself, Princess Skystar eagerly pushed on the bubble, down in a tunnel. During the trip, Skystar decided to struck up conversations, "So, what's it like?" she asked eagerly. "What's it like to be the Dragon Prince? Is it true you can breathe fire? And is it also true that when you were small, you still managed to fly, without wings? And what's it like to get struck by lightning, and lose your memories, only to have it all come back to you ten years later?"

"Wow, you're asking a lot of questions," Spike replied, finding it hard to keep up with the sea pony's energy, let alone answer her questions at once. In some ways, Spike couldn't help but picture her as another Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, sorry," Princess Skystar chuckled nervously, while blushing. "I just get so excited! I mean, this is the first time I've ever been out of my room from Seaquestria, in like forever! That, and this is the first time I've ever had a conversation with someone, inside the Smooze. Aside from Shelly and Sheldon of course!" She said, referring to the two clams at the last part.

"You don't say," Spike replied. "Speaking of which. How is it that you can still swim inside the Smooze, while the rest of us, me included, are still trapped in these bubbles?"

"Um, I don't know," Skystar answered. "Not even Shelly or Sheldon knew why. But if I had to guess, it's probably because somehow, this giant Smooze monster is also a water element. Meaning some of us who are creatures of water can live on, inside the Smooze, almost as if it's another ocean. A very yucky ocean, though," Skystar grimaced, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

Spike looked, and finally took notice of some fishes swimming by, "So I noticed," Just then, the Dragon Prince's ears perked up, "Fluttershy!" he shouted, as he quickly got up, struggling to push the bubble in one direction.

"Hold on tight, Spike!" Skystar smiled. "We'll save, Fluttershy!" With a flip of her tail, Skystar pushed herself and Spike at an incredible speed that rivals to dolphins. "Who is this Fluttershy?" she asked.


The yellow buttercup pegasus was frantically running down a path, trying in vain to outrun the menace behind her.

"Why do you run?" the demon's voice asked. "Is this not fun for you?"

"No!!!" Fluttershy whimpered, as she continues to run, while shedding a few drops of tears.

"This is so upsetting," the voice replied. "But that's okay. You'll have a change of heart. It's not like you can escape from me. After all," In a sudden burst of smokes, there stood a demonic filly, resembling Applebloom. "I've got my eyes on you!"

Fluttershy screamed in pure horror, as the demon advances on the frighten pegasus, "HEEEELPPP!!!" Fluttershy wailed. "SPIIIIIIIKEEEEEE!!!"

Rainbow Dash

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!!" Rainbow wailed at the top of her lungs, feeling the cold, sharp blade of the knife, piercing her skin and entering her body. Tears run down Rainbow's cheeks, as she endures through the tortures the nightmare specter of Pinkie Pie was doing to her.

"Stop screaming, Dash!" Pinkie giggle sadistically. "Detention, Potter!”

β€œDetention? You’re a big asshole than Flintheart!”

β€œIt'll be over soon! You'll be dead then!" Pinkie cackled.

"But I want to live!" Rainbow cried. "There's so much to see! So much to do!"

"Then your life will flash before you die!" Pinkie giggled. "Every pony get that, when their time of dying is upon them."

"STOP IT! PLEASE!!!" Rainbow sobbed, as the torture continues, 'Spike! Spike! Wherever you are, help!'


"Spike," Applejack wept. "What have I done? What have I done?!" As if answering her questions, Applejack's vision flashes, as she sees herself, working tirelessly on a hot summer day.

In her vision, Applejack sees herself looking dreadful, with her eyes darkened, her pupils having shrunken to a menacing reptilic pupil, and her hooves were bloodied red. The apple trees were coated in blood, from Applejack's hooves, the ponies whom she had killed, in her sense of madness, along with the unconscious body of her sister, lying motionless next to Spike's dead form, in a puddle of blood.

However, the image that frightens Applejack the most, was her deranged counterpart, drenched in pig's blood, standing over Spike, laughing.

β€œDid you really believed I was gone that easily?” Deranged Applejack laughed, over Spike, in a demonic voice. β€œYou've made a grave mistake, thinking I was gone. And for that, you will pay dearly with your pathetic lives," The demon Applejack continues. "Let your demise be a message to all! As long as there are madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. I am never gone! We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread.”

"NO! PLEASE!!" Applejack pleaded. "STOP!! STOP!! STOP!!"

Pinkie Pie

The frighten pink pony herself, was running in fear, determined to escape the menace that's behind her. Next thing Pinkie knew, she ran smacking headfirst into a glass wall. When she tries to run the other way, she ends up running in another wall. It was apparent, she was trapped in a maze of mirrors.

No matter where Pinkie goes, and no matter how hard she tried to break the computer screen to escape, the nightmare won't let her have it.

"Lemme out!" she banged on the glass walls. "Some pony let me out of here!"

Visions flashed through Pinkie's mind, as she sees gruesome images of her friends, and their untimely demise.

"No! Not the scissor! Not the scissor!" Rarity pleaded, while covering the right half of her face, which was bleeding.

"Pinkie! No!" Fluttershy whimpered, while Pinkie's hooves were holding her by the neck.

"STOP IT!!! PLEASE!!" Rainbow sobbed.

"Not my head!" Applejack whimpered, as Pinkie's hooves mercilessly beat the apple pony's face to a bloody pulp.

"Pinkie! You break my heart!" Twilight cried. "That's not you!"

Pinkie broke down, as she curled herself up on the floor, "Why? Why?"


Rarity was crying hysterically, after witnessing what she believed to be the demise of her beloved sister. Looking up, Rarity could see the menacing grin of Nightmare Moon, still cackling at her.

Having enough, Rarity's sorrowful look burned away, to be replaced with a look of anger, and vengeance.

"You will pay for this!" With a loud karate scream, Rarity leapt forward, eager to give the dark alicorn a piece of her mind.

Nightmare Moon initially laughed in response, while blocking the unicorn's attempts to avenge her sister. Concentrating into her powers, Rarity conjured several large gemstones that sprouted from the ground, and pierced Nightmare Moon, through her armor. Then, with a final scream, Rarity kicked the dark alicorn's helmet off, to reveal her own face.

Rarity gasped, "No! It can't be!" she whimpered. "You're me!"

Nightmare Rarity cackled wickedly, before she slashes her claws at Rarity.

Button Mash

Button Mash opened his eyes, to find himself in bed, and in his room.

Looking around, Button asked himself, "I'm home?"

Suddenly, a large scratching sound was heard from the left, behind the door. Curious, but at the same time frightened, Button slowly got out of bed, as he cautiously creaked the door open. At first, there was nothing there. Nothing, except for large scratch marks that ran down on his door. Button looked closely at the marks, putting his hands up to them, feeling the depth in each marks.

Button gulped, while holding his neck, fearing for the worse.


"AAH!!" Button yelped, as he frightfully jumps around, to see that his Minecraft pickaxe had fallen from its perch, and on the floor. "Oh, it's just you, Sir Pick-A-Lot," Button sighed in relief, as he walks over to pick up the foam pickaxe, and hangs it back up on its perch, right when something cold and sharp grabbed him from behind.

Button struggled to break free, but the creature holding him had a firm grip, and sharp claws that dug into the boy's skins on his shoulders.

Spike Draco

"BWAH!!" Spike yelped, as he flashes back to reality.

"AAAH!!!" Skystar screamed. "Don't scare me like that!" the sea pony chided to the Dragon Prince, who was quickly beating his chest to ease his rapid heartbeat. "Hey! Are you okay?"

"Sorry," Spike panted. "I just had some strange vision."

"Strange, how?"

"It's hard to explain," Spike held his head close. "It was like one moment, I'm right here. Next thing I knew, I'm seeing my friends, getting chased, tortured, and attacked by all sort of monsters!"

"Oh that's terrible!" Princess Shyster replied. "Last time I ever got chased, tortured, and attacked by a monster was when the Storm King and his armies came to our home, and almost put me in a cage!"

"Spike!" a voice called.

"Sunset?!" Spike called out, as he glanced around. "Is that you?"

"Who's Sunset?" Skystar asked, looking at Spike incredulously.

"What?!" Spike turned to Skystar. "You mean you don't-"

"Spike!" Sunset spoke up. "I'm speaking to you via telepathy. But time is running out! Listen carefully!"

"Go ahead," Spike replied mentally. "I'm listening."

While Spike continues to converse with Sunset through telepathy, Princess Skystar took note of Spike's sudden silence, as well as the shakes and nods he makes with his head, and the change of expressions on his face.

"Hmm, he's kinda strange," Skystar commented on Spike's unusual behavior. "But it's a good strange. I mean, he may not look like a dragon, or a pony, or anything I'd ever seen of the sort. But he's still a good guy. Right Shelly and Sheldon?" she asked to her two clams.

Meanwhile, deep in Spike's subconsciousness, the boy was not liking what he's being informed of, "All of these nightmares," Sunset continued. "They're stressing their minds, and it's destroying them, from the inside-out!"

"Then wake them up, before it's too late!" Spike exclaimed.

"I can't," Sunset replied. "I've only had enough power to mind block Nightmare Smooze's dark powers. But I can't get through to them!"

"But we have to do something!" Spike replied. "We can't let Nightmare Smooze win!"

"Then, how were you awake, in the first place, Spike?" Sunset asked, before she gazed further, in his thoughts.

Outside of the Smooze

"This ends now!" Scorpan snarled, while grappling fiercely with Somnambula, who was holding the gargoyle off by her staff.

"Yes! But for whom is the question," Somnambula replied, before her eyes fired explosive balls of fires that knocked Scorpan away. With a twirl of her staff, Somnambula projected a magical blade from one end, with which she aimed for Scorpan's chest, as she lunged forward.

At the last second, Scorpan caught Somnambula's staff, with the blades seconds away from plunging into Scorpan's skin. With a final grunt, Scorpan hooked one of his leg around Somnambula's neck, and he skillfully threw her off, while at the same time, disarmed her of her staff. Scorpan raised the staff up, ready to break it down on his knee, when the winged monkeys swooped in and intervened.

The monkeys all jumped, clawing and biting at Scorpan, before one of them secured the staff, and presented it to Somnambula, who gratefully reclaimed it.

"Ha ha ha ha! Where's your friend now, Scorpan?" Somnambula cackled, before she twirled her staff, with a crack of thunder. "Say farewell to this world, while you still can!"

"Not so fast, Somnambula!" a voice spoke, as a puff of smoke came and rammed into Somnambula, knocking her to the side. The smoke dispersed to reveal itself to be the man in fedora, "First, you must pay for your betrayal!"

"You are the traitor, Joe!" Somnambula snarled, as she fires several lightning bolts in retaliation. "You are a traitor of yourself, your kin, and to Nightmare Moon!" Somnambula waved her staff, and fired a blast of magic, which Joe successfully blocked. "And most of all! To Starswirls!"

"You keep telling yourself that, Somnambula," Joe replied grimly, as he disappears in a puff of smoke, and reappeared behind the sorceress. "It is a shame that you have gone so far as to deceive, even yourself, just to be spared from the grief you've tried so hard to run from," the man frowned, as he continues, "Not to mention what you and your fellow pillars have done to Stygian!"

"That little bumbling apprentice of yours?" Somnambula snarled. "He was doomed to begin with."

"SILENCE!!" Joe shouted, blowing Somnambula back.

Meanwhile, back on the mountain, Moondancer, Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer, Fleur, and Princess Celestia were still channeling their powers via the Sun Stone.

"Talk to me!" Indigo grunted, as she and the rest of her renegade posse continue to fend off some monsters that were advancing on them. "What's the score?"

"We need more time!" Moondancer groaned in response.

"Where's Twilight, when we needed her?" Lemon Zest whimpered, while dodging a bat-like monster. "Don't answer that, Sugar!" the rock girl exclaimed, just as the blunt girl was about to answer.

"Just because Twilight isn't here," Sunny groaned, as she sliced a slime monster. "Doesn't mean we should stop fighting!"

"Exactly!" Sour agreed. "Friendship til' the end!" Sour paused for a moment, as she had a look of surprise on her face. "Whoa. Did I just say that?"

"Eeyup," her friends said in agreement.

"How pathetic!" a voice spoke up, revealing itself to be Abacus Cinch, who flew in, courtesy of the jetpacks on her suit. "I've taught you girls better than that! How tragic to see that I've done nothing to mold you all into the warriors you were meant to be!"

"Oh you did a good job alright," Indigo growled. "Good job at teaching us on how to lose! And how to fight without honor!"

"We thought we were doing the right thing, for Nightmare Moon's children!" Sour Sweet began. "But no! You tricked us into taking over the world! And attempted to kill Spike!"

"Fighting a dragon is one thing!" Lemon Zest began. "But when that dragon is a good guy, and I'm automatically a bad guy? That's just a new low!"

"I thought the reason we've been fighting Prince Spike since day one, was because we've been promised of the Dragonfire fulfilling our deepest desires," Sugarcoat spoke bluntly.

"SUGAR!!!" the Shadowbolt girls shouted at their blunt friend.

"You insolent little girls!" Abacus growled, as she fired several barrels of lasers upon the Shadowbolts, who quickly ducked for cover. "It's time I teach you all, your final lesson!" Suddenly, a bolt of magic was fired, and Abacus staggered slightly in the air.

"Leave them alone, Abacus!" Princess Cadence ordered, as she flew up to the woman. "Or you'll answer to me!"

"With pleasure, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!" Abacus smirked evilly. "I was going to replace you with Somnambula, anyway."

With that, Abacus Cinch conjured a long staff, with huge energy blades at both ends. With a loud cry, Abacus Cinch charged towards Princess Cadence, who flapped her wings, as she flew back. Princess Cadence magically conjures a shield, saving herself from Abacus's slashes. Abacus slashed her staff viciously, before she manages to break through the shield, shattering it to pieces, while cutting Cadence's skin, at the shoulder.

"AAAAUGH!!" Cadence screamed, as she focused her powers, and closed the wound up. Narrowing her eyes in determination, Cadence took a glance at Princess Celestia, before she sets her eyes on Abacus Cinch. "Is that all you got?" Cadence frowned, as her horn glowed a blazing aura of blue, "Then I'm going to take you down!" With a loud scream, Cadence charged towards Abacus Cinch.

Meanwhile, from their spot, Hydia and her daughters were laughing evilly.

"Victory is ours!" Hydia cackled. "The world is ours!" With that, Hydia went into a laughing fit, with her daughters following.

"Yeah!" Reeka cackled. "I can just taste sweet victory!"

"Duh, what's it taste like?" Draggle asked.

"It's a figure of speech, you idiot!" Reeka snarled, as she pulled Draggle's overall straps, then the dumb witch's flaming hair over her eyes, then the nose.

"Ooh, I hate it when you do that!" With that, Draggle and Reeka both jumped at each other in tussle.

"Will you knock it off?!" Hydia barked.

"Well she started it!" Reeka replied, pointing at Draggle, who was sucking her thumb.

"Look at you girls!" Hydia groaned. "This is why all my friends are laughing at me! Even when I've successfully committed a crime!"

"You mean like the time, when you stole a dime for a lime?" a voice spoke.

Hydia, Reeka, and Draggle turned to see Zecora, with Trixie, and Kyrie.

"Why Zecora," Hydia began, looking begrudgingly at the zebra, who had the same expression on her face. "It's been many moons."

"Indeed," Zecora agreed. "Back then, you were quite the flash bees' knees."

"You just got lucky then!" Hydia frowned. "And believe me! I would've succeeded, had that yellow pegasus friend of yours not got in the way!"

"Yeah!" Reeka began. "That Fluttershy's a real pain in the butt! And we hate honeys!"

"Duh, and girls!" Draggle shouted, stupidly.

"Draggle you idiot!" Reeka snarled, banging on the witch's head. "We are girls!"

"Oh, I'm surrounded by idiots," Hydia groaned, before she turned back to Zecora, Trixie, and Kyrie. "Nevertheless. What can you possibly do to stop me?" Hydia then turned her eyes, as she took notice of Trixie. "Actually, wait a minute," the old witch walked over to Trixie, and took a whiff. "Why, there's hardly any magic in this little girl!"

"HARDLY?!!" Trixie exclaimed, out of insult. "The Great and Powerful Trixie shall prove you wrong!" Taking out her wand, Trixie waved it around, before she fired several sparkling balls of fires at the three witches.

Unfazed, Hydia took a deep breath, before she exhales, blowing the fireworks away, "Foolish little girl," Hydia sneered. "Parlor tricks mean nothing to me! Let me show you what true magic is!" With a wave of her hands, Hydia conjured an aura of cracking dark lightning bolts, before she fired them upon Trixie.

"PROTEGO!!" Trixie yelped in fright, only for Zecora to tackle the girl out of harm's way.

"Potato?" Reeka asked.

"Duh, I thought it was po-ta-toe," Draggle droned.

"Focus girls!" Hydia snarled. "Do you want us to win?"

"Duh, I thought we were already winning," Draggle spoke.

"We'll win, if we dispose of these meddlers!" Hydia snarled, as she continues her assault on the girl and zebra.

"Y'know, for a bunch of witches, they don't seem to get along," Kyrie spoke, from Trixie's hat.

"What gave it away?" Trixie asked rhetorically, before she had an epiphany. "Hey! That gives Trixie an idea!" Turning to Zecora, the zebra nodded her head, getting the message.

Turning back, Trixie taunted, "Trixie may not be a challenge for you! So why waste your times on me, and not Zecora? She's clearly the more clever! Get her!"

"That can be arranged!" Hydia cackled, firing her lightning bolts at the zebra, who disappears in a puff of smokes, before reappearing a few hooves away.

"Why of all the nerve!" Zecora began. "I'd give that girl what she deserves!"

"Sounds easy enough for me!" Reeka smacked her lips. "She's got no powers anyway!"

"Well, why not have Kyrie?" Trixie asked, showing the little canary in her hat. "She's worth more than me and Zecora put together!" With that, Hydia fired a lightning bolt at the said bird, who quickly took flight, while Trixie quickly pulls her hat away.

"I'm just a little bird who sings good," Kyrie chirped. "At least Zecora and Trixie both know how to fight."

"Oh, I hate singing," Reeka groaned.

At this point, Hydia was at her limit, "ENOUGH!!!" With a frustrated roar, Hydia angrily blasted several dark spells in random directions.

"Get her!" the three heroines said in unison, while pointing at each other.

Confused, and having a headache, Hydia had enough, "SILENCE!!!" the old witch screamed. Before she could do anything however, several nerve bullets were shot from behind, with her two daughters meeting the same fate.

Before anyone knew it, a blur of black, and the three witches find themselves captured, in sticky green webs, courtesy of Thorax and Celaeno.

β€œThanks for the help, Celaeno!” Kyrie chirped.

β€œDon’t mention it, lass!” the anthro parrot spoke. β€œWe birds of a feather must stick together, ya know.”

"Hey! What about me?" Thorax asked.

Zecora simply chuckled, "Oh, relax, Thorax. We humbly thank you, too."

Nightmare Smooze was nothing but a huge tidal wave, as she charges toward the Sun Stone, with Neira, Edgar, and their guards continuing their icy assault on her, trying in vain to slow her down.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!" an elderly penguin guard shouted, before he stomped his staff, into the slimes, causing them to freeze into ice coats.

The ice all flowed from where the penguin had slammed his staff, making their way up to Nightmare Smooze's alicorn head.

"I beg to differ!" Nightmare Smooze hissed, as she breaks free from her icy prison, and grabs the penguin sorcerer with her tentacles, had Neira not intervened, and cuts the elder penguin free.

Then, at the same time, the Breezie's rejuvenation was complete.

"Yes!" the little aquamarine breezie shouted. "We feel better!" With a flash of sparkling lights, the breezies all grew bigger, before they stood before the ponies, and humans, in tall alicorn forms, while still retaining their translucent wings and antenna.

"Now's our time!" the aquamarine breezie shouted, as he led his fellow power boosted breezies to battle.

"So you changed yourselves into Flutter Ponies to fight me," Nightmare Moon began, unfazed. "Really?" In response, the Flutter Ponies all flapped their wings, showering rains of magic dusts on Nightmare Smooze, causing some of her slimes to crack, before it quickly closes up. "You're nothing but insignificant insects to me!" Nightmare Smooze cackled. "And insects get SQUASHED!!!" Nightmare Smooze roared, when she grabbed a handful of Flutter Ponies, "And exterminated!!" Before she reveals they've been transfigured into bat ponies.

The flutter ponies watched in horror, as the bat ponies charged towards them. Then, Princess Celestia appeared in a flash, concentrating into her horn, Celestia fired a brilliant ray of light at the bat ponies, blinding them. The bat ponies all let out piercing screeches, briefly stunning Princess Celestia, and the flutter ponies. Then, with another vortex of slimes, most of the Flutter Ponies were knocked from the sky, and plummeted into the sea below, where they became stuck, and sank, disappearing from the surface. Eventually, the penguins were overwhelmed by Nightmare Smooze's sea, and too started to sank beneath.

"Neira!" Edgar groaned. "It's all up to you now!" With that, the Penguin Prince sank out of sight.

"EDGAR!!!" Neira screamed in despair.

"Luna! You've got to listen to reasons!" Celestia pleaded. "All our people are dying! You're going to destroy our world!" In response, Celestia was grabbed by one of Nightmare Smooze's tentacles.

"Then so BE IT!!" Nightmare Smooze roared, as she throws Celestia into one of the mountains.

Celestia caught herself, as she lands on the mountain side. With another bloodcurdling howl, Nightmare Smooze lunged towards Celestia, as a huge tidal wave. At the last second, Celestia caught the slime monster, in her golden telepathic aura.

"The playing field is almost even, Luna!" Celestia struggled to maintain her magic aura.

"You and the Breezies may have gained strength, provided by the Sun Stone," Nightmare Smooze began. "But relatively to me, all that it makes you, is a swarm of annoying ants!" With a loud roar, Nightmare Smooze broke free of Celestia's grip, as she grabs the alicorn, and began to submerge her into the ocean.

"Pity you will not live to see my reign over your world!" Luna hissed. "But don't worry, your death shall be a martyr for a new world order. One where no one will ever defy my powers in fear of death! Who will try and stop the demon sorceress who plunged into the dark of night, the dark of destruction?"

From their hiding spot, Rara, together with Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and the others, all watched, while finding it hard to deny what they had seen.

"No!" Rara muttered. "AJ! Girls!" A drop of tear escaped Rara's eyes, and trickled down her cheek. "It can't end. Not like this."

β€œNo! It’s not over! Not yet!” Spike’s voice echoed.

Rara perked her head up, as she and the survivors looked around.

"Just now, was that Spike I just heard?" she asked in bewilderment.

"Huh?" Minuette looked up, together with everyone else around them. "Hey! Look!" Minuette exclaimed, pointing to Nightmare Smooze, showing a faint aura of golden lights emitting through the slimy hides of the monster.

"AAARRRGGGH!!" Nightmare Smooze groaned. "What trickery is this?"

Inside Nightmare Smooze

Deep in the darkness of Nightmare Smooze, a small spark of light was glowing, and Spike's voice can be heard.

β€œTen years! I’ve been gone away from this world, for ten years! And let me tell you something. That’s a long time for me to be away, from my mom, my friends, and my family!” There was a pause, before Spike resumes. β€œAnd it’s going to take more than a slime monster to keep me apart from my family again. Because for what it’s worth, my family is worth fighting for! So until the end, I'm going to protect everything that's important to me!”

"Nephew," a voice spoke, as a sparkling blue light pierced through the darkness. "You truly are amazing. I....I am....proud...."

"Aunt Luna!" Spike exclaimed.

"Please nephew," Luna spoke. "Take the last of my power....."

Next thing Spike knew, he was surrounded in a coat of golden aura that broke him free of his dark chains, and bubble. The surprise, however, doesn't end there, for Spike finds himself, morphing into his dragon form.

"Whoa, check me out!" Spike exclaimed excitedly, looking over his renewed dragon form.

"Wow!" Skystar exclaimed, swimming up beside him. "So this is what you looked like, as a dragon? It's awesome! And funny," Skystar giggled.

"What do you mean, funny?" Spike asked.

"Those sea anemone stuck on your nose!" Skystar giggled.

Spike wiggled his snout, as well as stroking his lips, and sure enough, he felt his whiskers once more, "Oh yeah," he spoke. "I almost forgot about having these," Shaking his head, Spike concentrated his newly renewed magic, plus his aunt's, "C'mon. Let's do this!"

"Okay!" Skystar agreed, as she soon joined in.

Concentrating into the power his aunt had given him, Spike's whole form was coated in a light blue aura, and he breathes a huge stream of fire, that pierced the darkness around him and Skystar. Together, the two heroes find themselves flying over New York, in the night sky, surrounded by clouds, and stars.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Skystar exclaimed in excitement, bedazzled not only by the stars above, but of the city below. "Wow, it's so pretty!" Skystar smiled. "It's just as pretty as Seaquestria! What is it?" the excited sea pony asked.

"That would be New York," Spike replied, before his whiskers twitched, and he turned to see a path of sparkling lights, leading both him and Princess Skystar towards a door, with a baseball helmet, bat, and glove imprinted on the front.

Not wasting a second, the two heroes burst through the door, and finds themselves in Rumble's nightmare.

The boy was currently fighting for his life, against the main villain form all the slasher films, Jason Voorhees.

In appearance, Rumble don up a similar hockey mask, while equipped with both a golf club, a baseball bat, an umpire's guard, paddings, and roller blades. Rumble was clearly trying to make himself look more intimidating, which didn't appear to work.

"Stay back!" Rumble quivered, beneath his gears. "I'm warning you! I can float like a butterfly, but I can sting like a bee!" In response, Jason swung his machete at Rumble, who was fortunate enough to duck his head down in time. "Okay! I warned you!" Out of fright, and in retaliation, Rumble got out several hockey pucks, before he struck them all towards the psychotic killer, with his club. Jason simply shrugged them off, as if they were nothing, as he slowly, and menacingly walks towards Rumble, who trips and fell on his roller blades.

Just as Jason was ready to plunge his blade into the young athlete's heart, a burst of green flame was erupted, stopping the killer in his track. Then, Spike came flying in, throwing a fist, punching the masked killer away.

"Hey Rumble!" Spike greeted.

"Yo, Spike!" Rumble exclaimed. "Where'd you come from?"

"Long story pal," Spike replied. "I'll tell you later. Right now, we've got to find the others, fast!" Not wasting another second, Spike grabs Rumble, and together, the two boys, and sea pony all flew out of the nightmare, and out into the dreamy apparitions of New York.

"Whoa!" Rumble exclaimed. "That was all a dream?"

"This whole thing is a dream," Spike replied. "We're still inside Nightmare Smooze. And she's killing us, through our nightmares! And if we don't hurry up, she'll succeed with the others!"

"Then come on!" Rumble began, as he reaches behind his back and pulls out the Sword of Honor. "Let's rock n roll!"

"Rock and roll?" Princess Skystar asked.

"Uh, you are?" Rumble asked the newcomer.

"Rumble. Skystar," Spike quickly introduced and vice versa, before his whiskers twitched, and they were on their way to another door.

Button Mash

Button Mash was running for dear life from the deranged, grossly disfigured, psychotic killer, Freddy Krueger.

"Riddikulus!" Button Mash shouted, pointing his finger at Freddy, turning the man into Freddy Fazbear. "No, I made him worse!" Freddy Fazbear leapt at Button Mash, who ducked his head as the animatronic bear flies over him. When Button Mash got up, the bear got up and turned itself into the Akhlut. "AAAAH!!!! HARRY POTTER SAVE ME!!!" Button wailed, as he took off running, chased by the the now transfigured giant wolf.

Just as the Akhlut was about to snap up poor Button Mash. Princess Skystar got in the way, and sang a beautiful, calming song that calmed the beast, and putting it to sleep.

"Whoa! A merpony?!" Button Mash exclaimed in bewilderment. "Where'd you come from? Please don't be one of those cute looking evil mermaids who eat sailors!" Button requested, as he held his hands up in defense.

"Cute looking evil mermaids who eat sailors?" Skystar asked, while looking around. "Where? Where?"

"I think he's talking about you," Rumble replied.

"Wuh-me?" Skystar laughed. "That's crazy talk. Why would I eat sailors? Seaweed salad is so much tastier!"

"Yo Rumble! Spike!" Button greeted happily, as he walks up to the two boys, sharing handshakes and fist bumps. "Boy am I glad to see you guys! I thought I was a goner for sure!"

"That makes two of us," Rumble replied. "But now's not the time for idle chit-chats. We gotta go and rescue the others!"


The young New York Times journalist was walking down, what appeared to be, the slum part of New York. The buildings on both sides looked as if they're ready to fall apart, with broken windows still littered with shards. Many of the bricks have come loose, and fell out of place. The street Featherweight was walking on was no better. It was littered with a sea of rubbish that were blowing across the street, by the wind, giving it the appearance of an urban Wild West town.

Featherweight was walking down the street, equipped with only a large digital camera that comes auto focus, and a flash. But that's hardly enough for protection, considering the threat he would be facing in his nightmare. Speaking of whom, the sound of chainsaw running broke the silence, and Featherweight, shivering with fear, slowly turns around to see a tall man, in ragged hand-me-down clothes, holding a running chainsaw in both hands. However, the most defining, and most frightening feature of the man, is the fact he was wearing a mask, made from human skins.

Featherweight's pupil shrank to the sizes of dots, and his trembling hands accidentally pressed a button on the camera that trigged a flash. In response, the man jerked his head back in surprise, showing indication of slight blindness. After his vision was cleared, the man sets his sight on Featherweight, raising his chainsaw up with a bloodcurdling howl, and runs towards the frightened journalist.

Featherweight dropped the camera, as he quickly breaks off in a run, determined to get away from the killer.

'I've dreamed about finding the scoop for the front page!' Feather panicked in his thoughts. 'Though I was kinda hoping of finding one that's free of big time criminals chasing the reporter! Namely MEEEE!!' The crazy man jumped out from behind a wall, slashing his chainsaw at Featherweight, who narrowly ducked down in time.

Not wasting another heartbeat, chainsaw wielding murder slashed his chainsaw again on Featherweight, who was out of range by then, as he continues running for dear life.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Featherweight shouted in fear, looking back, seeing the man wasn't listening. Looking ahead, Featherweight saw a huge forest coming up, "I'll lose him in there!" With that, Featherweight makes a mad dash into the trees.

Hiding behind one of them, Featherweight took the time to catch his breath, 'I think I lost him,' Featherweight panted heavily, in his thoughts. Suddenly, the boy's words got eaten, when the chainsaw roared in his ear, and he quickly sprinted to life, while the tree behind him was cut down by the maniac, who continues his pursuit, after the boy.

Featherweight kept on running, brushing through the branches and leaves, when a hand grabbed him from above, and pulled him into the tree.

Featherweight struggled to break free, only for a familiar voice to speak, "Relax Feathers," Spike said. "It's just me!"

"And me!" Button spoke.

"And me!" Rumble added.

"And me!" Princess Skystar joined.

All thoughts of the frightful experience instantly vanished, as Featherweight was relieved to see his boys, and their newcomer, "Boy am I glad to see you guys, and gal!" Feathers said the last part to include Skystar. "Where'd you come from?"

"Well, when a mommy hippogriff, and a daddy hippogriff love each-"

"No, no, no, no," Featherweight interrupted Skystar. "Where did you guys, and gal, come from?"

"Oh!" Skystar said in acknowledgement. "We just got here from Button Mash's nightmare!"

"Nightmare?" Featherweight looked at the other Knights.

"Friday the 13th," Rumble answered.

"Freddy Krueger," Button added.

"Talk later!" Spike exclaimed, as he and the heroes narrowly avoided a butcher's knife that came flying their way.

Button screamed, before he repeatedly beaten his heart. Looking down, the boys could see the killer, revving his chainsaw at the ready, as the brute proceeded to cut the tree the heroes were hiding in.

"Leatherface?!" the Knights exclaimed, recognizing the legendary killer who started the slasher genre for all horror movies.

"It had to be Leatherface?" Rumble asked Featherweight.

"It could be worse you know," Feathers replied.

"Oh really?" Button began. "How?"

"I'd probably dream of Jeff the Killer," Featherweight replied.

"Hmm, good point," Button answered.

"Guys!" Spike spoke up. "Now's not the time!" Turning their attention back at the chainsaw wielding killer, the Knights and sea pony watched as Spike jumped off the tree, and lands on Leatherface's head, before he leapt off, just as the brute slashed his chainsaw in retaliation.

Landing a good distance away, Spike turns around to see Leatherface running after him, with his chainsaw still running. Not wasting a beat, Spike went running up to a tree, and runs up its barks, where he flips off into a backflip over the brute, who plunged his chainsaw into the tree, missing Spike, who landed behind the man and breathed fire on the man's butt.

Taken by surprise, while feeling the burnt inflicted on his butt, Leatherface angrily slashes his running chainsaw at the boy, who did several backflips, before he threw a fire shuriken at Leaetherface, knocking the chainsaw out of the man's hand. Further angered, Leatheface got out a butcher's knife as he viciously slashes the blade at Spike, who took his cape off, and twisted it, making it looked almost like a rope of some sort. Remembering a lesson he learned from Scorpan about catching and throwing an enemy off guard, Spike skillfully dodges Leatherface's slashes, before at the last moment, he skillfully catches the hand wielding the knife, ties into a knot with his cape, before he held Leatherface's arms out, and using his weight against him, together with his dragon super strength, Spike skillfully throws the man in the air, before he came back down to the ground, landing hard on his back.

Leatherface struggled to get up. However, Spike appeared before him in dragon form, catching the killer by surprise, who appears frightened behind his mask. Concentrating into his powers, Spike felt a hot sensation surging up his throat, before it erupted in a green flame that flew into Leatherface's screaming mouth, burning the killer to dust.

"Now that's what I call Texas Roadhouse," Spike taunted, while the remaining Knights and Princess Skystar laughed in agreement.

"Uh, I don't get it," Sky said.

After awhile, Spike and Skystar got the Knights they managed to rescue, together in a starry plane to explain the current situation.

"Wow, those were all dreams?" Featherweight asked, to which the boys replied in confirmation. Feathers gulped as he frightfully clutches his throat, "If you guys hadn't showed up in time, I'd be a goner for sure!"

"It's almost as if we're the new stars for Nightmares on Elm Street," Rumble muttered. "Except this time, it's not a movie!"

"And the only 'cuts' we'll be hearing, will be the last sound we hear," Featherweight added.

"Yeah, it's Nightmares on Elms Street, plus Child's Play," Button began. "It's kinda like that movie I've once watched with my brother, Gibson. And it taught me a valuable lesson."

"What's that?" Princess Skystar asked, before the Knights could stop her from asking.

"Never trust a cupcake," Button answered.


Gibson and Button Mash both walked out of a movie theater, during the premier of Happy Death Day.

"You see Button?" Gib asked his younger brother. "That goes to show you, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And then that lemonade turns bitter and manifests itself into a wolf in sheep clothing. Never trust a cupcake, Button. Even if a pretty girl offers it to ya."

"You got it Gib!" Button replied. "Never trust a cupcake!"



Pipsqueak finds himself, lost in a dark void. The air was frigid, and cold as death. Pipsqueak shivered as he hugs himself, panting heavily, exhaling mists from his mouth. Pipsqueak looked around, his visions failing to pierce through the darkness, while preparing himself for anything, unexpected.

"Ah, little Pip," a feminine voice spoke maternally, yet somberly. "Such courage, such spirit, in one small package."

"Who's there?!" Pipsqueak shouted, getting himself in fighting stance, feeling a presence in the air.

"Now, now little one," the voice continued. "No need for such aggressions. You are among friends, and family."

"Family?" Pipsqueak asked, clearly not buying every words. "What family?"

"My family, of course," Without warning, a pair of blue orbs appeared, piercing the darkness, eyeing down on Pipsqueak. "Where everyone can grow strong and happy. And I am their mother," Pipsqueak watched, stilling in fighting stance as the eyes floated around him, before the darkness evaporates, to reveal Nightmare Moon, herself. "I can be your mother too, little Pip. Just as Spike finds his mother in Princess Celestia, I can be yours too. Only better."

"Mommy!" a child's voice called, to which Pip turned around, seeing he and Nightmare Moon were surrounded by what appeared to be a herd of foals, all coated in black smoky auras, with their eyes glowing white.

"You see, Pip?" Nightmare Moon spoke sweetly. "I'm not as bad as I appeared to be," Nightmare Moon continued maternally. "For you see, I've been rescuing these children who are just like me. Lost, misguided, and abandoned. I am simply building a future, where all my little children can grow strong and happy. The Shadowbolts are my children's guardians. My warriors of the nights. Our protectors," Nightmare Moon turned to Pipsqueak, who slowly backed away, as she walked up to him. "Why must we fight, when you can join us, and have a family again?"

"NEVER!!" Pipsqueak shouted in denial. "I'll never join you! I've got friends with me, till the end!"

Nightmare Moon laughed, "Bravery," she chuckled. "Something to be commended of a boy, your age, despite your size. But don't try and deny it, little Pip. I see inside you, your longing of a mother's love," At the mention of his mother, Pip's gaze softened, as he slowly lets his guards down. "Yes, Pip. That's right. That's a good boy. I'll keep you safe. I'll hold you close at night. Just trussssssst in me," Nightmare Moon said hauntingly at the last part, coming closer to Pipsqueak.

Realizing what she was trying to do, Pipsqueak jumped back, away from the alicorn, "You liar!" Pipsqueak shouted. "I'll never join you! And I'll never betray my friends! Because no matter how much I missed my mum and dad, my friends are my family, and I'll never let you take that away from me!"

Nightmare Moon scowled, "Insolent welp!" She neighed, kicking her fore hooves out. "You think you can win, but all you're doing is prolong the inevitable!" With a slam of her hoof, a flash of lightning break out, and the foals disappeared in puffs of smokes. "My victory is at hooves, and my empire will be resurrected! My children will thrive!"

"Well you and your children can just go to the moon for all I care!" Pipsqueak snarled. "Because you will never destroy Equestria, as long as me and my friends have anything to say about it!"

"FOAL!!" Nightmare Moon shouted, the volume of her voice knocking Pipsqueak back. "You think you can win, just because you call yourself a hero. It may have escaped unnoticed, but not all heroes can win!"

With a flash of her light, Pip then finds himself in a burning town. Looking around, he sees millions of ponies running for their lives, with all that remains of their houses going up in smokes.

Next thing he knew, he sees a large humanoid beast with massive wings, wielding a large cleaver-like blade. Pipsqueak squinted his eyes, trying to get a good look at the beast, but was unable to do so, due to the blankets of smokes that field the sky. However, Pip did looked and spotted six ponies, doing battle with the monster. Fighting alongside them, was Scorpan in his prime, with the black and red serpentine dragon, Mako, who doesn't appear to be any younger than he was seen today.

They appeared to be the ones he recognized from a collection of Equestria Chocolate Trading Cards. Cards which his nerdy friend Button Mash had been collecting. One of them was an orange pegasus in Roman-like armors, he recognized to be Flash Magnus. Another was a huge stallion with Chuck Norris's beard and mustache, named Rockhoof. Three more were mares, with one being an Egyptian pegasus, another an elderly unicorn, and the third being an earth pony, wearing a huge yellow mask with blue stripe patterns that gave it the appearance of a bird. Lastly, leading the heroic ponies, gargoyle, and dragon, was gray coat unicorn stallion, draped in a starry blue robe, pointy hat, both with golden bells, and a big silvery mustache. For some reason, Pipsqueak couldn't help but picture Gandalf in the mustache unicorn's place.

Pipsqueak watched, as the pony look-a-like of Gandalf, leads the others into battle with the monster. Rockhoof lifted a huge rock, which he bucked at the beast, who counterstrike, with a slash of its cleaver, slicing the rock as if it was nothing. The pegasus Flash Magnus came flying in a dive bomb, only to be swatted by the beast. Next, the elderly unicorn mare concentrated into her magic, as she skillfully projected what appeared to be a dragon, made of water. The dragon flew at the beast, who slashed his weapon at the elusive watery apparition.

The dragon was slippery, as it evaded the beast's blade, before it made contact to the monster's face, causing it to howl in pain. Then, several vines were conjured out of thin air, as they snaked all over the monster, attempting to suffocate it. Unfortunately, it was a futile endeavor, as the beast quickly slashes its way free from the vines' confinement, and continues its assault.

Pipsqueak watched, as the beast defeated Flash Magnus, Rockhoof, the elderly unicorn, even Scorpan and Mako were no match against the monster.

Meanwhile, the earth pony and Egyptian pegasus were busy attending to the wounded villagers.

Seeing he is the only one left, standing between the villagers and the beast, the Gandalf unicorn look-a-like stepped forward, levitating a massive stone orb in front of him, and began to chant a spell. Pipsqueak looked at the monster, which now had a look of fear on its face, as if it realizes what the unicorn was doing. Desperate, the monster makes a mad dash towards the unicorn, wings flapping, creating a strong gust of winds with each wing beats.

At the last second, the unicorn enveloped the beast in a huge wave of magical forces flooded over the monster, as well as shoving the orb close to the monster's chest. Desperately trying to stop the spell, the monster struggled to reach the wizard, but only succeeded in slashing his cleaver at the unicorn's neck, before it was gone out of sight, within the orb.

Once the task was done, the unicorn wizard smiles in triumphant, which vanishes in an instant, as the unicorn sorcerer collapse to the ground, just as his comrades all gathered around him. Among them, was a small blue alicorn mare.

"Professor Starswirl!" the alicorn cried. "No!"

"Luna," Starswirl groaned. "My student. Remember everything I've taught. Don't give into fear. Don't give into hate," the wizard groaned, as he turned to Scorpan. "Scorpan. My oldest and dearest friend. Please do me a favor and find a way to keep this monstrosity locked up. Make sure it can never be released," Scorpan complied, as both he and Mako nodded their heads in agreement. "But one day, it will be released. And when that happens, there must be a new, stronger force of warriors at the ready. All of you must continue your journey without me." With a final gasp of life, Starswirl's eyes slowly drooped, until they closed forever.

"NO!!!!" Younger Luna wailed, and she cried in the old unicorn's robe. "Professor Starswirl! Please come back!" The rest of the heroes tried their best, exchanging comforts for the little alicorn. Luna looked tearfully at Scorpan the most, whom she pulled the young gargoyle close, and cried into his mane. Then, walking from the rumbles, cloaked in a huge black robe was what appeared to be a unicorn colt about Luna's age. Luna looked, and wrapped her hoof around the colt.

Pipsqueak watched, while feeling a drop of his own tears leaking from his eyes, trickling down his cheeks.

"Do you see now, little Pip?" Nightmare Moon asked, as she walked up to the little boy's side. "The path to heroism will only lead to death. Even if it is the right thing to do, it will not prolong the fate, which is death. If you continue down this path, you will only bring yourself closer to your fate. A tragic end, for a sweet boy, with a tragic beginning," Nightmare Moon looked, and could see that Pip was at the brink of shedding tears. "Oh Pipsqueak. When you're with me, in my kingdom. There is no good or evil. There is only perfection. There is equality. You will be immortal! We will live forever after!" Putting a wing on his shoulder, she continues, "Come with me. And I shall forgive you, for your early defiance."

Pipsqueak looked back at Nightmare Moon, shaking under her snake-like eyes. Looking back at the dying body of Starswirl, mourned by his surrounding comrades. The very sight brought back memories of the stories he heard of heroes who've made valiant sacrifices to save their loved ones. Namely Rumble and Thunderlane's father, who went off on a military service over sea. Pipsqueak remember how much tears it brought for both Rumble and Thunder, when they heard their father died.

Even more so, when he and the boys saw how much the girls doted over Spike, after ten years of being far away from Equestria.

"You're wrong!" Pipsqueak replied, turning to Nightmare Moon. "There will be no perfection. There's still evil. Namely you!" Nightmare Moon was taken aback by Pipsqueak's response, "Sure, heroes aren't invincible. But their heroisms are! No evil can destroy that! They never die in vain! And even if they're gone, they're still with us," Pipsqueak said the last part, while holding his hand over his heart. "So is our friends, and family. And I'll never join you. And I'll never betray my friends and family!"

"Very well then," Nightmare Moon hissed. "You've chosen, and now you shall suffer the same fate! PREPARE TO DIE!!!" With a crack of thunder, and an ear splitting shrill, Nightmare Moon fired a bolt of lightning at Pipsqueak.

Remembering he was still equipped with the Boots of Courage, Pipsqueak felt the powers in his feet. With that, he took off running at the speed of light, outmaneuvering Nightmare Moon's bolt of lightning. Soon, Pipsqueak came running back, as he jumped up in a flying kick. Thinking fast, Nightmare Moon disappeared in a puff of smoke, before she reappears and fired several arrows in Pipsqueak's way, who quickly took off running, evading the projectiles. With her eyes flashing white, Nightmare Moon projected several dark chains from the ground, with which she used to trip Pipsqueak, who fell to the ground.

"You want to be a hero for your friends?!" Nightmare Moon taunted, as she flapped over the little boy, and held him in place. "Then share their weakness!" Pipsqueak felt a burning sensation, burning through his suit of armor from where Nightmare Moon was holding him. "Suffer their humiliation! Feel their pain!" Pipsqueak screamed at the top of his lung as Nightmare Moon increases the burn.

"Hey!" Spike called out, to which Nightmare Moon turned to see Spike running towards her. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?! Or two!" Concentrating into his newfound powers, Spike made several duplicates of himself, and they all jumped at Nightmare Moon, landing several blows.

"Stay out of the way you foals!" Nightmare Moon hissed, blasting several bolts of lightning at the Spikes.

In the meantime, Princess Skystar and the other Knights came and helped Pipsqueak up. After helping their buddy up, and into a portal they came from, Princess Skystar turned to Spike, who was still fighting with Nightmare Moon.

"Pip is safe!" Skystar shouted.

With that, all of the Spike duplicates disappeared, as Spike ran off to rejoin with Princess Skystar.

Nightmare Moon gave chase, but the two heroes made it back to the portal, which instantly closed up, after their entry, "AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!" Nightmare Moon screamed in frustration, having let another of her prey escaped again.

Tender Taps

Tender Taps up on stage, tap dancing, for the audience before him. Suddenly, the audience applause quickly turned to screams of horror, and the audience left their seats. Watching the audience leave with a look of confusion, Tenders looked around, and his eyes widened in fear.

Standing before him, laughing in a menacing and demonic voice, was the clown of Stephen King's IT, Pennywise. The demonic clown cracked a grin at Tender Taps, baring its rows of yellow sharp razor fangs, together with golden cat-like eyes that looked as if they can pierce through the dark. To further add the ferocity of its appearance, the clown stood in dark clothing, and its face was painted with blood red lines that streamed from its eyes and into its mouth, with red spikes above its eyes.

"Hiya, Tender," the clown spoke, as it slowly clapped its hands. "You danced good. May I dance with you? I am called Pennywise the Dancing Clown for a reason!" Pennywise cracked a grin, which sent shivers down Tender Taps, and his hairs stood on end, and his knees trembled in fear. "Oh my. You're scared of clowns?" It asked, imitating as if it didn't mean a fright.

Tender, having his fair share of reading Stephen King novels, backed away in fear. Next thing he knew, he bumped into someone behind him.

"Oh my," the person spoke, in Tim Curry's voice. "I'd say he is," Tender looked up, and his teeth started to chatter, to see another Pennywise. Only this one appears to be more a mix of Ronald McDonald, with Bozo the clown's hair, and a bright colorful costume. The 1990 Pennywise smacked its lips together, as it grins, "And we love frighten meats!"

Both Pennywise all advanced upon Tender Taps, who quickly jumped off the stage. However, he stopped when everything turned black, before several disembodied floating heads appeared, all with eyes shining lights on Tender Taps. Tenders backed away, frightful at the heads' frightful glares, and appearances. The heads were all exchanging voices of disapproval, while looking down on Tender Taps.

"Ah, yes," One of the heads said in satisfactory.

"Fear does good for the meat," 2017 Pennywise sniffed.

"Mmmm," 1990 Pennywise joined. "It's as if I've skipped dinner and straight for desert!"

"Then let's not play with our food any longer," With a crack of its mouth. One of the head showed an endless row of razor sharp, yellow fangs, ready to lunge forward a burst of green flame stopped them, and snapped Tender Taps out of his fright.

There stood Spike, with Skystar, and the rest of the knights.

"Hey Tenders," Spike greeted. "Having stage fright again?"

"Guys?!" Tender exclaimed, relieved to see his friends.

"Come on!" Rumble growled, as he and the Knights all got into fighting stance, while taking out their weapons, together with their pieces of the Armor of Heroes, sans Spike and Skystar.

Button Mash dons up his Helmet of Wisdom, while holding a huge hammer. Rumble was equipped with his Sword of Honor. Pipsqueak dons up his Boots of Courage. Featherweight brought out his Shield of Purity. Tender Taps got up and his Chestplate of Valor materializes over his body.

"You've got to be joking me," 2017 Pennywise muttered. "Are you trying to scare us? Or do you wish to do battle?"

"What do you take us for? The Loser Club?" Button asked. "We're gonna fight you, and kick your ass!"

"Fight me?" 1990 Pennywise laughed. "Oh you are priceless boy. I am eternal. I am the eater of worlds! And of children! And you are next!"

"Then eat this!" Button shouted, as he threw several batteries into 1990 Pennywise's mouth, causing the demonic clown to choke up, as he coughs hoarsely, and his form began to corrode, almost appearing as a skeleton.

"PILE ON HIM EVERYONE!!" Pipsqueak shouted, as the Knights all jumped on the 1990 Pennywise and landed several beat down on him.

"Here's the thing about the classics," Button began. "They're so much better to beat up, in the present."

"Then it's a bad thing I'm the remake. The 666% more frightening!" 2017 Pennywise shrieked, as it shows its rows of yellow teeth, and its hands turned into Freddy Kreuger's claws.

"OH, JESUS CHRIST!!!" Button shrieked in fear, as the 2017 Pennywise lunged towards them, and pounced on Button Mash, had Spike not kicked him away.

"Your head, it must be very thick, if you think I can fall from just one kick!" 2017 Pennywise taunted.

"Catchy," Spike cracked his knuckles as he and the clown went all out. "I may be into Stephen King's horror literature. Though I did took a fancy of his novel, The Eyes of the Dragon once!"

It grimaced, looking as if it nearly lost its lunch, "Not scary for my tastes," It groaned, before it was hit in the face by a flying kick. Shaking the blow, the monster's hands shifted into the scythes of a mantis, and it charged towards Spike, slashing its pincers at the Dragon Prince, who was able to block the attacks. The monstrous clown suddenly opened its jaws wide, releasing several tentacles to ensnare Spike, trying to pull the boy close.

In retaliation, Spike shifted into dragon form, and roared, this time, giving the clown a reason to be afraid. In retaliation, the clown shifted itself into Twilight Sparkle, bloodied with scars, cuts, and chains running all over her body. Spike hesitated, but not before Skystar came and smacked the clown from behind, disrupting transformation, allowing Spike to regain focus as he trips the clown with his tail, before he did a breakdance flare.

Having enough, the two Pennywise clowns got up, as they retreated through a door that magically appeared, "I WILL RETURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It screamed angrily, before it disappears out of sight.

With the Knights united, they all met up at the top of the empire state building, where Spike and Skystar proceeded to fill the boys in on the situation.

"So it's thanks to Spike, his auntie Luna's powers, and his magic sea anemone nose that we were able to find you all!" Skystar chirped.

"Well now that the team's back together again," Button began. "Then let's get started!"

"So chief?" Rumble began, turning to Spike. "What's the plan?"

"I'm still new at this whole dream magic aunt Luna had lent to me," Spike replied, as she sat down, legs crossed, and meditates. "But if I can focus on the girls' powers. I should be able to locate them, and conjure up another doorway to their dreams," Doing as he says, Spike focused his newfound powers, before his whiskers started to twitch again, and a door appeared, with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark imprinted on the front.

Rainbow Dash

"I hope you don't mind, Dashie!" Nightmare Pinkie giggled menacingly. "But I'm going to have to wing it, now." Picking up a huge knife, Pinkie Pie walked over to Rainbow Dash's prides and joys.

She grabbed the left one and played with it for a second, much to Raibow's embarrassment. Then, stretching the wing out, she brought the blade down at the base. Instantly, Dash screamed and thrashed her appendage. The movement threw off Pinkie Pies aim. She tried to hit the mark again but missed wide and put a huge slice in Rainbow’s back.

"AAAAH!!" Rainbow screamed in pain.

β€œDash, you gotta stay still or I’ll keep missing,” Pinkie chided, as she tries again.

Then, suddenly, appearing through the chimney, in a blazing burst of green flames, was Spike himself.

"Rainbow!" Spike shouted.

"SPIKE?!!" Rainbow exclaimed, turning to the newly renewed dragon.

"RAWWWRRR!!!" Nightmare Pinkie screamed, as she swings the knife down, only for her hands to be caught, in the nick of time, by Spike's tongue.

Summoning all his strength, in his tongue, Spike impressively pulled the nightmare apparition of Pinkie Pie away, while Featherweight, Tender Taps, and Princess Skystar came over to free Rainbow Dash from her confinement.

"Don't worry Dash!" Tenders said, as he and Featherweight got to work at picking the locks. "We're here to get you out!"

"Thank Celestia you boys are here!" Rainbow Dash sighed happily. "Pinkie's crazy! She almost cut my wings off!" Turning to Skystar, Rainbow had a questionable look on her face, "Uh, who are you?"

"I'm Princess Skystar!" Skystar chirped happily. "And this is Shelly and Sheldon!" She introduced her two clams. "Say hi to Rainbow Dash boys!"

"Hello," Princess Skystar ventriloquizes for Shelly and Sheldon.

"Uh, hi," Rainbow returned the greeting.

Meanwhile, Spike, Button, Rumble, and Pipsqueak were busy fighting with the nightmare apparition of Pinkie Pie. Pinkie got out, what appeared to be a machine gun, and shot toasted breads at Rumble.

"AH!!!" Rumble screamed, dodging the projectiles fired at him.

"Rumble's toast!" Button said, as the athletic boy was doing some flips, while narrowly evading the toasted pastries being fired at him, before he got a mouthful.

"Mmmm," Rumble smiled in satisfaction.

Pinkie then turned her attention to Pipsqueak, who was running at the speed of light, courtesy of his Boots of Courage. Pipsqueak was making a beeline towards Pinkie Pie, who retaliated by firing several dough balls from her cannon. At the last second, Pipsqueak makes a quick sidestep, narrowly evading the projectiles.

Unfortunately, Featherweight was hit by the flying pastries, and finds himself stuck to the wall in the back, framed by an old picture frame, "I've been framed!" Featherweight moaned.

Spike, in dog form, jumped out at Pinkie Pie and bit her flank, "OW!!" Pinkie screamed. Then, Button Mash fired Shelly from the party cannon.

The clam flew at Pinkie Pie and-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Pinkamena Diana Pie screamed.

A moment with Discord

Discord was sitting in a chair, eating a plate of creepy pastas, while watching the whole scene on TV.

"Now that's a trip to the moon," Discord joked, while taking a bite out of the spaghetti.

"DO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!" two elderly ponies laughed.

This has been a moment with Discord

Back to the fight

"DIEEEEEEE!!" Pinkamena screeched, lunging at Spike with a knife.

In retaliation, Spike threw his cape at Pinkamena, blinding her momentarily, as he flies towards her and kicked her away. Stumbling back into a shelf of pony skulls, Pinkie fell to the floor as the whole shelf fell on her. Breaking free, further angered, Pinkie grabs a cleaver and rushes at Spike, who changes into a dragonfly, as he zips around Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie tries to swat Spike away, but ends up hitting herself repeatedly, before Spike changes back into a dragon and breathes fire on her. Pinkamena stumbled backward, tripping over Pipsqueak, causing her to fall into the barrel of the party cannon.

"Happy landing, Pinkamena Diana Pie!" Spike saluted.

"You're fired!" Button shouted, as he lit the cannon, causing Pinkamena to blast out of the room.

By then, Rainbow Dash was finally freed, and she came over to the Knights and Spike.

"Wow, thanks a lot you guys!" Rainbow rejoiced happily. "Pinkie was going to make cupcakes out of me."

"See? I told you!" Button exclaimed. "Never trust a cupcake!"

Then, in a burst of fiery aura, there stood Sunset Shimmer.

"Sunset!" Spike exclaimed, as he and his men, Rainbow, and Skystar all run up to the fiery girl, "Are you alright?" He asked, looking her over.

"I'm fine," Sunset answered. "But the others won't be for much longer! C'mon!"

"HI!" Skystar sang cheerfully, startling Sunset.


Fluttershy was crying herself to tears, as she watches her whole form changing, through a mirror.

Her tears were converting to warm red blood, with dark chains snaking around her hooves, then up to her body, before meeting a big rusty yoke around her neck. Then, her cute adorable eyes began to darken, giving off the appearance that she doesn't have any eyes.

Then, a small firefly appeared before her, touching her nose.

NiGHTS Journey into dreams - Bellbridge #2

With a burst of light, and a child's voice echoing, the world around Fluttershy was brightened up, and the darkness was banished.

Fluttershy held her bloodied hoof over her dark eyes, taken by surprise at the sudden change of her vision, before she slowly lowered her hoof and gasped to her delight, seeing Spike, standing before her, as a puppy, with two paws out, as if he was welcoming her for a hug.

"Spike!" Fluttershy cried happily, not caring about her mangled appearance and embraced Spike, who gladly returned the gesture. "My puppy!" Fluttershy cried, happily smothering her face into Spike.

"It's great to see you too, Flutters," Spike groaned.

Watching from the sidelines, are the Knights, while Sunset and Rainbow were getting to know Princess Skystar.

"I don't know if I should find this cute, or creepy," Button commented, regarding to Fluttershy's nightmaric form, while having a tender moment with Spike.

"Oh, shut up, Button," Rumble grumbled.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie was beside herself, at the center of a mirror maze, surrounded by all the twisted reflections of herself. Though it's quiet common for a person to find distorted reflections of themselves in circus mirrors, what's even more twisted about Pinkie's reflection was that they all had red eyes, sharp cruel fangs, and are laughing maniacally at Pinkie Pie.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" Pinkie Pie pleaded, struggling to stop the laughter.

Just then, a tumblr post appeared, asking: "Hey Pinkamena Diana Pie! What did Granny Pie sing?"

"Huh?" the Pinkamena asked.

"OOH! I know!" Pinkie chirped, immediately regaining her happy demeanor.

"Hey Pinkie Pie!" Spike greeted, appearing as a plush dog, before he became a real dog.

"SPIKEY!!" Pinkie smiled, as she glommed Spike in a smothering hug and giggled.

"Stop laughing!" Pinkamena berated. "Detention Pinkie!"

"Oh, stick a cake in it!" Pinkie shouted at her evil counterpart, much to the latter's surprise.

Before Pinkamena could say another word, the Knights, and Skystar, literally sticked a cake in the nightmare Pinkie's mouth.

"Shhhh!" They hushed at Pinkamena.


Rarity was on the floor, in human form and in the buff, while sobbing a waterfall of tears, and covering her left eye, where her eye was scratched by a nightmare of her cat. The cat now lies motionless on the mattress, while Rarity looks at herself in the mirror, seeing her left eye was scarred, darkened with an unmoving pupil. Her right eye was gazing at her disfigure appearance with dread, and tears falling down on her right cheek.

Rarity looked down at her bare body, seeing a bloody shape heart carved on her chest, followed by several scars that run down her body.

Rarity cried, while hugging herself in vain for warmth, and comfort, as she looked to see she was surrounded by bloody dolls of her friends and ponies, with Pinkie's being the worst of them all. The doll of the said pink pony was gazing at Rarity with a mocking sharp grin, and demonic eyes that can look into a person's soul.

Rarity cried, "I'm a monster!" Rarity buried her face into her hands, unable to contain the never-ending tears that flood from her eyes. "I'm hideous!"

"You're anything but hideous, Rarity," a voice spoke, catching Rarity by surprise as she looked around the room, trying to locate the voice. "I used to think the same way about myself, when someone wise told me that real beauty comes within." Then in an instant, Rarity felt a presence in the room, that felt warm, and welcoming.

Rarity looked, and to her astonishment, her reflection changes to reveal her true self, with Spike standing beside her, together with their friends.

"Spikey-wikey?" Rarity gasped at the reflection.

Spike nodded his head, as he suddenly emerges from the mirror, taking his cape off, draping it around Rarity for warmth and comfort. Rarity gratefully accepted the cloth of fabric, while covering her scarred face.

"Don't look at me, Spikey," Rarity sobbed. "I beg of you!"

"Rarity," Spike spoke gently, lowering her hands away from her face. "I told you before. How you looked won't affect how we see you. How I see you," Rarity looked up, to see Spike, in dragon form, smiling lovingly at her.

"Spike...." Rarity said quietly, while stroking one of his flowing whiskers.

Just then, the others all appeared behind Spike, "Your generosity is the true beauty of you, Rare!" Rainbow added.

"Um, what Rainbow and Spike said," Fluttershy said in agreement.

"Hai," Sunset agreed.

"Though, no offense. You kinda looked like you've been mauled by a tiger, or something," Pinkie said bluntly.

"PINKIE!!!" Everyone berated the pink pony, with the Knights giving Pinkie Pie a dope slap.

"Why, darlings!" Rarity exclaimed. "What are you all doing here?"

"Rescuing you of course!" Skystar said, startling the scarred girl. "We're rescuing all of our friends from their nightmares, from Nightmare Smooze!"

"Nightmare?" Rarity looked at herself, while looking around the room. "You mean, this is all just a dream?"

"Eeyup!" Pinkie Pie said in confirmation.

With this newfound knowledge, the nightmare images around Rarity all dispersed into smokes, and the girl's appearance was restored to normal. Well, somewhat.

Rarity was no longer covered in scars, or bloods anymore. Rather, she was given a more punk-like style. With her hair being a flare of purple, gold, and turquoise. She was don up in a dark purple leather jacket, studded with jewels, with matching skirt, and matching boots.

"Whoa, Rarity!" Rainbow said in awe. "Nice get up!"

Sunset whistled, "My kinda style."

Rarity looked at herself in the mirror, and was at a loss for words, "I-I-I-look..."

"Amazing!" Fluttershy finished. "You looked wonderful!"

Rarity looked doubtful, "I don't know, darlings," Rarity replied. "This really isn't my style."

"Well, either way, you're still you, Rarity," Spike said in encouragement. "You're still a diamond in my eye, from the inside out."

Touched by Spike's words, Rarity smiled, while placing a hand over her heart.

"Hey, I hate to cut this whole tender loving moment, and all," Rainbow snapped. "But weren't we in the middle of a rescue mission?!"

Snapping out of the moment, Spike ran to a door, "Dash's right! C'mon! There's no-"


"AH!! OH MY GOD!!" Spike screamed, as Opal jumped out of the door, and wrestled with Spike on the floor.

"Pile on her everyone!" With that, the Knights, and Skystar all pounced on Nightmare Opal, while crushing poor Spike in the process.

Rarity couldn't help but laugh at the humorous sight, together with Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.


Twilight was beside herself, crying on the floor, surrounded by the screams, and wails of the fiery apparitions of her beloved mentor, Princess Celestia, her friends, and family.

Just then, a familiar voice was heard, "Twilight!" Spike shouted. Then, in a flash of green fire, there stood the young dragon himself.

"Spike?!" Twilight exclaimed. "You're alive? How can-" Before Twilight could ask any more questions, Spike silenced her with a hug, that instantly banished all of her thoughts of self-doubts and sorrow away.

"It's okay, Twilight," Spike whispered. "You're with friends."

Twilight returned the hug, as she buries her face into Spike's shoulder, "I never doubted you, my number one assistant."


Lastly, the heroes travels into Applejack's nightmare, where they broke Applejack free from her nightmare prison.

Applejack was more than joyful, relieved to see that she didn't kill Spike, in her dreams.

"Thank Celestia you're alright, Sugarcube!" Applejack smiled, as she tearfully holds Spike close in a loving, death gripping embrace.

"You've saved me!" Rarity joined in. "I knew you would save me! You are my hero!"

"My hero too!" Pinkie joined in.

"Choking!" Spike groaned. "Not breathing!"

"Girls!" Twilight exclaimed. "Not so hard! Yes, it's very encouraging that Spike was able to save us, to allow this reunion!" Twilight's words however, fell on deaf ears.

"HOOVES OFF MY PUPPY!!" Fluttershy screeched angrily, frightening the other girls into releasing Spike. The Dragon Prince was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath, which was short lived when Fluttershy ran up to him and happily embraced him, "My sweet little puppy! Ooh! I thought I'd never get to see you again!" Fluttershy squealed, tearfully, and happily.

"Fluttershy, you sneaky hypocrite," Rainbow smirked.

"And who are we?" Button asked on behalf of the Knights and Skystar. "Chopped livers?"

"Huh what?" Rarity asked. "Oh yes. You boys were wonderful too. And as-who are you?" Rarity asked, when she and the girls took notice of Skystar.

"I'm Princess Skystar!" Skystar grinned, as she swam happily around the girls. "And I'm so glad we saved you girls! I can tell, we're totally going to be the best of friends!" With an excited squeal, Skystar swam excitedly around the heroines, doing spinning tricks as she did so, before she came over and manages to wrap all of the girls in one big group hug.

"Wow!" Applejack groaned. "You're quite the energetic type, are ya?"

"Reminds me of a certain someone," Rainbow groaned in reply.

"I like her already!" Pinkie chirped, as she wraps her hooves around the sea pony. "I'm Pinkie Pie! Short for-"

"Pinkamena Diana Pie! I know!" Skystar chirped.

Pinkie gasped, "How did you know? Are you a psychic?"

"Nope. We ran into another Pinkamena Diana Pie, who was trying to make Rainbow Dash into cupcakes over there," Rainbow quickly paled at the mention of the nightmare.

"And it also goes to show, never trust a cupcake!" Button said, proudly.

"SHUT UP!!" the other Knights shouted in annoyance.

"On a more serious note, we're all back together again," Spike noted. "And we're still alive!"

"Thank the ancestors," Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, thank the writer!" Pinkie Pie beamed. "He wrote us out of our nightmares!"

"Speaking of getting out," Rainbow began. "How do we get out of here? We're still trapped inside Nightmare Smooze, with probably billions of other innocent ponies and magical creatures!"

"Don't worry everyone," Spike spoke, concentrating into his powers. "Leave that to me," With a deep breath, Spike's eyes suddenly turned light blue, as he breaths a mist of fine blue at his friends.

The boys and girls all looked in bewilderment at the Dragon Prince's move, as they find themselves floating, and their whole body turning translucent and light blue.

"Wait, Spike!" Twilight shouted, trying to reach out for the dragon. "What are you doing?! SPIKE!!!" In a flash of light, the girls and boys were gone, without Spike.

Outside of the Smooze

"AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!" Nightmare Smooze groaned, as cracks of lights were forming on her skin.

Then, in a burst of light, the Elements of Harmony Bearers, the Knights, Sunset Shimmer, and Skystar all flew out, and landed before the survivors.

"W-W-We're back?" Button stammered.

"We're free!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"HOORAY!!" Skystar cheered, as she flopped her way over. "We're free!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened, "But not for long!" Fluttershy screamed.

"The Bearers, and the Wielders live?!" Nightmare Smooze exclaimed. "Pathetic! I still possess the Dragon Prince! Thus, the Dragonfire! And I'll use it to destroy you all!" With a glow of her eyes, Nightmare Smooze fired several bolts of lightning at the heroes.

Featherweight quickly got in front, holding up the Shield of Purity, which held the lightning bolts at bay, saving himself and the heroes.

Rumble got on Rainbow Dash's back, who quickly took off, flying in the air as she and Rumble flew circles around Nightmare Smooze. Unsheathing the Sword of Honor from his back, Rumble trails it across Nightmare Smooze, leaving a large scratch of light in the demon's dark skin.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRGGGH!!!" Nightmare Smooze screamed, as the gap of light in her skin closes up. Angered, Nightmare Smooze's eyes glowed white, "Shadowbolts! TO ME!!!"

In a burst of black smokes, several flying Shadowbolt appeared from the sky, as they pursue after Rainbow Dash and Rumble.

"Uh oh!" Rumble grimaced. "Trouble following us!"

"Hang on tight, kid!" Rainbow replied, as she flapped her wings and the two flew through a valley. Geysers of Smooze erupted from the sea, which Rumble quickly slashes away, while Rainbow keeps on flying, avoiding the slimes.

The flying Shadowbolts were firing arrows and lasers at Rainbow Dash, when several pink clouds exploded in the air, catching some of the Shadowbolts by surprise.

"Surprise!" Pinkie shouted, as she was flying in the air, with her tail spinning like helicopter blades. With her hooves spinning like a wheel, Pinkie was launching several sprinkle bombs at the Shadowbolts, and Rainbow Dash.

"WHOA!!" Rumble shouted, as he nearly fell off, had Rainbow Dash not caught him in time.

"Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow shouted. "I'd be more pleased if you're much sharper with the shootings!" As if answering Rainbow Dash's suggestion, the flying Shadowbolts were shot out of the sky. "Yeah! Kinda like that!"

"That wasn't me!" Pinkie replied.

Rumble squinted his eyes, as he got a good look of Bloodshot, from the distance. The meta human gave Rumble the ok sign, which Rumble returned.

Back at the fight, the other heroes continue their assault on Nightmare Smooze. Pipsqueak was running across the sea of Smooze, courtesy of his chosen boots. Several slimes continue erupt around him, trying in vain to catch him. Pipsqueak kept running as he makes several sharp turns, and narrow dodges, evading the attacking slimes.

Then, swinging down on a long rope, snatching the boy up is Captain Celaeno.

"Fancy feet ya got their, Pip!" Celaeno complimented, as she and Pipsqueak landed on a nearby cliff.

"Captain?!" Pip exclaimed, with a mix of joy and surprise.

Before Pip could say anything else, Celaeno quickly swings off the cliff, just as several Smooze vortexes came at them.

"Don't gawk like a codfish!" Celaeno ordered. "What plan do ye have?"


"Ye don't have a plan?"

"Hey! We're making up as we go!" Pip replied. "We're just winging it, as you birds would say," In response, Celaeno shot a deadpanned look at Pip.

Meanwhile, Twilight, together with Princess Cadence, joined their magic together and fired a double alicorn magic combo at Nightmare Smooze, who retaliated by firing a beam of dark magic as a counter strike. Both magics collided and kept each other at bay.

"Just hold on!" Princess Cadence groaned, as she and Twilight struggled to push their magics further.

Focusing her magic, Nightmare Smooze conjured a bolt of lightning to fire from the sky, and towards the alicorn princesses.

"NO!!" Scorpan roared, as he got in between the alicorns and the bolt of lightning. Taking the full blast, Scorpan began to control the lightning's path, via body, when Abacus Cinch flew up and opened fire on the gargoyle. Reacting fast, Scorpan caught the missile she launched, and gracefully deflected it into the sea below, before he fires the lightning on Abacus, electrocuting the mad woman, and short circuiting her suit.

Thinking fast, Abacus ejected the suit off, just as it exploded, while the woman opened her parachute as she gently floats back down.

"I'll get you for this!" Abacus shouted. "Abacus Cinch never forgets!"

"Oh buck it, woman!" Applejack muttered, as she jumps off a crystal shield from Rarity, flies at Abacus Cinch, and kicks her in the face.

In the meantime, Nightmare Smooze continues her assault on Twilight and Cadence. The two alicorn princesses kept their magical hold on their offense. Then, the Flutter Ponies arrived, beating their wings, they joined their magics together with the alicorns, giving them enough strength to overwhelm Nightmare Smooze, and collided with her horn.

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!" Nightmare Smooze screamed, once the combined magic forces struck her horn, causing her to collapse into the sea below.

"Is it over?" Pipsqueak asked. "Did we win?"

Unfortunately, the answer wasn't in Pip's favor. Nightmare Smooze's head quickly reformed from the sea.

"Now, you shall taste the terrible beauty of true power!" Nightmare Smooze snarled, as her eyes turned black, pulsing with red magic. "And you shall be DESTROYED!!!!" With a wave of dark magic, Nightmare Smooze's whole form was coated in a coat of darkness.

Then, with a loud roar, a huge stream of fire erupted from Nightmare Smooze's maw, and at the heroes.

Inside of the Smooze

Spike finds himself, wandering blindly through an endless dark void. Everywhere around him, he could hear whispers and murmurs, everywhere, and all around him.

...."monster........screw up........freak.......weak.......spare".......

Then, ahead was a familiar small blue alicorn, surrounded in a blue aura that penetrates the surrounding darkness.

"Aunt Luna!" Spike gasped, as he ran over to the blue alicorn, and held her in his arms.

Princess Luna opened her eyes, as she looks up at Spike, "Nephew?" Luna whispered weakly. "Is that you?"

"Yes, auntie!" Spike replied. "It's me! And I'm here to help you."

"Nephew, no," Luna replied weakly. "You can't help me. I've been a prisoner of the nightmares for too long. I've become one with the darkness. I can't be helped. I am the darkness."

"No, that's not true!" Spike argued. "There's still good in you! Look at you! You're living proof that the darkness hasn't taken over you completely! Look at me! I'm here because of you! You gave me a piece of your magic, and I've rescued my friends from the clutches of Nightmare Smooze!" With a look of determination, Spike spoke, "Now all that's left is to free you!"

"Your motives are valiant, nephew," Luna replied. "So does your heroic deeds. But even with your powers, combined with mine, you still cannot save me. The darkness has grown too strong, and much more persistence. It cannot be stopped."

Spike couldn't believe what he's hearing, "No!" he shouted, catching Luna by surprise. "This is not how it's going to end! I did not come this far, just to hear you give up!" Shifting in dragon form, with his claws engulfed in a blazing aura, Spike grabbed Princess Luna and flew off with her.

Just when they were about several miles away from where Luna once was, dark chains suddenly materialized, and held Princess Luna back.

"I told you, nephew!" Luna replied sadly. "It can't be done! I'm trapped. I've always been a prisoner of darkness, and I'll always will be."

"NO!" Spike struggled to break the chains, but to no avail. "I'm not leaving without you, auntie! I promised mom I'd be at her side when you come home! And I'm going to keep that promise!"


"Stop it, auntie! I'm not giving up on you! Even in the dark, mom's taught me to find beauty through it all! I want to see the beauty of your night! But I want to see it, with you!" Still struggling to break the dark chains, Spike roared, "I love you too much, auntie!"

"Nephew!" Luna gasped in surprise.

The heroes embraced themselves, preparing for the incoming fire attack from Nightmare Smooze. However, it never came.

Taking a peek, Button shouted, "Omigosh! LOOK!"

Everyone looked up to see another crack of light in Nightmare Smooze's skin forming, with Nightmare Smooze wriggling in agony.

"What is this?!!" Nightmare Smooze groaned.

"Your majesty?!" Somnambula exclaimed in worry.

Next thing everyone knew, the Knights were floating as their chosen armor pieces glowed in a golden aura. Then, a beam of light was shot from the armors, piercing through Nightmare Smooze's dark skin, and showering over Spike, and Princess Luna.

From inside and out of the Smooze, Spike and the Knights find themselves coated in golden auras, before they were coated in a brilliant flash of light. After the lights died down, there stood the Knights, as ponies, don up in suits of armor that matched their respective armor pieces.

Button Mash was transfigured into a brown earth pony, don up in what appeared to be a full orange samurai armor to go with his Helmet of Wisdom. Rumble was changed into a light grey pegasus, don up in a knight's armor colored bluish-gray, matching the boy's Sword of Honor. Tender Taps became an orange earth pony, with his arms, legs, and head covered in armor coverings that matched his silver Chestplate of Valor. Pipsqueak was also changed into an earth pony, only smaller, with a coat of pinto patterns. Pipsqueak was don up in a suit of armor with Roman-theme, to match his Boots of Courage. Lastly, Featherweight became a thin yellowish creamy pegasus, while don up in, what appeared to be, a smaller version of the Armor of God.

"Whoa!" Button exclaimed. "Check us out, guys! We're suited up like Knights! Equestrian style!" Button smirked proudly of himself.

"I'll say!" Rumble added, giving his new wings a flap. "Whoo-hoo! I can fly!"

"Me too!" Featherweight added.

"Guys, look!" Pipsqueak exclaimed, pointing to show Spike and Princess Luna, inside of Nightmare Smooze.

Spike looked at himself, to see that his suit of armor was glowing a sparkling coat of gold, before several magical changes were made to it. Long armor guards sprouted around Spike's waist, covering the Dragon Prince's lower body and upper legs. Armor paddings formed around the lower legs. Plates formed along Spike's arms, all the way to his claws, and his wings were also clad in armor paddings. Furthermore, his tail was also coated in armor plates, with a long blade at the tip. With a loud roar, several fiery dragons flew around Spike's head, before they formed together a helmet, with holes for his horns at the top, broad and curled blades at the sides, and a green visor over his eyes.

However, the defining feature of Spike's transformation was his cape that suddenly glowed golden, before it dispersed, revealing it has grown longer, sparkles with flaming red lights, with images of a dragon, an alicorn, a phoenix, and a dog, all standing around a yin-yang symbol, with the sun and the moon.

"Whoa!" Spike gasped in amazement.

"It's the sixth and final piece of the armor!" Luna gasped. "The Cape of Compassion!"

Shaking his shock away, and replacing it with a look of determination, Spike called out, "This ends now!" With a loud roar, Spike breathed a stream of multicolored flames at the dark chains, which miraculously burned the chains away.

"AAAAARRRRGGGHH!!" Nightmare Smooze groaned, upon feeling the burning sensation within her.

The heroes looked, and could see their friend, trying to escape with Princess Luna. However, the monster wouldn't have any of that, as it struggles to hold onto Princess Luna.

"Come on!" Pipsqueak shouted to the others. "We gotta help!" With that, the Knights were the first to charge into the fray, determined to help save their buddy.

"Boys! Get back!" Celaeno shouted, but to no avail. "Boys!"

"We gotta help them too!" Rainbow shouted, as she and the other girls gave chase.

Spike was pulling his aunt with all his might, while breathing several explosive fireballs at the chains that continue to hold her. However, no matter how many chains Spike burned away, more kept on sprouting, trying to pull Luna back.

"Hold on, aunt!" Spike groaned. "I got ya! We're almost there!"

"Spike!" Twilight's voice sounded, catching the Dragon Prince's attention. Looking up, Spike sees Twilight projecting a magic rope on him, with which she used to pull him and Luna out. "Hold on, Spike! I got you!" Twilight groaned, as she pulls on Spike with all her strength.

"We got you, Sugarcube!" Applejack added, as she lassoed Spike, and pulls on him.

"We got your back, Spike!" Button shouted, as he and the Knights all joined assaults on Nightmare Smooze, determined to break their friend free.

"ENOUGH!!!" Nightmare Smooze roared, preparing to stop the heroes, when she was struck by a powerful explosive magic offense. Standing at the spot from where the magic was fired, there stood Fleur-De-Lis, Starlight Glimmer, Moondancer and friends, having combined their magic together.

"How dare you interfere!" Somnambula screamed, as she and her winged monkeys flew up to the unicorns. Only to be held back by the renegade Shadowbolt girls.

"Oh we dared!" Indigo snarled. "And we'll do it again!" With that, the five rogues strike back, together with the unicorn mares joining the fray.

In the meantime, Spike was completely pulled out of Nightmare Smooze. However, Princess Luna has yet to be freed from the monster.

"Don't worry auntie!" Spike groaned. "You're almost out!"

Then, the Flutter Ponies came flying in, and with a flap of their sparkling wings, they showered several magical sparks on Nightmare Smooze.

"WHAT?!!" Nightmare Smooze exclaimed. "NO! THIS CANNOT BE!!" Nightmare Smooze looked down and sees her slimy body coming apart. "NO! I am Nightmare Moon! I am invincible! I cannot be-AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" With a final wail of agony, Nightmare Smooze crumbled away, as bits of her bodies were stripped away, and the world around her was cleansed of her slimes.

The heroes watched as several balls of slimes fell to the ground, and broke apart, revealing all the innocent creatures that were caught in the Smooze's wake.

Spike, the Knights, the Bearers, and Skystar, all landed in the ruins of what's left of Canterlot, where they meet up with the rest of their friends.

"We did it!" Pinkie cheered happily. "We saved the world!"

"Yay!" Skystar cheered, happily clapping her flippers together.

"Whoo-Whee," Applejack sighed in relief. "Glad it's finally over."

Looking over at the creatures they had saved, the heroes quickly spotted some their friends, free of the monster's slimes.

"Oh, I'm never going to sleep the same way again," Mina whimpered, before turning to Ember, who was still unconscious, along with Gilda, and Gabby. "Hey? Are you girls okay? Come on! Wake up!" Mina said, trying to shake the three awake.

Pinkie hopped over, and pulled a cupcake from her mane, "I've got cupcakes~" Pinkie sang.

"NO! NO CUPCAKES!!!" Ember, Gilda, and Gabby all snapped awake, and out of impulse, they attacked Pinkamena Diana Pie.

Just then, Princess Celestia appeared, "Is every pony alright?" Celestia asked, looking over the ruins of Equestria, and all of the creatures rescued.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed, as she and her friends eagerly run up to the princess. "You're alright!"

"As are all of you," Celestia smiled, before she looked. "Where is Spike?" Celestia asked, with a look of concern.

"Over here mom!" Spike called, while carefully carrying Princess Luna's unconscious form over. "And here's aunt Luna!"

"Luna?!" Celestia gasps, as she quickly went over to inspect the little pony in Spike's arms. "Luna? Are you alright?"

Snapping her eyes open, Princess Luna blasted a beam of dark magic at Princess Celestia.

"PRINCESS!!" Sunset Shimmer shouted, as she quickly shielded the Sun Princess, while Spike threw Luna away.

"Curse you, Dragon Prince!" Nightmare Moon's voice neighed, as Princess Luna was once more consumed in dark flames, and she resumes her alicorn form.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow exclaimed incredulously. "Give us a break!"

"Writers never give their heroes a break," Pinkie muttered. "Well, except on some occasions when its a holiday special."

"Now's not the time, Pinkie!" Applejack shouted, as she shoved the pink party pony away, just as a blast of dark magic almost struck them.

Nightmare Moon fired another offensive dark magic at the Bearers, only for Spike to get in between, and waving his cape, he deflected the magic beam, which flew right back towards Nightmare Moon, who quickly projected a shield, saving herself from the attack.

"We are not through yet!" Nightmare Moon snarled.

"Just save yourself the trouble, Moony!" Button said, as he and the Knights joined Spike and the girls. "It's all over!"

"The battle is yours," Nightmare Moon continued. "But the war is far from over! Not as long as I possess this!" Levitating from her wing, Nightmare Moon reveals a small vial, containing the remaining piece of the Smooze.

"The Smooze!" Twilight gasped.

"Hand it over, Moony!" Rainbow barked.

"Of course," Nightmare Moon replied. "In small dosage, through future-"

"ENOUGH!!" Celestia shouted, as she stood before the heroes. "We finish what we started, thousands of years ago!"

Nightmare smirked, baring her fangs, "With pleasure!" After the vial magically vanished in a puff of smoke, Nightmare Moon’s horn pulsed with dark lightning bolts, Nightmare Moon fired a beam of dark magic at Celestia, who flapped her wings as she took flight. "And where do you think you're going?!" Nightmare Moon shouted, as she gave chase and fired several beams of dark magic at Celestia, who kept on evading, while counterattacking with magics of her own.

Everyone all watched, as the two alicorns went all out with each other.

"You think Princess Celestia can beat Nightmare Moon, this time?" Rainbow asked.

"It's a maybe," Applejack answered in concern. "But I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch, yet."

"Which would be a good time for us to fire our Elements of Harmony and take out Nightmare Moon!" Rainbow said.

"But can we really do it?" Fluttershy asked. "I mean, how can we be sure we'll get her this time? She's not that easy to hit."

"Then I'll make her an easy target," Spike spoke up, as he hands the girls his Cape of Compassion. "Here girls. Something tells me you'll need this."

Rarity was aghast, "Spikey, no!" She disapproves with concern. "You need this!" Rarity levitated the cape back to Spike, who returned it.

"Not this time," Spike replied. "I have a plan. Just trust me on this," The girls looked at each other, still unsure, "We can do this girls. You gotta believe me."

After a moment of exchanging glances, the girls nodded, "Just be careful Spike," Twilight said in concern.

"Kick her flank for me," Rainbow added.

"You got this," Fluttershy cheered. "Whoo-hoo~"

Rarity walked up to Spike and kissed him on the cheek, "Good luck, darling."

Celestia fired a beam of sunlight at Nightmare Moon, who projected a huge shield, causing the light to bounce off, blinding Celestia for the moment. Seizing the opportunity, Nightmare Moon fired another beam of dark magic at Celestia, who quickly hears the incoming magic in time, and quickly teleported in a flash of light. Reappearing from behind, Celestia pounced on Nightmare Moon, and the two alicorns began to plummet, back to the ground.

Dispersing into smokes, Nightmare Moon reappeared behind Celestia, as she forced the sun princess to crash first to the ground.

"Shadowbolts! ATTACK!!" Somnambula shouted, as she and the ninjas all swarmed around Celestia, tying her down with several ropes of dark magic, binding Celestia, and inhibiting her magic.

Nightmare Moon laughed menacingly as she walked up, "No mercy this time!" Nightmare Moon hissed, preparing to do Celestia in.


"AAH!!" Nightmare Moon yelped, looking back to see Spike, in dog form, biting her on the flank.

'Sorry auntie!' Spike moaned in his thoughts. 'But it hurts me more than it hurts you,' Releasing his jaw grip on Nightmare Moon, Spike leapt away, as Nightmare Moon fired a beam of dark magic at him.

"I grow tired of your interference!" Nightmare Moon hissed. "Shadowbolts! Hold her!" She ordered. "I wish for her to watch as I take her son's life in front of her!"

"Yes your majesty!" The Shadowbolts bowed their heads.

"NO!!" Celestia shouted, and struggled to get up in vain, as Nightmare Moon left her behind to pursue Spike.

"Don't worry Spike!" Button shouted as he and his fellow Knights all ran off to aid their friend.

"GET OFF OF THE PRINCESS!!" Rainbow Dash roared as she came flying at high speed to force some of the Shadowbolts off.

Many of the Shadowbolts quickly blasted explosive fires and magical ice arrows as the other girls came to assist their rainbow haired friend. Rarity quickly conjured a diamond shield to block the attacks, saving herself and her friends, while Pinkie Pie hurled several sprinkle bombs at the Shadowbolts, scattering them all over the place, with Applejack muscling her way through with her incredible super strength.

Sunset, as a puff of smoke was able to blast the remaining Shadowbolts off, before she expertly freed Princess Celestia from her dark bindings.

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked, as she and the girls ran up to the Sun Princess.

"I'll be okay," Celestia assured her prized pupil, before she looked at the fight between the Knights and Nightmare Moon in worry. "SPIKE!!" Celestia cried.

"Don't worry mom!" Spike replied. "We got this!" Ducking his head, Spike dodges a lightning bolt from Nightmare Moon, "Thousands of years in the moon really doesn't do good for your aims, eh Moony?" Spike taunted.

"Thy insult shall be thy last!" Nightmare Moon neighed, as she fired a blast of dark magic at Spike, who quickly leapt away, avoiding the blast. "Hold still!"

"I'm over here!" Spike called out, as he suddenly swooped in, and landed a flying kick to Nightmare's jaw.

Nightmare snarled angrily, as she fires a lightning bolt after Spike, only for the electrical attack to be deflected, courtesy of Fleur, who stood before Nightmare Moon, in anthro form, holding a rapier in her hands.

"Nightmare Moon!" Fleur said as she holds her blade up to her eye level. "May my father's blade taste vengeance tonight!" With a loud war cry, Fleur lunged forward, slashing her sword, "En garde!"

Nightmare Moon quickly shifted in battle form, as she caught the blade in her shuko claws. Then at the same time, Rumble and Button Mash came from both sides, respectively attacking the alicorn with their sword and hammer, only for both of them to be caught by Nightmare Moon's extra arms.

"HI-YAH!!" Pipsqueak screamed, as he ran up from behind, and kicked Nightmare Moon in the head, knocking her off, slightly.

At the same time, Spike came flying back, as he landed several kicks and punches at Nightmare Moon, before she finally caught him.

"STOP!!" Nightmare Moon ordered the Knights and Fleur. "Any sudden movements, and your prince will breathe no more!"

"No!" Celestia gasped in fright.

"I don't think so!" Suddenly, in a flash of fire, Spike suddenly appeared, and rescued the other Spike from Nightmare Moon's hold.

"WHAT?!!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

"What?" Spike asked. "Ever seen a changeling before?" With that, the other Spike transformed in a flash of light, to reveal Thorax.

"Uh, hi," Thorax nervously greeted, before both he and Spike were levitated up to the dark alicorn's face.

"Clever!" Nightmare Moon hissed, before she pinned both boys to a wall. "But not clever enough!"

"Then you probably know I'm still not Spike," Spike answered, as he melted away.

"What?!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

"Ooh, outsmarted by my frosty friend, Neira," Spike taunted, before he got blasted, only to reveal he was another ice clone. "Hey watch it! You almost hit me!" Another Spike spoke up, to which Nightmare Moon blasted.

Eventually, it became a real life version of Whack-a-mole, much to everyone's mix amusement, and worry, including Celestia. Finally, Nightmare Moon had enough, as she stomped her hooves, destroying all of the ice clones, knocking Thorax, the Knights, and Fleur away, before revealing the real Spike.

"I grow tired of your interference, for far too long!" Nightmare Moon roared, as she levitated Spike up close. "All the more reason your demise will be rewarding enough!"

Then, the sound of trumpets and drums caught the dark alicorn's attention, as she turned back to see the guards, and Flutter Ponies, pounding on some drums, blowing through trumpets, with the Bearers wearing the Elements of Harmony around their necks, and Twilight wearing hers on her head. Furthermore, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, together with Sunburst were levitating the Sun Stone, while chanting a spell together.

Nightmare Moon gasped in fright, recognizing the Elements, and the spell being chanted, "No! No! Not again!!" Dropping Spike, the dark alicorn fired a bolt of lightning at the Bearers, "STOP!!!" Nightmare Moon screamed in desperation. Reacting fast, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom quickly held out the Cape of Compassion, blocking the dark bolt, protecting their sisters and friends.

Knowing it is futile to attempt to magic her way out, Nightmare Moon quickly turned tail, as she begins to gallop her escape. Without hesitation, Spike leapt forward and delivered a powerful punch to the face, knocking her helmet off and the alicorn to the ground.

"Ow!" Spike groaned, shaking his fist.

At the last moment, a rainbow was shot from the Bearers, straight towards Nightmare Moon.

"YES!!" Rainbow cheered. "Direct hit!!"

"The Elements of Harmony are working!" Scorpan exclaimed.

"Is Nightmare Moon going back into the moon?" Scootaloo asked.

"Wait and see," the gargoyle replied.

"THE LIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!" Nightmare Moon screamed, as cracks began to form all over her body, from which dark smokes were leaking through, "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" In a burst of light, Nightmare Moon was no more, and beams of lights rains down from the heavens, and struck each of the Shadowbolts, and the shadow creatures in range.

The dark clouds above dispersed, and over the horizon, the rising sun's lights shines across Equestria, banishing the coats of darkness away. Everyone all cheered, triumphant at their victory against their lifelong war with Nightmare Moon.

"We did it!" Pinkie cheered. "WE DID IT!!"

"Yeah!!!" Button cheered, as he and the Knights all danced together. "We did it! We won!"

Then, the Knights's armors' stopped glowing, and they reverted back to normal humans.

"Well that was fun while it lasts," Rumble grumbled, missing his new wings.

Celestia's worried expression quickly elevated to frantic, when she noticed something missing, "Wait! Where's Spike?" She asked, grabbing Pinkie Pie via, who quickly lost her cheerful demeanor at the mercy of a frantic mother. "Where's my baby?!" Soon, Celestia entered a hysterical frenzy, as she grabs any unfortunate creatures in the vicinity, even Scorpan wasn't quick enough to get away. "Oh no! Oh no! Did the Elements of Harmony hit him too?" She asked, tossing Rainbow Dash and Applejack to the sides like rag dolls. "Is he hurt bad? Is he banished? Or worse! HE COULD BE IN TARTARUS BY ACCIDENT!!" She shouted at the last part, at a frightened Fluttershy. "We have to find him! We have to find him!" She breathed heavily.

Just then, Spike came out from the rubbles, reverted back to his regular self, in human form, as he walks over to his frantic mother, "Mom!" He spoke, putting a gentle hand on her wings. "Calm down! I'm-" Unfortunately, Spike soon finds himself shaking like a rag doll, in the grip of his mother's magic.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Celestia cried hysterically, while blindly shaking her son dizzily. "Can't you see it's not-" She opened her eyes, and got a good look at the person she was holding. Celestia gasped, "My little sunshine!" Celestia pulled the dragon, joyfully spinning him around in her magic, before she embraced him, in another death gripping embrace.

With Celestia fully relieved, her magical hold on the others dissipated, and everyone were dropped to the ground.

"Don't scare me like that ever again!" Celestia said, while holding Spike close. "You hear me? You hear me? You hear me?" The hysterical Sun Princess asked repeatedly, while shaking Spike around like a ragged doll.

"I'll try my best, mom," Spike groaned. "If it means you won't kill me affectionately, first."

"And I thought my mom has quite the tantrum," Button groaned.

"You're telling me," Rumble replied.

Everyone all exchanged in agreement, as they watch Celestia, smothering Spike with affection. The Dragon Prince was clearly finding it harder to breathe, than it is to return his mother's love.

After Celestia released Spike, a loud screech was heard, revealing itself to be Peewee, who circled around the boy for a moment, before perching on his shoulder, "Great to see you too, Peewee!" Spike smiled, stroking the bird on its head.

"You're my hero!!" Rarity exclaimed, as she soon pulled Spike, in another happy embrace. Much to Spike's mix of joy, and chagrin, the other girls joined in. Princess Skystar, not one to be left out, flopped her way over, as she joins the hug.

"You're awesome!" Rainbow and Gilda exclaimed.

"I knew ya had it in ya," Applejack smiled.

"This calls for a Spike Victory Party!!!" Pinkie cheered, with a blast of confetti.

"You did it!" Fluttershy cheered, quite loudly. "YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!!"

Just then, the sound of groaning was heard, from where Nightmare Moon stood.

"Oh, come on!" Button Mash and Sweetie Belle exclaimed together, incredulous.

Author's Note:

I've always wanted to write Princess Skystar together with Creamy's song! That is, if someone else had that idea before I did.

Furthermore, kudos to MagpiePony and TheLostNarrator, for "An Apple Sleep Experiment," a MLP version of the Russian Sleeps Experiments.

Oh, and kudos to alphasteel for helping me with the Knights' slasher/Stephen King nightmares. Inspired by Friday the 13 debut of Happy Death Day and The Foreigner.

1/1/2018: I thought about diabolo4000's comment, and I've decided to expand more on the nightmare scenes. Specifically, when Spike, the Knights, and Princess Skystar rescued the rest of the Mane 7 from their nightmares.

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