• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Fear Within Part 3: Exit the Fear. Enter the Family and Friendship

Author's Note:

Happy Valentines Day everybody! Or as the ponies would say, Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!

Update 2/14/18: I've been going back to some chapters, and I've renamed the Shenlong Box to the Fucanglong Box. I've been doing some deeper research, and as it turns out, Shenlong is the Chinese Imperial Dragon of Storm and Rain. Fucanglong, however, is the Chinese Underworld Dragon of Treasures. So, it's kinda more appropriate if the box is named after the dragon of treasures.

I personally don't like fics where Spike is wrongfully accused for a crime he didn't commit, and gets banished instantly, without any of his friends coming to his aids. So, O.O.C. However, for the nightmare scene, I've had to stomach it all to get a good feel of it.

Furthermore, it's been awhile since I ever did a heartwarming, uplifting chapter, such as this. I hope I haven't lost my touch for this romance genre.

Lastly, the lecture between Spike and Scorpan is from The Perfect Weapon(1991) starring Jeff Speakman, Dante Basco, and the late Professor Tanaka and Mako.

After taking a quick shower, and changed into his sleepwear, Spike jumped into bed and drifted off to sleep, and finds himself floating over New York City, on a starry night sky.

“Where am I?” He asked himself. “How did I get up here?”

Then, as if answering his question, a door suddenly appeared, before it magically opens up, revealing a memory before him.

Spike looked, and could see his younger self, running and playing with the Mane Six, in Ponyville.

The little fillies and boy were playing a ball game, which they were kicking, catching, and passing to each other.

Younger Spike was making catches with his hands and feet. Pinkie, being Pinkie Pie, cleverly caught the ball with her mane. Fluttershy, surprisingly and skillfully, caught the ball with her tail.

"Great save, Fluttershy!" A young Applejack complimented her, before Fluttershy returned the ball, which Applejack kicked it away.

"Coming your way, Pinkie!" Rainbow shouted, as she hits the ball toward the pink pony.

"Somersault kick!" Pinkie cheered, kicking the ball, towards Spike.

"Flying Crane Kick!" Spike yelled, as he excitedly jumped in the air, and kicked the ball.

Older Spike couldn't help but smile in nostalgia, seeing the memory playing out to him, 'I can't believe I'd forget something like this,' He thought.

Soon, a young Rainbow Dash came down, before Spike, on a puff of cloud, "Hey, Spike!" She began excitedly. "Ya up for some cloud surfing? Race ya to that mountain and back again!"

"You're on!" Spike accepted the challenge, as he dragons up, and got a cloud of his own, and together, he and Rainbow Dash were flying through the air, attempting to get past the other.

"Hey Spike! Check this out!" Rainbow called, as she began to do a kickflip on her cloud, followed by an ollie, and heel flip.

"Not bad," Spike complimented. "But not good enough!" With that, Spike repeated Rainbow's tricks, while adding in a varial heel flip, and a 180 spin.

The two flyers were so busy showing off their own flying tricks, they weren't looking where they were going, and crashed into some snowbanks at the top of the mountain. Spike poked his head out of the snow, followed by Rainbow Dash, looking at each other, and shared some laughs.

Soon, the two flew back to Ponyville, to meet up with the others, watching the sun set, over the horizon.

"Girls," Spike spoke, as enjoyed the sunset with the fillies. "This day has been amazing."

"Darn tootin," Applejack said in agreement.

"It was a lot of fun with you, Spike!" Pinkie smiled.

"Definitely!" Fluttershy agreed.

"I just wished this day would never end," Twilight sighed.

"Well, unless you can make time stand still, Twilight," Spike began, "I'm okay with playing you and the girls forever, and ever," He joked. "Then again, that would mean no more birthdays."

"Wow, you're right, Spike!" Pinkie chirped. "And that would mean, no more parties! That would be a nightmare!"

"I didn't mean it like that," Twilight replied.

Spike and Pinke couldn't help but laugh, "Relax, Twilight. We're just joking," Pinkie giggled.

"What she said," Spike added, before his ears perked up to the sound of Princess Celestia calling for him. "Oh, my mom's calling!"

"Wow, Spike," Applejack said, greatly impressed. "Ya can hear Princess Celestia's call before she can hear herself."

"It's a gift," Spike smiled, as he got up, with Twilight joining. "Well, gotta go," However, the sad looks on the rest of the girls' faces were enough to stop him. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Must you really go?" Pinkie whimpered, with her mane deflating.

"Sorry Pinkie, but ya know moms," Spike replied, with Twilight nodding her head. "And trust me, ya don't want to keep her waiting. She's scary when I'm late for dinner," He shuddered, while older Spike looked puzzled.

"Plus, we've got a test to study for," Twilight added.

"Oh, but you'll come back soon, won't you?" Fluttershy asked, hopefully.

"Of course we will," Spike replied. "We'll always be together."

"Pinkie promise?" Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie promise," Spike and Twilight replied. "Cross our heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in our eye." With a smile, the Ponyville girls all crowded around Spike and Twilight, giving them both a loving hug.

Older Spike smiled lovingly at the scene, before the whole thing changed, as it now shows the girls, having grown up, and enjoying a nice day out for picnic.

All was going fine, when the faint sound of sobbing was heard. The girls all turned, to see Twilight, rubbing her eyes, with tears running out.

"Twilight?" Rarity was the first to ask. "Darling, is everything alright? You've hardly touched your daffodil daisy sandwich."

Twilight turned to face the girls, opening her eyes to reveal how red they've become, "It's that cloud," Twilight pointed, to a cloud shaped like a dragon. "It reminded me of Spike."

The girls all looked at the cloud, and sure enough, they pictured Spike, as the young dragon they last saw him as, before he left them.

"Oh, Spike," Fluttershy whimpered.

"My darling, Spike," Rarity frowned.

Rainbow walked over, and placed a comforting wing on Twilight's shoulder, "I'm sorry we made the cloud look too Spike-ish," She apologized, on behalf of herself and her weather pegasi team.

"It's okay, Dash," Twilight sobbed. "I'd like it if you can keep it that way, for now, please."

"Though, could you maybe take out the cloud next to him?" Pinkie asked. "Cause it kinda looked like a bolt of lighting hitting him in the head."

"PINKIE!!!!" The other girls, except Twilight, yelled.

Realizing what she just said, Pinkie covered her mouth, "Oops! Sorry," She apologized.

Wanting to comfort their friend, Applejack walked over, and gently stroke Twilight's back, "We all miss him, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "But I know, he's really means all that much to ya."

Twilight looked at Applejack and nodded, "Yes, he is," She sobbed. "Spike's the one who got me into friendship in the first place," Twilight frowned. "Even though I had Cadence and Shining, it just wasn't the same. Because without Spike, I never would've done anything spectacular, like see the world, or look for a new perspective, or even meet you girls."

The girls all nodded in understanding, while older Spike continues to listen with intent. Next they knew, Twilight broke out singing.

"When I was just a filly, I found it rather silly"

"To see how many other ponies I could meet"

"I had my books to read, didn't know that I would ever need"

"Other ponies to make my life complete"

"But there was one boy that I cared for"

"I knew he would be there for me"

"My number one assistant, best friend forever!"

"Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together"

"He showed me the world on a magic cloud ride (Best friend forever!)"

"We never had a single fight (We did everything together!)"

"We shared our hopes, we shared our dreams"

"I miss him more than I realized"

"It seems..."

[Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity]
"Your number one assistant, best friend forever"

"Like two peas in a pod, you did everything together"

[Twilight Sparkle]
"And though he's, oh, so far away"

"I hoped that he would stay"

"My number one assistant, best friend"



Twilight stopped for a moment, choking back on some tears. She then projected several magical projections of herself and Spike, playing

“He was my number one assistant, best friend forever,” Twilight sang, before the dragon got struck by lightning, causing it to disappear into sparkles, leaving the unicorn apparition alone. “And now, he's gone from Equestria, forever.”

When Twilight sang the last lyrics, the girls all crowded around and shed tears.

“Oh, you poor thing!” Fluttershy sobbed.

Applejack hides her face, behind her hat, while Rarity teared up, "I can't bear to see Fluttershy cry!"

Even Rainbow Dash couldn't hold back some tears, “Darn it! Now you've got me all sappy!!!” Rainbow cried with what’s left of her pride.

Pinkie Pie pulled out a picture of Spike, with her colors turning dull, and her mane deflating, as she hugged the picture and cried, "Why? Why? WHYYYYYYY?!!!!!"

Older Spike felt a throbbing pain in his chest, and he couldn't help but let a single tear escape from his eyes. Though he knew it would be in vain, Spike still walked over and tried to hug the girls, but couldn't.

The scene shifted to show some moments where the girls were trying to go about their daily lives, while trying, and failing, to not think too much about Spike.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie was trying to make some new recipes. But no matter how hard Pinkie tried to bake, all she managed was something purple and green. Pinkie frowned, as she simply discarded the recipe and started another one, which only came out like the last.

Pinkie sighed, "Spike's going to have birthday parties on Earth," Pinkie began to tear up, as she slumped her head into the batter. "And he won't remember me, because I didn't host any of them!" With her mane flattened, and her colors dull, Pinkie cried into the batter.


Rarity was busy sowing and knitting some new dresses. However, her mind suddenly started to wander, as she turned to her glass slipper, together with the fire ruby Spike had given her. Rarity frowned sadly, as she walked over to the two prized objects.

“Idea~!” Rarity sang, as she quickly got to work, knitting and sewing a vibrant purple and hot pink cape, that went well together with a gold choker, embedded with the fire ruby. “Yes, so fabulous!” Rarity mused herself, before turning to a mannequin, wearing Spike’s old cape, in its youth.

With a giggle, Rarity dons herself up in her new cape, while levitating the mannequin with Spike's cape over, “Why hello, Spikey-Wikey! I’m so happy to see you again!” She talked to the mannequin. "Oh, why thank you darling. It is simply marvelous, isn't it? It goes well with the fire ruby you gave me, and this glass slipper you've found for me." Still in her magic aura, Rarity made the mannequin move about, "Oh, but of course. I'd love to dance with you, my prince."

With that, Rarity held the mannequin close, in her hooves, waltzing around the room, twirling, and gliding across the floor, in a slow dance. Older Spike shook his head, still smiling at the scene being played out. Deciding to have some fun, he walked up to Rarity's younger self and asked, "Might I cut in?" He asked, before he danced with Rarity, in place of the mannequin.

Though it's not for real, Spike at least wanted to have dance with Rarity. Especially since he hasn't danced with the unicorn girl a lot, as of late.

Though he had a few stumbles, and trips, Spike was enjoying himself, dancing with Rarity, even though he's technically a ghost in the past.

However, the tender moment didn't last long, as Rarity attempted to do a dip with the mannequin, in which she lost her balance, and fell to the floor. Spike, not being there physically, failed to save her fall.

"Ow, oh!" Rarity groaned, before she looked sadly at the mannequin. “Oh who am I kidding?” Rarity cried. “It’s still not Spikey-Wikey!” Tossing the dummy to the side, Rarity cried her tears into her bed sheet, sobbing, “Spike! Spike! Where for art thou, Spikey-Wikey?!”

Spike sat on the bed, and stroke Rarity's back in vain. Then, the whole scene changed once more.

Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were seen, sitting on the mountain top, with the alicorn statue, looking at clouds.

"Sure is a nice day today," Fluttershy said in relief.

"The weather pegasi really did their work," Rainbow sighed, before she looked back at the clouds. “Hey! Look at that one!” Rainbow pointed. “It looks kinda like a griffin!”

“Mmmhmm,” Fluttershy agreed. “Oh, how about that one? It looks like a bunny!” Fluttershy looked, before she spotted some more, “And that one looks like a dog!”

“And that one’s a fish!”

“That one is a turtle!”

“And that one looks like......Spike.” Rainbow frowned, as she and Fluttershy recalled the tragedy. "How long has it been?" She asked.

Fluttershy tapped her hoof several times, counting the number of days that have passed since Spike's departure.

"Never mind," Dash frowned. "Why did he have to go for so long?"

Fluttershy looked at Dash in sympathy, before she looked back up at the cloud that is in the shape of Spike. Flapping her wings over, Fluttershy spoke to the cloud, "Um, hello Spike. So nice to see you again."

Rainbow Dash looked up, as Fluttershy shook the cloud's "hand" as if she and Spike were exchanging hoof-hand shakes.

"Oh, thank you," Fluttershy said, as she stroked her mane. "I rinsed, lathered, and repeated." Rainbow Dash looked weirded out for a moment, before Fluttershy went and grabbed the cloud, stretching and folding the fluffy substance, into the shape of a dog. "Aw! You're even cuter than you were before!" Fluttershy grinned, as she spins around with the cloud dog, pretending it was Spike.

Spike couldn't help but cover his face, feeling the blush coming on, 'She really takes my shapeshifting ability for granted, doesn't she?' He thought.

Chuckling in amusement, Rainbow flapped her wings, “Hey Spike!” Rainbow greeted casually to the cloud. “Long time no see! How’ve you been? Done anything awesome and-AHHH!!!” The girls screamed, when a bolt of lightning came and blasted the clouds to pieces.

“Oops, my bad,” a gray Pegasus filly apologized, after jumping on a random thundercloud.

Rainbow looked at the remains of the cloud dragons, before the pipe broke, and Dash was wailing at the top of her lungs.

“Why?!” Dash sobbed hysterically. “He was too young and cool, to go out in style like that! Why did he have to get hit in the head by a dark lightning bolt?! There’s so much I wanted us to do together!! Now he’ll never see me become the Wonderbolt I’m meant to be!” With that, Rainbow Dash pulled Fluttershy close, wrapping the buttercup pegasus filly in an iron grip hug as she continues to bawl her eyes out.

Some random pegasi colts whispered, “And I thought Fluttershy was the big crybaby.”

“Oh, shut up!” Spike said to the colts.

"Oh, shut up!" Fluttershy said.


Applejack was out bucking in the apple orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, when a young Apple Bloom came flying out of the trees, and landed a flying kick to a tree. The little filly winced, as she recoiled from the damage.

"Apple Bloom?!" Applejack exclaimed. "What in tarnation are ya doing?"

"Just trying to buck some apples," Apple Bloom replied.

"I know that Sugarcube," Applejack replied. "I meant, why were you bucking apples, like that?"

"Because I wanted to do it the way Spike did," Apple Bloom replied. "That and I was wondering what a karate cutie mark would look like."

Older Spike didn't notice it before, but little Apple Bloom in the past was simply a blank flank. She doesn't have a cutie mark.

Applejack sighed, "Look Sugarcube. I know you're trying to help and all, but I think it's best if you leave the whole 'karate' thing to Spike and to some older ponies. I don't want ya to get hurt."

"But Applejack-"

"No buts! I just don't want to lose you too." Applejack pulled her hat over her face, as she spoke, "Not after we lost ma, pa, and Spike." Applejack said tearfully, to which Apple Bloom looked in understanding, as she went over and hugged her sister in comfort.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight woke up with a smile on her face, as she jumped out of bed, "Spike! Wake up! Wake.....up?" Twilight said quietly, losing her smile, upon noticing the small empty bed, besides hers. "Oh yeah," she remembered. "Spike's gone.....still," the unicorn's ears droop, as she walks over to a calendar, marks the day off.

Spike looked, and to him, it appeared as though half the calendar's days were all marked off.

Spike watched as young Twilight went through the rest of her day, in his mother's school for Gifted Ponies and Magical Creatures. Though, like his adopted mother, Twilight appeared to be less enthusiastic about going through her day.

Suddenly, a clap of thunder, and Spike finds himself in a seemingly, endless dark void.

"Go away, Fear," Spike scowled.

"Go away?" Fear cackled. "Get with the program. Fear can never go away. You can run, but you cannot hide from it. The truth is clear. Worlds don't need dragons, like you! Anyone who was close friends with you can say they loved you. They can say they trust you. But sooner or later, when something or someone is seen as too powerful, then they will be seen as a threat. Eventually, the world will become your enemy!"

Knowing it's another trick, Spike covered his ears, as he attempts to walk away. However, that didn't stop Fear, who remains undeterred.

"Your birth parents knew that from the start. In fact, they were wise to leave you for dead. From the moment they saw you, they-"

"That's not gonna work, Fear," Spike fumed, while feeling on the verge of going full dragon. "Even if they don't want me, at least I have a family, where I'm wanted."

"Oh do you?" Fear asked. "And will they still want you, if something bad happens to them?"

At that point, Spike wouldn't have any of it. Eyes blazing green, Spike shifted into his dragon form, as he attacks Fear, who disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Spike relentlessly breathed fire in every directions, before he was struck from the sides, by Fear.

"Did you honestly believed you stand a chance to defeat me?" Fear asked, as he continues to attack Spike, from the darkness. "Your friend Pip, was a much worthy adversary. He may be small, but I have to say, he was more than a little thorn in my side."

"Well that goes to show you big things come in small packages!" Spike spatted, before he heard an angry roar, and Demon Fear appeared before him.

"Pipsqueak is nothing but a little mouse, who got very lucky!" Raising his scythe, Fear slashed it at the Dragon Prince, who parried with his fire katana, followed by a burst of fire, which Fear was able to extinguish, with a blast of ice from his eyes.

"Unlike Pip. You dragons continue to amuse me. Your anger is a boost for your fiery attacks! But once it burns out, so will you! And in that moment, you are vulnerable to be slain!"

Fear's words instantly struck Spike, as it sounded like the words his uncle had once taught him.

"Time to put you out of your misery, 'Dragon Prince'!" He said, as he splits up into a whole army of Demon Fears. With that, Fear and his clones all attacked Spike from every direction.

Spike lunged at one of the clones, but the demon manages to block him in time and counters the dragon with a good swipe from his scythe, knocking Spike off his feet and tearing off a good chunk of his chest plate in the process.

Before Spike has a chance to get up, another clone picks him up by the head and slams him to the ground, breaking one of the Dragon Prince's horns. Spike used one of his katanas to stab the demon's arm, causing him to scream in pain and let go of the dragon

Spike then flies up to the air to get some distance, but two of the clones slam into him. Both have an evil idea as they grabbed Spike's wings and tear them off, resulting in Spike screaming in pain as he hits the ground.

As Spike tries to get up, one of the clones rips Spike's cape off and burns it to ashes, all while the demon laughs. Enraged, Spike charged at the clone, only to get elbowed by another.

As the fight continued, Spike gets tossed around like a ragdoll and losing bits and pieces of his armor. Soon, all the multiples merged into one Demon Fear, who plunged his scythe, into Spike's chest. The young dragon instantly collapsed to the ground, as he felt his whole life-force leaving him. "It's done," Fear sneered, as he left the dragon to die.


It was back when Spike was still a child. He had gotten into a lot of fights, and a lot of troubles with some of the bullies at school. In one of these fights, Spike attacked a bully, out of anger, after making the mistake of calling him, "Shorty."

Following this incident, Scorpan and Spike had a long talk, between uncle and nephew; teacher and student.

"The martial arts were meant to discipline you, Spike," Scorpan lectured. "They're only to teach you defense. Not for war, but to make peace, with your enemy."

"It's kinda hard to do that, since everyone are always making fun of me," Young Spike grumbled.

Scorpan looked at Spike, in disapproval, "And that, young man, is what makes you a tiger. Not a dragon."

Spike looked up at his uncle in confusion, "What do you mean, I'm only a tiger?"

Scorpan brought Spike to the center of the room, while showing Spike a ring he wore, with a tiger statue on one side, and a dragon's marking on the other.

Scorpan held his hand up, while showing the tiger on his ring, "The tiger does not think," He lectured. "Therefore it cannot act. It can only react and respond. The tiger is strong and fearless. But it cannot initiate action. That is the difference between man and tiger."

"The tiger is what I know, uncle."

Scorpan turned his hand, to show the dragon, "The dragon is also very strong, but full of wisdom. The dragon fears what it's strength can do," Spike stood still, as Scorpan got down to the boy's level. "This is the tiger," Scorpan made a quick jab at Spike, which the young boy was quick to block. "This is the dragon," Scorpan repeated his strike, while Spike also repeated his block. "The dragon always," Spike looked down, seeing Scorpan's other hand, at his stomach. "That's a choice. But the tiger, never."

Spike looked up at his uncle, eyes widened in acknowledgement and understanding.

"I've shown you the dragon, but you have not seen him," Scorpan lectured. "You will not find the dragon in any dojo. Experience will be your teacher. You must find him for yourself, in your own way. And when you do."

"I know, uncle," Spike replied. "Then I'll learn the dragon."

"Then, you will be a man," Scorpan added.

Then, at some point, the two were on a trip to China, as part of Spike's lesson in Kung Fu. Though, one such lesson Scorpan taught him, didn't involve strikes, or blocks.

"What are we hear to learn about, uncle?" Spike asked.

In response, Scorpan turned to a foggy window, on the train they were on, and drew a Chinese character, "Chi," He answered. "Internal energy. The essence of life. It moves inside of us, it flows through our body. It gives power from within."

Young Spike thought for a moment, before he had an epiphany, "Oh! Like the Force from Star Wars. You're like Yoda, and I'm a Jedi!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, while Scorpan rolled his eyes.

Soon, the two reached their destination, at a Taoist temple, in the Wudang mountains. There, Spike was taught the fundamental lessons of the yin-yang.

"Yin and yang are the dual forces of our universe," Scorpan explained, while he and some colleagues of his demonstrated to Spike. "There are positives and negative forces, inside each of us, every creatures, and every objects around us."

A monk walked over, and lectured, "A young warrior, not only needs to be strong to overcome their conflicts, but they need to learn how to be soft and gentle, and embrace the world around them. By doing so, they can achieve harmony with the Tao."

Young Spike tried to process, "So like, if someone did something to make me mad, I shouldn't just fight?"

"That's right," Scorpan replied. "There are times when you need to fight, and stand up to what's right. But there are also times when you need to back down."

The monk nodded, "As the brilliant Sun Tzu once spoke, 'The Greatest Victories Are The Battles Not Fought.'"

It was right then and there, that older Spike had an epiphany. He felt a burning sensation coursing through his body, before he burped green fire, and floating before him, is the orb of his powers. Spike gazed into the orb, as he sees the yin-yang symbol - with the elements of fire and water, being shown through the symbol, together with some dragons.

In one side - the yin - displays a fiendish dragon from the Western Mythologies, of Europe. The dragon flapped its bat-like wings, roaring at the top of its lungs, as it laid waste to the land, with its fiery breath, and hoards every treasures it can find. Spike knew that a dragon like this is a symbol of evil, the devil, and destruction.

In the other side - the yang- it displays a far more benevolent kind of dragon from the Eastern Mythologies, of Asia. The dragon appeared to be at peace, within its watery domain, before it flies up to the sky, and brought rain to the people, providing them water for bountiful harvests of their crops.

'I get it!' Spike realized.

Snapping back into the dreamworld, Spike strained as he pulled the scythe, out of his chest. Fear turned his head, hoping to get one last look at the dying dragon. But instead, much to his shock, he saw the Dragon Prince, succeeding in pulling the scythe out of his chest, and the wound, closing itself up.

"WHAT?!" Fear exclaimed. "How can this be?!"

"You're right, Fear," Spike spoke, calmly. "We dragons do have quite the temper. But it's a good thing I had a teacher to help me overcome that flaw. A teacher whom I like to refer to as uncle." Remember some Tai Chi lessons, Spike moved his whole body in a slow, gentle movement.

Fear huffed, "So what? What difference will that make? It doesn't change the fact that you'll end up destroying everything, later!"

"Doesn't mean I can't try to avoid it," Spike replied, still calm. "Dragons like me aren't just all about fire and destructions, you know. If we can learn, we can be calm, and gentle, like the waters in a quiet, secluded body of water."

"As if," Fear scoffed. "So what? Water can still be destructive too, y'know! It can still destroy anything in its path, as a raging hurricane, or tsunami! It can level even the biggest of cities, in a flood! Water's no difference from fire, y'know."

"And that, is an example of water's strength," Spike replied, closing his eyes, and holding his hands together. "Persistent, patient; water always finds its way around, eventually wearing down any obstacle in its paths. That's how I'll keep my powers in check, and that's all I need to defeat you."

"Not if I can help it!" Fear snarled, and with a loud roar, he ran towards Spike, with his scythe raised.

Spike continues to stand his ground, not moving a muscle, with his whiskers being the only exceptions. Eventually, Fear slashed his scythe at Spike, only for the boy to duck down, dodging the attack. Fear kept slashing his scythe after Spike, who continues to dodge to the sides.

"Stop MOVING!" Fear roared.

"Get him, slowpoke!" A demonic apparition of Rainbow Dash roared. "Can't you get rid of him any faster?!"

"Don't make me cut you in half, Rainbow Crash!" Fear spatted, before he realized something. "What?! What is this?!"

"Get that varmint, ya stinkin Jim Crow!" Applejack hollered.

"What are you waiting for? Slice him and dice him!" Pinkie called.

While all of the ponies were expressing dislike towards Spike, they were also criticizing Fear as well, "Why are you attacking me?!" Fear exclaimed in outrage. "You should be attacking him!"

"Even so, I am still a lady," Rarity said, while looking at herself, in her hoof. "And lady does not dirty herself, doing peasant's work.

"You call that a killer's weapon?" Twilight insulted. "I've seen bigger blades than that!"

"You're even uglier than Spike!" Fluttershy frowned.

"Looks like everyone are more afraid of you, than they are of me, Fear," Spike said. "Go ahead. Give me your best shot."

Fear looked at Spike, pure rage stamped on his face, before he screamed, "FALL DOWN!!" With that, Fear slashed his scythe at Spike, who remains unharmed.

Fear's eyes widened in surprise, as his scythe's blade phased through Spike's body. The metahuman continues to slash his blade, repeatedly, and furiously at Spike, but the result was the same.

"HOW? HOW?!!" Fear exclaimed.

"You're not that smart, are ya?" Spike asked. "I told you. Water always finds a way to overcome any obstacle in its path. And even though my fire powers hold destruction, then I can still count on water to neutralize it. So, I'm not afraid of what my strength can do. But you will be afraid of it!"

Blinking his eyes open, Spike revealed the symbol of the sun and the moon, in each of them, while his whole body was surrounded in an aura of green, and parts of his armors started to repair itself, along with the restoration of certain parts on his body, such as his horns, and wings. Fear watched, as several fiery dragons surrounded Spike, before they all fused together into his armor, and his cape sprouted out from his back, fully restored.

Furthermore, the nightmare ponies that once hated Spike, immediately lost their dark auras, and became the ponies he knew and loved. The ponies all galloped to his sides, before they turned into multicolored orbs, circling around Spike, before they merged into a huge, spiritual alicorn, with rainbow mane and tail.

Fear's equine phobia kicked in, as the towering alicorn flailed its forelegs before him, and fired a beam of powerful magic, blasting him to dust.

"It won't change anything!" Fear grunted, as he struggles to resist. "It's futile you know! The worlds will betray you! Why fight at all? Why risk your lives for those who would persecute you later?"

Spike walked up to Fear, while conjuring a huge fire katana in hand, "If the world chooses to become my enemy, then I will fight like I always have!" Raising his sword up, Spike slashed at Fear Haunter's chest, cutting him open.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Fear screamed, before everything turned white.

In the real world, Spike was surrounded in a green and blue aura, with his mother's symbol glowing on his hands in golden aura, all the while stirring and shaking in dragon form. Eventually, the stirring stopped, and the young dragon started to grow calm, in his sleep. Standing at the sides of his bed, are Twilight, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.

Princess Luna lowered her hands, with her cutie mark fading on her forehead.

Turning to her right, the night alicorn-turned-human nodded, "He's alright, sister."

Both Celestia and Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, while Celestia sat down on the bed, and stroke her son's head.

"Oh, my son," Celestia sighed, sadly.

Spike's face stirred for a moment, before he slowly reverted back to human form, and woke up. "Mom? Aunt? Twilight?!" Spike exclaimed, waking up fully. "W-What are you doing here?"

"We came here to make sure you're okay, Spike," Twilight replied. "But when we got here, you were asleep."

"And you were fighting Fear Haunter, again," Luna replied. "But thankfully, you won."

"Yeah, I won," Spike muttered. "But I'm still scared."

"Understandable, Spike," Princess Celestia replied, with a look of concern. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Looking up at his mom, aunt, and Twilight in the room, Spike nodded his head, "There's something that's been bothering me for awhile." With that, Spike relayed the whole story to his surrogate family and friends, who all listened in sympathy, as well as shock and horror. "So, that's why I came here," He concluded. "I've been wondering how life would've been different if I didn't have the Dragonfire."

Princess Celestia was the first to spoke, "Little Sunshine," She began. "You're more than that. Dragonfire or not, it will never change the fact that you're my son."

"I know," Spike sighed. "But still, who am I, exactly? Where did I come from? Why was I left there?" Looking back up at Princess Celestia, seeing the white alicorn's expression turned sadden, Spike quickly reassured, "Don't get me wrong, mom. You're the best, and I can't ask for more than the love you've shown me, but still I just got to know."

Celestia dipped her head in understanding, "I understand, Spike," She spoke. "It's very lonely for anyone to be without a family, or any living relatives. And I'm afraid I don't have the answers to your questions, sweetie," Celestia pulled Spike close for comfort, which his eyes widened, upon the familiar motherly warmth from the sun princess. "But until you find the answers to your past, you're still my son."

Spike closed his eyes, feeling lost in his mother's love, 'I wouldn't trade it away for anything else,' He said.

"And not only that, but you're my best friend," Twilight added. "My very first friend. I wouldn't have taken my first step to learning the Magic of Friendship, without you!"

"And you were instrumental in my reformation, nephew," Luna added. "And for that, I owe you my life."

"So you see, my sun," Celestia spoke. "It's fate that you were blessed with the Dragonfire. Without you, or the Dragonfire, our life would never be full of love, peace, and most all, harmony."

"But then, what if something does happen, and I'm seen as a threat?" He asked. "Would you everyone else have to put me down, or something, for the greater good?"

Princess Celestia shook her head in denial, "No, Spike," She began. "I love you too much to put you down. I wouldn't have the heart."

"Nor would I," Luna joined in. "As I've said, I owe you my life."

"And that's absurd, for you to believe that me and the girls would be quick to judge like that, Spike!" Twilight added. "We know you too well to know that you wouldn't just up and hurt someone, let alone kill them."

Spike looked away, still having doubts.

"But Spike," Twilight spoke. "Even if you believe everyone in the world will be against you. Know that I'll always remain by your side."

"So will I," Celestia joined in.

"Agreed," Luna said. "Remember that."

Feeling the love from all three princesses, Spike nodded his head, "I will," He replied quietly, before he finds himself, embraced in a tangle of hugs, from his family.

Owl City - Beautiful Times ft. Lindsey Stirling

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