• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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The Little Sea Pony Returns To The Sea Part 4: Seaquestria


It was back when Skystar was still a hippogriff, along with her family and friends. At that time, all was peaceful and prosperous for the hippogriffs on their former home, Mt. Aris.

Skystar was content with her life, because she still had her wings to fly, for fun, for freedom, and most of all, with her father, King Nimbus. King Nimbus was a strong and proud hippogriff, who rules the hippogriff's kingdom with a strict, but fair demeanor, together with his wife and Sky's mother, Queen Novo.

Although he was strict, whenever Skystar was around, his stoic demeanor would melt to reveal the loving father he is. Whenever he has some free times he can spare, King Nimbus would often go flying with his daughter, just for the fun of it. Sometimes, they would even go down to the beach to collect some shells, and build some sand sculptures and such.

It was an outing on the beach, when it all happened, "What you got there, Sky?" King Nimbus asked.

Skystar giggled before she presented a necklace, decorated with the shells she and her dad had been collecting, "It's a friendship necklace daddy!" She beamed. "For you!"

"Oh. Why thank you dearest," King Nimbus smiled, as he gratefully accepted the necklace don around his neck.

"Daddy?" Sky smiled. "We're friends for life. Right?"

Nimbus smiled, "Right."

"And we'll always be together!"

Nimbus's face turned solemn, before he lectured, "Sky. Let me tell you something, that my father told me," Directing his daughter's attention up to the night sky, he began, "Look at the stars. The great rulers of the past looked down on us, from those stars."

"No way! Really?!" Skystar beamed with excitement.

"Yes," Nimbus nodded. "So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those leaders will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

Just then, a hippogriff guard came and intruded on them, "Your majesty! Your majesty!" He panted.

"General Seaspray?" King Nimbus asked with concern.

"We've been attacked!" Seaspray panted. "Thieves! The magic pearl's been taken!"


The thieves who tried to take the pearl both go by the names, Cherry Pie and Mort. The two hooligans had snuck into Queen Novo's room while she was attending some royal business, to steal her magic pearl. Needless to say, they were both caught in the act, and an all out battle between the hippogriffs and the thieves.

Despite being outnumbered, Cherry Pie had proven herself to be a formidable opponent as she fought them all with quick reflexes that matched perfectly with her surprisingly uncommon strength. One by one, all of the guards were knocked to the ground, and none could get close enough to retrieve the pearl. All, except one.

"Do you dare come into my home and try to steal from me?" Queen Novo asked venomously. "No creature wrongs the Hippogriffs. You will pay dearly!"

"I've already paid dearly," Cherry Pie replied defiantly. "Once I deliver this pearl to my master, then he will reward me quite handsomely, and you will not stand in my way!"

With a loud screech, Queen Novo lunged towards Cherry Pie, determined to get her pearl back. In response, Cherry Pie too charged into battle, before at the last second, she rolled on the ground, sweeping her legs out, only for Queen Novo to dodge the attack, before she countered with a slash of her claws, striking Cherry in the chest. Cherry fell on her back for a moment, before she picked herself back up, with the pearl still in her saddle bags. Queen Novo ran towards her in a zig-zagged formation, before as a blur of pink, she leapt up in a flying kick to Cherry's face.

Having enough, Cherry retaliated with several blocks, before she countered with a well aimed kick to Queen Novo's stomach, followed by a punch to the face.

"You would dare to strike me?!" Queen Novo asked, wiping a blood from her beak.

"Get use to it, Queen! Get her Tempest!" Mort cheered for his partner.

"You can't do that to my mommy!" Skystar shouted, as she and King Nimbus arrived, kicking Mort in the rear.

"Hi honey!" King Nimbus flew down to his queen, and eyed Tempest angrily. "Allow me to teach this thief some respect!"

"No need," Novo replied, stopping the king with her wings. "This one's mine!"

Resuming their battle, Queen Novo and Tempest continued to go one-on-one with each other. Unfortunately, Tempest began to grow tired as she finds herself unable to keep up with Novo's speed, until finally, she was pinned to the ground, "I'll take that!" Queen Novo said, as she snatched the pearl form the bags. "It's over, Tempest," She began bitterly. "Leave now, or face my fury!"

Instead of cowering in fear, however, Tempest laughed mockingly, "On the contrary, your majesty," Tempest smirked. "You will face our fury!"

With a loud whistle, the hippogriffs looked up to see a storm cloud rolling in. Then, with cracks of thunders, a whole army of towering dark creatures rained down, and slowly advanced on the hippogriffs.

"It's simple," Tempest began. "Give me the pearl, and your suffering will be quick."

"Better idea," Queen Novo replied, holding the pearl close. "Everyone! Into the castle! Now!" With that, the hippogriffs all returned to the castle, with the creatures following.

"STOP THEM!!" Tempest shouted. But it was no use. Queen Novo had chanted a magic spell, which she used to make the hippogriffs disappear in a flash of blinding light.

"W-Where'd they go?" Mort asked.

The answer was simple. The hippogriffs had all escaped underwater, where they've transformed themselves into hippocampus, or sea ponies to put it simply. Furthermore, using the power of her magic pearl, Queen Novo created an underwater utopia for her people. This utopia became known as Seaquestria.

Everything was good. But what can turn creatures into sea creatures, can turn sea creatures into.....well, creatures that aren’t of the sea, too.

Many of the sea creatures who thrived in Seaquestria have all became sentient from the pearl's magic. Among them was an octopus named Squirk. Unlike his fellow sea creatures who welcomed the sea ponies into their watery domains, he saw an opportunity concerning the sea ponies' magics.

What had given the hippogriffs a new power and a new home, also holds potentials for an even greater evil. One that seeks to dominate the surface world.

[Intelligence - Alan Rickman]


Skystar stopped abruptly, covering her tearful face with her flippers, with Spike holding her close for comfort, "It's okay, Sky," Spike shushed. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

Skystar sobbed, “I was scared,” Skystar hugged herself. "It was horrible. So horrible," Skystar recalled the incident she had in the kitchen, back in Klugetown. "And when I saw that octopus, it made me think about daddy, and Squirk," Skystar sniffed a tear, "And how I lost him," Skystar cried some more, as she muttered, "The sound of Squirk's voice will haunt me for the rest of my life," She recalled.

"Long live the king!" Squirk said in a dark demonic tone.

Looking back with a look of disdain, Spike asked, "Whatever happened to this Squirk guy?"

"Squirk was gone," Skystar sobbed. "He and his armies have escaped before my mom and her guards could arrest him. He's out there, somewhere," Skystar sniffled even more as she continues to hug herself. "I'm just so scared. He could be watching me right now. What if he finds me? What if he hurts me and my mom again? I wished daddy was here." Skystar cried some more tears, with Spike, and some friends, looking on.

Seeing Skystar sad and alone was very heart wrenching. Normally, she’s the happiest, and the most outgoing of sea ponies. Well, the only one Spike and friends ever knew, and it pains them to see her like this.

Wanting to comfort her, Spike reached his arm out to pull her close, "I'm sorry about your dad, Sky," Spike spoke gently and calmly. "He sounded like an awesome guy."

"He sure is," Skystar replied, while nuzzling closer for comfort. "But I miss him so much."

Spike held Skystar closer, "Your dad is here," He pointed to her chest, where her heart lies.

Obviously, Skystar was confused, "Huh?"

"What I mean is, if you loved someone so much, then that love will never leave you. And even if you can't see your dad, he's still with you, in spirit. That way, you don't have to feel lonely all the time."

"Really?" Skystar asked, receiving a nod from Spike. "That's nice," The sea pony smiled sadly, "But I'll still miss him. I'll miss all those times when we fly through the sky together." Sky turned to Spike, "Don't get me wrong Spike. I like to swim. In fact, I love it. In a way, it's kinda like flying, except you're underwater. But without dad, it just doesn't feel the same."

Spike scratched his chin, before he looked up at the sky, not seeing an airship in sight, even through Peewee. He couldn't even sniff or hear any of the Cerulean Hunter's ships. Thinking it's safe, Spike changes in his dragon form, in a flash of fire.

"Come on, Sky," said Spike, as he got down on all four. "Hop on up."

"Why?" Sky asked.

"We're gonna go for a flight," Spike replied. "I'm sure your dad would've loved to see his little girl flying again. Wouldn't he?"

"But I can't fly. Not like this," Sky reminded to her sea pony form.

"That's okay. I'll carry ya," Spike replied. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course!"

"Then climb on," Spike repeated, to which Skystar complied. “Hold on tight, okay?” Sky nodded, wrapping her flippers around Spike's neck. Spike was still wearing his armor, even when he dragons up, since the armor was enchanted to remain on him. However, the Cape of Compassion provided itself as a comforting seat between the metallic surface for Skystar when she was on his back. Then, with a flap of his wings, Spike launched himself in the air, carrying Princess Skystar.

Skystar closed her eyes tightly, while tightening her grip around Spike's neck, frightened at their sudden takeoff, while feeling the strong wind blowing at her face, biting her skins. Once they came at the peak of their flight, Skystar slowly uncovered her eyes to see both she and Spike were flying above the clouds.

Skystar gasped, as she lets the spell of Princess Celestia's lights, combined with the mystifying structure of the clouds, taking control of her, "Wow," Sky gasped. 'I forgot how beautiful the skies were,' She thought.

"Enjoying the view so far?" Spike asked.

"Yeah!" Skystar beamed, feeling the wind blowing in her face, making her feel more lively. "This is so amazing!! Whoa!" Skystar nearly fell off when she held her flippers out. Luckily, she caught herself and Spike before she fell off.

"Take it easy there, Sky," Spike cautioned slightly. "Don't want you to become a sea pony splat on the ground, would we?"

Skystar chuckled nervously, "No, I guess not."

With another flap of his wings, Spike took Skystar further in the clouds, with the sea pony feeling the winds blowing stronger in her face. Reaching her flippers out, Skystar touched the fluffy textures of the clouds, running across her fins.

"Hold on tight," Spike warned. "Because we're going down!" With that, Spike tucked his wings as he begins descending closer to the ground, with Skystar holding on, screaming, not out of fear, but out of excitement.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAA!!!" Sky screamed, as Spike was picking up speed upon his descent, before at the last second, he quickly opened his wings, catching himself and flies back up in the air, while trimming across the treetops. "Whoooo-hoooo!!! Again!" Skystar beamed.

"You want again?" Spike asked, earning an eager nod from Sky. "Then here we go!" With that, Spike and Sky continue to fly through the air, with Spike doing some more aerial tricks that Rainbow Dash had once taught him, further arousing Sky's excitement and joy.

Taking it up a notch, Spike flapped his wings to an even greater height, before he and Skystar plunged towards the ocean beneath them. Skystar tightened her grip around Spike's neck, tears running from her eyes and lips flapping to the breeze.


To Skystar's surprise, and sudden shock, both she and Spike had submerged underwater. Spike, still in dragon form, continues to flap his wings, spinning his tail, propelling himself faster through the water, with Skystar holding on. The sea pony looked around her to see a whole school of beautiful fishes swimming before and all around her. Skystar felt herself being blown away by a wave of colors, and the adrenaline of dragon's fight.

Skystar smiled gleefully, before both she and Spike slowly broke surface, where Spike did a spectacular backflip in the air, like that of a dolphin, before he and Skystar plunged back down to the waters and continue their flight through the coral reefs and the colorful fishes. Spike too was enjoying the colorful schools of fishes that were swimming around him.

"Whoo-hoo!" Skystar cheered, as Spike flapped his wings again and they broke the surface. Skystar was laughing herself to tears, before both she and Spike had enough and decided to take a calm flight in the clouds.

Spike's whole body was moving up and down, gently to the beats of his wings, with his tail moving in a gentle circular motion for a smoother flight - something he learned from Mako. Skystar was enjoying their flight, before she looked up to see a cloud, in the shape of a certain strong hippogriff she loved, with all her heart.

"Hi daddy," Skystar smiled at the cloud, releasing a single tear. "I'll never forget you. I'll love you always. Bye!" Looking back down at Spike, Skystar wrapped her flippers around Spike's neck, nuzzling up close in the back of his head. "Thank you, Spike!" She smiled. "You're the best."

Spike smiled, "You're welcome," He replied, while having a moment of nostalgia, as a memory flashed before him.


It was on another trip to Japan with Scorpan, to learn the mysterious art of ninjutsu. The two were traveling to an island of Japan dubbed, Kyushu Island. It was there that Spike was fascinated in a local legend about a mysterious creature that lived in a lake that's not far from them. It is the story of Issie (Or in Japanese イッシー, Isshī), the lake monster of Lake Ikeda.

Through Scorpan's translation, Spike understood how the story goes, "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful white mare, who once lived on the shores of Lake Ikeda, with a little foal, whom she loved like any loving mother would. They would run together, play together, and sing together. Everything was good, until one fateful day."

"A dishonorable and wicked samurai was passing by, when he noticed the two horses together at Lake Ikeda. Bedazzled by their beauty, the samurai believed that a warrior such as himself deserved a beautiful horse for a steed. Therefore, he waited for when the mother left, leaving her young foal helpless as he was kidnapped and taken away by the samurai."

"Issie was so distraught at the loss of her child and her inability to locate him, that in her despair, she jumped into the lake and became a sea monster. From that day on, she can be seen surfacing from the dark waters of the lake, searching for her lost child."

Spike and the children all gasped in amazement to hear such an amazing, and sad story. Since then, on some occasions that Spike gets, he would come to Lake Ikeda, hoping to catch a glimpse of the monster.

One afternoon, Scorpan walked over to join his nephew, and asked, "Did you see Issie yet?"

"Nope! Not yet," Spike answered.

"And what do you plan to do when you see Issie?"

Spike opened his mouth, but only unsure stutters answered when he hesitated, "I...I...I don't know," Spike admitted. "It's hard to explain, but I kinda got this weird feeling that it has something to do with mom."

Scorpan looked shocked, "And what makes you say that nephew?" He asked.

"I don't know," Spike scratched the back of his head. "It's just, whenever I hear something about horses, magic, and in this case, a white mare with a lost foal, it....it....it all makes me think about mom for some reason. I wish I knew why exactly," Spike placed a hand over his head, struggling to find at least a single memory of his mother's face. In the meantime, Scorpan placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, trying his best to change topic.

Little did the two realized, a pair of sad eyes were looking at them, from far away, before it disappeared beneath the waters.


“There it is!” Skystar exclaimed, startling Spike out of his trance. “Mt. Arise! I’m almost home!”

"Where?" Spike asked, trying to look through the clouds.

"Over there!" Sky exclaimed, pointing to a lone island, out at sea. Concentrating into his powers, Spike's eyes pulsed a fiery aura, as his visions via Peewee's zoomed in on the island. In appearance, the whole island is a huge mountain, with structures at the top that looked as if they're giant wings of a great bird, folding over the top protectively.

"Alright!" Spike smiled. "C'mon! Let's go and get the others!"

With that, Spike slowly descends back to the ground, with Skystar smiling, "Hey Spike?" Skystar spoke up, catching his attention.

"Yeah?" Before Spike knew it, Skystar gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thank you," Skystar blushed.

Spike smiled, "You're welcome." Suddenly, the young dragon's whiskers twitched uneasily, feeling a disturbance in the air. He looked to some trees and caught sights of a flock of ravens, perched on some nearby trees. Upon closer look, however, Spike quickly realized they're no ordinary birds.


"There they are!" One of the hunters, onboard the Wailing Conder exclaimed, as he pulled up a screen, displaying some video footages of the heroes, from afar.

"Hmmm," Blacksky pondered. "Interesting. Very interesting." He was more curious as to how a group of young human boys were even present in Equestria, let alone accompanying Celaeno, Capper, and a sea pony. And more surprisingly, a dragon.

"Shall we move in now to capture them, sir?" One of the hunter asked.

"Not yet," Blacksky replied. "First, I'd like to see where they are headed to exactly. Something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye."

The hunters looked back up at the screen, only to see nothing but statics, "What the hell?!"

Meanwhile, back with our heroes

The ravens turned out to be spy bots, deployed by the Cerulean Hunters. Thankfully, Spike, the Shadowbolts, and Peewee caught onto this crafty spying tactic, and the ninja girls and phoenix had taken out the robots.

After regrouping with their friends, and packing up their gears, Spike and Skystar continued their trip to Mt. Aris. First thing's first, they had to get across a ocean that separated them from the mainland and Mt. Aris, which isn't a problem since both Spike and Peewee managed to fly everyone across the waters. Afterwards, the friends, plus the remaining villagers from Klugetown, all climbed up the mountain on a long staircase that was built on the cliffs.

"Spike!" An exhausted Button Mash called out to his dragon friend, who had turned back into a human.

"Button Mash. What's wrong with ya?" Spike asked when he came back down, with Skystar in his arms, bridal style, and Peewee resting on his cape. "You know, we're nearly there."

"Nearly there?" Button panted. "Look at all those steps!"

"You should've gotten more exercise."

"I do exercise. Three hours of tennis. Two more for playing golf."

"The ones with video games don't count as exercise, wise guy," Spike countered.

"Well Mr. Fitness," Button began as he clings onto Spike. "Why don't you carry me-"

"Get off!" Spike brushed Button off, before they both resume their climb.

After a long and exhausting trek, they finally arrived in an open wide abandoned city. Peewee flapped his wings and disappeared into the clouds above.

"This is so much better than Klugetown," One of the Klugetown creatures sighed in content, already making himself at home. "I'm definitely moving in here." The other villagers quickly agreed, while the heroes went to look around.

"This is your home?" Rumble asked.

"Hmmm, charming place," Capper commented sarcastically. "I must get the name of your decorator."

"You sure this is the place?" Spike asked Skystar, who nodded, before she scans the area.

"If I remember, there's a secret passageway around here that can take us to Seaquestria," Sky tapped her chin.

"You've got a secret passageway?!" Featherweight asked.

"Well, looks like the cat's out of the bag now," Sugarcoat and Button Mash both said in unison. "Um, no offense," They both said to Capper. "Jinx!" They said to each other.

Skystar giggled, "If I show it to you, then can you promise not to tell it to anyone?" She asked.

"We promise Sky," Spike replied, as he and the others knew what to do.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," the friends chanted together, though Celaeno and Capper both struggled with theirs.

"But break a promise by Pinkie Pie, kiss your butt good-bye," Button added, much to everyone else's surprise. "Well it's true. She's merciless than she looked."

Getting back on topic, the friends followed as Skystar guided them through the streets of the abandoned city. Eventually, they arrived at a pile of rock, where they moved the debris out of the way to reveal a cavern that was concealed. Trekking carefully in the cavern, the friends all gasped to see that it lead them to a huge pool of water, where a huge lotus blossom rested in the center, surrounded by two great statues of horse heads where waters can be seen flowing from the heads, giving the impression of long flowing manes.

"Whoa!" The friends all marveled together at the grand designs of a huge room.

"This place is beautiful!" Featherweight commented as he snaps a few pictures.

"Amazing!" said Capper.

"Aye me," Captain Celaeno marveled. "I never thought I'd see such a place like this with me own eyes."

Setting Skystar down in the pool, Spike called out, "Uh, hello? Hippogriffs? We brought your princess back! Safe and sound! Hello?"

Skystar chuckled, "Oh Spike, you're so funny," She smiled. "This is only the entrance to where we hippogriffs are hiding!"

"This is the entrance?" Button Mash asked.

"Just hold on for a second," Skystar insisted while she looked around in the pool, and dove underwater.

Suddenly, the next thing the heroes knew it, the whole pool started to turn into a whirlpool, "SKYSTAR!!" Spike screamed, diving into the water to save the sea pony.

"Spike!!" Pipsqueak shouted as he struggled to grab his dragon friend. "Gotcha!" He shouted, grabbing ahold of his friend's cape, before he was quickly pulled off his feet.

"Looks like he got you!" Button pointed out.

"Hold on there Pip!" Celaeno shouted, lunging forward and grabbed Pip by the leg, but she ended up being pulled in as well.

"PILE ON EVERYONE!!" Rumble shouted, and the Knights all piled themselves on Celaeno. Unfortunately, they still got sucked in, nonetheless.

"Seriously? Is that the best they can do?" Capper asked.

"If you don't count being unspeakably annoying, then yeah," Sugarcoat answered.

"C'mon girls!" Sunny Flare shouted. "We've got to help!" With that, the Shadowbolts all swung a rope, successfully lassoing one of the Knights, only to get sucked in as well.

"I just know I'm going to regret this," Capper rolled his eyes, as he tried to grab the Shadowbolts, and ends up getting sucked in.

After they all disappeared in the darkness of the water, the heroes soon found out they can breathe, with the aid of some huge air bubbles that were formed around their heads like diver helmets. Spike was an exception, however, considering how he simply conjured gills around his neck to breathe.

"Whoa!" Button exclaimed. "My life just flashed before my eyes there!"

"Now I know how those alligators must feel getting flushed down the toilet in New York City," Featherweight spluttered.

Turning to Skystar, Spike asked, "You couldn't have just told us that we'd enter Seaquestria through a swirling vortex of terror?"

Skystar simply giggled, "Surprised?"

"HALT!!" A booming voice sounded.

Then, without warning, a whole squad of armor clad sea ponies appeared from the waters, pointing their spears at the heroes.

"We come in peace!" Button Mash screamed, holding his hands up in defense.

Featherweight quickly held his shield up, Rumble looked ready for a fight, while Celaeno unsheathed her sword and pistol as she floated protectively over Pipsqueak. Then, appearing before the guards is an even bigger sea pony. Judging by his voice, and the authoritative vibe he displays in his appearance, he seems to be their leader of sort. In appearance, the sea pony is colored purple with light turquoise blue mane, fins, and matching fluke tail.

"Who are you?!" The purple sea pony demanded. "What are you doing here?!"

"General Seaspray!" Skystar beamed, as she swam up to the general.

"Princess Skystar?!" The general gasped in surprise, together with his men. "You're alive?!"

"I sure am!" Skystar smiled, before she pointed to Spike. "Thanks to Spike and his friends."

"Skystar?!" New voices called out, and several new sea ponies of sorts all made themselves known to the heroes and Sky. "Oh great Neptune! You're alive!"

"Haven! Selina! Cassie! Coral! Silver!" Skystar beamed, as she swam over and hugged the newcomers. "I've missed you all so much!" Looking over, Skystar waved her fin over to Spike. "Hey Spike! Boys! Celaeno! Come over here!"

The whole gang complied as they swam over to make acquaintance with Skystar's friends.

Skystar squealed with excitement as she swam over and introduced both Spike's group with hers, "Everyone meet everyone!" Skystar beamed, as she pointed to her girls. "Those are my sisters, Haven Bay and Selina Blue. That's my cousin Silver Stream. And over there is Coralita, or Coral for short. And that's Cassie!" Then, Skystar quickly introduced Spike's groups. "Girls! This is Spike! Those are his boys, the Knights: Button Mash, Rumble, Tender Taps, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight. That's Capper. That's Celaeno. And those girls are the Shadowbolts: Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Lemon Heart, and Sour Sweet!"

With that, both sides exchanged greetings. In the meantime, Spike took the chance to look at Skystar's friends.

In appearance, Haven Bay is colored white with orange fins on the head, tail, matching translucent wings on the back, dark freckles that framed her light turquoise eyes. Meanwhile her sister, identified as Selina Blue, appeared to be a purple blue sea pony with purple fins, matching translucent wings, and hairs that framed her wide, timid magenta eyes.

Silver Stream has very pale magenta scales, pale light grayish heliotrope flippers and matching translucent wings on her back, with her mane and tail colored light cornflower blue with streaks of light cornflower bluish gray, and moderate blue violet eyes.

Coralita is a sight to behold. In appearance, she has light aquamarine green scales with a long flowing sea green mane, with streaks of sea blue, tied in a ponytail by a band of pink pearls, and dazzling hypnotic mulberry eyes. She also wore a pink seashell in her mane, matching colored pearls as jewelries around her neck, and as a headband with a blue diamond in the center, and she appeared to be wearing blue encrusted pink shoes on her front hooves.

Lastly, Cassie has a unique appearance in terms of sea ponies. Unlike the rest of her friends, Cassie appears to be more serpentine than a pony. While she does have the head of a beautiful mare, Cassie has a series of long purple tipped fins that resembled those of a lionfish, sprouting off of her dark blue colored scales, almost giving her the appearance of a living forest of corals. Besides that, Cassie does have long frills at the sides of her head that Spike and Co. believed are her ears, white and blue frills that resembled a buzzcut at the top of her head, flowing down along her spine and ends in a fluke at the tip of her tail. And when she opens her eyes, they're revealed to be colored light blue with darker aqua blue pupils so large, they resembled beautiful pearls that have been bathed in the moonlight for so long.

Another thing Spike did noticed, unlike Skystar, her sisters, and cousin, both Cassie and Coralita don't have any translucent wings on their backs.

Skystar was clapping her flippers together, "It's so great to be home again!" She chirped. "I can't wait to see mom again. Omigosh! Mother! I'm so taking you to see my mom!" Skystar beamed as she took Spike's hand and started to pull him away. "She'll be so thrilled to meet you all!"

"Not so fast!" General Seaspray objected, barring entry for both the young sea pony and dragon boy. "Young princess. You can't just drag outsiders into our kingdom!"

"Fine! I won't!" Skystar frowned. "But if I could, then I'd totally take you in right now!"

"Not as long as I'm around."

"Well in that case, you're fired!"

"Hmm, nice try, but only your mother can do that."

Skystar fold her flippers together, pouting, "You're no fun!" She fumed.

"Besides, you've revealed our secret hideouts to these surface dwellers! Therefore we have no choice but to take them as our prisoners forever!"

"Your prisoners forever?! WAIT A MINUTE!!" Button exclaimed, before he shuts his eyes tightly. "You can't take me as your prisoner! I never saw anything! Don't you see? Because I certainly don't! He he he."

"Ha! Like that's going to fool them," Rumble grumbled.

"Hey! I'm under a lot of pressure here!" Button retorted.

Then, unexpectedly, General Seaspray burst out laughing, "Just kidding!" He laughed heartily, together with his guards. "But seriously, leave now! Queen Novo would never approve of surface dwellers in our kingdom!"

"Not even surface dwellers who saved my life and took me home?" Skystar asked.

General Seaspray sighed, "Look, it's nothing personal. It's just that, we've remained a secret from the outside world for many moons now, since we've been invaded. And that's how we're going to be for many more moons to come."

"But...but...." Skystar looked as if she was on the verge of breaking into tears, as she looked at Spike and their companions. Looking back at General Seaspray, she whimpered, "Are you saying I have to say good-bye?"

General Seaspray frowned, clearly succumbing to the princess's sad face. He quickly shook it off, as he said sternly, "That's the way it has to be."

Skystar dipped her head, "Then, good-bye general," General Seaspray was aghast, along with his guards at what they were hearing. "Good-bye girls," Skystar said to her sisters, cousin, and friends, much to their shock. Turning back to a surprised Spike, Skystar took him by the flippers, "C'mon Spike. Let's go."

"Uh, Sky?" Spike asked. "What-"

"Princess Skystar!" General Seaspray shouted, as he and his guards quickly swam in front of the young princess, stopping her and Spike. "What's the meaning of this?"

"What?" Sky asked. "You said I should say good-bye. So it's clear, if my new friends can't come to Seaquestria with me, then neither will I."

"What! No, wait a minute! Princess!" General Seaspray began. "That's not what I meant!"

"So my surface dwelling friends can come with me to Seaquestria?!" Skystar asked, beamingly.

"No! Not that!"

"Oh. So you don't want me to come to Seaquestria then."

With a frustrated groan, Seaspray sighed, "Alright, fine. We'll take you all to see the queen. But don't get any funny ideas. Am I clear?"

"Crystal sir!" Rumble saluted, together with the boys and girls.

"Follow me," General Seaspray ordered. The heroes all complied, while still being given suspicious looks from the guards.

"Wow, Sky," Spike complimented. "Well played."

Skystar giggled, "What did you think I am? An airhead or something?" She joked.

"Hehe, never for a second," Spike chuckled. Turning to his right, Spike nearly puffed at the sudden appearance of Cassie, and how close she is looking at him.

"Oh, sorry," Cassie apologized. "Did I scare you?"

"Uh.....just startled," Spike answered honestly. "A little." Spike continued to swim as casual as he can be, yet the strong sense of being stared at continues to linger. Looking to his right, Cassie's clear pearl eyes continue to remain fixated on him, "It's not polite to stare y'know," Spike said.

"Sorry," Cassie blushed. "It's just that, for a surface dweller, you're a fascination."

Spike felt flattered, "Of course you'd say something like that, Cassie," Coral added as she swam up to the kelpie. "He's the only fascinating surface dweller we've seen in ages!"

"And who are we?" Sugarcoat asked. "Chopped livers?"

At last, the heroes arrived at the end of the cave, arriving at a huge underwater paradise filled with beautiful corals of all kinds, populated by fishes and various sea creatures of all shapes and sizes, including sea ponies. In the center, forming from the ceiling in the near-like appearance of a giant chandelier is what appeared to be an underwater castle.

"Boys," Button began. "It looks like we've found Atlantis!"

The sea ponies all stopped what they were doing as they all eyed at the newcomers, while looking surprised at the appearance of their long lost princess.

"Hi everyone!" Skystar chirped cheerfully. "I'm home!"

Then, the sound of trumpets echoed underwater, and the heroes looked up to see some guards announcing, "Announcing her imperial majesty, Queen Novo!" With another blast of trumpets, there stood before the heroes, the queen of sea ponies.

In appearance, the sea pony has strong magenta colored eyes, her mane is a gradient of brilliant fuchsia to strong mulberry, and her coat was a scale of light fuchsias gray.

At first thrilled to see her mother again, Skystar cringed with fear under her mother's stern gaze, as she swam up to her daughter, "Princess Skystar! Where have you been?!!" Queen Novo asked sternly, before her gaze softened and she pulled her daughter close in for a hug. "Oh, don't you ever scare me like that again!" She spoke maternally before looking up and her eyes widen at the sight of Spike and friends. "WHAT?!! Surface dwellers?!!" She exclaimed, looking at the heroes sternly. "What's the meaning of this?! General Seaspray?"

General Seaspray was about to speak, "No no n-no! M-M-Mom, please! It is so not like that!" Skystar quickly spoke up for the heroes. "These surface dwellers are friends! They helped me get back home after I was taken by Nightmare Smooze!"

Queen Novo looked at the heroes, suspicion in her eyes still not leaving, "You saved my daughter?" She asked.

Remembering how he should behave before an authoritative figure, especially royalty, Spike bowed his head, "Yes, your majesty. We first met your daughter when she was a prisoner of Nightmare Smooze. We've been taking care of her until she is ready to return home. We don't mean any offense with our presence. We'll leave immediately if you wish."

The rest of the heroes looked at each other, before they followed Spike's example, "Yeah. What he said," Rumble said.

Princess Sky looked anxiously at her mother, Queen Novo, who looked solemn for a moment, before she chuckled, "Now why would I want such well-behaved surface dwellers to leave so soon?" Queen Novo asked. "Especially when those surface dwellers rescued my daughter and brought her home, safe and sound?" Queen Novo's smile disappeared when she got a closer look at Spike. "Hmm, come to think of it. You do look familiar."

"Huh?" Spike asked. "How can that be? I don't remember meeting you. At least, not that I recall," Spike scratched his head, feeling confused.

"I'll be the judge of that. I am the queen after all," Queen Novo looked closely at Spike, taking note of his blazing green hair, matching piercing eyes, as well as his unusual appearance.

"Queen Novo!" A sea pony guard swam in. "Queen Novo!" The guard stopped in front of the heroes and the sea pony queen, before he panted, "Your majesty! Airships, from the North!! Coming in fast!!"

Queen Novo simply huffed in confident, "So what?" Queen Novo asked. "They'll never find us here. We're safe. We always have."

Spike's eyes suddenly blazed green as his visions synced together with Peewee's, giving him a literal bird eyes view.

Through Peewee's eyes, Spike was horrified to see the familiar symbol of the Cerulean Hunters on the airships, together with the Wailing Condor leading a whole fleet of them, "Oh no!" Spike gasped, catching Queen Novo's attentions, together with the groups around him.

"Young one, what is it?" Queen Novo asked.

"Those aren't your average airships!" Spike answered. "They're the Cerulean Hunters!"

"Cerulean Hunters?" Novo raised an eyebrow. "Never heard of them."

"Cerulean Hunters are notorious poachers who hunt magical creatures for a profit," Sunny answered. "Including all of you sea ponies!" Queen Novo and the sea ponies all gasped in fear upon this revelation.

"And they're equipped with the latest state of the art technologies that can find any magical creatures. So there's literally no hiding from them," Sugarcoat added.

"And they'll even eat us too!" Skystar added in fright. "I should know, because they almost tried to eat me too!"

"WHAT?!!" Queen Novo shouted. "How dare they! Trying to eat my own flesh and blood? Nobody, human or creature ever tries to eat one of my own babies and gets away with it! I demand justice for this outrage! General Seaspray!"

"Your highness!" The general saluted.

"Gather your best men! Ready yourselves for these hunters! We'll give them a fight of their lives!"

"At once, your majesty!" With that, General Seaspray and his troops swam into actions.

Queen Novo then turned to the rest of the sea ponies, "The rest of you, take the children to safety! Do not come out until further notice!"

"You heard mom!" Haven shouted. "Go! Stay down and stay safe!"

Spike looked around him, seeing the sea ponies swimming frantically around Seaquestria in fright, while General Seaspray's soldiers were armed themselves with long sharp spears, tridents, shields, and long whips made of seaweeds. Looking up at Queen Novo, Spike spoke, "Queen Novo, your majesty," He bowed respectfully. "Let me lend your people my strength and skills."

"You?" Queen Novo asked. "What can you do?"

"Oh, a lot of stuff mom!" Princess Skystar beamed, speaking on Spike's behalf. "Spike can fight! He can fly! He can spit fire! And he fight! Oh wait, I've said that already, but still, he can fight!" The enthusiastic sea pony exclaimed, clapping her flippers excitedly while swimming circles around her mom. "He's the reason why I'm still here, and haven't been eaten yet!"

"Really?" Queen Novo asked, turning to Spike.

"Yeah! He's got the powers alright!" Button Mash spoke up, together with the Knights, the Crystal Shadowbolts, Capper and Celaeno backing up.

"Besides, no one else know how these hunt creeps operate, besides us," Spike added. "So if we're all going to stand a chance, let us help you out."

Queen Novo looked to her daughter, "Can they mom? Please!" Skystar pleaded. "They're our friends, and we can trust them!"

Queen Novo looked stern, "We'll need all the help we can get," She answered. "So if you youngsters know a thing or two about fending these goons off, then just do it."

"You can count on us, your majesty," Spike bowed his head. Spike’s eyes started to glow green and became reptilic. “Dragonfire!!!” With that, Spike's transformation begins with his body engulfed in a coat of green fire.

*Jake Long Dragon Transformation*

Queen Novo, Sky's sisters, cousin, and friends could hardly believe their eyes. Spike's body grew long, slender, and muscular again, with his huge wings sprouting, followed by his tail, whiskers, fins, and horns. The Dragon Hero has entered, "That's where I remembered you," Queen Novo eyes widened. "You're the lost Prince of Equestria!"

"The Dragon Prince?!" Haven Bay gasped, together with the girls.

"Welp, he's not lost anymore," Skystar beamed.

"Now it's our turn!" Button added as he and the Knights all joined in. Button Mash was the first to sound off, "Wisdom!" He declared, followed by Rumble, Tender Taps, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight as they respectively shouted, "Honor! Valor! Courage! Purity!" And in flashes of multicolored lights, the boys all changed into their pony forms, don up in armors.

Author's Note:

Update 5/17/18: I've changed Spike and the Knights' transformation sequence at the end, courtesy of the reviews from Miles Skywalker and OmniFox.

The story of Cherry Pie and Mort can be found in the official published book: The Stormy Road to Canterlot.

Enter some more comic characters, besides Mina, (along with some scrapped, background, and a Season 8 character(s)):

Haven Bay:

Selina Blue:



Silver Stream:

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