• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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A Weekend to Remember Part 2: A Day Out With Friends Forgotten

Spike and the girls were out and about in the busy streets of Times Square, looking at all the places they could go to. Their first stop, Twilight's pick, was at Barnes and Nobles, where Rarity was browsing through all the books on fashion, Fluttershy checked the encyclopedias on animals, Pinkie Pie and Applejack on cookbooks, Rainbow Dash on sports magazine, comic books, and some books of Indiana Jones, and Twilight was basically going through the whole genres.

Twilight was looking at a book that showed her pictures of the fantastic landscapes around the world, from the Grand Canyon to Stonehenge, when Spike came to see what she's reading, along with a huge pile of books she was hoping to purchase.

"I see you're quite the bookworm," Spike said amusingly.

Twilight smiled sheepishly, "I know books aren't all that interesting to you and everyone, but-"

"Oh don't get me wrong Twilight," Spike interrupted. "I think it's great that you have a passion for books. It shows how smart you are, and how dedicated you are to your studies."

"Thanks Spike," Twilight smiled, while blushing a light shade of red. "But I really wouldn't have been able to learn everything around me, if it hadn't been for you."

"Huh?" he inquired. "What did I do?"

Twilight sighed nostalgically, "Let's just say you showed me a whole new world." With that, Twilight gave Spike a playful wink, before she went up to the counter and made her purchase.

Afterwards it was Fluttershy's pick. The seven teens were passing through Central Park, before arriving at the Central Park Zoo, where Fluttershy made several animal imitations of the animals they were passing. Fluttershy was making barking noises that got the sea lions' attentions, some cute squeaks that got a sea otter to look at her. However, what's even more surprising for both Spike and the girls was when they came to the snow leopard exhibit. The big cat was growling and roaring behind its fences, glaring and scaring away all of the visitors. All, except one. Fluttershy boldly stepped up to the fence, the big cat bared its fangs, hissing and growling at her, before it was taken by surprise when Fluttershy bared her teeth and growled at the cat. The two had what most people perceived to be a stand-off, between a girl and cat, until finally, the snow leopard grew calmer and purred lovingly toward the girl.

"There, there, Mr. Snowy," Fluttershy smiled. "There's no need to be afraid. No one's going to hurt you."

All the visitors and employees gathered around, amazed at the interaction between the two. The zookeeper even offered Fluttershy the position of being the snow leopard, Mr. Snowy's personal keeper. Soon after, it was time for the teens to take their leave.

"Good-bye Mr. Snowy," Fluttershy said to the leopard. "I'll be back next week to come and visit you."

The leopard let out a light roar as it watches the kindhearted girl leave with her friends.

"Wow, Fluttershy!" Spike exclaimed. "That was incredible with what you did back there! Where'd you learn that?"

Fluttershy blushed a bright shade of red, as she answered, "Well, I have traveled to a lot of places, rescuing poor animals who can't help themselves. And, I guess I may have learned to speak with them along the way. Y'know, to let them know I wasn't going to hurt them."

"Sounds like to me you're a hero to the whole animal kingdom," Spike smiled, patting the shy girl on the shoulder.

Fluttershy hid her face behind her hair, as she blushed, "I guess I am," she smiled as she thought, 'But you'll always be my hero.' With that, the two quickly caught up with the rest of the girls to look at all the other animals in the zoo.

The seven teens were once again passing through Central Park, when Rainbow looked to see an empty soccer field nearby. An idea quickly came to her as she nudged Spike on the shoulder, "Hey Spike!" she began. "Ya up for a little one on one? First to 5 goals wins. And we do it, without magic."

"Is that a challenge?" Spike asked.

"If I say yes?"

"Challenge accepted."

"Then game on!"

With that, friendly game of soccer between the boy and girl ensued. At the start of the game, Spike was about to take the ball, but Rainbow beat him to it when she quickly steals it with her leg, brings it in the air behind her, before bending her head down as she flexed her leg, kicking the ball straight into Spike's goal.

"One's in!" Dash smirked.


"Wow!" Spike exclaimed. "That's a neat trick!"

"What can I say? I'm awesome!"

Twilight, sitting on the bleachers, thought, 'She pulled that same kind of trick on me before, in our first soccer match.'

The two quickly resumed their game, as Rainbow dribbles the ball towards Spike, who was guarding his goal. Suddenly, Rainbow pulled the ball back in the air, before she spun herself around in a perfect 360 and kicked a flaming fast ball. Spike tried to stop it, but the ball flew right past him, scorching his right ear slightly, and into the net.


"Hey!" Spike called. "I thought we agreed no magic!"

"We did!" Dash smirked proudly. "That's a natural talent of mine."

"No way," Spike sighed in disbelief as he resumes the game with Dash.

Dash was dribbling the ball, until Spike manages to steal it from her, when he pulled the "Dragon Sweeps His Tail," maneuver and stole the ball, before kicking it into Dash's goal.


"Clever move Spike," Dash smirked. "Now we're really having fun!"

"Bring it!" Spike smirked.

With that, Spike and Rainbow were evenly matched on the field, with Dash using her speed and agility, while Spike relied on his martial arts skills. The two kept it up, until at last, Rainbow Dash kicked the last goal to win.


"That's game," Dash smirked.

"Wow!" Spike panted breathlessly. "For being human, you've got some mad skills."

"You ain't bad yourself Spike," Dash smiled as she helped the boy up. "I'm impressed that you can at least keep up with me. Of course, you've always been able to keep up when we were kids."

Spike's looked at the girl curiously, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Dash confirmed. "I mean, when we first met, you were the only boy who was impressed and respected my talents and skills. Most other boys just acted like they're all better and that I should try to be more like a girl."

"That's not cool. They shouldn't tell you that!"

"I know! But then you came, and ya told them off and otherwise. Since then, you've got my respect. And in turn, I've got you for an awesome pal!" Dash pulled the boy in a headlock, before she gave him a noogie.

"Hey!" Spike groaned, as he manages to slip through the girl's grip and fixes his hair. "I'm all that much to you?"

"Yeah," Dash replied as she embraced the boy. "And you're always going to be awesome to me buddy. I wish you could remember that."

"I'll try," Spike returned the embrace.

Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, later took the group to the Westfield World Trade Center Mall. The whole place was crowded with costumers coming in and going out, for all the products sold at the many stores within the facility.

"Ooh, isn't it wonderful darlings?" Rarity squealed. "We're in fashionista's dreamland!"

"Dreamland for you perhaps," Applejack muttered.

"I just can't believe we're walking on the grounds of what used to be the terrorist attack site in 9/11," Twilight said.

"Yeah, dark day for America," Spike shuddered.

"Now now darlings," Rarity began. "Let's not be living in the past." The fashionable girl quickly seized Spike by the hand. "Spike you must come! There's a 15% off on the sale for fashion! We can't let it pass by!"

"Rarity!" Spike exclaimed, before he was dragged away. The rest of the girls looked on in amusement, yet a little irked, while some mysterious figures were walking by.

Rarity soon arrived to one of the fashion stores, with Spike in tow, and the two didn't waste a second to pick out some new threads to try on. After they've made their choices, the two brought their chosen articles of clothing into the fitting room to try on, before they came out, examining and analyzing each other's choice.

Rarity was wearing a strapless, purple spring dress with an open back, pink gloves, and matching high heels, while Spike came out wearing a black tuxedo with matching pants and shoes, and a red tie.

"Rarity," Spike commented in a suave tone. "You're looking beautiful as ever."

Rarity placed her hand over her heart, "Oh darling," she smiled. "You're such a prince."

The two went back into the fitting rooms to change into their next styles, before coming back out. Rarity stood, wearing a sparkling purple fleecy jacket, over a white, long sleeved shirt with an amethyst imprinted on the chest, a violet beret, a short jean skirt, black leggings with matching heels with a heart decorated. Spike later came out wearing a black buttoned shirt with a gold asian dragon decorated on the front and behind, a dark blue jean, and a dark grey shoe with sliver stripes.

Finally, they came down to their last choice. Rarity walked out in a long magenta flowing dress, with a white lace across the neck and shoulders, pink ribbons at the bottom, and pink slippers. Spike walked out wearing a white tuxedo, a black bowtie, red pants with orange stripes, and black dress shoes. The two looked at each other and both couldn't help but feel smitten.

"Wow!" Spike gasped. "And I thought you were already beautiful!"

"I'd certainly say the same to you," Rarity smiled, twirling around in her dress, until she accidentally stepped on it, and started to trip over.

"Rarity!" Spike shouted, catching the girl, resulting the both of them to fall on the floor.

Rarity looked up, blushing, and smiling, finding herself lost in the boy's blazing green eyes. Spike in turn finds himself lost in the girl's dazzling sapphire eyes.

"Rarity?" Spike asked. "Are you alright?"

"I am now darling," Rarity sighed lovingly. "Even more so, since I'm now seeing those beautiful eyes of yours again."

"Gosh, I think your eyes are beautiful too," Spike smiled.

"Oh flatterer," Rarity giggled, before she pulled the boy into a loving embrace, "Always the charming, courageous, and noble prince you are."

"Well you're one to talk," Spike grinned. "You're talking like I'm Prince Charming or something."

Rarity giggled, "Well, prince or no prince, you'll always be my hero." With that, Rarity cupped Spike's cheeks, slowly bringing the boy into a.....

"Whoa!" a random costumer exclaimed. "Am I interrupting something?"

After being forced to make their quick purchase, Rarity and Spike met up with the others at a Starbuck Cafe in the facility.

"So how'd it go?" Rainbow began.

"It was alright," Spike answered, being careful not to reveal too much details. "Me and Rarity had a good time together," As he said that, Spike secretly flashes a grin at Rarity, who blushed in response.

Just then, a song was played, which got Pinkie excited as she grabbed the boy, "Oh yeah?" Pinkie smiled. "Then let me have a turn to show you a good time." With that, Pinkie grabbed Spike out onto the floor, and started moving her body to the rhythm of the song. After bobbing his heads and tapping his foot to the song, Spike joined in as well.

"Uh huh," Pinkie sang. "Show me what you got now, come on make it worth my while."

Taking that as a request, Spike did a few dance moves with Pinkie, who smiled, 'I knew you still have that party animal inside of you Spikey!' the girl thought happily.

The rest of the girls watched happily, seeing how happy Pinkie is with Spike again. At last, when the song was over, the two got back to their table.

"You two looked great out there!" Twilight smiled.

"Thanks Twilight," Spike panted. "I haven't danced that much in years."

"I'll say!" Pinkie smiled. "That was the best dance I've had with Spike ever!" Confetti flew out of the hyperactive girl's hands when she made her happy declaration.

Another song start up again, this time of the country genre. Recognizing the lyrics, Applejack got up and pulled Spike out of his seat.

"C'mon sugarcube," she smiled. "Now it's ma turn to have some fun with ya."

Though a little tired, Spike wasn't in the mood to turn down Applejack, "Lead the way partner," he joked, causing the girl to laugh.

At first, both boy and girl clapped their hands and tapped their feet before they really began to "shake it." Applejack did a few dance steps, shaking her hips to the beat of the song, while Spike also shook his hips, as well as his arms, with the girl. Then without warning, Applejack grabbed Spike by the hand, pulling him close, putting his other hand around her waist, before she draped her other hand around his neck. Getting the message, Spike started to dance together with Applejack, while gingerly trying to not step on her feet.

'That was a close one,' Spike thought, looking up to see Applejack smiling at him.

"No need to worry sugarcube," she said sweetly, before she spins Spike. "Honestly, you're making me want to dance with you even more."

Spike smiled, as he spins Applejack, and did another dance round with her, before they ended their dance, with a dip.

Afterward, a slow song was started. Recognizing the song, Rarity quickly got up from her seat and pulled Spike on the shoulder, "Come dance with me darling!" she smiled.

Spike, unable to find it in himself to object, replied,"Okay. Maybe a slow dance wouldn't hurt." Spike and Rarity walked out onto the dance floor, as the boy placed an arm around her waist, and the two begin their dance.

Unlike his last dances with Pinkie and Applejack, Spike was glad he didn't have to do anything fancy to please Rarity. Rarity, seeing how content the boy is, asked, "Enjoying yourself, darling?"

"Yeah," Spike smiled. "This is relaxing. How about you?"

"Oh it's absolutely marvelous darling," Rarity sighed lovingly. "It's just as I've always dreamed of for ten years."

Spike smiled, "Well, I'm glad I could make your dream a reality."

"Oh darling," Rarity smiled as she pulled Spike into a hug, whispering in his ear, "You're my dream, Spikey- Wikey." She shed a small tear of joy when she said it.

Spike couldn't help but blush, while returning the embrace. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight, who hadn't danced with Spike yet, couldn't help but feel envy at the sight.

'I'd like to dance with Spike right now,' she thought.

After awhile, the song came to an end as Spike and Rarity walked back to the table with rest of the girls to enjoy their drinks.

"Phew," Spike breathed, taking a sip of his chocolate frappucino. "I haven't dance that much in my life."

"Do tell," Pinkie smiled, quickly drinking her strawberry smoothie. "Did you have fun?"

"Sure did," Spike smiled. "You girls are a whole lot of fun."

The girls all smiled, "I'd say the same for you," Rainbow smiled, with the girls exchanging agreements.

"Yeah, I'm glad you girls came," Speaking of, the said song was played. "Whoa," Spike said. "Did that just..."

"Want another dance?" Rainbow asked.

"Hey!" Twilight exclaimed. "I was going to ask him that!"

"Um, I'd like to have a dance with Spike," Fluttershy said quietly.

The three quickly got into a squabble, before Spike blew a whistle, "Girls! Calm down!" he said. "How about I dance with all three of you together?" The remaining girls looked to each other before they nodded in agreement as they walked out to the floor with Spike.

Spike, once again, was dancing with Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy. Rainbow started showing off some breakdance, as she did the windmill, a headspin, a baby spin, and the jackhammer. She got up and pointed her fingers to Spike, beckoning the boy to show off his moves. Complying to the girl's command, Spike got down and did the baby spin, the windmill, a hand hop, and some flares.

Rainbow clapped her hands, before Spike was snatched away by Fluttershy, who suddenly looked brave, "Let's tango," she said.

Getting the message, Spike and the formerly shy girl both begin their dance, linking their hands together and did a few tap steps. Spike spins Fluttershy around, before the girl got behind the boy, and took his hand when she got to the other side. Spike spun Fluttershy around for a while, before doing a dip. Fluttershy stood up and both she and Spike spun each other around, before they ended their dance with another dip.

"Having fun, chiquita?" Spike joked.

Fluttershy giggled, "Definitely."

Rainbow clapped her hands as she walked over to the two, until the three looked to see Twilight, on all fours, kicking and thrusting her arms and legs out. Spike looked at the two girls, who could only shrug in response. Looking around to see the stares Twilight was receiving from the bystanders, Spike couldn't let Twilight have the kind of attentions alone. Without a second thought, Spike got on all four as he joined in with Twilight, followed by Rainbow and Fluttershy. Twilight looked and smiled to see her three closest friends dancing to her pony dance. Twilight looked to her side, seeing Spike, awkwardly kicking and punching his arms and legs out. The sight of this brought back some memories as the girl envisioned a younger Spike, dancing with her at a party once.

At last, the four came to the end of their dance.

"The fun has been quadrupled," Spike cheered.

"Quadrupled?" Twilight asked.

"It was just fun with Pinkie Pie. Then it was doubled with Applejack. Tripled with Rarity. Then quadrupled with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and you." Spike explained. "Oh wait. Come to think of it, maybe it was fun, sixfold." The girls smiled in agreement. However, little did they know, some suspicious characters were walking overhead, when they got out some ammunitions and prepared to drop them on the teens. Luckily, their attempt didn't go unheard, as Spike quickly looked up, "Look out!" Spike screamed, shoving the girls away, just as a bomb landed and went off.

"What the hay?" Rainbow exclaimed. "Who'd-" Rainbow didn't need to ask further, when she looked up to see several hooded figures, shooting guns overhead.

The teens looked to see there were also some hooded figures, shooting guns at their level. Without hesitation, the friends quickly got under the table, flipping it over, and using it as a makeshift shield.

"What the hay is going on?" Rainbow asked, while keeping her head down.

"I don't know," Spike answered.

Suddenly, a hooded man came from behind a grabbed Fluttershy. The shy girl let out a scream, as Rainbow quickly jumped up and kicked the man in the face, forcing him to release the girl. The man got out a gun and was about to shoot the girls when....


The man let out a girlish scream, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! LET GO!!" He yelled, running around with a dog clamping its jaws on his butt. The girls couldn't help but let out a laugh, recognizing the dog to be none other than Spike himself. The other hooded figures came, swinging some clubs, attempting to knock the boy turned dog off. But instead, they accidentally spanked their comrade by mistake.

"Yuck!" Spike spluttered, blowing a raspberry. "That's nasty!" Suddenly, the little puppy finds himself surround by more figures, pointing their guns at him.

Fluttershy gasped, before she looked with anger stamped on her face, "Don't. You. DAAARRREEEE!!" she roared, sprouting wings, and literally flying at the figures, punching and kicking in blind fury, "You would hurt a little puppy, just because he saved me and my friends?" she ranted. "Why you're all just a bunch of big, dumb, MEANIES!! WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE?!!!"

Spike and the girls looked at their angry friend, with their pupils shrunk to the size of a dot. Spike looked up to see some more hooded figures, pointing their guns at the girl.

"Fluttershy!" Spike barked. "Look out!" Luckily, the rest of the girls looked in the puppy's direction. Just as the figures pulled their trigger overhead, Rarity jumped in between, projecting a shield, saving Spike, Fluttershy, and herself from the bullets.

The figures quickly began to reload their weapons, only to have their guns stolen by Rainbow Dash, who had sprouted wings. The girl looked at the figures with disapproving glares, before she flew and landed several punches and kicks, "THAT! WASN'T! VERY! COOL!!" she screamed, breaking the sound barrier when she kicked one of the madmen, sending him flying off his perch and into a fountain below.

Rainbow turned to the other figures, who tried to run away, but slipped on a wet floor and landed in a trashcan nearby. Pinkie picked up the trash and sent it sliding down an escalator, "Enjoy your trip!" Pinkie grunted, as the figures had a bumpy trip down.

As the fight went on, Spike suddenly hears the crying sound of a baby. Turning his head in the direction, Spike looked to see a lone stroller, and the mother was no where in sight, and a bench was pushed by some more of the hooded figures, from the upper level and was about to crush the child. Without wasting a second, Spike, changing into human form, ran as fast as he could, diving in, pushing the stroller out of the way, just as the bench nearly landed on him and the baby.

Looking in, Spike was relieved to see that the baby was okay, "Oh thank you!" A young couple sighed in relief, as the mother picked up the baby and hugged him.

Just then, the sound of a gun was clicked from behind. Without hesitating, Spike spins around in a blur, kicking the gun out of the man's hand, and did another spin kick to the face. A little bit dazed, the man swung a fist, only for Spike to block it and kicked the man in the groin, followed by a powerful punch that knocked the man out cold.

"SPIKE!!" The girls called, only to be intercepted by more hooded figures who opened fire, had Twilight and Rarity not quickly conjured up their magic shields. Spike looked to see a discarded bowling ball, picked it up, and threw it at one of the madmen, in the head. The inflicted man and his comrade looked at the boy, who blew a raspberry, before changing into a dog and ran away, with the angry terrorists giving chase.

Author's Note:

Breakdance moves right here.

Finally, some actions in the story! Spike saving a baby and getting chased by terrorists; a homage to Jackie Chan's film Operation Condor.

Can Spike and the girls make it out of the World Trade Center in one piece? Or is this the end already? I don't think so. Lights. Cameras. ACTION! Oh wait, this is a fanfic, not a fanvid, but still, ACTION!!

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