• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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The Spy and her Minty Unicorn

It was another day at CHS. Spike was at his locker, sorting through some textbooks and notes he'll need to study for an upcoming quiz, from Professor Flintheart.

"Spike! Spike!" Two voices called out, to which Spike looked up to see both Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops running over.

"Oh, hey girls," Spike greeted, as he closed his locker. "What's up? Did you find a lead on Fear, or Bone, or something?"

"No, nothing like that," Sweetie smiled, as she and Lyra exchanged giggles.

"We were just wondering if you would like to hang out with us later this afternoon." Lyra proposed.

"Hang out?" Spike inquired. "Like a friendly get together?"

"Not really," Sweetie giggled. "More like a date."

"A date?!" The two girls giggled as they nodded their head. "Whoa, wait? What kind of date? You mean like a friendly date, or a...." When the girls nodded again, he was nonetheless flabbergasted. "Wh-What?! But I thought....I thought you girls are-"

"We are. But we're also, bisexual," Lyra clarified.

"And we want you to join us tonight." Bon Bon added.


"Please?" The girls pleaded.

"Eh, why not?" Spike shrugged.

"YAY!!" Before Spike could react, the two girls linked their arms with his as they dragged him away.

"C'mon! Let's go!" Lyra smiled.

Later the three were walking through a mall, where they did a little window shopping.

“Hey Lyra!” Sweetie Drops pointed to an adorable teddy bear on display. “What do you think? Isn’t he cute?”

“Yeah, he’s cute,” Lyra replied. “But not as cute as this action figure’s hands.”

Sweetie could only roll her eyes in amusement, “Lyra, every human hands looks cute to you.” She said. “Spike? What do you think?” However, there wasn’t an answer. “Spike? Spike? You there?”

The girls looked around for their dragon date, before they finally found him, sitting by the fountain, keeping a lookout for danger.

‘I know you’re out there Fear,’ Spike snarled in his thoughts. ‘You can run, but you can’t hide forever.’

“Spike?” Sweetie called. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” The boy answered. “I just know Fear’s up to something. And he could be around here somewhere, just waiting to pounce.”

“We know,” Lyra said. “But we can’t just keep a lookout for him all day. Besides, you could use a little break. All that stress isn’t good for you Spike.”

Spike was still unsure, “I don’t know.”

“Everything will be okay Spike,” Sweetie reassured. “Whatever happens, we’ll all be there together. You’re not alone in this fight.”

“Sweetie’s right. You’re our friend, just as much as Twilight’s friend. And we’d do the same for you, as you did for us a long time ago.”

Seeing how sincere they all are, and how devoted they are, not just the fight, but to him and all their friends, Spike nodded, “Alright, if you insist. So where to next?”

The three were later at a bookstore, where they were browsing through the books on the shelf.

“Oh yeah! Spider-Man!” Spike exclaimed, holding up a copy of the superhero.

“Wow, beautiful artistry,” Sweetie marveled at the pictures and the details in a manga book she was checking out.

“Oh yeah! The latest issue of Rogue Diamond is out!” Lyra cheered.

“What? Really?!” Sweetie asked, putting the book she was looking back in its shelf, as she and Spike ran over to Lyra’s side.

“Rogue what now?” Spike asked.

Lyra scoffed, “Oh, it’s only one of the bestselling comic, ever!” The minty girl said, before she handed him the first issue. “Check it out! It all started with these two sisters who ruled the kingdom together. But then, this sister got really jealous from all the attention her younger sister was getting. So she went completely insane, flooded the world, and now her son joins a group mercenaries to try and stop her! And they have beautiful hands!”

“Whoa, that’s heavy,” Spike commented.

“I know, right?” Lyra giggled. “And funny thing is, this guy is almost like you! Except, without the stiff Prince Zuko persona.”

“How could you say that?” The two girls could only giggle in response.

Later, the three were at a bowling alley, where Bon Bon scored a strike.

“Whoo-hoo!” Lyra cheered for her girlfriend. “Way to go, Bon Bon!”

Spike was checking the scoreboard, “Wow, you’ve got strong arms, Bon Bon!” He complimented.

“Thanks,” Bon Bon blushed.

“That’s why I love her!” Lyra smiled, as she wraps her arms around her girlfriend’s and nuzzled her cheek lovingly.

“So I see,” Spike nodded. “So how did you girls wind up together is the real question.”

The two lovers giggled with Lyra starting off, “Well, you may not remember. But I used to go to Princess Celestia’s School Of Gifted Ponies and Magical Creatures.”

“I was enrolled in the study of anthropology — the study of human cultures and societies from the past and present, so that I can join in the department of coexisting with humans.”

“Of course, when you came around, she decided to ditch the book and study you up close and personal,” Bon Bon smirked teasingly.

“Bon Bon!” Lyra scolded in embarrassment.

“Anyway, I was just there to take up in General Scorpan’s Martial Arts. As a trainee of the S.M.I.L.E. I needed to be in good shape and battle ready.”

“Yeah, uncle’s always—wait!” Spike did a double take. “The What now?”

“The S.M.I.L.E—the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria,” Bon Bon clarified, with Spike nodding in acknowledgment.

“Anyway, long story short, both Bon Bon and I were roommates during our years st your mother’s school, and we got to know each other more, got closer, had lunch together, sat benches together, we did just about everything together, and here we are! Having a date with the same boy together!”

“Hmm, lucky me,” Spike nodded. “So then, remind me again, how did you both get involved with Twilight and the others?”

“Well, not long after you and the general first left Equestria, Twilight and the girls had taken over your role as Equestria’s heroes,” Bon Bon explained. “But they were a little inexperienced with the monsters and crooks they faced. So they needed me and Lyra to give them an insight on who or what we may be dealing with.”

"That, and they needed a human expert like me to teach them the proper method of coexisting in the human world. So unlike Yokai Academy," Lyra giggled. “Oh, which reminds me!” Lyra looked around, seeing they were too out in the open. “But not here. Come on!” With that, the three took their leave as they went to find a more secluded area to discuss.

Spike and the girls found a table where they began to discuss the current situation with Fear Haunter. As they sit down, Bonbon hands Spike a mugshot of Bone Cruncher.

"Holy crap, so that's Fear's brother?" Spike asked in bewilderment.

"Yeah, his twin brother." Lyra said. Spike's eyes widened even further at the picture, "I know, we were stunned too."

"So here's what we got on Bone Cruncher," Bonbon began, "He was once part of a biker gang of metahumans called the Road Gators in New Orleans until they disbanded four years ago due to a police crackdown. Since then, he's entered many underground fight tournaments on both Earth & Equestria, and has won many of them. He's a favorite at one called the Storm Brawl over at Las Vegas. He's wanted in seven states and nine countries, and is on Interpol's most wanted list."

"I see," was all Spike said as he let all this sink in.

"And here's the gauntlet Fear used against Somnambula and her Shadowbolts." Lyra said as she shows him a drawing of the Demaughra Gauntlet.

Spike looks at the gauntlet for a good minute, "So that's the Demaughra Gauntlet..."

"Yeah, legends say it was made by a goat named Grogar," Lyra began, "Can't get much on him aside from that he was a necromancer and was around before princess Celestia and Luna were even born. The jewel at the center is called the Eye of Tambelon. Legend says that it can absorb any form of magic, even dark and chaos magic. The gauntlet is also made of pure Sinium."

"Sinium?" Spike asked.

"It's a mysterious anti-magic alloy that's found on neither Equestria or Earth. It also goes by another name – sin metal," Bonbon explained. "Where it comes we don't know, but here's what we do know. It's not as strong as titanium, but it's very useful against magic. Any armor or shield made from it can withstand most forms of magic and weapons craft from it can tear down magically enhanced one, swords, axes, spears, and even bullets."

"Yikes," Spike said, "So where did Fear get this thing?"

Both girls sighed, "We don't know. From what Somnambula told us, he got it from a benefactor. Who that is, we have no clue." Lyra said, dejected.

“I see,” He looked up at the girls again and held their hands. “Well, at least we’re making progress.”

Later, the three were on their way out of the mall, when Spike senses something was wrong.

“Spike?” Lyra asked. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Spike’s nose twitched as he sniffs the air, “Something’s wrong. I’m getting the feeling we’re being....” His pupils shrunk to reptilians slits, and his ears perked up in alarm. "Get down!" He shouted, grabbing both girls and they hit the deck as a ninja star zipped through the air, and struck a column.

Many pedestrians took notice, before they looked and saw a whole gang of people dressed in dark body armor and helmets concealing their identities, carrying firearms and all sorts of deadly weapons, all directing their eyes on Spike and the two girls. With that, the people quickly ran off, not wanting to get involved.

The three teens quickly got up and stood, back-to-back, while getting ready for anything.

Bon Bon took a closer look at an insignia on each of the thug's suits – two flaming swords clashing. One sword is a katana while the other is a jian.

"It's the Yellow Blade!" Bon Bon gasped.

"Who?" Spike asked.

It wasn't long before Spike saw a tall figure, standing among the crowd, bearing the same insignia. The most distinguishing part, however, is that he wears an eyepatch over where his left eye used to be. Spike's memories quickly flashed, as he recalls the fight he once had in an alleyway, when he saved Sour Sweet after their date.

'Oh, you again!' He growled mentally.

With an angry snarl, the large Abyssinian cat raised his large hammer and lets out an earsplitting yowl, to which his men all sprang into action.

One of the thugs made the first move, lunging towards Spike with a katana raised. Just as the thug swung his sword down on the young dragon, the boy quickly steps to the side, evading the blade's downward swing, before he lunged in, without grabbing the sword, raising his outer hand to chop the thug's hands holding the hilt, breaking their grip, as he linked his arm around the thug's wrist, grabbing the end of the handle, and thrusted his other hand forward at the thug's helmet, shoving them down and off their feet, taking their sword away.

Mūto Dori technique of the Yagyu Clan.

With the sword in hand, Spike clashes blades with the other thugs who were coming in him from different directions, thrusting their own katanas at him, swinging bo staffs, and Qiang(Chinese spears).

In the meantime, Lyra and Bon Bon both watched the fighting going on from a distant, when more of the surrounding thugs started coming after them. Reacting fast, Bon Bon reaches into her coat and pulled out a gun, firing several bullets that bounced off the thug's armors.

Not having any other options, Lyra concentrated her magic into her hands, with her cutie mark appearing on her forehead. Then, with a flick of her hands, Lyra sent bolts of magic flying at the thugs, with some who were quick to evade the bolts, while a few were blown off their feet. One of the thugs hurled a chained ball, lassoing Bon Bon, and prepared to lunge towards the girl with a scythe at the ready.

"Bon Bon!" Lyra cried, hurling a magic wave, slicing the chain, freeing her lover, and blasting the thug away.

Still, the thugs kept on coming, swinging their weapons at the three teens. Spike had taken a nunchuck from one of the thugs and caught his opponent's wrist when they lunged forward with a punch, when he heard another thug throwing their spear at him from behind. Reacting fast, Spike used the nunchucks to pull his opponent, swinging them to collide with the spear, knocking it off course, and throwing the thug into his comrade.

With a snort, he discarded the nunchucks away, as he did a 540° kick and broke a helmet's glass visor, fracturing it to pieces, on another thug.

Spike began to back up, giving himself some distance from the thug, bumping into Bon Bon and Lyra.

"Watch it!" The teens said to each other. "Look out!" The three said, throwing fists at the attackers, coming at each other's backs, landing kicks, while ducking, dodging each other's strikes. “Watch out!” The three said simultaneously, before they all punched the thugs that were behind each other.

"Hey! This is kinda fun," Spike chuckled. "Shall we dance ladies?"

Bon Bon and Lyra couldn't help but let out schoolgirl giggles, "We shall."

With that, Spike and Bon Bon both held hands, as Spike swings Bon Bon at a thug, and she throws a flurry of kicks at them, before she repeated the same maneuver, and he swings a spinning hook kick at an incoming thug. The two then spun each other around to throw side punches at two thugs from both sides, before Spike swings Bon Bon's arm over her head, and Lyra cuts in, throwing another wave of magic. Holding each other's hands, Spike and Lyra swung each other forward, throwing kicks at some incoming thugs.

"Wow, you have wonderful hands!" Lyra smiled flirtatiously.

"Thanks," Spike replied, kicking another thug. "You and Bon Bon danced beautifully. Y'know that?" Both girls blushed and giggle happily at the compliment.

Displeased to see his forces were losing, the huge Abyssinian joined the fray.

After taking out all of the thugs, the trio turns their attention to the big cat, who in turn gives them a low growl. He raises his hammer which cackles with white lighting. With a swirl, he summons a small electric tornado at Spike.

Spike sees it and dodges out of the way of it, but the tornado instantly turns back around, spinning towards him, much to the Dragon Princes' shock.

Bonbon's eyes widen at this, 'That's hollow magic!' She thought to herself.

Before she could think any further, a bolt of lightning was shot towards her, which Lyra pushed her out of the way.

"You okay Bon?" Lyra asked.

"I'm fine. But Lyra, do you realize what kind of magic that Abyssinian is using?"

Realizing how serious the situation has become, Spike concentrated into his own magic and conjured flaming javelins, hurling them towards the big cat, who quickly blocked the fiery spears with a quick spin of his hammer, creating crackles of energy and fiery blasts upon collisions. After the blasts were cleared, the Abyssinian looked up to see Spike had changed into his dragon form, lunging towards him with a huge fireball in his claws. The dragon slammed the fireball on the cat, before he threw rapid punches, a roundhouse kick, axe kick, even an impressive 540° kick, all of which did little effect.

In retaliation, faster than lightning, literally, the Abyssinian swings his hammer at Spike, landing an explosive strike so powerful, he knocked the young dragon into the air, before he suddenly reappeared in a flash of light and swings his hammer, sending Spike plummeting into the ground.

With a burst of fire, Spike emerged from the rubbles, with a few burns, "Okay. This guy is really tough, even with just one eye," The dragon panted.

With another crack of thunder, the big Abyssinian appeared on the Dragon Prince's level, before with a kick of his legs, he became a blur of electrical surge, swinging his hammer. Reacting fast, Spike quickly conjured his fire katanas, crossing them together to bar the Abyssinian's hammer, struggling to exert a firm grip on the ground with his feet as he is forced back.

At the last moment, Spike quickly rolled on his back, thrusting his feet into the cat's stomach and threw him off. The huge Abyssinian went rolling across the ground, before he spun himself back up and growled menacingly. Spike quickly spread his wings, and took to the air. With a swing of his hammer, the Abyssinian conjured another electrified tornado, which Spike tried to counter with a burst of his green fire breath. But the wind from the vortex was too strong, as it scatters the dragon's flame, before it delivers another electric shock.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Spike screamed, as the electricity burned him inside and out. The electric pulse was so intense, his whole life and memories were racing faster than the beat of his heart.

"Hi-yah!!!" Lyra and Bon Bon both screamed, with Bon Bon hurling a flashing grenade at the Abyssinian, with Lyra delivering a strong magic bolt that knocked the cat away.

"Spike? Are you okay?" Lyra asked the young dragon, who reverted back to his human form.

"I think so," He replied, before his ears perked up in alarm again. "Look out!"

Gun shots filled the air, when one of the thugs from before opened fire on the teens, who quickly took off running. More thugs all pulled out their guns and opened fire on the three teens. Spike and the girls all turned a corner, where Spike tripped and crashed into the girls, and they were both sliding down the stairs.

When the three reached the bottom, it didn’t take long for them to take notice of the awkward position they were all in.

Lyra was on top, Bon Bon was on the bottom, with Spike sandwiched in between. To be precise, his head was smothered in Lyra’s breasts, and in Bon Bon’s legs. Obviously embarrassed, the three quickly composed themselves and helped each other up.

Concentrating her magic, Lyra’s cutie mark appeared on her forehead, before both she, Bon Bon, and Spike disappeared in a flash of light.

The huge Abyssinian just woke up, and he was furious to see his preys have escaped from him.

Spike was later at Lyra and Bon Bon's shared apartment, where the girls applied some topical ointments for the boy's burns.

"Ooh, that's smarts," He winced.

"You should be lucky you're still alive, Spike," Lyra said. "Hollow magic is really serious stuff. No one's ever fought off a user who specializes in such magic and lived."

"Still, you did put up a good fight," Bon Bon complimented.

"That doesn't exactly make me feel any better."

Both Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other for a moment, and exchanged nods, "Then would this help?" The two girls gave Spike a quick double cheek kiss, before they both kissed him on the lips.

"Well, Spike? Does it?" Bon Bon giggled.

Initially stunned, with his face burning red, Spike finally snapped out of his daze to stammer, "Uh-uh, y-yeah. I mean, just a little."

"Aw, come on, Spike," Lyra smiled. "So you lost. But you're still alive. And you know what they say: He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day."

"Besides, you'll get him next time," Bon Bon added. "Because by then, we'll not only be ready for Fear, or Bone, but anymore tricks evildoers will throw at us. So until then, you're stuck with us," With another flirtatious smirk, both Bon Bon and Lyra proceeded to make out with the boy, furthering his heat.

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