• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Opening Night - Dazzle

New York City

Weeks have passed since the heroes' recent ordeal with Fear Haunter and Bone Cruncher. By then, the entire Shadowbolts have been found and recovered, and it was almost time for the opening night for the musical performance of Dazzle, at CHS.

At CHS, Spike was backstage, along with Sunset Shimmer and the Bearers Of Harmony, working together on setting the stages for their upcoming fall play, "Dazzled" while at the same time, rehearsing their scripts.

β€œMa! Pa!” Rarity recited. β€œI must leave this do nothing, humdrum, lump of coal town. I’m going to be the best disco dancer that club Everfit has ever seen!” She said, while doing a few dance steps.

"Bury those silly dreams in a slag, Sweet Selfie," Twilight replied, in-character, putting on a cranky old woman's voice. "Only fools try to make it big in Shiny City!"

In another scene, Rarity's character, Sweet Selfie, is all by her lonesome in a desolate mine.

Once again, getting into character, Rarity puts on a sadden expression, before she continues, "How will I ever become a disco dancer when all I know is coal, coal, oh coooaaaaaal?"

Rarity sobbed dramatically, as she fainted into the arms of Bulk Biceps, who was don up in a coal costume.

"Your canary tears have summoned me my child," Rainbow Dash's voice called out.

Then, in a puff of confetti, provided by Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash stood before the crew, dressed up in a dress with fairy wings, and a giant boot around her upper body.

"It is I, your fairy BOOT mother~" She declared dramatically.

"Whoa-ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," Rumble burst out laughing with Button Mash, both boys pointing at Rainbow Dash and her costume, before they turned to Spike, who swatted their hands away while trying to stifle a laugh as they walked away.

"Do not despair," Rainbow continued. "For all coals turn to diamonds!"

With that, a hand appeared behind a prop, swapping a lump of coal for a pair of shining diamond boots. Rarity picked up the boots, expresses bedazzlement, before she dons them up.

β€œ5, 4, 3, cue the disco ball!” Sunset shouted.

With that, Rarity started shaking her hips and body to the beat of the upbeat music, followed by Spike, who quickly came onstage as his character, Skater, with a shade. Together, both he and Rarity danced across the stage.


"And that's a wrap!" Sunset declared. With that, everyone stopped what they were doing and were on their way home, "Way to go boys. Great choreography, Bulk!"

"YEAH!!" Bulk Biceps agreed.

"Yeah," Sunset Shimmer winced, rubbing her sore ears. Looking to her right, Sunset scolded, "Snips! Snails! Quit joking around! You guys need to get your acts straight with the set changes!"

"We're trying, but it's like moving a ton of bricks that's built like....a ton of city!" Snips protested.

Sunset groaned, pinching her temples together, "There's gotta be an easier way to handle this."

"Don't worry, Sunset! I've got an idea!" Twilight offered, conjuring a remote control and pressed some buttons. "This will be a perfect chance for me to try out my robotics club project!" She smiled, summoning a small robot to the stage.

"Really?" Spike asked as he came onto the scene. "I would gone with a little stage 'magic' for this problem," He said, nudging the bookworm's shoulder.

"Maybe, but we still have to keep up appearances," Twilight whispered.

"Well, it's not like anyone would notice, now would they?" Spike asked in whisper. "Not with how covert we've been with the whole magic business."

"Perhaps, but I'm not taking any chances. Besides, in case you forgotten, our magic hasn't fully recovered yet." Twilight said as she showed him what appeared to be a glowing bracelet. "It's thanks to these that me and the other girls are able to retain our human forms right now."

"Right." Spike sighed while scratching the back of his head, "Well, catch ya later girls," Spike waved, taking his leave.

β€œBye Spike,” Twilight and Sunset waved as they too left to hang with their friends.

On the way, Twilight struck up conversation, "So far, it seems we're all recovering," Twilight replied.

"Maybe," Sunset sighed. "But some of us aren't getting enough sleep...not with criminals like Bone Cruncher and Fear Haunter on the loose. We may have beaten those two, but they'll be back one day. And let's not get started with the other baddies still out there out there like Hydia and the Cerulean Hunters..."

"I know all good things must come to an end," Twilight sighed. "But did it have to be like this?"

"I...can't exactly answer that, Twilight. The least we could do is to endure it. Worrying and overthinking about it won't solve our problems."

Spike was later hanging out with the boys at a local skatepark, where he and Rumble showed off some skills, while reciting their lines for the play.

"Run free with us, Skater!" Rumble said in his character's voice. "Do not let this Selfie girl drag you down! She is but a coal miner! She's not fit to be your diamond in the sky!"

"No matter how you blow, Quake!" Spike replied as his character. "I will never yield! I am the diamond in the rough to Selfie Soot, as she is my diamond in the sky!"

Meanwhile, Button Mash and Sweetie Belle were both sharing a little dance, while skating on a pairs of roller blades, "My, you danced beautifully, my lady," Button Mash swooned as he held Sweetie Belle close.

"Why thank you, my knight," Sweetie smiled. "I never knew you could be so fast on your feet."

Meanwhile, Snips and Snails were once again, trying in vain to pick up some cute girls, but once again, they were met with rejections. Their most recent rejections involved a pair of Asian girls, whom they attempted to swoon them over by flirting in their native language. Of course, the girls left in disgust.

"What did we say?" Snips asked, to which Snails shrugged.

Spike then answered, "You guys just asked them to get down, get naked, and sacrifice a poor dog."

Snips and Snails blushed, realizing too late at what they said. Then the two boys turned their heads, and their eyes bulged out from their sockets.

β€œHummina hummina hummina. Check them out!” Snips shouted.

Following their gazes, Spike turned to see two women approaching. The first woman had long hair with a mix of pink, blue, green, and cobalt, while the second woman, who was a bit shorter than the first, had a short light blue hair with the bang covering the right half of her face.

Snips and Snails were drooling like dogs, eyes gazing at the two women’s voluptuous figures, though mostly the first one.

In appearance, the first woman wore a tight yellow coat, hugging the curves of her body, a white belt around the waist and a matching scarf, long purple pants that hugs her long slender legs, with vanilla white stripes. Her only make up was a rosy red lipstick, and pink eyeshadows, all framed by her long, flowing hair of various colors of light green, pink, and blue.

The second one, wore a blue turtleneck sweater beneath a dark blue opened jacket with black pants hugging her legs, and boots. Like her companion, her only makeups are light blue eyeshadows, that matched her short hair, with the bang curved into a swirl on one side of her face.

β€œHello nurse~” Snails droned sensually.

β€œWho’s that woman?” Snips asked, pointing to the first one.

β€œThat’s my mom,” Spike answered bluntly.

"THAT'S YOUR MOTHER?!!" Snips and Snails screamed.

In response, all of the visitors in the park stopped in their tracks as they directed their attentions to the two women.

β€œAnd my aunt,” Spike added, while pointing to the said alicorn in human form.

The sound of glass shattering is audible.

Upon finding her son amongst the park's visitors, Celestia smiled and waved her hand, beckoning him to come over.

"Welp, sorry guys," Spike patted them lightly on the shoulders, before he ran off to greet the two alicorn-turned-women. β€œHey mom, hi auntie! What a nice surprise."

"A warm greeting to you nephew," Luna returned the greeting politely.

"I hope we're not intruding you on something, my dear," Celestia smiled sweetly.

"No, not at all," Spike shook his head. β€œThough, what brings you both to New York?” He asked. "Anything big and urgent?"

"No, nothing like that, Spike," Celestia assured.

"We simply wished to pay you a visit, dear nephew," Luna confirmed.

"Really?" Spike asked, looking to the sides before he whispered, "But what about Equestria? What about those important duties you have to do?"

"Not to worry, Spike," Celestia replied. "Cadence and Kibitz will handle them. Besides, even Lulu and I would like to enjoy a few leisure times now and then."

"And what better way to enjoy it, than with our dearly BELOVED NEPHEW LIKE YOU?!!" Luna shouted boomingly, literally blowing Spike off his feet, along with everyone present, scaring some birds from their trees in the process.

"Sister! What have we talked about the Royal Canterlot Voice?" The elder sister berated.

Dazed and disoriented, Spike got up, shook off his shock away, while also rubbing his sore ears.

"You don't have to shout auntie," Spike replied.

"Forgive me, nephew," Luna blushed. "Certain old habits die hard."

"Duly noted," Getting back on topic, Spike began, "Well, while you're here, let me show you the place and we get something to eat? My treat."

Celestia and Luna both looked to each other, then smiled back at Spike, "I think that's an excellent idea, Spike," Celestia agreed.

"We would certainly enjoy it, nephew," Luna added.

"Well then, let's go," Spike insisted, as he led his mother and aunt into New York.

As they left, a lot of men and boys were ogling the sisters up and down, while looking envy at Spike for hanging with them. Though none were more depressed than Snips and Snails themselves.

β€œOh!” Snips began. β€œI hate that guy!”

"How come he has a mom like that?" Snails asked. "I want a mom like that!"

Scootaloo looked at the boys in disgust, "Why are you even friends with them?" She asked Rumble.

"If I remember right," Rumble replied. "I'd say it's because we felt sorry for them."

Not long after they left the skatepark, Spike had spent most of the afternoon giving his mother and aunt the tour of New York City.

"This is Times Square!" Spike announced. "It's basically the heart of New York City! You've got everything here from tourist destinations, businesses, entertainment hubs, and every New Years Eve, they drop a ball at that clock tower for the countdown of a new year."

"Fascinating," Princess Celestia commented.

"What an interesting tradition," Princess Luna added.

Later, Spike took the two alicorn princesses in human forms to a Starbucks cafe.

"This is Starbucks!" Spike described. "You can find these anywhere, in the human world! It's a must for breakfast and lunch!"

With that, Spike was soon having a cup of hot chocolate, while Celestia was munching on a cheese danish, with Luna enjoying herself a croissant as the resume the tour.

"And over there is the NYPD – New York Police Department!" Spike showed the place. "This is where Uncle Scorpan worked, when he and I were staying here for the last decade."

"Why did it have to be a decade?" Celestia asked somberly.

"You think a decade is horrible?" Luna asked rhetorically with the obvious tone of annoyance in her voice. "Try being trapped in the moon for centuries, stuck in a limbo..."

"I'm sorry, Lulu," Celestia frowned sadly. "For me, losing my own sister is one thing, but to lose my own son...it just doubles the heartache for all those years. After losing Starswirl, who was like a father to us, I just can't..." The sun princess's voice broke, as if she was choking on her own words. No doubt, she was trying her hardest not to cry.

With that, Luna's annoyance melted to a look of sympathy and regret. She walked over to her sister and hugged her close. Spike walked up to his mother and tenderly linked his hand with hers, silently assuring his mom that she won't lose him again.

Wanting to get out of the awkward moment, and thinking of a place to put his mother's mind at ease, Spike took the two princesses to another one of New York's greatest attractions.

"Last stop of the day, let me welcome you all to Central Park!" Spike held his arms out. "This place was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. It's widely regarded as the masterpiece of landscape architecture, covering 843 acres, and every New Yorker's go-to places for nature's walk and R&R."

"This is beautiful!" Celestia marveled at the sight of the beautiful park.

"I concur," Luna smiled. "It reminds me a lot of Equestria."

"Y'know, now that you mentioned it," Spike began. "It kinda does! The air here is refreshing in the spring and summertime. Uncle and I would often come here during that time to do some relaxing exercises, like tai chi."

"And what exactly is tai chi, dear nephew?" Luna inquired.

"Tai chi is the Chinese internal martial art to promote muscle strength, flexibility, and balance," Spike lectured. "It's not as strenuous as judo, kung-fu, karate, and all the other martial arts, but it's just as good and it has its benefits."

"It seems to me you know all there is to martial arts," Luna smiled proudly. "Scorpio must've taught you well."

"Yeah," Spike nodded, before he did a double-take at his auntie's nickname for Scorpan. "Scorpio?"

"Uh, nevermind that," Luna blushed a shade of pink as she hurriedly took her leave, while her sister and nephew watched her go.

Celestia couldn't help but chuckle, along with Spike, seeing Luna behaving like a flustered schoolgirl.

Eventually, the three found a bench to sit down and rest.

"This New York City of yours has just about everything here, dear nephew," Princess Luna commented.

"Well, as anybody would say about New York. If you can make it here, then you can make it anywhere!" Spike chuckled, with Celestia and Luna joining in the laughter.

"And speaking of which, how are things here in the city?" Celestia asked. "So far, in Equestria, there hasn't been any troubling development. But the royal guards are still on the alert for Bone and Fear."

"We had just finished rounding up all of the Shadowbolts," Luna added. "And once they have been fully recovered, the first order of business for my Shadowbolts is to have them and the Royal Guards to work together. There can be no more prejudice or miscommunication between our soldiers."

"That's good to hear," Spike nodded, before he answered, "Well, so far, everything's been good on our side. Ever since we took down Fear and Bone, everything's been....quiet. Maybe too quiet..."

Both Celestia and Luna exchanged understanding looks, seeing the stress the young Dragon Prince finds himself in.

"I understand how stressed you are, sweetie," Celestia said, hugging him for comfort. "But worrying about it isn't going to help much."

"Indubitably," Princess Luna agreed. "For now, you and your friends need to relax. And we'll take it from here. After all, as I recall, you have a show to put on. Yes?"

Spike nodded, knowing that his mother and aunt were right. As much as he wanted to protect his friends and family, he's still a teenager. A high schooler. Worrying so much and having to carry the weights of both world isn't going to help much for his psyche.

"You're right," Spike breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks mom! Thanks aunt!"

The two royal sisters hugged their beloved Dragon Prince close, with Celestia reminding him, "You're never alone in this, my little sunshine. We're all here for you."

With that, the two sisters and boy shared another hug.

Opening Night

And so, opening night has arrived. The whole theater room was packed with teachers, classmates, and families in the audience, who have all come over to witness the students' performances.

Meanwhile, from backstage, all of the students were getting themselves ready, with some making last minute adjustments and memorizing their lines.

Spike looked outside to see it was a full house outside, "Wow, it's almost like all of New York has come to watch the show," He commented, before he recognizes some familiar faces in the crowd. "Whoa, no way! The Crystal Shadowbolts are here! And so are Gilda and Gabby!"

From the crowd, Fleur smiled as she waved a hand to Spike, which the young prince returned with a blush. Looking up, he smiled to see his mom and aunt were also in the audience. But his eyes nearly bulged out to see his uncle, with a camera.

"Uncle Scorpan!" Spike exclaimed.

"Scorpan is here?!" The Knights asked, as they all crowded from behind the dragon, and sure enough, they were just as surprised as their dragon friend is, to see their gargoyle mentor, in the audience.

"Whoa! It really is him!" Featherweight commented. "And look, he's not alone!"

Sitting besides the gargoyle-turned-human are an asian man dressed in red-black robe, accompanied by two girls dressed in blue and pink hoodies, and an anthropomorphic parrot wearing a large trench coat to conceal her identity.

"It's Sensei Mako!" Spike exclaimed. "And that must be Mina and Ember!"

"Captain Celaeno!" Pipsqueak cheered excitedly. "She made it here too!"

"Okay everyone!" Sunset called out, recalling the entire casts backstage. "Group huddle."

Everyone all gathered around Sunset Shimmer as she prepared to deliver one final pep talk, before the show begins.

"We've had this coming for a long time," Sunset began. "This is it. The night of nights. No more rehearsing, or nursing a part. We know every part by hearts. All that's left now is to get out there and put on a show that will bring the house down."

"YEAH!!!" Every actors and backstage crew shouted, with Bulk Bicep's being the loudest, "YEAH!!!"

"Break a leg!" Sunset shouted, as everyone all went their separate ways to their assigned roles, until the only ones left were just Sunset herself, the Mane Six, and Spike.

"Unbelievable," Spike began. "We've spent the several past months, fighting bad guys, saving magical creatures, and experiencing life-threatening scenarios, just to put on a school play?" The young prince shook his head and sighed, "Yeah, that sounds far-fetched now that I say it out loud."

"But look on the bright side, Spike!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "At least it's not boring~!"

"Yeah, life's an adventure!" Rainbow smiled. "So enjoy it while it lasts!"

"Although, it's nice to at least take a break now and then and enjoy life without the fights and drama," Fluttershy added.

"Just live your life with your loved ones," Applejack joined in. "That's all that matters. Being around with loved ones and making fond memories that are worth a lifetime."

"Indubitably, darling!" Rarity smiled. "But don't forget that you'll always shine brighter than a diamond in the sky..."

"...when family loves you for who you are," Sunset Shimmer finished.

"Got that right," Spike nodded. "I love you girls! I owe my life to all of you!"

"We love you too, Spike!" Twilight smiled.

"And we'll cross more than two worlds for you and back," Rainbow Dash added, as they all gathered around Spike, embracing him in a large group hug, smothering him with kisses.

Watching from behind some curtains is the ever jealous and irritated Prince Blueblood.

"Ooh, the nerve of that Dragon Prince!" Prince Blueblood grumbled. "How dare he gets all the girls, while I get bumps and bruises? And as if that wasn't enough, he got the leading role of this show? The leading role that is RIGHTFULLY MINE!" Prince Blueblood's annoyance turns into a devious grin, "But soon. I will be rid of him, once and for all!"

Prince Blueblood then makes his way back to a large crate and proceeded to brag, like a devious mastermind, who has clearly gone off the deep ends.

"My latest ingenious ploy yet!" Blueblood began sinisterly, twirling a curly fake mustache, playing on the role of a sinister villain. "Step 1: Lure Spike to this crate. Step 2: Trap him in the crate. Step 3: Send that Dragon Prince imposter of a cousin to Africa, in a lions reserve. Step 4: I WILL TAKE OVER THIS STORY AND REBOOT SO THAT I AM ITS NEW LEADING PROTAGONIST!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

Unfortunately, for Prince Blueblood, he was so caught in his hammy villainous breakdown, that he failed to realize he had walked into the box, tripping up the wire, trapping himself in the process.

"AH! Help!" Prince Blueblood screamed, pounding the box from inside. "Help! Somebody help! I'm trapped in my own trap!" He then talked to himself. "Oh! Look what I've become. I'm a prince-in-distress, in my own trap! HELP!"

At that exact moment, some of the Knights and Thorax happened to pass by, when they noticed the box.

"Hey look!" Button Mash pointed to the box. "We've got a delivery box!"

"Yeah, you're right!" Thorax noted, as he and the boys read, "It says here it's.....hey! This isn't ours! It says it's supposed to be shipped off to Africa!"

"Looks like there's been a mislabel," Pipsqueak deduced. "Well, only one thing left to do."

"Yo, Derpy!" Rumble shouted, whistling the delivery girl over. "Special delivery for Africa here!"

From inside his own package trap, Blueblood wailed, "No! Wait! Don't ship me to Africa! Don't ship me to Africa!" But it was no use. The poor, arrogant, pompous prince was taking the next speedy delivery to Africa.

To begin the play.

Just like they did in rehearsal, Rarity and Twilight were the first to start the scene, with Rarity's character, Selfie Soot, expressing her dreams and desire to go to Shiny City.

"Ma! Pa!" Selfie Soot began dramatically. β€œI must leave this do nothing, humdrum, lump of coal town. I’m going to be the best disco dancer that club Everfit has ever seen!” She said, while doing a few dance steps.

"Bury those silly dreams in a slag, Sweet Selfie," Twilight replied, in-character, putting on a cranky old woman's voice. "Only fools try to make it big in Shiny City!"

Next scene

Like in rehearsal, the following scene shows Sweet Selfie, all by her lonesome in a desolate mine.

"How will I ever become a disco dancer when all I know is coal, coal, oh coooaaaaaal?" Rarity sobbed dramatically, as she fainted into the arms of Bulk Biceps in his coal costume.

"Your canary tears have summoned me my child," Rainbow Dash's voice called out.

Then, in a puff of confetti, provided by Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash stood onstage, in her Fairy Boot Mother Costume.

"It is I, your fairy BOOT mother~" She declared dramatically.

With that, the entire audience exploded into a loud uproar of laughter. The loudest of all goes to Gilda, who struggles to hold onto Gabby for support.

"That's the most funniest thing I've ever seen!" Gilda laughed her heart out.

"Do not despair," Rainbow continued. "For all coals turn to diamonds!"

And just like in rehearsal, Rarity was given the same diamond boots to wear. At that moment, Spike appeared on stage, as his character, Skater, holding his hand out to Selfie Soot.

"Hey Selfie Soot!" Spike said, in-character. "Let's dance!"

"Groovy!" Rarity smiled as she took Spike by the hand.

With that, Spike and Rarity were ready to perform their duet musical number, with an upbeat music playing in the background, which they danced to, like they had been rehearsing for.

Shakira - Hips Don't Lie ft. Wyclef Jean

I never really knew that you could dance like this
You make a man want to speak Spanish

Como se llama (si), bonita (si), mi casa (si), su casa

Skater: "Shake it! Shake it, Selfie!"

Selfie: Oh baby when you talk like that
You make a lady go mad
So be wise and keep on
You know you got me hypnotized

Skater: Uno, dos, tres, quatro

Together: And we're on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right

Selfie: All the attraction

Skater: The tension

Together: Everybody can see, this is perfection

Chorus: Senorita, feel the conga
Let me see you move like you come from Colombia

Selfie: Oh baby when you talk like that
You make a lady go mad
So be wise and keep on
You know you got me hypnotized

Together: And we're on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right

Selfie: All the attraction

Skater: The tension

Together: Don't you see baby, this is perfection

"And speaking of perfection," Skater turns to Selfie, and beckoned her, "Shake it! Shake it, Selfie!"

With a giggle, Selfie shakes her groove thing, "Oh, Skater," She complied, before turning to point her partner, "Ooh, groove it Skater," With that, it was Skater's turn to shake his groove things.

Together: And we're on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right

Selfie: All the attraction

Skater: The tension

Together: Everybody can see, this is perfection

Together, Spike and Rarity ended their musical number in a dip, all the while not taking their eyes off from one another. This earned them a round of applause and whistles from the audience, until the curtain drops on them to begin the next scene.

The rest of the school play went on, following the story of Selfie Soot and Skater as they journey to Shiny City, where Selfie enters a disco dancing contest to prove herself as the greatest dancer to have ever graced the city. At the same time, unfortunately, she had unintentionally sparked a rivalry in another group of girl disco dancers, who were all competing for Skater's heart.

Skater's old gang tried to persuade him to return to their group, and leave the life of a dancer behind. But Skater refuses, having grown in love with Self Soot during the development of the story.

In the meantime, Skater's gang members started falling in love with some of the girls in the rival gang.

Everybody – Justice Crew

Very soon, the Knights, stood up on stage with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, and a few more girls.

For this scene, the Knights dressed up as Skater's gangsters, performing a musical number with the girls, who were casted as the gangsters' on/off girls. The boys were all performing and singing their dance number, while the girls acted out in their attempts to come off as playing hard to get.

However, the boys were undeterred and continued in their attempts to charm the girls. This earns the boys and the girls another round of applause from the audience as the show continues.

Eventually, the end of the play soon came. To close the play, Spike stepped forward to sing in his mic.

In this scene of Dazzles, Selfie Soot has finally achieved her dream to be recognized as the most talented disco dancer that Shiny City has ever seen. Now she wishes to move forward and enter an international dancing competition to be recognized all over the world. Unfortunately, Selfie Soot was unsure of herself.

Fortunately, Skater came forward, along with the friends they made, including Selfie's former rivals, and her parents who have had a change of heart to fully support their daughter's decision.

Believe In Yourself - Jackie Chan

Behind the curtains, the girls on backstage couldn't help but feel their heartstrings being tugged, as they listened intently with Spike's singing.

"My puppy," Fluttershy smiled sweetly.

Sunset placed her hands over her rapid heartbeat, "For you Spike, I'll always be strong for a tomorrow," She sighed. "Because my past is not today."

From the crowd, Princess Celestia was welling up with tears, as she listened to her son's colorful voice. Sitting beside her, Princess Luna held her sister's hand tightly, while handing over a tissue for the sun princess to dry her eyes with.

Once the song came to the end, the audience all got up and applauded, with Spike taking a bow. The curtain closed for a moment, before it opens up to reveal the whole cast joined hands in hands.

"That's my son! That's my son!" Princess Celestia cheered loudly.

"SPLENDID PERFORMANCE, DEAR NEPHEW!!!" Princess Luna cheered in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

"Ow!" Scorpan moaned, nearly dropping the camera he was using to record the moment for posterity. "Very nice," He complimented, Luna, while digging his ringing ear.

Next to her uncle Mako, Mina was clapping her claws, until she turned her head next to Ember, to find, much to her irritation, the sapphire Dragon Lord had fallen asleep.

"EMBER!!!" Mina roared, nudging the dragon-in-human form awake.

"Huh? Is it over?" Ember asked.

Soon after the play was over, it was time for the reception. Everyone were all gathered together in the afterparty, to congratulate and exchange their heartfelt pride for every performers' role in the show.

Button Mash was hugging his mom, with his older brother giving him a playful noogie. The same with Rumble and his brother, Thunderlane, and their dad. Tender Taps was hugging his parents, happy to have overcome his stage frights, and to relieve himself of some jitters. Featherweight was also expressing heartfelt relief with his parents. Lastly, Pipsqueak received a pat on the shoulder from his parental substitute, Captain Celaeno.

The Mane Six and Sunset Shimmer also received loving prides and joys from their family, leaving Spike alone with his mother, aunt, and uncle.

"You did good, Spike," Scorpan patted Spike on the shoulder.

Princess Celestia hugged Spike tightly, smothering him in her chest, as she nuzzled her cheek on top of his head.

"Little Sunshine," Celestia smiled tearfully. "You never ceased to make me proud."

"I too am also proud of your stellar performance, nephew," Luna added. "I am happy to have gotten to see it, after all these years."

"I just can't believe after everything...I actually got to be a normal human for tonight, just to put on this show to the end," Spike sighed. "Talk about being under a lot of pressure..."

Scorpan nodded with a solemn look, "I hope you can forgive me, Spike...I have known the legend of the DragonFire for a long time. I have always known that the presence of such power blessed within your very soul would mean you were destined for something great...and for that, I've put too much expectation on you..."

"You were just doing what you thought was right, uncle," Spike shrugged. "You took me to Equestria when I was a baby...and if not for you, then I'd never have met mom! I probably wouldn't even have a mom, if it weren't for you."

"I'm proud to be your mom, Spike," Celestia smiled. "DragonFire, or not, you had given me something that I could never part with. The love of a mother, for her children. Before you came into my life, and every other ponies' lives, I had distanced myself, detaching myself from the rest of my subjects, in hopes of never having my heart broken again. But then you came, and you reminded me what it is like to have a family again."

"And for that, we are all together again, at last," Luna smiled, expressing her never ending gratitude of being freed of her darkness, from Nightmare Moon, to reuniting with her family. "We are all one big happy family again."

Spike nodded, before he let out a yawn, "Boy, I'm bushed. I'm about to head back to my apartment. See you some other time?"

"But Spike," Celestie began. "I haven't even told you yet."

"Told me what?"

Celestia and Luna both exchanged smiles, before they looked back to Spike, with Celestia being the first to share the news, "That we have finished refurbishing your old room, back in Canterlot."

"And we were wondering if you would like to come back with us for the night," Luna finished. "Or two, however long you wished to stay."

"Whoa, really? That would be great!" Spike smiled, before he received a loving hug from his mother, once again.

"Thank you for making me a mom again," Celestia smiled tenderly.

"And thank you for making me an aunt," Luna added as she joined the hug.

Spike returns the hug with his mom and aunt, before he looked up to see his uncle Scorpan, standing and recording the scene, on his camera.

"Tail of the dragon," Spike secretly conjured his dragon tail, to ensnare his uncle, pulling him in for a hug.

Eventually, everyone were all on their way home, when Luna noticed something, or someone, was missing.

"Has anybody seen Blueblood?" She asked.

Somewhere in Africa

"DOWN SIMBA!!" Blueblood screamed frantically, hanging the top of a tree for dear life, as a pack of lions were reaching their paws out for him. "DOWN!!" Looking up, Blueblood saw the readers and cried out, "Hey! All of you happy peoples out there! SAVE ME!!!"

Author's Note:

Blueblood's misery with the lions was Wildcard25's idea. :rainbowlaugh:

Next chapter will be the last one for this book. And hopefully, I'll manage to end it strong, before we can reboot it.

In the meantime:

The Circle Of Life – Disney's The Lion King

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